04x07 - Let the Games Begin

Episode transcripts for the TV show "Melrose Place". Aired: July 8, 1992 –; May 24, 1999.*
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Follows the lives and loves of eight young adults in an apartment complex in Los Angeles.
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04x07 - Let the Games Begin

Post by bunniefuu »

Uh, one more thing.

Now that the apartment
complex is back together
in one piece,

I am giving a little
"We survived the blast
of '95" party

tomorrow night
in the courtyard at 7:30.

I hope you all
can make it.

I'll be there,

considering how lucky I was
to get out in one piece.

Yeah, we all feel
very fortunate.

Count us in.

Sure. I can hardly wait.

Good. Then if there's nothing
else, let's get to work.

I have something.

I'd like to introduce
my new client.

Oh, let's see.

You already talked to your
father into becoming a client.

Don't tell me you've
forced another relative
to signing with DD.

Actually, he's not
a relation of mine,

you might know him.

Aren't we just
one big happy family?

What is this?

I'm setting up a cable
system here in L.A.

And DD is in
on the ground floor.

Could you all excuse us?

Jack and I need
to talk alone.

I'll start that
client update list.

Brooke, you've done quite
enough for today.

But he's my client.

She's asking you
to leave, Brooke.

It's not about you.
It's Amanda's personal business.

But it might be a good idea
for someone to stay.

I'm sure you're
a loyal employee
and good friend, Billy,

but I think that,

she wants you to go.

I'll be right outside
the door.

Let's cut the crap.
What are you doing here?

The family's been
trying to set up

a cable system in L.A.
for about a year,

and we finally
got the license.

This isn't about business,
and you know it.

You think you can
worm your way into my life,
and we'll get back together?

No way, Jack.
Not a chance.

There you go again,
getting all paranoid.

I mean,
I'm flattered,

but I have a fiancée,
and I hate to tell you this,

but Rita's a real woman.

Meaning what?

She likes abuse?

Look, I finally
have a shot

at some kind
of happiness,

and I haven't let myself
care about anyone
since you left.

Oh, how nice for you, Jack.

You'll have to go
to a different agency.

I'm not accepting
your account.

You don't really want to
fight me on this one, do you?

To the bitter end.

Your girl Brooke
already cleared me

with your
board of directors.

I only want
what's best for you
and your friends,

but I think
you better do this.

♪ They say I shoulda,
I woulda ♪

♪ I coulda for you ♪

♪ Telling big old tales
like you always do ♪

♪ Like the one where you said
you're gonna be a star ♪

♪ Set me up in a real nice
fancy car ♪

♪ Just like the one where you
said I love you so ♪

♪ Yeah, I see you when I can ♪

♪ 'Cause you're always
on the go ♪

♪ Got to hear it from a friend
who knows someone ♪

♪ That you're not with me,
having too much fun ♪

♪ If I could ♪

♪ I would turn back time ♪

♪ I would turn back time ♪

We can notify security

and make sure that
Jack can't get back
in the building.

No, it's all right.
Just congratulate Brooke
on her new account.

Don't do this. There are plenty
of other accounts she can get.

If it wasn't Brooke,
Jack would find
some other way in.

Well, you're not in
Miami anymore,

so tell the guy
to take a hike.

I'm handling this,
all right?

Well, you're not handling
it very well.

I'm gonna talk to him.
No, Billy. Wait.

Listen, um...

I-I didn't know what
I was getting into with Jack.

One night he was supposed
to be out of town,

and I went out to dinner
with my friends,

and he was waiting
for me when I came back.

And instead
of giving me a kiss...

he gave me a black eye.

My first black eye.

He promised the next morning
that he would never do it again,

but he did.

He just stopped apologizing.

I kept trying to get away.

I made it all the way
to Tallahassee one time,

but they found me,

and they dragged me back
and threw me in the house...

and when I looked up,
there was my father...


Jack was holding a g*n
to his head.


Jack swore that if I ever
tried to leave again,

he would k*ll him.

We finally escaped...
for a while.

But now I don't want a g*n
being held to your head.

When Jack patted you
on the shoulder,

that was a message.

So do us both a favor, okay?
Stay away from him.

[knock on door]

Yeah, yeah.

I've been watching you.

All I want to do
is to be near you,
to see you every day,

to get a whiff
of your perfume...


Ha ha ha ha ha!

What's the matter, Syd?
A little too real for you?

Very funny.


Meet Mark Paul.



Mark Paul's done
Shakespeare in the Park.

Quite an impressive résumé.

I did a national margarine
commercial last year.

"Spreads smooth.
Tastes great."


Yeah. You sold me.

That's very good,
but for this role,

we'll need a little
less margarine

and a little more
Freddy Krueger.

Okay, good.

I want you to think of your
typical "B" horror flick.

You're obsessed by
a woman named Kimberly.

You follow her
everywhere she goes.

And eventually,
you drive her over
the brink of insanity.


Could you excuse us
for a minute?


This could
really work.

Of course
it's going to work.

Once Kimberly
sees our Henry,

she's gonna be begging
those doctors
at the institution

to give her back
her old padded cell.

Let's rehearse.

We need to have
a little chat.

Okay, but you don't have
to break my arm.

Richard's called off our
marriage, thanks to you.

Not because of me.
Because you don't love him.

I never said that, Jo.
You twisted my words.

I may not be head over heels
in love with Richard,

but you made it sound
like I don't love him
at all.

Look, I think we both know
the truth here.

I did not tell Richard
to hurt you.

I was only trying to help.
I'm your friend.

Maybe when you cool down,
you'll realize that.

Well, I don't want
your kind of friendship.

From now on,
consider yourself
hired help.

I like it better here.

Why do I have to keep going
back to the state hospital?

Because you're still
an outpatient until
the court says you're not.

But you've told them
I'm doing much better.

That's why the judges
agreed to turn off
your sensor

and let you go to Amanda's
apartment building

tomorrow tonight
for the party.

Peter, I've accepted
responsibility for
my actions, but...

to face those people...

They hate me.

Can you blame them?


to the people
that you tried to hurt,

going back to the place
where you had
the breakdown--

to the laundry room,

that's all part
of the healing process,
right Kimberly?

Yes, I know.

I'm gonna be right there
with you.

Thank you, Peter.

Come on.



Mrs. Porter
just got here.

Room 3.


Next time...

use the intercom.

I'll walk you out.

What did you
find out?

She's stopping by
the apartment building
tomorrow night.

He even wants her to go
into the laundry room.

Well...I think we're
taking Mark Paul
to a party.

It's showtime.

This Jane
is a piece of work.

Now she's completely

that she ever said she
didn't love Richard.

Like I made it up.
What do you expect?

She's not going
to thank you

for breaking off
her engagement.

Why are you
taking her side?

You the one who told me
to tell the truth
in the first place.

No, take it easy.
I never said you were wrong.

But if you get yourself
in the middle of a situation,

you got to expect
to take some heat.

You want to get
out of here,

someplace quiet
for dinner?

I can't. Couple people
called in sick.

Want to eat here?

No. I want to be
alone with you

I don't want
to watch you work.

I never see you

What do we have to do,
make an appointment?

If that's what it takes...

How about tomorrow night--
Amanda's party?

Jane will be there.

But she won't have
a date 'cause of me.

We'll just make an appearance
and leave early,

and then we'll...

go upstairs.

Now you're starting
to make sense.


We can work this out.

What's turkey
without stuffing?

Oh. Looks great,

Thank you.

Well, you fought
the hard fight. Now what?

I have a choice--

Go back
to my old job

or collect a $50,000

I see.

Well, I would never tell you
what to do, but--

Matt, why don't you
try the squash?

It's exactly the way
you like it.

Your father and I are concerned
about your future.

Jobs are getting
hard to find.

There's always work
if you're a professional.

I am a professional.

A paper-pusher.

What your father's
trying to say is that...

maybe you should
think about going back
to medical school.

I thought about it.
I think about it
all the time.

So what's the problem?

It's what you've always
wanted to do, so do it.

Hell, you put in
two years already.

Look, the doctors
that I work with

are driven by
the almighty dollar--

making money,
becoming corporations.

I'm just not like that.

I just want
to help people.

That's why I choose
social work.

So help people
being a doctor.

At least have some money
in the bank, some security.

I can always
make a living.

I just need
to do something
that matters to me,

only whatever I choose
is never good enough
for you.

Stop it, please.

Why can't we have a nice
quiet dinner for once?



I'd better go see
to your mother.



When I'm out here,

I feel like
the rest of the world's
a million miles away,

like nothing bad
can happen to you
when you're on a yacht.

Except you could fall
in the water.

I'm a little confused
by what's going on here.

I'm not sure
I know what you mean.

dinner was wonderful...

but there wasn't a lot
of business to discuss.

We could have handled it
over the phone.

But it wouldn't
have been as much fun.

Hayley, if this
isn't about work,

then it must be about
Billy and Brooke.

I can't be a part of any
scheme to break them up.

I thought
I made myself clear.

You did,
and I'm backing off.

Brooke can make
her own decisions.

I was wondering...


I was wondering...

what it would be like
to kiss you.

[knock on door]


I haven't seen you
in a couple of days.

What do you want, Jane?
I'm real busy.

this has all been

a terrible

Jo took
something I said

and totally blew it
out of proportion.

It was a momentary
case of cold feet.

I'm a little nervous
about getting
married again.

Save the recap, Jane.

You explained it all
very clearly the other night.

You caught me
by surprise.

It's not that I don't
love you, Richard.

It's just there are
different kinds
of love--

I know what love is.

I don't need any
lessons from you.

Richard, I love you,
I do.

Love's not a word
that you can say

to make everything
all better.

It's something
that you feel,

and you don't feel
that way for me.

Richard, I think
we should just slow down,

take our time
planning the wedding,

have some fun
away from work.

There's a party

I can't.
I'm working late.


But I'm wearing this.

So we're still engaged,

The ring's yours.

So wear it or don't.
It's your choice.

But I want it strictly business
between us for now.

Whatever you say.

Jane. Hey. Hey.
Where's Jo?

How should I know?

Well, I figured,
you're back,

the sh**t's over...

Hi, Jake.

I don't know what your
big-mouth girlfriend told you,

but there was
no sh**t today, Jake.


Everything okay?

She's mad at Jo,

so I guess
I get blamed, too.

What's up with you?

I just came by to pick up
the rest of my stuff.

Want to get something
to eat first?

I would love it.

I didn't get to finish
those stat reports

'cause I wanted
to be on time.

Come on. Forget work.
It's a party.

And nobody
needs to party
more than I do.

Hey, Amanda.

What are you
doing here?

Brooke told me about
your little get-together.

I might have mentioned

Well, get out.
You don't belong here.

Let's not spoil
everybody's good time.

I'll tell everyone
to go home

if that's the only way
to get you to leave.

You heard her.
Get the hell out of here.

You know, yesterday you were
merely irritating.

Today you're a pain
in the ass.


It's all right.
You can stay.

She always was
a gracious hostess.

Ain't that right, baby?

Just try to have
a good time

and stay out of trouble.

Hey, Alison.

where's daddy?

If you're so interested,
call home.

Like I can't see
what's going on
between those two.

You tell me. How can daddy
stand that woman?

I want your father
out of the middle
of our marriage.

This is getting to be
kids stuff.

Leave some
for the other guests.

Hey, if it weren't
for Mikey and me,

you wouldn't have
any other guests.

We saved your lives.

Have all the demons in hell
come to torment me?

What do you think
you're doing?

Amanda, please.

Kimberly has something
she'd like to say
to everyone.

Why don't you put it in
a letter, Kimberly?

Yeah, and stick it in a bottle
and send it out to sea.

Let's just go, Peter.

She just wants
to apologize.

Let her talk,

It can't hurt.

All right.

Make it quick.


I know you don't
want me here.

I only came to say
that I'm sorry.

I'm deeply sorry.

I've hurt you all so much,


nothing I can possibly say
can change the past.

I wish it could.

But it can't.

You've all lost so much
because of me,

and I'll live with
that guilt and shame...


I can't forgive myself,
but please...

I'm begging you...

forgive me.

What do you think, Syd?
A little over the top?

Don't call us.
We'll call you.

That apology
took more guts

than you two will ever have,
so give it a rest.

Amanda, I owe you
a special apology.


I blamed you for
my failed marriage,

I used you to get back
at Michael,

and I destroyed
your property.

And again, I'm sorry.

The damage
has been done, Kimberly.

But if it really matters
to you, fine.

I accept your apology.

Thank you.

This means a lot
to both of us.


In here, son.

It's hot in here.
Don't you think
it's hot in here?

Well, I hadn't noticed.
Where's mom?

The bridge club.

You want
something to drink?


no, thanks.

I'm glad
you could stop by.

I just, uh...

I can't sleep good
at night when things
aren't right between us.

I don't like it
either, Dad.


Time goes by, and, uh,

sometimes you don't say
the things you want.

I've had a good life.
I'm not complaining,
but, uh,

when you get older...

you can't help but
regret the opportunities
you've missed.

So whatever you do
in this life, Matt,

don't be afraid
to take a chance.

Make the most
of every opportunity.

But I, uh, I'm just not sure
what I really want.

That's a decision...

only you can make.

Be a...

be a ditch-digger,
and I'll be happy for you,

as long as I know
that's what you really
want to do.

Don't be stubborn

because you want
to prove something
to me or your mother.

It's your life--




I'll get help.

Yes, I need an ambulance
right away.

It's an emergency.

It's late.

Jo's not going
to make the party.

I should probably go,

but I don't trust
myself driving.

I wish I had said no
to that last beer.

Well, since I did,

why don't
I take you home?

This was
a nice party, baby.

A little subdued
for my taste,

but I wouldn't have
missed it for the world.

Go home, Jack.

There's nothing
for you here.

You obviously care
about Rita a lot,

so go back to Miami.

Amanda, I don't think
we've been introduced.

Peter Burns.

Jack Parezi,
Amanda's husband.

My soon-to-be ex-husband.

Well, it must be tough

to let go of someone
as terrific as Amanda.

What do you want now, Peter?

Kimberly's parents
are having their lawyer

draw up
the necessary papers

so she can make

It's just a formality
to protect them

from being sued
at a later date.

Fine. When I get them,
I'll sign them.

Billy, so, what do you
know about all this?

You've been watching
Amanda all night.

Well, they're
getting a divorce,

and then he's moving
back to Miami.

He hasn't
left her side once.

he's bad news, okay?

He used to beat her up,

and that's why
she ran out on him.

Anything else
you want to know,

you have to ask Amanda.

[footsteps approaching]

In here, Jake.


Set it up there.

You can put your shirt
back on, Shelly.

I'm not staying.

You're always willing
to help me out, Jake.

At least let me show you
my appreciation.

I can see it
in your eyes, Jake.

I could feel it
when we were dancing.

You want me.

We talked
about this already.

I'm with Jo.

But Jo's not here
right now.

I am.

I'll see you, Shelly.

[door closes]

Welcome back, Kimberly.

I've been waiting for you.


I've missed you.

I hope you missed me, too.

You're nothing but a figment
of my imagination,

and I want you gone.

I'm sorry,

but you're not
in control here.

I am.

I'm just seeing things.

You can run, Kimberly,
but I'll find you.

We were meant to be one!

Peter, hurry.
We have to go.

What's the matter?
What is it?

I saw Henry. He's back.

Now just take a deep breath
and calm down.

Coming apart
at your coming out party?

please take me home.

Looks like a bad case
of the heebie-jeebies.

Come on, let's go.

You're doing a hell
of a job, Doctor.

[bottles clink]

[Henry laughing]

So we'll continue
with the digoxin,

but the heart muscle has
deteriorated significantly.

I'm sorry.

My father's
only been here
for eight hours.

There must
be something else
that you can try.

We've tried everything
we possibly could

over the past two years.

Two years?


If you need me,
just page me.

I'll be doing my rounds.

And I will check in
on him later.

Thank you.


He's dying of congestive
heart disease,

and you
don't tell me?

That's the way
he wanted it.

Oh, Matt.

Don't be angry with us.

We get so used
to being parents

and taking care
of our children

that even
when they're grown,

we still try to make sure
they don't get hurt.

It's just that
you and dad

have always
been there for me

I needed you,

and I just want
the chance to be
there for him, too.

Your father knows that.

He just doesn't know
how to reach out.

I guess I haven't made it
too easy for him.


he's still here.

There's still time.

[knock on door]

So where were you?
We had a date.



I was at the party

Where were you?

I got hung up taking some
pictures of Richard,

but I called,

and when I showed up,
you weren't around.

I gave Shelly
a ride home.

She always wiggles her way
in between us, doesn't she?

Wait a minute.
This has nothing
to do with her.

This has to do
with you standing me up.

Oh, come on, I did not
stand you up, I was late.

Well, I was waiting.

Obviously not that long.

I don't understand
what the problem is.


You don't have room in
your life for me anymore.

Of course I do.

I don't want to compete
with some blonde.

No, Peter, don't.

It's too beautiful of a day
to sit in the dark.

And don't forget.
We're set for 2:00.

Can we have our session when
you come home tonight, please?

I have to work late
at the hospital,

and I don't know
when I'm going
to get back home.

You took a big step
forward last night.

Come on! You should
be feeling good
about yourself.

I can't.

Henry's back.

He can only come back
if you allow it.

And if you go around
insisting that you
see Henry,

you're going to wind up back
in the state hospital.


Do you see anything out there
that frightens you?

And if I told you
I saw Henry,

you'd tell them
at the state hospital?

I'd have to.

No, Peter.

There's nothing out there.

Nothing at all.


It's so warm, I couldn't
sleep either.

Try the pool.

I'm sorry I let it slip to
Jack about the party,

but I certainly
didn't invite him.

It doesn't matter
if you did or not.

He's using you
to get to me,

and you're playing
right into his game.

Why don't you do us all a favor
and wise up.

Nobody wins
when Jack's around.

[door closes]

[knock on door]


Is something wrong?

I know it's late.
I'm sorry.

I couldn't sleep.

We need to talk.

Come in.

Did you get any
of my messages today?

Yeah. Yeah.
I've been very busy.

I thought so.

You're avoiding me.

I don't blame you.

Our kiss
the other night,

it threw me
for a loop, too.

I can't get you
off my mind.

I've been thinking
about you, too.

I-I can't.

I can't do this.

Hayley, I promise
I'll call you tomorrow.

Am I missing something?

You like me, but you're
throwing me out.

I can't rush into this.

I need to take my time
and think about it.


thinking is
completely overrated.

Feelings are what count,

and I feel for you.

Do you have any idea
what this is like

after all these years?

I know how I feel, too,

but I need to know
it's right,

for both of us.

Alison, I can't
tell you that.

No one can.

The only way to know that
is to jump in,

and even then,
there are no guarantees.

But if it helps,

I'm as scared as you are.

You know, Dad,

when I didn't
think I was going
to see you again,

I just, uh...

I wanted to tell you
that I...

I know it's hard
for you to watch
me struggling

to decide
what I want to do.

I mean, by the time
you were my age,

you already had a family
and a solid career,

and it's just taken me
a little longer

to figure it
all out.

Forgive an old guy for being
so impatient, will you, son?

No, no, I get impatient
with myself, too.

Well, don't be.

You got to do things
your way.

I know that.


it's never been that
you're not enough for me.


you're better than anything
I could have ever hoped for.

I have a lot of, uh...

faith in...

[breathing heavily]
faith in you.

What's the matter, dear?

I feel so...


I can't--
I can't catch my breath.

Just lie still.
You overdid it a little.

I'll call
Dr. Thompson.

You overdid it
a little.


care...of your mother.

No, no. No, not yet.

I love you, Dad.


I love you.

No, no, no.

[man on P.A.]
Code Blue, Room 322.

Well, when you
got here last night,

you said
you couldn't sleep.

I didn't really help you
with your problem, did I?

I never enjoyed
staying up so much.

[door closes]

[banging on door]

So you're sleeping
with my father now.

How does he compare
with Billy?

If you're so interested
in other people's sex lives,

there's a 9-7-6
number you can call.

You must be pleased
with yourself.

Daddy's quite a catch.

But then again,
when he wants something,

he really knows
how to turn on the charm,

and he always gets
what he's after.

Oh, go home, Brooke.

You're behaving
like a spoiled brat.

How did he do it,

What line did he use?

"I've never felt
this way before"?

Or was it,
"I know it's late,

"but I couldn't sleep.

I was thinking
about you"?

Works every time.

[door closes]

I usually hate to look
at pictures of myself,

but I like these.

I completely forgot
about the camera.

You swept me away, Jo.


What's going on?

Thought you had
an appointment.

Well, my lunch
got canceled,

so I picked up
some moo shu for two.

Sorry, Jo.

That's all right.
I have to run anyway.

Bye, Richard.

I'll give you a call.

Uh, bye, Jane.

Look, Richard, if
Jo's wasting your time
on trivial details,

I'll have a talk
with her.

That won't be necessary.

Look, I have some ideas
on my sportswear line

that I want
to run by you.

What are these?

That's a new menswear line.

Oh. So there
was a photo sh**t
the other night.


What's the fabric,


Well, I prefer

It gives
a more classic look.

Who's the designer?
I am.

So that's what
you've been up to.

Richard, this is great.

I'm so glad you
want us to branch out
into men's clothing.

Can I draw on this?

I think that
if we do a fuller cut,

it'll create
a boxier look.

Thanks, but I'm happy
with what I've got.

Richard, we have
a partnership,

and I have a say in what
we show to the public.

Not this time.

Richard Hart Menswear
is a separate company.

It's mine, and you
have no part in it.


You feeling all right?

Routine checkup.
I'm in perfect health.

No, I mean is your
soon-to-be ex-husband

still bothering you?

That's none of your
business, Peter.

I've known guys like him,
the way he looks at you.

He may say
he's going to Miami,

but he's not
going anywhere.

Go concentrate
on Kimberly.

She really needs you.

Listen to me, because
I'm being straight with you.

Whatever you think of me,
Jack is much worse,

and you know it.

Let me help you.

It's over, Peter.

I'm meeting
Jack's fiancée tonight,

and they're
leaving tomorrow,

end of story.

Sorry to disappoint you,
but I don't need rescuing.

Well, tell them they got
to take the whole shipment.

I got to go.
I'll call you back.

What a surprise.

Am I interrupting?

Not at all.
I'd much rather talk to you.

Hayley, uh,

Brooke stopped by my
apartment this morning.

What's up with
my darling daughter?

She was wondering
if you'd talked
your way into my bed

with your
standard line of...

"It's late.
I couldn't sleep.

I kept thinking
about you."

Alison, I don't know
where Brooke got that,

but she'd try anything
to come between us.

Hayley, last night...

was perfect.

But maybe that's all
it's supposed to be,

one--one perfect night.

You know
how I feel about you.

And you feel
the same way,

otherwise you wouldn't have
come all the way out here.

I don't think you want
this to end after just
one night, do you?

I can't
handle Brooke

sticking her nose
into all my affairs.

Alison, she's my kid.
She's part of my life.

There's nothing I can do
to change that,

but we don't have to let her
ruin this for us.

Forget about it.

Just focus
on what's important,

you and me.

I think you want this
as much as I do.

I don't know.

I've made
so many mistakes.

I'm always choosing
Mr. Wrong,

and then I make
him miserable,

and me.

Don't you
ever stop to think

that maybe I'm Mr. Right,

and you've been waiting
your whole life for me?

You're scared
of her, aren't you?

Maybe, a little.

Well, that's what happens
when you're dealing with fear,

so talk about it--

Since when do you listen
to these losers?

Call me sentimental,

but listening to other
people's problems

makes me a happy guy.

Hi. This is Kimberly.

What the hell?


Yes, Kimberly,
what can I help you with?



paralyzed with fear.


I wasn't always
such a basket case.

I had a promising
career, but...

somewhere along the line,

I started to doubt myself,

and the more
I doubted myself,

the more I lost control
of my life.

I think it all began

when I married
an egomaniacal doctor

who tried to k*ll me.

What about all the times
she tried to k*ll me?

Take a pill.

I loved him,

but he treated me
like I was nothing.

Oh, yeah, she's making
accusations about me

in front
of 20 million people.

Like they're going
to know it's you.

Then he cheated on me

with a pip-squeak ex-hooker
who blackmailed me

and stole my life savings.

She's crazy, Michael.
We got to do something.

I know. I know,
my little pip-squeak.

We're just going to have
to make her even crazier.

It's just that I seem

to stop him
from hurting me.

[doorbell rings]


Come in.

This is
for you and Rita.


Thank you.

Let's open this up.

We have a lot
of celebrating to do.

Your lifestyle
hasn't changed much

from the old days,
has it?

As always,
the best money can buy.

You know, I can't stay long.
Someone's expecting me.

Let's meet the fiancée.

What are you still
doing with that?

I brought it with me
from Miami.

You look so beautiful.

You still do.

What about your fiancée?

She can't possibly
want this portrait

still in her house.

Where is she, Jack?

Right here.

You're the only woman
I'll ever be married to.

Oh, my God.

Amanda, you're mine,


and for the rest
of your life.

You're mine.
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