04x24 - Ruthless People

Episode transcripts for the TV show "Melrose Place". Aired: July 8, 1992 –; May 24, 1999.*
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Follows the lives and loves of eight young adults in an apartment complex in Los Angeles.
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04x24 - Ruthless People

Post by bunniefuu »

[Bizet's Habanera playing]


Oh, no!
Get away from me!

I don't even know
what I'm doing here.

One second
we're fighting--

The next
I'm Rudolph Valentino,

the greatest lover
that's ever lived.

Oh, Alison.
Give in to your passions.

Oh, no!
One more kiss!
One more embrace!

Are you kidding?

That got me
into this mess
in the first place.

God! Would you look at
what time it is!

Hi, yeah.
AmandaWoodward, please.

I should be
calling 911.

[music stops]

Hi, Amanda,
it's Alison.


She's not coming in today,
and neither am I.

'cause we're both
taking the day off

to celebrate bringing in
the Madge and Mabel account.

We'll be taking
the phone off the hook,

so don't bother
calling back.
Wait a minute, buster.

Since when do you
set your own hours,
let alone Alison's?

Uh, since right now.

That confirms it.
You're insane!

Okay, go on. Run.

You're a great runner.

You are scaring me.

I don't even know
who you are anymore.

I'm the guy who's
in love with you,

who asked you
to move in with him,

who made love to you
over and over again
last night.

The first time
didn't even count.

I told you I'm not
moving in with you.

It's way too soon.

Oh, yeah, and with your
sacred Hayley,

you moved in
in three seconds.

I'm not even gonna
dignify that with an answer.

I am telling you,

we are not a couple.

Got it?

Until you get yourself
under control,

until you are Billy again,

we are finished.


That's fine with me.

Just remember,
you snooze, you lose.


looks like things
are finally

back to normal
around here.

♪ ♪

[rock song playing]


I thought morning was
your favorite time.

Any morning
but this one.

I don't know.

I'm just suddenly worried
about this...

our plot to bring
Bobby down.

Well, the last minute
is really a bad time

to get second thoughts.

We're just
setting him up

to be this
ugly mobster.

Bribing politicians,

making illegal

everything Bobby isn't,

everything he hates.

It's not like we're
coming out empty-handed.

You'll get
the cable company.

I avenge my father's death.

Maybe that's
my real fear.

Once this is over,

just disappear.

What else can I say
to convince you?

Say you'll
marry me, Peter.

When all this
is over,

I want us
to get married.

Nothing would
make me happier.

Models, ballrooms,
invitations in the mail,

just no dresses.

This is unbelievable.

I create
my hottest line yet.

Richard rips it off,
and I have to suffer.

There's no damn justice
in the world.

Hi, sweetie.

You know, and the worst part
is even if I do

come up with
a half-decent idea,

I don't have the cutters
and seamstresses
to pull it off

You know, I could come by
after work.

You just tell me what to sew,
and I'll sew all night.

Oh, God, Alison,
that would be great.

You're gonna pull
this off, Jane.
I know you are.

I'll see you at 5:00.


Hi. I don't think
I'm gonna be much fun

for the next
couple days.

I wish there was
something I could do.

You are doing something.
You believe in me.


Give you a hand
with those things?

Would you
believe I was in
the neighborhood?

No, really.

My new accountant's
down on three.
Kaplan and Company.

Terrific guys.
You should try them.

I can always tell
when you're lying.

What gives me away, huh?

My squinty eyes,
the tremor in my voice?

Tell me, what is it?
Your nose grows.

What can I say?

You know, I have
a sixth sense about you.

A little voice goes off
in my head and says,

"Have you checked
on Amanda lately?

You think she's okay?"

Let's hope Alycia
never hears that voice.

Just came
for you, Amanda.

Ah! My ex*cuted
contracts from Bobby.

Did I mention that
he's made me

the first board member
of his company?

So now we'll be
working together,
sharing everything.

I'm sorry. Did that sound
like I was rubbing it in?

No. No, no.
No, that sounds great.

Careful, Doctor.
It's growing again.

I gotta go.

It's good to see you again,


Hey! Hey!

you okay?


It's only a nightmare,
that's all.

Oh. Was I in it?


You're in all
my dreams, Michael.

You know that.

Oh, it's just been such

I mean, we're back
as a couple, and married.

All within, what,
a couple weeks?

Hmm. I only

when things
aren't perfect.

I leave alone.

[telephone rings]

Oh. Probably
room service.

I told them
to check on us

every couple hours,

make sure the champagne's
holding up and everything.

Yeah, Honeymoon Suite.
How can I help you?

For starters, spare me
the torrid details.

Syd, how the hell did
you get this number?

In addition
to my many talents,

I'm an excellent

God, why don't you
just hang up on her?

Is that Kimberly's voice?
Is she there, too?

Look, we're
on our honeymoon,
and you know it!

Wait! Don't hang up!

It's an emergency!
Um...a patient!

In terrible distress.


Mrs. Dupree.

Oh, you should really
update your Rolodex, Syd.

Mrs. Dupree died
two months ago.

Ha ha ha!

No doubt at the hands of some
incompetent surgeon.

Old age. Something
you'll never see
if you call here again!


Sorry. Don't
do them anymore.

As your
new office manager
and a participant

in the profits of
this organization,

I would consider
such duties an insult.

KRW-3 News.
Don Pierce, please.

This is Don Pierce.

Mr. Pierce, I'm calling
about an envelope

that you just received,
detailing a relationship

between Senator Wilcox and a
local mobster, Bobby Parezi.

Yes, I have it
right here.

Terrific story.
Do I have you to thank
for it, Mister...

I don't think
I got you name.

I'm calling because
you can't do this story.

Innocent people
will be affected,

people involved
with Mr. Parezi

that had no idea
about his activities.

Well, that's their problem.

A story this good
blows my way,

I air it regardless.


I'm begging you,

and I don't beg anyone.

Well, beg all you want.

It's going on
the 11:00 news.


I have to go
to that buyers' meeting.

No, no, wait, come on.
You have to see this.

We've been working
on this all day.

A jungle runway
for your jungle prints,

You know, something to get
them to sit up and notice.

And before you ask,
yes, it's active.

We have smoke
and fire,

and I even have
a Hollywood effects team

waiting in the wings.

Will you excuse us
for a minute?

What? You don't like it?

No, let's forget about
the runway for one second.

Um...where is this
coming from?

You were practically
accusing me

of stealing
Jane's designs.

Now you're throwing yourself
into the project?

I know. That's because I had
to do it for myself.

For you.

For us.

I'm really lousy at just
sitting around doing nothing.

You are amazing.

You must be, too,

because I keep
coming back.

Okay, go for it.

Build your volcano.

I gotta go.

[engine starting]

Okay, so store these
in here

and call the company
and tell them it's a go.

You mind giving us
a minute?

I'm gonna get right
to the point.

I don't know if Richard
stole Jane's designs or not.

And you know what?
I don't really care.

The reality is, Jane's got her
back up against the wall.

She's got a lot of work to do
and not a lot of time to do it,

and all she really wants
is an even shot.

I figure that you've got
the names of some cutters
and some sewers,

and that's what she needs.

Oh, come on.
Why would I do that?

You give a damn about her.
I know you do.

And you know that this is
not gonna hurt you or Richard.

It's a favor...

for me this time.

I want to do
anything I can for her.

You always were a sucker
for the underdog.

[doorbell rings]


Yeah, I'm here
to see Amanda.

Sorry for
the late hour.

I thought
we should talk.

DD business.

I'll be right there.

Alison tell me
you want us

to spearhead the Midline
Airways pitch.

It wasn't a request.

Well, I have the whole
campaign right here.


Not so fast.

This is
a big account,

maybe the biggest
we've ever seen.

Easily the biggest.

And when I land it,
with these ideas,

what do
I get in return?

You get to keep
your job.

I figured you might
say something like that.

Wait, wait, wait.
Where are you going?

Where I go
from now on,

to the highest

Are you threatening me?

All I need is a promise

that if I land
this account,

you'll double my salary.

What about Alison?

Forget about Alison.
These are my ideas.

I call the sh*ts
in this campaign.

All right.
You have my word.

Double your salary
if you land Midline Airways.

Now, may I see it?

Be my guest.

Good night, Amanda.

[door closes]

What the--

That bastard.

I can't believe
that jerk conned me.

Now, where were we?

[no audible dialogue]

What the heck is this?

Parezi, a mobster from
a known Miami crime family,

is also accused of making
illegal campaign contributions

to the senator's campaign

allegedly in order
to secure licenses

for a cable network
he's involved in.

Parezi, new to Los Angeles,
was unavailable for comment,

as was the senator.

The Cable Commission
is currently investigating

the serious charges,
promising swift prosecution.

We'll be back in a moment with
sports from Bill Bailey.

Oh, my God.

That's a bunch
of lies.

Can we ask you a few

What are your feelings
on the accusations
about Mr. Parezi?

I have only this to say.

I don't know anything
about these accusations.

I was just put on
Mr. Parezi's board,

and I'm as shocked
as everybody else.

Let's go, everybody!

Out of here! Move it!

I work here.
Thank you.

Yo! Move it out
of here.

Amanda, I came over
as soon as I heard.
What can I do?

Tell me what the hell
is going on here?

And how am I gonna do my job
while it's going on?

I've got the biggest
presentation of
my career tomorrow,

and when my bosses
catch wind of this,
I'm through.

Get me out of here.
Where's the stairs?

Over there.

Look at this list.

Where are you guys
having the wedding,
the Astrodome?

Gloria wants
it splashy.

I just thought if
there's a name or two
you want to add--

Hetros only, I presume.
Matt, come on.

Look, it's all gonna
be over soon

and none of this
will matter.

Hey, we can go right back
to the way things were.

How about right away?

The second
the vows are finished,

why don't you and I
take off for a trip?

It'll time perfectly
with winter break.

Right after the honeymoon,
I promise.

The honeymoon.

Look, it's just another
photo op, that's all, okay?

A few days in Hawaii
and then I'm all yours.

So, the rumors
are true, then.

You're getting
married, Alan?

Look, David, why don't you
mind your own business?

Oh, um, yeah.

The bachelor party
is tomorrow night.

Be there,
okay, Matt?

I can't get through
this without you.

I know.

You can jump
out of the cake

dressed like
Ethel Merman.

You guys are late.

Billy, what' is this?
What's going on?

It's called a deadline,

Nobody leaves until
we lock in a campaign
for Midline.

We have 15 volumes
of aviation history.

Read it. Absorb it.

Regroup in an hour.

Guy, you have
that file for me?

Right here.

That's it.

Wait. Employee files
for Brooks and Enright?

Billy, what are
you up to?

As the saying goes,
know thine enemy.

They're the best,
and they're our

tWhat else do you
need to know?

Their weakness.

Somebody in this dossier
is already working for us,

and they don't
know it yet.
Wait a minute.

Are you talking
about a spy?

Buying the opposition's

You're half right.

Something's gonna change hands,
but it's not gonna be money.


Great. Just in time.

Well, you guys can go.

Come here.
Thank you so much.
Oh, you're welcome.

You did such a good job.
I appreciate it.


Well, I don't know
a hem from a hen,

but I gotta say I think
these are beautiful.

Yeah. Last year,

What are you
talking about?

They're bold,
they're bright.

No one can design
a whole line in two days.

It just doesn't happen.
But you did it.

I didn't. All I did was
wear everyone out,

dreaming that I might
pull off the impossible.

What a joke.

These don't compare
to my originals
Richard ripped off!


I'm canceling the show.

I love you guys
for everything you've done,

but I just can't
go out there

with a bunch of
half-baked notions.

I'm sorry.

I'm sorry.

you were great.

I thought it was you.

Evie Wainbridge,
Brooks and Enright.

We met at the Clio Awards
last year.

Name's Campbell.
Billy Campbell.

Campbell. Sure.

DD, isn't it?

Yeah. For way too long.

So, you guys
celebrating something?

Mardi Gras. Yee-haw.

Mardi Gras, right.

So, we're going
head-to-head tomorrow

on Midline Airways.

We're at 9:00 A.M.,
you're at 10:00.

I'll accept your
unconditional surrender

right here and now
if you'd like.

Probably should. You guys
always get the account.

DD's okay,
but we're small.

Waiter: Here you go.

So, quit.
Come work for us.

If I thought you were serious,
I'd draw up the papers.

I'm always looking
for ballsy,

good-looking young reps,
you know.

Send me a résumé.

I gotta go.

How about I get you
that résumé tonight?

I'm working late at the office.
I could get it faxed it to you.

I just need to know where.

Your place or mine?

You hittin' on me?

I just don't like
to waste time.

Yeah, me neither.

Okay, you got the job,
if you want it.

we've got to get through

presentations first.

Oh, no, no, no. You already
surrendered, remember?

Midline is a fat account.

You guys must have
something amazing planned.

Oh, no, no, no.

Try the exact campaign
we sold to Comwest
five years ago.

See, the great thing about
working for big agencies

is you don't have
to try as hard.

They buy the name,
the prestige...

even when you're forcing

some tired retread
down their throat.

A retread?

Almost word for word.
Same campaign.


don't take this
the wrong way,

but you're not
planning on spending

the whole night,
are you?

I'll just grab my clothes
and be on my merry way.

I wish you'd just tell me
why we're here.

I mean, don't get we wrong,

it's not that I'm not
grateful for your help...

Here he is.

I'll be right back.

Lou, I appreciate
you coming. Thanks.

No problem, Peter.

Let's talk inside.

Amanda, I'd like you
to meet Lou Chandler.

He's a college
buddy of mine.

Lou's on the Cable

Serious charges,
Ms. Woodward,

but I think we can keep
your name out of it.

Peter tells me
you know nothing

about Mr. Parezi's

Is that true?

Yes, I'm as surprised
as anyone.

But we weren't.

We were waiting for Mr. Parezi
to try something.

It was a matter of time.

Putting you on the board

was just another way
to diffuse the issue

and to have someone
to lay the blame on.

Lou has a proposition
for you, Amanda.

Now, I can promise you,
Ms. Woodward,

that we can keep your name
out of this

if you can promise to appear
before the Commission

with all personal knowledge
concerning Mr. Parezi's

Testify against him,
in other words.

It's pretty open and shut
as it is,

but testimony
from a board member

and a former lover...

Look, I don't know
if he did it.

She'd be more than happy
to cooperate.

She has to,
in order to preserve
her reputation.


Then I'll look into seeing about
clearing you right away.

You have a good friend
in Peter, Amanda.

Damned determined
when he called me.

So, we'll be talking.

Thanks, Lou.

[car door closes]

Bobby knew how important
it was to me

that he was clean and free
of his family.

That's why he kept it
so quiet.

You know, you don't
break the law

thinking you're going
to get caught.

I hate being lied to.

That's one thing
I won't tolerate.

God, what am
I going to do?

Leave it to me.

Just leave
everything to me.

Oh, Syd.

Timed out perfectly.

The hotel said
you left at 10:00,

and I calculated
a five-hour drive.

I had taken a chance you
wouldn't stop for lunch.

Ignore her.

Michael, these things
can't wait.

I've got bills
to be paid,

messages that
have to be addressed.

People need their doctor.

Michael, you must
come into the office.

And before you even think
about asking where's Peter,

I have no earthly idea.

He doesn't even check
his messages anymore.

The entire office
is in jeopardy,

Michael, are you
listening to me?


How insensitive
can you get?

I've got an idea.

You could leave.

I'll just show her
to the door.

As for the office,
you are the office

so you should be able
to manage without us.

Kimberly? Honey?

Hey, are you okay?

Yeah. Ooh, I got
a little light-headed.

I almost fainted.

It's all the excitement

You sit down here.

I'll get you
some water, okay?

Just take it easy.

Every day I stay quiet,

the world thinks
I'm more guilty.

You have no choice,
at least for the time being.

What about
my cable licenses?

On hold, and there's
more bad news.

There's a rumor
that Amanda

is talking
to the FCC.

The back door was open.

I've been worried
about you.

Did you get any of
my messages?

Well, I've been laying low.

It's what one does in these
situations, right?

Give us a sec,
would you, Alycia?

What's this I hear you've been
talking to the FCC?

I haven't yet,

but I will if you don't
tell me what's going on
around here.

The only theory so far
is my father set me up

once he found out you were
on the board of directors.

That's the real question.

Why am I on the board?

Were you looking
for a scapegoat

or just some attractive
cell mate when the truth
hit the fan?

I'm innocent, Amanda.
I didn't do anything.

You gotta believe me.

I wish I could.

I really wish I could.

ladies and gentlemen,

is what we're not
going to give you,

a tired, retread of an already
established campaign.

Fly us 'cause
grandma flies us?

We've all seen this kind
of campaign a million times.

All right, Alison,
take it away.

Let's take these guys
into the future

via the past.

[soft music playing]

We're on the bluff
at Kitty Hawk.

Man flies
for the first time.

Orville and Wilbur's
historic 90-second flight.

they're alone on the bluff
scratching their heads.

"Sure, it's a great
invention," they say,

"but how do we get
to New York by Tuesday?"

Just then, a Midline Airways 737
rockets into view,

insignia blazing against
the deep blue sky!

Orville and Wilbur look at
each other and smile.

Wilbur says,
"Now that is a great idea."

It's our cornerstone,
ladies and gentlemen.

What do you think?

We'll let you know...

but it's good.

Damn good.

Thank you.

Well, well, well.

If it isn't
DD's finest.

How'd you do?

They gonna let us know.

Well, good luck.
You, too.

You know her?

We might have bumped
into each other somewhere.

Let's get back
to the office.

[door opens]

[door closes]

Who's there?

I guess it's just
that I feel so stupid.

I believed him.

I opened myself up
to someone

who did nothing
but lie to me.

Why did I do that?

So you've been to see him.

He denied everything.

I could tell
he was lying.

Did his nose grow?

I hate needing
to be held,

but right now
I really need that.

Jo, are you sure
this is gonna work?

Listen, you just worry about
your dresses, okay?

Everything here
is under control.

Big smoke, guys.
Come on, bigger.

You don't have
to do this, you know.

Yes, I do.

To save face
and to show these idiots

I may be down
but not out.

Don't let me forget--

to forgive is better
than to be really pissed off.

Do me a favor
and stay close to me.

[drums beating]

[shouting in native language]

Be careful with
that stuff, you guys.

It's going great!
They love it.

It's fantastic.




That's mine.

They're all mine.

I can't believe it.

That's it.
I can't stand this.

I'm going to
the rest room.

[alarm ringing,
people screaming]

It's okay!
It's okay!

What are
you doing here?

I thought
we agreed--

You're a lying,
stinking pig!

I checked.

Your father's dead all right,

but no one in
the Parezi family

had anything to do with it.
Alycia, take it easy.

No su1c1de, no vendetta!

You just wanted Amanda back,
and you used me to do it!

Where did you get
this idea?

Try my two eyes
through that door

in this office last night!

So I had lots and lots of time
to dig up the truth

and decide
what to do with it.

So, here are my terms,

As soon as Bobby collapses,

I get the cable company,
the whole cable company,

and I'm gonna need
immediate investors,

and you are going to secure
those investors for me.

And as far as our
personal relationship,

it will continue as is

with you servicing me
both socially

and in the bedroom.

Oh. One more thing.

From now on, stay the hell
away from Amanda.

And what if I don't
agree to your terms?

I'll tell Amanda
that Bobby is innocent,

and you set him up.

You see, all paper trails
lead to you and only you.

I was very careful.

What? No comment?

No witty come-back?

you're shaken.

Tell you what,

why don't we seal the deal
with a kiss?

You loved that last time.

I'll let you know
when I need you again.

Don't forget...

Amanda's off limits.

[door closes]

I was trying to
do something special.

what I'm saying.

You didn't have to.

The dresses would've
spoken for themselves.

Luckily, they couldn't speak.
Might have told who really
designed them.

Oh, you're back to that
again, huh?

I know what I'm saying,
but it was an accident.


Gather around,

It's Midline Airways
on line four.

And no matter what
the outcome is,

I just want you to know
I appreciate all your hard work.


This is Amanda Woodward.

I see.

Yes, I'll pass it along.

Thank you.

We got it.


Good work.
Now you get your raise.

Uh, what raise?

Didn't Billy tell you?

Of course, he didn't.

Then you wouldn't have
worked so hard. Congratulations.

What is
she talking about?

I really don't like
discussing my salary
with co-workers.

Is that okay?


You bastard.

You slept with me just
to get our strategy.

Come on, Evie.
Who was using who?

You were trying
to steal me away.

Oh, please,
don't flatter yourself.

And don't ever come
near me again.

Got that?

Anything for the account.


Peter, you nearly
scared me to death.


I need to
talk to you.


Can I get
you a drink?

You look like
you can use one.

I think I found
some things out.

I think I know who
might have gone to
the press about Bobby.

He thinks
his father did.

I think it's Alycia.

Your Alycia?

It seems as though
she wants the cable
company for herself.

This is all supposition,

so we can't
say anything.

Anyway, I think I know of
a way to expose her.

In the meantime,
she shouldn't see
us together.

I thought you were
in love with her.


And you know
I never was.

Peter, don't.


Tell you that
I love you?

That I always have?

We both know it.

I better go.

[door closes]

Hey, Peter.

How you doing?

I'm in fat city.
What do you think about that?

As long as
you're not driving.

No, took a cab.

Excuse me, but I've got
a date with a very
attractive young lady.

Good, good.


All the best.

Come on, Alison,
I know you're in there.

[loud knocking]

We're gonna celebrate,
just you and me, kiddo.

Remember what I said.

You snooze,
you lose.

Come on, honey.

Okay, you lose.

I love you, Alison.

♪ ♪
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