02x10 - The Cage

Episode transcripts for the TV show "The Fugitive". Aired: September 17, 1963 – August 29, 1967.*
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Dr. Richard is wrongly convicted for a m*rder he didn't commit, escapes custody and ends up in a game of cat-and-mouse with the real k*ller.
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02x10 - The Cage

Post by bunniefuu »

No. Oh, please don't leave me.

Please, you don't
know the harbor. Please.

Carla, I can't take you with me.

Oh, no, please.

You need me, you'll get caught.

Maybe I will, but
they won't hurt you.

I want 'em to find
you here, safe.


No, Papa, no.

A QM Production.

Starring David Janssen
as Dr. Richard Kimble.

An innocent victim
of blind justice,

falsely convicted for
the m*rder of his wife,

reprieved by fate
when a train wreck

freed him en route
to the death house.

Freed him to hide
in lonely desperation.

To change his identity.

To toil at many jobs.

Freed him to search
for a one-armed man

he saw leave the
scene of the crime.

Freed him to run

before the relentless pursuit

of the police lieutenant
obsessed with his capture.

The guest stars
in tonight's story:

Brenda Scott, Tim
O'Connor, Joe De Santis.

Hey, Tonino,
what's the horn for?

Tuna's running. Just
heard it on the radio.

Hey, tuna.

The tuna is running
You hear that?


Little fishing villages
that dot the coastline

are like the sea
that sustains them:


Sometimes cordial,

sometimes angry, dangerous.

Tonight, the village
of Puerto Viejo

will be festive.

Handyman Jeff Parker
rooms in the warehouse loft.

He's had a pleasant month here.

But he's made no commitments,
for it's only a matter of time

till he has to move on.

Parker is a fugitive.

Where's the handkerchief?

Who got it?

Hey, you got it, Carla.

Choose, huh? Make a choice.

Get ready, Miguel.

Get back, everybody.

You got him good, Carla.

Dance, dance with
her, Jeff. You get a kiss.


Oh, I don't know how it goes.

I can show you.

All right, what do I do?

Put your fingers
on my shoulders.

You learn quick.

Kiss him, Carla.

Kiss him.

Kiss him.


I'm happy to see my people
having a fiesta all night long.

What makes you so
happy tonight, huh?

The tuna is running again,
Joe. I heard it on the radio.

Yeah, that's right. The
tuna's running again.

Go home. Go to
bed, you old fool.

I guess you're right.

How am I gonna take
my boat chasing tuna,

5:00 tomorrow morning?


With my whole crew
asleep home in bed?

Five, six days, you're
gonna be out there fishing.

You wanna stay up all
night? Stay up catching fish.

You wanna celebrate? Okay.

But I'll tell you when.

Now, go home.

Go to bed before I
break somebody's head.

Carla, you go to
bed too. It's late.

No, Papa, it's not late.

Don't, Miguel.

Carla, I want to see you.

Stop bothering me.

No, I want to talk
to you right now.

Leave me alone, Miguel.

You listen to
what I have to say.

Why is it, for the first time,

you did not choose
me at the dance tonight?

Have I changed? Is there
something different about me?

I wait this whole night

for you to get the scarf
so that you will choose me.

Why is it you don't?


you like my daughter
Carla pretty good, yeah?

She's a beautiful girl, Joe.

She's only just 15 years old.

No mama to watch out for her.

She does need a woman's advice.

You know, Parker,

I don't want to
make trouble for you.

But, uh, I got the state
prison in one direction,

the border that way,
smugglers off the coast.

Now, that's the kind of
guys come to Puerto Viejo

same like you.

Now, mostly I say to
them "Anda, move on."

You, I trust. I put you to work.

Sure, sometimes I
see you get nervous

when the sheriff
patrol comes around,

but that's okay
with me. I trust you.

But I'm not stupid.

Understand, Parker?

If you trust me, Joe,
why do you bring it up?

You're a good man.
You do your job.

But don't chase after my Carla.

Have you seen me chasing?

You smile at her,
you talk to her,

you make it easy,
she come to you.

Tonight, I see with my own eyes.

Huh? You gonna deny?

She asked me to dance, Joe.

You gonna blame it on the girl?

No blame, no denial.

Is that clear?

Now, Parker, don't
chase after my Carla.

You come around one more time,

I'm gonna shove
this down your throat.

Ever since he came you
act like I am the stranger.

He is the stranger.

Me, you know all your life.

Miguel, go away and stop acting

like some silly little
kid or something.

If you don't, I'll just scream.


I... I wanted to, uh...

Well, to say how sorry I am

about the way everything
happened out there

in-in front of everybody
and everything.

I'm sorry we didn't
get to finish our dance.

I didn't get a chance to
thank you for asking me.

Gave me a chance
to join in the fun.

And my father just
bursting in like that...

Honestly, it's-it's ridiculous.

I think he has a
big responsibility.

Oh, yes, I know.

But, I mean, you know,
just because I always played

with Miguel when
I was little, well,

that doesn't mean I have
to choose him for everything.

You know, uh, Miguel's
always bothering me,

wanting to kiss me.

So ridiculous.

Well, he likes you a lot.


if a woman doesn't want a man
to kiss her then he shouldn't try.

But if she does, then
he should know it.

Well, I think Miguel
will learn that.

Honestly, I don't see
how you can go around

everybody else so well.

Carla, I want to walk you home.

We'll have a talk.

See, I'm going to leave
Puerto Viejo tonight.


Look, Carla, I want you to...

What did my father say to you?

It has nothing to
do with your father.

I'm leaving because of something
that happened a long time ago.

Oh, it's only Pablo,
drunk again as usual.

Hey, Pablo, wake up.

Go home.

Usually, we just throw
cold water on him.

Pablo. Wake up.

Is he sick?

Carla, uh,

go tell your father to meet
me at Pablo's shack, hm?

Go on.


What's going on?

Pablo's dead.

I think it's bubonic plague.

Hey, how come you was with
Carla when you found him?

I thought I told you to
stay away from Carla.

Joe, I'd be a hundred
miles away from here by now

if it weren't for this.

Now, understand me. I
think Pablo died of the plague.

What do you know about
the Plague? You're no doctor.

Then call a doctor. Call the
Public Health Department.

I gotta sail tomorrow morning.

What's the matter,
tryin' to louse me up?

If I don't sail, I
don't get no fish.

Joe, half your town may be sick.

One case of this is an epidemic.

Okay, Parker. Okay.

Crazy drunken fool.

I told you once, I told
you a hundred times.

Now, look, Parker,

if I call the Public Health
they're gonna say one word:


I gotta stay. You gotta stay.

You wanna stay,
maybe the cops come.

They ask a lot of questions...
Where everybody been?

Me, I know one thing, them
tuna fish ain't gonna wait.

It's a lousy way to die, Joe.

Look, maybe somebody in
town is gonna get it, maybe not.

If they quarantine,
I lose, you lose.

Whatever you did, I don't care.

I like you, yeah?

You wanna get out of my town,

I help you pack your things.

You gotta report it, Joe.

All right, tomorrow morning,

after I sail, somebody reports.

Tonight, you got no choice.

You got a choice.

You get out of my
town, that's your choice.

You go up to your room,

you pack up your
things and you get out,

or I break you with my hands.

Operator, uh, give
me the nearest office

of the Public Health
Service, please.

All right,

better get your guys
out of here right away.

Now, do everything you have
to to keep this town sealed off.

There's only one
road from the highway.

The roadblocks will
be simple. That's good.

What are you people?

What are you trying
to do here, huh?

Good morning. Good m...

We're from Public Health.
We're quarantining your town.

Jeff Parker.

That scum. He called them, huh?

Oh, no, Papa, he didn't. No.

Yes, I did.

Parker, you dirty scum.

I told you get to
get out of my town.

Now, look, I'm
gonna sail my boat

or I'm gonna k*ll somebody.

Now, you get out of
here, Parker, you get out...

Wait a minute. W-w-what are
you getting mad at this man for?

He saved your town.

Now, look, you tell your
men to get away from my boat.

I'm gonna sail for tuna.

Right through the Harbor Patrol
and the Coast Guard and all?

Now, listen... Now,
you listen to me.

Nobody leaves this town.

Not in any way or for any
reason for the next seven days.

If you try it, I'll lock you up.

Now, look, do me the favor, huh?

This been a very bad year.

Me and my people,
we owe a lot of money.

Me, I could lose the boat.

Now, please, let
me sail, will you?

Look, me and my men,

we could be on the boat
a hundred miles away,

a week, 10 days...

Same thing like quarantine, no?


Joe, this is Dr. Davis.

He examined Pablo.

It's bubonic plague, in spades.

You and I were in the shack.

If anyone gets it, we've
got the best chance.

And Carla.

She shook him
trying to wake him.

You, doctor,

you're not gonna let my
daughter get sick like that.

I guess I'd better
give you inoculations.

Can't you wait on that?


Why don't you tell the
rest of your fly-casters

that I'm gonna need
all the help I can get.

Come on, in a
week, if we're lucky,

it's all history.

Are you opposed to inoculations?

Oh, no, I-I just happen
to know that, uh,

the vaccine for this is...

Well, it makes people sick.

Well, you do get
around, don't you?

I worked in a hospital once.

Good, good. I'm
gonna need a lot of help.

The first thing you do
is get a couple of guys

to clean this room out.

We'll spray it,

and we'll use the
storeroom as a dispensary

and a fumigation depot.

I'm gonna call
for some supplies.

Now, you had better be careful.

Keep hangin' around him,
there's going to be trouble.

Now, you read the
instructions, use the insecticide.

Use plenty of it, all
around the house.

Anyone has a sore throat,
a fever, swollen glands,

get in touch with us, all right?

All right, that's fine.

If you know anybody else
that hasn't been examined,

you send them
down here right away.

There you are.

Read the instructions,
use the insecticide

around the house,
use plenty of it.

Anyone has a sore
throat, swollen glands,

doesn't feel well, you
get in touch with us, huh?

Tell the children
to use the soap.


Dr. Davis says rest is
the most important thing.

I haven't seen you
stop in three whole days.

Well, you ought to practice
what you preach, young lady.

Papa says you're afraid
of something. Are you?

Well, everybody's
afraid of something.

But you didn't leave.

You stayed in Pablo's shack
so that nobody could get in.

It turned out to
be a wasted effort.

Nobody tried.

Still, if you should get
it because of that it...

Well, then it would be like-like

you're really not
afraid of anything.

Carla, men are not
supposed to be afraid...

Oh, I know, I know.

But, you know, doctors,
they're really not.

They're not afraid of anything.

Even if I should get it.

You're not afraid
you have it, are you?

Oh, no.

No, but if I should,
I wouldn't be afraid,

because you'd be
there, wouldn't you?

I would be there.

Here, drink your coffee.

Yes, ma'am.

No, Parker isn't here.

He said he was gonna
spray the whole dock-front

and that's, uh...
That's a big territory.

My daughter with him?

Yeah, yeah. His
dinner was getting cold

so I sent her to find him.

So that's who you are?

Who'd you think I was?

I dunno. A man from
Mars or something.

I took you some
supper but Dr. Davis said

that you hadn't gotten back yet.

Well, he's usually right.

That's very heavy, isn't it?

It was a lot heavier
a couple days ago.

I'm gettin' used to it now.

Hey. What?

Let's go for a boat ride.

All you do is slide
it down the bank.

It's Tonino's. Tonino does
it all the time by himself.

But not under quarantine.

Well, that's almost over.

Come on.

If you're afraid of
what Papa might think...

What papa already thinks.

I'm old enough
to know who I like.

My mother was married
when she was my age.

Uh... You know,
I'm practically 16.

Oh, it's ridiculous.

Do you remember your mother?

Very well.

I don't very well.

But I remember when she died.

It was in-in this great big,

shiny, white hospital,

and it was way up high.

Oh, the highest I've ever been.

And I...

I-I just felt like I
could look down

and just see everything.

And then Papa came
in and picked me up

and carried me out,
and I looked at mama.

Oh... I thought I was
gonna be scared,

but I wasn't.

Because there
was a doctor there.

He was standing
right next to her.

Oh, I wonder what it's like

to work in a clean,
white hospital.

Dr. Davis says
that you did once.

What did you do?

It was just a temporary job.


Must've been just
wonderful though.

Yes, it was.

Hey, wouldn't it be wonderful

if-if I could be a nurse

and you could be a doctor

and we could go around to
all the little dirty towns like...

Like Puerto Viejo and
wherever people needed us

and-and I could wear
a white dress and...

And you wouldn't
even really have to

be in love with me or anything.

Well, you're right, Carla, to
separate the make believe

from the "being in love" part.

Carla, you can't be happy
pretending to be in love.

I'm not pretending.

Is that what you think?

In 36 hours, Dr. Davis is
going to lift this quarantine.

I'll have to leave.

Yes, I think you're pretending.
I think it's not very real

for you to be in
love with somebody

who just drifted into
town who's twice your age.

Big lecture.

Just because you're
afraid I want you to kiss me.

No kiss, I'm sorry.

Jeff, I didn't mean afraid.

Carla, your love and affection
are very precious things.

They'll never mean
more to you or to anyone

than they do right now.

Now, if you're going to
offer them to someone,

offer them to someone
who can share them with you.

Someone you know,
someone you can trust.

I trusted you.

How do you know what your
kiss might have meant to me?

You just don't go around
experimenting with strangers.


Carla, there are...
Oh, let me go.

Carla. Leave me alone.

No, no, no, we looked there.

I don't know.

Uh, listen, thank
you, thank you.


Carla. Leave me alone.

Carla, what has he done to you?

Leave me alone.

It was Parker, wasn't it?

Oh, let me go, Miguel.

Your father's been looking
all over this town for you.

So are you going to leave it
all up to my father, Miguel?

All what?

I'm supposed to
be your girl, Miguel.

Oh, yes, you're supposed to
be, but you're always with him.

So why couldn't you
be a man and stop him?

I didn't think anything

really was going to happen.

Well, it did.


Miguel, if you really liked me,

you'd go out and
get him for this.

You'd fight for me.

You'd just go out
there and get him.

I will, Carla, I will.


Joe, it's Carla.



Well, she's here.

You see, it happened.


Sorry, mister, nobody's
allowed to come through.

You in charge of the roadblock?

Me, I'm Joe Vardez.

Oh, sure, I've seen you.

I want to report on
a guy we got in town.

He hurt my daughter.

Who is it?

He goes by the
name of Jeff Parker,

but I dunno.

I think he's some
kind of a crook

trying to hide from the cops.

Carla, take it, will you?




Yes, this is Joe Vardez.

Well, you may have lost
your tuna, Mr. Vardez,

but you caught yourself a shark.

You turned out to be
a pretty good detective.

You mean J-Jeff Parker?


Oh, you took his
fingerprints, huh?

I thought he might make
a habit of chasin' little girls,

so I, uh... I had him
checked out at headquarters.

Found out who he really is.

Yeah, who?

Doctor what?



Yeah, okay.

Jeff Parker.

He's a doctor.

A doctor?

Yeah, all the
time, he's a doctor.

Kimble, Richard.

Wait. Wait, Carla.


Five o'clock.

Six o'clock tomorrow morning,
I've got to let them take you.

That's when the
quarantine is over.

Thirteen hours and
you've had it, doctor.

What is that "doctor,"
some kind of a needle?

You have a very
Freudian personality.

I mean, you knew you
were going to be caught here.

In the quarantine, yes.

Now, I would have
been long gone.

I don't think you would, doctor.

If I knew I k*lled somebody?

Now, that's an
interesting puzzle.


Is he trying to atone for
taking a life by saving others,

or is he proven innocent
by innocent faith in outcome?

What kind of grades did
you get in Abnormal Psych?


Carla, you stay away from him.

Let me go, Let me go.

What's going on here?
Hold on, young lady.

Jeff, I'm sorry.

It's all my fault. I'm sorry.

That's all right, Carla.

I didn't know, I-I didn't know.

Now, you listen to me, Carla...

Vardez... You shut your face.

Now, listen to me.

Okay, mister, you
tell my daughter.

He's a m*rder*r,
he's dangerous, Carla.

He is not.

Papa, Papa, he never touched me.

He nev...?

But Miguel told me...

I lied to Miguel to get even.

Whether he did anything
to you or not, Miss,

won't change anything.

He is a m*rder*r.

I was convicted and sentenced.

Why didn't you tell
me who you were?

Understand me, he's
been sentenced to die.

He's a doctor.

Oh, please.

Please, don't you see?

He never touched me.

He was good to me.

He was kind to me.

Please don't let
them do this to him.

Please help him.

Carla, nothing can happen to him

while he's under the quarantine,

but after 6:00 in the morning,

I have no more authority
over him or anyone else.

Please. Please help him.

Look, Carla, there's
nothing he can do.

But he's a doctor.

You're a doctor.

You're both doctors.

Carla, I try to think
about you, you know?

No, Papa, you were
scared to face him yourself.

Me, scared? I could k*ll
that man with my two hands.

That's why I go for the cops.
I don't wanna k*ll nobody.

You did, Papa. You did.

No, Carla, I just...

Miguel ran to you,
you ran to the cops.

It's the same thing, scared.

What's the matter, you
talk to your father like that?

You sick or something?


You take her temperature?

I don't got no
thermometer, but, uh, to me,

her face feels hot like a stove.

All right, young lady,

let's take a look at
that throat of yours, hm?

Leave me alone.

The throat. Open
up. Leave me alone.

Come on, now, stop that.

Open up. Come on.

Stop yelling and
crying for about an hour,

and you might
get well in a hurry.

You know how to
use a thermometer?

I'll leave this one with you.

It might be just
emotional upset.

Under the tongue.

You take her temperature
at 7, 7:30 and 8.

And you, young lady,
you get into that bed

and you stay there
until I tell you to get up.

Hello, Davis.

I took her temperature
again, it's higher up.

My daughter's scared,
doc, and maybe me too.


Papa, tell him, please.

She want that Parker,
that Dr. Kimble to come.

I don't care, she want
him, you bring him.

You want, you can
bring the cop too.


How is she?

It's hard to tell.

She wants you to come.

Hey, wait a minute.

He's a prisoner.

He's a doctor.

He's got no license.

He's got an educated opinion.

He stays here.

Now, look, if she's got it,

we're all gonna be
here seven more days,

and I can't do it all.

He comes with me.

All right, get on your feet.

A hundred and one and a half.

I'll have some tests
flown up to the lab.

They ought to let us
know by noon tomorrow.

Will Dr. Kimble be here then?

Yes, he will.

Until 6 in the morning,
then he goes with me.

Negative, everybody stays
until those lab reports come back.

You're going to
extend the quarantine?

I have to. Excuse me.

Will you have to
examine me again?

At 12:00 and 5:00 in the morning

Dr. Davis will be here.

I don't want Dr. Davis.

I want you.

Look, Carla, I'll
come if they let me.

You get some sleep.

Don't worry,
everything will be fine.

Come on, doctor,
it's time to get up.

Time to hit the good old deck.

What time is it? It's
5 a.m., so be about.

Cheer up. It's time to
do good in the world.

Unlock him, take him
down to see his patient.

He'd say she had
it even if she hasn't.

Keep him out of the death
house seven more days.

That's ridiculous.

The lab report will
be here by noon.

If she hasn't
got it, we'll know.

Come on, you.

Now turn this way a little.

Say, could you hold
that lamp up, please?

All right, you can
turn the lamp off.


Operator, get me
the sheriff's office.

Carla, go on back. I
know which way to go.

I want you to say
you were kidnapped.

Later, I will.

Look, there are no big,
white hospitals in my life.

That's what I was trying to
tell you when we found Pablo.

There's nothing to
share with anyone.


No, you have to hurt me
to make me leave you now.

Come on.

Look in every building.

Remember, he's
got the cop's g*n.

And he's got my daughter too.

Miguel, Tonino, you go that way.

You, you come with me.

It's locked with a chain.

The gasoline. We'll
come back for it.

Get the doors.

Miguel, what'd you find?


How about the beach?

The garage where
you store your boat.

No, Vardez went
down there to look.

Let's try the sand dunes.

No. Oh, please don't leave me.

Please, you don't
know the harbor. Please.

Carla, I can't take you with me.

Oh, no, please.

You need me, you'll get caught.

Maybe I will, but
they won't hurt you.

I want 'em to find
you here, safe.


No, Papa, no.

You got the key?

Unlock that handcuff, quick.

You ain't got much time.


if you think I ever hurt your
daughter, then sh**t me.

Papa, please.

Papa, he didn't do
anything. Let him go.



take my daughter
and get out of here.

I see you come in here,

I point my g*n straight at you,

I'm gonna k*ll you,
but I can't sh**t.

I gotta make up my
mind, you good or you bad.

If you bad, I'm gonna k*ll you.

But I can't sh**t.

Go on, Take her out of here.

You don't want to
run like this, Carla.

Away from Puerto Viejo?


Give her a chance
someplace in the world.

She fight for you,
she lie for you.

Just like her mama did for me.

She love you that much.

Take that chance.

She don't belong to me no more.


You gonna be happy with him.

Go on.

Your mama die in this town.

Carla, I...

I couldn't have come
this far without you.

I have to go on alone.

This is your home.

I... I want my kiss.

Well, I, uh...

I guess I made,
uh, a big problem

out of that before, didn't I?

We grownups sometimes
get things a little mixed up.

Well, kids too.

I-I hope you can be a
doctor again somewhere.

Oh, Papa, I love you.

Ah, ah.

All right.

You take aspirin and you stay
in bed for the rest of the day.

You've got a dilly
of a cold coming on.

Which must be what was
wrong with you last night.

Complicated, of course,
by being hauled out

in the cold by this
Kimble person.

Yeah, she didn't
even have no coat.

Can you imagine?

Forcing her to go
with him like that.

Yeah. That's awful.

Also, he left town at
5:30 a.m. this morning

and the quarantine
wasn't up until 6.

He broke the law.

How's the girl?

Well, she's suffering
from exposure

so go easy on her.

Is-is there any news?

Found the motorboat, empty.

Everyone makes a joke
about the fish that got away.

But not this time, huh?

Not this time.

Somewhere far ahead
in the distance and time

lies a harbor of many names:

safety, love, security, peace.

Meantime, the only
haven for Richard Kimble

is the freedom to move,

and remain a fugitive.
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