05x07 - Sheedy Dealings

Episode transcripts for the TV show "NYPD Blue". Aired: September 21, 1993 – March 1, 2005.*
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Ensemble cast revolving around New York's 15th Precinct.
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05x07 - Sheedy Dealings

Post by bunniefuu »

I thought they said
the third floor.

This is the
third floor.

Gets steeper
all the time.


Hey, mornin', andy.

Jerry lewis standing
guard in the hall.

We got roommates.
Uh, both were strangled.

It looks like
they were r*ped.

This is, uh, mr. Lipman.

Mr. Lipman, the super,
detective sipowicz.

How's it going?

Yeah, I let myself in
with my own key.

The dog had been barking,

But I didn't hear it
because I'm down on
the first floor.

But I got a complaint
around 4:00 this morning.

A tenant up here,

She phoned and said
the dog had been barking
and howling for a long time.

Eventually, mr. Lipman
here comes upstairs
and finds the bodies.

So I called up here
and I didn't get no answer,

So I figured
the girls had gone out
and they left the dog.

On the basis of that,
what with the possibility
of biting,

I wasn't about
to let myself in,

And then do
what with the dog?

Ok, thanks very much.

So I went back to sleep
and another tenant called,

And he said the dogs
were driving him crazy,

And he went and banged
on the girls' door and
didn't get no answer.

Is that when you
come up and found them?

Yeah, I let myself in,
this is what I found.

This one
right here, andy,

This is, uh, ishana.
She's been living
here 5 months.

Mr. Lipman says that,
uh, carly back here,

Been here 14 months.

Neither one of them
have been no trouble.

But he did notice
a pretty much large
number of men

Coming and going,

Which he couldn't
say specifically

How the girls
made their living,

Although he thought
they were office workers.

Uh, temporary office workers
is what they told me.

Although one of the other
tenants told him that he
did see carly and ishana

Working over
at the tattler,
a strip club.

I see.

Mr. Lipman also didn't know
the names of any of the men

That came and went
out of the apartment.

Ok, then,
thanks a lot.

Lipman: uh, as far
as the dog goes,

With all my upsets

With what I
discovered in here,
I left the door open,

The dog ran out.

The only witness.

Well, yeah, well, now,

That's what I was
saying to your partner.

Now, I don't know what use
the dog might be to you

As far as some sort of
growling identification
if you capture a suspect,

But once he
was in the hall,

Some tenant must have let
him out the front door
of the building

While I was
occupied up here,

Someone pissed off
at the barking.

Ok, then.

Anything else you
want to ask mr. Lipman
here, andy?

No, that completely
covers it.

Anyways, I still
got your card.

Any further thoughts,
you ring him up.

Medavoy, remember me?



How's it going?

How long
you been out?

3 Months. Listen,
I got to talk to you.

I got a situation.

Yeah? What kind
of situation?

The thing is, I'm afraid
I could get named in this,

And I can't do
no more time. I'd go nuts.

Yeah? All right, uh,

Come on over here.
Tell me about this

There's this guy I
used to know‐‐archie.

So, uh, what about
this archie?

He asked me
to do something.

He asked me to try
to find somebody to
do a job for him,

And I said I'd
put out a feeler,
then I got worried.

He could get caught,
and my name could get
mixed up in it.

What's he want done?

Archie wants
some guy whacked.

Who's the guy?

Archie's girlfriend's
fella named carmine.

They're separated,
and archie's hanging
out with her now.


That would make carmine
the current husband.

Technically, yeah.

Anyway, archie,
who is hanging out
with carmine's wife,

Feels prospectively
that he's in danger
from this guy,

And he wants done
what he thinks eventually
carmine's gonna do to him.

Which is croak him for
sleeping with his wife.

If archie's your friend,
why you telling this?

You already asked
somebody to do the hit?

Yeah. Yeah, I asked
somebody if they
wanted the contract,

And archie and him
couldn't get together
on a price,

And then I got worried.

This guy I talked to might
come forward and name me.

I should have
stayed out of this.

I'm glad you
figured that out.

All right, the way
we proceed, uh,

We'd set up a meeting
with you bringing a new
hit man to meet with archie,

A guy who'd be willing
to make the contract
at a lower price.

And the hit man
would be a cop?

In fact,
uh, I could play
the hit man myself.

Medavoy, I gotta
speak up here

'Cause it's
my ass on the line.

And it's a whole look
and style, and I look
at you and...

I don't see it.

What, 'cause
I got red hair?

It's not the hair.

red‐haired hit men.

Greg, we're getting
ahead of ourselves here.

We got to run it
by the boss.

Yeah, we'll talk to him.

I no mean to do it.

You didn't mean to?
You didn't mean to
take it?

I don't understand.

I give it.
I no mean to give it.

Well, who'd you
give it to?

He come to pick up
food for the poor people.

I give to him
cans of food,

But I no mean
to give the necklace.

He came collecting,
what, food donations,

And you gave him
a diamond necklace?

I give him cans of food,

And mrs. Cox say inside
one of them was the necklace.


She was helping me
with my papers.

Now she want to
send me back to guatemala.


You had a can of soup
with a $13,000 necklace

It wasn't a can of soup.
It only looked like one.

My valuables are
hidden in fake books,

A fake can
of shaving cream,
and whatnot.

You can buy them
at a locksmith's.

Yeah, I know
all about them,
and so do thieves.

They'll go right
to those cans.

Esther claims that she
gave it away to charity‐‐
the seed of hope‐‐

But I don't believe it.

You know anything
about them?

Yes, I believe I've
made donations to them.

Mrs. Cox, why
don't you wait here?

Jill, can I
talk to you a sec?


You think she really
stole this necklace?

Oh, I'm tending
to blame the woman,

Leaving something that
valuable sitting around
in a can.

Is that the same story
you heard?

Yeah. She's out to
get this housekeeper.

And I don't think
she deserves it.

Stay with her. I'll see
if I can make this right.


Mrs. Cox,
we're not sure

There's been
any violation
of the law here.

No violation?

I want that necklace,

And I want her sent
back to her own country.

Your housekeeper's
saying it's an accident.

What if that's true?

An accident?
If she did give it away,
she knew the man.

We'll check
with seed of hope.

If we get
the necklace back,
would you be satisfied?

That be enough to keep
things clear with esther
and the i. N. S.?

Just get
my necklace back.

Fine. We'll do our best.

Yeah, I think
it's a good plan.

Um, pick a public place,
like a bar.

So who's going
to be the hit man?

I thought me.

Yeah, we could
have it be you,

Or we could
let james do it.

Well, i‐‐i thought
the right clothes,
you know, maybe a hat...

Uh, no, no,
let me tell you.

Um, let james
be the hit man.

So, uh,
what would I be,

Like, uh,

A barfly, or...

We want everything
to look normal.

What, I'm not normal?

Uh, greg, you
might be a little
too normal.

Might not
be persuasive
as a barfly.

Take russell
or kirkendall.

Yeah, yeah, like
I'm having a drink
with my girlfriend.

Ok, good.

Detective, a mr. Harper
asking for you.

Come on in,
mr. Harper.

I was told to see
a detective sipowicz.

I'm detective sipowicz.

Come on, let's talk
in this room here.

Well, what's this
about my daughter?

They wouldn't tell me
what it is over the phone.

Why don't you
sit in here, hmm?

Can I get you
something to drink?

Uh, no,
I'm‐‐i'm fine.

Coffee? Soda?


Well, something
happened, mr. Harper.

Your daughter and
her roommate's apartment
got broken into.

We think it was
somebody that knew them.

Uh, she ever talk
to you about anybody
bothering them?

I don't know.
Why are you asking me?

I need you to help me
here for a minute.

Can you think of
anybody that they know

That might have
seemed dangerous?

carly had this boyfriend
used to smack her around.

Ishana didn't like
being in the apartment
when he was there.

Carly broke up with him
about a month ago,
I think.

You know his name?

Yeah, rolf.

I met him once.

Rolf lubin.

He's a mechanic.

You know where
we can find him?


What's happened
to ishana?

You got to prepare
yourself for what
I'm gonna tell you.

Your daughter
and carly were found
dead this morning.

strangled them.

No! No!



Who did it?

We don't know.

I'm sorry.

Was she maybe...

Mixed up in some things
that, uh, ordinarily
she wouldn't have been?

She wasn't mixed up
in nothing.

Now, I raised her alone,

But I raised her right.

She was doing office work,

Going out for
some temp agency.

I can't believe this
has happened to ishana.

She was doing so good.

Why did it happen to her?

Dear god,
what am I gonna do?

I want you to go home
and get some rest now.

As soon as we
find something out,
I'll call you myself.

I'll go arrange
for a car to take
you home now.


All right,
mr. Harper?

I appreciate the help.

Thank you.

I'm sorry
for your loss.


All right, thanks
for your time. Yeah.


Seed of hope
had a volunteer

Scheduled to make pickups
in mrs. Cox's area

But he didn't come in
with anything.

Well, that
doesn't sound right.

Maybe it is some kind
of scam between him
and the housekeeper.

His name's keith driscoll.
Let's get hold of him.

Sipowicz: mr. Harper.

I'll have him come down.

Get us the manager.

The last month I've
been in these joints

As much as
when I drank.

the dentist say?

I got one molar that
he might need to lift.

He prescribed me coming
to some rathole strip club

Till he gets
the x‐rays back.

What do you think
of that job?

Pole polisher.

When I was drinking,
I think I applied
for that job.


So, we're looking
for wendy spence?
She working today?

Yeah, that's her.
What, she's in trouble?

You got a carly felton
and ishana harper
employed here, too?

Yeah, yeah. So,
what's going on?

You notice
any friction between
them and anybody?

Any pissed off
boyfriends and
so forth?

No, no, no. I don't
want that kind of stuff
going on in here.

The tattler's
a class act.

Yeah, right.
Bring her over here.


Wendy spence?
I'm detective simone.

This is my partner
detective sipowicz.

What's going on?

Where were you
last night?
You with anybody?

My boyfriend.

Do you want to
ask my roommates?
They saw us.

What's your
boyfriend's name?

Rolf lubin.

He with you all night?

Until he had
to leave for work at
around 7:00, yeah.

And before he
was your boyfriend,

Rolf went out with
carly felton, right?

What is going on?

How'd carly feel
about you picking up
with her boyfriend?

She didn't care.
They'd broken up.

They weren't
in love or nothing.

Can you help us with
anybody that carly
or ishana

Might of had reason
to be afraid of?

They been hurt?

Wendy, I'm asking you,
you got a name to give us?

Um, a creep named
gary hogan comes in
here all the time.

He has a thing
for ishana.

Where are we
gonna find him?

I know he's got his own
travel insurance agency.

Somebody did something
to carly and ishana,
didn't they?

Yeah, they
k*lled them.

Oh, my god!

Oh, my god!

Ok, she's up.
You done?

we're about done.

Ok, go ahead.

Why's she crying?

That carly and
ishana worked here,

They're dead.
From what?

From being m*rder*d.

Oh, my god!

Yeah. I know that's
a big shock for you,

This club being
such a class act.

Rolf lubin?


I'm detective simone.
Detective sipowicz
over here.

What do you want?

Can we talk
somewhere in private?


Where were you
last night?

With my girlfriend.

Is that carly felton?

Carly and me
been done for a month.

Who's your girlfriend now?

Wendy spence.

She worked till 10:00.
I picked her up
at the joint.

Which was where?

The tattler.

A strip place.

Where carly works?

That's how we met.

Is carly trying to say
I did something?

Carly's mute
presently, rolf,

'Cause she's dead.


Her and her roommate.

When you used to go out
with carly, rolf,

You ever hit her?

I don't have
to answer that.

And I wasn't with carly

Sometimes we don't make
the clean breaks

Like ann landers
tells us to.

Look, I'm done
with you guys.

Come on. We're going
to the station house.

Drop the wrench!

Drop that wrench!

I told you
I'm with wendy now!

I didn't do nothing
to carly.

that's why you're being
so cooperative, huh?

put 'em behind you!

Simone: hey, boss.

Hey, so, uh,
how'd it go

With the one d. O. A.'S

Got him locked up

He took after us
with a wrench.

he's an assh*le,

But he didn't do
the homicide.

Alibi's good.

Stripper told us
about a lookie‐loo

That had a thing
for one of the d. O. A. S

We got him coming in.

We're also
getting a dump
on the phones

Off the apartment.


how's it going?

in here.

So you pick me up
at my apartment,

Don't say nothing
riding all the way
in the car.

Was that supposed to
make me feel nervous
or something?

Have a seat, keith.

That apartment of yours,

You couldn't have got
any more groceries
in there

If it was a supermarket.

they're all donations
to charity.

I'm a volunteer.

I pick it up,
bring it over
to seed of hope

A couple of times a week.

Call seed of hope
and ask them.

They said you were
scheduled to make
a delivery yesterday,

But you didn't
bring anything in.

I wasn't feeling well.

I was going to go
over there today.

If you were collecting
that food to keep
for yourself,

That's a crime,
and you can be


I'm donating my time,

Lugging sacks
of food around

So seed of hope
doesn't have to go
and get it themselves,

And you want
to prosecute me?

We're looking
for one can
didn't make it

To the seed of hope
food bank,

And it wasn't in
that horde of groceries
in your apartment.

If there's
someplace else
it could have ended up,

You better tell us now.

you're looking
at grand theft.

What was in the can?

Never mind
what was in the can.

Look, maybe I skim a little
from the donations,

Sell a few of the groceries
to cover my expenses‐‐

Glad to know
the spirit of volunteerism
is alive and well.

Who'd you sell to

To a bodega.

Well, you're going
to have to take us
over there.

Thing is I got a chance
to play greg's wife

You don't want
to miss that.

Can you take a uniform?

Sure. Absolutely.

Let's go.

Uh, my name's
gary hogan.

I was asked to come see
a detective.

Detective sipowicz,

Mr. Hogan's here.

Uh, come on
around here.

Sit here.

I'm detective

This is
detective simone.

How you doing?

Uh, I guess
this is about ishana?

I can't believe it.

When did you
see her last, sir?

Uh, I caught her act
yesterday afternoon.

Mm‐hmm. You ever been
to her apartment?

A few times.

I tried to help her.

I'd give her money
to help her with clothes

And modeling lessons
and like that.

You sleeping with her?

Oh, she didn't want that
with me.

I understand.

Young, beautiful girl
like that.

I'm too old.

What did you know
about her?

I know she worked
very hard.

She'd saved
several thousand dollars

To help
get her career going.

She was going to be
a singer

Or a model.

She had big plans.

This money
that you mentioned,

Where was she
keeping that,
in the bank?

She had a small safe
in her closet.
I saw it.

You're talking
about a safe

That was small enough
to pick up?

Yeah. Yeah, I mean,
if you missed it,

The people
that k*lled them
stole it.

Detective simone,
telephone security.

Excuse me.

Yeah, simone.

Simone: oh, yeah.
Good, good.

Let me have
the last number first,

After I first saw ishana,

I had to go up
and talk to her.

Her body was
just sensational.

I'd never seen
such perfect breasts.

And I got a feeling
you looked at
a large number.

Oh, yeah, thousands.

Carly, her roommate‐‐
well, the other victim,

She has lovely‐‐
what I would call‐‐
cocker spaniel breasts.

But ishana's were
absolutely spherical.

I mean, had to be
right up there at the top.


Excuse me.

I got the phone dump.

The last call
out of the girls'

Was at 2:13
this morning.

That was close
to the time
of the murders.

It's a local number.

let's go to that place.

What about this mutt?

Let's cut him loose.

All right,
we appreciate what
you've told us, mr. Hogan.

You can go.

But, uh,
don't take any trips
or nothing.

I wasn't intending
any trips.

Then don't adjust
your plans.

No. Fine.

I swear he asked me
to find a hit man,

I didn't make
this stuff up.

Archie wants
to snuff carmine.

Did it ever occur to you
that your pal archie's
full of crap?

Maybe it makes him feel
like a big man

Saying he wants a hit man,

And when he gets one,
he runs for cover.

No good?

archie never showed.

Maybe archie didn't
really want a hit man.

Maybe our friend
mr. Sheedy here
has it in for archie.

Maybe it's your wife
archie's putting it to,

So you want to jam him up.

I don't have a wife.

Archie asked me
to find someone

To rub out
the present husband

Of the woman
he's involved with.

You can
believe that or not.
I don't give a damn.

I'm leaving,
and you're not getting
more help from me.

oh, perish that thought.

Warn the guy
archie's putting
the horns on

He may be the object
of a contract

And leave it at that.

And stop confusing us
with social services.

Ah, beautiful. Great.

You don't need
to hit me with a bus.

Primarily soup.


I remember.

He didn't want
any artichokes
or asparagus.

No sardines or yams.

Now, yams I thought
he would have bought‐‐

Ok. Ok.

You run this store?

What's this about?

Did you buy canned goods
from this guy yesterday?

I don't recognize him.

Yeah, you do.

I brought in 3 bags
of canned stuff

Go ahead. Tell her.

I didn't know
it was stolen.
Were they stolen?

Just show me the cans,

And you won't be
in any trouble.

all right, all right.


What the hell's
going on?


Thanks for your help.

So I'm off the hook now,

Yeah, you're off the hook.

Those are fake,


I got to k*ll myself.


What did you get?

Talked to the last person
that was on the girl's
phone record.

Got a tape player?


Guy's name is
terry reynolds.

Reynolds' wife,
she turns the phone
ringer off

When they go to bed.

When they woke up
this morning,

There was this message
on their machine
from one of his buddies.

It's still
on the tape here.

This guy, he sounds
shook down to his shoes.

Voice on tape:
terry. Terry, you there?

Hey, terry, pick up, man.

If you're there, pick up.
It's tony.

I need to talk
to you, man.

I'm jammed up
with something here.

Something bad.
This is real bad, terry.

Look, I don't know
what to do.

I need to talk
to somebody, ok?

I got to figure
some way out of this.

Come on, man.
Answer the phone, man.

Answer the phone.
I know you're home.

Don't leave me
hanging here. [Beep]

Who is this guy?

Name's tony slater.

He wasn't home
when we stopped by
the dump he's living in.

What's b.c.i.
Got on him?

A couple of busts
for theft.

His buddy
that got the phone message

Said he works for a living.
Stockroom or something
like that.

Big step up‐‐
theft to double homicide.

Yeah. I think
we're going to find

Another guy or two
cheering him on.

He's liable to skip.

Yeah, we're going
back there now,

Sit on his place,
and grab him up.

Hey, james,
look at that.

Looks like archie's
really moved in
on carmine's wife.

Woman: yes?

Yvette winkler?

Yeah. Why?

We're looking
for archie bellows.
He here?

What do you want?
Who are you?

Take it easy.
Detective martinez,
detective medavoy.

Cops, thank god.

You finally figured out
archie's in real danger.

So archie's
living here with you?

You don't know how many
sleepless nights
we've had.

It's about time
the authorities
finally stepped in.

Where is he now, yvette?

He'll be back
any minute.

He'll be so relieved

Finally getting
some protection.

what's going on?

It's ok.
They're cops.

Listen, listen.

I'm a marked man.
Did she tell you
what's going on?

Of course
I told them.

Why don't we talk about this
down at our station house?

I'm not going anywhere.

Could someone
go check for sn*pers?

I think there's a sn*per
up there. Please.

Why don't you come
with us?

We'll guarantee
a safe trip.

how about a guarantee
for my safety?

No. I'm not going

I'm not leaving
yvette here
unprotected, ok?

yvette can go with us.

I'm putting on
my sunglasses
and my scarf.

I'm going to get
my glasses, too, ok?

Go get your glasses.
Then we'll go.

Guy's paranoid,
he puts his name
on a mailbox.

Can you believe
he'd have a guy whacked
over that?

I guess everyone's
got their match out there.

Look, all I want
is protect myself from
a would‐be assassin.

Well, it being
the would‐be assassin's house
you're shacked up in

With the would‐be
assassin's wife,

I wouldn't be counting
on the sympathy vote
from a jury,

You taking out a contract
on the would‐be
assassin's life.

He hired somebody first.
He has a hit out on me.

Sit down.

I need somebody
for self‐defense.

How do we know
he took out
a contract on you?

I heard it
on the street.

A guy warned me.
I'm dead meat.

Listen carefully, archie.

The whole reason
we went to that residence

We picked you up at

Was thinking
yvette's husband carmine
still resided there.

No, no, no. He's out.

What we were
going to tell carmine

Look over both his shoulders
in case half a nut job,

Like yourself,

Engages someone
on a preemptive homicide

Now, being as we'll be
talking with him anyway,

We'll also remind him
not to k*ll you.

is dangerous scum.

He's going to deny it,

And it's all
going to fall on me

Just 'cause I want
to survive.

Speaking candidly,

At this point,
we wash our hands.

We're involved
working numerous crimes

That have already
actually occurred.

Where is my fiancã©e?

I'm told yvette was here
for several minutes

Then felt unsafe and fled.

She has an acute sense
of danger.

That's probably
what brought you together.

What the hell
you buying him
a soda for?

Man wanted a soda.

What did you do
last night, tony?

I was home
watching tv.

Can I get
that soda now?

Home watching tv.

Hey, concentrate
on being truthful
with your answers,

All right, tony?

'Cause we got
other people giving us

I told the truth.
I was home.

Give me that damn soda!

What are you giving sodas

To lying
sons of b*tches for?

I'm not lying.

You're just digging
a hole deeper

Where we're going
to bury you.

You already told us
where you were,

And it wasn't home
watching no midnight

What are you‐‐
what I tell you?
I didn't tell you nothing.

Tony on tape: terry!
Terry, you there?

Hey, terry, pick up, man.

If you there, pick up.
It's tony.

I need to talk to you, man.

I'm jammed up in something
here. Something bad.

This is real bad, terry.

I don't know what to do,
and I need to talk
to somebody.

I got to figure some way
out of this.

Come on, man.
Answer the phone.

Answer the phone.
Look, I know you're home.

Don't leave me
hanging here. [Beep]

Th‐that's not me.

That's who you're giving
these damn sodas to.

Your buddy terry
identified that
as your voice, tony.

And we got
the records showing

A call from
ishana and carly's

To terry reynold's
number at 2:13
this morning,

When those 2 girls died.

So now we got you
in the apartment

At the time
of the m*rder.

Then we get
the good stuff
from our lab‐‐

Your fingerprints
all over everything.

Your dna in the juices
you left in those girls.

Too busy raping
and murdering, tony,

You don't
think about
all the science

We got nowadays.

Ok, ok, ok,
I was over there
last night.

So, sure,
I left prints
and everything, ok?

And that about the fluids.

Ok, I had sex on ishana,

But I didn't r*pe her,
and I left.

That would
explain all that
from the science angle.

Talking to this guy
like a thinking
human being.

We might as well be
hanging upside down
spitting chiclets.

"Terry, I'm jammed up
in something bad."

What's the angle
on that, tony?

I can‐‐i can explain.
See, I wasn't alone
with them.

No. There was
another guy,

And he was trying
to run a con on them,

Telling them
a bunch of lies

About how he was going
to put them in a rap video.

See, all the lies,
it was making me feel bad.

That's what
I was referring to
on the phone.

See, 'cause I really know
a rap singer,

And I was trying to help
ishana and carly
get in his video.

I told them I'd
bring them over
to meet him,

But it turned out
there wasn't any money
for the video,

So he wouldn't come.

So I brought
this friend of mine along,

And we said he was
the singer's manager‐‐

I'm gonna
pop your eyeballs out
with my thumbs!

I'm following him, andy.

So at this point,
you're thinking
to yourself still,

"I might be able
to get laid somewhere
out of this."

That's what was
on my mind,

But‐‐but wright kept
making me nervous...

The way he was coming on.

See, he was pushing
too hard.

What's the rest
of wright's name?


Wright leave
when you left?

No, he stayed.

No, no, no.

Both of you left
at the same time,

And you were carrying
ishana's safe with you.

What's this talk about
a safe? Who's giving you
this stuff?

Who do you think?

If it's wright,
he's a stone liar, man,

I'll tell you that
straight up!

At least he didn't peddle
no cockamamie story

How he had sex
and then split

And then some
mystery m*rder*r

Came sliding down
the chimney.

We'll believe
the story, tony,
if it fits the evidence.

And right now, your story
don't fit d*ck.

Simone: see, tony,
I don't think
you're as bad

As this whole thing
makes you look,

Because you did make
the phone call.

He don't admit
that was him.

That call shows concern
and remorse...

Which is how
rehabilitation starts.

You're giving this guy
a lot of credit.

Just keep on going
down that road, tony,

Then the d. A.
Won't be seeing

No cold‐blooded,
murdering sex fiend
no more.

What he's
looking at now...

A reclamation project.

I‐‐i gotta think
if that's how I want
to go 'cause...

I‐‐i didn't get no sleep,
and‐‐and‐‐and, you know,

This is driving me crazy.


Take some time.

Come on.


Don't take too long.

There you go.

we got to ask you
some personal questions

About the possible
commission of a crime.

What do you want
to know?

Your wife's living
with another man,

What business is that
of yours?

We're establishing
the situation, sir.

Well, you know she is,
or you wouldn't have asked.

She's living with
a son of a bitch
named archie bellows, ok?

Banging him every night
in my bed.

Probably all day
saturday and sunday.

In my house
that I paid for.

Ok? Is that what
you want to know?

you're upset.

This is a detective?

We're not trying
to embarrass you.

His point is
we received information

That you hired someone
to do something
about this situation.

I hired somebody?
To do what?

Eliminate your problem.

How am I going
to eliminate my problem

If my wife's got hot pants

For a worthless piece of crap
like archie bellows?

The story we got,

Is that you were going
to eliminate the problem
with a hit man.

A hit man?

That's the information
we got.


Who gave it to you?

We can't divulge that.

Well, you didn't hear it
from a hit man,

'Cause I didn't hire
no hit man.

You heard it from somebody
doesn't know his ass
from a hole in the ground.

You don't know nothing
about a hit man?

That's the stupidest thing
I ever heard of.

Where do you get
information like that?

Someone tipped archie.

Archie made it up himself.


'Cause he's a jerk‐off,

And my name's carmine.

I got an italian mother
named me carmine.

So this jerk's
wetting his pants

Thinking I took
a contract out on him.

Well, I ought to do it,
but I didn't.

You didn't.

You know why I didn't?

'Cause I don't have
the guts.

I'm a wimp.

I'm nothing but a wimp.

Wait here a minute,

I don't know, man.
What do you think?

I don't know either.

I went in there thinking
he took out the contract.

Now it don't seem like that.

So where does that
leave archie?

Depends if we want
to ask the d.a.
To collar archie

For soliciting
your pal sheedy
to k*ll carmine.

Yeah. You feel like
doing that?

Ah. I think they're
in a position now

Like the nuclear powers
during the cold w*r period.

They got mutual
deterrence working.

Let's cut 'em
all loose.

And, uh, you tell
your buddy sheedy,

Next time
he's looking to earn,

Sign up at manpower.

It's us, tony‐‐

Me and your guardian angel.

You do some thinking,


What do you think?

I think I'm screwed.

But I swear,

I didn't r*pe
or k*ll either one
of them girls, man,

But that's how it's
going to look.

Well, you got the floor.

You tell us how
it really went down.

I just wanted
to get laid.

We took 'em to dinner,

But I think wright
blew our chances,

Trying to play it
like he was this
big talent manager.

They must have seen
through him,

'Cause we couldn't
get nowhere.

And then wright
got the idea

That we'd make like we was
too drunk to get home

So they'd let us sleep
on the floor.

So at that point,
you intended harm
to no one.

Speaking for myself,

I just wanted
to get over on ishana
and get the hell out.

Yeah, but wright had
different plans?

Wright's not
a bad guy, man,

But he'd seen
their safe,

And he wanted
to steal it.

They gave us
some blankets,

Then carly
went in her room

And ishana went out
to walk the dog.

That's when wright
came and said

He was going
to ball carly...

And went
in her room.

There was some noise
and yelling...

But then he came out
and said he'd laid her,

And she was dead.

I thought
he was kidding,

But he took me in
and showed her
to me.

He'd r*ped her,

And he said he had
to k*ll her to‐‐to
keep her quiet.

Then he said
we had to k*ll
ishana, too.

But she was still out?


With the dog.

Oh. Then wright
went to the toilet,

And that's when
I called terry,

'Cause I didn't know
what to do.

I didn't want ishana
to get k*lled,

But I was afraid
of wright.

He's crazy. He said
if I didn't k*ll ishana,
he'd have to k*ll me

'Cause it'd all be on him,
and he couldn't trust me.

But I didn't k*ll her.

She came back,

And she knew
something was wrong,

'Cause we weren't
acting right.

She went in carly's room,
and she saw her,

And then she knew
she was going to die, too.

And wright had a hold
of her,

And she was saying that
we could do anything

If we just let her live.

She'd ball both of us
and never tell the police
we was there.

Ok, tony, ok.

What did you do?

So i‐‐i‐‐i said ok.

And that's when
she laid me.

I didn't r*pe her.

She‐‐she let me.

Then wright said
we got to k*ll her anyway.

But I couldn't do it.

So he did it.

The whole thing
was making me sick.

I mean,
ishana was a nice girl.

But you gotta watch out
for wright.

I didn't know
what to do, man.

You didn't know
what to do.

You didn't think about
calling the cops

Instead of calling
your buddy terry?



he's in there.

I saw him go in.

All right, thanks.


Mr. Jamison, plumber.
Plumber out here.

I got to get
to your sink.

Jamison: sink's ok.

No, no. It's backed up
next door.

I got to get to your sink
to fix the problem.

[Door opening]

Get your hands up
in the air!

Get 'em up! Back off!
Back‐‐turn around!

Don't you make
no sudden moves.

Seeing those 2 dead girls
first thing in the morning
got me kind of edgy.

What girls, man?
What you talking about?

Shut up!
Simone: andy.

Couldn't get
those girls'
safe open, huh?

I found that safe
in a dumpster, man.

in a dumpster, huh?

What, and you only found
one safe in there?



A lot of times,
explain the situation,

And the funeral home
will make adjustments.

Yeah, right.

Maybe the dog
will show up tomorrow.

Ask your daughter's super
to be on the lookout.

Here's your necklace,
mrs. Cox.

Ohh, yes, that's it.

Ohh, I can't tell you
how relieved I am.

Well, I expect
at this point you realize

That's no way to safeguard
your valuables‐‐

In a cabinet full
of canned goods.

No, I suppose
you're right.

And also
that your housekeeper
wasn't really at fault.

I guess now
I could keep esther on.

I'm just not sure I'll feel
I can trust her.

Why would you want
to make your housekeeper

Pay for
your own thoughtlessness
and poor judgment?

Well, apparently you're
confusing my thinking
out loud about esther

With a request
for your opinion
on the matter.

If esther
had been involved,

That can wouldn't
have been on a shelf

In a corner bodega
where anybody
could walk in

And buy it
for 79 cents.

I'd like my other
soup cans back.


Did you recover
the other soup cans
I donated?

If they were
inappropriately resold,
I want them back.

We didn't get them.

Sign this receipt
for your necklace.

Incidentally, mrs. Cox,

Have you been meeting
your social security

On esther's employment?

I don't see where
that's your concern.

It won't be,
unless I hear
esther's lost her job.

Then it's going to
concern me long enough

To contact the irs
and make your life
good and miserable.


I can tell
what you think of me.

Was that a tough one?



Did you want to see
the detectives again?


Mr. Hogan,
wasn't it?

Yeah. You remember
my name, huh?

simone and sipowicz,
mr. Hogan's here.

What can we do for you,

There's something
I thought of.

We're in
pretty good shape
on the investigation.

Well, I thought
I should tell you,

Carly broke off
with this boyfriend.

Now, I don't know
if it means anything,

But I heard
he had a violent temper‐‐
used to beat her up.

You're talking about
rolf lubin,

The mad mechanic.

Y‐you already know
about him?

We got him locked up

He do the murders?


He just tried
to beat our heads in
with a socket wrench.

A couple of other scumbags
r*ped and k*lled the girls.

Oh, no.

I tried to warn ishana
who she associated with,

But young women, they
don't want any advice.

I wish I could have
done something for her.

You still feel like
doing something?

The father's having
financial difficulties
with the funeral expenses.

Yeah. Well...

I might help.

I‐i'd be willing
to contribute.

Well, we got
his phone number

If you, uh,
want to talk to him
about it.

Is it inappropriate
for me to ask that
young lady's name?


Being honest
is part of why
I came back in.

Here's ishana's
father's phone number.

I, uh, guess I could
just tell him I was
her friend, huh?

Well, that's what
you were, right?


Only friends.

Yeah. The dirty part
was all in your mind.

Did you like it?

You've been holding back.

You haven't seen
all my steps.


Don't ask
to borrow money.

I think maybe
we were right, bobby.


When we thought
we made a baby.


Well, don't jump
up and down.

Well, I don't carry
a calendar, but how late
could you be?

Only 4 days,
but I know how I work.

I already
feel different.

Come here.

If you're right...

I couldn't be
any happier.

I mean, obviously
we shouldn't be out
buying baby carriages.

No, we should be out there
getting a marriage license.

That's something
to consider.

You, gina, and abby.

Think it's something
in the station house

I don't know how
to break this to you,

But that's not
how it happens.

Well, then,

Show me
how it's done.
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