04x16 - Holy Strokes

Episode transcripts for the TV show "Melrose Place". Aired: July 8, 1992 –; May 24, 1999.*
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Follows the lives and loves of eight young adults in an apartment complex in Los Angeles.
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04x16 - Holy Strokes

Post by bunniefuu »


if you exist,
and I know you do,

please don't let
Jane die.

I'll do anything.
Just don't let her die.

[door opening]

Is there something
you'd like to tell me,

I don't know
what you mean.

You must know
Jane's condition
is very serious.

They've ordered
toxicology tests,

which means they
suspect a possible

Remember what we
talked about in our
session, Sydney?

About purging

But I'm not guilty
of anything.

There's really
no need to be

I'm your doctor,
and you're my

and anything you tell me
will be kept in the
strictest confidence.

But if I'm kept in the
dark and I'm questioned
by the authorities

about the pills I
prescribed, and...

how they might've
somehow found their way
into Jane's drink--

All right.

I did it.
I put the pills
in her drink.

I just wanted
to knock her out,
that's all--

so she'd be too passive,
even for Michael.

I never meant
for this to happen.

If anything happens
to her, I'll never
forgive myself.

Oh, God, Kimberly,
what am I gonna do?

It's all right, Sydney.

I'm here.

You just leave
everything to me.


♪ ♪

♪ I told that girl ♪

♪ She really looked just like
a movie star ♪

♪ She said the way I looked ♪

♪ Was simply not quite
up to par ♪

♪ I may not be the one
she pictured in her fantasy ♪

♪But I'm a work of art ♪

♪ I know my mother loves me ♪

♪ I tried to tell her ♪

♪ She's my forever ♪

No-- oh, okay.
Thank you-- thank you
for your help, nurse.

No change,
no reports.

Jane's still
in I.C.U.

When I get to the hospital,
I'll check in on her,

and I'll call you
with an update.

Thanks, um,
I already got mine.

Oh, it's
probably for me.

Hey, Jake,
how's it going?

Didn't know you
had any company.

Yeah, it's, uh,
it's been a while.

You know what?
Stick around

and I'll whip up
some omelets.

That sounds great,
but, um-- oh, wow,
I gotta get to work.

I'll, uh...

talk to you later, Matt,
and, uh, I guess I'll, uh,

be seeing you around, Alan.

Count on it.

Well, he sure left
in a hurry.

[clearing throat]
by the way,
Jane is stabilized,

but that's all
I could really
find out.

She lives in four
across the courtyard.

You know, nice girl,
but sorta really
mixed-up life?


This is 2% but I've got
non-fat if you prefer.

Oh, no, no, no.
Black's fine.

Oh, um...
last night was great, Matt.

Yeah, you too.

What time is it?

It's nearly 9:00, why?

I got an early audition.
If I'm late to one more
of these things,

they're gonna throw me
out of the business.

Don't you have a watch?

Oh, no.
Hocked it weeks ago.

Listen, I'll see you later.

Peter [on phone]:
Yes. Right.

No, no, I'm well aware
of what's been going on.

Let's not forget here,
I was the doctor involved.

Oh, that's crap.
Every word of it.

Well, fine, let the bastard
take me to the Supreme Court,

because I don't care--
I'm fighting this.

Well, you do that.
You relay every
last word.

[slamming down phone]

My, my.
Harsh words so early
in the morning.

I brought you
croissants from that
cafe on the corner.

Your favorite.

I'm being sued
for malpractice.

A patient is claiming that I
triggered some sort of a nerve
disorder during surgery--

a disorder that I understand
is most likely hereditary.

You have insurance.

You don't understand.
This kind of a case
can ruin your reputation

with other patients,
other doctors,
the hospital.

They're filing to
have me suspended from
practice immediately.

Put it aside, Peter.
We still have New Year's
plans to make,

and plans in general
about our future.

You don't get it,
do you?!

What I'm up against
can cost me my future.

Don't you yell at me.

Well, I'm just trying
to explain it.

Yeah, I get the idea.

You have a lot
of things on your mind,
and I'm not one of them.

Well, enjoy
the croissants.

And I'll do you a favor
and pretend we never
had this conversation.

You've had a stroke.

It's a very mild one,
but still a stroke.

Now, you must take that
very, very seriously.

It's very encouraging,
however, that you survived
the initial episode.

Now, tell me if you
can feel this.


That's nice.
That's good reflexes.

Well, while we're doin' this,

maybe you can tell me
what you remember about
the party--

if anything.

Dancing, and...

drinking too much.

Going upstairs...

with you.
Oh, Michael,
tell me we didn't--

No, no, we didn't.

You were acting
strangely, though.

Then, you went into
respiratory arrest,

then seizure,
and finally shock.


Okay, tell me
if you can feel this.


Michael, what's going on?
I can't feel it.

Jane, listen to me.

I can't feel anything.

Jane, calm down.
I can't feel anything.

Calm down.
Am I paralyzed?

Jane, it's too early to know.
I'm paralyzed, aren't I?

It's just too early--
Aren't I?!


Don't touch me!


Yes, Doctor.

Oh, God.

Mrs. Mancini,
calm down.

Everything's fine.
You're doing great.

Jane: Oh, no...
Just relax.

Oh, God, no.


It's fine.
Okay, now.

You should've told me
those pills would
cause a stroke.

Those pills were meant
for you, Sydney.

Not to be slipped
into someone's drink.

I really think this
is another textbook case

of you not taking
for your actions.

You're suggesting
I go to the police

and just confess to this
whole miserable mess?

Of course not, but you
must accept what's happened
and learn from it.


Do you have
the prescription bottle?

The one you took
the pills from?

Right here.

You gave her three pills,


Here's three of the
exact same prescription

to replace them with.

When Michael
confronts you--
and he will--

just show him
your full prescription.

That oughta stave off
any accusations...
at least for a while.

And Jane?


Jane will never suspect
the perfect caregiver.

Smother her with warmth,
compassion, and human

Play it right and
you'll be the last one
anyone suspects.

This therapy...
or whatever you call it...

it's rather unorthodox,
isn't it?

Well... you're a rather
unorthodox patient, Sydney.

last one.

That's right.
On the X.

Well, that's
all of it, then.

The transfer of funds
will begin immediately
upon the child's birth.

In anticipation,
we'll go ahead

and set up the
trust accounts.

All righty,

I got a meeting
downtown till 5:00,

then I'll be back
at the office.

Thank you, Norman.

Anytime, Billy.


Um... Norman?

If you've got a second,
I've got a question.

What is it?

My inheritance--
this million dollars--

I still get it if, say,
God forbid,

something were to happen
to my pregnancy?

I'm afraid not, Brooke.

Your father's will
was very specific.

I know that look.

Is there something you're
not telling me, Brooke?


I can't fool
old Uncle Norman.

Okay, I'll be
honest with you.

I'm not pregnant after all.
I just found out.

There was a mix-up
at the lab.

And Billy doesn't know?

I've been trying
to find a way to tell him,

and I will...


about the money--

I'd see what I could do
about getting pregnant,

as fast as you can.

Otherwise, the money
stays right where it is--
in the bank.

Have a nice day.

So, Amanda loved
the storyboards.

"Reception so clear,
you won't know it's cable."

Real Cleo material.

Wait a minute.

Ever since Christmas,
you've been givin' me

but the cold shoulder.

We're living two
different lives,

Like the song goes--
a couple of old

As the song says,
they shouldn't
be forgotten.

Maybe sometimes
the remembering's
too painful.

Goodnight, Billy.
Happy New Year.

Man: Billy!
There you are.

Brooke called earlier.
She said you're to meet her

at Wilshire Memorial
as soon as you can.

She seemed kind of upset.



What is it?
What's wrong?

I started bleeding,

and I called
the doctor,
and the baby--

I lost our baby,

I've just been sitting
out here for hours.

It's okay.
It's all right.
I'm here.

It's okay.

You're gonna
be late for work.

I already called in.
I'm taking the day off.

I wanna get pregnant
again right away.

I read somewhere that
a woman is more fertile
after a lost pregnancy.

Some study about
breeding race horses.

What do you think?

I guess
I don't understand.

I was really looking
forward to this baby.
The anticipation, and...

Don't we need some
kind of period to regroup,

get our lives
back together?


Isn't going on
with our lives the
best way to forget?

[knocking on door]


I-- I just wanted
to come by and say
how sorry I am.

Brought you a plant.

Oh, Alison,
it's lovely.
Thank you.

If there's anything
I can do...

you brought the plant,
so you're off the hook.

Besides, we're gonna
get pregnant again
right away, anyway.

So, there's really
no need for a big fuss.

Be a dear
and just pass that around
the building, would you?


I'll walk you out.

I'll be right back.


Brooke seems like
she's right back
in top form.

How are you doing?

Well, I wish I could
say top form as well,

I can't.

I'm kind of a mess,

But, uh, Brooke?

You'd think she'd be
worse off than I am.
She's not.

I just keep wondering,
does this have something
to do with the trust fund?

You know, is this all
just about the money?

Billy, that's--
that's really more
than I need to know.

You asked.

Well, I was expecting
the usual,

"I'm okay,
I'm getting by."


take care of yourself.
I hope it works out.

Happy New Year.

Yeah, thanks.
For the millionth time.

Are you all right?

Except for business,
you really have been
quiet all morning.

Oh, it's nothing.
Just, um, Peter.

He's got this lawsuit
coming up,

and he's been pestering me
to leave town for a few days.

I guess he's trying
to duck a deposition
or something.

Been there, done that.


I know, why don't you
come out to my place?
The Palm Springs house.

I'm goin' out there
for New Year's by myself.
I'd love the company.

Yeah, Peter would
love that idea.

If he wants to get outta town
to someplace where no one
can track him down--

You're right.
Three's a crowd.

Unless you had
a date.

What do you say,

Bobby's invited us
to his place in Palm Springs
for New Year's.

You don't have any plans,
do you?

Uh, no, but--

It's a great place.
We'd have a ball.

Why not?

Leave all the plans to me.

Now, if you'll excuse me,
I'm late for lunch.

You're not too mad
at me, I hope.

Not at all.
It'll be a great weekend.

Well, now I just have
to convince Peter to come.

Oh, I'm late
for Lindy Toys.

What are you doing?

Sydney's filing
system sucks.

I'm trying to dig up every
available piece of paper
I can on this patient.

You know, you're gettin'
way too worked up over
this malpractice thing.

Just let the lawyers
battle it out.

Oh, yeah, lawyers.
No, their suggestion

is that I get outta town
for the holidays--
duck the deposition.

[fax machine beeping]

Oh, my tox
reports on Jane.
'Scuse me.

Okay, alcohol...
and a prescribed sedative--

Whoa, look at that level,

She should've been
knocked senseless.

She was.
And she woke up
with a stroke.

Did you know she
was on a sedative?

and neither did she.

Sydney: God,
the traffic out there.

Worse every day.

My office, now.


All right.

Gimme your purse.

Give me your purse.

That is personal

You know, Jane's
heart was pumping
pure phenobarbital,

and I happen to know
you are carrying
a prescription

of that exact
same medication--

prescribed by none other
than Dr. Fruitcake herself.

I haven't touched those pills.
I forgot I even had 'em.

Yeah, well,
we'll see about that.

You honestly believe
I'd drug Jane?

That I could do something
like that?

In the name of jealousy,
I think you're capable
of just about anything.

17, 18, 19...

I am telling the truth,

I am more than confident
in my relationship with you,

and I did not--
and do not--

consider Jane to be
any threat at all.

My God, I'm not Kimberly,
after all.

27, 28...



They're all there.

I'm waiting
for my apology.

Till hell
freezes over.


But now that
the witch-hunt
is over,

I think it's time that
we both do what we can

for poor, paraplegic Jane.

She's gonna need our help--

especially mine,
her only family in town.

Uh, Syd, I would think
it'd be a smarter move
to just stay away.

I can't.
I have a responsibility
to Jane.

Besides, she and I
both need to start

taking the first baby steps
towards reconciliation.

You know, why do I get
the feeling that Kimberly
is behind this mumbo-jumbo?

It's never too late
to heal emotional
wounds, Michael.

Man, I gotta go
to the hospital.


Alan, there's, um--

there's somethin'
I've been meaning
to ask you.

before you do, uh--

there's something
I've been avoiding
all night.

An actress friend of mine
called from New York.

Um, look, she's got
some extra room
in her brownstone.

In-- in Manhattan.

Look, I've been itchin'
to do some more stage work,

and-- and, well, you could
can visit me there.

You know, soon as I get
a few bucks together,
I'll come back here.

[chuckling nervously]

Look, um...

I'm sorry.
There was no good time
to tell you this.

You can just pick up
and go that easily?

You gotta be able to
in my business.

Hey, come on...

Let's not let it
ruin tonight, okay?

Enjoy the time
we have left, right?


All right.


Could you
come in here
a minute?

I'm ovulating.

Brooke, we--
we can't do this.

It just doesn't
feel right.

But the timing
is perfect.

It's tonight
or it's another month.

Please, Billy.
I want a baby.

I just need that feeling
again of a baby growing
inside me--

a life.

Well, you have to wait,
all right?

I'm sorry.

Well, I'm sorry, too.

I'm sorry...

that I am so damaged
and unattractive

that you don't
wanna sleep with me!

It's not that.
Yes, it is.

I let you down.
I lost your precious

and you just can't
forgive me, can you?

You're being ridiculous.
No, you are!

You're being
ridiculous and selfish!
Now get out of my room!

Just leave me alone!
Get out!

Leave me alone!


[Brooke crying]

It's all right.
I'm awake.

I couldn't sleep
if I had to.

Uh... I brought
you some flowers.
I'll just, um...

put 'em right here.

Thank you.
They're beautiful.

It's an hour's work.
I was trying to show Alison
when she was here.

I can't even sign
my own name.

I'm sorry.

You probably just wanted
to stop by and drop off
the flowers.

That's okay, I...
know how tough
it must be for you.

I mean, I can guess.

They wanna start all this
physical therapy stuff.

What if nothing comes back
and I never get better?

Yeah, but that's
up to you, isn't it?

you sound like them.

I don't know
anything about medicine,
but I do know that if--

when it comes to saving
yourself, you're the only one
who can do that.

You think they care
one way or the other?

The doctors and half
the people that you know?

There's a light
inside of you, Jane,
that's always been there.

Don't let it go out.

I'm just so alone.

You keep up the fight and
you'll be out of this
contraption in no time.

Well, if they'd let me,
I'd be in physical therapy
24 hours a day.

Oh, Jane, poor Jane.
How're you doin'?

Much better,
thank you.

Uh, Jane, would
you excuse me
for a minute?


Why don't you save
the manhandling
for Sydney, Doctor?

I just wanna ask a few
questions, because you
never returned my calls.

I've been
very busy.

Oh, not too busy for your
number one guinea pig Sydney,
I bet.

Now, tell me something--
did you tell Syd to drug Jane
or did you do it yourself?

'cause it's way too big
a coincidence

that the same drug
you prescribed for Sydney
ended up in Jane's drink.

I believe that's
a two-part accusation.

As for the first part,
anything Sydney might
share with me,

I could not discuss with
you due to doctor-patient

As for the second part,

your insinuation that
I could participate
in such an act--

well, I have
only this to say--
go to hell, Michael.

Why did I think I might
get a straight answer
from you?

That would mean
you would've had
to have changed.

Maybe you're the one who
should be contemplating
a change, Michael.

After all, how many lives
can one man ruin?

Now, let me tell you
something, Kimberly--

I am watching this
very carefully,

and if any of my
hunches are correct,

then Syd is gonna
find herself in jail,

and you'll be back on the
radio talking gibberish
to the masses.

I suggest you watch what
you thr*aten, Doctor,

because I have a very high
threshold of tolerance,

but you're pushing me way
too close to the edge of it.

Let's go, Jane.
You're gonna
love the day room--

non-stop sunshine.

Hi, Billy.
Bye, Billy.

Oh, excuse me.

Dr. Fisher,
I'm Billy Campbell.

I'm Brooke Campbell's

Oh, right.
I'm sorry, Mr. Campbell,
about what happened.

It's so rare,
and, um, I know the pain
it must have caused.

I don't understand.
Miscarriage is... rare?

No, it was a mix-up
at the lab.

Your wife was never

Where on earth did you
get the idea she had
a miscarriage?

Mr. Campbell?

♪ It's the last chance
you've been waiting for ♪

♪ Are you gonna be the one
everyone adores ♪

♪ Every night... ♪


Hey, Brooke,
come here.

What-- what?

God, Billy,
what's gotten into you?

You didn't
miscarry anything!
The truth!

There never was a baby.
But I thought
that there was.

And when there wasn't,
you knew I'd be upset,

and you figured,
"What the hell?
I'll just hurt him anyway.

I'll hurt him so bad
that his heart'll break and
he won't even know it's a lie!"

It's so sick, Brooke.
It's so damn sick
it makes me want to puke!

Please don't yell at me.

What am I supposed
to do, just keep
taking it?

Huh? I'm already
a complete idiot

for just standing around
and accepting all this.

"Fine, Brooke.
Sure, Brooke.
Anything you want, Brooke."

You know,
I've just had it.

You know, I'm not just
some tool to make you

to get your money
for you!

I swear, I don't even care--
Oh, just stop lying!

It has always
been about the money!

Your mother's,
then your father's,

then the trust fund
for the baby that
you never even wanted

until there was a million
dollars attached to it!

Please, Billy,
just listen to me!


I am through, all right?
I give up.

This marriage--
this whole sham--

is over.

It's over.

[music playing]

Excellent scotch,
old man.

I'm glad you like it.

So, Amanda tells me
that you've got some
legal troubles.

A, uh--
malpractice case?

You know, for a couple
of people who are trying
to get away from each other,

you two are spendin'
a lot of time together.

I promised I'd be
the perfect houseguest,

and already I'm sh**t'
my damn fool mouth off.

Don't worry about it.

Listen, if you need
some legal help,

I have this new attorney
I put on exclusive retainer.

Well, I-- I got my own
people, thanks.

Maybe you oughta
take it easy on that.

It's another hour
till New Year's.

Gee, Bob,
thanks for the concern,

but I can handle it.

Amanda: Hey, guys.

Come outside.
It's a gorgeous night.

You know,
I think I'll shower.

Why don't you
come with me, Amanda?

We can ring in
the New Year on our own.


Little chill in the air, huh?

Can I get you
a sweater?

No, no, I'm fine.

enjoying the quiet.

It's so beautiful out here
in Palm Springs.

[clearing throat]

So you know...

I'm terrible
at smalltalk.

Me, too.

You know, I never
met your husband,

but from what I heard,
he was a nice guy.


This is probably
a mistake--

coming here so soon
after his death.

I don't blame Amanda.
She meant well.

God, listen to me.

Like you're even

You're very beautiful,

I'm not Amanda.

Oh, I'm sorry.

It's none of my business.

Happy New Year,

Don't you dare
pass out on me.

I'm sorry I was
such an idiot
down there.

So now show me how big
a man you can be.

Michael, I--
I don't know about this.

Maybe you should just
take me back to the hospital.

your insurance
is running out,

and you need
a new environment.

I can't believe
you'd wanna go back
to that building

with Richard
and Jo right upstairs,

living together.

And this way,
Syd and I

can be at your beck and call
24 hours a day.

Michael, it's such a burden.
Don't worry.

I'll free Syd up
of some of her
office duties,

and, uh, you know--
she can take you to therapy,
get you whatever you need.

No problem, right, Syd?
You keep saying you
wanna help Jane.

Sounds great.
Can't wait.

Then I'll tell you what--

you can start by digging up
some blankets and a pillow.

The couch
gonna be okay
for you, Jane?

Uh, yeah, it's fine.

You know what, Syd?
Make that two pillows,
if you can find 'em.

Well, it's almost midnight,

and I know how you love
watchin' the ball drop
in Times Square.

Hey-- hey, you remember
right after we were married,

we didn't have a dime
to our name?

And that's how
we spent New Year's--
watchin' the ball drop.

Right on the tube.


Well, okay,
on three, all right?


One, two... and three.



[clearing throat]

I can't find anything
in here.

I'll be right back.


You wanna take a shot
at explaining this?

You're the one who needs
to be the perfect sister.
I'm just here to assist.

And get her into bed.

Course, now she'll
just lie there limp.

Then again, that's probably
all she's ever done.

Oh, you are so disgusting.

How long?
Is she staying here?

Well, Syd...
as long as it takes.

I couldn't sleep,

I was working out
my resolutions.

Long list this year.

I've only got one--
stop lying,

pretending I don't
have feelings for you.

When the truth is,
I love you so much
it's tearing me apart.

I thought I could
just bury it.

It's useless.
I can't.

[fireworks whistling]




Billy, what
are you doing here?
How did you find us?


Amanda always leaves
forwarding addresses
on her voicemail.

Guess I didn't
know where else
to go, so I just...

drove and drove,
and ended up here.

You didn't come out here
just to see me.

You're right.

I had a...
fight with Brooke.

This whole thing
has just blown up
in my face.

The miscarriage...
was a lie.

She was never pregnant.

And I'm leaving her...

for real.
For good.

Are you sure
this is the--

the right way to handle it?
Just... run away?

She probably has
the whole world
out looking for you.

"Fugitive from a Bad Marriage:
The Billy Campbell Story."

Sounds like a TV movie
of the week.

You gotta go back.

I can't.

I'm... too tired.
And I need somebody
to talk to.

All right.
I'll drive you, then.

We'll get some breakfast.

What about your vacation?

Well, let me tell you,

this has been anything
but a vacation.

It's not that
I'm not grateful.

Till now, your advice
has been wonderful.

But this...
is a real problem.

I mean, I did
just like you said.

I have been great to Jane.
The perfect little nursemaid.

But now Michael has
got her in our house--
living there.

And that wasn't
quite the idea.

Well, not yours, of course.

Well, Jane could've
said no.

she had to move somewhere,
and downstairs from Jo

probably wouldn't
be a first choice.

Well, that's the one
good thing--

Jane's main suspects
remain Richard and Jo.

They walk in her room,
she goes bonkers.

Still, they are determined
to prove their innocence.

God, I'd be so much
better off if Jane
had just died.

Don't you say that.

Don't you ever,
ever say that.

I didn't mean it.
It's just a figure
of speech.

I love my sister,
I really do.

She's just...
my weakness.

What you just saw,

that's my weakness,
and you must avoid it
at all costs.

v*olence and anger only
beget more v*olence
and anger.

Compassion and understanding
are the only emotions

that will help you overcome
your tremendous guilt.

I know, I know.
You're right.

I need more self-control.

It's just...

when my relationship with
Michael gets threatened,

I stop thinking clearly.

But you care about Jane.

You care what happens
to her.

And you'll help her.

Yes, I will try.
I will keep trying.

Good girl.

Man [over P.A. System]:
The white zone
is for the loading

and unloading
of passengers only.

No parking.

I'll park the car
and then I'll, uh,
meet you at the gate.

Nah, don't bother.
We can just say
goodbye here.

I mean, anyway,
it's not really
goodbye, right?

I'll be back for
a visit in a month
or two, and...

until then, uh--
don't fall in love
with anyone else, okay?



Well, what's wrong?

Forget about New York
and move in with me.

I-- I was--

I was gonna ask you
before the whole
New York thing came up,

but I was scared.
I didn't--

I didn't want
to rush it.

Look, I know you got
the stage in New York,

and that there's a lot
of other opportunities,

You know,
I'm offering you
something more here.

It's a chance
for both of us
to have a relationship to--

with someone that
we care about.

Matt, Matt--
but my plane--

Please... come on,
please stay with me.

You don't know how much
I was hoping you'd ask.

I just... I knew it had
to be your decision.

So, yeah.

Yeah, I'll move in
with you, Matt.

[phone ringing]

Sydney [on answering machine]:
Hi, you've reached the
offices of Burns-Mancini.

If you want to leave
a message for Peter Burns,

Michael Mancini,
or Sydney Andrews,

please talk at the beep.

It's Amanda.

I was hoping
you'd be there.

What's going on?

You left this morning
without a word.

I hope you're
not mad at me.

If you get this message,
please call me.

I love you.

[hanging up]

[door opening]

There you go.
Happy New Year,

Your malpractice
case closed.

Let me guess--

you made him an offer
he couldn't refuse.

It's a legitimate

You don't think I know
what this is really about?

I did a favor
for a friend.

So, when you need a favor
in return, say, like--

for me to quietly
and without a fuss
turn Amanda over to you,

I'll willingly

You know you're really
startin' to tick me off?

Well, I'm way past ticked.

Thanks for nothin'.

I'm just gonna forget
this ever happened.

Well, see if you
can forget this.

That was a mistake,

Do it again,
it'll be your last.

Well, I can take it
from here.

So, thanks
for breakfast,

and lunch,
and, uh...
for listening.

Happy New Year.

Good luck, Billy.

Good night.

[phone buzzing]



Oh, my God.

♪ ♪
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