03x28 - Kiss, Kiss Bang, Bang

Episode transcripts for the TV show "Melrose Place". Aired: July 8, 1992 –; May 24, 1999.*
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Follows the lives and loves of eight young adults in an apartment complex in Los Angeles.
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03x28 - Kiss, Kiss Bang, Bang

Post by bunniefuu »



Let me do some
remedial math for you.

You're restricted to 300 feet.

You're in violation by half.

Here's what I think of
your restraining order.

That's Mancini mathematics.

Half of nothing is nothing.

Stay away from me,
Michael, or you'll find

a jail cell at the end
of your rainbow.

Hey, are you out of your mind?

I loved you. I saved your life.

You love playing hero. And a
team of doctors saved my life.

So why don't you get on
your high horse and leave?

No wonder your red count
was so off.

You don't have blood
in your veins.

You have snake venom!

At least I'm not the snake.

You'd be six feet under
if it weren't for me.

I should've let you die.

Better luck next time.

And I promise you, Amanda,

there'll be a next time!

♪ ♪


Jess. We need to talk.

Well, come on in.

Mmm. I couldn't stop thinking
about you all night.

Where's Jake?

He's in the shower.
Don't worry about it.


I'm feeling really guilty.

Well, that's a bad emotion...

especially since there's
nothing to feel guilty about.

Hey. Jo. How's it going?

Hi, Jake, well,
I haven't seen you

since my interview
the other day,

so I thought I'd stop by.

Oh. How'd it go?

Got the job.

Great. Great. Listen, uh...
let me, um...

get some clothes on, and
I'll make some coffee.

All right... no, no.
I can't stay because

my sh**t's in an hour,
and I want to be early.

Okay, well... good luck.


I'll see you.

All right. Bye.

No, I want them back
in two days,

and they're supposed
to be horizontal,

the way I ordered them.

Because... horizontal
is the only way

they will fit on the page.

What is with you lately?

You have a blatant
disregard for detail.

Goldcrest Printing has never
made a mistake, Alison.

You must've left room
for interpretation.

And for the record, follow-up
was Brooke's responsibility,

not mine.

Nevertheless, you
should've been on it.

I'm sorry. It was
my responsibility.

Would you excuse us?

I can see what you're doing.

Four jobs at once?

You are completely
undermining my authority.

And you are insulting and blind.

I'm trying to help you.

Alison, if you can't see past
your own insecurities,

you'll never be able
to handle this job.

Is that sage advice...
or wishful thinking?

Alison, can I talk to you in
your office for a minute?

Now, please?

If you don't chill out, you're
gonna have a mutiny on your hands.

I'm tired, all right?
I've been working

16-hour days for weeks.

The truth is, Billy,
the board told me

they're losing confidence in me.

They've put me on notice.

Don't tell Amanda. She'll
just move in for the k*ll.

I think you're being paranoid.

Oh, yeah?

Clients have left.
Others are on the fence.

If Glorious Gowns doesn't
get this layout on time,

they'll miss all
the June bride magazines...

The biggest issue of the year.

Call Goldcrest Printing
and talk to the owner.

All right, throw
more money at them.

Offer them
a bonus if you have to.

At least you'll know
you gave it 100%.


Woman: Goldcrest.

Yes. Uh, Alison Parker,
DD Advertising,

for Philip Walker?

One moment please.


Good morning.

Oh, jeez. You know,
you're as welcome here

as a tsunami after
an earthquake.

I'm on an FYI mission, Michael.

If I were you, I'd be
a little nicer to me.

I just bailed out Jane's
business with your money.


It's true. I think it's time

for us to be partners again.

Yeah, right.
You and me, partners,

I always thought we should get
together and push Jane out.

What you want, Sydney,
is a co-conspirator.

And why me?

Let's just say I have
a teeny pang of remorse...

about blackmailing you
for the second time.

Try Blackmailers Anonymous.

Remorse doesn't mean
I want a remedy, Michael.

Look, Sydney...
why don't you keep

your big ideas
in your little head

and let me get on with my
impoverished, miserable life?

Oh, Michael, you're depressed.

I didn't think you
could get any lower.

How about dinner tonight
at the beach house?

I'll cook. You don't even have to
chip in anything for the groceries.

That is very magnanimous.
I'll think about it.

I need some help
getting rid of my guilt.

Yeah, well...

I could use a good meal.

Great. I'll be there at 8:00.

I'll be there at 9:00.




3...follow your instincts.





4. Keep them up.





Uhh! You're going to
regret that, Shaw!

Doubt it.

All right, Shaw. The key word
around here is cooperation.

That's what makes a winner.
That's how we learn.

You got that?

Sarge, you're looking
at this all wrong.

No, you are, Shaw.

Get with the program.

All right, ladies, let's
gather around, please.

We're going to work on
the forward choke hold.

Any volunteers?

Dr. Shaw.

All right.

Good, good.

Now, once again, ladies...



3! All right?

The attacker's rendered
harmless and on the ground.

You all see that?

It's your turn.





Oh! Oh! Oh!

Oh! She broke my arm.


Oh, no!

How awful!

I love this place.


Too bad it's history.

What do you mean?

Kimberly, wherever
the hell she is,

paid half the rent. I can't
afford it on my own.

Especially since my money

just entered
the fraud hall of fame.

You're up for a raise soon.

Maybe you can negotiate
with the landlord.

You have remorse, Syd?

Do you love this place so much?

You pay the rent.

I'll pay the rent, Michael,

if I get what I want.


And what might that be?

Don't be dense, Michael.


I don't think so.

If you don't want the money.

I don't believe you, Syd.

Just think of it as our own
little fair-trade agreement.

Unless, of course,
you'd rather live

in a one-room hovel.

All right.

You got yourself a deal.

Call it an understanding.

Call it whatever you want.

Let's just get it over with.

I was so desperate
to save my business,

I sold out to the devil.

I'm sure Sydney's
gonna screw up somehow.

Yeah, I just hope
I don't go down with her.

So what's been
going on with you?

Well, I've been, um...

updating my portfolio...

and having the most intense,

passionate relationship
of my life.

Wow, that's great.

Mm-hmm. I feel like I'm having

my own private bed-a-thon,

and all the donations
are coming right to me.

Oh, my God. Who is it?


I don't feel comfortable
going public yet.

After that buildup? Come on, Jo.

This is t*rture. We've been
friends for a long time.

I think you can trust me.

Your hunk of burning love

is Jake's brother?


Does Jake know?


And I'm afraid to tell him.

I'm all for honesty, but...

I think that
you should keep this one

under your hat for
as long as you can.

And pray it doesn't stop.


Just like old times, Michael.

The good times,
before that psycho

with the plate
in her head came back.

I'd hate to break it to you, kid,
but we weren't all that happy.

Yes, we were, Michael.

You just don't want to remember.

Whatever you say.

You're the one
with the checkbook.

Something I said?

Not everything is about you.

I have major meetings
in the morning.

You have major meetings?

About what,
what color nail polish

you're going to use
for your next manicure?

I'm laughing all the way
to my safe deposit box.

You better learn
to behave yourself.

I'm keeping you on the payroll

on a month-to-month basis.

As long as I get what I want...

when I want it.


Who thought such a lousy day

would end like this?

Yeah, We got to figure out a way

to get your dad out
of town more often.

In the meantime,
I hope he doesn't

change his travel plans
and come home early.

Don't worry.

He never has yet.

Ohh, coming here is the only way

I can get through the day.

I just can't seem
to do right by Alison anymore.

Oh, it's not you.

It's Glorious Gowns

and Mrs. Molly's Cookies.

And on top of that,

the board's unhappy with her

and put her on notice.

Don't say anything, 'cause
she told me in confidence.

They put her on notice?
What does that mean?

It means one more false
move, and you're out.


Billy, that's even more reason

Alison can't know about us.

God, poor Alison.

I just hope she
can ride this out.

She really deserves the success.

Yeah, she does.

Wash my back, will you?

Yes, dear.






Oh, hey there, Sarge.

Slept like a baby.

What's on for today?

Well, actually, Kimberly,
the women and I...



Wow... 200.

Hey, how's that arm today?

It's... the same.


We feel that you have
accomplished so much at NMV

that there's nothing else
for you to learn,

so you're free to go home.


This morning.


Look, Sarge,

you telling me I'm ready

and my feeling
prepared are two...

You are ready.

So, ladies...

let's put our hands
together for Dr. Shaw,

who has earned
the rare privilege

of an early graduation.

Good morning. Good morning.

I've got an interesting
piece of gossip for you.

Gossip or fact?


It seems the board of DD

is very dissatisfied

with its current president.

That's a very interesting
piece of information.

How do you know?

A little birdie told me.

Oh, named Billy, who came in

at the crack of dawn with you

and wore the same clothes

two days in a row last week?

I'm sure I don't know
what you mean.

Oh, I'm sure. Listen...

Take the duplicates of the
Glorious Gowns account

to Arrowpoint Printing.

Tell them we want a 24-hour
turnaround, and we'll pay triple.

What about Goldcrest?
Don't worry about it.

Goldcrest Printing?

Yes, this is
Alison Parker from DD.

Yeah, there's been a change in
the Glorious Gowns deadline.

We don't need it for two weeks.

Thanks, bye.

You know, plastic surgery's

been interviewing
for over a year.

You must be pretty good.

Or they're pretty desperate.

Oh, right, for plastic surgeons

in the vanity capital
of the free world.

Look, uh,
my beeper number, 2162.

You need anything, call.

Particularly with
your female patients

of the surgically
enhanced variety.

I actually don't do
cosmetic surgery.

My specialty
is burns and trauma.

Really? That's pretty noble.

It's just a choice.

I once operated on a 12-year-old

who went from never
going out in public

to winning her first dance
contest. It sold me.

Uh, Michael.

Are you going to that
fund-raiser tomorrow night?

Yeah, unfortunately,
tuxedo and all.

Matt Fielding, social services,

Dr. Paul Graham, our
latest nip-and-tuck man.

Nice to meet you.

Are you taking Kimberly?

Uh, it's my wife.

No, just cowboys riding solo.

How about you?

No. Since Jeffrey and I slit up,

there's nobody
I want to take, so...

Well, um,

I guess I'll see you
tomorrow night.

And it's great meeting you.

Same here.

Was that guy gay?

Yeah. What about it?

Nothing. I'm just not used

to seeing somebody
so up-front about it.

Oh, gosh, I'm late
for surgery, man.

Nice seeing you, huh?

See ya.

You put Michael on our payroll?

Sydney, are you nuts!

Michael broke up with Kimberly.

Kimberly was paying half the
rent on the beach house.

Michael can't afford it
on his own.

Why is it our problem
if Michael can't pay his rent?

I don't have time to talk
about this right now.

I've got a business meeting.

You have a business meeting.
About what?

I've been approached
about something,

and my instincts
told me to listen.

Fine, then I'm going with you.

No, you're not, Jane.
You have a knack

for turning fortune
into poverty.

I promise, I'll give
you a full report.

Mrs. Mancini, Vincent Connell.

Thank you for joining us.

My pleasure.
And it's Sydney, please.

My partner, Jim Stone.

Hello. Sydney.

Hi... thanks.


my associates and I have a cheap

source of pantyhose in China.

But we need a designer label.

We're looking to
class up the merchandise.

To a degree...
Nothing too fancy.

We're thinking downscale
department stores,

mass market.

Given your sister's reputation,

she's probably gonna want to
go with the upscale marketing.

I make all
the business decisions

for Mancini Designs.

It's a simple formula.

High volume, larger profits.

You're looking
at 50 cents per package

in your pocket.

How many do you think
you can sell?

Don't worry.
You'll get your money

whether we sell them or not.

I don't understand.

$100,000 for our right
to use the name,

plus 50 cents per package.

Wait a minute.

$100,000 for pantyhose?

Just pantyhose?

Sydney, we came to you

because we figured you knew
enough about these things

not to ask questions.

After all, you did
work for Lauren.

Go to hell.

Whoa, whoa, whoa...
Relax, relax.

I'm sorry.

What I meant to say was...

you've got smarts, right?

So what's the catch?

Oh, well, let's just say
they're slightly irregular.

And it is a lot of money.

For doing nothing.

60 cents per package.

And $125,000.

You drive a hard bargain there.

We accept.


And since lunch is on you...

um, excuse me. Yes, ma'am?

A bottle of Dom Perignon

right away, please. Sure.

You need a spot?

Uh, yeah. Great. Thanks.

My first time
working out all week.

It's amazing
the amount of red tape

involved in moving.

Can't the hospital
help you out with that?

Some of it, but, you know,
I still gotta get my license,

smog check on my car.

I... I need a referral

to open up
a California bank account.

The wonders of L.A. living.

Where are you from?


They have phones there?

And I hear they might even

be getting cable next year.

Don't tell me.
You're from New York.

No, L.A.

Oh, my first real-live Angeleno.

We're not so bad.

And not all Midwesterners

just fell off the turnip truck.

Keep going. Come on.



Thanks. I appreciate it.

No problem.

I guess I'll see you around.


Oh, hi, Jess. Um, come on in.


God, if I'd known you were...

I was taking prints
out of the wash.

And then you're coming...

Let me just put on some makeup.

No, no, you look great.

Look, I know
I should have called,

but I needed to talk,

and I guess
I should spill my guts

before I lose my nerve.

Why? What's up?

I saw how uncomfortable you were

with Jake this morning,

and I feel responsible.

I mean, I feel lousy about it.

That was the situation,
that wasn't you.

I appreciate you saying that,

but I saw you two in Ellensberg.

You saw a friend

being supportive
of another friend

in a time of need.

No, I saw a connection

between two people,
and then I come along

and throw a major wrench
into it... it's wrong.

Jess, you even saying
that means a lot to me,

but, I mean, things would
be difficult with Jake

no matter who came into my life.

Oh, my God. My prints.

Do you have any idea how
crazy I am about you?

I would never cause you
even a minute's pain.

I just wanted to tell you that.

I got to go.

No. Don't.

Don't go.

Jess: Oh, God.

Oh, God...

Jo: Mmm, God...

♪ ♪


What's with
the silent treatment?

The only reason I knew you quit

was because I ran into you.

Courtesy is a two-way street.

I had a business to take over.

You had to rearrange
waitress shifts.

Get real, Jake.

What are you doing here?

I thought you might like to know

that Jess and Jo...
were up all night,

and they weren't discussing
global economics.


I saw Jess go into
Jo's apartment,

and 10 minutes later,

it was like 7.2
on the Richter scale.

Trust me, the earth moved.
I could feel it.

I'm right next door.

I care about you,
Jake, and I don't

wanna see anyone
taking advantage of you

or lying to you
behind your back.

I want to talk to you.

Oh, God, I can't right now.
I have a sh**t.

Hey, tell them
you got a flat tire.

Sit down.

Jake, I have to go.

Sit down.

What is your problem?

Tell me the truth.
You hate my guts

for some secret reason,
so you sleep with

my brother out of revenge?

Who told you?

So it's true.

Look, Jake, the last time
we were together,

you said you didn't
want a commitment.

So my brother's
the next best thing?

If you wanted a man
in your bed, you know,

you coulda called me,
I'd have helped you out.

I know you're hurting,
I'm going to pretend

I didn't hear that.

What's the problem?
You don't want me.

No one else can have me, either?

We're talking about my brother!

And there are real
feelings there, Jake.

You have real feelings
for a total loser?

He is not a loser.

All right, you wanna
believe it's real?

You can knock yourself out.
I'm not buying it.


Love your tie.

Oh. Thanks.

I brought the contracts,

a carload of label samples...

Hopefully one of them will
meet with your approval,

although I am still partial

to a Mancini Sisters label.

In black lace teddies.

Can't blame a man for trying.

Jane, I'd like you to meet

Vince Connell and Jim Stone.

Hi. Why?

Because they're our
new business partners.


Didn't I tell you?

I made a deal
to import pantyhose.

60 cents profit per package.

And you did this without
talking to me or a lawyer?

You know, this is a great
place you've got, Jane.

Do you mind if we look around?

Yes, I do. Not at all.

This deal was made
behind my back,

and I'm opposed to it.

And if you're
importing pantyhose,

I don't see why you need
to see the studio.

You know, I think
I understand exactly

what you're feeling,
Ms. Mancini.

I doubt it. Jane,

I could name five celebrities

who've made fortunes from
this type of endorsement.

After all, we are
talking over $100,000

just for the license alone.

Save it.

Don't mind her.

She just bumped into reality,

and she bruises easily.

Why don't I go
get the samples, hmm?

You know, the way you
stood up to your sister

was terrific,

and... and so are you.

Would you like to have
dinner with me tonight?

I always did like
the strong, silent type.


Hi. Hey. How are you?

Just great.

I actually, uh,

actually got a full
night's sleep last night.

Wow. Watch out.
The man is dangerous.

Look, I'm sorry that
we didn't get a chance

to talk longer at
the gym yesterday.

Yeah. I could have given you

the Fielding Guide
to greater Los Angeles.

Look, I'm sorry
for the short notice,

but would you like to have
dinner with me tomorrow night?

That, uh, that would be great.


Fine. How about, um,
I make the reservations?


So I'll see you tomorrow.


Mr. Walker, I thought
we were clear on 2 P.M.

It's now 5:00.

Yes, I'll hold.

I called personally
and said not to rush it?

That's ridiculous.
There must be some mistake.


how fast can you turn it around?

Two days?

Fine. Do it.

Amanda, in my office, now.

You don't have to shout, Alison.

I'm right here.

You called Goldcrest Printing

and canceled the Glorious
Gowns job, didn't you?

Are you drinking again?

No one else had that
much to gain, Amanda.

I can't believe
you're so blatant

about sabotaging my career.

I hate to point this out,

but you called in
the initial job.

You alienated Mrs.
Molly's cookies.

The list is endless.

You're screwing up
all by yourself.

Oh, come on, Amanda.

Walker said somebody called,

said they were me,
and canceled the job.

Vendors lie to cover
their butt, Alison.

That's part of this business.

Did you get written
confirmation that

you'd have it back in two days?


Cardinal rule number one...

Always get it in writing.

Great, I'll call Bob McGovern

and the board
and tell them that.

You call Bob McGovern now,

and it's career su1c1de.

Look, call a board
meeting, invite McGovern,

and tell him there.

Blame it on me.

Say it was my responsibility.

Say anything you have to.

The board will
back you completely

because in unity
there's strength.

McGovern will feel safe
and won't defect.

I don't trust that,
coming from you.

Alison, you're drowning,

and I'm throwing you
a life ring.

What the hell
are you doing here?

We made a deal...

You quit, you stay away forever.

Not subject for interpretation.

I never quit, Michael.

I just took a week's sick leave.

You should be on
permanent sick leave.

And by the way, you left some
stuff at the beach house.

You know, I don't
want any remnants.

Oh, you know what?

I cleaned that out this morning.

Here are my keys.

When you disappear,
my danger antenna goes up.

Where have you been?

Doesn't matter where
I've been, Michael,

only where I'm going.

Oh, and is today
like the first day

of the rest of your life?

Oh, you be as sarcastic
as you like,

but I'm not leaving L.A.

Because I can handle
you, this city,

and anything in-between.

I am back, permanently.

Not if I have anything
to do with it.

Enjoy your last few days, babe.

Enjoy yours, Michael.

You know, I... I never
met anybody like you.

What I still don't
understand is...

how'd you get the money
for Mancini Designs?

Let's just say it was a
little creative financing.

Well, okay.

So, what are your plans?

uh, special computers,

accessories line?

What is this, the third degree?

Thought it was a date.

Well, I'd... you know,
I'd just like to

get to know
everything about you,


how does someone as young

and as beautiful as you

get to run a high-profile
design company?

Jim, you wouldn't believe
me if I told you anyway.

Let's just say
I'm a very clever girl.

I've made up my mind.

This is Amanda's last week.
I've had enough.

You're making
the right decision.


Brooke, um...

there's something else.

Billy's been...
really distant lately.

Do you know if he's
seeing someone?

He doesn't talk to me
about his personal life.

Alison, you know, maybe
you should take a break.

Just go to a movie
or get a massage.

I'd like to. Maybe I will.

You wanna join me?

Oh, I wish I could,
but Dad's waiting.

Oh. I'm sorry. I didn't realize.
I should say hello.

No! Look, we've got
this family reunion thing.

I'll send your best.

Oh, thanks,
and I really am grateful

that I have someone I can trust.


Let's get out of here.



How's it going?

Good, Jake's been giving
me the silent treatment.

That's bad news.

I mean, I know what's
going to happen.

He's going to hold it in,

and hold it in, and then
when you least expect it,

bam... the guy's
going to explode.

I know. I've seen it.

That's what I'm scared of.

Jo, he can't do anything to me

that'll stop me from seeing you.

The train's already
left the station.

Come on. I'll take you home.

Ward Jake off at the
pass if we run into him.


and just so there's
no confusion,

I'm never going to give you up.

It's got...

And the doc... the doctor
couldn't pull the tube out.

I mean, for the life of me,

this guy was just in the worst...

Excuse me, I have
an urgent situation

to talk to Matt about.
Would you mind?

Wait. What...

Your narcissism never
ceases to amaze me.

Au contraire.

Can I get you anything,

coffee, juice...
sausage burrito?


What do you want?

To apologize.

I've been awful to you,
and I regret it.

And the check's in the mail.

I swear, Matt,
I will do anything

to help you professionally,

talk to the board, name it.


Because I've done
a lot of damage,

and I'm full of remorse.

I guess it was rage
from a bad marriage.

Can you forgive me?

Tell you what, I'll work on it.

Thank you.

I've turned over a new leaf.

Maybe we'll even
be friends one day.

Due to unforeseen circumstances,

the Glorious Gowns
print campaign will be

unable to meet its deadline.

The layout was
printed incorrectly.

And the earliest we can get the
corrected version back in two days.

I'm sorry, the account was

Amanda Woodward's

And she led me to believe...

Is this an ad agency
or a playground?

I only meant...
To shift accountability.

I'm going to miss
the June bride deadlines.

No, you won't, Mr. McGovern.
Alison's right.

It was my responsibility.

Here are your layouts,

for any magazine format.

You set me up.

To try to please a client?

You're right. Mr. McGovern...

You've been trying
to get back at me

ever since
Billy dumped you for me.

Really, Alison. It's true!

From that moment on,
I have had to work

under a cloud
of allegation and innuendo.

Alison, you are
humiliating all of us.

I have tried in earnest to work with
this massively incompetent woman.

She has neither
the respect of the staff

nor the faith
of the stockholders.

Now, I know you have
questions about my health.

But I can assure you,
my health is excellent.

Mr. Chairman, I either leave DD

and take my accounts with me,

or I stay as president.

This is outrageous.

So is the fact that
Goldcrest Printing

gave Alison a discount.
But she failed

to pass it on to the client.

She's lying.
What's going on here?

I have taken this company...

And sent it into
a downward spiral.

The only mistake I ever
made was not firing you,

you conniving, bleach-blonde
piece of dirt!

Ladies, please! That's enough.

President Woodward,

it's your call.

But do us all a favor, will you?

Err on the side
of professionalism.

You're demoted.

But since you gave Brooke
your old position,

there's no place left for you.

Consider this two weeks' notice.

Hey, you just wait a minute.

There's always room
for someone with talent.

No, there's not.


I'm leaving with you.

I can't stay here
and work for Amanda

after what she's done to you.

I can't let you lose
your job, I'll be fine.

I got to go.

Aah! Woo!


The queen is dead.

Ah, yes.

Long live the queen.

To my very loyal subject.

Mmm... Mmm!


I don't know.
It's just not every day

I get asked out by
a doctor at the hospital.

And you, Matt Fielding,

were the last thing
that I expected.

That's usually
the way it happens.

You know, I took a big
chance in asking you out.

I knew you were gay when
you talked about Jeffrey,

but this is the first time

that I've ever mixed my work
with my personal life.

Is that a problem?

No. No, of course not.

I'm glad we had dinner.

Now how about asking me
back to your place

for a little nightcap?

I'd really like that.

Jane, what is the big emergency?

I've been sitting here thinking.

Do I call the cops,
or do I call you?

What are you talking about?

I had my suspicions, Sydney.

That's why I opened the box.

It's heroin.

Oh, my God.


I swear. I didn't know. I mean...

I mean, I knew
they'd probably be

doing something funny,
but I swear...

I just wanted to see
your reaction, Sydney.

And now that I have,
I'm calling the police.

No. Jane, you can't. Please.

They'll lock me up
and throw away the key.

Maybe that's where you belong.

Jane, please,
I'm still on probation.

You can't do this.

I could have bought a Mercedes
with Michael's money,

but isntead I gave it
to you... please.

There's gotta be
a way out of this.

You have 24 hours
to put a stop this deal.

I swear, Jane, I will.
I'll just...

tape up the box.

I'll get to the bottom of this.

No more, Jane. I promise.


Hi. It's me.

Hi, honey. I miss you.

When are you coming home?

We just got a three-car
accident in, baby.

I'll be lucky if
I get two minutes sleep.

I know.

Listen, I got...
I got to go scrub.

I love you.

Yeah. I love you, too.

An eye for an eye, Michael.

An eye for an eye.

♪ ♪
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