04x30 - Peter's Excellent Adventure

Episode transcripts for the TV show "Melrose Place". Aired: July 8, 1992 –; May 24, 1999.*
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Follows the lives and loves of eight young adults in an apartment complex in Los Angeles.
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04x30 - Peter's Excellent Adventure

Post by bunniefuu »

Oh, my God.

Oh, my God,
what have I done?

Oh, good. Steady pulse.
He'll be okay.

Oh, God.

Hit from behind,
so he didn't see a thing.

I know, I know,
a burglary.


Dang it.



I need to see
Michael about
a bookkeeping crisis.

You're just
getting home?

Yeah, just this second.
Why don't you come on in?

Oh, my God.
We've been robbed.



The bedroom.

Oh, my God.

Oh, Michael.
Call an ambulance, Sydney.

Oh, sweetie.
Oh, goodness.


What hit me?

I don't know.

Uh--looks like
you surprised
a burglar.

Just sit still, okay?
We're calling
the paramedics.

I could've been k*lled.

Yes, you very well
could have been.

♪ [theme music]

♪ [rock and roll]

♪ Don't crack
the sky above ♪

♪ Don't let the bridges
sway ♪

♪ You're just the same
as me and everyone ♪

♪ Don't burn
the whole downtown ♪

♪ Don't wait for
the money, man ♪

♪ You're just
the swallowed pill ♪

♪ That I just met ♪

♪ You'll see ♪

♪ In time ♪

♪ Everyone pays
the price ♪

♪ ♪

♪ Everybody pays
the price ♪

♪ Everybody pays... ♪

Well, if it isn't
Miss Busy-body

Blow any more
whistles lately,
or was attempting

to ruin
my friendship
with Laurie enough?

You know,
she does blame me
for your snooping.

I had good reasons
for my suspicions.

Oh, one teeny-weeny
bruise on the kid?

What's next
Chicken Little,
the sky's falling?

I don't have to
listen to this.

No one's listening
to you, either, Jo.

Oh, how quaint.
Bringing coffee
to his lady love.

Chicken Little upstairs,
Prince Charming downstairs.

I live in
a freakin' fairy tale.


I thought you might
like a cup of coffee,

and another apology
for last night.

You're not
the one who should
be apologizing.

Jane, you got to tell me
what's going on here.

I'm fine, okay?
I just...

I got
a little frustrated,
that's all, and...

This big new deal
that we landed
in New York

has got Richard
and I working
around the clock.

I'm a little

You sure?
That's everything?

Yes, I'm sure.
Enough questions, okay?

I'll call you later.

We'll offer
the mother and daughter
the 200 grand again.

Take it or leave it.

No, understand? No.

I don't care
if this case

is civil, criminal,
or capital,

I will not admit
to having sex with
a teeny-bopper!

I don't think
you'll have to admit
to anything.

Can I have a word
with him alone?

As his attorney--

If it's anything
you could use,

I'm sure Peter
will catch you up.

It's all right,

Five minutes, that's it.

Sit down.

Ready for this?

I went to talk
to Brandi and her mother,

but when I got there,
guess who I found?



I couldn't hear
what he and Brandi

were saying,
but their body language

was screaming intimate.

Do you think Michael
seduced that girl
on the beach?

Well, I'm assuming
that she was trading
sex for his vote.

And he was just
gonna let me

sit there and rot
in jail, wasn't he?

Well, first of all,
he probably never

thought it would
go this far.

And secondly, there's
the Kimberly situation.

That's Michael's
problem-- right now,

Alycia's working on
my bail, when I get
out of here--

I'm not gonna
wait that long.

I'm gonna jump
on this right away.

No, you're not--

I read somewhere
that, in the '90s,

it's actually okay for
a woman to rescue a man.

is "thank you"
good enough?

Not nearly.

You know,
it's better when
it's cut together

and sweetened
with music.


Two more days
of sh**ting,
it's in the can.

Your last installment.

I swear, Sydney,

you're the best
producer I've ever
worked with.

Cutest one, too.
You know...

why you're wasting
your time on that
boob Bobby

when you could have
a guy like me,
I'll never know.

Please, Jimmy,
let's save the passion
for the cameras, all right?

Quick roll in the hay,
what's wrong with that?

I know you're not
getting it from Bobby.

And for good reason.

Porno films?

What the hell is this?

You knew I was looking
for investors, Bobby.

I mean, the kid here
has got a good nose
for business.

Get out.

What, are you deaf?!
Get out!

What can I say?

I was
trying to find
something for us.

Y'know, for you,
to get you out of
the airplane hangar.

if I'd known it was
that kind of film,

before I got into
it, I'd have been
right out the door.

You know what
the funny thing is?

There's a funny thing?

You don't know
how relieved
I am to hear that.

I came by here
to apologize

for getting mad
about the tattoos.

Oh. Well,
apology accepted.

Damn it, Sydney.

You want a relationship,
and that's how

you go about getting one?

Making porno films.

Mmm. Yeah?


Whatever it was, Sydney,

and it was never
a relationship...

it's over.

All right, all right,
enough already!

I don't need some
med student

on my head.

The dressing is fine,
and I'm fine.

Come on, Michael,
how's the poor guy

supposed to
learn anything?

That's what
cadavers are for,

at least when I was
in med school.

Fine, I'll check
on you later.

Just-- uh,
keep him in bed,

Well, I know
one sure-fire way
you can do that.

Well, at least
you've got your
sense of humor back.

Lovely flowers.

But what's your real
reason for coming here?

I may have been hit in the head,
but I wasn't born yesterday.

For once, Michael,
your paranoia
is justified.

It was you who
slept with that kid
Brandi, wasn't it?

You know, Amanda,
I'm suddenly feeling
very dizzy.

Well, you're gonna
feel unconscious if
you don't come clean.

Now, I came here

but I could
go elsewhere.

Say, to Kimberly
very noisily,

unless you want
to tell me the truth.

Listen, Amanda.
In the first place,

I thought
she was over 18.

And I had been
fighting with Kimberly.

And there I was,
all alone in
a strange city,

drinking too much.

I didn't ask
for excuses.


Yes, I allowed
the kid to seduce me.

One time,
one time on the beach.


What are
we gonna do?

I'm gonna
save your butt.


How many times
do I have to tell you?

It doesn't go here,
it goes here.

Jake, what is
your problem?

You've been testy
since I got here.

That's right, and there's
no reason I should be
taking it out on you.

Is it something
about Jane?



Ever since she got
back from New York,

she's barely said
two words to me.

And then when
we are together,

we just fight
all the time.

It's like she's
pushing me away.

And I don't know why.
Oh, I'm sure, in time--

That's just it,
I don't feel like
I have time.

I feel like
time is slipping away.

I feel like she's
slipping away.

Unless... you could
get her to open up.

Oh, no.

Oh, no way. Don't get
me involved in this.

I'm terrible with
this kind of thing.

I'll just
foul it up more,

and then
you'll turn around
and blame me.

I won't blame you,
I promise I won't blame you.

I'll even give you
the night off,

if you'll
go by her place.

And if I refuse?

I'll fire your ass.

Well, in that case.

Thank you, thank you.

Hey, uh--
can we talk?

Last I heard,
we were still partners.

I mean, every time
I turn around now,

something going on
behind my back.

It's after 6:00.
Aren't you usually
long gone by now?

Well, if you'd been
paying attention,

you'd notice that
I've turned over
a new leaf.

And what did you find
under that new leaf?

Things you've been
keeping from me.

Like what's
the mother of the kid

who got Peter
thrown in jail
doing in your office?

Oh, that's easy.
She's waiting for me.

Oh, by the way,

on that new leaf thing.

Hello, Teri.

I hope I didn't
keep you waiting too long.

Did anyone
get you coffee?

Let's cut
the niceties, okay?

I know you're
Peter Burns' lover.

Or is that
past tense by now?

it's immaterial.

And so are
the offers I think
you have up your sleeve.

That is why you
requested this little
meeting, is it not?

In a way.

Nothing you do or say

will make up for
what that man did to me.

To you?
I was under
the impression

he did it
to your daughter.

Me, her, whatever.

You know how men are.

How indiscriminately
they use people.

They use you,
your beauty.

Then they just
toss you away

the minute
you're not
their ideal anymore.

Oh, believe me,
I've been through
the same thing.

Not what
I've been through.

The lies,
the heartache.

It all started
with Brandi's father.

He was abusive?

I wouldn't know.

You see...

I never even
knew his name.

Work is
so frustrating.

Sometimes I wish
I had a job like yours.

Oh, I'm sorry.
That came out wrong.

No, you're right.

It's not exactly
the most challenging

except when Jake's
in a bad mood.

It was so tense tonight,
I came home early.

Well, I'm glad, it was
getting kind of lonely
around here.

Is everything okay
with you and Jake?

Yeah. Why, did he
say something?

No, no. Not really.
He's just...

he's kind of surly.
You know how he gets.

Yeah, I do.

[phone rings]

You want me to get that?

I'll let the machine
pick it up.

Hi, it's Jane.
I'm not in.
Leave a message, thanks.

[Richard's voice]
Jane, Richard.

I know you're there.
Pick it up.

You can't hide from me
forever, Jane.


Jane, what is it?

Is it about Richard?

What's going on?

He r*ped me.

Richard r*ped me.

Oh, God.

I can't believe
you pulled this off!

Hello, Peter.
How was jail?

An eye-opening
diversion, to say
the least.

Before you ask,
the reason you're out

is because
Brandi and Teri here
dropped all charges.

A simple thank-you
will suffice.

Looks like the cat's
got the doctor's tongue.

I guess I'm afraid
to ask why.

Would you believe
a simple change of heart?

Oh, and yes,
I guess you haven't heard.

Brandi here has been chosen

as the new miracle girl
for Lady Day Cosmetics.

A two-year contract,

residuals will add
at least a hundred more.

Yes, it's extortion.

But as long as we got
what we wanted all along,

what difference
does it make?

The difference is,
you never admitted
you lied.

Now, I want
both of you
to tell Amanda

right now that
I never laid a hand
on either one of you.

Peter, that is
not necessary.

Tell her.

No. Don't you dare
say a word.

No, Mother,
I'm going to.

It was a lie,
to pay him back

for not voting for me.

I'm sorry, Peter.

Yes, I'm sorry, too.

I'm sorry that scoundrels
posing as doctors

are allowed
to walk the streets.

I'm not worried, though.

You'll wind up
trampling somebody else,

and you'll get yourself
back in trouble.

You've got
that look, doctor.

You're always
conning somebody.

Even dear Miss Woodward
here, I'll bet.

How are you
conning her, Doctor?

Let's go, Brandi.
If we hurry,

we can deposit the check
before the banks close.

So, how are
you conning me?

Anything I've ever done
or ever will do

is because...

well, you know why.

No. I want you
to say it.

It's because...

I love you.


What was that?

You heard me.

No. Say it again.


Don't say no!
I heard what you said.


You said
you loved me.

No, I didn't.
Yes, you did.

I know you did.

Enter, Fielding.

Hot seat's right there.


you want to be
my teaching assistant?

Just so you know,

it doesn't guarantee
an "A" in my class.

Oddly, the thought
never crossed my mind.

You're a lousy liar,

I hate butt kissers.
Love eager beavers.

Now, you're two-thirds
of the way there,

So what do
I have to do to get
the other third?

Set me up with
Jo Reynolds.

Well, I thought Jo
and that whole situation

would keep me from
getting the job.

Well, true, I don't
like being att*cked by

overzealous crusaders.

But on the other hand,

I do like
in women.

Hell, I'd give her
the T.A. job

if she knew anything
about medicine.

It's a--
it's a very strange
request, Doctor.

It almost sounds as though,
if I don't set you up with Jo,

then I-- I won't
get the T.A. job.

It's a secret clause in
the Hippocratic oath.

You see,
you scratch my back,

and I scratch yours.

Well, I'll see
what I can do.

Oh, I know you will.

How's that
breeze back there?

Oh. Peter.

This is wonderful.
You're out of jail.

One thing about jail.

You may get out,
but it always stays with you.

Now-now, partner,
let's keep that
temper in check.

You know I would
have come forward

as soon as
I found out
you were in jail.

Really. No kidding.

Yeah, I swear to God,

but then I got
bopped on the head

by this burglar,
you know,
lousy timing.

Oh, don't sweat it.
I'd have done
the same thing

if the positions
were reversed.

We're lucky we have
such a good friend
in Amanda.

She really went
on a limb for us
in this one.

Mmm, great girl,
great girl.

Hey, you two
back together?

Of course you are.
Gee, that's great!

That's... great.

Listen, I decided
I'm gonna come clean
with Kimberly.

You know,
confess the whole
sordid mess.

Brandi, the beach,
the whole shebang.

She'll k*ll you.
Well, I'm willing
to take that risk.

No, I mean
she'll really k*ll you,
Michael. I'm serious.

She's way too fragile
for something like that
right now,

which is why I'm here.

To let you know
that Amanda and I

are gonna keep quiet
on this one for you.

Oh, thank you, Peter.

But I don't think
Kimberly's that
fragile anymore.

You know,
I think this
knock on my head

has actually
knocked some sense
into hers,

if that makes
any sense.

None at all.


Why don't you be smart
for a change, huh?

Keep your mouth shut.


That bandage okay?

Yeah, the nurse
just checked it.
I think so...

Let me take
a look at that.



Now, you ever
pull a stunt

like this
Brandi thing again,

and you'll know
the true meaning of...

head injury.

What the hell
happened to you?

"Hi" to you, too.

I fell off a horse

a beer commercial,
all right?

I was on a ranch
in Agoura for 12 hours.

It was a lovely day.

You don't have time
to go home and change?

You wanted a drink,
I didn't know there was
a dress code.

this isn't a date.

It's just to talk
and have a drink.

You set me up with
that pompous quack?

Are you crazy?
Dr. O'Malley, hi.

I believe you two
know each other.

Hi, Jo.

I'll get us
something to drink.
White wine?

Yeah, fine.
Yeah. Great. Perfect.

So, how's
Tyler doing?

And, um...

what was her name,
the mom?

Laurie, was that it?

I haven't seen them
since she accused me

of being
an obsessed maniac.

So I guess you two
agree on that.

Did I say that?

You said that.


Listen, I think
you should know

that Matt did not
warn me about this.

But if you
would have known,

you wouldn't
have come, right?

Yeah, probably not.

I know you're angry.

All right, but...

you know, really,
you should-- you should
be flattered.

One drink,
and I'm leaving.

That'll be
plenty of time.

[knocking on door]

What are you doing here?

I felt it necessary
to thank you.

I saved your butt,

You think ten bucks
worth of flowers
will do the trick?


Maybe it wasn't
very creative.

But you know us doctors.

We're all, um...
left brained.

In advertising,

it's 90%
right brain.

please tell me,

how do you suggest
that I creatively
go about

my gratitude?

You could
take off your clothes.

My what?

Your shirt, your pants,
your underwear,

your clothes.

By the way,

did I ever tell you
how grateful I am

for all the times
you've rescued me?

Want a better

Not very subtle, am I?

Subtlety is
way overrated.

Well, I said
I'd have one drink.

You made me have two.

I said, "I'm leaving."

you said
you'd walk me home.

You're very good
at this, Doctor.

What's this?
You trying to
butter me up

so I'll have another
look at little
Tyler's situation?

Yeah, well,
the thought did
cross my mind

several times
in the last hour,

This may sound ridiculous,

but I have very strong
instincts in this area.

As well as a history?


In the form of a husband
who drank too much

and took his
frustrations out on me.

And in that case,
I ignored my instincts.

I waited too long.

I denied it.

Yes, I will take
another look at Tyler.

3:00 PM?

Well, they're always
at the park at that time.

And here I thought
I was setting you up.

Kimberly, I need
to tell you something.

I considered
not telling you.

Peter advised
against it.

But I feel obligated
to be honest with you.

And I think I can
tell you anything
without fear. So...

[clears throat]

You know, uh...

when I went down
to San Diego for
that beauty contest?


Well, I um...

I had sex with
one of the contestants.

That girl, Brandi.

The one they accused
Peter of sleeping with.

It was stupid,
you know?

And it didn't
mean anything.

And I swear to God,
I'll never stray again.

It was just a case
of temporary insanity,

you know,
a few cheap thrills.

Which is not
an excuse for anything.

But, um...

Just feel free to
jump in anytime here.

I think you'd better
leave, Michael.

All right.

If that's
what you want.

But you know,
we're gonna have
to talk sometime.

Get out, Michael.


Okay, you know,
it's a good idea.

A little walk
on the beach,

let you calm down.
It's a great idea.

I heard a noise.
You okay?

I know, I know,
I know.

I know.

[loud knocking]

Come on, Kimberly,
locked out of the house
all night?

And it's been raining,
and I slept in the car.
I mean...

Michael, you have
to move out-- it's
for your own good.

Look, I know
I made a mistake,
but don't I score

a few points
for fessing up?

It's not
just that, okay?

It's dangerous
for you to be
anywhere near us.


Who are you talking about?
You got somebody in there--

No. I'm talking
about the relationship.

Okay, us,
the two of us.

You're not good
for either of us.

It's not that
I don't love you.
It's just...

please go.

Please go before
it's too late.

This is a good distributor.

I close this deal,
and we're in fat city.

who cares anymore?
He's gone.

The moron thinks
he's happier poor.

God, if only
his father hadn't
taken away his business.

We'd be--
I don't know, maybe
even in love by now.

Yeah? Well, his father
didn't take away his business.

What did you say?

Bobby's dad never
touched that cable company.

Bobby was set up
by someone else.

Who? Tell me who.
Who did it?

Whoa. Hey, hey.
Easy with the jacket.


It was his lawyer,
I heard.

She and someone
she was doing.

Oh, my God.



Peter Burns.

He was sleeping with
Alycia at the time,

sleeping with her,
but he was still

in love with Amanda.

He set Bobby up
for the fall.

So great. Who cares?

I care.

I may finally
have what I need
to get Bobby back.

What are you
doing here, Jo?

Hi, Laurie.

This is Dr. O'Malley.

This is the doctor
that examined Tyler.

You know, there's
got to be a law

against this
kind of harassment.

Can't you two get it
through your heads?

I would never,
ever hurt my child.

But if someone else
were hurting him,
wouldn't you wanna know?

I want to
be left alone,
Doctor, period.

You're running from
something, aren't you?

Doctor and clairvoyant?

Whoever it is
you're covering up
for, Laurie,

it does no one any good.

You're fishing.

Admit it,
this whole thing

is just
a fishing

Who is it, Laurie?

Is it an ex-husband,
somebody in the family?

Whoever it is,
you're not responsible.

Well, I am if
it was my boyfriend,

and I allowed him
into my home.

Tony was
so cool at first.

And I needed
a guy around,
for Tyler.

Tony was
out of work,

and he would
stay with Tyler

while I was
at my job.

The very first time
I saw him hitting
Tyler, I left.

That day, I left.

I would never keep
Tyler in a situation
like that.

You know, I might
not be much more
than a kid myself,

but Tyler is my kid.

And I love him.

We know you do.

We know you do.
Don't we, Jo?

Laurie, I am so sorry.
If I'd known...

with your permission,

I'd like to--
I'd like to contact

the child services
in Chicago.

We'll make sure
that this Tony guy

stays far away from
you and Tyler.

Jo, Dr. O'Malley.

Mommy, look,
it's my friends.

I know, honey.

Why are you crying,

It's nothing, honey.
Mommy's fine.

Relax. They come in here
sometimes after work.

when you get
a chance,

you've got
some thirsty
customers here.

And we're
expecting clients,

so two more
stools, too.

I'm sorry.
This isn't my station.

I'll send somebody
over to help you.

You know, Jane,
I really hope
you've been keeping

your mouth shut
about New York.

Yeah, I have.

Good. Order us
those beers.

I'll be right back.

How are you doing,


Sydney, if you're here
to get me to come back,

forget about it.

No, I'm not that stupid.

Well, sometimes I am,
but everybody makes mistakes.

I was desperate,
and I acted desperately.

I don't know.
Maybe I just needed

a little positive

I mean, when you're
someone who's been rejected

as many times as I have,
and that is all--

get to the point.


I come in peace.

With some information
that I think you might

find very interesting.


it wasn't your father
that set you up with
that senator

and cost you
your cable company.

It was Peter and Alycia,

working together.

Alycia wanted
the cable company,

and Peter wanted Amanda.

Bummer, huh?

So, um...

what are you gonna
do about it, Bobby?

I mean,
because if it's revenge
that you're contemplating,

I have a lot
of experience
in that area.

And if
there's anything
I could do--

Sydney, get out.


I enjoyed dinner,

But what do you
wanna talk about?

Betsy's back.

And with a vengeance.

She's the one who hit
Michael over the head,

not a burglar.

Oh, Peter,
it's so terrifying.

I mean, I used to be
a lot Kimberly
and a little Betsy.

And now
it's the other way around.

And the worst part is,
she's mean, crazy mean.

When Michael told us
about that girl, Brandi,

she was ready
to k*ll him.

I don't know what to do.
I love Michael.

And what if I hurt him?
God help me if I hurt him.


I want to check
you into a facility

before this gets
more out of control.

Part of me,
the Kimberly part,

was hoping that's
what you'd suggest.

What are we gonna
tell people?

Well, first,

we'll tell them that
you're at a medical

And, after that,
we'll just be inventive.

You all right
with this?


My old buddy Peter,
always checking me
into looney bins.

Your check, sir.

I just have
to powder my nose,
and then we'll be off.

I'll wait outside.


Peter, what's going on?

I have a thousand things
to do today.

It's Bobby.

I had a message
to meet Peter.

When Peter checks
his voice mail,

he'll find a message
to meet you.

What the hell did
I ever do to you,

Huh? Why did
you find it
so damn necessary

to steal my company?!

Bobby, I swear to God,
that was all Peter's idea.

to get Amanda back.

He was using me!


You destroyed me.

you and Peter both.


Where have you been?

I've been
looking for
Kimberly all night.

She's had some
problems, I've been
helping her.

What's the matter?

Bobby's dead.

He was m*rder*d last night,
thrown out a window,

your office window.

The police were
looking for you.

Last night?

Do they have
a time of death?


There was a witness
on the street.

I was with
Kimberly until 9:00.

I have an alibi.


Don't say anything.

I believe you.

I gotta go...

take care of this.

Be careful.

I'm sorry I'm late--
I lost track of time.

Yeah, I know.
I called your place
five times.

I'm gonna go
grab some orders.

Look, you know
something, don't you?

That's why you were late,
that's why-- why you've

been avoiding me.
I could see it in your face

when you wouldn't wait on
Richard and Jane yesterday.

What'd you find out?
Jake, please,

I don't wanna
talk about it.

Are they having
an affair?

God no, it's
nothing like that.

Well, what the hell
else could it be?!

She won't go
anywhere near me.

I am about
five seconds away

from breaking up with
someone I happen to love.

You don't understand.

She swore me
to secrecy.

Look, if you want
to know something,

you have to ask her

All right. I will.

That's exactly
what I'm gonna do.

No-- Jake, don't.

Midline's called
a dozen times.

I tried you at home.

Oh, I wasn't
picking up.

Has Peter Burns

No. But your private line's
showing voice mail.

It has been all day.

I'll call Midline
first thing in
the morning.

You can go on home.

I'll see you tomorrow.


[Bobby's voice]
Hey, gorgeous.
It's me, Bobby.

Guess where I am?

[mimics buzzer]
Peter's office.

Anyways, you know,

it was Peter
who set me up
with that senator.

The contributions.

He sank my reputation
so you'd dump me,

and he could
have you all to himself.

And how about that?
It worked.

Gotta love the guy.
And here I thought

the most important thing
to you was honesty.

Wait, someone's coming.
I think it's Peter.

Gotta go.

What'd you expect, Jane?
I would just sit back

and act like
nothing was going on?

There is nothing
to say, Jake.
Everything is fine.

Are you having
an affair with him,
is that it?

I want you to leave,
and I'm asking you nicely.

I can't.
Not until I know.

Now what
really happened
in New York?

Damn it!
I love you,

and I'm losing you.

He r*ped me, all right?
Richard r*ped me.

What's going on--
what did you tell him?

The truth about
what Richard did to me.

And now
he's gonna k*ll him.

And you didn't
stop him?

No. I let him go.

I want him
to k*ll him.

Nurse Amy,
I'm looking
for Dr. Shaw.

Dr. Burns,
you know the police
are looking for you.

They've been here
all evening.

Just tell me
where she is.
I need her, Amy.

She's my alibi
in all of this.

I haven't seen
her all day.

But I could page her
for you, if you like.

I already have,
100 times.

Dr. Burns.

Officers, I understand
you've been looking for me.

Not very bright,
leaving the crime
scene that way.

Last night,
I was having dinner

with a colleague,
Dr. Kimberly Shaw.

At the moment,
we're more interested

in your involvement
in the collapse

of Mr. Parezi's
cable company.

I understand that
you and Alycia Barnett

collaborated in
an effort to slander
Mr. Parezi.

that's true or not,

I don't know
how that relates to
Mr. Parezi's demise.

I'll tell you what.

Why don't we go
someplace private,
where we can talk?

Of course.

Nurse Amy,
if Dr. Shaw calls,

will you page me

Of course, Doctor.
Thank you.

Dr. Burns, emergency call,
line three.

Dr. Burns,
emergency call, line three.


No, Peter.
It's me, Alycia.

I just wanted to call
and say good-bye.

You heard
what happened to Bobby?

Yeah. The police
were at my house.

I went out the back way,
and I rented a car.

And I'm going away,
and I can't
tell you where.

You see,

I k*lled him.

I k*lled Bobby.

Alycia, you need
to turn that car around
and get back here.

You see, the police
are under the impression
that I k*lled Bobby.

Sir, who are
you talking to?

Are you listening
to me, Alycia?

They want
to put me in jail.

I loved you so much.
I still do.

Well then, turn around
and get back here.

Now, I won't let
anything happen to you.

I care for you.
I'll help you.


I'll turn around,
and I'll come back.

Alycia, before you go,

I need you to talk
to the officers.

[tires screech]



Are you there?

are you there?

I'm losing you.
You're breaking up.


Alycia, answer me!

♪ [theme music]
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