04x08 - Unembraceable You

Episode transcripts for the TV show "NYPD Blue". Aired: September 21, 1993 – March 1, 2005.*
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Ensemble cast revolving around New York's 15th Precinct.
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04x08 - Unembraceable You

Post by bunniefuu »

‐ Hey, who's there?
‐ It's me, Bobby.

You okay?

Bobby, make love to me.


[ Moans ]
Oh, God, Bobby.

Any problems with that?


So, am I a ball breaker if I,
uh, ask what it was about?

What it's about?

I'm wondering if you
changed your mind.

I wanted you to hold me.

I wanted to make love
with you.


If I gotta marry you to
get back into bed with you,

let's get married.

[ Chuckles ]

Bobby, don't push me away now.
I don't want to
push you away, Diane.

You say yes to getting married
like it's us
going to the dentist.

I didn't mean it‐‐
I didn't mean it that way.

You didn't mean it at all.

God forbid
we just enjoy ourselves
for 20 minutes.

Don't come here looking
to get laid, Diane.

That's not why I came here.
We had too much going.

[ Sighs ]

That's not why I came.

I'll leave the key.

Willie Lopez.
Willie carries a cell phone
and a beeper.

Shot six times.
I'll canvass.


[ Chattering ]

‐ Those are males.
‐ Yeah, huh?

Mmm. I know Angela and Peaches
from Vice.

A cop in a sector car saw them
working the corner a couple
minutes before this happened.

‐ We know nothin' about this.
‐ Are you Angela or Peaches?

‐ Peaches.
‐ We got a sector car
that puts you here.

‐Yeah, but we didn't do nothin'.
‐So you dress like that
for comfort then.

Charge us for solicitation,
you gotta catch us in the act,
pretty boy.

Don't tell me what I can do.
Who's that?

I don't know.
Who is he, Peaches?

I don't recognize him.
You don't, huh?

I don't recognize him.
See, now, I can
check that out, Peaches.

'Cause I know this guy's name
is Willie Lopez. And I will
ask every single person...

on this stroll here if they
have ever seen you and him
in conversation.

First yes, and you're a collar
for impeding
a homicide investigation.

‐Why don't you guys
bother someone else?
‐'Cause we wanna bother you two.

I told Diane we didn't see it.
We heard the sh*ts,

we turned around the corner
and saw the guy over Willie
with a g*n.

‐ What guy?
‐ I don't know.
‐ You saw that too?

She was right by me.

‐ Evil ho!
‐ We're going to the station
house, look at some pictures.

‐ We told you what you wanted.
‐ Now you're gonna help us
put a name...

to the guy that you saw
standing over Willie.

You know why?
Because underneath those skirts,
we know you got hearts of gold.

‐ And johnsons
in your underwear.
‐ [ Simone ] Let's go.

Make me take
this ride with you.

Girl, who said work 3rd Street?
Did I say 10th Avenue?

‐ Don't start with me, Peaches.
‐ Girl, you are making me sick.

I'm about ready to‐‐
Hey! Hey!

‐ No arguing. In the car.
‐ Come on. Get inside.

Don't muss my wig.

Excuse me. I'm looking
for an Officer Cooper.

I'm Cooper.
Yeah. Arthur Fancy.

You have a Maceo Williams
in custody?

Asked me to call you.
I just collared him
in the terminal.

For doing what?
He was holding a kilo
of heroin, Lieutenant.

I spotted him a few times
looking wrong.

Today he gets off
this bus from Florida.
He's real nervous.

I interdict him,
ask to see his gym bag.
A key of smack.

‐ What's his story?
‐ He doesn't know
how it got there.

Had your card in his wallet.

You found it,
or he showed it to you?
I found it.

Then he asked me to call you.
He's back here.

Come see me
when you're done.

It's a mistake.
I don't how that got in there.

Someone must've put it there.
I didn't know about it.

Why would someone put heroin
in your gym bag?

I know,
but that's the only thing
that could've happened.

You want me to believe you?
Don't talk to me like a chump.

I'm just telling you
what happened.

‐ And I'm telling you
you gotta do better than that.
‐ I don't have to do anything.

What are you here for anyway?
I didn't ask you here.

‐ You're not my father.
‐ No. For a couple months,
I took care of you.

‐ I'm not your father.
‐ You got that right.

When the court
gave your mother custody,
Maceo, you cut us off.

You didn't want me.
I didn't see a point
staying in touch.

‐You know we fought to keep you.
‐I don't have
to talk about this.

And if you can't get me
out of here, I need a lawyer.

Okay. Okay.
You're 16 years old.

You go with a lawyer
instead of cooperating,
you'll get tried as an adult.

The kind of weight you
were holding buys you 10 years.

Were you running that smack
for your mother?

Are you her mule, Maceo?

I'm not talking to you anymore.

I'm not talking to anybody.

Hiya, Abby.

We're on for our non‐lunch?

I was thinking maybe we'd,
uh, take a different path.

‐ You lay the course out,
I'll run it.
‐ Yeah. See you at 12:15.


‐ Your pros come up with anyone?
‐ Mm‐mmm.

Well, wanna give 'em
a pep talk?


‐How we supposed to recognize
anyone off of these likenesses?

Yo, listen, Diane.
Before, on the street, you said,

"Tell these cops
about what happened,
and they'll treat you square."

And here we are,
locked up like criminals.

I don't see cuffs
on you, Peaches,
and I don't see you in a cell.

I think they know the guy
who shot Willie Lopez.

They just don't want
to give it up.

I told you we don't know
the guy, and we didn't see him
do the sh**ting.

‐ Balls.
‐ Peaches, you can trust these
detectives the way you do me.

‐ I don't trust you.
‐ Yeah, you do.

Angela, when I picked you up
those other times,
I never hassled you.

I got everything pushed through
as fast as I could...

so you could get back
on the stroll.

‐ I always treated you
with respect.
‐ We don't know any names.

‐ Well‐‐
‐ And don't you
be making any noise.

Don't screw yourself
up here, Angela.

Her man's Phesians.
And she concerned this guy's
Phesians's cousin,

but Phesians didn't have
nothing to do with it.

This man and Willie
were beefing all week
about money or something.

‐ Running her mouth.
‐ Give up a name, Angela.

Arthur Cartwell.
But his cousin Phesians didn't
have nothing to do with it.

‐ Thanks for nothing.
‐ Thank you
for dragging me down here...

‐ when you could've said
I was in the lavatory.
‐ Shut up a second.

‐ I'd like to be dismissed
before this gets ugly.
‐ You late to beat ugly.

Shut up.

You talking about
Arthur Cartwell
that went away for m*rder?

‐ I know nothing about that.
‐ Looked to take down a dealer
on 9th.

‐ Two kids got k*lled
in an apartment.
‐ I don't know.

Give up his name,
not act like
she fell off a boat.

That's who it is.
Just got out of jail
a while ago.

And if you question Arthur's
cousin Phesians regards to this,
I will have a cut throat.

And I can testify that Phesians
was laid up in bed...

with a stapho‐something
infection in his left calf.

Don't mention Phesians no more.

We're not interested
in Phesians, Peaches,
you understand?

We're interested in Arthur
that was standing over Willie
with a g*n in his hand.

‐ Bobby?
‐ What's up, Greg?

Yeah. Last beep came back
to an Arthur Cartwell.

Gave an address
over on the Bowery.

Cell phone records
are gonna take a while.

Can you check to see if this guy
Cartwell is still in the system?

I think he was
up in Plattsburgh.
Yeah, sure.

‐ Can we please go?
‐ Don't take no vacations.

I'm gonna take some coffee,
and I'm gonna take
some pastry too.


‐ You guys got a minute?
‐ Yeah.

[ Peaches ]
Ooh, look, they got doughnuts.

What do you got on your D.0.A.?

Remember that baby and that
five‐year‐old that got m*rder*d
in the dealer's apartment?

‐ Yeah.
‐ These prosses,
they said that they...

saw Arthur Cartwell,
who was in that apartment
when the murders went down,

standing over the D.0.A.
this morning holding a g*n.

Which has to be wrong, right?
Cartwell's inside.

‐ Released September 18th.
‐ [ Scoffs ]

Look, I've got a situation.
That boy that lived with us
for a while a few years ago‐‐

That kid Maceo?
Yeah, yeah.

Collared at Port Authority
muling a kilo of heroin.

I got a line on his mother.
I'm gonna go see her.

We got Cartwell's address.
Okay, let me know.

Hey, boss, maybe there's
a mix‐up with the kid.

Maybe there's a mix‐up
on Cartwell too.

Let's go.
These people are ruthless.

But the tall one is cute.

I'm wondering how Phesians
got his staph infection.

Yeah, I don't know.
How many naughty things can
you do with your left calf?

Unbelievable. assh*le does
six months behind acting in
concert on two child homicides.

Don't forget,
Arthur was doing hard time.

That's a maximum‐security
facility, Plattsburgh.

Yeah. Is this it?
Yeah. The entrance
is down there.

We'll take the back.
Be careful.

Hey, he's across the street.
I'm going this way.

Hey, Cartwell.
Where are you going, huh?
Wait a minute! Wait a minute!

Against the wall!
I didn't do nothing.

I don't know how you got out.
I didn't do nothing
the last time either.

Shut up!
Upside with our penal system,

locked up repeatedly for
crimes you don't commit.

At least we don't make you
do much time, huh?

Let's go.

James, Greg, we got him
out here in the front.

[ Medavoy On Radio ]
We're comin' around.

Mace? Lieutenant Fancy.
How you doing, Sherilee?

Can I come in
and talk to you?

Uh, well, it's a little messy
since I didn't know
you was coming.

So is Maceo here?

Why? He in trouble?

My wife bumped into him on
the street a couple of days ago.

‐ He told her he quit school.
‐ Yeah, yeah.

He make up his mind to do
something like that,
how am I supposed to stop him?

I wish you would've called me.
Maybe I could've talked
some sense into him.

Lieutenant Fancy,
you the last person I'd call.

So when did you come back
to New York?

You were so set
on South Carolina.
Yeah, well,

it didn't work out
down there.

Yeah? Seems like you're
doing okay here.


‐ This is a nice TV.
‐ Yeah, Maceo bought that
for me. See?

He don't need to go to school.
He got a good job without it.

‐ Yeah? What's he doing?
‐ I don't gotta tell you that,
but I will.

‐ He's doing construction.
‐ How about you, Sherilee?

‐ You back on the stuff?
‐ I don't gotta tell you
that either.

You're just trying to take
my kid again.
Come down here insulting me!

‐ Yeah, you're using.
‐ And you're in here without
a warrant or my permission!

You're using,
and that's a big
television set, Sherilee.

Big microwave. How are you
putting that together?

Get out.
I'm not having this.

‐ You get out!
‐ [ Door Opens ]

♪ [ Rap, Indistinct ]

I hope you're ashamed.
I hope you still
have that in you.

He's raping me!


Man, you two ruining
in my existence.

Send me down 15 to life
when I didn't even sh**t nobody.

‐ You k*lled those two kids.
‐ The hell I did!

I was present
when it happened.

I wanna hear this story
about how you got out of
the joint, Arthur. Sit.

Guard got k*lled on my tier.
I was a witness.

‐ You ratted out
the guy who did it.
‐ [ Scoffs ]

I had no problem
turning that con in.
And as far as them kids,

y'all both know that was
all Rickie's doing.

I was in the wrong place.
Wasn't nobody
supposed to get shot.

Here you are in the wrong place
again, Arthur, huh?

This time with
a g*n in your hand,
sh**ting Willie Lopez.

That ain't right.
If we find a g*n
in your apartment,

that's not gonna turn out
to be the m*rder w*apon, huh?

If it do,
it don't mean nothing.

No? Match it to
the b*ll*ts in Willie?

‐ Don't mean nothing.
‐ Silly us,
thinking that's evidence.

I had the g*n,
but I picked it up
after Willie got shot.

‐ Oh, after.
‐ I'll tell y'all what happened.

The guys come around the corner
in a Chevy or something,

and they start sh**ting
at Willie,
who I'm talking to.

And the next thing I know,
I got this g*n in my hand,
and I'm running.

What color Chevy or something?

Yellow, I believe.
I mean, it's hard to remember.

One minute
I'm standing there arguing,
and then it's, like, b*ll*ts.

What were you arguing about?

He owed me $600.
I just got out of jail, man.

You know,
I needed that.

So I call him up on his beeper,
and then he say that supposedly
he gonna have the money today.

‐ So I set up to meet him.
‐ Where's Willie getting
this money from?

Behind somebody owing
some other money to him.

He didn't tell you who?
No. So then I meet him,

and then he tell me
they didn't pay him the money
like they're supposed to.

I'm, like, man, this ain't good.
Then here come these guys
in this yellow Chevy.

‐ Arthur‐‐
‐ We got eyewitnesses
saw you do the sh**ting.

They didn't see me,
because I didn't do it!

We collar you last year.
You're hiding under...

a pile of clothes
in your buddy's closet.

You tell us that you're up there
borrowing a book.

See, that gives you
a low credibility rating.

You understand that,
right, Arthur?

Well, then,
lock me up for false reasons.

It happened before.

I'll let him know.

‐ Hello, hello.
‐ Hello.

Leo Cohen.
I remember.

Hope Anticrime got
some draft choices along with
that other civilian aide.

Someone else said that to me.
I really don't follow
the meaning.

That's the last sports reference
which will cross my lips
in your presence, Gina.

I understand
you like Arthur Cartwell
in the Lopez homicide.

‐ He says he didn't do it.
‐ That's original.

Administrative judge says next
perp we don't get down there...

within 24 hours of arrest
walks out the door.

Oh, that makes sense.
This even on
a homicide charge?

‐ We gonna make that
with Cartwell?
‐ We're thinking we'll keep...

him out of the system
till we get the ballistics back.

You do what you want.
I'm advising you get him
down to Central Booking.

‐ Okay, so now you're on record.
‐ Thanks for the advice.

Prophet's never known
in his own country.

Last Old Testament
reference too.

‐ Take this guy down?
‐ Yeah.

I tell you, Abby,
the endorphin release...

subsequent to these workouts
has gotten to be
the high point of my days.

So, if it feels this good,
it's gotta be illegal,
huh, Greg?

Oh, yeah.
I feel subject to arrest.
[ Laughing ]

on‐on another subject, Abby,

uh, I was wondering
at some point if, um,
you'd like to have dinner?

I'd like to a lot.

We could go out or, uh,
I'd be delighted
to prepare a meal.

Uh, the one thing
you should know, Greg‐‐

You did say yes, right?

But I wanted to tell you that
if you're thinking in terms
of romantic possibilities,

I, uh‐‐ I should let you know
now that I'm gay.

I see.

I always worry if I say that
too late or too soon.

Of course.

If‐If you weren't, excuse me
for being presumptuous.

Not at all. Certainly not.

[ Sighs ]

What‐What night would
be good for you?

Why don't I
let you know, Greg?


I saw your mother.

[ Sighs ]

That stuff, it was just
too hard for her.

You need to stop laying it off
on Sherilee now, Maceo.

It was you on that bus,
you who had that smack.

And it's me in this cell.
I know that.

You want a lesson
on being a man?

Skells lay fault somewhere else
for doing what they did...

and not doing what they need
to straighten out.

I was the one who did it.

These guys from the Redrum g*ng
give me 1,500 bucks a trip.

‐ That's the Puerto Rican g*ng?
‐ I go to Miami
and pick it up for 'em.

Are you late
for making this drop?
After 4:00 this afternoon.

You gonna do what you
need to here, Maceo?

‐ Say what?
‐ Yeah.

On the gate.

[ Keys Jingling ]

‐ Ray.
‐ Lieutenant.

I understand you're looking
for us to help you out
with some skell, huh?

This is a good kid, Ray.

You want me to deal
with someone else?
Lieutenant, my recollection‐‐

Your squad had problems with me,
felt I wasn't considerate
enough of some informant.

‐ This is a different matter.
‐ Usually is when you're
asking for a favor.

Your group's working on
the Redrum crew, correct?

‐ And?
‐ This kid can help with that.
How is that a favor?

He's willing to make
a controlled delivery.

In exchange for walking
on a kilo of smack.

‐ Has that ever happened?
‐ Well, that's up to
the U. S. Attorney.

No, it's up to you
talking to the U. S. Attorney,
saying you want it done.

You get the play on the collars,
the kid gets another chance.

Let me talk
to the U. S. Attorney.

Yeah, Kahlins, NYDTF.

Is he in? Thank you.

Detective, someone's here
about that homicide.

Thanks, Gina.

Excuse me. I'm Detective Simone.
How can I help you?

Father Tom Ferrell.
And this is my friend
Stanley Angrist.

How do you do, sir?
Detective Sipowicz.

‐ How's it going?
‐ Yeah.

We're here concerning that man
who was shot on 3rd Street
this morning,

near the corner of Bowery.

‐ How can you help us with that?
‐ Stanley saw it
from his apartment window.

‐ Can Stanley speak?
‐ Why don't you come on in
and talk to us, Mr. Angrist?

Angrist. Yeah.
Go ahead, Stanley. Go ahead.

I'm gonna see Patrice Donnelly,
and then I'll be back
at the parish house.

‐ Thanks for your help, Father.
‐ Yeah.

‐ Sit here.
‐ Can we get you
something to drink?

Some coffee, sir?
No. I'm Jewish,

but I know Father Ferrell
from the neighborhood.

I'm here on his advice.

Why don't you tell us
what you saw, Mr. Angrist?

Two black guys
standing in the street
yelling at each other.

Nothing new on that.
Then a car comes
around the corner,

and another black guy
leans out and sh**t one of
the guys who was arguing.

Then the car backs up,
and he sh**t some more.

Then the car starts forward.
The guy who was sh**ting throws
his g*n out of the window.

Then the car takes off.
The other guy who was arguing‐‐

the one who wasn't shot‐‐
picks up the g*n
and runs off with it.

That's all I saw.
What can you tell us
about the sh**t?

I'm on the fourth floor.
All I saw was
the top of his head.

‐ What kind of look at the car?
‐ Blue‐green Nova.

That's the end of my statement.
The father agrees this is
some kind of drug thing.

He's okay with me
restricting my cooperation.

This is where I draw my line.

‐ Well, thanks for your help.
‐ Yeah.


Do you believe this Arthur's
telling the truth?

Let him stay in jail,
rot for them other murders.

He can still help us
with the sh**ting, Andy.

Luckiest African‐American going.
Exception for that big,
dopey comedian.

What, Sinbad?
Is that what they call him?

[ Scoffs ]

‐ Hey.
‐ Hey.

A little something for you.
Thanks very much.

Yeah, sure.
You know,

I think Detective Medavoy
might be sick.

Why do you say that?
I don't know.
He looks ill.

‐ Let me see what's what.
‐ Thanks for the soda.


How you doing, Greg?
I don't know what
to tell you, James.

You feel all right?
Yeah, I feel
all right physically.

I've had a surprise that
took the wind from my sails.

What happened?
Well, I got the nerve finally...

to ask Abby to dinner‐‐
how we discussed.

She tells me she's gay.

That's unbelievable.
Can you believe that?

You think she's being straight?
Or do I think
this is a runaround...

like the experience
you had with Adrianne?

I don't, no. She seemed
very straightforwardly.
This is what's what.

How'd you leave it with her?
The two of you still
gonna have dinner?

Yeah. I wasn't gonna withdraw
the invitation, James.

I mean, I didn't even want to.
Sure. Why not
have dinner with her?

[ Sighs ]

Boy, you could've blown
me over with a feather.

Here, want this soda, Greg?
It'll give you
a little energy boost.

Nah. We've been restricting
our sugar intake.

All right. There.

Is there gonna be
any sh**ting?
There shouldn't be.

They're gonna pick you up
along with everyone else.

So when the officer approaches,
don't resist him.

Just do what he tells you to.
They're gonna know it's me
who gave 'em up.

We just have to take this
one step at a time, Maceo.

You got tall.

[ Man On Radio ]
We are in position.
Yeah, 10‐4. He's coming out.


‐ What's up, Maceo?
‐ Come to Papa. Come to Papa.

So, the stuff in there?

‐ See you next time.
‐ Yes! We have achieved liftoff.
Let's go, amigos.

Hit the wall.

Freeze! Don't move!
Let's go. Come on.
Against the wall.

All right.
Come on. Spread 'em.

‐ You, my friend, are busted.
‐ Step back.

I want a lawyer.
Yeah, we'll get
right on that.

I didn't know that stuff
was in there, man.

That kid set me up.
Your boys in Miami
set you up!

Yo, call my lawyer, man.
The card's in my pocket.
You want me to call a lawyer?

I'll call you a doctor.
How's that?

You stand there!
You don't say a word!
Don't say a word!

Get him in the yellow car.
Come on. Let's go, let's go.
Get him in.

Put me in the system,
come and get me out.

We found a witness
that backed up your story.

You take somebody else's word,
but I tell you what happened,
and you lock me up.

‐ Who were the guys in that car?
‐ [ Scoffs ] I don't know.

You do. You know who
shot Willie, but you don't
want to have to tell us.

I do not know their identity.

Know what my partner here
wants to do?

Bury the witness statement.
Let you do some time
for this hummer beef.

See, that's just how low
you people are.

Our concern for justice...

gets a little dull with a guy
who sits with
his thumb up his ass...

while his running partner
blows the heads off of
two little kids.

See, this witness,
he don't want to go
on the record, Arthur.

So there's nobody else on
this planet besides you, us...

and the guys who did it
that will know that
you're an innocent man.

You would send me down
for something
you know I ain't do?

Sleep like babies.

It's up to you, Arthur.

See, 'cause either way,
we clear the case.

Gerald Vought and his cousin
Rickie did Willie.

Willie always
pissing people off,
just like he did me.

Don't pay what he owe you,
and then laugh in your face.

He work other people's corners
and think they're gonna take it.

So, that's what happened to him.

‐ Gerald Vought
and his cousin Rickie?
‐ That's right.

‐ Rickie what?
‐ Cousin Rickie.

Last week, Willie's out there
throwing b*ll*ts at me.

I don't see y'all
moving on him.
You make a complaint, Rickie?

‐ No. I takes care
of my own business.
‐ Attaboy, Rickie.

It's bright choices like that
put you on the successful path.

‐ What's open?
‐ Do you feel like
a big man now, huh?

Bringing me in. Dang that!
[ Simone ]
What's going on, boss?

I need the pokey room.
Mr. Arthur Fancy.

Always acting like
God Almighty above.

Let me tell you,
I stopped you before.
I'll stop you now.

You see if I don't.
Shut your mouth.

Everything's open
but the pokey room.

‐ Greg.
‐ Sorry.

Excuse me.

He's done muling for you,

He was never muling for me.
I don't even know
what that means.

Maceo's got no job
working construction.

He's running smack for
the people you score from.

That's how you got
the big‐screen TV
and your big new mi‐‐

He told me he was
working construction.

Maceo says you got him the job
making deliveries.

‐ He said he did it for me?
‐ Which makes you an accomplice.

Well, he didn't do
nothing for me.

He did any drug running,
he did it on his own.

Gave me a few presents,
but... I don't know where
the money came from.

You had him running smack
so you could stay high.

Now you're willing
to let him go to jail for it.

You can't take his word
over mine.

You go ahead,
take me to court.

I beat you before.
I'll beat you again.

That judge believed me.
[ Laughs ]

That's what's got you
all pissed off.

You're just a junkie now,

Maybe you started out
something more,
but that's all you are now.

Well, you ain't taking my boy!
You don't care
about that boy.

I will send him to prison
before I let you have him.

Give me a pen.
Yeah, give me a pen.

I wanna write this down.
I don't know nothing about
what that boy was doing.

‐ Can you leave me alone
for a minute?
‐ Yeah, sure.

Uh, I'll be right outside.

Maybe prison will
do him some good.

What I'm supposed to do?

You'll be working with
Sergeant Kahlins as the case
goes through the system,

giving testimony about Sherilee
and your other contacts
in the g*ng.

I have to testify
against my mother?
That's the deal.

It's like the man says.

You'll be
a probationary enrollee
in a boot camp outside Albany.

At the end of the trial,
if the judge feels
you've cooperated,

he'll credit your probationary
time against a two‐years term.

You'll learn a trade up there,
and your felony's expunged
if you graduate.

Then I'll just have
a normal life.

It would be nice
if every kid...

got parents who
looked out for 'em, Maceo.

A lot of kids don't.
You didn't.

Now we find out
if that breaks you.

She meant staying clean
when she took me back.

‐I gotta believe that much.
‐There's no harm believing that.

‐ Can I talk to her?
‐ No.

Is Cooper gonna want him back
at Port Authority?

‐ That's my understanding, yeah.
‐ Okay. I'll run him up there.

So, they in there
talking to those guys, huh?

That fat cop and the other one,
they're in there with the D. A.?

‐ And your friend Rickie.
‐ He give it up, Rickie, by
sh**ting Willie Lopez, right?

You see, my information
led to that.

I'm just a babysitter,

'Cause, see, you know
that's worth hard money.

[ Door Opens ]

What decision y'all come to?

The decision we came to is that
you're off the hook, Arthur.

D.A. took a plea. See?

‐ I got y'all the clearance.
‐ Arthur's hoping
there's some money...

coming his way behind him
helping you with your case.

‐ That was good information.
‐ [ Sipowicz ] Yeah?

Unless it's other circumstances,
Arthur, you ain't getting d*ck.

[ Scoffs ]

I only do that way in prison.

[ Sighs ]

‐ Hi.
‐ Hi.

I'm working undercover.
Guy likes me tarted up.

‐ Oh, you were in Vice, right?
‐ Uh‐huh.

I wish I had
the balls to do that.

Yeah? I'd give you
this assignment for a nickel.

Bobby and Andy cleared
that street homicide, huh?

That first guy they liked's
a scumbag, but it looks
like he wasn't in it.

That Arthur?
Arthur goes in last year...

for a double child homicide,
rats another con out
for k*lling a guard.

Arthur's back out
on the street.

How far are you into this guy?
I guess about halfway.

Assuming it's me into him.
I'm not sure what you mean.

Neither am I.
Do you like him?

No. He's a real bad guy.

And I'm in kind of a state
off some personal stuff,

so, um, it's kinda hard
to stay on top of things.

All's I gotta do is remember
I'm a good girl, right?

That's, uh‐‐
That's the rumor
I've been hearing.

‐ What do you mean?
‐ Everyone says
what a good cop you are.

Good person.
Yeah, huh?

‐ I gotta pee.
‐ Good night.

Good night, Diane.

‐ This is so good.
‐ Yes. Yes.

Was it a really big
left turn for you?
Finding out I was gay?

I‐‐ I‐‐ I won't deny
I was somewhat surprised.

Well, I really hope that doesn't
stop us from being friends.

You know, to be honest,
Abby, I feel like...

y‐you could've told me earlier
in on knowing each other.

You know, saved me some
awkwardness in my thinking.

Every time you came by...

the machines,
you were like a kid...

who was afraid of the water,
you know?

You were sort of looking to me
for encouragement.

I was worried
that if I told you...

that I was gay,
it might scare you away
from exercising.

And then I thought
I'd tell you,

and I'd stop using the machines
for a while.

But that was me
10 years ago.

Nah. That‐‐
That would've been silly.

I sure hope we can get over
this hurdle,

'cause I think you're
a really nice person,

and I enjoy
spending time with you.

Well, I‐I do with you as well.

And your story
of being concerned
over my physical well‐being,

well, that‐‐ that
doesn't surprise me at all‐‐

that type consideration.

I'm‐‐ I'm sure that's
very characteristic of you.

Thanks, Greg.
Not at all.

Did you enjoy your meals?
Very much.

It was really good.
Very much so.

I can sign you out with me
if you'd like to come to dinner.

‐ Put my nose in it.
‐ No one wants to rub your nose
into anything, Maceo.

[ Sighs ]

The future keeps telling us
what the past was about.

You make the past
mean different things...

by the way you use
the time that comes after.

A few years ago,
you spent some time with
people who loved you, Maceo.

That doesn't have to be some
dream set away from
the rest of your life.

Lillian and the girls would be
so happy to see you again.

You can meet
our little boy.

What's his name?

He's named after me.

Why don't you come home
with me, Maceo?

Junior's got girls
on all sides of him.

He'd love to have
an older boy at the table.

I'm grateful
you're helping me.

Remember, life dealt you
this card too.

[ Chattering ]

Hiya, Jimmy.

Mmm, looks yummy.

I was just
sitting here realizing
I hadn't eaten all day.

Timmy, when'd you make the soup?

Lay off my mulligatawny.
Did he tell you
what day he made it?

A fella called.
He'll call back at 9:00.

Not be in.
Said he'd call.

‐ What's his big problem?
‐ That's him, you know.

Yeah, great.

I'm surprised at you, Jimmy,
telling your business
in front of me.

A white fella's supposed
to ride with me to meet
some... other people.

Be here at 9:00 for the ride.
Who are the other people?

I thought you said you didn't
do business with black guys.

You know, Mouse,
you stop drinking ginger ale,
maybe I'd confide in you more.

No, Jimmy.
In some ways I'd like to,
but I don't wanna start.

Slide that soup my way, huh?
I haven't ate all day either.


[ Sniffing ]

How's work?
You gotta buy a building.

Let me fix it up.
A couple months,
that'll be doable.

What's in a couple months?

But not if you're with
a boss, you know.
You step out on your own.

I'm game.
I'm not afraid.

Be a little afraid, Mouse.
Keeps you careful.

Mmm. Mmm. Mmm!

Timmy, it's awful.
Up yours, Jimmy.

Two months, Mouse.
That's four times 576.

The first and 15th if those
knuckle‐draggers aren't lying.

Like I understand
what you just said.

All for the noble cause.

Which is what?

What's the noble cause?

I don't know
any noble causes, Mouse.

I know a bunch of assholes
in Belfast like singing
themselves to sleep.

And maybe I get to buy
you a building, but‐‐

I don't understand what you're
saying half the time, Jimmy.

It's not important, is it?

There you go.

‐Slide that soup back over here.

I haven't eaten all day.
Yeah, you were saying.

‐ I feel light‐headed.
‐ You sleeping all right?

Oh, pretty much.
I got some situations.

I got a family situation,

another situation.

Um, anyway‐‐

Those are keeping you up?

Um, no, not really.
You know, you just‐‐

You get upset
and so forth and‐‐

You wanna get out
of Dodge, Mouse?
You feeling light‐headed?

Mmm. I feel like I said yes
to that scotch.

How do you like that,
the penance without
the pleasure, huh?

Oh, yeah.
That's what it feels like.

You wanna get outta here, Mouse?


Yeah, maybe.
Maybe we should go.

Sure. You know,
I got my car right out front.

You wanna leave your car
if you're feeling light‐headed?

Probably should.

What'll I say
if somebody calls?

You tell 'em we'll talk 5:00
tomorrow in person,
or one of those things'll...

get shoved in his belly
or get shoved up his ass,
and we'll see if it works.

‐ See if his ass works?
‐ You wanna get clever
on me, you, huh?

I'm really dizzy, Jimmy.
I'm gonna wind
your watch up, pal.

Come on, Jimmy.

You okay, Mouse? Huh?
We should go.

All right. Let's go to
Chez Liery. I'll straighten
you right out, okay?

‐ Yeah.
‐ Don't tell me
chivalry's dead, Mouse.

Come on. Come on.

[ Shushing ]

I got ya now, Mouse.
I got ya now.
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