03x25 - All About Brooke

Episode transcripts for the TV show "Melrose Place". Aired: July 8, 1992 –; May 24, 1999.*
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Follows the lives and loves of eight young adults in an apartment complex in Los Angeles.
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03x25 - All About Brooke

Post by bunniefuu »

How's she doing?

Not great.

Look, this is just
between us, okay?


I don't want Jo or Jane

or anybody else from that
apartment complex of yours

coming down here
and getting all weepy.

That's the last thing
Amanda needs.

But she's gonna make it, right?

I should have never recommended

that radical treatment program.

Michael, you're being
too hard on yourself.

You're exhausted.

Why don't you go home
and get some sleep?

No. I can't leave.

What if she wakes up?

I'll be here.
I'll give you a call.

Look, Michael, you're
not gonna do her any good

if you can't keep
your eyes open.

All right.

Heck, Kimberly's in Rochester.

I got the house to myself.

All right.


Rough day at the hospital,


what are you doing home?

What's all this stuff?

Look... look, now, I know
what you're thinking,

but before you blow a gasket,

Amanda's in I.C.U., you know.

She may not make it.

So she willed you
her wonder bra?

Uh, look, she was really sick.

She said she didn't know

if she was gonna live or die.

I had to do something.

Oh, so you moved her
into our home,

our marriage bed?

Oh, no, of course not,

but, sweetie, you know she's
got that crush on me.

You know, the codependency
thing, and, um...

Well, I figured if I gave
her a reason to live...

Oh, that is
so like you, Michael.

Always putting
everyone else first.

You know, I sure hope
Amanda knows how lucky

she is to have such
a conscientious

and caring physician.

I know how lucky I am

to have such an honest
and loving husband.

Come here.

Give mommy a kiss.


Kimberly, what the
hell are you doing?

Love hurts, Michael.

Remember that.

Oh, jeez.

I'm sorry, we're not open yet.

Come back in a half an hour?

Actually, I'm looking
for Jake Hanson.

He's not in yet.

He's been out of town, actually.

His mother passed away.

He just got back. Yeah, I know.

I'm his brother.

His brother?

Gosh, I didn't know
he had a brother.

Jake and I are pretty tight.

He never mentioned you.

Well, we've never
exactly been close,

but when he was
up in Ellensburg,

we worked through some things.

Oh. Well, I can see
the family resemblance.

Sydney Andrews.

Jess Hanson.

Well, look, I'll probably
just drop by later, okay?

Oh, um, Sydney...

Jake doesn't know I'm in town,

so you didn't see me.

All right, I kind of
want to surprise him.

I love surprises. I'm...

I'd be happy to show
you where he lives.

Okay, great.


Alison should be able
to find ten minutes

to sit down with me
and explain the concept

of this Glorious Gowns sh**t.

I don't even know
what she wants, Billy.

Get Maxine Weber on the phone.

You know, on second thought

I need to talk
to the printer first.

So, Jo, Billy tells me

there's a problem
with the location.

No, I told you...

The location fell through.

What? How could you
let that happen?

We'll find another house.

We'll find another house.

In less than 48 hours?
I doubt it.

You did this on purpose,
didn't you?

You didn't like the house,
the garden, the lights.

Alison, I wouldn't deliberately
sabotage a campaign.

Alison, you've got auditions
in the conference room.

You're already 10 minutes late.

Well, I guess we
should cancel them.

I mean, we don't have
anywhere to sh**t

the models once we book them!

Look, I can see you're swamped.

Why don't I book the models
and you can put

your heads together and come
up with a new location?


And, Jo...

your butt's on the line here.

I just want you to know that.

I think we need to talk

about your
people-management skills.

I don't need your advice, Billy.

What I need is a location for the sh**t.
Find one.

I think I have the perfect place.

You could use my father's
house in Pasadena.

Oh, Brooke, I appreciate
your trying to help,

but the house we had
was very special.

I know, and my father's house
isn't Buckingham Palace,

but it has an East Coast feel

and a lot of open space.

Worth a try,
under the circumstances.

All right.

I trust your taste.
We'll give it a look.

Great. How about right now?

Check it out and get back to me.


Jess. What are you doing here?

Enjoying the weather, seeing
the sights, chilling out.

Hope you don't mind.

Jess stopped by sh**t

and when I found out
he was your brother

I knew you'd want to
see him right away.


Hey, come on in.

I'll, uh, see you at sh**t.


I was just making some coffee.

Sounds great.

So how's Jo?

She's fine.

Look, if you think this is
bad timing or a mistake,

just say the word,
and I'm out of here.

No, no, it's, uh...

you just got here.

You know, everything's
kind of turned to dust

now that mom's gone.

I mean, I used to bitch
all the time.

She was a handful, you know,

with her drinking
and her bed-hopping,

but at least it gave me
something to do...

not that I enjoyed being saddled
with all the responsibility.

Look, I know
it was rough on you.

It's not like I'm blaming you, exactly.
It's just...

I'm scared.

I am so much like her.

I get some wild idea in my head,

next think I know,
I'm out of control.

Jake... I don't like
what I've become.

You're the only family I got.

I hoped...


you could help me
turn my life around,

make something of myself
the way you did.

Hey, man, I'm just,
you know, a working stiff.


I was down at sh**t.
You own something, man.

It's yours.

I got nothing.

So you come all
the way down here

to lay a guilt trip on me?

You are so full of yourself.

I thought we finally
connected the other day.

My mistake.

Oh, Jess, wait, wait.

Come on, why don't you stay?

You don't have to do this, Jake.

No, it's all right.

You need a Job
while you're in L.A.,

You can come work at sh**t.

I could use the help.


Well, all right, little brother.

Put me on the payroll.

You live here.

Yes. I hope you don't have anything
against rich women, Campbell.

I'm not sure. How rich are you?


Oh, I love this place.
It's perfect.

Can we move things around?

I know Alison is gonna
want that option.

Shouldn't be a problem.

We're gonna want the
models made up under

the same light that
Jo's gonna sh**t.

Where's the electricity?

There are outlets every 20 feet.

My father likes
to entertain a lot.

And they understand there's gonna
be at least 20 people, right?

Whatever you need, Campbell,
you've got it. Now...

I want to show you something.


What do you think?

Well, it's a great
backdrop, you know?

I think Alison's going to flip.

Oh, I don't think I
want you to sh**t here.

Why not?

Well... this is
a very special place.

This is where I lost
my virginity.

Well, shouldn't there
be a plaque somewhere?

I remember sneaking up
here with my boyfriend...

the two of us
undressing each other

and running our hands
all over each other.

And all the while,

my father was standing in
the window of the library,

smoking his pipe,

no clue what was going on.



Mmm, mmm, mmm. Hi.

Billy Campbell, this is
Lowell Burroughs, my fiance.

Oh, you didn't tell me
you were engaged.

Nice to meet you, Lowell.

I have to call the office,

let Alison know
we found our location.

Is there a phone I could use?

It's 310 area.

I already know when Dr.
Mancini went into surgery.

What I need to know
is when he's due out.

Excuse me. I'm looking for Dr.
Michael Mancini.

I'm Mrs. Mancini.
Maybe I can help.

Oh... I'm sorry.

I... I didn't recognize you.

Well, it's good to
see you out of bed.

Excuse me?

Mrs. Mancini...

I'm Scott Schectman,
Greater Plains Insurance.

We met at the beach house?

Look, I'm sorry, but if you're
peddling life insurance,

we're not interested.

Mrs. Mancini, I have the
check for your settlement.

What settlement?

Well, as you know,

Michael filed a claim
against the city

for your car accident.


Well, we've agreed
to settle out of court.


I'm sorry.

I thought Michael had
explained this to you.

Oh, um... you know,

he's been so protective
of me since the accident.

He doesn't like to
bother me with details.

Well, Michael's busy in surgery,

so I'll just take the check and
let him know you were here.

Great. Um...

sign at the "X."

Hey. You made it
through the night.

And judging from
your vital signs,

you've also just
turned the corner.

I feel so much better.

It's a miracle.


Whatever it is,
the last 24 hours

have made me realize
how much I love you.

I want us to be
together, Amanda.

What I want right now
is... my sleep.

I need rest...

if you don't mind.


I'll stop by later.



you bite me again, I drive
a stake through your heart.

An agent from the city's
insurance company

stopped by with this...


Well, then hand it
over, Kimberly.

I know what you're
up to, Michael.

You're trying to steal my money.

Well, you know what,
it is your lucky day.

I am feeling very generous.

It's all yours.

All you have to do is kiss

your terminally ill
girlfriend good-bye.

Oh, Amanda's not my girlfriend.

She's my patient.


What's it gonna be, Michael,

cold, hard cash or the bleach
blond with dark roots?

All it takes is one word...

Good-bye, farewell,

auf wiedersehen... adieu.

Uh, auf wiedersehen
is two words.

If you want the $100,000,
tell her to get lost.

Well, you know, this...

really has nothing
to do with Amanda.

But you and I...

have been through a hell
of a lot to be together.

I mean, you know, I want
our marriage to work.

I'm willing it give it
a try if you are.

I knew you'd come
to your senses.

So, uh... how about the check?

I thought I'd put it
in our joint account

as a sign of our
commitment to one another.

Sure. Whatever
you say, sweetheart.

Alison wants you
to call Jo Reynolds

and go over the details
for tomorrow's sh**t.

Yeah, I already took care of it.

You are amazing, Campbell.

Yeah, I am, and I'd
love to talk about it,

but I'm on a deadline.

Oh, a couple hours won't
make a difference.

Let me take you to lunch.

Sorry, I brought mine.

We could go halves
on my sandwich.

I was thinking more along
the lines of the Ivy.

Brooke, I've got to finish this,

unless Ray and Jessica
want to come along.

We could use the time to work

on the Barkham brothers account.

Campbell, the idea is
to forget about work.

Escape with me.

Don't you have a fiance?

Put your ego back in
your pants, Campbell.

I was just trying
to be friendly.

But maybe you're not mature
enough to be friends

with someone you're so
obviously attracted to.

Hi! Hi.

Can I get you a sandwich?

No. I have a lunch.
Thanks anyway.


I don't know what I'd
do without Brooke.

She's been a lifesaver.

Yep. She's something else.

Look, Michael just called.

He said Amanda's well
enough to receive visitors.

Oh. That's great news.

Yeah, I'm sure the
line's out the door.

Yeah, I'll stop by the
hospital on my way home.

Maybe Brooke and I
will tag along.

We're supposed to have dinner.

I can't stop thinking
about the other night,

the two of us together
in my office.

That's funny.
When I brought it up,

you didn't have time
to talk about it.

Billy, I was just
overwhelmed by work.

Yeah, my plate's full, too,

but I'm not confused
about my feelings.

Neither am I.

Truth is, you're the only
thing keeping me going.

I'm late for lunch.
See you later.

Yeah. Sure.

So, you're going to be working here.
That's terrific.

Yeah, just pray I don't
break too many dishes.

I've never bused tables before.

Trust me.
It's not brain surgery.

Look, Sydney, just show
Jess the ropes, all right?

I'll be in the office
if you need me.

Hey, Jake, thanks again...

for everything.

Seems I lucked out in the
brother department, huh?

Sure did.

Well, there's not much
you need to know.

Lunch runs from 11:00 to 3:00,

cocktails 4:00 to 7:00,

dinner 7:00 to midnight.

Tell Jake you want
to work cocktail hour.

It's the best...

Less plates, more
drinks, more money.

Hey, I work when
he tells me to work.

Give me a break.
You're his brother.

So, what was he like growing up?

Did he have a lot
of girlfriends?

There were always girls around.

Anyone special?

Unlike me...

Jake never lets anyone
get that close.

The room's divided into two
stations plus the bar.

I cover station one, which
is those three booths,

these two tables here.

Carla covers the rest.
You cover both.


So why the interest
in my brother?

We used to go out.

And you got to pay attention
to the bartender.

It's your Job to make sure

the bar's always stocked
with clean glasses.

What happened?

He dumped me.

I was cheating on him,

but I had a very good reason.

A word to the wise, Syd...

The Hanson boys are known
for carrying a grudge.

You see, "forgive and forget"
is not in our vocabulary.


You bus the dishes,
wipe off the tables.

And if the condiments
are running low,

tell the waitress.

And for your information,

Jake and I belong together.

He's just taking
longer to realize it.

Michael said not
to stay too long.

Oh. This wasn't a good idea.

I'm the last person
Amanda wants to see.

Matt, we'll meet you inside.

Okay, sure.

She may not be your friend,

but you know Amanda
would come to see you

if the situation was reversed.

Brooke, when she's through
with her visitors,

would you please give her this

along with my best wishes

for a speedy recovery?


♪ ♪

I swear I'm not
exaggerating, Jake.

Alison has become
impossible to deal with.

I have a photo sh**t
the day after tomorrow.

She can't even find the time

to discuss the concept with me.

Well, she's got some
pretty big shoes to fill.

And what, she's eventually

gonna get the hang of it?

I don't think so.

I mean, some Jobs are just
too big for some people.

You know, for all her faults,

Amanda really had
her act together.

Matt came by,
said she's doing better.

I know. I called the hospital.

Hey, there, beautiful.


Yeah, Jake told me
you were in town.

It's good to see you again.

You didn't tell me
he was working here.

Yeah, living and working here.

Jake's letting me crash on
the cot in the back office.

You're making him sleep
in the closet

when you have
that cozy apartment?

He wanted it that way.

Yeah, we both need our space.


So, listen, how about dinner?

My treat. Anywhere but here.

Oh, I'm sorry. I can't
pack it in this early.

What are you talking about?

Syd and I can close up for you,

can't we, Syd?

Sure. We'll close up for you.

Come on.

I guess he doesn't
trust us, Syd.

No, it's not that, exactly.

Well, then what is it, exactly?

Say yes. I'm starving.

Fine. You win.

Don't forget the dead bolt.


Don't worry about a thing.

So, who else came to visit me,

and what did they bring?

Jake was here twice,

only you were out of it.

Yeah, he brought you
a dozen roses.

Actually, more than a dozen.

Oh, how sweet.

What about Jo?

Uh, we got you this orchid.

Oh, you both went in
on it together?

It was very expensive.

Oh, well, you shouldn't have.

Look, I'm sorry.
I'll be back, okay?


We were all
very worried about you.

Thanks for the flowers.

Excuse me. Do I know you?

Yes. We met
at the Century Awards.

Brooke Armstrong. Oh.

She's interning at DD.


Yes. I'm Alison's new assistant,

but it's not
a permanent position.

Oh, this is for you.
It's from Alison.

She wishes you
a speedy recovery.

I bet she does.

Brooke, would you be so kind as
to deliver Alison a message?

Tell her I've got some bad news.

She's going to have to
put away her dancing shoes

because I'm not dead yet.

Jess, your share of the tips.


You did all right
for a first-timer.

Thanks. Look, I'm beat.

I'm gonna turn in, okay?


I'll lock the door
on my way out.

Yeah, here.

There you go. Okay.

I'll see you in
the morning, Syd.

Good night.

Good night.

What do you think you're doing?

It's none of your business.

I saw you going
through Jake's files.

Yeah. I was checking out
the business,

making sure my brother's
turning over a good profit.

I don't want anybody
to take advantage of him.

You may have Jake snowed,

but I've known guys like you.

You're not here
to change your life.

You're up to something.

You know something, Syd,

there's one sure way
to lose a boyfriend...

Stick your nose
in his family business.

I'm gonna tell Jake.

Mm-hmm. That would be
a big mistake...

if you want to
stay out of harm's way.

Oh, I heard a rumor
you were getting better,

but I had to come
and see for myself.

Well, now that you have,

you can go back to wherever
it is you came from.

Oh, you mean the O.R.?

Well, I do have a few
minutes between surgeries,

and I wanted to be the
first to tell you that

Michael and I are back together.

Well, I don't know two people

who deserve each other more.

We had a long talk

and came to a mutual

Now he's mine,
bought and paid for.

Honestly, Kimberly,
spare me the details.

Michael is my doctor,
nothing more.

That's right.

Your relationship is now
strictly professional.

What are you doing here?

Oh, I was just sharing
our good news.

Get well soon.

I'll see you...

at home.

Amanda, I can explain this.

Don't bother.

I won't be put in the middle

of your matrimonial

You're not in the middle.

My relationship
with Kimberly is over.


Well, it will be soon.

Whatever you say.

Now I want to be left alone.


You're not listening. I
want it here by 2:00.

I don't care. Just do it.

What's going on?

When are you going
to get started?

Have you guys even
polaroided anything yet?

Miss parker...

hang on a second, all right?

I'll go ask. All right.

I'll be right back.


Maybe I can figure
it out on my own.

Daddy... Excuse me.

I want to introduce you
to Billy Campbell.

How do you do?

Pleasure to meet you.

I just want to say thanks for
letting us commandeer your home.

Brooke said it was a
matter of life or death.

Something like that.

She also told me that you're

the vice president
of DD advertising.

I'm one of the V.P.s.
I oversee accounts.

I'm impressed.

To be given that kind of
responsibility at your age,

you must be either very
talented or very lucky.

A little of both.

It doesn't hurt that he
was engaged to his boss.

Alison Parker, president of DD.

And my daughter's boss as
well, if I'm not mistaken.

Daddy, I'm not really
an employee.

I'm just an intern.

Sweetie, you've been
putting in such long hours,

I was sure you had
a permanent position

at the agency.

Well, Mr. Armstrong,
she does now.

Alison, I don't know
what to say.

Just keep up
the good work, right?


Would you excuse me?


God, this is perfect.
It's gonna be great.

What do you think, Alison?

Right... I think it's wrong.

It's all wrong.

Why are you sh**ting up
against this wall?

Because it's what
I see for the shot...

The romance of first love,

a traditional wedding.

No, no, Jo.

This is supposed to be
contemporary, happening.

Our bride is a '90s Cinderella.

She doesn't just dance
with her Prince Charming.

She talks deals
on her cellular phone.

She throws the wicked
stepsisters into the pool.

Alison, you can't just
throw this at me now.

Not the day of the sh**t.

You should have told
me this two weeks ago.

You're the photographer, Jo. Make
the adjustment. Make it work.

It's not that simple, Alison.

Well, then let me
simplify it for you.

I want my vision incorporated
into your photographs.

I want you to move your
equipment over to the pool.

If you're up for it, fine.

If you're not, I'll find someone
more professional who is.

Yeah, give me a break. I'm
the only professional here.

You're way over your head

trying to fill Amanda's shoes.

Just do it, Jo...

my way.


I have died and gone to heaven.

Yeah, well, don't break into

a Beach Boys song
or I'm out of here.

Joke all you want,

but I have always dreamed
about living here.

I was going to do it, too,

right after high school,


You know, I think about
that night a lot.

You getting busted.

It wasn't the Hanson
brothers' finest hour.

Well, I can't help
but feel guilty.

I can't help but think
that, you know,

if I had come forward,

things would be different.


I'm not here
to dredge up the past.

The hell with it, okay?



So tell me something,
little brother,

what's the deal
with you and Sydney?




Look, it's none of my business,

but your friend Sydney

is carrying a big grudge,

and it's aimed right at you.

Yeah, well, the deal with
Sydney is long and complicated.

I don't want to
get into it right now.

Like I said,
none of my business.

But she is your employee.

I just... I'd hate to
see her take advantage

of your big heart.

No, Sydney means well.

Just the same...

I'll keep an eye on her.

Somebody's got to watch out
for my baby brother.

So, you mean you can stick
around for a while?

The thought had crossed my mind.

Good. That's good.

Why don't you ditch that cot

and move into my place with me?

At least till you
get your own place?

Okay, I'll do it.

Cool. I'll move in.

All right.

There should really be a
law against junk mail.

Good night, Alison.



I'm sensing some hostility here.

We should talk.

Oh, was there something you
forgot to say to me earlier?

Look, Jo, I'm sorry
if I wounded your ego,

but as president of DD,

if you mess up,
it becomes my mess.

I'm under a lot of
pressure to make this

new Glorious Gowns
campaign a success.

I know, your butt's on the line,

but you know what?
You're dealing with it

by becoming a totally
self-centered ass.

I'll just chalk that
one up to a long day.


You were completely
rude and ungrateful.

I didn't hear a "please"
or a "thank you"

come out of your mouth all day.

I don't believe this.

We wouldn't even be having

this conversation
if I was a man.

Wrong. Alison,
you're kidding yourself

if you think attitude's
gonna get you to the top.

Nice guys finish last,

or hadn't you heard?

Fine. Stop being a human being.

I really don't give a damn.


The redhead?



Dr. Kimberly Shaw?


Have a good evening.

What is this?

Sorry, I just serve the papers.

I don't read them.

Michael! Michael!

Michael, what's this?

What is this?

Mm... oh.

Looks to me like I'm
ending our marriage.

You misrepresented
yourself, Kimberly.

You knew how important
having a family was to me.

You promised to give me one.

And now you're barren. Oh, no.

You can't deliver the goods.

No one could be this cruel.

It's valid grounds
for ending the marriage.

Just ask your lawyer.

Michael, please. Please.

I want out, Kimberly.

I'm in love with someone else...

someone who's wonderful...

and normal.

Amanda? She's as good as dead.

Um... no.

Actually, her prognosis is good,

and thanks to your
insurance money,

we can live happily ever after.

How long have you
been planning this?

Just ever since you
walked back into my life

like a refugee from the
Night of the Living Dead.


Are you saying
your feelings for me

were just an act?

You bet.

And I deserve an Academy Award

for my performance...

Best actor in a bedroom farce.

You know, every time
I kissed you,

all I thought about

was that insurance
loot coming my way.

It was the only thing
that kept me from gagging.

Oh, I need to get my clothes.

You know what, I'll stop by

the house tomorrow
night at 8:00.

Do us both a favor,
don't be there.

And, honey...

this is a hospital.

Get a grip.

You got patients
depending on you.

Oh, the flowers are beautiful.

Who are they from?

My fiance, Lowell.
Billy met him.

Yeah, right. He's a real prince.

Well, I want to meet him, too.

Maybe the four of us
could have dinner later.

Great. I'll give Lowell a call.


Enjoy the flowers.

I have some good news.

Got your blood work back.
Looking good, kiddo.

Oh, can't believe I was
so sick a few days ago,

and suddenly I feel so well.

That's the way chemotherapy
works sometimes.

It almost kills you
before it cures you.

So when do I get out of here?

Well, I spoke with Dr.
Steele in New York.

He's encouraged
by your progress.

But we'd like to monitor you

for another day or two.

Is "encouraged" good?

Yes. You made it through
the tough part,

but we'll need some
more blood tests

in about three weeks.

Then depending
on those results...

Trust me, the results
will be fine.

Well, if that's the case,

then you're done with chemo.

Oh, great, because I want
to go back to work.

Um, give it a week, and
then we'll see, okay?

Now, um...

how about a kiss
for your doctor?

Uh... don't take all the credit
for my recovery, Michael.

I had a team of doctors.

Well, I'll take
their kisses, too.

And give some credit
to the patient.

I don't like to lose.

I hope this isn't a bad time.

No. Dr. Mancini
was just leaving.

I'll be back.

Come on in, Brooke.

I just got some great news.

I'm going home soon.

Oh, that's terrific.

Thanks. And I'm also going
back to work at DD,

but I need a favor.


I mean, I don't know you
all that well, but...

Let me tell you a few
things about myself.

I built DD from the ground up.
It was mine.

Then I got sick,
and Alison moved in.

But when I'm at full strength,

I am a tough, vindictive,
boys' club member.

I don't give up,
and I don't give in.

And now that I'm feeling better,

I intend to get
my Job back from Alison.

And when I do, I'm gonna turn
that agency upside down.

The only thing left standing

will be the file cabinets,

but I need an advance team.

I want you to be my
eyes and ears at DD.

You mean like your spy.


or consider yourself fired.

Well, I don't mean to be rude,

but from what Alison says,

you're never coming back.

Well, you can listen to Alison,

or you can listen to me,

but I think we both know

a sure thing when we see it.

Dear Michael...

I'm sorry you have to
find me this way.

Being with you has been
a painful addiction,

one that I'm not strong enough

to free myself from.

Please know that my reason for
doing this

is not to punish you,
but to escape you.

To Brooke and Lowell

and a life full of love,
joy, and happiness.


So when's the wedding?

Well, Lowell is
an investment banker,

so we have to work around
his busy schedule.

Actually, we were thinking

of having a June wedding.

June weddings are nice.

Yes. My parents were
married in June...

Sort of a tradition
in our family.

What about the honeymoon?

We thought France.

Brooke's family
has a small estate

just outside of Paris
in Saint-Denis.

If you'll excuse me,
I'll be right back.

Tell me, Alison,

have you spent
much time in Paris?

No, no, but I'd love to one day.

Oh, you don't know
what you're missing.

It's time you stopped denying

your feelings, Campbell.

What the hell are you doing?
It's the men's room.

Kiss me.

I usually make it a
policy not to kiss women

whose fiances are
at my dinner table.

Campbell, it's just
a business deal.

I don't love him.

Oh, you don't? Uh-uh.

My father hand-picked him.

He's going to run
the family business

when daddy retires.

But I have plans of my own.

I'm going to run
daddy's companies,

and I'm going to choose the
father of my children.

And from the first
moment we met,

I knew it wasn't
going to be Lowell.

Brooke, I think...

Don't forget to zip
your fly, Campbell.

Hey, I told you not to be here.

Hey, I'm talking to you.



Oh, my God.

911 emergency operator,
number 3555.


Is there anybody there?

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