03x18 - We Was Robbed

Episode transcripts for the TV show "NYPD Blue". Aired: September 21, 1993 – March 1, 2005.*
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Ensemble cast revolving around New York's 15th Precinct.
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03x18 - We Was Robbed

Post by bunniefuu »

[ Siren Wailing ]

Almost caught the guy.

Just got back from chasing him.
Witness saw him acting
suspicious and called it in.

Guy took off as soon as
we got here. Jumped on the
F. D. R. Drive and we lost him.

‐We didn't even know there was
a D. O. A. here till we got back.
‐We got the license number.

‐ [ Simone ]
Get a look at the perp?
‐ Yeah, white, mid‐30s.

About 6 foot.
A big Fu Manchu.
Come here.

‐ Black hair, like, hanging
down to the collar.
‐ This is a witness.

Saw it through his window.
Can you describe the guy
who got away with the car?

Uh, yeah, white guy.
Looked about 35, 36,

with a big drooping

Fu Manchu.
Like that I guess, sure.

And he had kind of long hair.
Dark hair. I live upstairs.

I was looking out.
I saw him dump the other guy
out of the car.

Shannon, you know,
you should run the plates.
All right.

You got it?
You been drinking
this morning?

It's my life.
Do you mind?

I work nights. I play bass.
I was drinking to try
to get to sleep.

All right,
gimme your name.
Ken Thornton.

Musician, huh?
Yeah. I play with Jaundice.

You play with Jaundice.
You wouldn't
have heard of it.

So what do you do
for a livin'?

I'm a bike messenger
in the afternoon.

Come over here,
will ya?

Bike messenger, huh?
You guys think Manhattan's
a racetrack.

[ Ken ]
I don't want any trouble.
I got enough troubles of my own.

How come I don't have
a problem believing that?
Come on. [ Clears Throat ]

I got‐‐ Here. Here.
You ever seen
this guy before?

Uh, no, no,
never seen him.

Pretty old.
He's shot
in the head.

Dominic Landucci.

What is that,
72 years old?
And $43.

There's some O. C. people
named Landucci.

‐ Think he might be one?
‐ He's got a slug in the brain.
Could have been a mob hit.

Oh, a mob hit.
Oh, no way, man.
No way, man.

I don't want nothing
to do with this.
Just relax.

‐ Why the hell did I go
and report it?
‐ He's got no keys on him here.

I ran the plate.
The car the perp fled in is
registered to Dominic Landucci.

That's this guy.
It's this guy's car?
Probably a carjacking, huh?

‐ Hey, I'm not testifying.
‐ Stop worrying about it, huh?

Why don't you go
get some sleep?
That oughta be easy.

‐ Do your best.
‐ [ Man ]
Take it around the other side.


Diane, uh, could we
talk a minute?

Sure, Donna.

Uh, a friend of mine's asking
for advice in a situation
I'm not equipped to deal with.

Should he or she be talking
to a detective?

Her name is Marina Bermudez.
She's my hairdresser.

And, uh, Marina was involved
with this guy, Ronnie,

who's been away in prison
for four and a half years.

And he just got out.
And he's been coming
around seeing her.

His name is Pinera,
in case you wanna
run him through B.C.I.

Ronnie Pinera?
What was he in prison for?

‐ Manslaughter, I believe.
‐ Okay.

So, Marina's got
this present boyfriend, Luis,
who's a truck driver.

And sometimes Luis
parks a loaded truck
at Marina's place.

So, Ronnie, the ex‐con,
heard about that...

from a cousin of Marina's
who's jealous of her,

because she's always
had a crush on Ronnie.

This cousin told Ronnie
about Luis, and now Ronnie
wants to hijack Luis's truck...

when it's parked
at Marina's place.

He wants her to notify him
when Luis is there.

Ronnie wants Marina
to call him when Luis
is there with his truck.

Exactly. So, Marina's
deathly afraid that if
she doesn't notify Ronnie,

that the blabbermouth cousin
down the street's liable
to see Luis's truck...

and tell Ronnie
about it afterwards.

And then Ronnie might blow
his stack and really
hurt her or something.

Is Ronnie on parole,
or did he serve
his full sentence?

I don't know.

[ Clears Throat ]
Well, Donna, see, he hasn't
really committed a crime yet.

He might be violating
his parole.

I‐I can find out his status
through B.C.I.

Have your friend Marina
come in and talk to me.

I would be so grateful,
because I feel
beyond my depth.

No, you ran the story
pretty good.

I'll give her a call.
All right.

‐ I think he had a bigger nose.
‐ [ Man ]
Did you change the mustache?

I thought you had
the mustache too small.
Marini, you had your say.

[ Sipowicz ]
Shannon don't need
your kibitz in here.

It was a big Fu Manchu.

Bobby. Andy.

This is Mike Francis,

‐ Bobby Simone. Andy Sipowicz.
‐ Bobby. Andy.

I'm hoping we can scratch
each other's backs
in the Dominic Landucci m*rder.

Is that right?

We're running a surveillance
on the Palermo Social Club.
It's on Mulberry.

You know,
it's a mob hangout.
There's rumor to that effect.

We videotape everyone coming
in and out of that club
during business hours.

Well, this morning, some of
the wiseguys showing up...

were acting kind of
different than usual.

A lot of laughing.
Giving each other
the high fives.

We heard about the Landucci hit,
we put it together.

Landucci went
to the Palermo Club
every day of the week.

‐ Case closed.
‐ We ran this Landucci
through B.C.I.

He's got a couple
of low‐rank collars
for shylocking.

You think he's big enough
to rate a hit
and all these high fives?

I know how to find out.

Agent Francis feels our job
could get a court order
to plant a listening device.

You got cause to believe
a contract on Landucci might
have been run out of that club.

We provide the equipment,
run the bug into your squad,
share the information.

Inspector Aiello
thinks it's a good idea.

There's a disconnected
phone socket in the card room
we can use to put the place up.

You get your court order today,
we can get you in tonight.

‐ You're gonna get us in?
‐ Our bug, my plan, your tap.

[ Fancy ]
Set him up in Anticrime.

Got my equipment outside.

He's got his equipment

‐ Come on. Let's go, Francis.
‐ Hey, Bob, I can't get
the son of a bitch in.

Are you talkin' to me, huh?
Because I'm Andy and that's Bob.

What was that?
Did you hear something?

No, I didn't hear‐‐
Move over, huh? Let me put
this damn thing in here.

‐ We just need some more light.
‐ Go on, move, move.

‐ I gotta take a leak.
‐ Need any help with that too?

Don't laugh.
You ever have prostatitis?

Go ahead, Francis.
Do what you gotta do.

Feels like you
gotta piss all the time.
Stand there, get no flow.

Look, I had
"prostrate" trouble once.
I don't got it no more.

But if you don't get
the hell outta here, I'm gonna
piss on your shoes. Beat it.

[ Sighs ]
He's gonna tell me how to‐‐

I got a prostrate. Bull.

At least he's an expert,
you know?

Yeah, you don't know.
I'm the king of prostrates.
Okay. Got it.

[ Chattering ]
Shh. Hey.

I heard something.

Don't you start with me.
I'm serious.
Turn off your light.

[ Chattering, Laughing ]

Keep quiet. I don't want
pain‐in‐the‐ass Giordano
coming down from upstairs.

Hey, Giordano's passed out.
Don't worry.

Yeah, I don't want that
drunken Giordano figuring out
that I got the missing key.

[ Laughs ]
Just keep
your voice down.

Put your money
where your mouth is.

And watch me
run the table.
Yeah, right.

You're so full of crap.
I could beat you with both hands
tied behind my back.

You racked up the cue ball,
you big assh*le.

[ Laughs ]
I love you, you crazy
bastard. You know why?

'Cause you don't know your ass
from a hole in the ground.

You're gonna show me
pool sh**t'?

‐ [ Toilet Flushes ]
‐ What the hell is that?

Somebody's in the toilet.
Somebody's in here?

If these guys find out
we're cops, they're gonna level
this place looking for the bug.

‐ Who the hell are you?
‐ Oh, my God.

All right, get 'em up,
you sons of b*tches.
This is a stickup.

Yeah, yeah,
put those pool cues down.
Come on, come on, come on.

Put those cues on the table!
Get your hands on the table!

‐ All right.
‐ And take off those watches!

You better hurry up.
Gimme that watch.
Gimme that watch!

‐ Get on the floor.
Come on, assh*le.
‐ Get down there!

[ Sipowicz ]
And get his wallet. Shut up!

Hey, you wanna sh**t him?
Go ahead, sh**t him.
You wanna sh**t him.

‐ I think I'm gonna sh**t him.
‐ No, no, no!

Don't sh**t me, man, please!
Come on!

‐ Start praying!
‐ What the hell you doing?

‐ We're robbin' the place.
That's what we came here for.
‐ You can't do this.

Will you shut up
and find something
to tie them up with?

‐ This is horrible.
‐ Move!

Yeah, yeah, yeah.
These guys are insane.
Why didn't somebody warn me?

Quit your bitchin'
and just find us somethin'.

This is the last time
you go on a job with us.
Damn right!

Here. Here's some tape.
Come on,
hands behind your back.

Here, keep a g*n on 'em.

Keep the g*n on 'em.

[ Francis ]
Don't move!

Hands behind your back.
Come on.

Where you taking that?

Out to the car.

[ Mouthing Words ]

‐ Oh, God.
‐ [ Grunts ]

I see you got over
your flow problems there.

Hey, get the other TV.

Well, I‐‐
Come on.
Put your feet together.

Put your feet together.
Come on.

Did you get
the stuff vouchered?

So, anytime now, huh?
Complete confidence.
That's the key.

‐ Sure.
‐ Circumstances, it was
the only appropriate move.

Yeah. Morning.

How'd it go last night?

‐ Yeah, we got the bug in.
‐ Good.

[ Chuckles ]
A couple of hiccups, but nothing
we couldn't take care of.

‐ Couple of hiccups?
‐ Yeah, couple of hiccups.

Let's hear about it.

So, describe the hiccups.

A couple of wiseguys
walked in on us.

We jumped 'em. It was
the only appropriate thing.

Absolutely. No choice. If we
identified ourselves, they would
have known the place was up.

[ Sipowicz ]
We had to protect the operation.
What do you mean jumpin' em?

We jumped 'em,
like we were burglars.
And then you ran out?

[ Simone ]
Oh, good. Here comes Dopey.

I want you to know
I was in the toilet
when they pulled that holdup.

‐ What holdup?
‐ I just told you we jumped 'em.

You jumped 'em
and you took something?

[ Francis ]
They cleaned the place out.

[ Sipowicz ]
We had to make it look real.
What'd you take?

‐ Their wallets and watches.
‐ And two TV sets.

‐ You stole the TVs?
‐ All that stuff
is vouchered, boss,

in the property room.

Well, we'll have to work out
a way to return that stuff.

Can we add saving my job
to that wish list?

Just tell your boss
you were in the potty.

Do you know how many
of those goombahs' civil rights
got violated last night?

When we walked out
of that social club,
those men had been robbed,

threatened with death
at gunpoint and left
hog‐tied on the floor.

Well, right now that sounds
like spilled milk.

No, no, the milk
is just beginning to spill.

The conversations
that bug picks up
are gonna get me fired.

What we did last night
is gonna be all anybody
at Palermo is talking about,

today or in
the foreseeable future.

Do you got a plan,
or are you just gonna
stand there cryin'?

I've told my boss
you don't want bureau people
trampling around your squad.

When I'm not on the monitor,
you've insisted on your people
relieving me.

I got no problem with that.

[ Francis ]
Good. 'Cause everyone
in this room should understand,

if I go,
it won't be alone.

What are you gonna tell
your bosses when they
ask you about the transcripts?

Tapes get lost.
Portions get erased.
Accidents happen.

Hey, look at last night.

‐ Don't ever mention last night
to me again.
‐ [ Phone Rings ]

‐ Yeah, Donna.
‐ The two of you
should be in a zoo.

Yeah, and you oughta be
a groundskeeper
at a miniature golf course.

Miniature golf course.
What does that mean?

Just keep your hands
on your po‐po
and try to make wee‐wee.

Okay. Thanks a lot.
Detective Culbertson
called from the 1st.

Says they've got a suspect
in a bar holdup.
Fits the sketch...

you guys circulated
on the Landucci perp.

‐ [ Sipowicz ]
Mr. Fu Manchu.
‐ Oh, my God.

‐[ Fancy ]
What's the matter?
‐Those are the guys we took off.

They're liable to wanna
talk to you.

[ Phone Rings ]

Hey, Donna, don't ask me
to explain, but for the next
20 seconds or so,

don't let those guys
take their eyes off you.

Get outta here.
[ Simone ]
All right, come on.

‐ We were held up and robbed.
‐ Yeah, taped up all night
laying on the floor.

Lost a lot of money
and possessions.

Uh, Detective Medavoy?
Uh, these men have
a robbery to report.

‐ Oh. Come here.
‐ Yeah, we're reporting
an armed robbery.

‐ Yeah, robbed at gunpoint.
Taped up all night long.
‐ Uh‐huh.

Oh, God.


Their backs are turned.
It's okay.
All right, good.

We're gonna go to 1st Precinct.
You wanna listen to your bug?

This is a nightmare.

Francis, can you make it
up the stairs okay?

Go ahead, Francis,
while their backs
are still turned.

We're gonna go grab
our coats. Come on.


What a d*ck.

[ Medavoy ]
Diane? Uh, this is
Detective Russell.

‐ Mark Margiotti.
It's a pleasure.
‐ How do you do?

A detective. I gotta say you're
the best‐looking detective
I've ever run into.

No offense to you,
but a fact is a fact.
Am I right?

You're right.
Where did this robbery
take place?

We're in a private club,
just me and Vince, sh**ting
a quiet game of pool.

And these psychos bust in
screamin'. Stick a sawed‐off
shotgun to my head.

They were outta their minds
on P. C. P. or something.

What's the name
of this club?
The Palermo Social Club.

These men,
how many were there?


So, which was it?
Oh, she's sharp, you know?

Four, counting
the guy outside.

So, what do we got?

Robbery at the
Palermo Social Club.
No, a stickup.

They ripped off four TVs,
plus all our money
and our watches.

Gold watches.
Club have insurance?

‐ Fortunately, yes.
‐ So, you know anything about
this m*rder yesterday?

‐ What m*rder?
I didn't hear nothin'.
‐ Dominic Landucci.

He belonged
to a Palermo Club.

You mean old man Dominic?
Yeah, I heard about that.
Somebody whacked him.

[ Fancy ]
Yeah, you got any idea
how that happened?

Not a clue.
Couldn't even guess.

So, uh, how big was Landucci?
Big enough to be
in somebody's way?

No one
that I know about.
Did he have any enemies?

Everybody liked him.
He was just an old
mustached Pete.

Sat around all day
reading the paper.

Okay. I'll let you
get on with your interview.

All right, cash stolen.
How much money did you have
in your wallet?

‐ Two grand.
‐ Really?
You carry that much cash?

How about you?

Several thousand also.
You too?

Oh, yes.

He robbed the bar about 2:00
this morning. We grabbed him
half a block away.

You recover the g*n?
Had it on him.
A .38.

What your D. O. A.
get whacked with?
Same caliber.

Okay, this is
Parnell Manning.

He's got four arrests.
Three of 'em for robbery.

And there's probably
100 other stickups
we don't know about.

Right, Parnell?
Is that supposed
to be a joke?

Some detectives to see you.
We're from the 15th Squad.
How you doing?

I wanna know where you were
yesterday around 9:00
in the morning.

In bed, sleepin'.

‐ Anybody there with you
can vouch for that?
‐ I live at the Eagle Hotel.

First Avenue.
Desk clerk saw me go out.
He knows me.

‐ I've been there
about six months.
‐ How you pay for the rent?

I work.
At what?

Odd jobs.
I bet they're odd.

Talk to the desk clerk, okay?
He'll back up what I'm sayin'.

You know anybody associated
with the Palermo Social Club?

‐ Never heard of it.
‐ You know Dominic Landucci?

Oh, let me guess.
He got his 7‐Eleven
knocked over...

in Pissant, Georgia,
so naturally I did it, right?

Landucci got m*rder*d
yesterday by a guy that fits
your description to a "T."

White guy, mustache?

Some cop goes,
"Yeah, we got him right here
in a cell."

Sit up straight.

I'm gonna show this
to the clerk at your hotel.
I hope that creep can remember.

'Cause I didn't k*ll nobody,
and that's the truth.

Well, we'd like to believe you,
Parnell, but you don't have
the kind of background...

that inspires trust.
Officer, we're done here.

Hey, I know I'm gonna do time
on the bar stickup,

but believe me,
I'm not your guy
in the k*lling.

And if you were,
you'd tell us.

‐ Hey, your boy's here.
‐ Yeah, we were gonna
grab a sandwich.

I'll be right with you, Son.
Oh, take your time, Pop.

How'd it go with those guys
from the social club?

‐ How many TVs did you take?
‐ Two.

They're claiming four.
Sure, the stuff's insured.

So, how'd it work out
with that stickup guy
at the 1st?

He fits the description, Lieu,
but his alibi's good.

The hotel clerk says
that this guy was up
in his room...

at the time
that Landucci's body
was getting dumped.

Yeah, they found
Landucci's car
abandoned uptown.

I'll look at it, Andy.
Go have lunch.
All right, thanks.

Andy J.
Have a good lunch.

I'll see ya.
Okay, come on.
Let's go.

What's going on?
Ah, working a homicide.

Plus some wiseguys
are pumping up
an insurance claim.

These assholes can't even
be honest about getting robbed.

Here I am.
Hi, Marina.

‐ I'm nervous.
‐ I know, but you're
doing the right thing.

Come on. We'll talk
to Detective Russell.

Yeah, I got it.
See you later.

Detective Russell, this is
Marina Bermudez, my friend
from the hairdresser's.

Hi, Marina.
I'm glad you came in.

Donna said she told you
about my situation?

Yeah, your ex‐boyfriend
wants to hijack
your present boyfriend's truck.

Yeah. It's on my mind
a lot. It's really
worrying me.

Ronnie said Luis
wouldn't get hurt,
but you just never know.

Have you warned Luis?

I'm afraid to cross Ronnie.
That man can hurt you.

‐ Did Ronnie tell you
what his plan is?
‐ It'd be him...

and this other guy
he runs with would grab
Luis's truck outside my place.

They'd grab his keys
when he comes out
from seeing me.

Luis always stops
on his way out of town.

Gets kinda lonesome
on the road.

He's one of these guys,
you know, who needs a woman.

‐ He's going out later on today.
‐ He's got a load of shrimp
and lobster for Chicago.

I didn't tell Ronnie.
I'm afraid my creep
Cousin Laurie...

will be watching my place,
and she'll tell him.

And then he's gonna
beat the crap out of me
for not letting him know.

Well, I think we can help you
with this, Marina, but you need
to cooperate a little.

I looked Ronnie up,
and he did his full bit
in prison,

so we can't get him
on a parole violation.

That means we need
an overt act to arrest him.

‐ What's an overt act?
‐ Does Ronnie know
what Luis looks like?

Not really.
I think he saw him once
at a christening.

Do you have a picture
of Luis?

Wait here
while I talk to my boss.

What's going on?
I think they're gonna
run in a ringer for Luis.

If it's James Martinez,
he's really cute.

I'll tell ya, Hackensack
or no Hackensack, Andy,

you park that piece of junk
on the street, the department
of sanitation's gonna tow it.

The engine
on the Caddie blew!
Excuse me.

Don't you never let Mr. Gucci
hear you say that, Andy.
You'll break his heart.

I had 700 bucks.
This was all I could get.

Mm‐hmm. As soon as you get
a couple paychecks
in the bank,

you're gonna do better
for yourself.

It got me cross‐country.


You're eating your sandwich.
You got company.
The weather's fine.

This is a perfect time
to tune out the job.

But you don't wanna
tune it out, 'cause there's
too much you gotta learn.

Here's the story
about being a uniform cop.

Years ago, it's midnight,
me and my partner are a couple
of blocks from the precinct,

when I see two big Cadillacs
turn into an alley.

Two Cadillacs?
I'm thinking maybe
they're mob guys.

So, we get out,
we go in the alley,
see what's going on.

Well, the Cadillacs are gone,
but I keep on walking,

and pretty soon I see two guys
come out of a back door.

One of them has got
a machine g*n.

So I yell to my partner,
"Hey, got a guy back here
with a machine g*n."

I didn't know he could move
so fast. He runs behind
the telephone pole.

And I'm standing in the doorway
with my g*n pointing at the guy
with the machine g*n.

What's going on
with that?

The building was a toy factory
that made toy machine g*ns,

and one of the guys
was taking one home to his kid.

I don't think
he knew how close
I come to sh**ting him.

But you didn't.

I could have. And it would have
been off not being prepared.
This was my beat.

And I should have known about
the toy factory and what kind
of toys they made.

And knowing that,
I should have figured,
you know, it's midnight.

The graveyard shift's
just getting off.

I didn't put it
all together.

So, I came this close
to sh**ting that man.

People, places,
the things they do,

the times they do 'em‐‐
say that.

People, places,
the things they do,
the times they do 'em.

A beat cop
knows those four things,
he's ready to do his job.

You're gonna be okay.

[ Simone ]
Yeah, that's 555‐0172.

Right, 212.
I will hold.

Anything on the D. O. A.'s car?
Landucci. He definitely
got whacked in it.

It's full of blood.
The crime scene
is still processing.

‐ Who you got?
‐ I'm running a check
on a phone number...

that was found written on
a newspaper in the front seat
of Landucci's car.

Shannon and this other cop
both picked this Parnell
on photo arrays.

But I'm not buying.
The guy's alibied up,
plus he's a crook.

D.O.A.'s money's
still in his wallet.

Uh‐huh, you got it?


Herman with an "H"?

Yeah, all right.
Thanks, man.

That number
on Landucci's newspaper.

It's for a guy
named Greg Herman.
He lives over on Mott Street.

We gonna pick him up?
Yeah. Hey, Lieu.

We might have something
on that homicide. You need us
on this shrimp truck thing?

‐No, we're good.
‐You don't trust us.
No more street operations, huh?

‐ Hey, how's it going
there, Francis?
‐ Need stronger coffee.

What are you getting
on the bug?

Between comparing the size
of their johnsons? There's
more stuff about our adventure.

How they're gonna keep lying
about their losses.

‐ That's why
they call 'em crooks.
‐ Plus, they're talking about...

how Angelo Raffini got pulled
out of the river this morning
in Hoboken with two in the head.

You guys are probably right.

Those high fives outside
the club yesterday,
probably about Raffini.

So our shylock Landucci's
not the godfather.

Doesn't look like it, no.

Uh, you got any leads?

We're working
on a few things.
You know, Francis,

you look like
you could use
some relief there.

Nobody goes in
that listening room but me.

All right, yeah,
but maybe you could listen
lying down.

You don't wanna win the battle
and lose the w*r.

[ Sighs ]

So I park my truck.
I come to your door.

Would you come down personally
when I ring, or buzz me up?
I buzz you up.

‐ So you buzz me up.
‐ Yeah, and I've already
called Ronnie.

Right. You let him know
that I'm comin'.

And now I'm in there
with you for, like,
a half an hour.

‐ And if Ronnie calls back,
I confirm you're there.
‐ And that's your part.

And I leave the apartment.
I go outside, and everyone
does their job.

‐ You tried out the truck?
‐ I took it around the block.
It's no problem.

You up for this?

These police officers
are going to be waiting
in the van?

‐ Yeah, that's right.
‐ Yeah, I guess I'm up for it.

It'll go fine, Marina.

Let's go.

How long is he gonna
stay in there with her?

James is supposed to
make it look good, Adrianne.

He's supposed to be
getting one for the road.
That's sick.

‐ What's sick?
‐ Your adolescent snickering.

‐ I wasn't snickering.
I was stating a fact.
‐ Why don't you grow up, Greg?

I was not snickering.
No wonder Donna
couldn't take you anymore.

Whoa, Adrianne,
that's a low blow.

Here he comes.
He's coming out.

Let's go.
Let's go.

You wanna die
for a load of shrimp?
No, man. Hell, no.

All right, get out.
Don't do nothin' stupid.

‐ Take it, it's yours.
All right?
‐ Hold it! Police!

Get your hands up! Get 'em up!
Hands on your head!
Drop it! Drop it!

Get down!
Get down there!

Down on your face.

Where's James?
He's over there.

Where'd you think
he was, Adrianne?
Out getting some quick seconds?

How we doing?
Easy. Easy.

Sit down, Greg.

‐ You gonna tell me
what this is about?
‐ You answering a few questions.

What were you doing today?
Well, one thing
and another.

I'm looking for work.
I read the papers.
I go out. Why?

Where were you
yesterday morning
at 8:30 to 9:00 a. m.?

‐ At home.
‐ Anybody with ya?

You're outta work, huh?

[ Scoffs ]
You borrow money?

A little.
Who from?

Anybody else?

Borrow anything
from a Dominic Landucci?

[ Blows Nose ]

Well, I did, yeah.

You see him yesterday?

No, you didn't see him.
Is that what you're saying?
No, I didn't.

How come your phone number's
on his newspaper from yesterday?

Well, I was supposed
to see him yesterday.

I was supposed to pay him
some money that I owed him,
but he never showed.

‐ How much money do you owe him?
‐ I was gonna pay him 150.

‐ Is that what you owe him,
or is that the vig?
‐ That's the vig.

‐ So you pay him that
every week?
‐ Yeah.

If you're not working,
where do you get
the money to pay?

‐ Savings account.
‐ You got money in the bank,
but you borrow from a shy?

[ Simone ]
What bank do you have
your account at, Greg?

Uh, Chemical Bank
on 23rd.

And when did you make
your withdrawal
to pay Landucci?

‐ Eh, a couple nights ago.
‐ You ever been late on
your vig payments before?

One or two.
I make 'em mostly.

From the savings that you didn't
touch when you went to this
juice guy to start with, right?

I sold my car
after I borrowed the money.

That's where I got the money
to put in the bank.

What happened to your face?
You got these bruises
over there.

I got in a car wreck.
I thought you said
you sold your car.

‐ No, I was riding
in my friend's car.
‐ What's his name?

Hank Jablonski.
Is that with a "J,"


Well, Dominic Landucci,
he was m*rder*d yesterday, Greg.

Oh, wow.

You guys know
who done it?

What we know is that
your name was written
on a paper in his car.

You're gonna have to stay
here for a little while.
What for?

What for, Greg?
We gotta check
your story out.

So what were you doing
when you were up
in her apartment?

Nothing. Just talking.
You must have had
a lot to say to each other.

You gonna see her again?
Adrianne, I got no plans
on seeing her.

Why not?
You asked her out.
I didn't ask her out.

Why would you think that?
So what are you getting
so defensive about?



Boss, this is Marina Bermudez.
We wanna take her statement.

We saw her looking
through the window
when this went down.

What are you looking
at her for?
She wasn't involved.

We just want
a witness statement.

Take her statement
and let her go.
Right through here.

Do you think that worked?
That guy had a g*n
to my head, Marina.

He's not getting bail anyways.
I'm so grateful
to you, James.

You took a big chance
doing what you did.

‐ Ah, I was just doing my job.
‐ So, uh, thanks again.

[ Russell ]

Talk to you later, Marina.
You're the best, Donna.

Where's your suspect?

In the can.
He got no flow problem.

Now, look, don't get
carried away with
yourself, Francis, okay?

We're just trying to get
over on him how serious
the situation is.

Sure. Okay, fine.

Agent Francis
of the F.B.I.

The F. B. I.?

That's correct, Mr. Herman.
We're looking into
the Landucci m*rder.

The Chemical Bank has no record
of you withdrawing
that 150, Greg.

‐ They don't?
‐ Don't give me that innocent,
bewildered crap, all right?

You lied.
You know it, we know it‐‐

‐ And the Bureau knows it.
‐ You only had 10 bucks
in that account, Greg.

I don't know why I said that
about the bank.

You guys scare me.
It just popped out
of my mouth.

How about you getting
those bruises in a car wreck?
That just pop out too, huh?

I had a talk with your friend
Jablonski, who did have a wreck,
but you weren't in the car.

I had my reasons
for saying that too.

Uh, I didn't know if you guys
would be talking to my wife
or not,

but I got these bruises
over another broad.

And what's this broad's name?
And don't put me
on another goose chase.

I‐I don't know.
I met her in a bar,
and I started coming on to her.

And my hands started wanderin'.
And her boyfriend,
he wasn't that big,

but he sure tore me up.

And that's why I told my wife
I got bruised in the wreck
with Hank.

And so that's why
I told you that too.

[ Snickers ]
How do you think
all this looks, Greg?

‐ You wanna ask me
how it looks?
‐ No.

You got a cloud over yourself,
with all these lies you've told.

So you gotta do something
to get rid of it.
Like what?

‐ Like stand in a lineup.
‐ I don't wanna do that.

You should have thought
of that earlier.

Well, if I got to,
I got to.

‐ [ Sipowicz ] You shave
your mustache recently?
‐ Uh‐uh.

We're gonna put
some facial hair
on you for the lineup.

Just for a lark.
Sit still there until
we get some fillers.

No, stay with him,
Agent Francis.

[ Water Running ]

‐ Hey, Greg.
‐ Hey, James.

Some backup
on the interview rooms, huh?

Yeah, Bobby and Andy
are putting together
a lineup...

for that, uh,
shylock homicide.

Yeah, they had to find
some fillers with facial hair.

Yeah, I was down in Holding
with Ron's running buddy.

The guy's completely miserable.
He said he should have
never got involved.

Says he's allergic
to shellfish
to begin with.

So he should be
an easy flip, huh?
Yeah, definitely.

Well, we'll see what we get
off my talk with Ron.

Yeah, I'll start the fives
with Adrianne.

You know,
not for anything, James,
but, uh,

I think you got some problems
brewing in Adrianne's area.

I think you're right.
The green‐eyed monster's
working overtime.

Greg, we're coming back
from this undercover.

She just about
accused me of sleeping
with this girl, Marina.

You should have heard her
in the van. "What's he doing
in there so long?"

And I offered her
the most mild explanation,

she's on me like
a heat‐seeking m*ssile.

I don't know
what to do about it.
I never saw it coming,

this aspect
of her nature.

She accuses me
of asking this girl
for a date,

which is
a whole‐cloth fabrication.

Anyways, obviously
you're aware of the problem.
You don't need me harpin'.

Yeah. But I gotta
address it with her.
No question.

Yeah. You did good work
out there, James.

Thanks for the backup.

You know, you got
a definite future as a Teamster.

Hey, boss.

All right.
You know how to do it.
Don't be too quick.


Number five.
He's the guy
we were chasing.

Only he don't have
the Fu Manchu
and all the hair.

He got busy
with a pair of scissors,

but he's the guy.

I almost picked number two.
I got thrown off
on the mustache.

Thanks, Shannon.
All right.

Appreciate it.

Okay, Ken.
Come on. Let's go.

You get any sleep?
Yeah, some.

‐ Ready to do this?
‐ Man, I oughta have
my head examined.

I'm on my bike all afternoon.
The Mafia, they could
run me over easy.

If you pick the right guy out,
maybe he confesses.
There's not even a trial.

Look, if you're crazy enough
to ride a messenger bike
in Manhattan,

you got the guts
to look at a lineup.

You ready?

All right.

Recognize anybody?

‐ Five.
‐ Where from?

He dumped
that old Italian's body.

Okay, latch Parnell
and let the fillers go.

‐ All right. Thanks, Ken.
‐ That's it?

Yeah, that's it.
Good work.

Thanks, Ken.
Yeah, yeah.

You make a collar
on this homicide, that bug
has to be disconnected.

Take it easy, Francis.
I'm just saying,
those are the legalities.

I told you it wasn't me.

Yeah, you were right, Parnell.
This one you didn't do.

This might pinch
a little.

Well, Greg, all that
cutting your hair off
and shaving off your mustache...

that you did after you
whacked Landucci,
that didn't do any good.

You just got I. D.'d
by a civilian and a cop.

Now, the jury's gonna
believe them, so you might
be looking at death row.

Now that is a reality.

Oh, man,
I can't believe this.


This Landucci,
he had a long record.

He was hooked up.
You had every right
to be afraid of him.

What I'm saying,
you give a statement
with a self‐defense angle...

the D. A. might go for.

Did Landucci thr*aten you?
are you kidding me?

I missed a couple of payments,
and that old bastard
sent a couple of guys...

to come over
and knock the crap
out of me.

Then he calls me and tells me
I gotta stick up some Arab guy's
liquor store to get his money.

Landucci said this?
That's right.

Well, you see,
I think he should try

‐ So, did you stick up
the liquor store?
‐ No!

That's when he started talking
about having me whacked.

And I had this g*n
I started carrying around,

'cause I didn't know
when it was gonna happen.

And then it was time
for the vig again.

And he came over to my place
to get me. We went out
in his car, and we parked.

And he said he was
washing his hands of me,
that my time was run out.

I didn't know if it was
gonna happen then or what.

So I showed him the g*n.
It didn't even scare him.

And he didn't think
I was gonna do it.

But you did.


I guess I should have
held up the liquor store.

Hey, Donna.
They wanna see us again
about the robbery.

‐ They said there was
a break in the case.
‐ Greg.

Hey, Diane.
Did you arrest
those bastards yet?

There haven't been
any arrests, no.

But, uh, the property's
been recovered.

Everything that was stolen?
[ Russell ]

Well, wait a minute.
Are you sure you got it all?

You gotta be sure,
'cause we already been
to the insurance company.

If we get some of it back
and some of it's still missing,

then we gotta work out
the difference with them.

‐ Off our list,
we got everything.
‐ Okay, let's go through it.

‐ You get our money?
‐ We recovered wallets
with $47 and $82 in them.

‐ Aw, come on.
‐ See, Diane, we lost
two grand apiece,

plus two Rolex watches.
On the watches, we just found
a couple of cheap knockoffs.

What about the four TVs?
We recovered two.

Uh‐uh, there were four.
Yeah, you see, Diane,
you didn't get it all.

And what about the VCR
and the punch bowl
and the golf clubs?

Look. None of those things
were there in the first place.

You calling us liars?
Yeah, we're saying you filed
fraudulent insurance claims.

‐ That's a felony.
‐ Oh, get real. You got nothing
to back that up.

[ Russell ]
We know exactly
what was in that club.

[ Medavoy ]
Believe me, we know.

Might be a good idea
for you guys to drop
your complaint...

and withdraw those claims.

Aw, look at this.
These are the guys
that took us off.

‐ Do you know
what this means?
‐ Wait a minute.

Are you guys law enforcement?
Were you in there last night
putting up the place?

You writing a book?
You guys got a problem?

No, no, I ain't got
no problem.

We're just standing here
realizing that
an ordinary citizen...

doesn't have any rights anymore,
just like Communist Russia.

Who are you guys,
the Watergate burglars?

Why don't you figure that out
in the property room
while you pick up your stuff.

How about we call it
a draw, boys?

Knockoff watches.
[ Scoffs ]

Those watches
were 280 apiece.

Mm‐hmm. Okay.

I gotta say this,

[ Sighs ]
Go ahead.

You're driving me
a little nuts.
I knew this was coming.

You made something
out of absolutely nothing
between me and that girl.

You make it a case
when I stand up
to go to the john.

I never made anything
out of you going to the john.

Point I'm making with you
is you're so alert
if I'm doing something wrong,

I wind up‐‐ Maybe I want to
just to get away from her
for a minute.

Who you saying this to?

Nobody. I mean, that's
my mental conversation.

I can't stop myself.

I told you we shouldn't
get involved.
That's a cop‐out, Adrianne.

You gotta control yourself.
If your thoughts start
running away with you,

you gotta realize
that's what's happening.

I was not making a pass
at that girl.


Do you believe me?

Hey. Finally
giving it up?

Yeah, we're gettin' there.
[ Chuckles ]

You know, it wasn't
so much about the shrimp,
this hijacking he was doing.

It wasn't so much about
the money. It was more
about this Marina.


Yeah, he was really jealous
over this girl.

Yeah, well, that, uh,
that could screw you up.

They're gone?

Yeah, the coast is clear.

How'd you leave it
with them?

If they leave sleeping dogs lay,
we don't collar 'em for fraud.

I'm gonna tell them
the bug malfunctioned.

It never started
to record.

That's between
you and Hoover.


I enjoyed working
with you guys.

God help me.

Well, you take care
of yourself, Francis.

You're putting
another place up,

you need a guy
on flashlight?

Keep me in mind.

People, places,
the things they do,
the times they do 'em.

There's guys outside
that bodega now.

There wasn't anybody
out there at lunchtime.
What do you make of that?

I don't know.
Something to do
with dope maybe?

an old Puerto Rican guy
runs that grocery.

Holds a few horse bets,
pays track odds...

so his customers
don't go to O. T. B.

So these guys
are just waiting to see
if they won their bets.

Horses weren't on
at lunch.

How's it goin'?
How you doin'?

‐ Guy that gave me
my hello back?
‐ Yeah?

He's an oiler.
He'd like to be a badass,

but more likely he'll step
on his own joint first.

You making this stuff up?
I can be wrong.

‐ How come I believe ya?
‐ People, places‐‐

Things they do,
times they do 'em.
There you go.

Stay alert,
take it serious, but you'll
have a few laughs too.

Believe me,
you'll have some fun.

I believe you, Pop.

[ Engine Whining ]

[ Engine Starts ]
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