03x07 - Aging Bull

Episode transcripts for the TV show "NYPD Blue". Aired: September 21, 1993 – March 1, 2005.*
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Ensemble cast revolving around New York's 15th Precinct.
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03x07 - Aging Bull

Post by bunniefuu »

Hey, Mike.
What's goin' on?

We got a problem, Bobby.
Come here.

What's up?

Patsy Ferrara's in trouble.

They got him down
at the 64th Precinct.
He's locked up?

He punched a guy‐‐
some Salvadoran that works
at Tommy Frumento's place.

He was peein' on the sidewalk
outside of Tommy's coffee shop‐‐
Patsy was peein'?

‐ Hi.
‐ Busboy comes out to stop him,
and he clocked him real good.

Well, was he drunk?
No. He's, uh‐‐ His mind
is slippin', I think, Bobby.

No. That's just Patsy.
All right? Too many hooks.

No. I‐I know what's Patsy.
I'm tellin' you,
this is different.

A couple of days
he forgot to come to work.

I mean, I try to talk to him,
it's like he ain't
even all there.

So Tommy couldn't
reach out to this busboy?
I guess not. The guy got a cop.

All right.
Let me make
a few phone calls.

Mikey, Patsy's still got
a job with you, right?

‐ I can say he works for you.
‐ He's always got a job
with me, Bobby.

‐ I'm just tellin' you
what's the situation.
‐ All right, Mikey.

Okay. Hey, how's your birds?
My birds are all right.
How about yours?

Yeah, they're all right.
I gotta get back.
All right.

[ Door Closes ]
What's up?

Ah, the old guy that,
uh, taught me birds,

he took a collar in the 64.

Patsy Ferrara.

Club fighter?
Used to fight at Sunnyside?
Yeah. Fought some ranked guys.

‐ He fought Archie Moore.
‐ We got an abduction
on 10th and First.

A guy got snatched off
the street in broad daylight.
Everybody on it.

‐ We might have a lead‐‐
‐ Okay, Andy, I'll catch up
with you, all right?

Probably a Colombian
drug dealer. I ain't gonna
run any red lights.

[ Punching Keypad ]

[ No Audible Dialogue,
No Audible Sound Effects ]

The victim was comin' out
of that pastry shop...

when two guys with ski masks
jumped out of a gray van.

They bludgeoned the driver,
then grabbed him up.

Name is Bernard Kaiser.
He's some kind of heavy hitter.
I got eyewitnesses right here.

Anybody get a plate?
Yeah, four numbers. I put it out
with a description of the van.

‐ That's the driver?
‐ Yeah. Larry Simms
is his name.

Victim's a legit guy with juice.
Yeah, we're gonna
have company.

You want us to canvass?
Yeah. You better let the boss
know he oughta call Aiello.

‐ I'll check the car out.
‐ Yeah. Larry Simms,
I'm Detective Sipowicz.

Look, you guys
gotta find Mr. Kaiser.
He's got a bad heart.

Tell me what happened.
Uh, Mr. Kaiser likes to stop
at this bakery every morning.

They got some kinda
fat‐free muffin
that he likes.

‐ He goes in there by himself?
No bodyguards or anything?
‐ He's not like that.

He's like a regular guy,
only rich.

I mean, I'm supposed
to look after him‐‐
as much as he lets me.

And these guys
came at you?
Yeah, out of a dark gray van.

And one of the gorillas
swung a tire iron at my head.
Describe the gorilla.

‐ I'm director of security‐‐
‐ Uh, stocking mask,
uh, blue ski cap,

uh, gloves, white guy‐‐
That's the guy
you want to talk to.

huge, 6'4".

Didn't get much
of a look at the other guy.
He was wearin' a ski hat too.

William Crawford,
director of security
for the Kaiser Companies.

Mr. Crawford, I am sorry‐‐
You talk later.
You're in charge here?

‐ Yeah. Detective Sipowicz.
‐ Well, we gotta move
on this fast.

Mr. Kaiser's got
a heart condition.

‐ Feels like an audiotape.
‐ Well, that's probably
the ransom demand.

I got a tape deck in my car.
We can hear it right now.
Who's this?

‐ [ Mouthing Word ]
‐ [ Man ] Can you make
a statement about the case?

‐ We'd do better at the station
house. Only a few blocks away.
‐ I want the F.B.I. notified.

We do that in kidnappings.
Let's finish looking at the car.
You got it.

I used to be
in the Bureau, so I‐‐

I know what kind
of technology and manpower
they can bring to bear.

Oh, they got massive technology.

[ Lesniak ]
This way. Upstairs.

If, uh‐‐
If you two gentlemen
can wait in here.

I'll be right back.

[ Glass Containers
Clinking ]

Hi, Greg.

‐ [ Exhales ]
You surprised me.
‐ I'm back from my course.

Yeah, y‐y‐you sorta snuck up
on me there, just suddenly
being at the refrigerator.


So, how have
you been?
Very well. Yeah.

We had an abduction.

I'm just gonna be, uh,
interviewing some witnesses.

Do you need
the room?

Um, uh, toast your Danish.
[ Chuckles ]

So, y‐you're, um‐‐

you're all versed
in computers now‐‐
the information superhighway?

‐ It, um, was
a word processing class.
‐ Oh, that special skill, huh?

‐ How's your family?
‐ Very well. The girls‐‐

‐ Yeah. Uh, Jamie made
all‐star‐‐ her soccer league.
‐ Hmm.

And Marie and me,
that area, you know‐‐

that's more or less resumed
being an utter disaster.

[ Chuckles ]
I'm sorry.

Ah, you don't have to be sorry.

It's that some people
are meant for disaster.

[ Sighs Heavily ]
[ Quietly ]

Anyway, yeah, it's, uh‐‐
it's good to see you.
Thank you.

Y‐Your Danish done?

Yeah, I'm gonna go get,
uh, the witnesses now.

[ Chuckles ]

[ Synthesized Voice ]
Meet our conditions
or Bernard Kaiser will die.

Prepare three million dollars
in used $20 bills.

Put the money
in three suitcases.

We will call
with further instructions.

‐ The man had no sense on the
subject of personal security.
‐ [ Switch Clicks ]

‐ You could talk till
you were blue in the face.
‐ What distortion is that?

Computer‐generated voice.
They got software now that'll
speak whatever you type into it.

Now we got two people at the
corporate headquarters waitin'
on the follow‐up phone call:

two from Homicide at Kaiser's
condominium and two from Major
Case at the home in Connecticut.

The phones are trapped
at each location, and we're
still canvassing on 10th Street.

Out of here we follow up on
witness statements, go through
the company personnel records‐‐

that is, if Mr. Crawford's
ever gonna produce 'em for us.

The F.B.I. comin' in?
They've been notified. Right
now, it's our investigation.

[ Pager Beeping ]

Ah, chief of D's.

Can we put this on hold
for a few minutes?
Yeah, sure.

‐ Detective Russell on line two.
She says it's urgent.
‐ Thanks, Donna.

‐ Detective Simone,
Tommy Frumento to see you.
‐ [ Fancy ] Diane, what's up?

Give me two minutes
with this guy.
I'll let you know what you miss.

[ Fancy ]
Yeah. Yeah, I know, the F. B. I.‐‐
[ Continues Indistinct ]

Tommy, appreciate
your comin' in.

Yeah, well, I don't appreciate
Patsy pissin' on my place.

Yeah. Come out here
for a second.

Tommy, you gotta know
that wasn't personal.

Tell that to the guy
whose face he busted.
This busboy lay hands on him?

Maybe he gave him a shove.
Point is, on top of doin' what
he was doin' on the sidewalk...

while I got people
in there eatin' breakfast,

Patsy turns around, gives my guy
a hard shot to the face.

Busboy all right?
He had to go
to the hospital?

Uh, no. He‐‐ He didn't wanna
lose a day's pay.
But he wanted Patsy charged?

He wanted him charged. That's‐‐
That's his position.

Look, I tell you the truth,
Bobby. Every morning the guy
sits in my joint 45 minutes...

with a coffee and a Danish.

Half the people he talks to
he don't even know.

What if we get Patsy to promise
not to come around anymore?

You think the busboy
will cool out?
I don't know. Uh‐‐

I‐‐ I might be able
to talk to him.
That would be great, Tommy.

You know, I‐‐
I got a business to run.
Yeah, I understand that.

Let me explain things to Patsy.
Yeah, I'm‐‐ I'll try
to cool out the busboy.

How's your birds?

Okay. Uh, you gotta
excuse me, man.

Yeah, you‐‐ you should come
around yourself sometime, Bobby.
Got great haddock on Tuesdays.


Bill Crawford.
I was at the Bureau
for 22 years.

Uh‐huh. Frederick Wilson,
Inspector. Assistant
special agent in charge.

‐ I just spoke with
chief of detectives.
‐ He told you we're taking over?

All our cases?

[ Aiello ]
Have you met
Lieutenant Fancy?

‐ How you doin'?
‐ We've relieved your people...

at Kaiser's office
and both places of residence.

My detective called and told me.
I'm sorry for the delay
in apprising you.

Excuse me.
These witnesses
from East 10th Street?

‐ Mm‐hmm.
You want our interview notes?
‐ We'll reinterview.

But sure.
Round them up.
Get 'em down to our office.

The perpetrators
have made second contact.
We'll have instructions...

‐ about the money drop
at 9:00 tomorrow morning.
‐ You trap the call?

That's the original
ransom demand.

‐ Could I have that, please?
‐ Certainly.

‐ Will you want liaison
on the money drop?
‐ Sure. We'll give you a call.

Gentlemen, grateful
for your cooperation.

[ Scoffs ]

Lieu, um, I need to put in
for some lost time.

We're not busy here.

Hello, Miss Donna Abandando.
Remember me?

‐ Vaguely.
‐ Steven Ronald Richards.
Nice to see you.

Who do you wanna see, Steve?
Well, not to be
so mysterious about it,

but, Donna, what's about
to happen for me‐‐

I mean, this is, like,
a turnabout in luck so strong,
I don't know,

like, what to do with myself.
[ Sniffs ]

Which would make you
want to see who?
Right. Of course. Actually‐‐

Martinez. Detective.
Steve Richards.
Remember me?

About a year back
I helped you with that,
uh, pawn shop robbery‐‐

‐ the guys‐‐ they had
the fake noses with the, uh‐‐
‐ Groucho glasses.

‐ Eh‐hey! I led you
to those guys, remember?
‐ I remember you, Steve. Yeah.

One of the scumbags offered
you a cut. You were ready
to sell us down the toilet.

Well, uh‐‐
[ Laughs ]
That's good.

Yeah. Well, I'm a different
man today, Detective.
Let me start by saying,

I am totally straight:
not a parking citation, nothing.
Last 10 months? Check me out.

Yeah. What do you
need here, Steve?

That guy this morning
who got snatched?

I got information‐‐
put you with a player in that.

Talk me outta my doubts.

Come on. In context
of our history, for me
to come here and run somethin'?

You guys would beat the ass
off me, and I would, you know,
totally deserve it, right?

‐ Anyway, Steve, it looks like
the F. B. I.'s takin' this case.
‐ Oh, the Bureau is, huh?

‐ He got somethin'
on the kidnapping?
‐ I do. Yes, I do. Absolutely.

Steve nearly burned us
on a case last year, Andy.
Yeah, but‐‐

I nearly burned you,
but my information was solid.
Is that a fair appraisal? Right?

My name's Sipowicz.
I'd be interested
in hearin' what you got.

Pleasure to meet you,
Sipowicz. Steve Richards.
Glad to know you, Sipowicz.

[ Clears Throat ]
I hear the, uh, F.B.I. is...
takin' over. Is that a fact?

‐ [ Clears Throat ]
Yes. Uh, we have.
‐ [ Steve ] Oh, I see.

'Cause I could break
this case for you.

Mm‐hmm. Right money,
I could break this case
wide open.

Why don't we talk
in here, uh, Steve.

I'd rather this weren't, like,
a footing‐‐ who's gonna show
their thing first, you know?

I mean, we're adults.
No need to act that way,
am I right?

On the other hand,
you know, um, some,
uh, aspect...

with specifics in terms of,
like, a money figure‐‐
I'd, uh, be grateful.

The kidnap victim was rich,
Steve, and he's got
a heart condition.

‐ You wanna sit down?
‐ Meaning, reason
for optimism, you know,

with family gratitude
or, like, a willingness
to generosity, right?

‐ Well put.
‐ Hmm.
Let me ask ya,

um, how would that translate...
with specific figures?
Any indication there?

I don't wanna seem
impatient, Steve, but,
uh, you're in a situation...

where you could get... struck.

That's fine. Fair‐‐
I‐I'm sorry. No problem.

Let me partially expose myself.

I was, uh, outside
O. T. B. yesterday‐‐

Which office?
Grand Street‐‐

which I bet‐‐

and I'm outdoors‐‐ 'cause
the secondhand smoke
is a menace‐‐

and I'm, like, three feet
from this public pay phone,

and I overhear
this, you know, fragment.

Guy says, "Why are
you gonna grab him
in the daylight?"

From the guy
on the telephone?

So now, what, I am totally
interested, correct?
Then I hear him say,

‐ "And you're gonna take him
at the bakery?"
‐ And you can pick this guy out.

I could absolutely pick
this guy out, and he's
a gambling degenerate,

you know, with
reliable whereabouts.

He'd still be gambling
even if he just, uh,
kidnapped someone?

Actually, I'm suggesting
an aspect of, uh,
knowledge on his part...

for possibly, uh, not
actually participating
in the snatch.

Can we discuss
a specific money figure
at this time, please?

‐ What are you lookin' for?
‐ [ Swallows ]

A hundred thousand dollars.

Is that‐‐
I mean, uh, uh, that's
probably, you know, uh,

more than you're used to
hearing. I mean, it's a lot
of money, you know, actually‐‐

That shouldn't be a problem,
if your information
is productive.

No, I don't see it as a problem.
No. Not at all.

Mm. Not in my opinion.

[ Breathes Deeply ]
[ Quietly ]
Oh, my God‐‐ [ Mutters ]

[ Keys Rattling ]

There you go.

Hey, Patsy.

Ah, Bobby Simone.

Come on. Let's get out of here.
I'm arrested.
They said I hit a guy.

Yeah. Uh, look, Patsy,
you're gonna get a D. A. T.‐‐

a Desk Appearance Ticket.
I'll explain outside.

‐ How's your birds?
‐ They're good.
Come on. I'll tell ya outside.

Man, I gotta get back
to work. Fat Mike's
gonna k*ll me.

The second time
I was ever collared.

They had me the chickie once,
when they stole some copper wire
off a construction site.

Nah, you were
the lookout?
I was 11.

Did my old man smack me.

Never again.
Birds and boxing.

So Patsy, tell me about
this here‐‐ you know,
outside Tommy's.

Well, I guess I hit a guy
outside of Tommy Frumento's.

But why did that guy
start shovin' like that?

You were pissin' out in front
of the coffee shop there.

No, just don't you
start sayin' that.
That's everyone sayin' that.

I'd remember doin'
somethin' like that.

So, you don't remember
doin' it, huh?
I didn't do it.

Now, don't start with
this "not rememberin'."

This is us
right here, Patsy.

So, how's your birds doin'?
They're good.

‐ I gave ya your first bird.
You remember that?
‐ Oh, yeah. I do.

I gotta get back
to work.
No, Patsy.

Uh, Mike, he gave you
the day off.
What do I got the day off for?

We're gonna go see a doctor.

No, sir. No.

They see an old pug like me,
they figure they're gonna
make a few bucks.

Right away they start findin'
things wrong where there
ain't even nothin' wrong.

Look, Patsy, I‐‐ I wanna see
that you're examined, all right?
I'm not gonna go see a doctor!

Now, that's enough!
All right.

I gotta get to work.
All right.
[ Sniffs ]

But, see, Patsy, um,
we still gotta go over
back to my precinct, you know,

'cause, um, the D. A.‐‐
he's gotta sign off
on your case.

I thought I just got
some kind of a ticket.
Yeah, but the D. A.‐‐

he's still's gotta
sign off, you know?

I don't mean to be irritable.
I know you're tryin' to help.
No, I know.

Too many punches.
It's all right.

I do better with birds.
[ Chuckles ]
Come on.

[ Man On Radio ]
The F.B.I. has now confirmed
earlier reports...

that the man abducted today
on East 10th Street
was Bernard Kaiser,

publisher of
American Business magazine,

and that the Bureau has taken
control of the case.

That's your team they're
talkin' about there, uh,
Agent Sipowicz.

Yeah, say good‐bye
to Bernard Kaiser.

You should've seen them come
sweepin' into Kaiser's office.

Took our equipment
off the phones
like we were janitors.

The one thing
those guys are good at:
usin' their elbows.

Well, my reason for optimism
with the victim, uh‐‐ the grab
was fairly well ex*cuted,

and the family
is willing
to pay ransom.

It's the F. B. I., Medavoy.
The guy croaks.

Eh. Differing opinions.
That's why there's
chocolate and vanilla.

You wanna back up
that good feeling you got?

‐ Mm?
‐ Amazing. Same when I was
in Vice. Every time...

we staked out O. T. B.,
guys wound up bettin'.

Twenty buck mind bet,
the guy makes it.

‐ A mind bet?
‐ An imaginary bet.

How 'bout 50 actual dollars?

All right. Twenty‐five
real dollars as‐‐ as a vote
against negative thinking.

He spotted 'im.

[ Russell ]
'Scuse me. I'm lookin'
for Wallin's pharmacy?

[ Man ]
Nah, I don't know any‐‐
Around here somewhere?

No. No.
Hey, what's goin' on?
We're goin' for a ride.

Where we goin'?
We're goin'
to the station house.

Let me get my bet down.

Just do a mind bet.
A what?

Yeah, he is. Okay.
I had some bruise and battering,
but I never once lost my teeth.

Thanks very much.
I boxed Archie Moore.

I fought Harold Johnson‐‐
both title holders.
Is that so?

[ Laughs ]
If he thought
he could make a buck,

my manager'd put me in
against anybody.

Archie Moore? Harold Johnson?
I weighed 154.
They were light heavies.

‐ Ah. I give Bobby
his first bird.
‐ That's right.

Them birds keepin' you
outta trouble, Bobby?
Yeah, they are.

Listen, um, that D. A.
is gonna come here
in a few minutes...

to do that interview
for your release.

They gotta
do that, huh?

In this type of release,
they‐‐ they got to.
Bobby, uh‐‐

[ Simone ]
Hey, excuse me
one minute, Patsy.

This skell might have
somethin' to do with
Kaiser gettin' grabbed.

You wanna be an F.B.I. guy?
I thought you were
the F.B.I. guy?

With the other moron.
This guy already
saw my shield.

Yeah, all right.

Hey, Diane.

Patsy Ferrara.
Who taught you birds?

Yeah. He's, uh‐‐
He's gettin' confused.

I'm havin' Doc Mondzac
come up here to examine him.
Patsy thinks Mondzac's a D. A.

Now I'm confused.
Well, Patsy won't talk
to doctors, right? So, uh,

he got jammed up in the 64,
so I told him that the D. A....

has to come up here
to talk to him
before they let him go.

Can you do me a favor?

Can you keep an eye on him
until this doc comes up here?
Yeah, sure.

I'd like to get to know him.
Yeah, 'cause I gotta be
an F.B.I. agent for Andy.

Patsy, I gotta do
somethin' for a few minutes.
This is Detective Russell.

‐ Diane. Pleased
to meet you, Patsy.
‐ How do you do? Patsy Ferrara.

Uh, Diane's gonna stay
with you for a while until, uh,

D.A. Mondzac comes
and does this interview.

‐ [ Patsy ]
All right.
‐ Mm‐hmm.

‐ I'm just talkin'
to this young lady here.
‐ Patsy fought Archie Moore.

That D. A. I gotta talk to,
uh‐‐ is he a jerk?

No. No, he's one
of our best guys.
[ Chuckles ]

James Sampson‐‐
Robert Simone.

He's aware that this
is a federal situation?
This is so crazy.

Our information
is that you're connected
to the Kaiser abduction, James.

I don't even know who that is.
I got seven dollars
in my pocket.

For God's sakes, I'm a clubfoot.
How am I gonna kidnap somebody?

‐ [ Sighs ]
You know Steven Richards?
‐ [ Scoffs ]

‐ Son of a bitch. Steve Richards
gave me to you guys?
‐ Why would he do that?

All I did with Steve Richards
was buy a cell phone.

Now what kinda trouble
is he tryin' to beat?

You made an abduction call
off of that phone?
I didn't make calls. I sold it.

Was it a cloned phone?

Yeah, it could've been.

I sold it to a guy
from O. T. B.‐‐ a guy named Pete.
I don't know his last name.

Is he there
all the time?
No, off and on.

Uh, he said he was
lookin' to buy a phone.
I knew Steve moved phones.

I had a couple bucks
in my pocket. I figured
I'd get in the middle.

[ Scoffs ]
Lotta good it did me.
I tapped out at the Meadowlands.

‐ You know what the stolen
phone number was, James?
‐ I don't know d*ck.

I bought the phone
from Steve at the Greek's.
I sold it at the O. T. B.

Ah, take off, Jimmy.

You tell Steve he's a scumbag,
puttin' me in this type jackpot.

Yeah, yeah.
He'll be filled with remorse.

[ Sighs ]
[ Door Closes ]

Somethin' in this, if I can
get through the manure
in that Steve's head.

Good night. Uh,

you guys'll work liaison
with the Bureau tomorrow
on that 9:00 ransom call?

‐ Yeah, okay.
‐ Maybe we can detail
their cars. How's it goin'?

[ Sighs ]

Where's Patsy?
Um, he left.

He left?
I didn't wanna try to stop him,
Bobby. He was really upset.

He made you for a doc?
No. But he was very agitated
and anxious.

After we talked, he walked out.
I'm afraid your concerns about
senility are probably justified.

I found a way to have him
try to tell me the month,
the president's name.

His short‐term memory
is definitely impaired.
Oh, man.

P.E.T. scan of his brain will
give a definitive diagnosis,

but as a practical matter,
I think it's safe to assume
that it's early Alzheimer's.

All right.
Thanks for comin' up, Doc.

Look, this gerontologist
at NYU is doing
some funded research.

‐ Now, maybe Patsy
can get in the program.
‐ Thanks a lot.

‐ Sure. Bye‐bye.
‐ [ Russell ] Bye.

Oh, tell James Martinez hello.

‐ Yeah, I will.
‐ Put some ice on that shoulder.

Clean underwear tomorrow.
We're goin' to the Bureau.

Yeah, Andy.
Good night, man.

What's the matter
with your shoulder?

‐ Uh, Patsy... repositioned me
in the coffee room.
‐ He laid hands on you?

He just moved me
so he could get out.
He didn't mean any harm.

I don't‐‐ I don't know
what I'm gonna do
about this guy.

People get old, Bobby.
They get sick.

My dad wasn't really
talkative, you know?

I mean, he worked
really hard, and...

he'd come home
after work, and...

he'd always be fixin' things.

Patsy, he, um‐‐ he'd been
retired, like, 10 years when
I first started knowin' him.

Retired from fighting?
Yeah. He had this job
in the Parks Department.

People would pull the slats
outta the concrete benches
in the park,

and the anchors,
they would come out too‐‐

that held the wood
to the concrete.

Patsy is the guy
that would fix those anchors.

I'd stand there, would hold
the chisel for him, and he would
hammer in these new holes and...

screw in those slats.

He let me talk to him...
all the time. And he would
talk back, you know?

And then we'd have
our sandwiches‐‐
our lunch‐‐

and then afterwards,
when he was done,

you know, we'd go up
on the roof and fly his birds.

I just wish there was somethin'
I could do, you know?

Let's go home.

You know, he's gonna forget
he ever showed me those birds.

All right.
Once the drop point's

we'll deploy two‐man units
along appropriate access points.

In addition‐‐
What was the beep?

Martinez. Him and Greg
are bringin' Steve up.

‐ Our oversight
will be discreet.
‐ [ Clears Throat ]

Uh, local component
understand their roles?

The subjects say they'll execute
Kaiser if they see one police
helicopter or radio car.

[ Phone Rings ]
Here we go.

[ Switch Clicks ]

[ Phone Rings, Stops ]
Go ahead.


Uh, y‐yes, I have.


Uh, a‐all right.
I can make that work.

Uh, h‐how will
Mr. Kaiser be released?

Is he safe?
I‐Is he in good cond‐‐
[ Dial Tone ]

The drop's on
the Triborough Bridge‐‐

At the Bronx Upstate
New York‐bound toll plaza.

There's a note
with Kaiser's location
at the drop site. All right.

Let's break down by teams.
We'll reconvene.
Money team's here.

[ Chattering ]

Regular beehive.


‐ Agent Sipowicz.
How's it goin'?
‐ Where you been, Steve?

Ate Thai food last night.
Got food poisoning.
Thought it was curtains, man.

All this for Jimmy Steps,
all this activity?
No, Steve.

It's not from Jimmy Steps.

You didn't hear that guy callin'
from no pay phone, Steve.

‐ What you did was sell him
a phone with a cloned number.
‐ Oh, boy.

This is one more chapter‐‐
how Steve spends his life
steppin' on his johnson.

See, you could have earned
on this. All you had to do was
tell us a straight story...

on how that phone
was involved in the grab.
I couldn't‐‐

I couldn't give up
my uncle. My uncle‐‐
Your uncle did the kidnapping?

No, he just... traffics
somewhat in phones.
Then shut up about your uncle.

Steve, we need to know
how you knew...

that the phone was bein' used
in the kidnapping, all right?

I fabricated
overhearin' Jimmy...

'cause I was uncertain
about particulars, but I knew
that phone was involved.

And I wanna
know how.
All right.

I'm at Our Lady, Queen
of Peace yesterday‐‐
the church?

I was. I was talkin'
to Father DiLeo. Two
F.B.I. guys come in, right?

‐ They say they're tracin' a c‐‐
‐ [ Medavoy ]
Psst. Psst.

[ Grunts ]

tracin' a cell phone
that was registered
to the parish.

They say the ransom call
was made on that phone.

You and your uncle cloned
a priest's phone and sold it
to some skell?

No harm to the father.
They don't charge you
for fraudulent calls.

Anyway, I'm watchin' TV, right,
and I see on the news, it's this
big‐shot guy that got grabbed,

and I'm thinkin',
hey, you know, this is it.

This is, you know, for one time
in my life, Steve Richards got
a little‐‐ a little somethin',

which is, I know
who had that phone,
which was Jimmy Steps.

And now you're tellin' me
Steps sold it.

You know a guy
named Pete
from O. T. B.?

Oh, Pete Bielski?
That's who Steps sold it to?
You know him?

Well, yeah, um, no‐‐ no,
you know, he's not exactly
a regular. I know him.

‐ [ Wilson ] If you'll
take your seats, please.
‐ Hey, Andy.

All right. Uh, run the guy
through B. C. I.
Pete Bielski?

If that zeros out,
take Steve over to the O. T. B.

See if he can
pick him out.
Yeah, okay. Let's go, Steve.

I'm surprised Pete's
involved. He's wrapped up
pretty tight, Detective.

Uh, Agent Sipowicz, I'm still
in line for compensation, right?
Come on. Let's go, all right?

Depends, if they
count on brain death.

‐ A hell of a setup, isn't it?
‐ You get the out‐of‐town
ball games on this thing?

[ Crawford On Speaker ]
There's a car approaching.
Looks like it could be our guy.

‐ [ Crawford ]
I'm opening the trunk‐‐
‐ Here we go.

getting the suitcases.
All right.
This is it.

Here we go.
Stand by all units.

I'm putting
the suitcases
into his trunk now.

‐ [ Tires Screech ]
‐ What the hell?

He's makin' a U‐turn!
I'm switching to southbound
camera, lane eight.

He's headed back the other way
towards the toll booth!
Who we got southbound?

‐ Look at this. Look at this.
‐ Repeating: Subject's
headed southbound.

Can you get us
a license plate number
on that subject vehicle?

Yeah. Uh,
New York plates, MED‐751.

‐ Repeating:
Michael, Eddie, David, 751.
‐ [ Phone Ringing ]

All right. Initiate a pursuit.
Available units to respond.

That tag number's
been out of use
for five years.

[ Crawford ]
You got somebody
pickin' 'em up southbound?

All right. Raise
your local P. D. units
for a southbound pursuit.

It'll take 'em a few minutes.
They're clear of the area.

Yeah, we didn't want to put
the victim in jeopardy.

[ Man ]
Units four and five
going through toll plaza now.

[ Wilson ]
Do you have an eyeball on them?
No, we don't.

‐ Put the b*llet right here.
It's the humane thing to do.
‐ How do you get the heat?

It's the F. B. I.'s screwup.
All we could do was stand
around scratchin' our nuts.

Why did we give it up
to the F. B. I.? Gotta be a fall
guy for that, right? Hmm.

‐ No word on the victim?
No message where to find him?
‐ [ Simone ] Nothin'.

We might have a lead
on the cell phone
used for the ransom call.

‐ How live?
‐ It's a cloned phone.
There's the hump that sold it.

We think it got moved
to the kidnappers
a couple of skells down.

Yeah, so far we got it
traced to a Pete Bielski.

Uh, B.C.I. kicked him out
with two collars. Uh, we got
his address from the D. M. V.

‐ Roust him.
‐ We gotta notify the F. B. I.?

Screw the F.B.I.

‐ Martinez‐‐
‐ Hey, sit still, Steve.

‐ Just wanted to‐‐
‐ Just sit down.

Agent Sipowicz, any word?
We're gonna try to grab Bielski
at his place. If he's not there,

‐ you're gonna help us
look for him at O. T. B.
‐ Oh, that's no problem.

I cleared my calendar.
Any idea
if he carries a g*n?

Well, that really
wouldn't be my impression.

Uh, thumbnail?
I'd describe Pete
as cautious, nervous‐‐

you know,
a careful‐type person.
Go back and sit down.

Detective Simone,
a Fat Mike called.

He said to tell you that
Patsy hadn't come to work.
All right. Thanks, Donna.

Poor man, huh?
He's gettin' confused.

Over here.

[ Knocks ]

[ Bielski ]
New York City Police.

New York City Police, huh?

[ Footsteps Approaching ]
[ Snaps p*stol ]

[ Breathing Heavily ]

[ Simone ] You Pete Bielski?
Yeah. You wouldn't want
the wrong guy.

[ Sipowicz ]
Anybody else livin' here?

All right. Relax, Pete.
We're gonna take you down
to the station house.

‐ We wanna talk to you
about a few things, all right?
‐ Nope. Nope.

‐ Screw you guys.
‐ Oh, good. That's a good
opening attitude, Pete.

‐ Come on. Let's go.
‐ No! I said, no!

‐ Hey.
‐ Look, I wouldn't say anything.
You don't believe that?

Then do it here.
We'll tell you where this
conversation is gonna be, okay?

Yeah? Like Jersey,
and I wind up in the weeds?

‐ Here.
‐ Hey!

[ Bielski ]
It's not a g*n.

That's the 2,800.
Now, I keep my mouth shut,
and I don't want the money.

Otherwise, do it here,
and tell those bastards
to go screw themselves.

‐ You think
we're gonna sh**t you.
‐ Yeah.

Well, who do you think sent us
to sh**t you, Pete? Those guys
you sold that phone to, right?

Because you can put them
with the kidnap.

Look, just stop messing
with my head, all right?

‐ Just do what you gotta do.
‐ Pete, hello?

We are the cops, okay?

[ Chuckling Quietly ]

[ Breathing Deeply,
Whimpers ]

[ Sniffles ]

You guys are really cops?

and we're lookin' for
a real guy‐‐ got grabbed‐‐
before he turns up really dead.

All right? So let's go over
to our real station house,
okay, Pete? Come on.

Thank God.
I thought you guys
were here to k*ll me.

You get that feelin' a lot, huh?

Some situation,
huh, Pete?

Go away, Steve.

Hopin' he recognizes someone‐‐

Go away.

Offhand, Detective,
Pete comin' involved
in your misdemeanor,

does that disqualify him
from reward eligibility?

If we don't find the guy alive,
Steve, I wouldn't expect too
many rewards to be passed out.

Oh, absolutely,
'cause, uh, live rescue's
our first priority.

First priority,
gentlemen: live rescue.

Why weren't we notified
you were moving on a suspect?

Did you bring the personnel
photos from Kaiser's company?

We want to talk to the suspect
at our office. He can look
at the photos there.

‐ I can't believe this.
‐ You people blow
the money transfer,

God only knows what
condition the victim's in,
or if he's even still alive‐‐

This is our case. Do I have
to call the U. S. attorney
to get the suspect turned over?

‐ You want the U. S. attorney?
‐ Dial nine for an outside line.

‐ [ Simone ] Lieu?
‐ It's okay.

‐ We got the dump
on Bielski's home phone.
‐ Come on.

Bielski says these guys
did call him between 8:30
and 9:00 three nights ago.

Phone log has two incoming
calls around that time:
one's from his mother,

other one's from a pay phone
outside an army post
in Suffolk.

The post is abandoned.

‐ Let's take a look.
‐ We're gonna drive out there
with you, Lieutenant.

You don't wanna
work out who's gonna
lead the caravan?

[ No Audible Siren ]

‐ Lieu, that's the money car.
‐ Check it out.

A couple of you guys, see if you
can get around the other side.

‐ Lieu, this food is fresh.
‐ [ No Audible Dialogue ]

[ Man, Distant, Muffled ]
Help me!

[ Louder, Muffled ]
Let me out!

Help me!

Help! I'm down here.

‐ Help me!
‐ Help me move this.

I'm in here!

[ Simone ]
We need the cuff key.

‐ Bernard Kaiser?
‐ Yes.

Here we go.
You all right?

Yeah, I think so.
Can you get up?

Mr. Kaiser‐‐
[ Straining ]
thank God.
Can you stand?

Here you go.
[ All Chattering, Straining ]

‐ Fan out. Check out
the rest of the building.
‐ It was Kerry and Edmonds.

Did you‐‐
Did you pay the ransom?
Yes, sir! We did.

Then they're gonna be
in Bimini.

‐ Let's get you outta here.
‐ Ho‐ho, brilliant.

Clean getaway to a place
got no extradition.

Bureau's got 'em lulled
into a false sense of security.

Get outta my face.
Now you put
a field operation together:

some paratroopers, couple dozen
rough terrain vehicles‐‐

Get away from me.
AWACS, spy planes‐‐
[ Scoffs ]

Hello. Congratulations.
Desk sergeant told me
victim's alive.

Wonderful job.
That's right.

Mr. Kaiser's
safe, right?

Do me a favor,
Steve, you know?

Sit down?
Right here.
Good job.

You're gonna hyperventilate.
He's safe, right?
Everything's good.


Victim's safe.
Wonderful job.
Thanks, Steve.

Wonderful job.
Wonderful job.

Oh, Agent, um‐‐
Are you an agent
or a detective? 'Cause‐‐

I may have misled you
a little there, Steve.
Well, that's no problem.

Whatever your personal joke‐‐
Well, I'm very relieved
to hear you say that.

Well, I just hope,
uh, you know,

a reward wasn't humorous,
you know‐‐ some aspect of
a reward‐‐ Um, excuse me, sir.

How are you?
How you doin'?

Um, we haven't had any really
specific contact, although
I do recognize your authority‐‐

from, you know,
Donna, so forth.

Steve Richards.
How are ya?
How you doin'?

Pleasure. Pleasure.
Curiosity on my part:

just naturally,
uh, you know, where my
information was central‐‐

You were involved
with this case?
Oh, God, yes. Yes, centrally,

and if I can just find out,
you know, where I stand
in terms of, you know, um,

[ Gasps, Exhales ]
I'm feeling somewhat

I really... don't know
when I've dined last. I just,
you know‐‐ general curiosity‐‐

Forty grand.

Forty grand?
[ Sputtering ]

Get outta town.
Forty grand for me?

I don't know.
Maybe they were kiddin'.

[ Sputters ]

‐ Nah, it's real.
‐ You're ki‐‐ It's real?

M‐m‐mm‐wah! God bless you,
and this country. Oh!
That's all I have to say.

‐ Forty thousand!
‐ Don't ever kiss me
again, Steve.

‐ I won't.
I can't believe this.
‐ [ Simone ] Steve, come here.

Get on the other side
of the gate here.

Call this guy Crawford
about the reward.

‐ All right?
‐ Yeah. Yes.

[ Breathing Heavily ]
I'm rich.
[ Giggling ]

‐ Can I use this phone, please?
‐ Mm‐hmm.

‐ [ Quietly ]
Get yourself together.
‐ Nice goin', guys.

‐ Yeah, worked out good, right?
‐ Listen, uh, I got the five,
if you wanna take off.

‐ Hey, thanks.
‐ Patsy Ferrara stopped by.

Oh, yeah?
Did he apologize to you?

I don't think he even remembered
what happened. But, um,
said he had a bird for you.

[ Snorts ]
Gimme a second.

Yeah, so, may I ask, is that‐‐
is that reportable income?

Great job, Andy.
[ Sipowicz ]
Yeah, thanks.

‐ Yeah, yeah. Good work.
‐ Yeah.

[ Medavoy ]
Hey, Andy?

[ Exhales ]
[ Handset Settles In Cradle ]

So, I told ya
I h‐h‐had a feelin',
didn't I, Andy‐‐

‐ that‐‐ that the‐‐
the guy'd survive?
‐ Yeah, that's right.

So, uh, with him
surviving‐‐ you know,
like I predicted‐‐ um‐‐

[ Exhales ]
W‐We made that bet, right, Andy?

Wai‐Wai‐‐ Wait. Wait a second,
Medavoy. You're sayin',
I helped effect the rescue...

of this hostage,
and in so doing,
it cost me 25 bucks?

That's how you think
it should go? Huh?
Andy, Andy‐‐

You knew you caught the case
wh‐when you made the bet.

Am I wrong?
[ Sighs ]

Tell me if I'm wrong.
I gotta go.

[ Simone ]
Later, guys.

You're absolutely
right, Medavoy.

I mean, you know, i‐if it
had went the other way, I'd
have definitely paid the debt.

You got
any money?
Excuse me. One second.

‐ You got $25?
‐ [ Coughs ]
Detective, please.

If 25 bucks you think is all
you're gettin', wait till that
reward money comes through.

I can't take
reward money.
Oh. Well,

um, I don't have
any actual currency
on my person at this time.

Maybe two somethin'
or 2.40, maybe.

Wait. I'm gonna write you
the biggest I.O.U.
you've ever laid eyes on.

Where's the biggest sheet
of paper you got?
Take this money, Medavoy,

purchase some Preparation H,
and I want you to shove
the change up your tushie.

Thanks, Andy.


[ Quietly ]
"Steve Richards
owes Detective Sip"‐‐

How would you spell "Sipowicz"?


I'll just wing it.

‐ Hi, Bobby.
‐ Hey, what's goin' on, Patsy?

I was at your work today.
Did they tell ya?

[ Simone ]

You talked to
this detective here.

How are ya, Miss?
Hello, Patsy.

‐ Patsy, you laid hands
on Detective Russell.
‐ What?

You remember that?
[ Bird Coos ]

Well, I apologize then.
I'm sorry.

‐ All right, Patsy.
‐ Surprised at myself.

Why don't you give me the keys.
I'll go up. Patsy,
I'll talk to you later.

It's a pretty bird.

[ Bird Continues Cooing ]

Yeah. I brought this over.
Bobby, is‐‐ is this your bird?

Nah. Uh‐uh.
Come home with my flock.

It's got no band on it
or nothin'. I thought
maybe it's yours.

Gotta face some facts
here, Patsy.

You're forgetful now.
That's just true.

You know, and this doctor that
I was tellin' you about, he'd
be willin' to work with you.

I got no money for doctors.

It's a program over at NYU,
Patsy. I don't think you're
gonna have to pay for anything.

The hell with that, Bobby.
I know what goes on
in them places.

Patsy, this is happenin'
whether you admit it or not.
Now we oughta just face...

that fact and then
find out what we
can do about it.

I'm gonna make
that appointment
for you.

[ Mutters Quietly ]
yeah, you probably better.

And then, you know, we start
makin' lists, you know,
of places you gotta be.

W‐We'll buy alarms,

[ Bird Continues Cooing ]

Time flies, huh?

And the birds fly.

[ Cage Latch Rattles ]

He'll be home before I will.

Remember I taught you that?

I remember everything,

‐ [ Cage Latch Rattles ]
‐ I'm gonna go home.

All right. I'll come by
and see you tomorrow.

I'll be at Fat Mike's.

Okay, Patsy.
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