04x08 - Dial M for Melrose

Episode transcripts for the TV show "Melrose Place". Aired: July 8, 1992 –; May 24, 1999.*
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Follows the lives and loves of eight young adults in an apartment complex in Los Angeles.
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04x08 - Dial M for Melrose

Post by bunniefuu »


You're hurting me.

I don't want to.

Not unless
you force me.

Do you understand


[both grunting]

♪ ♪

That's better.

Now, let's try
this again.

♪ ♪

Recognize it?

You wore it our
wedding night.

That's when you said
you'd never leave me.


Make love to me like
you did that night.

♪ ♪

Now, no more games.


You bastard!


♪ ♪


♪ ♪

Come back here,
you bitch!



♪ ♪

[phone ringing]


It's Amanda.

Well, hello.

This is a
pleasant surprise.

I need
your help.

What is it?

Where are you?

I'm at Jack's.

There's, um,
there's been
an accident.

I think
he's dead.

♪ ♪

♪ ♪

♪ ♪

♪ What is life ♪

♪ When you think you know ♪

♪ Taking all the
good and bad ♪

♪ Then you fall in love ♪

♪ And you never know ♪

♪ How the feeling
could last ♪

♪ I'll always believe ♪

♪ That you stand by me ♪

♪ I will always
surrender ♪

♪ Your love will
conquer me ♪

[doorbell ringing]

You all right?

He's right there.

He fell.

Did you call
an ambulance?

No, just you.

Is he dead?

No, not yet.

No, no, Peter--

You-- you can't bring
the police into this.

That son of a bitch
att*cked you, didn't he?

Amanda, if this
is self-defense,

you don't have
to worry.

No, uh--

There are things
you don't know.

I, I could go
to jail or worse.

♪ ♪

There's got to be
another way.
Please, please believe me.

♪ ♪

Okay, no cops.

But he's got to get
to a hospital or he's
going to die.

♪ ♪



This is
Dr. Peter Burns.

I need
an ambulance at
761 Scenic Drive

I have an unconscious
adult male with
multiple fractures

and possible
internal bleeding.

Thank you.

Go home.

Don't do anything
until I come by tomorrow.

No calls.

Don't contact anyone
until we get

stories straight.

What are you
gonna do?

I'm gonna have him
admitted under my care.

A household accident.

I'll try to keep everyone
away until we
decide what to do next.


You're gonna have
to trust me on this.

Now, do as I tell
you and go home.

Thank you.

♪ ♪


I think you're being
too hard on yourself.

You look, you know...
natural, and...

and sexy in
some of these.

Oh, right,
the Fabio of fashion.

I am Ricardo,
designer of clothes.

Ravager of women.


Hey, there.

C'mon in, Jake.

Look at Richard's
new line.
Hey, Jake.

She really hit a home
run with this sh**t.

That's great.
I, um...

just wanted
to say good night.

I hadn't seen you in
a couple of days.

Oh, well, here, why
don't you try something on.

They just designed this
sexy jacket,

it would look
so good on you.

I don't want to--
No, it'd really be a
good cut on you, Jake.

No, thanks,
I'm beat.

C'mon, Jake.
I said no.

Good night.

Must've been
a tough day.


Well, it's time for
me to get on home.


You did
really well, Jo.

And I couldn't
be happier.


Good night.

Good night, Ricardo.


I'll put the coffee on.

Coming up on K-CHAT
at 7 AM,

it's Dr. Joyce Brothers
eliciting your views on

life, love and romance.

Today Dr. Brothers will
want your input

on the subject of the
dreaded seven-year itch

and how to keep your spouse
from scratching it.

But first, here's Don
with the morning traffic.

[traffic report]

♪ ♪

Oh, God.

♪ ♪

Oh, God, he's real.


♪ ♪

Of course he is.

Of course he's real.

♪ ♪

Call me as soon as
there are any changes.
All right.

What are you
doing here?

I couldn't stand
the waiting. How is he?

still breathing.

Now listen to me,

I am up to my ass
in alligators
in this thing.

If another doctor
examines him,

they're gonna find
injuries inconsistent
with a simple fall.

Neither one of us
can afford to screw up,

so from now on,
do as you're told,


He's in
serious condition.

He's stabilizing.

The next 24 hours are
gonna determine a lot.


convince me that I've done
the right thing here.

Tell me
what's happened.

After Jack and I
got married...

he started beating me.

He said it wouldn't
happen again, but it did.

It kept happening
again and again,

and again.

And I tried to leave...

but... he's got very...

dangerous and powerful
family and friends.

And they wouldn't
allow me to go.

And there were threats.

So, with my dad's help...

I, um...

I faked my own death.

Don't you see, Peter?

There's an insurance
payoff involved.

That's fraud.

So, even if
I'm cleared in court,

his people will make sure
I pay for what I did.

Please tell me
you understand.

Ms. Parezi.

What happened to Jack?

The neighbor told
me there was some kind
of an accident.

Mr. Diamond.

Uh, Dr. Burns,
this is Jack's attorney.

Mr. Diamond.

Yeah, so what
happened, Doctor?

about a fall?

Yes, I found him
last night.

I went by to talk to him
about a business investment

we had discussed
at a party.

There was no answer.

The door was open
so, uh...

Anyway, he was lying
there, unconscious.

He obviously fell
from the upstairs landing.

There's bleeding
on the brain,

and only time will
tell how critical it is.

I see.

How awful.

What a stroke of luck
that you were there
last night, Doctor.


Otherwise, he definitely
would have died.

Of course.

Well, you'll
keep me informed.

And Ms. Parezi,
I'm very sorry

that you have to go
through all of this.

Thank you,
Mr. Diamond.

♪ ♪

God, Peter!

What happens
when Jack wakes up?

They'll know you lied,
and he'll tell half-truths

and turn it
all against--

We'll worry about that
if the time comes.

I wasn't lying about
his injuries, Amanda.

very serious.

Now, with any luck--

he may
never wake up.

That was a lovely
dinner, daddy.

Mm, great.
Thank you.

you barely touched it.

Are you feeling
all right?

Oh, I'm fine,
I just, um...

Not much of an
appetite tonight.


Alison and I wanted
to get together with the
two of you tonight

in order to...

clear the air
regarding us.

You see--

we've fallen
in love.

And we
thought it best

if it was out in
the open.

the four of us.

Daddy, I can't
believe you.

Brooke, I want
you to understand

that neither one
of us wanted to hurt
either one of you.

This just... happened.

Billy, I hope

that you won't
turn away from us

because we've found
the happiness you've
found with Brooke.

I couldn't
bear to lose
your friendship.

Of course not.

[clearing throat]


now that true confessions
are over with.

It's late.

to both of you.

I hope that
you are very happy.


Good night, Daddy.



Be happy.

♪ ♪


That's over with.

They took it rather
well, considering.

You okay?



I didn't want to
hurt him like that.

I'm sorry, sometimes
I forget

just how hard
this has been on you.


I promise you--

we haven't lost them.

I will do whatever it takes
to keep them in our lives.

I know you will.

Come here.

♪ ♪

You are the most
wonderful woman

I've ever
known in my life.

And I've never been
so in love with you

as I am now.

♪ ♪

You okay?


Yeah, I'm fine.


Hearing them say it out loud
wasn't easy, was it?

Well, life goes on.

All that
really matters is--

you and me.

Who made you so sweet?

I have the most wonderful
husband in the world.

You better put
in your diaphragm.


All right, let me
just mark my spot.

Mmm-- I'll be
right back.


♪ ♪

[breathing deeply]

♪ ♪


Where was I,
Mr. Campbell?

Oh, let's see...

Now I remember.

♪ ♪

You care,
don't you, darling?

♪ ♪

But you're worried.

I can see it
in your face.

"He's gonna turn me in,"
you're thinking.

You sick bastard,
you attackedme!

And who's gonna
believe that?

Look at me.

Now look in the mirror.

Don't worry,
I won't tell.

How could I do that
to my loving wife?

Now-- you'll never
leave me again.

You can't, Amanda.

I'd have to k*ll you.

I'd just have
to k*ll...

[door opening]


I-- I told you to meet me
in the cafeteria--

What is it?
What's the matter,

what happened?
He woke up.

Taunted me about turning
him in, and, and

and he said he'd k*ll me
if I ever left him again.
Shh, hey, hey.

I'm not gonna let that
happen, I promise you.

Come on, let's
get out of here.

Come on, let's go.

♪ ♪


let me see the chart
on the patient in room 414.

Thank you.

♪ ♪


♪ ♪


Happened so fast,

it feels so right.

Sounds like love.

Well, it didn't start
out that way.

It started
out as, as an act.

We were trying to
drive a wedge between
Billy and Brooke,

and then,
suddenly, it just...



Hayley makes me
feel very...

very special,

loved and protected.

Well, then go for it.

And don't let anyone
tell you it's wrong

when it
feels so right.

Aw, thanks.

How are you
and Richard doing?

Oh, not so good.

He called off
our engagement.


What happened?

Jo stuck her nose in
where it didn't belong.

She told him
that I didn't
really love him.

And he believed
her over you?

Yeah, well, I admitted
as much to him.

I mean, it's the
truth-- I mean, I--

I know that I can learn
to love him in time.

Oh, God.

What am I doing?
I'm sitting here telling
you how I feel,

when that's how I got
into trouble
in the first place!

Don't worry, I won't
breathe a word.

How can I, when I don't
understand a bit of it?

It's simple,
I just--

I know this relationship
is good for me.

I just gotta figure
out a way to win him back.

I'm not taking this off
until I do.


Just be careful
what you wish for, Janie.



Hey, come in.

Thought I'd just stop
by on my way to work.

The other night
was kind of strange.

You seemed
a little pissed.

I wasn't pissed.

The two of you just
seemed to be having

a good enough
time on your own.

Oh, come on, Jake.

You're not,
like, jealous?

Hey, call it
what you want,

But you have been

a whole lot more time
with him than
you have with me.

Excuse me?

What is this
double standard here?

I mean, I saw Shel
in her butt-floss bikini

saunter on into your
apartment for
coffee yesterday.

I felt
a s*ab of jealousy,

but I just kept it
to myself.

Yeah, well, we're
way out of sync here.

And something needs to
be done about it.

I miss you.

I miss you, too.

But you know,
it's just--

for the first time
since I've been in LA,

my career is finally
on a roll.

I don't want
to jeopardize that.

The last thing I'd do
is stand in the way

of anything you want,
you know that.

I do, I know that.

10 times last night
I almost came down to
your apartment.

Why didn't you?

Same old

Well, that's something
we're gonna have to work on.

Both of us.

Just a couple of mules,
that's what we are.

Hi, there.


hello, Jo.

Uh, the printer's
still outside.

Could you
get it for me?

Yeah, sure.

We'll talk.


Finally convinced him to
enter into the nineties.

Put all his accounting
and his payroll
into one computer.

Of course, I
still have to teach him
how to use it.

Do you know anything
about computers, Jo?

Just that they're good
for playing games with.

Don't strangle yourself
on all those cords, Shelly.

Yeah, and order an MRI on
Mr. Parezi's knee injury.

As soon as
he's stabilized.

Good, thank you.
What the hell do
you think you're doing?

Well, I'm ordering some
tests for my new patient.

This patient was
admitted under my care.

Oh, yeah, so I noticed.

But I was retained
by Mr. Diamond,
Mr. Parezi's lawyer.

He just seems to think
you might have overlooked
a thing or two.

And where would he have
gotten that idea?

Oh, Peter,
Peter-- you know,

you and I have to look
out for each other.

If one of us screws
up, the other
has to backstop him.

And I-- I think you
really missed

a couple of things
in this diagnosis.

So you called him and
suggested you do a follow-up?

Yeah, well, I'm just looking
out for my partner.

Let me be very clear.

Stay away from this,

Hey, someone put
a world of hurt
in that guy,

and my guess is that
it was you.

Now, what
did he do, Doc?

Take your money at
the golf course?

Insult your manhood?


Or maybe you just couldn't
stand the idea of him

getting back into
Amanda's pants.

What are
you gonna do?

Break my knees?

I'm warning you,

keep your mouth shut
about Jack's injuries.

♪ ♪

Hello, we're back.

This is Dr. Joyce Brothers,
and I'm talking to Kimberly,

a young woman who's
been having quite
a struggle lately.

Are you
still with us, Kim?

Uh, yes I am, Dr. Brothers.

We were discussing
coming to terms
with your illness

over the past year.

Yes, well,
I have done battle

with a number of demons
in my life lately.

There was a time they
manifested themselves

in a person I kept seeing.

Someone who represented
all of my fears.

Who was...

a part of me,
but separate.

But I managed to cut him
out of my life.

And, has the therapy
you've been involved with

helped you understand these
internal conflicts?

Can't believe
she's doing this again.

First of all, I've
realized that the real
demon in my life

is my husband,
Michael Mancini.

Please, Kim, first
names only.

But I'd like to hear
more about your husband.

Dr. Brothers, this
man is one notch
below the Antichrist.

I mean, first he
nearly k*lled me in a
drunken car accident.

And then,
after I forgave him,

he went out and
cheated on me.

I gave him nothing
but love,

and he did
nothing but abuse me.

I am not gonna stand
for this crap.

...you and Michael
still married?

Well, legally, yes,
but we are
definitely separated.

Well, that may well have
been the most healthy move.

But now we have some callers
on-line to talk to you

and give their thoughts.

First names only, please.

You're on the air.

Yeah, this is, uh,

You know, this babe
sounds like a
certifiable nutcase.

Someone oughta seal her
up in a lead vault somewhere

and post warning signs for
future generations.

Comments like that
really aren't

very helpful, Fred.

And they reveal
more about you

than you might
like to think.

Excuse me, Dr. Brothers,
but if I'm not mistaken,

this is my loving
husband on the line.

Yeah, that's right.
Now listen, you
zipperheaded mutant,

you tried
to k*ll me twice.

Then you blew up an
entire building

because your imaginary
playmate told you naughty
people lived in there.

Michael, why are you
trying to t*rture me?

I'm just trying
to survive.

I'm trying to find a
place where I belong.

Fred, I'm going to
put you on hold.

And someone will give
you a list of therapists.

I think you may want to
set up an appointment,

and work out
some of this anger.

Well, yeah, well...

Hey! Hey! You can't
hang up on me!

Hey, you--
Let's hear from

some other callers.

You're on the air
at K-Chat.

It was a beautiful


That's over with.

It was
a very nice service.
He, uh....

he would've
appreciated it.

He would've hated it.

[both laughing]

Your father did not care
for ceremonies.

Weddings, funerals...

The only one
he ever really enjoyed
was your graduation.

I'm so glad he found out

about you going back
to medical school bef--


Oh, Matt...

what am I going to do
without him?

I've loved him...

for 35 years,

and now
there's nothing there.

Just horrible...


I know.

Time is
gonna help a lot.

But you still have
the rest of
your life to live.

You can't
just shut down
because he's gone.

And I won't
let you get lonely.

I promised him that.

♪ ♪


Peter called...
said you might
be coming by.

Hm. Peter's been
a bad boy.

medical reports
is a major no-no.

it has to be done...

for a good enough

I thought
you'd be the first

to want to nail his
butt to a wall.

I mean, that is your
husband in the hospital,
lying half-dead.

No, Michael...

this is my husband.

This is what he
did to me.

♪ ♪

So, how much
do you want?

What will your
silence cost me?

You were the one
who nailed Jack.

Give the man
a cigar.

So Peter is...

Someone who cares.
That's all.

And this is why you
left your husband.

Actually, those were taken
a year before I left.

It took me two
broken ribs and a
punctured lung

before I really
made up my mind.

And the other night,

he tried to make up
for lost time.

I fought back,
and he got hurt.

♪ ♪


how much money
do you want?

I, um, I don't have
much left to give,
I'm afraid.

No. Amanda, I don't
want your money.

I thought, um...

well, I... I had
a different idea about...

what was going on.

I may not be
the best of men, but...

there was a time...

when I loved you
with everything I had.

And I never
want to see you hurt.

What will you tell
Jack's lawyer?

That I was hasty
in my recommendation.

That the wounds
are consistent
with a fall.

You'll lie.

I'll lie for you.

Good night, Amanda.

♪ ♪

Wake up, sleepy.


Nice room service.

Cute waiter.

Sleep well?

Mmm... once we got
to sleep.

My Alison...

do you love me as
much as I love you?

Yeah, I do.

I want you to spend
more time with me.

A lot more.

I'd like that.


One thing's
for sure, though,

you're never gonna
see me move
into your place.

[both laughing]

So why don't you
move in here with me?

If you prefer, just for
a couple weeks, but,

for as long
as you like.


this is moving
very fast.

Yeah. Is that
a problem?

Give me a little time
to think about it, okay?


But not too long.

♪ ♪


Look who's here.

America's favorite
homicidal maniac.

Park it, Sydney.

Is Peter here?

No, he's not.

Have you tried

I hear they've been
spending a lot of
time together lately.

Oh, but you can't
go there, can you?

Your little Mickey Mouse
watch will start screaming.

How do you ever find
things to accessorize
with that, anyway?

I don't believe you.

Why would Peter
be with Amanda?

She tried to have his
medical license.

Maybe she decided
to have the
doctor instead.

Why the concern?

You didn't think that
Peter was interested
in you, did you?


Oh, you poor,
deluded psycho.

Don't you know?

Your saintly Peter
is just using you

to work out his
own little problems.

What are you
talking about?

Hasn't he told you
about his sister?


I see that he

Ask him sometime.

I think that he's just
working out his
guilt over her death

by trying to help you.

By the way, how is
electroshock going?

Certainly has put
an attractive curl
in your hair.

You're a lying
little bitch.

Ahhh... there you are.

We missed you at
the 5:00 concept meeting.


I had to get--
get home and pack.

Are you going on a trip?


I'm moving in
with your father.

♪ ♪


we love each other
very much.

He also
loves you very much.

Please don't shut
him out of your life
because of me.

Break his heart.

♪ ♪


Good night.


she's moving
into my house.

My house!

It's your father's
house, Brooke.

♪ ♪

Michael may have suddenly
developed a conscience,

but that doesn't make
him any less dangerous.

He's already got Jack's
attorney suspicious.

You never know
when he may decide
to turn on us again.

So until Jack's
condition changes,

we just have to
hold tight.

Any more good news
to report?

Just that
I won't desert you.

I promise.

Thank you, Peter.

I don't know
what I would've
done without you.

♪ ♪

Amanda, I have a lot
to make up for.

I want you to know
how sorry I am--
Shh, shh.

I am so tired
of reliving the past.

I'm just grateful that
you were there for me.

♪ ♪


I know
you're up there!

Oh, no.


♪ ♪

[door opening]

♪ ♪


What the hell
are you doing?

How could you
do this to me?

You lied to me

about Amanda and
about your sister.

Do you realize
what you've done?

Huh? Look at this.

You've gone
out of range, damn it!

They can put you back
inside for this.

Doesn't matter
anymore, I don't care.

You were the last person
on Earth I trusted,

and you lied to me.

Hold it right there.

Officer, let
me explain.

My name is
Dr. Peter Burns,

this woman is under
my care.

Is this Kimberly Shaw?

Yes, it is-- if you'd
let me explain--

Explain it to
the court.

She's in
violation of parole.

She's going
downtown with us.

You lied to me.

You lied to me.

♪ ♪

I'll-- I'll
follow you.

Officer, please, she's
in a very fragile state.

♪ ♪

I'm sorry.

♪ ♪

You betrayed me.

Said you cared
about me.

And all this time
you were thinking
about that woman.


I can't keep
going over this.

Now, we're both

I spent all night
trying to find a judge
who'd believe my story.

He could've thrown you
back in jail.

Now, why don't
we just--

talk at our session
later this afternoon.

No! No!

No more of your therapy,

It's all lies.

I'm sorry--

I'm sorry, maybe I
put more trust in you

than I should have, but
you were all I had.

And now you've
turned on me
like everyone else.

You don't love me.

You don't want
to make love to me.

You don't even want to
be honest with me!

All you're trying to do
is work out your own

screwed-up guilt
over your sister.

How do you
know about my--


So it is true.

Just when I thought I
had found some sanity,

some security.

Just when I thought it
was returning to my life,

I find all that all
the foundations

you helped me build
are made of sand.

All you did was use me
to work out

your own
screwed-up problems!

No, Kimberly.

Don't let Sydney's
twisted attempts at
trying to hurt you

erase all the progress
that you've made.

I loved my sister.

She was my friend.

She was my foundation.


They let her rot
in some hellhole.

Because an incompetent
with a medical degree

decided that
she was beyond hope.

That's why
I became a doctor.

Because I swore
I would never let
what happened to her

happen to anyone I
cared about ever again.

And I do care about
you, Kimberly.

Don't lose
faith in that,
or yourself.

leave me alone.


Look, I can't leave
or I would!

So would you please
just leave me alone?

For now?


♪ ♪

I'll call you later.

♪ ♪

Hi, big guy.


You and I have a date
with some hot dogs,

a couple of beers,
and tickets
to the Rose Bowl.

Well, with an
invitation like that,
how can I say no?

You can't; and it's
not an invitation.

It's a kidnapping.

I'll come peacefully.

Let me just
go tell Shelly.

Hey there!

Are you ready for
your computer lesson?

Uh, not really--

I'm taking
the afternoon off.


Nope. Just making up
for some

lost time
with my girlfriend.

I see.


If you want to be
computer illiterate

all your life...

Nothing would
make me happier.

Hold down the fort, I'll
see you by dinnertime.

[door closing]

♪ ♪

[TV: cars racing]



You son of a--

Son of a bitch!

Ooh! Ah!

Don't hurt me anymore!




All right, pal,
who are you?

They paid me to do it!

It wasn't my idea!

Who, Michael and Sydney?


Please just don't
hurt me anymore.

Hurt you?

I could kiss you!


Could I please just--


Aah, be my guest.

And by the way--

You're fired.


I'm free.

I'm free!
I'm free!

I'm really free!


I'm free!



He's still in
serious condition.

He's drifting
in and out
of consciousness.

And when he is awake,
he doesn't remember

anything about
how he was injured.

Just asks
for his wife,

says he has to talk
to her,

and then he
drifts out again.

What am I gonna do?

Well, the first thing
you have to do

is go home
and get some sleep.

You're gonna have to
be sharp if and when

he does gets better.

Peter, I--

[intercom] Code Blue,
Code Blue.

Dr. Burns to room 414.


♪ ♪

[overlapping chatter]

He just suddenly
went into full arrest.

Okay, get the
paddles ready!


[overlapping chatter]

All right, charged.

All right, clear!

No response.


Still nothing!

Doctor, he's not
breathing on his own.

Get him on
a respirator. Clear!

[overlapping chatter]

We got a pulse!

[overlapping chatter]

Okay, we got him back.

We saved him.

[overlapping chatter]

♪ ♪

♪ ♪
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