02x02 - World's End

Episode transcripts for the TV show "The Fugitive". Aired: September 17, 1963 – August 29, 1967.*
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Dr. Richard is wrongly convicted for a m*rder he didn't commit, escapes custody and ends up in a game of cat-and-mouse with the real k*ller.
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02x02 - World's End

Post by bunniefuu »

Ellie, this thing you're
doing for me, uh...

Oh, correction.

"For me"?

If you think I'm
a sweet, demure,

self-sacrificing little thing...

No. I think you're
something extra-special.

I think you deserve
a lot more than this.

Mm. Hear, hear.

You know what
I've been through...

any thought of
love or marriage or...

Now, I... I really don't see
anyone holding a shotgun on you.



I love you, you know that.

So much so I'm willing
to take my chances

you'll wake up one morning
and find you love me too.

Until then,

here's to a long and
happy status quo.

A QM Production.

Starring David Janssen
as Dr. Richard Kimble.

An innocent victim
of blind justice,

falsely convicted for
the m*rder of his wife,

reprieved by fate when
a train wreck freed him

en route to the death house.

Freed him to hide
in lonely desperation,

to change his identity,
to toil at many jobs.

Freed him to search
for a one-armed man

he saw leave the
scene of the crime.

Freed him to run before
the relentless pursuit

of the police lieutenant
obsessed with his capture.

The guest stars
in tonight's story:

Suzanne Pleshette,
Carmen Mathews.

Also starring Barry Morse
as Lieutenant Philip Gerard.

Another dreary town.

Another shabby street.

Another weary pause in
Richard Kimble's search

for a man with one arm.

His only real hope of
escaping a life of fear.

Uh, a bowl of soup, any kind.

No front page.

Richard Kimble turns directly
to the classified section.

Here are the things
that really matter:

A room, a job, a
way to stay alive.

And, tonight, something else.

"Personal to R.K.:

"Have information
regarding September 17th.

Phone me at home. Urgent. E.B."

The 17th was the night
Kimble's wife was m*rder*d.

Relax. It's probably Bob.

He's only called twice.



Who is this?

This is Ellie, who's this?

Ellie, it's me. I... I
read your personal.

Richard! R-Richard?

Can you talk?

Well, yes, yes, of
course I can speak.

Th-that is... That is provided
I can get my breath back.

It was the wildest
possible chance. I...

Oh, I didn't know
where you were.

I-I've been running
that ad for a week.

I know, you see, I just...

Mm, did I say a week?

It... It seems more like a...
Well, Richard, you don't know,

just sitting here,
waiting, trying to pray.

Telling myself you'd have
to see it, you'd just have to.

Is it that important?

Well, Mr. Keller
seems to think it is.

You remember that
private investigator

Daddy put on just
before he died? Well...

Well, he's... He's
finally earning his keep.

I-I think he's got a lead.

On what?

The man you've been looking for.

The... The one-armed man.


Is he sure?

Well, you're the only
one who can be sure.

You... You'd have to
identify him yourself.


Well, last we heard,
he was in Missouri,

two days ago.

Richard, when can you
meet me in Kansas City?

Kansas City?

Tomorrow, if I can
get a bus tonight.


Well, I'll be at the
Missouri Manor.

You be careful, huh?

Ellie, uh...

Thanks, uh...


A brandy wouldn't
hurt either of us.

Did I make any sense at all?

Not to me.

Well, I wasn't talking to you.

I'm on your wavelength.

Sue me.

You didn't tell me that you
were planning to meet him.

You know there's
nothing definite yet.

Well, it could be
definite any minute.

Then he'd need help.
He'd need a friend.


Tell me, do I detect an ugly,
skeptical note in your voice?

Oh, come off it, Ellie,
you're in love with him.

Just as you were
all through the trial.

The way you sat
and looked at him...

Now, you're making
noises like a mother.

When will you understand
that I like Richard Kimble.

I wanna help him.
That's it. The end.


You've got a date with
Bob tomorrow night.

Well, you're just gonna
have to tell him that...

Hello? Uh... reservations.

Uh, I'd like a round-trip
ticket to Kansas City, Missouri.

Earliest possible flight.

Well, yes, yes,
that would be fine.

Uh... Eleanor Burnett.

Ellie, I don't want you to go.

Well, no, that
won't be necessary.

I'll pick them up at
the airport. Thank you.

I check the out-of-town
papers every couple of weeks.

How long has this been running?

Seven days.


New York, L.A., Pittsburgh,
I haven't checked the rest.

I'll bet she's spent
a lot of money.

"She"? Eleanor Burnett.

Those are her initials.

She's in love with him.

Do you know that?

I know she never missed
a single session of the trial.

That's when it
happened, I guess.

Even now, my wife
and I go there for dinner,

Ellie's talking about Kimble
before we get to the soup.

Well, not talking so much:

probing, digging, trying
to find out what I know.

Phil, if you'd rather
let someone else

follow through on
this... Someone else?

I mean, in view of your
friendship with the Burnetts.

I'm sure you don't
want to hurt the girl.

I don't wanna hurt anyone.

I just wanna close out
some unfinished business.

You said you'd found
him. You phoned me.

He was alive three days ago.

And the next night, he was dead.

A fire. Burned
to death in a fire.

I didn't find out
till yesterday.

Then there's... There's nothing.

Dr. Kimble hasn't got a hope.

He can't prove a
word of what he said

if this was the man
he was looking for.

Well, we're still not sure.

Well, you've got
the proof right here.

That farmer, Newlin, you...

Well, you said you showed him
a sketch of the one-armed man.

He identified him as the
man who died in his barn.

Well, he could have made
a mistake or had a reason.

I'll start checking,

see what I can find.

Do you think there's a chance?


Is it all right if I come up?

Well, will you give me a moment.

I'm afraid you'll
have to excuse me.

I have an appointment.

Yes, well, I should be
getting started anyway.

I, uh...

Well, I hope you're satisfied
with what I've done so far.

Well, yes.

I mean, uh, there
is still a chance

and I would like to
stay with the case.

Of course, I'm at the point now

where I can hardly
give guarantees.

Well, I hope you understand,
Mr. Keller, that I need proof.

No maybes, no might-bes. Proof.

I've got to be sure.

I'll try.


Richard, it's been so long.

Two years.

You try counting it in hours
and minutes sometime.

When I, uh, read
your ad last night...

Well, just to know that
someone, somewhere,

wanted to help a friend.

And then when, I, uh...

I found out that you...
That you found him...


You know what that
means, Ellie, uh, don't you?

Richard, listen...

To walk down a street
anywhere in any city.

And if somebody asks
me, I can say my name is:

"Kimble, Richard Kimble. They...

They used to think
I was a m*rder*r."

Where is he? When can I see him?

Well, you must be tired.

You've been riding
on a bus all night.

I took a room for you.

Well, I have a room,
at the Edmund Hotel.

Well, how about some lunch?

I know what we need, champagne.

No reunion is complete
without champagne.



Where is he?

You have to understand,
Richard, we're not certain.

Mr. Keller didn't get
there till afterwards.

After what?

Well, it may be some
other one-armed man,

not the one you're looking for.

What are you trying to say?

W-what is it? Where is he?

He died in a fire.

Ellie's meeting him
someplace, isn't she?

Phil, she wants to help
him prove he's innocent.

Is that such a crime?

The law says it is.

Aiding and abetting
an interstate fugitive.

She could pick up
a prison sentence.

I wanna help you both.

Where is she, Ada?

I can't tell you.

We've been friends
for a long time.

Don't make me be a cop.

Phil, I can't. I
can't betray her.

I can't betray Richard.

You don't "betray" a
convicted m*rder*r.

I hoped you'd want
to help your daughter.

Well, never mind.

I'll find her.

Star of Belgium, isn't it?

I remember John was pruning
this that Sunday afternoon

when he told us that
he believed in Kimble

and was going to defend him.

I told him he'd
regret it some day.

He never did.

He never saw what it
was doing to his family.

I'm sorry, Ada.

Lieutenant Gerard
to headquarters.

Come in, lieutenant.

I want to put out a
tracer on Eleanor Burnett.

B-U-R-N-E double-T.

Probably left town within
the last couple of days.

Know where she might've
been heading, lieutenant?

If I knew that, I
wouldn't need the tracer.

Not at all, sir.

Sorry we couldn't have
been more help to you. Right.

Oh, lieutenant, I got
lucky on that tracer,

that Eleanor Burnett. Yeah.

She left last night,
Mid-West Airlines,

Flight 12, 11:05 p.m.

Arrived Kansas City, 1:15 a.m.

Kansas City, well, uh,

get me a seat on the
next available flight

and teletype Kansas City,
attention Captain Walker.

Give him my flight
number and just say, uh,

"Request your cooperation,
re: Richard Kimble.

Believe him to be in your area."

Yes, sir.

What keeps your motor
running full speed like that?

Well, this.

I am telling myself, if
he's dead, I'm dead.

If he's dead, I'm dead.

We're not sure he's dead.

I've got to be sure, Ellie.
I'm going out to the farm.

Springvale? That's
30 miles away.

There's a bus.

Why? You've got Keller's report.

The farmer
identified the sketch.

All the artist had was words.

He never saw the one-armed man.

Ellie, I've lived with that face
in front of me for two years.

I kept telling myself,
"Well, that's all right

"because someday I'll find him.

"One day I'll make him confess.

Then I'll be free."

Oh, Richard, you're
punishing yourself.

Maybe I am, but
I've gotta make sure.

I've gotta talk to that farmer.

Ellie, there might
be one little thing,

one little word, one...

I don't know, a little
something that was overlooked

that'll tell me that
it wasn't my man.

And if it wasn't?

I'll keep looking.

For how long?

As long as it takes.

I rented a car.

It's in the garage.

What would I do without you?

You've got a bigger problem.

What are you gonna do with me?

Must've come in here
and got himself drunk.

Sheriff found an empty bottle.

Could've knocked
over that kerosene lamp

and not even known.

But you talked to him earlier.

Mm-hm, right after supper.

He walked in, out of the
night, and asked for work.

You didn't have any work.

I always got work.

I didn't like the look of him.

I didn't want him hanging
around my wife and kid.

This belly of mine, I
got worries enough.

Anyway, last I saw of him, he
was heading back to the road.

How long would you
say you talked to him?

A couple of minutes, maybe.

And it was dark?

Pretty dark, out by the barn.

You can still be sure
that this was the man?

That's right.

I mean, it was dark.

You only talked to him
for a couple of minutes.

Look, you told me this
guy's a buddy of yours, okay.

You told me you wanted to
ask me some questions, okay.

Now you're trying to call
me a liar or something...

No. No, I'm not
saying you're lying.

I'm saying the memory
plays tricks and...

How about your wife?
Did she talk to him?

No, I'm the only one
who talked to him.

Did she see him? No. Never did.

I'll tell you what,

Charlie Watts, he
took charge of the body,

what was left of it.

He's the mortician
in Springvale.

You might try him.

Billy, if you're
goin' to the doctor,

you better be goin'...

Just leavin', Gracie.

This belly of mine, ahem.

People say that
farming's healthy.

Some joke.

I got one worry
on top of another.

It's enough to k*ll a man.

How far is it to Springvale?

About six miles.

You can follow me.

Looks like you're
outta luck, son.

Coroner closed the case.

I cremated him this mornin'.

I wouldn't take it
too hard, though.

There wasn't no way you
could have identified him.

His arms... which
one was missing?

Well, if I recollect rightly,
it was, uh, his right one.

Yeah, just above the elbow.

Well, could you, uh,
make a guess at his, uh...

height, weight.

Well, maybe...

If I had to, I'd
say he was 5'10",

Heavy, kind of
broad in the beam,

but those are just
guesses, you understand.

Yeah, they're good enough.

Well, it's plain to see that
this feller meant a lot to you.

I'm sorry, but
you'll get over it.

You just take my word for it.

You got a whole wonderful
life ahead of you, son.

Well, that's incredible.
How did you get it?

Well, even a blind chicken
picks up an acorn once in a while.

Newlin wasn't home when
I went back to the farm.

That gave me a
chance to talk to his wife.

Now, she was worried
right from the start.

And the more questions I
asked, the more worried she got.

So I took a long shot.

I suggested that
she was very lucky,

that this one-armed
man was a m*rder*r.

That he'd k*lled a
woman two years ago.

Well, of course, I was
just throwing her a fish,

but she jumped clear
out of the water for it.

Told me that's exactly
what he'd said to her.

And that's when I
pulled the rug out.


You see, when I
first went to the farm,

she said she hadn't even
seen the one-armed man.

Now all I had to do
was hammer at her.

I told her I knew she lied
and that brought it on fast.

What'd she say?

Four years ago, she
had married Newlin.

She came here from
Nebraska with her baby.

A widow, she said.

"Confidential interview.
Mrs. Newlin was not a widow

"when she married
present husband.

"Man who died in fire
was father of her son,

"named Barney Willis.

"She had helped
send him to prison.

"He was trying to blackmail her.

She swears she had
nothing to do with his death."

Willis, two years ago,

was in the Nebraska
State Prison.

He couldn't possibly have been

the man who
m*rder*d Mrs. Kimble.

Well, then Dr. Kimble's
one-armed man

is still very much alive.

Yes, ma'am.

I'm afraid he'll just
have to keep looking.

Police Department.

Yes, ma'am.

Just give me the address,

we'll have somebody
out there right away.

Sergeant Keith, this
is Lieutenant Gerard.

Oh, lieutenant.

Thank you. And thanks for
sending the car at the airport.

Captain Walker said to tell
you the department's yours.

Just, uh, say what you want.

I want Kimble.

And we'll try to
get him for you.

You can start with the girl.

Find her for me and I'll buy
you the best dinner in town.

What's her name?
Eleanor Burnett.

They're sure.

They're all sure.

Newlin, the undertaker...

they're all sure it was him.

Richard, listen, uh...

As sure as I wish I could be.

What's that? Another report?

I was trying to tell you.

The... The man in the fire...

I know. He's mine.

They're right, aren't they?

Keller found the proof,
you didn't wanna tell me.

He's dead.

Would that be so bad?

If he were dead?

No more wasting your life.

No more chasing ghosts.

No more chance
to prove the truth.

It's not the end of the world.

There are other
worlds, other places,

other countries.

We could go to Brazil.
Y-you'd be safe there.

They can't extradite
you from Brazil.

He's dead, Ellie.

We could charter a plane.

We could fly out tonight.

Richard, it could be wonderful.

He's dead.



Give me the Missouri
Manor, please.

Yeah, I'd like to, uh...

I'd like to speak to
Miss Ellie Burnett.

Thank you.

Ellie, uh, it's me.

Look, I'm sorry
about last night.

You have the wrong
room. My name is Burnett.

Whoever it was,
you bit his head off.

That's not like you, Ellie.

Oh? What am I like, lieutenant?

I always thought you
were like your father.

Meaning the best.

Well, you've made your
pretty speeches, Phil.

What comes next, the grilling?

I suppose that's the routine.

No grilling. No routine.

You tell me you don't
know where Kimble is.

Fine. I'm taking your word.

With, uh, some small
confirmation, of course.

We had the hotel
staked out last night.

I felt sure that if our
friend were in town,

that he'd have
dropped by to see you.

You're very sharp, lieutenant.

Thank you.

Even though you did
make the trip for nothing.

Why did you make it?

I told you, I had a lead
on the one-armed man.

You didn't find him.

Not this time.

You never will.

He doesn't exist
outside of Kimble's mind.

Because you don't
want him to exist?

And you do because
you can't face the truth,

that you're in love
with a m*rder*r.

By your definition.

By the jury's.

But he won't hurt you, Ellie.

I won't let him.

I'm gonna find him and put
him where he can't hurt anyone.

Well, I think you've
said everything, Phil.

Now, if you'll excuse
me, I'd like to get dressed.

I tried to help you.

I'm sorry.

I won't bother you again.

Hello, would you get me
the Edmund Hotel, please.

Thank you.


Richard, I'm sorry I
couldn't talk before

but Phil Gerard was here.


He doesn't know you're in town.

I'm sure he doesn't.

He'll find out.

Well, it won't matter
because we'll be gone by then.

Richard, do you remember
what we talked about?

Well, I found a
plane we can charter.

And there's a private
airport just outside of town.

Richard? Are
you...? Are you there?

Do you know what that means?

Yeah, I know
what it means, Ellie.

The way you sound,
am I that hard to take?

What was in that last report?

What made Keller so sure?

What proof did he find?

Ellie, I've gotta know.

Well, that... That man...

the one who died in the fire,

he got threatening
and he let it slip.


He said he'd k*lled a
woman two years ago.

He told Mrs. Newlin.

Richard, I am sorry.

I... I only wish...

But I think you've
got to accept it now.

There's nothing to
hold you anymore.

We could fly out tonight.

Richard, where can I meet you?

There's a... There's
an inn in Springvale.

Springvale? Is that safe?

I've got to see Mrs. Newlin.

Richard, you saw her once.

What good will it do?
Please don't go there.


Ellie, I'll pick you up

at the Springvale
Inn around 8:00.

That was her. Miss
Burnett, room 304.

She just hung up.

What number did she call?

Grand 1-4471.

The Edmund Hotel.

That's across town,
about three miles.

Like the lady says, you're
a sharp one, lieutenant.

Thank you. You're welcome.

I just work here.

Is this man registered?

Hard to say. We got
lots of guests right now.

No, we're just
asking about this one.

So, uh, unless you'd rather
we put a lock on the joint...

What for?


You take another look, friend.

Could be Mr. May, 501.

Is he up there now?


The pass key.


It's that sort of place.

Oh, you sh**t an arrow
into the air this part of town,

it's pretty hard to miss.

I'm checking out.

Cops, they're upstairs.

Use the back door.

Union Station.




Okay, I'll talk to you later.

Well, he took the cab
to the station, didn't go in.

Then he, uh, took another
cab to City Hall, and that's...

That's as far as we've
been able to trace him.

You tipped him off.

Why should I? I told
ya, I'm stuck for his bill.

Please, my husband
is sick enough.

If he should ever hear us...

Your husband said that you'd
never seen that one-armed man.

All right, so I told a lie.

Well, I had to,

my husband was
standin' right there.

But you told the truth
to the investigator.

Oh, now, don't you start
making trouble over that.

All I gotta do is
call Mr. Newlin,

and sick or no
sick, lie or no lie,

he'll take after
you with a shotgun.

All I want is the truth.

Did you see the one-armed man?

Well, of course I seen him.

What happened?

What did he say? What did he do?

Did he thr*aten you?

I told the investigator.

Well, tell me.

Did he say he'd
ever k*lled a woman?

Is that all you wanna know?

Did he ever k*ll a woman?



How long ago? A year?
Two years? Three years?

Two years. Uh...

That's what he said, he k*lled
some woman two years ago.


Are you sure?

Of course I'm sure.

That's what he said.

You really come out here all
that way just to ask me that?


Hello, hello, this is
Eleanor Burnett in 304.

Would you get my bill
ready? I'm checking out.

Thank you.

Mother! What...?

You greet all your friends
like a sumo wrestler?

Well, that lady's no friend.

That lady's my mother.

Oh, uh, this is for the 10:00
train for San Francisco.

Thank you. San Francisco?

Oh, that's for Phil Gerard.

Phil? He followed me here.

I think he's still
snooping around.

Well, I talked with
Mr. Keller's office.

They said it was the wrong man.

That's why I flew out.


There's nothing you
can do for Richard now.

You wanna quote me odds?

Look, you, uh...

You better take a deep
breath and fasten your seat belt

because I'm gonna tell you
something you're not gonna like.

I'm going away with Richard.

That's a very bad joke.

It's no joke.

I'm meeting him in
Springvale at 8:00,

the Springvale Inn.

From there we
go to Tucker Field.

It's a private airport where
I chartered a big white bird

to whisk us away to Mexico
City and from there to Brazil.

Phil can't touch him in Brazil.

So Richard's giving up?

And the one-armed man?

He thinks he's dead.

Died in that fire
three nights ago.

Well, that's the wrong man.

You know that's the wrong man.

Oh, Ellie, don't.

As long as Richard knows
that the one-armed man is alive,

as long as there's a
hope of finding him...

Oh, you'd have to figure
his chances with a computer.

In the meantime, both
our lives are wasted.

Running, dying a
little bit every day.

Yes, both of us dying.

Don't argue with me,
love, I've thought it all out.

I always knew that you
were stubborn and reckless.

I never knew I'd raised
a liar and a cheat.

I'm sorry.

I'm late.

Ellie, don't do it.

I'll call you.

I won't let you, Ellie.


I won't let you!

Hello, operator.

Get me police
headquarters, please.

Not a trace of 'em.

Now, come on, Ada.

Every minute you hold me up,
you push her closer to the edge.

Come on, now, tell me.

Where did they go?

I don't know. But you called me.

You had information.

I was wrong.

Ada, you know me.

I'm no rookie cop,
and I know you.

You acted on a decent
impulse and called me.

But then you started to worry.

That's not true.

Because you've never
been able to say no to her.

Never. Not since she
broke her first expensive toy.

Whatever darling
wanted, darling got.

Phil, please...

But loving isn't just
giving in all the time.

If a child picks up
a jar of poison...

And this could hurt her more.


Could you keep
her name out of it?

That's a promise.

They chartered a plane.

They're flying out tonight.

Tucker Field.

Don't beat yourself, Ada.

You've done the best
thing you could for her.

For her?

Springvale Inn, good evening.


Yes, we're the only
inn in Springvale.

I beg your pardon, uh,
we have a wedding party.

If you could talk
a little slower.

This is Mrs.
Burnett, Ada Burnett.

I'm trying to reach
my daughter, Eleanor.

I believe she's there.

If you'll hold on, ma'am,
I'll be glad to page her.

Telephone for Miss...

Telephone for Miss
Eleanor Burnett.

Miss Burnett, please.

You saw her? Anything?

Nothing new. It's getting late.

I was beginning to get worried.

I thought I was being ditched
at somebody else's altar.

Could use a drink.

I heard you the first time.

Yes, ma'am, yes.

If she comes in, I'll
be sure to tell her.

Yes, ma'am, I
have the description.

Thank you.

I would like a martini,
if you'll just kind of wave

the vermouth over it, huh?

Make it two.

Where were you?
What took you so long?

Driving around, thinking.

Trying to, uh... find the words.

For what?

Well, I haven't found them yet.

Ellie, this thing you're
doing for me, uh...

Oh, correction.

"For me"?

If you think I'm
a sweet, demure,

self-sacrificing little thing...

No, I think you're
something extra-special.

I think you deserve
a lot more than this.

Mm. Hear, hear.

You know what I've been through.

Any thought of
love or marriage or...

Now, I... I really don't see
anyone holding a shotgun on you.



I love you, you know that.

So much so, I'm willing
to take my chances

you'll wake up one morning
and find you love me too.

Until then, here's to a
long and happy status quo.

Here you are.

Well, we better get going.

Excuse me, uh, would
your name be Burnett?

Eleanor Burnett? Why, yes.

I have a message
from your mother.

Uh, she wants you
to call her at the hotel.

Said to tell you it
was very important.

Thank you.

I didn't know she was here.

Shall we go?

We ought to find
out what's important.

I know what's important.

Lieutenant Gerard.

We're all set.

I'd like to get another
car out on the road.

It'd be pretty tough
to hide it, lieutenant.

You say he's, uh,
pretty cautious.

Well, we can put a man
in the plane, if you like.


Oh, sergeant, tell your
men to be careful, the girl.


Next right.

Still change your mind.

Mm, might as well
fly down to Rio.

I've got nothing else
to do tonight, do you?

I've got nothing else
to do the rest of my life.

Now, that's funny,
I can say that:

"The rest of my life."

Do you know that they
speak Portuguese in Brazil?

Ellie, I'm trying
to thank you, uh...

I know.

I'm trying to ignore it.

I'd have to say it sometime.

Oh, Richard.

Well, a man can't live
without hope, there's nothing.

No meaning to anything.

It's like watching
TV with the sound off.

When I found out the
one-armed man was dead, I...

Well, I thought
that was the end.

I guess it would have
been, except for you.

Richard, please...

I lost one hope,
I found another.

A new world, a new life...

Stop it, Richard, will you, huh?

Stop it.

Now, what's the matter?

You never saw me
without my makeup on.

What does that mean?

I'm a liar and a cheat.

Also a chicken.

I planned to burn this, only
you had to open your big mouth

and tell me how great I am.

Could you wait a minute, please?

Where will you go?

Where the bus is going.

Ellie, uh...

You never kissed
me like that before.

Maybe I never loved you before.


What happened
about the airplane?

Oh, mother, I bought it,

I'm having it bronzed.

I'm sorry, that
wasn't very nice.

I phoned, I cancelled the plane.

Honey, I know I made mistakes...

Yeah, well, I'll make
a deal with you,

you forget your
mistakes, I'll forget mine.

Where is he?

He's gone.

I want a straight answer, Ellie.

Where is he?

I don't know, Phil.

You've lost him?

Yes, I guess I have.

But then, it's almost worthwhile
because you lost him too.

Where will Richard Kimble go?

Wherever the bus is going,

wherever the
fates will take him,

wherever there is a hope of
finding the one-armed man.

And now, once again,
there is that hope.
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