05x09 - Lost Israel: Part 2

Episode transcripts for the TV show "NYPD Blue". Aired: September 21, 1993 – March 1, 2005.*
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Ensemble cast revolving around New York's 15th Precinct.
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05x09 - Lost Israel: Part 2

Post by bunniefuu »

Desk sergeant:
in early, andy.

Yeah. How's it going?

(Breathing heavily)

Hey. How'd he do
through the night?

He seemed to do
all right.

You know, this guy's
not stupid, you know?

This story in the bible
around what he showed me

He shows me a guy going forth
on his ass, you know?

What leads to that,

The child goes out
to his father,

And while he's
with his father,

He gets hurt and then
at his home he dies

And then the holy man comes,
and he tries to make
the child live again

And breathe life
into the child.

Yeah, huh?

I'm‐‐i'm just saying...

But, uh, he spent the night
all right, this israel, huh?


Probably didn't keep you up
any with conversation.

It's andy sipowicz, israel!

Oh, god, no!

No! No! No! No! Help me!
Help me in the crib!

Somebody in the crib here!

Oh, god, no!
Oh, god! God!

Oh, this is too bad!
Oh, you poor bastard!

What happened?

He hung himself!
When'd you check on him last?

Andy, I checked on him
about 2 hours ago.

He wasn't a prisoner.
He wasn't on su1c1de

Shut up!
Shut your mouth!

I'll get them
on the line.

Andy: poor guy.

Poor guy.

Oh, poor guy.

Sorry how this
turned out, andy,

With this, uh,
homeless guy.

Some passage on the page
he had this open to

Is going to explain
this whole situation.

Man: grab the door.

Second man: yeah,
he can go in there.

This guy was no dope.


Look, andy, being that
diana's supposed to make
this call to mrs. Egan,

Do we notify them what
happened to this israel

Without talking
to the boss about this?

I don't know.

If I don't make that call
when I said I would,
it hurts me with her.

Yeah. I'm just worried
you tell her this
israel's dead,

The part of that woman
that wants to hide

From what her husband did,
that gets real strong.

We got to land hard.
The investigation's
still open.

‐Off what?

Tell them there's
new evidence.

Good morning.

Good morning.

You found us
all right?

Uh, yeah, no problem.

Diane: good morning,

You remember mr. Davis?

Sure. Good morning.

You said you had
news for the egans.

Please, sit‐‐
sit down.


Would you like
something to drink?

I'd really
appreciate some
coffee, just black.

If I could trouble you
for some tea.

‐I'll get it.
‐Thank you.

That's where the pictures
of our son used to be.

What is it you've
come to tell us?

During the night
the homeless man

Who was a suspect
in brian's death
hung himself.

My god.

There's your confession.

You certainly could
take it that way, yes.

how else would
you take it?

Our indifferent
and callous society

Claims another
helpless victim?

I only meant that
he didn't leave a note
or the like.

That's how I put my son
in harm's way,

That type of soft‐bellied
liberal puke.

Is it important that
he didn't leave a confession?

Did you hear
what dan just said?

What's more of a confession
than k*lling himself?

Does that close
the investigation?

I did have one kind
of a housekeeping question

That I'd like to be able
to put to mr. Egan.

Are you up to that?

Go ahead.

When you came back
to the station house

When you remembered
about the place that
israel slept...

Where you found
brian's shirt.
What about it?

Actually it was you
that found brian's shirt.

I was trying
to spare you

The embarrassment
of being reminded.

When you and I went there,

Was that the first
that you had been
back to that place

Since you and your son
had been there with israel?


Yes, you hadn't
been back there?

That's right.
Why do you ask?

Well, we did a canvass
on that block, and‐‐

that's sort of like
cold calling.

Questioning people
in a given area,

Hoping to come up
with leads.

Bobby: there was
another street person

Told us that he had
seen someone around
that stoop

Early yesterday morning
who more or less fit
your description.

What the hell do you mean
by telling us something
like that?

I only want to try
to get it on the record

That the person seen
wasn't you, and then
we can just put it to bed.

How many people
in manhattan do you figure,

More or less,
fit my description?

Well, as far as that goes,
mr. Egan, what would be

Was someone fitting
that description
being in that area

And acting like he was
planting something
under the stoop,

But if you say
you weren't there,

Well, then
that's the end of it.

Do you want me
to say it again?

Bobby: no.
Not necessary.

The egans have brian's
arrangements to see to.

I think that ought to end
the conversation.

Sherrie, can you
think of anyone

Who would do
something like that?

Plant evidence
incriminating israel?

I can't, no.

This is pretty remarkable.

I mean, the suspect
hangs himself‐‐

I hope this is
the last time

I learn you've
contacted the egans

Without notifying me.

Oh, I assumed if mr. Egan
wanted you here,

He would have
notified you himself.

Which he did.
What I'm saying is,

I'd like you to notify me.


Will you keep in touch
in the course of the day?

Of course I will.

What did dan just say?!

I just meant
with information.

If they have
information for us.

Fine. Great.

I'll want to be
notified about
those calls as well.

I will.

The point is,

Whatever housekeeping
you have left,

If the man who
did this is dead,

We'd like to do our best
to get on with our lives.

We understand.

We appreciate
you're seeing us.

Do you want that?

Uh, no. Thank you.

You take care, sherrie.

Thanks for trying
to help us.

We want to help
as much as we can.

We know how you feel
about us putting you
through this, mr. Egan.

I'd react the same way.

I've got a lot of respect
for how you're handling

All right.

Thank you.

Think you did any good
with the parents?

I told them someone who
matched steve's description

Was seen leaving the stoop
where we found brian's shirt.

That's good.
That's going to keep
her doubts open.

Well, if it don't,
we're in trouble, andy.

You still looking
for israel's message?

It's there,
but I don't‐‐
I don't understand.

Psalms 119. I‐‐

I can't make out
the application

'cause it's not
in my heart.

You want to talk
to a bible expert,

Run it by him?


What, she seeing
something fresh?

The mother called.
She wants to see me.

You did it.
That's your break.

When are you
supposed to go?

She wants to see me
right away.

How you going to put
a bag on the husband?

She's coming alone.

Good luck.



Hi, diane.

Would it make more sense
to go some other place,

Since you and steve
come here sometimes?

If I had told him I was
going somewhere else,

He'd have come with me.

I do come here
by myself sometimes

And do
crossword puzzles,

Waiting for brian's
school to let out.

Used to.

What did you want
to talk to me about?

Do you believe

That someone else
k*lled brian?

Sherrie, so many detectives
who interviewed this israel

Felt he was genuinely

When he heard what
had happened to brian.

He was moaning and whimpering
like some hurt animal,

Just holding his bible
to him.

And so sad.

And they didn't feel
he was acting?

No. These detectives
have a good sense
about those things.

They felt israel
was honestly upset

And he didn't know
what had happened to brian,

And they didn't think
he was involved.

That's why they're
considering this other idea.

If israel wasn't involved,

Then someone must
have arranged all
of the evidence against him.

I told you
at our apartment,

I‐‐i can't think
who that would be.

You don't know of anyone

Or you can't let yourself
think about it?

The former.
I don't know anyone.

Here's your water.


I told you yesterday that
I lost a family member
to v*olence.

And I remember
everything in me just
wanting to shut off the pain,

To just not think
about it.

It was almost like
I couldn't think about it.

That's why I asked you
what I just did before.

In my case, sherrie,

That was because someone
in my own family
was responsible.

What do you mean?

Responsible for what?

The m*rder.

In my case, sherrie,

One family member
m*rder*d another.

The m*rder*r tried
to make people think
someone else was responsible,

And for a while,
I tried to believe that,

Because the other possibility
was so horrible.

And finally...

I made myself
face the truth.


'Cause I finally realized

If I didn't,

It was like I was
committing m*rder, too.

Oh, god.

The only way
the person I'd lost

Could stay alive
in my heart

Was if I made myself
face the truth. Otherwise...

He would die there, too.

All I have left

Is remembering

My brian alive.

The son you carried
and held...

And dreamed of watching grow.



Only the truth
keeps his memory
with you, sherrie.

Otherwise, you're going
to lose him.

I lost him.

I couldn't protect him.

You're his mother.
Protect him now.

I want to...

Protect my poor son.


Who did this, sherrie?

Protect brian.

you let go of her!

What are you doing?

I‐‐i wanted
to talk to her.

Hasn't she suffered

I'm not trying
to hurt sherrie.

You lied to me,

And you disobeyed
our attorney's

Why does your wife need
yours or your lawyer's

To go out of the apartment,
mr. Egan?

Don't you put words
in my mouth.

She hardly needs
my permission,

But I resent
being deceived!

I'm sorry.

I guess I'm just
a little hyper‐vigilant,

What with a loved one
leaving the apartment
a few days ago

And our never seeing him
again alive!

I just wanted her to help.

And I see
she's helped a lot.

I believe you've
broken the law,
detective russell.

I agreed
to inform your lawyer

If I was going
to contact sherrie.

And she contacted you?

Sherrie, do you want
to share your concerns
with steve?


Do you want
to come home
with me?

I am sick of this.

I have feelings, too.

Now, maybe you're willing
to let your grief be
manipulated this way,

But I need to heal!

I am not manipulating
anyone, mr. Egan.

Your son was molested
and m*rder*d,

And I'm going to find out
who did that.

The man who did that
passed judgment
on himself.

If you weren't satisfied
with your case
for legal reasons,

Maybe you should've
guarded him better.

We accept his judgment,
and now we want to be
left alone!

I won't stop looking,

I won't stop
until you tell me to!

You interfering bitch!

I'd like to hurt you
as badly as he was hurt.

k*ll me, you mean?

You want to k*ll me,
mr. Egan?

You got m*rder in you?

You tell her
to leave us alone!

W‐we're going home.

All right, sherrie.

I understand
what you're saying.

He's right here,
and I'll send him down.

(Hangs up phone)
steven egan's downstairs

And would like to see
detective simone.

Mr. Egan.

He's not with me.

I'm sorry.

You were looking
for my lawyer,

And I was saying
he wasn't with me.

What can I do
for you, sir?

Does the
left hand know what
the right hand's doing

In your investigative
unit, detective simone?

I'm sorry, sir.
I don't follow.

My wife is going
through a time

Of extreme emotional
frailty and turmoil.

I understand that.

Psychologically, she is
hanging by a thread.

Mr. Egan, uh...

Why don't we go in here?

I'll tell you,
I'm feeling pretty alone.

Being strong for my wife
and in a sense, for brian.

Nobody can just
put out all the time.

Sometimes you have
to get something
back in.

At any rate,

I hope I made clear
at our loft

I was not the person
your witness saw

Hanging around
this israel's stoop.

In your mind
at least,

I hope I put that
to rest.

You made that
really clear.


I'm also going
to confide something

Which I haven't
to this point.

In a sense,
it's my own burden

And not specifically
relevant to the case.


When I was a child...

I was abused myself.

That right?

I'm not sure
if you can understand

The way that
compounds my reaction
to what's happened now

30 Years later.

Has to make it
that much more

I haven't confided
because I didn't want
to burden sherrie with it,

With everything else
she's dealing with.

Making it an extra
burden to carry.

So when I see this
detective russell

Lavishing all this attention
and time on my wife,

These nonsensical

Mr. Egan...

I respect your concern
for your wife,

But I gotta tell you
what I'm looking at.

And that is someone
that's in pain

Who needs a little
attention of his own.

I don't know about
needing attention,

But I am in pain.

I know what my son
was going through.

I know what it was
like for him.



Can I get you
some water?

I was 6 years old.

Sent away
to a sleepaway camp.

I was 14 months younger
than any other kid there.

Lie there at night
in my bunk so homesick
I couldn't stop crying.

And I was a bed wetter.

I was, too.

You were?

I think a lot more kids
are than people know.

So I'd be lying there,

Homesick and humiliated.

And one night, uncle gill
was on night duty.

They called
all the counselors "uncle."

And he heard me crying.

Or maybe he saw
my covers move

When he shined
his flashlight,

Because I would put the covers
over my head when I cried.

And after a while...

He would take my hand...

And put it between his legs.

I didn't know
what it was about.

I didn't know
what he was doing.

All I knew was
how homesick I was,

And he was the only one
who helped me,

And I was too afraid to say
that I didn't like it.


I'm sorry.

Yeah. You live with
what you live with.

I mean, those were
the cards I was dealt.

But by you
telling me that,

I could imagine
the, uh...

Special pain
you feel about brian.

I believe brian is in
a better place now

Where things like that
don't happen.

And everyone
would be forgiven.

I don't know.

I don't know if some things
can be forgiven.

How do you forgive a man

Who abuses a child's need
and his trust?

I believe in
forgiveness, steve.

You do?


Someone feels
true remorse,

I absolutely do.

God, that would
be such a relief.

To believe
in forgiveness
and protection.

For your son,

For this man
who abused you,

For all of us.

Everyone needs

There's nobody
who hasn't sinned.

I'm grateful for you
taking this time with me.

Whatever people say,

We do this job because
we want to help.

I'm grateful and honored
that you'd look to me.

All right.

you feel like it,
I'm here for that,

And I'd like you
to come back.

You can only let yourself
deal with these things
so much.

For myself, I got a lot
out of talking to you,

And, uh, I feel like
there's more to say.

All right.

If circumstances permit.

I was right about you.

Thank you.

This prick is jealous.

What are you
talking about?

That I'm reaching out
to his wife?

Smart as he is,
careful as he was,

Part of him knows
that he did wrong.

He wants some sympathy.
He wants some attention.

Enough to put himself
in trouble?

He gave up that he was
abused as a kid, andy.

‐That's big.
‐He did?

The abused abuse.

He's putting the motive
on himself.

If all he wants
is to beat this,

No way he was supposed
to give that up.

Was it his old man
abused him?

Some counselor
at a sleepaway camp.

I never understood
how people don't figure

Those places are asylums
for perverts.

I hate reaching out to her
right now, bobby,

Even to piss him off
and make him
come back to you.

You wanna make her
come to you.

If she's ready to tip over,
I want her to reach out.

I left it good with him
where him and me are at.

We're all creatures
of forgiveness.

Speak for yourself.

Any luck finding
israel's kin?

Nothin' off cars,
nothin' at the shelters.

He's going to potter's
field, this israel,

And there's
not a damn thing
I can do about it,

And I don't know
what the hell he's
trying to tell me.

(Telephone rings)


She's in the john.


15Th squad.
Detective russell.

Hi, sherrie.

Sure, I could do that.
Do you know where it is?

When do you want me
to meet you?

Fine. I'll see you
in a little bit.

She wants me to meet her
where you found brian's shirt.

Good for her.

Should you come with me?
If she's gonna ask
how her husband acted

‐Whatever you think.
‐When you were
out there with him.

Come, then, and if it
feels right, you can split.

Help her over.

Thanks, andy.

Here she is.

‐Hi, sherrie.

Detective simone
was there

When the search
was conducted

And your husband
pointed out
brian's shirt.

Mrs. Egan.

My husband
pointed it out?

Isn't that
what you told me?

As far as mr. Egan
pointing out the shirt,

Um, i, uh...

I was more or less
in this area over here,

And, uh, mr. Egan...

Saw the shirt
over there,

And he pretty much
went for it right away.

What I'd like to ask you
is for personal reasons.

All right.

Do you think that
detective simone
could excuse us?


Uh, do you want
detective simone

To go back
to the station house?

No. Just, uh, please
excuse us for a second.

Can he be asked...

If he thinks that...

Steven put
brian's shirt there?

Sure. I can ask him‐‐

But in a way,
you know,

In a...

Confidential way.

Do you want me to ask him
someplace else, sherrie?

If you could just
go up there and ask,

And I'll stay here.


She wants me to ask you

If you think steven
could have planted
brian's shirt

And that's how he knew
where to look for it.

I think that's
possible. Yes.

Sherrie, detective simone
thinks it is possible

Steven planted
brian's shirt.

So, then,
everything else.

So, then,
everything else.

Do you think that?

He would
go to his room,

And he would be
behind closed doors

Because brian
wet the bed.

And he would say

That he was making him
feel better so that...

And what else, honey?



Has his own room,

And he could've gone
out through the night
and hurt brian.

Gone out
through the night,
so that, too, but...

Why no blood?

No blood
in brian's bed.

No blood anywhere.

He could've done it
someplace else, sherrie.

He could've done
the strangling part
in the apartment

And done the rest
somewhere else.



All right, sherrie.



I didn't protect brian,

And now brian's dead.

Right here, mrs. Egan.
Diane's right here
with you, ok?

His shirt was there,

And he must've begged
his daddy not to hurt him.


All right, sherrie.

(Coughs and gags)

Sherrie, take some breaths
for a minute. Come on.



‐Help. No! No!

‐Help! I need help!
‐What is it?


Easy there,
mr. Egan, ok?

Oh, save my boy.

what is it?

Sherrie's really
upset right now.

It's better
you just stay away.

Sweetheart, would you tell me
what you're saying?

What have you
done to her?

‐Did you hurt brian?

Are you happy now
with what you've done?

All right, sherrie.

Oh, what did you do?

You're breaking my heart
all over again.


m*rder*r. m*rder*r.
He's a m*rder*r!

I have to go away.

Come on. You're right.
Let's go.

You tore him apart.

You tore our son‐‐

Just stop it.


Stop it.
Let yourself stop.

Honey, you didn't see
anything like that.

Easy. Come with me.
Come with me.

All right. Come with me.
Come on. Come on.

No! No!

Brian's not suffering

He's not suffering now.



He's‐‐he's dead
in heaven.

That's right.
Brian's in heaven.



Brian's dead.

(Telephone rings)


Is the woman that helps
your wife around?

I dismissed her.

‐You fired her?
‐Yes! I fired her.






(Ringing stops)

What are we gonna do?

I'm not sure. What do you
think's the right approach?

I'm not sure.

How did your wife
develop these suspicions?

It's obvious how
she developed them.

Detective russell
planted them.

I need to ask if you
encouraged her in that.

Your wife wanted to see where
brian's shirt was found.

Diane asked me to come along
so I could show her.

So you weren't part of
whatever horrific badgering
diane must've engaged in

To bring sherrie to
the hysteria and paranoia
I just saw?

I wasn't part of
any badgering, steve, no.

(Telephone rings)




What are we gonna do?



I feel you have to confront
your wife's suspicions, steve.


There is no evidence
to support them,

So how can
they be refuted?

On the street
before you showed up,
your wife was saying

That she thought she
might have heard you
leaving the apartment

The night that brian

We were in
separate bedrooms,

And she couldn't
have heard anything
of the sort.

And where
bri's bedroom
is situated...


I mean, is diane
hanging her hat

On this other vagrant
who supposedly saw me?

Getting sherrie's hat
hanging on that?

(Telephone rings)


Does this other
vagrant exist?


Do you want to see him?

Well, I would like
to evaluate the man.

With all the publicity

And someone
might be looking for
a reward or so forth

‐Or publicity‐‐

And if I could be
entitled to his name

And then subsequently
my attorney
could contact him,

Find out whatever
he's after‐‐

Let's get you
a look at him.

Take it one step
at a time.

And then dan
subsequently might find out
what he's after.

(Telephone rings)


You know that's him now.

My attorney, dan davis.

You think so?



That man that described
someone leaving the stoop

Where brian's shirt
was found,

Mr. Egan would
like to see him.


You think we can
put that together?

Yeah. Come on.

Sorry to interrupt
for a second.

What's up, andy?

You going over again
what you told her?

What's going on?

It's all right, william.

How's he coming
with the drawings,
the sketch artist?

Yeah. It's
coming along.


‐Andy: ...asking him
for interviews? Listen‐‐
‐(shuts off intercom)

They're putting a suspect's
sketch together

Based on this man's
description of the person
seen leaving the stoop?

That would be customary.

And this sipowicz being
part of things again,

That means they're crediting
these suspicions about me.

Steve, what you just saw
happening in this
interrogation room,

Plus your wife
voicing her concerns,

You gotta be realistic.

I see where this is headed.

You need to
confront this, steve,

Keeping in mind
the forgiveness

That we were
talking about
for everyone involved.

If you think I'll live
under these conditions,
you are insane!

Where people think I'm some
insane predatory monster?

That's not gonna happen,
my friend.

There's forgiveness
for everyone involved
in this, steve.

I told you my plans,
my friend, so please
get out of my way.

I'm not prepared
to dispute you are my friend,

And I could use a friend
very much.

But at the same time,
you are a detective,

Whose job is
attributing guilt.

That is for lawyers
and the courtroom.

I am trying to
what happened here.

I thought you were trying
to forgive everyone.

You know there's
forgiveness. You know
there's forgiveness.

I need you to help me

Well, I'm exhausted.

And I'm in a state
of hopelessness.

It's all right.
It's all right.

Steve, you
brought me here,

And I need you
to tell me why.

Well, to receive
these accusations
when so much of my life

Has been caring for brian,
when we were so close,

And as much as I have been
wounded and hurt,

I tried to protect him
from that. I tried...

To show him how
much he was loved.

Were you physical
showing your affection?

Was I physical?

We all want to be perfect
parents and show our love
in the perfect way.

And at the same time,
we're human beings, and so
which do you sacrifice?

Do you stop trying to show
your love at all if you can't
show it in the perfect way?

Do you stop being a parent
to your only son and child?

Believe me,
for me to understand

Takes every fiber
of asking god...

To understand
his forgiveness taking brian
and understanding his will.

Was it god who asked you
to put brian in heaven?

I am not so presumptuous
or egotistical to pretend
I communicate with god.

What I do know...

Is what's necessary
for life not to become

A grotesque insanity and
to protect a child you love.

I know the burden
of what has to be done...

Because previously...

You can't forgive yourself,

And you've beaten that in him.

You can't forgive your
own erection lying next
to your counselor,

And you know
you must be foul.

And so you beat yourself
and your boy.

I don't presume
to communicate with god.

But can you believe
in any god...

Who didn't want his child
protected when he sees him

Crying at night
and wetting himself?

It's a monster...

Making him lie and hide
and be so sad and afraid.

How wouldn't god
want him taken away?!

k*ll me.

Please, please.

sh**t me in the head.

I can't.

Help me confess.

Hurry and get
the pencil and paper.

I've looked for him,
and I don't know
where he is.

He's right there.

‐Where's steve egan?
‐He's in the
observation room.

I didn't think
to look there.

Mr. Egan just confessed.

He wants to give
a written statement.

We'll see what he
wants to give.

I should have locked this
son of a bitch in a closet.

Yeah. He can wrap himself
around egan all he likes.

That guy just confessed
to me, and I can testify
to that in court.

Why did he say
he k*lled his boy?

He said that god
wanted him to do it,

So that he would stop
abusing brian.

And god wanted him
to frame this poor,
homeless bastard?

And the whole time I'm trying
to draw this prick out,

"You can trust me.

God in heaven has
forgiveness for all of us."

There's no forgiveness
for what he did.

He is gonna burn
in hell for this!

But first I want him
to live a good, long time,

So he can wake up crying
and screaming all night
realizing what he did.

He wants me to sh**t him?!

I hope that was him knowing
that there is no forgiveness
for that.

He asked you to sh**t him?

He was asking
the wrong guy.

Mrs. Egan wants
to give a statement

About what happened
to brian.

Mr. Egan is here, also.

He said he wanted to give
a statement as well.

What did he
want to say?

He just confessed to me
verbally, mrs. Egan.

He confessed
that he k*lled brian.

That he abused
and k*lled your son, yes.

Mr. Davis is in
with him right now.

I hope when they're through,
he'll write out what he said.

He'd better write it out.

A‐a‐and I want to write out
that I must've collaborated.

I‐‐i have to confess it.

I‐‐i must not have wanted
to protect brian.

No. Sherrie, that
isn't right. No.

Sometimes people
that do something horrible
know how bad it is,

And they hide it very good.

Thinking we'll die
if we believe it...

Doesn't excuse not believing,

And maybe we should die.

Brian would have no one
to remember him then.

You have to
keep remembering
and loving him.

all his goodness,

Remembering all the joy
he brought you.

I don't deserve
to keep his memory.

I failed him.

He needed me to protect him,
and I couldn't.

How can I live with myself
after that?

you have to, sherrie.

You can do it.

This homeless israel
had his book open...

In a secret message
to us.


"My soul fainteth
for thy salvation,

"But I hope in thy word.

"Mine eyes fail
for thy words saying,
when will thou comfort me?

"For I am become like
a bottle in the smoke,

"Yet, do I not forget
thy statutes.

"How many are the days
of thy servant?

"When will thou
execute judgment on them
that persecute me?

"The proud
have digged pits for me

"Which are not
after thy law.

"All thy commandments
are faithful.

"They persecute me wrongfully.
Help thou me.

"They had almost
consumed me upon earth,

"But I forsook not
thy precepts.

"Quicken me
after thy loving kindness,

So shall I keep
the testimony of thy mouth".

He's ready to write
a statement for you now.

I want it on record it's
against advice of counsel.


We'll put that
on the record, too.
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