04x12 - Kimberly Does L.A.

Episode transcripts for the TV show "Melrose Place". Aired: July 8, 1992 –; May 24, 1999.*
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Follows the lives and loves of eight young adults in an apartment complex in Los Angeles.
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04x12 - Kimberly Does L.A.

Post by bunniefuu »

And we're back
with tonight's subject,

knowing when it's right
between you and your mate,

and when it's all wrong.

Hello, you're on the air.

Hi. This is Vic
from North Hollywood.

Three nights in a row.

Well, Vic,
you must have
one amazing speed dial.

So, what happened
after we last talked?

I did exactly what you said.

I told my girlfriend
that I cherished her,

that she was the only one
for me, but it backfired--
it ruined everything.

Oh, now calm down and
tell me what she said.

That she wanted
to see other men.

Mm, well,

I guess she just
doesn't appreciate

No, she doesn't,

because she's addicted
to the thrill of seduction,

being with somebody new
all the time.

Maybe she just enjoys sex.

And, Vic, will be
our last caller,

because unfortunately
our time is up.

Once again,
this is Kimberly Shaw.

I thank you for joining me,
and remember...

when you want
to reach someone,

usually all you have to do

is touch them.

It was a great,
um, show, Kimberly.


It was fun.

Yeah, it was.

So, um,
do you want to go out
for a drink, maybe?

I'll tell you what.

Let's just
skip that part.

I bet you think

I'm some kind of depraved
and lonely woman,

coming on to you
the way I am.

No. I don't
think that at all.

you'd be half right
if you did.

I'm all alone
in the world.

Not tonight, you're not.

Oh, then you care about me?

Oh, yeah, baby,
you know I do.


But that's O.K.

I'm all for
a little pretending.

♪ It's so hard
just to be with you ♪

♪ It's like walking
on wounded knees ♪

♪ And I try to be good
and all that ♪

♪ But no, you're impossible
to please ♪

♪ And me ♪

♪ You wouldn't know
what I like anyway ♪

♪ Right now
I'm officially speaking loud ♪

♪ So the words can be seen
leaving my mouth ♪

♪ Falling hard
on your dirty house ♪

♪ Right now
I'm officially speaking loud ♪

Smokehouse bacon,

scrambled eggs with a touch
of cream cheese.

Aren't you impressed?

It smells good.

for future reference,
is how you thank someone

for slaving over a hot stove
for you in the morning.

So, what's the deal
with the, um, laptop?


I tried to use it
the other day.

It wouldn't let me in
without a password.

You don't know it?

I told you.
I swore I did.

No, you didn't.
So what is it?

"Bar tabs."

But are you asking
because you want to know,

or because
you don't trust me?

I just want to be
a little more hands-on,
that's all.

I see.

So, you finally want
to learn the system

I've been bugging you to
for weeks.

That's right.
I want to learn.

then I guess it's up to me

to show this old dog
some new tricks.

I already said this
in my report.

I don't know exactly when
my car was stolen,

but it was sometime
late last night.

what do you suggest?

Buy a new one.

that's great, officer.

Thanks for the tip.

Everything all right?
Not really.

Somebody stole my car.
What do you want?

Believe me,
I'm not here because

I've changed my mind
about anything.

But I feel I deserve
an explanation.

We broke up, Peter.

I don't have a problem with
that, and neither should you,

since, as you pointed out,
I have no future with anyone.

You're the only one
who can answer that.

But I can help you
with your car if you want.

I don't want your help,

I can deal with
my car and my life

just fine without you
or anyone else.

But if you really want
to be helpful,
there's the door.

All right.

If that's how you need to
take care of yourself,

then so be it.

But I'll miss you,

Very much.

Dr. Mancini, please.

Yeah, Sydney, it's me.

Just put him on,
all right?

I didn't expect to hear
from you again so soon.

What's on your mind?


Which is why I hope you'll come
over to my place tomorrow night.

It's either feast
or famine with you,

Oh, don't sound so surprised.

That dinner we had
the other night was wonderful.

but I still don't get why--

Look, if it's
too much of a hassle,

or you're gonna get in trouble
with Sydney, don't come.

I completely understand.

First off,
I am not on a leash.

I know exactly
how to handle Syd.

Where and when?

My place, uh, 7:30.

I'll be there.


what did she want?

Oh, nothing, I just got some
alumni mail.

I told her to
throw it out.

How sweet of her.

Then again,
choking on a huge
piece of humble pie

will do that to anyone.

Jane got dumped
by that Richard guy.

Who wants to talk
about Jane's bad karma?

I have a surprise for you.

Beef ribs,

flown in fresh from Texas.

I special ordered them
for our barbecue tomorrow night.

You gotta toss them
in the freezer, Syd.
I have surgery.

Since when?

There wasn't anything
on the schedule an hour ago.

Now, Syd,
you know as well as I do,

that sacrificing
personal time
is part of the profession.

Now, as a doctor's, um,
significant other,

don't you think
you better get used to it?


Oh, Amanda.

I've been meaning
to give you these.

I got the last of
my things moved
out yesterday.

Sorry it took so long.

So am I. It'll be tough
to find renters

who'll take an apartment

Oh, go ahead,
keep my security deposit.

Obviously, I won't be
needing one.

That's a very generous

which I have no problem

Did you hear any of that?

Yeah, some of it.

Isn't it perfect?
It's two bedrooms.

One for us,
one for the baby.

We can't afford it.
Sure we can with my 10,000.

It's not affordable.
We can't move.

Then help make it that way.

Amanda's a friend.
I'm sure--

I'm not gonna put her
on the spot.

I'm not asking you
to do this for me.

I'm asking you to do it
for our baby.

Hi there.

Oh, man, she was
looking at you.

I haven't seen you here
for a while.

I know, but, um,

since I moved
so close,

I thought I'd
check it out again.

I hope you don't mind?

Why should I?

Well, a lot off people
in the apartment house

don't welcome my presence.

I thought that maybe
the same would apply to you.

I make it my business
to mind my own business.

Who am I to judge?

Can I get you another one
of those on the house?

Thank you.
That would be great.

Ahem. In case
you were wondering,

the stool next to me
happens to be free.

Well, how can I resist
an invitation like that?

You can't
and you shouldn't.

Here you go, Kimberly.

Can I get you guys
something else?

No, thanks.

he'd never leave.

You have a very pretty name.

Thank you.

And what does someone with
such a pretty name do?

let's just say I, um,

help people
with their problems.

What kind of problems?

Love, mostly.

Money, family.

Sex comes up a lot.

it's been great, but...

Don't tell me
you have to go.

unfortunately I do.

Who knows?
Maybe we'll meet
again sometime.


There you are.

I'm glad you're home.

these are the Ostrows.

Grace and Mike
and this is Eileen.

Alison, we just love your house.

Oh, thank you.

Um, Hayley, may I speak with you
for a moment, privately?

Yeah, of course.

Excuse us for a minute,
will you?

Thank you.

who are these people?

And why do I care
if they love the house?

Because they're
gonna buy it.

That reminds me,

I need you
to sign these papers.


How can you do this
without consulting me?

What do you mean?

I'm doing this for you.

I know you've never
been comfortable here.

You deserve to create
a home of your own.

And the way this deal
is going,

you're gonna be able
to start looking for it

as soon as tomorrow.

Now I gotta get back
to the buyers.

You can't just
walk away from me

like I'm some child you don't
have time to explain things to.

I'm your wife, damn it.

And I need to know
what's going on.

And I'm just trying
to tell you what's going on.

It is more than starting out
with a new house, isn't it?

It's the business.

What's with
all these questions?

Don't you trust
my judgment these days?

Of course I do.

Well, then, stop bugging me
about every move I make.

That's my house.

And if I want to sell it,
burn it down, or paint it pink,

it's my choice--
do you understand me?


Good, then sign
those papers.


What are they?

Quit claim deeds
for the house.
Don't worry about it.

That's all.
Thank you.

Not yet.


All right. Now.

Aah, you got it!
I can't believe it!

Thank you, honey.
Why didn't you tell me?

I believe in surprises.

This is perfect.

O.K. We're gonna put
the sofa right here.

And we can put
the TV over here.

Maybe some built-in

Slow down.
We haven't even moved in yet.

And if that bedroom
is big enough,

I'm going
to get my armoire
from daddy's house.

Mwah! Whoo-hoo.
Oh, I'm so excited.

You're thinking
about her, aren't you?

No. Not really.

I thought this might be
a little weird for you.

But I just thought
with the baby coming,

I just believed
you were over her enough

that it wouldn't
matter where we lived.

It doesn't.

O.K.? I'm telling you,
it doesn't.

You're not gonna see
Alison in every corner

or mark on the wall, are you?

Because if you are,
I don't think
I could stand it.

That's not gonna happen.

This place is waiting
to be filled
with new memories...

our family memories.

We'll be happy here,
won't we?

Yes...we will.

We will.


[knock on door]

Hey, Bobby.

Hope you haven't been
too bored waiting.

I've been all over town

looking for the right
tools for the job.

Everything's roses.

Only since you came to town
to put things in order.

I'm glad you're here, Bobby.

And while you are,

you consider me
your emissary to the area.

Thanks. I appreciate that.


I didn't know
what you preferred,

Glock or Ruger.

Ha ha. Your choice.

Both serial numbers
have been scrubbed.

You know...


if your father
wasn't so much
into direct revenge,

you could have
stayed at home.

I'd have k*lled
this bitch myself.

Only, you're a lawyer.

You never k*lled a fly,
much less a person.

Isn't that right, Nick?

Look, guys got
to puff themselves up.

I know that.

But it rubs me
the wrong way sometimes.

Because I've done it, Nick.

I've k*lled...

for my country.

Last thing
I ever wanted to do

was to do it for my family.

It was the last thing.


I meant no disrespect.

But Amanda did
k*ll your brother.

Don't worry about it.

I'll tell you what.

Why don't you
get some rest?

And tomorrow after,
this thing is over,

I'll take you out,

I'll show you
the town. Deal?

you are going
to do this...


Because I need
to tell your father.

I'll take care of her.

I'll take care of Amanda.


No. He's in surgery.
Can I take a message?

O.K. Thank you.


No. They are both out.

I'm holding down
the fort by myself.

I'll tell them
you called. Bye.

Phones are busy here,
aren't they?

we can't pretend that
we don't know each other.

Can't we?


despite everything
that's happened,

I only want
what's best for you.

In fact, when I'd heard
you moved back in with Michael,

I couldn't have been
more pleased.

Well, that's good.

Because we couldn't
be happier.

I mean, so far,
it's just been
one long honeymoon.

Filled with joy
and love and...

great sex.


How's your love life?

Very satisfying.

I can't imagine
how satisfying
it could be...

all by yourself.

Well, actually,
I've started...dating lately.

In fact, you know,
it's the first time in my life--

Look, um...

we've done
the chit-chat thing,

so if you could just
do us both a favor

and read a magazine
or something.

Because I don't
care about you
or your sex life.

Or whether
you live or die.

Is there a Sydney Andrews?


Oh, his ears
must have been burning.

Aren't they beautiful?

"Hope this makes up for
my missing dinner tonight.
Love, Michael."

Sydney...here's a tip.

When Michael sends flowers,

it means
he's cheating on you.

Ah, Kimberly.
I'm sorry I'm late.
Surgery ran over.

Uh, we've got
45 minutes left, huh?

You know, my hospital
therapy is going so well,

why don't you give my time
to somebody with a real problem?

Like Sydney.

What was that all about?

Let me ask you

When you send
a woman flowers,

what does it mean?

It's a romantic gesture.

Usually reserved
for someone

that I care
very deeply about.

Thank you.

But if it's Michael
who's sending them,

it probably means
he's cheating on you.

Hey. Did you find
anything out
about the computer?

Yeah. She gave me
the password.
It's "bar tabs."

She said
it was just an oversight

that she didn't tell me.

You know what else?

She's not a thief.
You're being paranoid.

Hey, you fixed it.


Isn't he one handy guy
to have around?

Yeah, he sure is.

I'm going to, uh...

be working in the back room
on the computer

for a little while.


Jake, just make sure
she's not up to something.

Send her out for a while.
Have her run an errand.

I can log
onto the computer--

You know what you're gonna do?
You're gonna do your job.

Fill these up.

Dinner smells good.

Yeah. Sorry it's
taking so long.

We can have some more
wine while we wait.

Allow me.
Thank you.

So you never told me why you
wanted me here tonight, Jane.

Well, that's probably because
I'm not all that sure myself.

I do know that when
I saw you last week,

I really enjoyed it.

I felt like this
flashback thing
was happening,

and all the bad drama
faded away.

That's funny because
I felt exactly the same thing.

Did you?

You know,
I want to be
honest with you.


I've been
a little lonely.

And they say that
when you're lonely,

you find comfort
in the past.


Michael, I want
to ask you something,

and it's--it's hard.

I want you to spend
the night with me.

You mean...


No--no. No.

No. Not in the same bed,

but out here
in the same space.


Well, Jane, I-I'm flattered,

but I'm a little confused

by this trip
down memory lane.

I mean, I thought
you had your life,
and I had my life--

You know what?

If you want to go home
to Sydney, then you should.

Because I won't ruin things
if you guys are
going that strong.

Uh, no. No.
I didn't say that.

It's just, um...

oh...what the hay.

Good. Maybe we can even
stay up and talk all night

like we did when
we were first dating.


We can talk all night.


More wine?


Billy and Brooke aren't in.
Please leave a message.

It's Amanda.

I was thinking that Billy
might be interested

in taking a spin
in my new car.

But I guess you're both
not home, so...

um, I'll just show it
to you tomorrow, O.K.?


For God's sake.




You all right?

Yeah. I'm fine,

but obviously
my new car isn't.


Nice car.

My neighbor
loved that bike.

So what brings
you out in, uh--

Don't--don't ask.

Why don't I call you
a tow truck?

Thank you.

[phone rings]


Hi, it's Alison.

Am I calling
too late?

No, no, no, no.
Not at all.

Michael's here.

He's spending
the night.

Are you nuts?

You know he can't
keep his hands
to himself.

I thought you were supposed to
be making Richard jealous,

not...making time
with Michael.

Trust me,
I'm still on plan.

So, how are you?

Oh, nothing major,

relationship stuff.

You have company.
We can talk later.

Are you sure?

Yeah. Yeah.
I'll call you
in a few days.

O.K. Good night,

Be careful.


I guess we're ready
for bed.

Um, Jane,
are you sure...

you wouldn't be
a little less lonely

if, at least, we slept
in the same room?

Oh, Michael...

just knowing you're out here
will help me get through
the night.

you never know,

I-I might wake up...

not be able
to sleep...

need some company.

Good night.


Sure you don't want
to wait inside?

No, no...thanks.

It was quite a coincidence

we have here, isn't it?

I mean...of all
of the houses in L.A.

to have a fender-bender
in front of,

you pick mine.

I didn't pick it.

I--I--I was out
on an errand.

and since I got
this new car,

I wanted to see
how it would go
on hills.

And you live in
the Hollywood Hills,

before I knew it,

I happened to end up
on this street.

Well, how do you explain

running over
a parked motorcycle

in the process?

I, hah...

I saw a dog
dart out.

I swerved--and, um,
it was a poodle.

A real small poodle.

Forget it.

No, even I wouldn't
believe that one.

It's good to see you,

It's even better
to see you laugh.

It's, um...

it's good
to see you, too, Peter.

Look, I...
don't know exactly

why I'm here.

But, now that I am,

I should tell you

You were right.

I do run away
the minute anyone
gets too close.

I guess it's just...

my M.O.

Why do you do that?

I suppose.

By a few key people.


And others.

I learned that

if you give people
enough time,

they're almost...
certain to hurt you.

Does that same rule
apply to you?

If given time,
you'll hurt them?

[tow truck pulls up]

I better go deal
with this.

Thanks for waiting
with me. And, um...




[pager beeps]

Oh, jeez...

Oh, Syd.

It's been going off
every 10 minutes
for an hour.

What time is it?

This doesn't look good.
My hair's fine.

You got any coffee on?


you got to go.

What? Wait, Jane--

I'm sorry, Michael.
I'm really late.

What's the hurry?

I forgot this meeting.

Thanks for coming.
O.K. Sorry.
I'll call you.

Good morning.

I had no idea
she was so

She seeing him?

It looks that way.

Why? Does that
bother you?


No, it doesn't bother me.

Oh, yeah.

I think you'd like to think
that it doesn't bother you,

but it bothers you
a little bit.

A little.

What, are you telling me you're
not the least bit bothered

seeing Shelly with Jake?

No. Not a bit.

Oh, good, you're here.

What do you think?

I thought it would be
a great representative outfit

for the designer showcase
tomorrow night.

What can I say?
It's stunning?

Yeah, but I think that
the neckline needs to be...

a little more open.

Could you pin it
for me?

All the cutters
are swamped.


Thanks, just right.

Yeah, it's...kind
of uncomfortable. M--

Maybe if I just--

take this off, it might work
a little bit better.


You know, we're going
to get tons of exposure
from this event.

You know, it's all
anybody whose anybody
is talking about.

Well, it's
the hottest ticket

of the design year.

Yeah, I just wish
I could get more tickets.

would've loved coming.

He never could resist
a big bash.

I'm sorry.

I hope you don't mind that
I'm seeing Michael again.

Oh, no. It's your

Well, good.

I'm glad that we've
gotten over that hump.

I don't mind that
you're seeing Jo.

You don't mind that
I'm seeing Michael.

So we're all happy.

Do you love him?

Now there's
a familiar question.

I could love Michael.

We have history.

I know him.

He knows me.

[door opens]

Richard. I need--

to, um...

I need to go over--

lock in some times
for tomorrow's sh**t.

Sure. Come on in.

I was--just helping
Jane with her

Oh, yeah, I saw that.

You know, I better get this
to the seamstress.

Thanks for your help.

You can call me nuts,
but that wasn't a...

neckline she was pushing
into your hands.

You're nuts.


Eat. We've got
a long night
ahead of us.

It's against policy,
but what the hell?

You're welcome.

Two vodka tonics!
Sure thing, Matt.

I logged on.

I got on the computer
this afternoon

when she went to the bank.

You have some kind
of listening disorder?

I told you I didn't
want you to do that.

Look, Jake,
I know you don't
want to hear this,

but according
to the computer,

your corporate
checking account balance

is below $1,000.

Makes no sense.
We cleared $3,000

Look, it's not gonna hurt you
to go down to the bank and
double-check for yourself.

I'm gonna go down
to the bank, all right,

just to prove
that you're wrong.

After I do,

if you bring this up again,
you're fired.

Yeah, I know that.
I know that.

I understand,
but there's nothing

I can do about that.




I'll call you back.

Hey, sweety. Hi.

It's good
that you woke up.

What's going on?

Well, it's a--
it's a surprise.

You remember the tangle
we got into about the house?


Well, I realized how tough
I was on you about that,

and I want to
make up for it,

so I'm gonna take you
on a second honeymoon.


Come on.
You better get packing.

It's the middle
of the night.

Well, we're gonna
take the yacht.

We're gonna cruise
all night

so that we're well on our way
by tomorrow.

On our way where?

That's the second part
of the surprise, sweety.

I--I don't understand.

Come on.
The limo's waiting.
Let's get packing.

Well, it looks like
we've got a pretty slow
night on our hands.

Where is everyone?

The topic is truth
and who decides it.

You're on the air.

Maybe no one's listening
because you give
such rotten advice.

I'm game to hear more,

but first, why don't you
tell us who you are

and where you're calling from.

It's Vic from North Hollywood,

Uh-oh, Vic,
still having
girlfriend trouble?

She humiliated me!

She said
she never loved me.

She said she was using me
and all of my friends knew it.

I'm sorry Vic,
but as I recall,
my advice to you

was to connect
with someone else.

Like she was connecting
with every guy in town?

what I meant was--

Let me finish.

I think this whole connecting
theory of yours

is just an excuse
for women to screw around.

Uh, Vic,
don't you think you're
being a little extreme

in drawing
that conclusion?

Deep down,
I think all women are whores.

Especially you, Kimberly.

Including you.

O.K., well, um,

let's hear from
someone else.

Preferably someone
less psychotic
than our last caller.

you're on the air.

I think you're a disgusting,
dirty slut!

do not call back.

I will not take
another call from you.
I'm serious.

Let's--let's just go
to commercial.

Listen to me.

If you don't knock it
the hell off, you fruitcake,

I'm calling the cops.


I was just heading out
to the bank

with yesterday's

Do you want me to deposit
that cash, too?

Actually, I think I'm gonna
go to the bank myself today.

Run a couple other errands
while I'm at it.


So I'll take that
off your hands.

Be back in a few.


Whatever you do, don't stand
in the regular line.

Go to
the merchant window.

I know. I, uh,
I've been there before.

Okay, Jake...let's see...

account number 9287.

$3,000 from my account...
into Jake's account.



Do you have
a deposit slip?

Right here.

Can you give me the balance
on this account?


Here you go.

we're all set.


Oh, here's your receipt.

I'm sorry, can you do
one more thing for me?

Can you tell me
what the balance was
earlier today?

Yeah, I might be able
to get close

using yesterday's
closing balance.

Which was?


And it looks like...

there's been
another transaction

A 3,000
transferring in of funds

from another account.

Excuse me.

Hey, you.

So, we meet again.

Only this time,
things are gonna go

How so?

Take me to your place
and find out.


Food was excellent,
wasn't it?

Little noisy
in that place, though.

Except at our table,
of course.

I didn't have much
to say.

Yeah, and therein
lies the problem.

You know, Amanda,
the other night

you were talking about some
pain that you'd been through,

but you sort of stopped

Here's an idea,
let's talk about

where to have dessert

Instead of what?
Real feelings?

You know...

if we're going to
see each other--

and I think that's
why you invited me
out tonight--

we're gonna have to be able
to talk openly all the time.

Not just when you're
in the mood.

You're going to
have to trust me

Was it Jack?

There was someone
before him.

Someone I loved very much.

You must have been
very young.

Yeah, I was,
and very stupid.

So stupid that I completely
opened up and trusted someone

with all my heart
and soul, actually.

And he just threw me away
without so much as looking back.

Then I got married Jack, and
you know how that turned out.


Tell me more
about this guy.

He's ancient history,

and you're the present.

I talked.

All right.

Then why don't we go
back to my place,

and I promise you won't
have to talk at all.

That sounds
very tempting,

but tonight, how about
a cup of coffee
and a ride home?

Another night, then.

Another night.

Do you always
have to go in that way?

Just temporarily.

They're repaving
part of the garage,

so I have to
park in the back

and come in
this way.

Dealing with
an old stairwell
like that every day

would give me the creeps.

Did it scare you?


I'm fearless.

It's awfully quiet
in here.

I like it that way.

I don't.

I like it loud.


I let myself in.

You did give me a key,
after all.

That's fine.
Where have you been
all afternoon?

Must have been
you were running.


it was.

Speaking of running,

when were you
going to tell me

about the trip
you were planning?

One-way ticket
to Virgin Islands.

Did it ever occur to you
on your little search

there might be a ticket
for you somewhere, too?

I was gonna surprise
you with it.

you surprised me.

You surprised me with
how good you were
at embezzlement.

I don't know what
you're talking about.

Just stop lying, all right?
It's over.

You were going to skip town
and take my money with you.

Admit it.

You know, it really hurts me
that you'd accuse me
of something like this,

but it makes sense,
'cause deep down,

you think I'm just
like Jess, don't you?

Or is it just your guilt
of k*lling him

that makes you so paranoid?

I checked at the bank,

You switched money
over this morning

so I wouldn't see
the low balance.

I transfer funds
all the time

to earn a higher
interest rate.

You know, if you don't
believe me,

I'll just show you
on the laptop.

This is gonna prove
that you ripped me off.

I think maybe the police
will be interested in it.

You move,
and I k*ll you.

I swear it.

You won't
get away with this.

You can't.

Oh, yes I can.

I made sure of it.




Let go of me,
you son of a bitch!

I'll k*ll you!


Oh, you're so screwed,
Jake, you're so screwed.

I don't think so.

It's not my ass
that's going to jail.

911, state the nature
of your call.

I need the police.

I got a woman here
who just tried
to k*ll me.

One moment, please.

Oh, what time is it?

Hey, sleepy head.

Or should I say

sleepy slut?

I mean, what else would
you call someone who sleeps
with a man

and doesn't even
ask his name?

Which forces me
to introduce myself.

My name is Victor.

My friends call me Vic,

from North Hollywood.

[door closes]


[knock knock]

Oh, Peter.

Haven't we talked enough
for one night?


Hello, Amanda.


It's been a long time.

You look good.

What are you doing here?

I came to see you.

You bastard.

You bastard.

How dare you
come here?

Amanda, stop.

Take your hands
off me.

Stop it.

Stop it.

I thought
I'd never see you again.

I'm sorry.

I'm sorry.
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