04x11 - Free Kimmy

Episode transcripts for the TV show "Melrose Place". Aired: July 8, 1992 –; May 24, 1999.*
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Follows the lives and loves of eight young adults in an apartment complex in Los Angeles.
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04x11 - Free Kimmy

Post by bunniefuu »

Come to say
your final good-byes,
Mrs. Parezi?

You shouldn't sneak up
on people.

Is that what
you said to Jack

just before
you k*lled him?

You said you needed
my signature on some
release form.


The family has instructed me
to have Jack's body

shipped back to Miami
for burial.

Since you're still
legally his wife, I...

pardon me--
his grieving widow--

I'm gonna need
your permission.

Just tell me where
to sign.

Right here.

And it would expedite matters
if you'd sign Amanda Parezi.

Sorry, that's not
my name.


I'm sure Jack won't mind.

You know, I could
arrange to have this
casket opened for you

if you'd like
to have one last look

at your dearly departed.

I trust I won't
be seeing you again.

You know, for your sake--

you'd better hope
you're right.


that could be you
in that casket.

♪ ♪

♪ ♪

Peter, I want this damn
monitor off.

Forget it--
you're not ready.

Well, I think I am.

I've already gotten you
a work release--

how much more do
you want me to do?

[phone beeps]

Yes, Sydney.

Excuse me, this'll
just take a minute.



You left early.
When I woke up,
you were gone.

I was feeling...


Want me to put
a skylight
in the bedroom?

Peter, I'm serious--
we need to talk.

Well, I can't right now.
I have a patient
in my office.



It usually is.

Call me when you can
spare the time.

[dial tone droning]

Couldn't help

your intimacy issues
are always getting

you in trouble,
aren't they?

Well, Kimberly,

we're not here
to discuss my issues.

Besides, your hour's up.

You've got
a hero complex,

and it can be
very off-putting

for the person you're
involved with.

make them feel...


I think it's time
that we cut back
on our sessions here.


Because I'm
getting better,

or because you're
having problems
with Amanda?

Am I the cause?

I talked to the doctors

at the state psychiatric

They agree that it's
time to cut the cord.

Well, maybe
they're right.

Maybe the line between
patient and doctor

has been crossed.

So I'll think about it.

As long as you
promise to get

this damn bracelet
off me.


Call Amanda back,
would you?

Oh, uh, just a sec--

there's something
I need to talk
to you about.

[line ringing]


Amanda Woodward,

it's Dr. Burns calling.

One moment.



It's Michael's birthday,
and I'm throwing him

a little surprise party
at the beach house tomorrow.

I hope you and Amanda
can come.

I'll have to check
my calendar.

Miss Woodward
is not available.

Uh, leave word we called.
Thank you.

She's in a meeting.

Presents are mandatory.

But I already know
what you can give him.


I've been going over
your partnership agreement,

and I'm very concerned
about Michael's
profit participation.

Did Mancini put
you up to this?

No! I told you--
it's a surprise party.

Now, I really think

he would appreciate
an extra 4%.

Not on your life.


did you forget?

I have you and Amanda
on tape

admitting your total

in Jack Parezi's
untimely passing.

Sydney, you could
have the missing

18 minutes from
the Watergate tapes,

and my answer
is still no.

[door closes]

Poo poo to you, too.


So, do you still think
we'll bring each other

nothing but pleasure
and happiness

when we've been married
three days?

I'm counting on

the honeymoon
lasting at least
a week.


I love you.

I love this place.


Well, then,
it's yours.

Consider it
a wedding

Yeah, right.

No, really.

I own it.

I'll have my lawyers
draw up the necessary

papers when we get
back to L.A.

Actually, spending time
with my new husband

and working at DD

are all I care about
right now,

so thanks,
but no thanks.

Excuse me
for interrupting.

I need a few moments
of your time.

Alison, I'd like
you to meet

the manager
of my hotel,
Ricardo Lopez.


Mrs. Armstrong,

may I say, your husband
is a very lucky man.

Oh, thank you.

I was just telling
Hayley how much
I love this place.

Oh, well, I'm pleased.

If there's anything
I can do for you,

please let me know.


I've scheduled
a conference call for noon

with that interested

Excuse me.

Then you can
unschedule it.

But, he needs
your answer today!

Haley, don't blow
this deal.

It's Mr. Armstrong
to you.

And I'm on
my honeymoon.

Do you
understand me?

Yes, sir.
I understand.

I think I've been
out in the sun too long.

Thank you.

Is there anyone here
who doesn't know that

we went to
Hawaii together?

It was just
a business trip.

Yeah, right.

Oh, my--

what the hell...


You both look
rested and tanned.

Did you get a lot
of work done, too?

What is my darkroom
equipment doing
in the lobby?

Oh, I took the liberty
of packing for you.

You're finished here
at Hart/Mancini.

In case
you've forgotten,

we're partners.
Equal partners.

You can't pink-slip
anyone without
my approval.

Go ahead and start
unpacking, Jo.

I'll help you
with the boxes
in just a minute.

Look, Jane, I know
this is an
awkward situation--

Richard, you ran off
to a tropical paradise

with one of
my best friends.

And I know
the three of us

can find a way
to continue
working together.

Just like Mac and I
successfully collaborated

after our divorce.

Well, I'm not Mac.

And I am certainly
not gullible.

She can stay,

but I'm not using her
on any of my sh**t again,

if that's okay
with you, Mr. Hart.

We'll discuss it


Can I do anything
for you?


You can take this key.

It's just a shack,

but it's in the Hills
and it's mine for
the next six months.

Shelly, I'm not ready
to move in with you.

It's just a key, Jake.
It's not a commitment.

What brought this on?

Oh, I don't know.

Maybe Jo coming back
from Hawaii.

Maybe the fact that
all of your friends

blame me for the
bust-up with her.

They don't blame you.
You just don't know them.

Look, Sydney's
throwing Michael

a party
tomorrow night.

Everyone's gonna
be there--

be my date.

I would love
to be your date.

But I don't need to get
to know these people

any better than
I already do.

They like to hang out here,
expect free drinks,

and count on you
for a helping hand.

But they're not
your friends, Jake.

Matt, hey!


Haven't seen you
in a while.

Must be hitting
the books?

Yeah, well, medical school
is keeping me pretty busy.

Well, um, can I
get you a drink?

No, actually,
I didn't, um...

I didn't come by
for a drink.

I was wondering if maybe
you had some part-time
work for me.

Well, don't take this
the wrong way, but, um,

didn't you just win
a big settlement
with the hospital?

Yeah, and it just about
covers my tuition for
the next three years.

I still need to pay for
my car, and my rent, and--

You know, I'll understand
if you say no.

Shelly, you're
the bookkeeper.

Can we afford to hire
another waiter?

Well, look, I can
only work part-time,

but, well, mostly nights,
except weekends.


Anything for a friend.

Right, Jake?


You won't regret it.

I'll be the best waiter
you ever had.

Excuse me.


Have you seen
my husband?

He was supposed to
meet me in the bar.

Si, senora.

I saw Mr. Armstrong
and Mr. Lopez

walk out by the pool
a few minutes ago.

Oh, thank you.


The hotel is in trouble.

Your debt payments
are way out of control.

The offer on the table
is an insult!

Well, maybe,

but if you sell,
you're only out

a couple of
million dollars.

I am not selling!
That's final.

This is insane.
It doesn't make sense.

Look, never,
never question me.

Or you'll find yourself
working down on the docks

again where I found you.

I was just checking
to see if you found
Mr. Armstrong.

Yes. Yes, thank you.


[glass breaks]

What's wrong, sweetheart?

I'm just clumsy.

Well, don't worry.

Ricardo will clean it up.

Right away.

Look, I've had enough
of this place.

It's beginning
to irritate me.

Let's go home.

But we
just got here.

I didn't say
our honeymoon
was over.

I just
want to get out.

So you go pack
our things,

and I'll make
the arrangements.

[door opens, closes]


I'm in
the bedroom.


I ordered pizza.

It should be here in
about 10 minutes.

Yes, yes, I need
the number for

the Las Naranjas
hotel and resort.

What are you doing?

I'm trying to reach
daddy in Mexico.

No. No, it's
in Cancun.


It took me 10 minutes
just to get

an English-speaking

Alison and Hayley
are married, okay?

No late-night phone call
to their honeymoon hotel

is gonna change that.


There's a problem
with daddy's copy
on his campaign.

But, I admit,
it's gonna
take me a while

to accept Alison
as my stepmother.

Oh, how long is a while?

I don't know.

20, 30 years.

You know what?

When they get back,

you're gonna apologize
for your behavior.

I don't take orders
from you, Campbell.

I'm your wife,
not your sl*ve.

Brooke, where do you
think you're going?

Where do you think--
hey, get back here.

What, Mr. Tough Guy?

I'll tell you what,
you're a whiny,

selfish, immature
little brat.

Well maybe I'm not
the only one upset

about daddy
marrying Alison.

Oh, for God's sake.

You're gonna be
a mother.

Why don't you start
acting like one?

[door slams]


You're looking great.

Working at the Pentagon
must agree with you.

It's not much different
thank working for my family.

Same madness,
different faces.

Yeah, your father's
been looking for you.

How's he holding up?

We all knew Jack liked
to live dangerously.

I heard he got involved
with some woman

who didn't like his
bedroom etiquette.

Not just
some woman, Bobby.

It's his former
wife, Amanda.


Yeah. It was
a shock to all of us.

she hated him so much,

she faked her own death.

A few weeks later,
he found her in L.A.

Look, we'll talk later.

Your father's waiting
for you.

I got here
soon as I could.

It doesn't matter.
I'm just--

I'm happy
you're here, Bobby.

How you doing?


I know. I know.

What's wrong?

Well, you can't just
walk into the house.




Charles said
you would be back
this morning.

I hope
I'm not intruding.

Well, you are.

I'm sorry.

I just--I wanted
to apologize.

When you told me that
you were getting married,

I didn't handle
it very well.

I mean, my husband
was once

in love with you,

And then daddy tells
me he's in love
with you, and--

What's your
point, Brooke?

I know daddy and you
will make great

I'm really glad
to hear you say that.

We both are.

I just have one
lingering reservation

about your marriage.

Since Billy and I are about
to have our first child,

I don't think
that he or she

should have to share
an inheritance

with any children
that you and Alison
might have.

Well, Alison and I
aren't planning on
having a family,

so you can quit worrying
about that.

I've got to make
some calls.



No children.
How sad.

Well, if
it would help,

I could call you

♪ ♪

[laughter, indistinct chatter]

Excuse me.
Pardon me.

You know, it's funny.

You say that you
want to talk,

but then you don't
return my calls.

I changed my mind.


Hey, Michael just pulled
into the driveway.

Come on.

Okay, everybody--
oh, oh--be quiet.

Shh. Come here.

Hey, Syd, you see
all those cars--

all: Surprise!


Happy birthday, Michael.

Give a guy a heart
attack, why don't ya!

Happy birthday, Michael.


Hey, how are
you doing?

♪ ♪

Hey, if you guys dance,

maybe everybody
else will.

You want to dance?

I'd love to.

I need a drink.

Good to talk
to you.

Hey, Syd.

Hey, I've been

what kind
of food is this?

'60s food.

I thought it'd be
kind of fun

to have a theme
to the party.

And since you were
born in '66...


It's a '60s party.

Did you see
the cake?

It has a peace
sign on it.

Yeah, that's nice.

Listen, Syd,

Thanks for all this.

I wasn't sure
how you'd react.

Usually you get so
mad when I keep
things from you.

Yeah, well,
just this once,
it's okay.

You know, no one's
ever thrown me

a surprise party

I'm glad I could
be the first.

[noisemaker screeches]


Oh, I'm still working
on your other presents.

I just have oodles
and oodles of plans

on how to improve
your life.


Forget about them.

You're having a fun time,
aren't you?

You know,

Jane is the only person
in your apartment complex

that I can
actually stand.

You want to know why?

Uh, no, let me guess.

you are not...

a snob.

Wow, I've got to
hand it to you, Jane.

Shelly's got very
high standards.

You are to be

Oh, thank you.

You know...

I have to agree
with her.

Our neighbors
are snobs!


But I've always
liked you, Jake.

You're a good guy.

You're a really,
really decent guy.


And so good-looking.

Isn't he good-looking?


I think I need
another beer.

♪ ♪

Not with what
you know.

Hey, Matt,
would you excuse us?


I'd love to have a word
with the birthday boy.

Sure, I was just going
to get some food anyway.

I love this '60s food,

It's good.


I don't like
your girlfriend

pushing me around,

What did she do,
force you to eat

one of these
pigs in a blanket?

No, actually,
she tried to blackmail me

into upping your
profit participation.


That must be
that birthday present
she was talking about.

Well, I'm glad you
find this so amusing.

No, no.
I'm just impressed

by the level
to which the woman

will stoop
for my benefit.

Well, let me impress
this upon you.

Unless you get rid
of the damn tape

and stop her scheming,

I will put an end
to our partnership.

Happy birthday.

[noisemaker screeches]

You've been
avoiding me
the whole party.

And, I'd like
to keep it that way.

Talk to me.

You know, one minute
we're in love
and you can't

keep your hands off me,
and now--

I don't get it.

It's simple, Peter.

I don't think
we should see

so much
of each other.

I mean...
Jack's dead.


So I've worn out
my usefulness?

Is that all I was
to you, Amanda?

Just your way out of
a dicey situation?

[pager beeping]

Damn it,
it's Kimberly.

Who else?

Excuse me.

You've been
awfully quiet.

Don't let Brooke
get to you.

This isn't
about Brooke.

It's about you and
your damn secrets.

What secrets?

Alison, what are
you talking about?

Your whole
business life.

It's a mystery to me.

You're upset, but
you won't say why.

You won't talk to me.

I talk to you.

When did we decide
we don't want children?

Is that what's
got you so upset?

I'm a little upset.

Alison, I'm sorry.

You're right.

Children are something
we should've discussed.

If having children
means that much
to you, then...

we'll have children.

It's not about
having children.

It's about keeping me
in the dark.

Hayley, secrets almost
destroyed my life
once before.

I'm not gonna let
that happen again.

So if you can't
be honest with me--

I can and I will.
I promise you.

I'll let you in
on everything.

From now on, we
share everything.

No more secrets.



What the hell
is going on, Kimberly?

You page me
at a party,

you tell me that
you're desperate,

that you need to talk,

and I find you practicing
for the Summer Olympics.

Hey, I guess
this thing
is waterproof.

I could swim to China
in it if I wanted to.


could you hand me
my towel, please?

I'm waiting for
an explanation.

Um, I had
an anxiety attack.

That's why
I called you.
I mean...

that's what
you're always
telling me to do.

Then it passed.

This was to ruin my evening
with Amanda, wasn't it?

Maybe it was,
maybe it wasn't.

I'm warning you, Kimberly.

Leave Amanda and me
the hell alone.

Sorry. No can do.

I can't
leave you alone

because you have me
trapped here like
an animal

in this
damn bracelet!

That's ridiculous.

I want to be free.

I have a new job,
a new apartment.

I want a new life,

so get this damn
bracelet off me.

We have been over this
before, Kimberly.

I'm working on it.

I'm warning you.

I have my freedom,

you won't
have yours.

It's like she's a completely
different person.

I mean, Jane is turning
into this lying,

backstabbing egomaniac.

And it's not like her
talent supports it.

Have you seen
her latest designs?

They're so lame.

I mean, at this rate,

she's gonna lose all
her friends and her career.

Maybe I should talk
to her, you know?

I mean, we used
to be close.

Play the
"old friends" card.

Oh, hang on
a second.

I left my car keys


Be right back.


Hi, Jane.

I think
we should talk.

I mean, we are
old friends.

No, Jo.

We were friends.

My God.

I'm bleeding.

Next time, I'll rip
your heart out.

You need help.


I think I did
pretty well on my own.

What the hell happened?

She hit me.

Oh, my God.
Jane hit me.

We have to do something
about that woman, Richard.

She's getting
out of control.

I will, Jo.
I promise.
Just give me some time.


You know what I've been
meaning to ask?

What's going on
with you and Jo?

I always thought you guys
were meant for each other.

Well, you're a hopeless
romantic, Matt.

Yeah, maybe but--

What do you know
about women, anyway?

Probably more
than you do,

because I've been
friends with them.


I know Shelly's
no Jo.

You know, Shelly happens
to be the first woman

in my life who didn't
drag me down.

How does Jo
drag you down?

Excuse me, uh...

I've got a delivery
from Noble Meats.

Kitchen's through
the door,
to the right.

Well, it's C.O.D.
I'm gonna need a check.


You know, my bookkeeper's
at the bank,

and she's got me

I don't know how
to cut a check.

Sorry. No check.
No order.

Can you wait
a few minutes?


I'm pretty good
with computers.
Maybe I can help.

Yeah, great.
Laptop's in the office.

Can you hang on a sec?

[keyboard clicking]

Hey, what's
your password?

I don't know.
Do I have one?

Yeah, and I can't get
into the accounting
program without it.

Shelly never mentioned
anything about one.

I wonder why.

Here you are, ma'am.


Hey. I didn't know what
you wanted for lunch,

so I hope pasta's okay.

It's great.

So, I heard about
your Mike Tyson

this morning.

What possessed
you to hit Jo?

She had it coming.


So, how are
the newlyweds?


I found out Hayley
doesn't want
to have children.

Of course,
if Brooke was
my daughter,

it might sour me
to parenthood, too.

Wow. This is major.

Hitting Jo
is major.

I really think
it's time you
backed off

and let go
of Richard.

No, it's just time
for a new plan.


I can get
Richard back.

I just got to...

figure out
a way to get
his attention.


The old-fashioned way.

By making him jealous.

I didn't know
you were seeing

I'm not.

The guy's got
to be a professional
with good income.

Maybe even someone
I've been in love
with before.

Oh, no, Jane.

Not Michael.



what is all this?

It's just my way
of saying thanks again
for last night.


Let me get that for you.

Why don't you, uh,
just relax by the fire?

How sweet.

Isn't it a little warm
for a fire?

Oh, really?
If it gets too hot,

I can turn up
the air conditioning.

Now, there's just
one more thing

I have to do to make
tonight perfect.

In case you get the urge
to blackmail me again--

How did you
find that?

Wasn't easy, Syd.

Had to turn the place
upside down.

Hiding it in
a box of tampons?

Not very original,

Give me that.
Say good-bye.

Are you out
of your mind?

That thing is
worth a fortune.

Hey, I've had it with you
and your scheming, Syd.

You've got me watching
my back 24 hours a day!

Okay, okay, I understand
where you're coming from.

Just don't be angry
with me, okay?

How could I not be?

You got
a nasty habit, Syd.

If there was
a Blackmailer's

you could be
the spokesmodel.

So in plain English,

pack my bags
and get out, right?


I'm sitting flush
right now
because of you.

And, to be
perfectly honest...

I don't mind
having you around.


if you promise
to behave...

Cross my heart,
hope to die,
never tell a dirty lie.

Then you can

what do you want?


I, uh, I came across

some of my old
medical notebooks
while I was unpacking.

I thought they
might be helpful.


I appreciate that.

Always glad to help
a neighbor.

You know, if, um,
you ever want
to talk shop...

you know,
actually, um,
I have the day off.

So, um, maybe...
maybe I could
take you to lunch.

Thanks, but, uh,
no thanks.

Well, how about
a cup of coffee?

you did blow
this place up.

And, to be honest
with you,

nobody can get past that.

So, um, thanks again
for the notes.

[door opens, closes]

I get off at 5:00.

And I'd love to have
dinner with you.

[telephone ringing]


Michael, hi.

Listen, I have this
birthday present for you.

I wanted to give it
to you at the party,

but there were too many
people around.

Oh, Jane. I'm touched.

Well, good.

Look, if you're not
too busy later,

maybe we can get together.

Dinner's on me?


Great. So why don't
we meet at

um...how's Anthony's
on Melrose?

Oh, I know where it is.

And, Jane...I think
it's kind of sweet,

eating where we used to
eat when we were married.

Great. 8:00, then.

Okay, bye.


So, how'd I do?

Very convincing.

I just hope, for your sake,
you know what you're doing.




Did you think
it was that special?


I've got the scratches
on my back to prove it.

I was just trying
to get that tacky

"I do pools" t-shirt
off you.

Now you can
put it back on
and get out.

Well, let me, at least,
buy you dinner.

You reek of chlorine.

I don't want to have
pizza with you.

I was just interested
in your body.

Hey. I'm not
just a dumb jock.

I had a whole year
of college.

Well, then I'm sure

you can find your way out.

Brings back memories,
doesn't it?


Bad memories.

You, me,
and no money.

Well, that's not
the case tonight.

You can order anything
on the menu.

Oh. Got something for you.

Happy birthday, Michael.

Jane, you really
shouldn't have.

But since I was
the best time
you ever had...


My Alpha Alpha
Epsilon pin.

I intended to give it back
after the divorce,

but, um...
I was pretty angry.

Not that the pin
has much intrinsic value.

Well, maybe not
to you.

Hi. Your table's ready.

If you'll follow me.


Thank you.

Hey, Jane. Ahem.

Remember when
I gave this to you?

It was our third date.


And you jumped right
in the sack with me.

I thought
you gave me that pin

because you were falling
in love with me.

Oh, I was.

But I also wanted
to get laid.

Oh, God.

Hey, Jane.
You got to admit,

it was a hell
of a night.

Sometimes you don't
appreciate something
until it's gone.

This is nice, Michael.

Really nice.



I think we need to talk.

Oh, gosh.
Look at the time.

I really
should be going.

I know that my relationship
with Kimberly upsets you,

that's why I've cut back
on our sessions.

It doesn't upset me.

I also had the court
remove her sensor bracelet

which means we'll have
more time to spend
with each other.




Did you just
hear what I said?

I don't want to spend
more time with you.

In fact, I think we should
end this relationship now

and part as friends.

What the hell
is this all about?

Amanda, I love you.

I've never felt
this way about anyone.

I've never tried
this hard with anyone.

Now, I know that
I've made

some mistakes with you
in the past.

That's putting it mildly.

Peter, I appreciate
everything you've done

for me in the past
few weeks--

Well, I don't want
your appreciation.

Don't push me away.

It's over, Peter.

Who hurt you so badly?

Who made you
so afraid of love?

Who was it?
Was it Jack?

No, I never said
I loved you.

I never said
we had a future.

You can't love
any man, can you?

No. I can't love you.

You're carrying around
some heavy baggage, lady.

And until you're willing
to admit it,

and work through it,

you're right, we won't
have a future together.

You won't have
a future with anyone.

So, I'll save you the trouble
of pushing me away.

I'm walking away.

Your mother wanted me
to name you Vincenzo Jr.

But I said no.

I want my son
named after royalty...

after a Kennedy...

after Bobby Kennedy...

Who stood up to that

n*zi director
of the FBI...

and got rid of most
of your enemies.

You listen good, kid.

[glasses clink]

You always have.

Mm, except
for that one time

that you told me not
to join the Navy.


Yeah, well, who knew
you were gonna win

the Gulf w*r single-handed.

Mr. Big Shot Navy pilot.

It's good you want
to serve your country.

But you got other
responsibilities now.

Ain't that right, Nicholas?

Yes, sir. But bobby
already knows that.

Hey, look.

If you need me
to stick around
for a few days--

Nobody murders my son
and gets away with it.

But it was
an accident.


That's the story
we gave the papers, Bobby.

Amanda pushed Jack
over a railing.

She had some doctor friends
of hers cover it up.

She goes by the name
of Woodward these days.

This photo,
it's about a week old.

I want you to see
she's taken care of.

Aw, no. Come on, dad.

k*ll her, Bobby. k*ll her
for your brother, Jack.
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