04x22 - The Circle of Strife

Episode transcripts for the TV show "Melrose Place". Aired: July 8, 1992 –; May 24, 1999.*
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Follows the lives and loves of eight young adults in an apartment complex in Los Angeles.
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04x22 - The Circle of Strife

Post by bunniefuu »

I can't
leave her like this.

Brooke needs help.
Just stay
out of it.

I think we should go back.
I think we should
go to the movies.

I can't.
Well, I'll
see you later.

He may not be showing it
like that crazy broad
back there,

but Billy
really needs you.

Save me a seat.




Help, Billy!

What happened?

I don't know.

I don't think
she's breathing.
Oh, my God.

Okay, okay...

Call 911.


♪ ♪

[siren wailing]

♪ There's a star
shining all over ♪

♪ There's a sky
both of us can see ♪

♪ Over you and me ♪

♪ There's a love
we both needed ♪

♪ There's a way
if we believe it's right ♪

♪ It's in our sight... ♪

There's nothing
we could do.

♪ So baby
don't say no... ♪♪

I called
the theater.

They're gonna
find Jane
and Jake.

I am so sorry.

Mr. Campbell.
I'm sorry, but, um--

I'll need to take
both your statements.

Can we change


Go get some dry
clothes, okay?

Then I'll meet you
back here?

We were just
goin' to the

Oh, Billy,
it wasn't your fault.

You tried to save her.
We both did everything
we could.

It was just an accident.

A terrible,
awful accident.

Was it?



Amanda: Before we adjourn,
I'd like to offer our
sympathies to Billy.

As you know, Brooke
was k*lled in a tragic
accident last night.

We lost a valued
employee and friend.


Oh, um, Brooke's funeral
will be tomorrow morning
at 10:00 a.m.

at Glen Meadows Cemetery.

So, those of you
whose schedule permits,
feel free to attend,

and, um--
that's all for today.

I'm a little
surprised to see
you here today.

Well, last night
was hard,

and I feel
really bad about it.

But the fact is, Brooke
and I were getting divorced,

and whatever emotional
ties we had, she cut
a long time ago.

Well, if that's
the case,

I'd like to see you
back on the Lindy toy

Unfortunately, Brooke
dropped the ball big time,

and Lindy is demanding
a new approach or they're

Should I tell them
about Brooke?

Oh, yes, don't--
don't hide anything.

Maybe they would back off
if they heard the tragic news

from Brooke's widower.

I'll get on it right now.


I am sorry for your loss.

Am I the only one
around here with
a pulse?

How could you do that?
That man just lost
his wife.

Which might Matter
if they had a real

If Billy says he's
moving on, I applaud
his good sense.

Yeah, but all
because it makes
your life easier.

Not everything in the world
revolves around D and D.

in this office

If you need
to mourn Brooke,
take a personal day.

If not,
get back to work.

I recognize you.
You're Matt Fielding,
aren't you?


Gloria Bryan,
executive producer,
Restless Hearts.

Yes, I'm sorry.
We met last week,

So, um, I hear
that you're Alan's
new doctor?

Well, I'm a med
student, actually.

But you dream
of becoming
a doctor,

just as Alan hopes that
this new role will
turn him into a star.

Well, yeah.
Is there any reason
he shouldn't?


The picture of you
and Alan hugging
at that dance-a-thon.

You managed to find
the one paparazzi who's a
half-decent photographer.

Is that a problem?

Matt, what you and
Alan do in private
is your business,

but in public,
he is mine.

I have invested
thousands in publicity

to raise Alan's profile.

And all of that
is worthless if my
new heartthrob

is caught fawning
over another man.

Miss Bryan, Alan and I
are in a relationship.

I'm not out
to damage his career.

Oh, one more thing--

I know it's exciting
dating an actor,

but I would really prefer
fewer visits to the set.

It's fine for today,
but let's not make
nooners a habit.

Alison: Billy won't even
let me help arrange
the funeral tomorrow.

People offer
their condolences,

and the laugh about Brooke
behind Billy's back.

It's like they
don't even care.

Alison, Brooke hated us--
especially you.

Why torment yourself?

I don't know.
I feel guilty.

She had every opportunity
in the world.

She took it for granted
and threw it away.

Don't blame people
if they can't muster



You know what?
To tell you the truth,

I feel guilty, too.

At least you went
back to help.

I was completely

What am I doing?
I can't even concentrate.

I've got my first solo
presentation tomorrow,
and this dress looks awful.

it's beautiful,
and you know it.

Can I practice my pitch
on you?


"Hello, blah, blah, blah...

as you know, incredible
new fabrics came out
of the Orient this year."

Where are they?

The fabrics.
Most clients get a kick
out of Show and Tell.

I'm wrong already.

Richard always
handled the pitch.

My job was to sit in the back
of the room and look complex
and artsy.

I'm sorry.
I shouldn't

Yes, you should.

Alison, you are great
at selling stuff.
You could sell me.

I could give you
some ideas.

No, I'm serious.
It could be great.
You could come with me.

No-- the buyer wants
to hear the pitch
from you.

Besides, wouldn't they
wonder who I am?

You could be...
I don't know, my...
director of marketing.



Come on, Alison, please?
Just this once.

All right.

Thank you.

My Angela...

the thought of you
in another man's arms--

Hush, Wesley.

It's you I love.

And we're clear.
House lights.

[bell ringing]
That's lunch,

Here you go.


Oh, hey,
Matt, uh--

I'm glad you
could make it.

Um, Val--
Val, this is,
uh, Matt.

Valerie Madison.

Co-star and current
burning love interest.


Hey, I'll be right back.

Look, I need to go
talk to the director
about a line change.

So, Matt,
did you like
the scene?

Yeah, I just...

I can't believe
you do that with all
these people watching.


Must be hard being
romantic with someone
you barely know.

Are you kiddin'?
I look forward to
the steamy sex scenes.

Fewer lines to memorize.


your husband must hate it.

Actually, I'm unattached
at the moment.

So, Matt,
did, uh, Val
tell you

that I invited
her over for
dinner tomorrow?

Mmm, no.

Uh-- I-- I'm sorry,

it's too late for me
to change my rotation
at the hospital.

Well, hey,
it's okay--
I mean,

we need
to run lines

Don't worry, Matt.
I won't sap all
Alan's energy.

I like to leave
my leading men
begging for more.


Oh, she's dynamite,
isn't she?

Hey, um, let's go
get some lunch.
Come on.

Didn't your mother ever
tell you that it's impolite
to stare?

My mother told me
a lot of things--

including beware
of quiet men.

Alycia, I care deeply
about you.

There's an ominous line
that usually spells
relationship doom.

Well, we may not
have a choice.

You see, Bobby's made it
very clear to me that...

he doesn't want us
to be together.

What are you talking about?

He sent you to Palm Springs
to make a point.

And left me dining solo.

He said he'd call you
to cancel.

Oh, he cancelled--
in person.

Apparently, Bobby's
convinced that I'm using
you to get to him.

Are you?


I used Bobby
to get to you.

this is very disappointing.

I virtually sacrificed
my reputation

to accept a job fighting
Bobby's uphill legal battles,

and I find out the man
doesn't even trust me.

No, he doesn't trust me.

Don't dilute his intentions,
Peter-- you see,

I signed on to be Bobby's
counsel, not his hand puppet.

You know, there's something
very sexy about you tonight--

eyes all full of fire...

Dr. Burns...

be very careful
what you wish for.

[splashing sound]


I'm cold...


[wind rattling]


I'm cold...

I'm cold...



Michael [yawning]:
Just like the old days.

God, let's hope not.

Uh, I mean,
the early days.

Mmm, right.
Who could forget?

You, the two-timing
sleazebag adulterer,

and me, the wicked
conniving homewrecker.


wait, wait.
No, no, no.


Oh, right.
Two glorious weeks.

Come on.
You know we belong together.

Move back in with me.

And prove to the world
I really am crazy.

But-- but you wanted
to live at the beach.
And this house is your home.

Michael, we had sex.
We don't have a relationship.

You require very high
maintenance, and I can't
make that kinda commitment.


let's stop trying
to ruin a good thing.

[knocking on door]


Brooke's funeral
is in an hour.

You're not
even dressed yet.

Are you okay?

Ah, just a couple
You know.

Brooke left these
in my apartment.

That's it?
Where's the rest
of her things?

another Brooke mystery.

Sometimes I think she died
just to get back at me.

Billy, I was angry too
when Hayley died.

The only difference is,
you loved Hayley.

Brooke and I couldn't even
hold a civil conversation
in the end.

And to top it off,
we weren't divorced,

so all of her credit card
bills are still on my tab.

And I have two years left
on the payments for her
engagement ring.

Come on.
You're still in shock.

No, I'm in hell.

I was up until 4:00
in the morning trying
to write Brooke's eulogy.

I couldn't string together
three nice things to say.

this is beautiful.

It's all lies.

I gotta take a shower.

[door opening]

Sydney, why are
my things out here?

Because I am sick
of stumbling over
your life.

You took
my old apartment.

Now you take my old bed
in my old room in
my old beach house.

Which was mine
in the first place...

including Michael.

Sydney, your behavior
is very childish.

Maybe it just seems that way
because you're so old.

Look, despite our differences,
I really do care about you.


Now, I know that your, uh,
relationship with Michael

is rather unsettled
at the moment--

Oh, stuff a sock in it,
you quack!

You two-timed me
worse than Michael ever did--

as a doctor,
and as a roommate.

I'd stay and chat,
but I have a funeral to go to.

Who died?


She drowned in the pool.

Gee, and you're a doctor.
Maybe if you were here

instead of whoring
around with Michael,
you could've saved her.

Well, what a pleasant

It's, uh...
very quiet around here.

Well, Michael's on rounds,
and Sydney's at a funeral.

Expecting any patients?


So your meeting with Bobby
went well.

I doubt he thinks so.

I resigned.

You quit?

Alycia, I don't wanna
be responsible for you

giving up a great career
opportunity here.

I mean...

You're a little big
for your britches,
aren't you?

I had to offer
my resignation

to convince Bobby
I meant business.


So Bobby gets his comeuppance
and you get unemployed?

I mean, that's just
a hell of a deal,
isn't it?

I made my point.

But this is serious,

I don't want you
giving up a career
opportunity like this.

I turned in
my resignation.

I didn't say
Bobby accepted it.

So... you still
have your job.

And Bobby's

to stop
harassing us.

Take a note, doctor--

never... ever...

argue with a lawyer.

Looks like
a quiet turnout.

Yeah, Brooke's
so-called friends bailed
on her a while ago.

Well, your friends
are still here.

I'll see you guys
in a few minutes.

Hey, I'm glad
you made it.

Nice haircut.

Yeah, it only
cost me 60 bucks

and two hours
with Jane's stylist.

It was worth it.
You look great.

So, how long
you think this
will take?

Don't worry about it.
I think you'll make it
in time for your meeting.

How you holding up?


beautiful, Billy.

Yeah, I don't
usually rate these things,
but that casket is gorgeous.

It's what Brooke
would've wanted.
[beeper beeping]


It's Lindy Toys.
Any news yet?

No-- turns out Brooke
didn't do any research.

I'll start on it
when I get back
to the office.

Excuse me.


I know it's the '90s,
but a cell phone at a funeral?

Very tacky.

Oh, just what I need--
style pointers from Gidget.

Oh, and by the way,
Kimberly is history.

I've already changed the
locks and I'm takin' back
my old lease.

Before Father Hawk
begins his service,

I just wanna thank all of you
for coming here today.

Brooke Armstrong
was a family woman.


The bond that she shared
with her father Hayley was...

was a tribute to...

was a tribute...

family loyalty.
She also...

enjoyed her career.
She was recently...

promoted to vice-president
of D and D Advertising.

And when she wasn't--

when she--

when she wasn't working...

hard as a creative member
of the D and D team...

the D and D team,
she was a...

she was a loving, uh...

as a...
as a wife...

as a...

As-- as a wife,
she was devoted
to Billy.

And what more could
one person give another
than unconditional love?

woman: All right,
I'll tell her.

I'm sorry, Mrs. Davis,
Dr. Shaw is running
a few minutes late.

She asked
if you could wait.

No, I can't.

I've got another client
and two house showings
in a half-hour.

Could you please give
these listings to Dr. Shaw

and have her call me

Mrs. Davis,
I'm a nurse,
not her secretary.

Well, she could
certainly use one.

And please tell Dr. Shaw
if she misses another

she can find a new
real estate agent.

Alison: It's been
a really trying
day, Billy.

Forget about work.

Well, considering
my life lately,

Lindy Toys
is a mental oasis.


Promise me you'll call
if you need anything?



Uh, thanks for
bailing me out today.

I didn't freeze up
because of Brooke.

The problem was...
every time I looked up,
I saw you.


And everybody
was just watching me,

as if I was supposed
to give them a reason
to grieve.

You know,
would I cry for Brooke,
or could I make them cry,

and you didn't.
You just, uh...

you just smiled.

I knew how difficult
it was.

So... what about...

Will you... stay with me?


I can't.

I'm still working out
my feelings about
what happened.

You tried to save her.

Too late.

It's not just
Brooke, Billy.

I keep thinking that if I
hadn't brought Brooke to D and D,

she and Hayley
would still be alive.

The only thing we did
wrong was deny that
we belong together.

I know you wanna
make sense out of it,

but you're not gonna
always find the answers.

Is-- is that how you
shut it out?

I know you, Billy.
You must be feeling

If you keep blocking it out,
you're gonna make yourself

Go ahead,
carry all the guilt you want.

Whatever compassion I had,
Brooke sucked it outta me
a long time ago.

Don't be so sure
it's gone, Billy.

You can't bury
the pain forever.

Good night.



[clearing throat]




We waited for you.
You missed a great dinner.

Yeah, I wanted to thank you
for your help this afternoon.

Oh, yeah.
I'm sorry, I got swamped
at my real job.

I'm glad your meeting
went well.

Yeah, well,
thanks to you.

You're the talent, Jane.

I just helped you
get organized.

Well, I still owe
you a dinner.

You got it.
Have a great night.

Good night.

Alison's a good
friend to have.

Yeah, I trust her.

Can't say that about
anyone else these days.

Except you.

Wanna come inside?

If that invitation
means what I think
it means.

No, no.
Just a one-night stand.

Just checkin'.



I know I'm a thrill,

but could you go back
up to your own life,

I'm sure Jo's
waiting for you.

So, you still have
your sense of humor.

I was worried you still
had your hopes up about
the Jordan deal.

And you think
that's a mistake?

No, I heard you had
a great meeting with
'em this afternoon.

Oh, and--
and how do you
know that?

I gave my presentation
right after yours.

Jordan liked my work.
A lot.

Well, you may have done
a good dog-and-pony act,

but Mr. Jordan
gave me the order.

I don't believe you.

It's true, d*ck.
I was there when
he called.

In fact, I just
took Jane out
to celebrate.

Talent always
wins over trash.
Good night, Richard.

I actually got to see
the look on Richard's face
when he heard the news.

Oh, and I'm just
a lonely dinner date.

How can I compete
with sweet revenge?

Oh, I wouldn't wanna
end this perfect day
with anyone else.

Being with you
is icing on the cake.

Oh, so I'm just
dessert to you,
is that it?


I hope I'm interrupting.


You're working.

what'd you think
was goin' on?

You don't wanna know.

Matt, this is my fault.

Alan isn't exactly
my type.

I'm a lesbian.
I made him swear
not to tell anybody,

but I didn't think
he'd include you.

Well, hey,
I'm a very
discreet guy.

So, all my

about you
having to kiss

was really
very sweet.

You know what?
Wait until I get together

with your girlfriend
to plot my revenge.

Well, let's hope you have
better luck finding her
than I have.

I wasn't kidding
about being single.

Yeah, see,
Gloria's notorious

for keeping gay
and lesbian actors
in the closet.

You know what?
I got a dose of her
logic yesterday.

What's her problem?
I mean, it's just television.

Not to daytime fans.

The show's important
to all of us, and Gloria
uses that to get her way.

And getting defiant about it
only makes it worse, trust me.

Being single wasn't
a choice for me.

I was involved with someone,
and I loved her very much,

Gloria scared her away.

Don't let her ruin
your relationship too, okay?



Hello, Billy.

This isn't happening.

Did you miss me?

Nice job
at my funeral.

What happened?
Couldn't you admit that
it's your fault that I'm dead?

This isn't happening.

Oh, yes, it is.
And it is your fault.

I came to you
with so much love...

and you gave me
nothing but hate.

Too bad Alison won't
stay with you.

I guess she knows you're
a heartless, unfeeling


You can't run away
from me.

I'll never leave you.

Stop it.

I'll never leave you alone.

I said stop it.
Just get outta my life,


Are you all right?

Y-- yeah.


I'm fine.

Go back to bed.

[door closing]

[knocking on door]

Come in.

Ready for our meeting?

Two minutes.

Here are the building
permits you wanted.
They're all current.

Hi, Amanda.
Nice to see
you again.

You, too.

Did the temperature
just drop 20 degrees
in here?

Alycia's still angry
because I interfered
in her love life.

She wants things
strictly business.

Which is fine
in my office,

where I have to manage
50 employees...

but Alycia is your
entire staff.

Right now, she
could use a little
ego massaging,

and-- and so
could Peter.

I don't even wanna think
what that might entail.

Well, it could be
as painless as
dinner together.

I know you think Peter's
got a hidden agenda,

but you need Alycia
on your side,
and she knows it.

I'll handle the reservations,
you extend the invitations.

It won't mean a thing
coming from me.

If you're this good
at manipulating people,

how do I know you're not
pulling the same scam on me?

You don't.

Now, let's get down
to business.


I had the bell captain
bring Mrs. Campbell's

up from the locker.

Thank you.

Lindy Toys potential slogans.

"stop playing games,
start living them."


Bobby: Excellent
dinner, Amanda.

I'll get that.

I invited you.

And the gesture
was appreciated,

but we all know things
are a little tight for
you right now, Bobby.

We do?

Things are never
that tight, Peter.

Well, I'm sure
it'll make a decent
tax write-off,

right, Alycia?

Excuse me.
I need to, uh,
freshen up.

I'll join you.

Next time, my treat.

You think there'll
be a next time?

You only agreed to this
fiasco to spend the
evening with Amanda.

If you're implying
that I'm still
interested in her--

I don't trust you, Peter.

Well, you shouldn't.
Trust is highly overrated.

Mostly by losers.

Did I pass
the test?

Peter's my friend,

I want him to be happy,
and if that involves you,

I'm delighted to hear it.

Oh, come on, Amanda,
you're not the only
smart person in the room.

You didn't set up
that summit conference
just to make nice.

Fair enough.

Bobby's made a huge
commitment with this
new company.

He's got a lot on the line.
He's entitled to know
where your loyalties lie.

If Bobby's uncertain
about my intentions,
he can fire me.

No, he doesn't want that.
He knows you're extremely
capable, and he likes you.

The problem...
is Peter.

it's about you.

Look, whatever history
you and Peter have

it's your business,

and I'd appreciate it
if you and Bobby
stayed outta mine.

This dinner wasn't
meant as a personal

I'm only interested
in Bobby's success.

Because you care?

Or because you're
worried about your


Tread lightly.

Jane: Mmm, I wish you
didn't have to go back
to sh**t.

People are startin'
to talk.

I spend my dinner
hours out...

and I come back hungry.

[phone ringing]

Maybe if you answer
it this time,

they'll stop calling.


What do you mean?
We-- we had a deal.

How did he...


Little bitch.


Jane, wait up.





Get your client-stealing
butt out here, now!

Well, well.
Modeling your new
sleepwear line?

You cheating

You destroyed
my account.

I wasn't the one making
promises I can't keep,

What the hell
did you do?

Told Mr. Jordan the truth--

Jane works out of a garage,
she doesn't have any equipment,

she claims to be
a professional,
but her only employee

is an imaginary executive
named Alison.


Richard, God...

Because... I can make
the same designs

at half the cost
in half the time.

Jordan deserved
to know that, and, uh...

I deserved
his business.

You are so disgusting.
Jane, hey.

So, this is what
rock-bottom looks
like for you, huh?

and client

Look, guys, let's
just take some time
and calm down--

I don't have time,

And don't defend him.
You're a photographer.

You don't have a clue
what the design business
is really like!

neither do you, Jane.

Well, that's a rotten
way to run a company.

Winning friends
is not the game plan.

I beat Jane
to the punch.

Given the chance,
she'd do the exact
same thing to me,

and we both know it.

I'll get the coats.

I hate to cut
the evening short,

but Alycia and I
have an early
presentation tomorrow.

I'll walk with you.
I wanna talk to you
about that.

[clearing throat]

Thanks for coming
tonight, Peter.

And, um, I'm glad
we can still be

Life goes on.


Alycia is beautiful,
and-- and smart.

It's funny how you can
be in love with a person
one day

and find the same qualities
in someone else the next.

Yes, you seem happy.

Well, after
what we went through,
I never expected to...

to fall in love again.

Have you?

Head over heels.


Well, now that Lindy Toys
is branching into the adult
game market--

You make it sound
like pornography.

Well, that's--
that's exactly the pitfall
we're trying to avoid, sir.

See, we will promote
your big-ticket items,

but you're gonna have to move
your educational games

to your purchasing

Where's the fun?

You know, I can
taste the chalk
in this campaign.

These aren't just toys.

I spent millions
developing a line
of tools.

They should say something!

A commercial
with talking hardware?

Mr. Lindy...

maybe if we knew
your specific goals.

I gave all that
to Brooke.

I know things
get passed around here,

but it doesn't sound
like you people have
a clue what I want.

Lindy: I'm sorry, Amanda.

This company's gone
to hell in a hand basket

"When you're ready
to stop playing games
and start living them."

What was that?

"Lindy Toys-- when you're
ready to stop playing games,
and start living them."

We will completely
focus on the adult line--

CD-Rom games and
the virtual reality system.

We only hit the high-end
magazines and trade shows...

with games that...

parents buy
for their kids...

but can't stop playing

That's more like it.

You work on that angle,

and get back to me
next week.

Nice save.

Great slogan.

Yeah, but next time,
don't let the client
walk out the door

before you pull something
out of thin air.

Hi-- I hope I'm
not too late.

Actually, you are,
Dr. Shaw.

I just took a deposit
from another tenant.

Oh, you can't do that.
Please, I told you
I'd be here--

Dr. Shaw, in my business,
it's first-come, first-serve.

My other client
was very eager.

Sorry, doctor,
the deal was just
too good to pass up.

Excuse me for a minute,
would you, Miss Davis?
I'd like to pound some--

work something out
with this gentleman.


Michael, you can't keep me
from renting this place.

Let me show you something.
Come on.

is our ocean, Kim.

Trust me.
I've been here without you.
It just isn't the same.

Whether you like it or not,
well, we're inevitable.

And you know this


we've done, I figure,
just about every wrong,

stupid, twisted thing
a couple can do.

At least.

And guess what
that leaves us?
The good stuff.

And I can't wait.

I'll see you
around the sandbox.


What were you gonna do,
put a deposit on every
place on the beach?

If I had to.

You'd go broke
in no time.

For you, baby,
it'd be worth it.

Legal requirements,
projected revenues...

Trouble sleeping, Billy?

Well, you better
get used to it.

Just leave me alone.

Why couldn't you see
how beautiful we were?

Did you hate me then?

Did you hate me
on our wedding day?

I never hated you.
I just stopped caring.

Because Alison stole
you away from me.

What do you want from me?

I don't want anything
from you.

I don't need
your love anymore.

Do you know why?

Because you sold me
your soul.

And all it cost me
was one little line.

That silly little
Lindy Toys slogan.

It's gonna
make you a star.

And from now on...

every step you take...

every bridge you burn...

will be because
of me.


Outta my life!

[glass breaking]

Just get outta my life.

Get out of my life.
Just let me go.


What is happening to me?

♪ ♪
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