04x05 - Drawing Henry

Episode transcripts for the TV show "Melrose Place". Aired: July 8, 1992 –; May 24, 1999.*
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Follows the lives and loves of eight young adults in an apartment complex in Los Angeles.
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04x05 - Drawing Henry

Post by bunniefuu »

What about facial hair,

He had a goatee.


It's him.

That's Henry.

He's real.

Or he represents
someone who is.

It's our job
to find out which.


I'll see you later.

Get some rest.

(door opens, then closes)

Good morning.

Just because
you blackmailed me
for a corner office,

doesn't mean
you can sign off

on a four-color layout
without prior approval.

Amanda, I was working late.
You weren't here.

I'm sure that Billy or Alison
would have done the same thing.

I doubt it.

(telephone rings)

Brooke Campbell.

Brooke, it's Jack Parezi
from Miami.


Don't tell me
you don't remember.

Your car broke down,
you used my phone.

practically family.


Of course I remember.

Well, I'm around
the corner,

and I thought
I'd come up
and say hello.

Um, no.

I'm on the way out
to a meeting.

Uh, but I guess I could
squeeze in a cup of coffee.

Maybe we should meet

at the cafe
at the Wilshire Hotel

in, say, ten minutes?


Okay. Bye.



I'll have to catch
the rest of this tirade later,

because right now,
I have to go meet
a new client.

♪ ♪

♪ ♪

♪ Hot night in the fire ♪

♪ Tell me if you feel
my desire ♪

♪ Girl, I'm only asking
if you want to dance ♪

♪ Maybe if we feel it
we can take a chance ♪

♪ Tonight ain't just
another night ♪

♪ No ♪

♪ There's something 'bout you
that feels right ♪

♪ Tell me now, honey
do you come here a lot? ♪

♪ 'Cause I been lookin' 'round
and I like what you got ♪

♪ Baby, if you don't think
I'm you're permanent one ♪

♪ Do you think
I could be...? ♪



You're as beautiful
as I remember.


how did you
ever find me?

You dropped one of
your business cards
in my house.

I'm usually
not that lucky in cards,

so it's got me
all curious.

Kept me up nights.

I mean, why would
a beautiful woman

who says she's in
commercial real estate

have a business card
from an ad agency?

Well... I work
for D and D,

but I'm
always looking

for good investments
for my family.

You know,
your three hours in Miami

wasn't even a taste.

Come back, and I'll give you
the nickel tour.

And maybe
if I play my cards right,

you'll do the same for me
while I'm in L.A.

for the next
couple of days.

Look, Jack, I can
certainly recommend

places for you
to go in L.A.,

but as far
as going with you...

I'm married.

Well, we're both grownups.

If you don't tell
your husband...

I won't, either.


It's great.

Thank you.

Hey, congratulations.


To the both of us.

Hey... your name
is first,

the line of credit
is secure.

Am I missing


The fact that
we have different agendas.

I don't understand.

I thought
you liked my ideas
on the new line.

Oh, I do, Jane.

Well, then Richard,
what are you talking about?

I'm talking about us.

My agenda's to have more
of a commitment from you.

Your agenda
is to have more time.

I'd say that we're at
an impasse.

Richard, Richard,
we do want the same thing.

It's just that
I already feel
the vultures circling.

A designer's
only as good
as her last line.

Look, I don't underestimate
the pressure that you're under.

No, but maybe
you underestimate my fear.

I feel like if I try
to do two new things
at one time,

I'm gonna fail at both.

I just
want to feel secure
for once in my life.

Some people define security

as being in the arms
of the one that loves them.

Well, then let me keep
your engagement ring

until I'm one
of those people.

Don't wait too long.

I might find
someone else
to give it to.

(siren wailing)

Doctors Hobbs,
Mancini, Burns.

Hobbs here.

All three of you
hit the jackpot.

These subpoenas
are for you.


Yeah, Mancini.

Must be Burns.


Matt Fielding is suing me
for sexual discrimination?

Look at this.
I never said any of this.

Oh, don't be modest,
Hobbs. I was there.

You said all that
and more.

Let me tell you something,

You testify you heard it,
you'll lose so much O.R. time

you'll need
a refresher course
to open a can of tuna!

I have to tell the truth.

Anything else
would be perjury...

and perjury's
your department.

You want to be
politically correct,

do it
on your own dime,

but don't jeopardize
my livelihood
for your friend.

Wait a second.

What about your obsession
with your friend Kimberly?

For all the time
you spend with that wacko,

we could be doing four, five
more surgeries a week.

Highly unlikely,
and impossible

if you testify
against Hobbs.

Oh, wrong. Because
once Hobbs is out,

I'm gonna snag
the chief-of-staff job.

In your dreams.

Whatever you say...

but once I am
chief of staff,

you can tell
that demented friend
of yours

that the only way
she'll get her
privileges back

is in her dreams.

(man on PA)
Nurse Reeves to X-ray.

Nurse Reeves
to X-ray.

I, uh...

I asked you in for
a couple of reasons.

Um, first of all,
I'd like

some poster-size
for the lobby

using pictures from
yesterday's sh**t.

Oh, great. Um, okay.

I will coordinate that
with Jeff.

Second is about
your friend Jane.

I know the two of you
will be spending

about ten hours together
tomorrow on the sh**t.

Um, actually,
more like 12.

Yes. Well,
I have a favor.

Jane was burned once,
as you probably know,

by having a relationship
with a business partner.

Well, relationships
get tough.

I think Jane
needs a friend right now,

someone to, uh,
point out that she
has a man in her life

who wants nothing more
than to make her happy.

You, of course,
being the man,

and me being the one
to point it out.


Well, I will, uh,
see what I can do.


Jane's very lucky.

No. I am.



Oh, man.

What a day.

Something happen?

Just rethinking
my whole life.

Just when I thought
my confidence
was on the upswing,

I get called into
Richard's office.

Of course,
I immediately assume

that I did something
he hates.

Is everything okay?

Of course.
He loved it.

Why don't you
go change
and get in here?

Why not?
I have the night off.

You want me to get you
a beer?


(Shelly) Hey.


I brought you these.


And... I filled
your refrigerator

with groceries.

You didn't have
to do that.

I wanted to.
You mind if I join you?

Mmm. Come on in.

Jo's going to be down
in a second.

You know, actually,
I realize

I have so much stuff
to get together
for the sh**t,

so I'm going to start
on that tonight.

I thought you said
you had the night off.

Well, I forgot about
some things, all right?

Good night.




Wait a second.


Hey, Jo.


Hey, hey, hey,
I'm talking to you.

What? Oh,
you want to talk?

Let's talk about you
inviting Shelly into the pool.

I don't believe this.

You don't believe what?
"Come on in."

I mean, this pool
just wouldn't be the same

without Shelly
and her string bikini,

would it, Jake?

Is that what this is about?

You're jealous because
she looks good in a bikini?

Oh, God,
this is pathetic.

Shelly's been wrapping you
around her finger

ever since she got here.

She's playing
the needy waif,
the grieving widow,

the helpful bookkeeper,

you know, whatever she thinks
will get to you.

I wouldn't be surprised
if she didn't even know Jess.

Ease up, Jo.
You're out of line here.

Am I really?

Well, you just made
your choice.


Come on,

This presentation
has to be ready

first thing
in the morning
for Amanda.

I've been thinking.

Daddy hasn't called me
in days.

For God's sake,
Brooke, who cares?

You don't understand.
He's too quiet.

It means
he's up to something.

(telephone rings)

You better get that.
That could be him now.


Hey, beautiful.
It's Jack.

How did you
get this number?

you underestimated me?

No, no,
I'd never do that.

It's this CD company.
They say I owe them money.

Why don't you go back
to the artwork,

and I'll be
right there, okay?

Clock's ticking.

I'd hate to
have to go see your
husband about this.

I want to see you,

tomorrow morning,

at the Art Museum.

Look, Jack...

Yeah, fine.

I'll put the check
in the mail tomorrow.

They say that's one of
the three great lies.


Well, we better
get back to work,

don't you think?


Last night
could have been perfect.

Jake was in the pool.

I was about to go get changed
and get in with him,

and then Shelly walks out
of his apartment

with this string bikini
she spray-painted on...

carrying a towel
and a beer.

Leaving you wondering
what she wears

when it's just
the two of them?


I saw the way
Jake looked at her,

and I just
don't feel like competing,
emotionally or physically.

What should I do,
offer her money
to help her out?

Have her move in
with me?

You can't do anything.

It's something
Jake needs to do

to feel better
about Jess.

After all,
she was his wife.



what do you need to do
to feel better about Richard?


You've got this great guy.

He's honest, he's not
a commitment-phobe,

he likes women,
he loves you,

and you act like you
barely even know him.

I am interested.

It's just that
this next line

is the most important thing
in my life right now.

are important, too.

I know.
I just can't afford
to have my attention

pulled in
any other direction.

Anyway, what makes you
so interested?

Can't a friend want
the best for you?


All right, then promise
you'll think about it
with an open mind.

All right,
I promise.



Look, honestly,
I sleep on the couch.

Uh, I don't want
to hear it, Shelly.

Okay... but you can't say
I didn't try.


Oh, no. I would
never say that.

Hello, beautiful.


I'm very flattered that
you're interested in me,

and you are very tempting,

but I'm in love
with my husband,

and I just can't do this.

So please
don't call me

and please just stay
out of my life.

I can't do that.

Look, I'm sorry if
I led you on, but I--

You got to give yourself
more credit.

You did
more than that.

You planted a seed,
and my wife is very much
alive and well

and living here in
the City of Angels.

I don't know what
you're talking about.

Come on, sit. Relax.
You'll remember better.
Jack, really, I've--

No, come on.

Brooke, you show up
out of nowhere.

You pick my house,
you lie to me about
some family business.

Jack, it was a coincidence.
My trip to Miami--

Now, don't be impolite.
I'm not finished, Brooke.

Let's just say
that, uh,

being a housewife
wasn't really
Amanda's thing.

Guess where she always
wanted to work.

Take a wild guess.

I don't know.


And guess
what else.

She loved the beach.

Now tell me
where she is, Brooke.

I don't know.

When you lie to me,

it insults
my intelligence.

Jack, really,
I don't know.

Sure you don't
want to change
your answer?

All right.

I-- I knew Amanda
years ago.

We were friends,
but she borrowed money
from me

and then she left town,

and I haven't
heard from her since.

How many years?

I don't remember.
Um... four maybe.

Whatever signals you got
from me in Miami

were from seeing
her portrait in your house.


I thought it was
an attraction to me.

I told you
I don't know who it is.

He's not my father

or my uncle
or my boyfriend or--

What about high school,
medical school,

a teacher
you might have had?

I don't know.

Why can't you
leave me alone?

I want to see you
get out of here.

You don't deserve
to be here, Kimberly.

Careful, Doctor.

Your humanitarian side
is showing.

Not really.

I just hate
the long drive over here.

I know this is hard,

but it's the only thing
tangible we have to go on.

All I know is that
the face is familiar,

and it terrifies me.


You're welcome.

Hi. Ow!

Ow! You're hurting me.

Let's talk, all right?

What the hell were you
doing at the museum?

On top of everything else,
now you're cheating on me?

Oh, Billy,
it's nothing like that.

What the hell is it like?

I can explain everything,

but let's just
get through the day,

and we'll talk about it
later at home.

No. We'll talk now,
or there won't be a later,
all right,

'cause I've had it with you,
Brooke. I mean it.

Amanda's husband's
here in L.A.

That's who I was with
at the museum.


Jack is here
doing business
until tomorrow.

And he pretended like
he wanted an affair
with me,

but he really
wants Amanda,

and he thinks that
she's here at D and D.

He has this weird
sixth sense.

The guy
really scares me.

I don't know what to do.

The first thing
you should do
is tell Amanda.

You're right.

I will, I will.
I promise.

Mr. Armstrong.

Hello, Alison.

Hayley, please.

All right
if I come in?

I just need to talk
to you for a minute.


Thank you.

Oh, this is for you
from Hong Kong.

It was,
uh, inadvertently
sent to my office.

Why didn't you just
have it messengered?

I guess I want
to talk to you.

We have something
in common.

We both want Brooke
and Billy broken up.

Well... you don't
sugarcoat anything, do you?

It wastes my time.

You know, just because
your daughter asked you to,

you tricked me into moving
halfway around the world.

Even if I did want
to see them split up,

what makes you think
I'd trust you?

Point well taken.

This is the address
of my yacht
in the marina.

Have dinner with me
tomorrow night at 8:00,

and I guarantee you,
I'll redeem myself.

You seem pretty sure
of yourself.

Not at all.

If I were,
I would've said,

"I'll have my car
pick you up at 7:30."

I'll think about it.

Fair enough.

By the way...

it gets a little chilly
on the water.

You might want
to bring a sweater.

get some backbone.

Jane is making
all this money,

and we're entitled
to get at least
some of it.

I'll call you back.

The sweet smell
of success?


It's more like
a stench.

No, it's more like
the inmates are
running the asylum.

Speaking of which,
how is Kimberly?

Is she drooling yet?

I'm sorry to ruin your day,
but she's improving.

So what's new
on the surveillance front?

Any Mancini updates?

Nope. Quiet as a patient
after electroshock.

By the way, on top of
the extra hundred a week
you're paying me,

you owe me time and a half
for making me work so late.

Well, starting tomorrow,
turn the service on at 6:00.

I have to make a call.

You can
go home now.

I still have
some filing to do.

It can wait.
Go home, Sydney.

(line ringing)

Mrs. Shaw.

This is Dr. Peter Burns.

I'm calling from
Los Angeles.

I'm a friend
of your daughter's.

Is Kimberly all right?

Uh, yes,
physically she is.

Oh, well, then
if it's a problem
with that husband again...

I have learned
not to interfere.

I really have no idea
what's going on
in my daughter's life.

I haven't spoken with her
in months.

I-- I can't help you.

Mrs. Shaw...

your daughter's
had a breakdown,

and I'm trying to help her.

She's in
a psychiatric hospital.

She tried to hurt
some people,

and the courts
declared her insane
because she did.

Oh, my God.

Kimberly needs your help.

She's tormented by a voice,

a vision...

a man she calls Henry.

Mrs. Shaw, are you there?


We need to know
who this man is

or who he may represent
to her.

Now, is there anyone
from her past named Henry?

A relative, maybe?

I'm sorry.
I can't help you.

But you do want to help
your daughter, Mrs. Shaw?

I said I can't help you.

(phone clicks)

Hello, Mother.

Peter told me
you were in L.A.

I trust you had a...


Yeah. Yes, it was
quite pleasant.

Your mother has
a court order, Kimberly.

She's taking you
back to Ohio.

Without even asking me?

don't do this.

Peter's helping me.

I'm getting better.

If you're in Cleveland,
I can come and visit you
every day.

I can help
take care of you there.

But even if you come
see me every day,

as soon as you leave,
I'm another number.

Mother, please don't.

Car's waiting, Kimberly.
We've got to go.

Before you do, why don't
you tell your daughter
about Henry?

Mother, what's
he talking about?

Nothing. It has nothing
to do with you. Come on.

The world thinks
your daughter's insane.

Help your daughter,
Mrs. Shaw.

Tell her who Henry is.


Tell her.

There's nothing to tell.

For God's sake,
your daughter's
breaking apart.

Help her.

She was just
a little girl...

such a beautiful
little girl.

I was in the kitchen,

baking a cake.

Kimberly was going to be
8 years old the next day.

Henry came in.

He was our gardener.

He had some business
to discuss,

and he wanted to know
where my husband was,

and I told him
William wasn't at home.

He was away on business.

Then he looked at me
with that... big...

sickening smile,

I tried to run,
but I wasn't fast enough,

and he grabbed me,

and he started
to r*pe me.



came down the stairs.

My little baby girl
saw him,

heard me screaming,
"Stop it! Stop it!"

But he wouldn't stop.

He wouldn't stop.

She didn't know what to do.

She saw her mommy
being hurt.

And she screamed,
"Don't you hurt her!"

But he wouldn't hear.

So she picked up
a kitchen knife...

and stabbed him...

stabbed him
and k*lled him.

Oh, my God.

We had some connections,

so they never pressed
any charges.

We told you
it never happened.

That it was just a...

bad dream.

Oh, my God, Mother.

I wanted to tell you
so many times,

but I was afraid.


since you never mentioned it,

I thought
that your forgetting it
was probably a blessing.

All my life, I never believed
that you loved me.

You don't know
how much I do...

how much I always have.

I was just afraid
that if we got too close

that I would tell you.


I was just afraid that
I would hurt you again.

I'm sorry.

I'm sorry.

It's okay, Mom.

It's okay.

It's okay.

This is a check
for $25,000.

My own money, Matt,

for you to forget
all that's happened.

(man on PA)
Dr. Price to Pediatrics,
waiting room south.

Dr. Price to Pediatrics,
waiting room south.

Now... is that
a settlement...

or a bribe?

I would think under your
present circumstances,

either would work.

I'm even willing
to make it 30,000.

You just don't get it,
do you, Hobbs?

You think you can
live in your ivory tower,

do what you want,
say what you want,

and no one
will question it.

That's not true.

There's a hierarchy
at this hospital, yes--

and you're the king...

and everyone else
is a subject.

Well, you just can't
go around firing people
because they're gay...

no matter
how many people you bribe.

You can get off
your soapbox anytime now.

Oh, no, I'm not done yet.

See, you've given me
a new way to look at this.

Now... it's personal.

Who the hell
do you think you are,

A social worker who is
damn good at his job,

a small fact
that got lost in the mix.

You should reconsider
my offer, Fielding,

or I'll have you

from getting a job
anywhere in L.A.!

Knock yourself out, Calvin,

because when
I'm done with you,

every hospital in L.A.
will blackball you.

(jazz music playing)



Thank you
for being so prompt.

How about a drink?

Sparkling cider,

Oh, no.
Thank you.

I just came by to tell you

that I don't want to be
a part of your plan

to break up
Billy and Brooke.

That surprises me.

Well, I tried
to use my blindness
to win Billy back,

and I just wound up
making a fool of myself.

Billy and Brooke
deserve to be happy.

The only plan I'm interested in
is getting on with my life.

All right, then let's
toast the future.

The bar's in the salon.



I forgot how
beautiful it is.

To getting on
with your life.

You know, um, I really do
have to get going.

I have an early day

Thanks for the drink.



Jonathan, grab a blanket.

Are you all right?

I'm fine!

Come here.

What are you laughing at?


Why are you-- ha ha.

Here you are,
Miss Armstrong.

Come here.

Thanks, guys.


There's a phone call
for you, Jo.


Jo, it's Jake.


Listen, I want you
to stop whatever
you're doing

and come up
to room 1720.

Oh, Jake,
I've had a long day.

Come on, I know that
you're done for the day.


All right, fine.

Listen, I'm all finished,

so if you could just
wait with the stuff
for the trucks, okay?


(knock on door)

Come on in.



it's beautiful, Jake.

And so are you.

I hope you like 'em.

You think if you get
a beautiful suite,

give me some flowers,

some champagne,

that everything's okay
just like that, huh?

Well, whoever told you
that you get a clean slate

with a dozen roses
was misinformed.

I'm sorry.

Okay, you were right.

I was a jerk.

Shelly means nothing to me.

I went a little overboard
in the guilt department

because of Jess.

I paid more attention to her
than I needed to.

I said some things to you

that I didn't mean.

But I love you...

and I need you.

I love you, too.

Dinner was wonderful.

Well, I'm glad
you decided to stay.

Yeah, me too.

Of course,
my clothes were wet,

and I didn't have
much choice

except running
up the pier naked.


Thank you...
for everything.

I got to go.

Good night.

Good night.

I can't do this.

Amazing photos,
if I do say so myself.

Let's see.


it's beautiful.

What a beautiful
engagement ring.

Aren't you
full of surprises?

Well, Richard's
a wonderful man,

and he gave me
an incredible opportunity.

I finally realized
how much he does care.

So chivalry is
alive and well

and living in
the fashion business.

Yeah, I guess I was myopic

the fashion-business side,

but I have you to thank.

I mean, you saw how terrific
he was before I did.

Oh, you'd have
come around.

Besides, what's not
to like, right?



I don't know,
it's just...

the relationship
is perfect on paper,


I know I should love him...

but I don't,
not really.

I mean, not the way
I love Michael.

But then again,
look how that turned out.

Well, Richard's good for me.

I'll just
learn to love him.


I'd hate to think that
you could only be happy

with men
who make you miserable.

♪ Got the house moving
to a rock 'n' roll beat... ♪



♪ Ain't nobody leaving till
we see the break of day... ♪

Did you know that
in one of my many
career incarnations,

I was a massage

Um, Shelly,
you know, uh...

you're beautiful,

you're sexy...

but I have been here

and I can't do this,

not to Jo
and not to myself.

Jake, I was just
massaging your shoulders.

We haven't done anything.

You are as pure as
a choir boy, aren't ya?

Yeah, well, I don't know
how much longer
I can keep saying that

as long as you keep
living in my apartment.

You're doing
a great job here
at sh**t...

but you got to get
your own place.

Jake, I was hoping
to get a little money
together first.

I'm sorry. Look, Jo and I
just got back together.

I love her.
I guess I always have.

It's just not okay
for you to be living in
my apartment.

I didn't mean to get in the way
of your relationship with Jo.

I'll, uh, look for
a place tonight.

I appreciate it.

And I appreciate everything
you've done for me.

I just want you to know

that any affection
that I have for you

is strictly friendship.

♪ Looks like everybody
feels all right, yeah ♪

Amanda, I need to talk to you
about something.

Could we go
into your office?

Just say it here.


Jack Parezi's
here in L.A.


He doesn't know
where you are.

Why didn't you tell me
about this earlier?

Don't you understand?
He'll k*ll me.

Amanda, hold on.
Stay out of this.

He's probably
gone by now.

He said he was only gonna
be in L.A. for three days.

And you believed him.

I don't know
which one of you
is more dangerous.

Sir, may I help you?

he's here.

Oh, my God.

Jack, what are you
doing here?

Hi, beautiful.

I came
to talk to my wife.

Very hardworking,
these L.A. detectives.
Did you know that?

I found out
all kinds of things.

I know Amanda works here.
I know she changed her name.

I know you told her
about my being in L.A.

I didn't, Jack.
I haven't talked to her.
She's been on vacation.

You're a bad liar, Brooke-y.
Did you know that?

But then again,
if you weren't,

you wouldn't have been
such a big help to me.

And you have been
a big help.

I'll even bet
she saw me coming just now
and took off.

But don't worry.
She won't get very far.

Thanks for your help.
I'll take it from here.

Oh, by the way,

I don't trust

I didn't know she was here
until you just told me.

Maybe I should have
gone back with my mother.

Maybe ignorance
is bliss.

Knowledge is power.

You made a breakthrough,

Don't lose sight of that.

What good are
all those breakthroughs

if I have a life sentence
in this nuthouse?


(trays clanging)

Look at this place.

Another month,
and I'm gonna be
just like them.

Maybe it's
what I deserve.

You've already paid
a big price.

Not for all the damage
I've done...

the people I've hurt...

I've k*lled.

My remorse
doesn't matter.

They're never going
to let me out.

Yes, they will.

You internalized
and shut out what happened.

Any expert understands
the consequences of that.

They have to
declare you sane.

And with that declaration,

I can petition
for your release.

And I think I can win.

I wish I could
believe that.

You count on it.

Amanda, wait.

Wait, I'm not gonna
hurt you.

I just want
to talk to you.

Let go of me, or I'll
scream bloody m*rder.

I'll let go if you
just hear me out.

There are hundreds of people
around you.

Just listen to me.

You have 60 seconds.

What happened with us
was a long time ago.

I've changed.

I want to put
the past behind me
as much as you do.

Look, you've been
a missing person
for five years.

You can't be declared
legally dead for seven.

Imagine my life.

You must have me confused
with someone who cares.

Look, I have a fiancée.

I need a divorce.

I want us both
to have a clean slate

and get on with our lives.

Look, let's just meet
and finalize this.

A clean break, Amanda,
once and for all.

(man on PA)
We're now boarding
passenger rows 32 through 50

for South Coast Airlines,
flight 736.

Look, I can't
pressure you now.

Just don't get
on that plane.


(man on PA)
This is the final boarding call

for South coast Airlines,
flight 736.

♪ ♪
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