05x14 - Weaver of Hate

Episode transcripts for the TV show "NYPD Blue". Aired: September 21, 1993 – March 1, 2005.*
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Ensemble cast revolving around New York's 15th Precinct.
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05x14 - Weaver of Hate

Post by bunniefuu »

Officer: detectives.

This woman
saw something.

All right. Why don't you
cover this body up.

How are you, ma'am?

I'm detective simone.
This is detective sipowicz.

Bernice johnson.

I was on my way inside,

And I heard
the boy land.

It was such
a horrible sound.

I heard screaming first
from above

And then,
a few seconds later,

That horrible sound‐‐

Like a pumpkin exploding.

I know the sound

'Cause a pumpkin
fell off my sill
last halloween.

Ma'am, by chance,
did you happen
to look up

And see anyone
up there on the roof

After the boy fell?

Yes, I did.

I made myself go out,

And I saw 2 boys
looking down.

And then they went off.

Were you able to see
what the boys
looked like?


I know it might have
been difficult,

But could you tell if
they were light‐skinned
or dark‐skinned,

Anything that
could help us
with identification?

Oh, I couldn't
help you with that.

I was so caught up
with that dead boy.

And that sound.

Well, thanks
for your help.

He was probably
buying dr*gs.

That's what they
come up here for.

Thank you very much.
Appreciate it.

We got what looks like
the d. O. A.'S clothes,

And greg found
a wallet and i. D.

Stuffed in a drainpipe.

Greg: william
weaver, jr. 18.

Riverhead address.

He's way out
of his neighborhood.

All right.
Thanks, jill.

Car's registered to
a william weaver, sr.

That's william, jr.


Got an i. D.

This kid's out
of riverhead.

Old lady's
probably right.

Kid came here
for dr*gs.

I don't know.

He had
a d.a.r.e. Sticker
on the car's bumper.

What'd this guy say?

He looked
out his window

After hearing
the body land.

About a minute later,

He saw another
young white guy
bolt from the building.

That would make him
another participant
in our pumpkin toss.


I'll tell you later.

What'd you get?

D.o.a.'S an 18‐year‐old kid
from riverhead.

Father runs
a construction company.

He's on his way in.

D.o.a. And another white kid
were on the roof

With 2 neighborhood
black kids.

This a drug deal?

Yeah. After
a couple of minutes,

The neighbors
hear screaming,

D.o.a. Hits
the sidewalk.

Eyewitnesses recalled
a distinctive splat.

Black kids are watching
from the roof.

The other white kid,
he tear‐asses out
of the building.

Ok. You and andy
stay on this.

Probably want
to get a uniform
sweeping the dealers.

Meantime, d. O. A.‐‐
Ninth and second.

Yeah, I'm up, but I need
a couple hours lost time.

What's going on?

I feel like
I'm getting a bug.

Oh, yeah. There's
a rough one going around.

You wanna lie down
in the crib
for a while, diane?

No. I wanna go home,
take a few hours
lost time.

Sure. You and jill.

Yeah. Here we go.

Feel better, diane.

Thanks, greg.

Hey. What brought
this on?

I started feeling punk
this morning.

I'm ok, bobby.

I'll drive you home.

No. Don't drive me.

Let me give you a call
in a little while.

Let me call you, ok?

Just in case I've
got my eyes closed.

You believe
in that zinc?

For cold prevention?

No. As a mining

This is gonna be
the d. O. A.'S father.

Does he know yet?

Excuse me. Any of you
simone? Detective simone?

I'm simone.
Mr. Weaver?

Yeah. What's going on
with my son?

This is my partner
andy sipowicz.

How's it going?

It's going I want to know
what my son did,

And I got 50 guys
at a construction site,
17.50 an hour,

Picking their ass
till I find out.

Let's talk about it
in here.

Don't offer me
no coffee.

No sit down.

Just tell me the jackpot
billy's in.

Well, could you help us
why your son

Was down from riverhead
on avenue c here,
mr. Williams.

You answer my question
what his situation is.

We'll get
to your question.

He ain't got no business
down avenue c.

Your boy use dr*gs?

He's picked up
for dr*gs?

We recognize
you're uncomfortable,

But we need to do this
how we're gonna do it.

Does he have
a problem with dr*gs?

The element these kids
are exposed to today,

You tell me a kid hasn't
had drug experience.

But if billy was picked up
for some serious‐type

Some friend of his
left him holding the bag.

Billy's no drug organizer.

You got any specific
friend of your boy's
in mind?

I'm through talking
until I get some answers.

Mr. Weaver,

Your son was involved
in an altercation
this morning

On avenue c.

Him and another boy
that we're assuming
was his friend

And 2 other
neighborhood guys

That we think
are drug dealers.

Oh, so 2 smokes
pick a fight with billy
and a friend of his

And automatically my son's
got a drug problem.

We got it, boss.

Mr. Weaver, your son
was hurt in that fight.

His injuries were fatal.

What are you
talking about?

He was thrown
off a roof.

He didn't survive it.

You trying to tell me
my son is dead?

We're sorry
for your loss.

Why don't you
sit down.

What are you
trying to tell me?

Drink this.

Somebody threw billy
off a roof?

Who was billy
down there with?

Are you
trying to tell me

I didn't move
far enough away,

And I couldn't
protect my family

And those black
sons of b*tches
took his life?

Relax now.

These black bastards!

All right,
all right.

Where are
these n*gg*r*s?

I wanna see them!

I wanna see
who k*lled my boy!

What is going on here?

Uh‐uh. I ain't
talking to one now.

One what?

Were you one of those monkeys
jumping up and down

After simpson was free?

Get him outta here, andy.
Get him out!

He's getting him
outta here.

The kid's father.


I'm just saying,
we may need him
later on.

We don't need nothing
that bad.

Detective, this
is the dead boy's
property voucher.

Maxine, just put it
on the desk here.

What do we got?

Female d. O. A.‐‐

Cut up and stuffed
in the fridge.

Got an african name.
Mulu kebede.

The son found her.

Where is he?

He's in the bedroom.
The baby‐sitter's
in there, too.

He called her, and
she called it in.


Can I borrow
your flashlight?


How old's the son?

12. His name's eddy.

12‐Year‐old boy
found this.

Is there a father
in the picture?

He's in the wind.

Ligature marks.

then dismembered.

Wouldn't make much sense
the other way around.

No forced entry
or ransacking?

No. Nothing.

[Knock on door]

Detective medavoy

And detective

Let's go out there.

I'm marie francis.

I baby‐sit for eddie.
He's real shook up.

Maybe you could tell us
what happened
this morning.

called me around 10:00,

Crying and begging for me
to come over.

I found him
curled on the bed.

He said,
"look in the fridge."

Was it normal, the boy
being home from school?

He said he forgot
some homework.

The teacher
let him come home.

He was just getting
some orange juice
before going back.

Does eddy's father

Or should he
be here?

He'd be working,

But you think
it was him, huh?

We'll be looking
at every angle.

But would you have
some suspicion
in that regard?

They fought
an awful lot lately,

Him and his wife.

About anything
in particular?

It was in their language.

Would it get violent?

Not around me,

But I did see her
with bruises.

Any idea where
mr. Kebede might be,

His place of work?

He worked a lot
of different places,

But he does have
a sister here.




Her number and address

Are in a drawer
by the fridge.

We can get that

Thanks for your help,
ms. Francis.

What's gonna happen
to eddie?

Well, it depends if
his father's involved.

Would you mind staying
with him for a while

Till we contact his sister
or social services?

No, not at all.

It'd be a shame
if he went
to hiruut.

She doesn't
like eddie
very much.

That zinc's
all over the news,

If that helps russell
or what.

It's a throat lozenge.

Like candy.

Yeah, you suck them
like candy.

I don't know if
it's a con or what.

Thanks, andy.

You believe the mouth
on that weaver?

I didn't think the boss
was gonna stop.

What goes through
people's minds?



You can't speak
in that fashion.

They're bringing
a dealer upstairs
you want to talk to.

Picked up dirty on avenue c.

We like him
for being on the roof?

Supposedly the d. O. A. Was
trading g*ns for dr*gs.

This drug dealer was
carrying a piece

F.a.t.n. Traced to a
g*n store robbery in bellport.

D.o.a.'S from riverhead.
Bellport's not that far.

That's the point.

Excuse my tardy uptake.

Officer: michael reed.

Interview 3. Thanks.

Come on, let's go.

Be nice if this one
had a running buddy.

'Cause there were
2 dealers on the roof?

That would
be the point, yes.

Wrong time to be
breaking fancy's shoes.

That was equivalent

Michael reed.

Where'd you get
the g*n, michael?

I just got it,
you know?

Ok. Then we're done.

I can go?

Sure. Get up.

Give him a better angle

To smack you in the back
of the head.

Where were you
this morning?

Doing business.

Where were you?

Alphabet city.

Alphabet city.
That's where you
got the g*n from?

Nah. I got that
in vietnam.

What'd you say?

See, michael, my partner
doesn't find that funny,

And a ball‐breaking
attitude on your part

Is a poor choice anyway,

'Cause you are looking
real good for a homicide
right now.

Yo, I didn't do
no homicide.

You know about that kid
that went off the roof
on avenue c?

Heard about it.

No. We think you got
a closer connection

Than just hearing
about it, michael.

That g*n
that you are holding

Belonged to that kid.

Yo, I ain't
k*lled that kid.

How'd you get the g*n?

It was a business deal‐‐

The g*n
for something I had.

Michael, we do not care

About the dr*gs
that you sold, ok?

Tell us who
the deal was with.

The deal was with
the 2 white kids,

But I don't know nothin'
about the roof thing.

By the time our boy
got threw over the roof,

I was with little
shante in her crib,
and you can ask her.

We both heard him splat.

All right,
stick with the g*ns.

The 2 white kids
sold you that g*n.


And that was it
for me.

Uh‐uh. Uh‐uh, michael.

You know
who was on the roof.

Hell, man.
I can fall, too.

You prefer
a needle in the arm?

Lethal injection?

If I help you
with the roof,

Can I get rhythm
on the g*n?

Look, I could care less
about the g*n.

That kid did not die
from g*nshots.

Those 2 white kids
were selling g*ns
for smack.

Our deal was 12 decks
for the one g*n.

You bought that g*n
for 12 decks of smack?

Lionel williams
was one,

And the other,
I just know him
as, uh...


Those aren't white kids'

I'm sayin' there was
2 black kids there

Lookin' to buy
a bunch of g*ns
for some real weight.

I can't vouch
that either of them

Had anything to do
with what happened
on the roof.

But when I was leavin',
an argument
was breakin' out.

Between vondell and lionel,
who supposedly
had a lot of smack,

And the 2 white kids
that had the g*ns?

Vondell and lionel
was lookin' to get
like a dozen, you know,

And then
there was some drama

Over whether
all the g*ns were there

Or all the smack
was there.

I don't even
really know, you know?

I got what I came to get
and I split.

And you'd never seen
these white kids before?

A few times, you know.

Not enough
to know their names.

A lot of white kids
come through the 'hood,
trying to score dope.

Pretty much look alike
to you, huh?

How about the black guys?

You got a place on them
for us?

On lionel.

I don't know about.

Can you write?

How much you want me
to write?

Write lionel's address.

Yo...can I bank
some love

For the next time
I have a little run‐in
with the law?

Atm is open.

I did hear afterwards
on the streets

The reason why
lionel and vondell

Let the one
white kid run
but the other one flew.


The one white kid
kept his mouth shut.

The other
kept calling 'em

He's the one flew?

From the roof...

To the ground.

Can I help you
look for that file?

No. I found it.

So you're gonna
stay here for a while?

Do you need something
from me, dolores?


Well, I don't know
how long I'm gonna be here.

No problem.

What did he know?

It don't look like
this one
was on the roof.

He was bangin'
little shante.

He gave us
2 other dealers
who might have done it.

Said these white kids
we're trading g*ns
for smack.

He had sold them
12 decks for the one g*n
we caught him with.

As this one
was leaving,
the other 2 dealers

Began bickering
with the white kids
for a large‐volume swap.

He said when he was leaving,

It sounded like
this other deal
was going q*eer.

He give you a place
to look for the other two.

yeah, one of them.

As far as why
the one kid got tossed
and not the other,

This guy says
that he heard
on the street afterwards

Up on the roof
the d. O. A. Was all
in the black dealer's face‐‐

"n*gg*r this,
n*gg*r that."

Weaver's son?

The d. O. A.

Got it.

So where'd you leave it
with that assh*le?

He went home
to calm down,

Think of names
who his son
might have been with.

Bring him in again.
And I want to be there
to re‐interview.

As opposed to
picking the one dealer up?

I'll have uniform
and narcotics
pick them up.

I want to see
how weaver's coming
with those names.

I could do that
on the phone.

Is today the day
I start explaining to you

Why I want to do
an interview?

Apparently not.

Don't‐‐don't tell me.
Don't tell me.

They drag people
from other countries
to police stations

Without explanation.

I did not think
it was allowed
in america.

I asked very politely
if you'd come with us,
ms. Kebede.

We were hoping
that you could give us
some information

Regarding your brother

Is he in trouble?

That's what we're trying
to determine.

Have you spoken with him


As far as his relationship
with his wife,

Uh, have you ever noted
any, um,

on his part?

Did something happen
to mulu?

Would you be surprised
if something had?

She was an evil woman.

If harm came to her,
it would not
surprise me.

What about her, exactly,
was evil?

In general, what would you
consider evil?

One who neglects
to prepare meals,

Being disobedient,

Getting fat.

So as a wife
she was evil.

I don't know
what kind of wife
she was.

But, uh...

That kind of behavior, um,

Wouldn't sit well
with mr. Kebede.

It would be
up to my brother.

I don't know
what my brother would do
in every situation.

I am not him.

Were you aware mulu,
your brother's wife,
was k*lled this morning?


Do you know where
your brother is now?

If you know
where hailu is
and you don't tell us,

You can go to jail.

Mulu was k*lled
this morning, cut up,

And stuffed
into a refrigerator.

At this point,
hailu is our most
likely suspect

And will remain so
until he shows up
to clear his name.

You suspect him
because he's from
another country.

You've got
racial prejudice.

No, ma'am.
I've got prejudice
against people who do m*rder

And leave the corpse
for a 12‐year‐old to find.

The boy can handle it.

His head is filled
with v*olence

From television
and video games.

May I go now?

Or did this kid's family
move out?

We'll go over the list with you
and your son's friends.

I think...

I‐‐i think this family
moved out a few years ago.


Thanks for coming back.

Uh, how is this
gonna work?

Let's talk to mr. Weaver
in here.

You mean we're all
gonna go over my names?

Those are possibles
he wrote up

For being on the roof
with his boy.

Listen, as far as
my being excited before‐‐

Hey, hey‐‐
don't worry about it.

Hey, listen. I've had
n*gro people with me

Since I started
my business.

I got 4 of them
working for me right now.

I just advanced one
2 weeks' salary,
no interest,

To get him
out of a jam.

Which one of these kids
would you, uh,
talk to first?

So this is how
we're gonna do it?

Does me being in here
make you uncomfortable?

I'd just rather
do it with them.

No, no. I need to be here.

Lieutenant fancy's
our boss.

The bereaved people's
wishes don't count?

Anyways, which
of these names would be

Our best candidate?

What about
my bereaved wishes?

It's hard on you,
isn't it, weaver?

Instead of being able
to concentrate
on what you need to...

Your n*gg*r problems,
they keep distracting you.

I‐‐i have not directly
called you that.

Now, wasn't that
his son's problem, too?

Come on, boss.

Now, the only difference...

You being distracted,

It just keeps us
from getting those names.

But on that roof,
your son being distracted,

That meant
he couldn't concentrate

On not getting himself

What are you
talking about?

Your son, weaver‐‐
he had to throw "n*gg*r"

In those
drug dealers' faces,

And that's why he got
thrown off the roof.

Where are you
gettin' this stuff
about billy?

Maybe he was thinking that
on his way down.

I wish my dad hadn't
got me so used to

Every thought in my mind,

Saying it so much,

'Cause now it's got me
thrown off the roof,

And it's got me m*rder*d.

Weaver, crying:
what are you saying
about my boy?

What am I saying
about you, weaver?

What did
weaver give you?

Well, he wouldn't
go over the list.

He give us the finger
is what he give us.

He wouldn't let us
look at the list.

He walked away,
and he took it with him.

And that's my fault?

That dolores
said them dealers
are in interviews?

One and 3. Narcotics
grabbed them both.

Which one's in one?


I got it.

I don't need to hear
anything from you.

Time's past I let
someone insult me
in my own house.

He was gone
from the house.

You had us bring him back

So you could do
as bad to him
as he did to you.

Did I call him n*gg*r?
Or monkey?

No. I told him
what he was,

And I told him
what that had done
to his son.

That his life counted
for worse than nothing,

Like them words
he called you.

At what point
is it gonna dawn on you

What a joke it is
you being in here
lecturing me

On my shortcomings
in racial sensitivity?


Yeah, I'm through in here.

Let me go talk to vondell.

And if I have to tune him up
to move him

When this weaver could have had
his son's friend come in
and make an i. D.,

You figure who
that beating's on.

Don't want to be lectured
on racial sensitivity.

She don't answer.

Maybe she's asleep.

In which case,
when you get home,

She's gonna hit you
with a shoe

For making the phone ring
20 times.

This is the third time
I called, andy.

She's somewheres else.

She's probably meeting
some guy at the waldorf.

I'm just wondering
did she go to the doctor.

You want to
go talk to these guys?

Yeah. I'll, uh,
I'll do my part
in a moment.

detective russell calls,

You get me
out of the interview.


Give me a minute?

No bracelets, huh, lionel?

That's 'cause I wasn't
holdin' nothin'.

And I wasn't committing
no crime.

Hmm. Slow day, huh?

You ever fly birds, lionel?

Used to a little.

Yeah? Like it up there
on the roof?

No disrespect,
but I wasn't
doin' nothin'.

Neither was vondell,
on the roof
or nowheres else.

We know about
those 2 white kids
from riverhead

Come to trade g*ns
for smack.

You know more than me.

We know vondell and you
took 'em off.

Only thing we're still
putting together
is which of you

Tossed that one kid
from the roof,

'Cause that's who's
gonna get collared
for m*rder.

You know what you say
you know,

How come we ain't got
no cuffs on,
me or vondell?

You want me to put
some cuffs on you?

You sayin' I'm arrested?

You sit tight.

I'll see
if I can work that out.


I want a lawyer.

You'll get over that.

Louis st. James.

He's my first cousin,
he's a lawyer,

And I don't say nothin'
till he gets in this room.

Ok. We'll call louis
in a few minutes.

Then you're gonna be
wasting a few minutes.

Maybe I better
look at your sheet again.

'Cause they told me
to come in here

And just do
a routine questioning.

Now you try and get
a lawyer wrapped around you?

That's gonna make me think

You might have been
involved in something.

You see what I'm saying,

You're not arrested,

So what do you request
a lawyer for?


Louis st. James.

You know
how this finishes?

Don't do nothin,' andy.
The guy's got a relative
that's a lawyer.

I'm sayin',
assuming I can take
this big blimp,

I tune him up,
I'm even money
to get collared.

Nothing from yours?

Now what?

Let me go
and kiss this weaver's ass
for the names.

Look, andy, first
I gotta go see

What's happening
with diane, huh?

What, you feel
my ass‐kissin' technique's
inferior to yours?

Meaning what?

I'll go see weaver.
You go see
how russell's doing.


Don't lose your temper
with him.


Ms. Kebede, we've circulated
a photograph of your brother

At all toll and bus stations
and airports.

So, ma'am, if your brother
so much as steps foot out
of his hiding place,

He will be pounced on.

And, as we mentioned
before, that could be
dangerous to him.

No, ma'am, I think
you can help me.

She hung up.

She's making a call.

Ok, um...
Queens area code.


There you go.

All right.
The number she called
is in jackson heights.

Got it.

Ok, let's go.

Simone's wouldn't move.

Mine requested
his cousin the attorney.

Simone's got a personal
situation. I'm gonna go
suck up to weaver.

You don't wanna take
simone with y‐‐

Did I just tell you he's seeing
to his personal situation?

And I'm asking
if we wanna wait.

No. Any other questions?


Woman: yes?

Police, ma'am.

Open the door.

[Footsteps, lock turning]



We're looking
for hailu kebede.


Who are you,

I'm his wife.
Almaz kebede.

Is that his child
you're carrying?

We need to talk
to him.

What do you want?
I did not say come in.

Going on a trip?

That's not your business.

I want you to leave now!

the bathroom.

2 Seconds, or we're
kicking it in!

Hailu kebede:
what do you want?

We need to talk to you
about your other wife,
mr. Kebede.

open up.
Mulu? She is not
his wife anymore.

They divorced
some time ago.

Is that what
he told you?

It's the truth.

Get out here now,
or I'm coming in!

What is this?

Come on, mr. Kebede.
We're going down to
the station house.

I did nothing.

come on.


I did nothing to her.

Medavoy: hands
behind your back.

Is she...
Still his wife?

She was till
this morning.

She was m*rder*d.

[Door opens]

Bobby: diane?


Did you hear me
calling you?

How long have you
been home?

I lost the baby.


I lost the baby.

It's all right.

You must've been
supposed to.


I'm sorry.

We love each other,

We will have babies.

Can I be by myself?


I‐‐i need to be by myself.


Just for a little while.

I understand.

I understand.

I‐i'm sorry.

It's ok.

You know I love you,
though, right?

[Shivering and sobbing]

I‐‐i‐‐i can't look
at you, though.


It's ok. I understand.

Fancy: bottom line,
without immunity,
this kid doesn't cooperate

You see, otherwise,
I'm incriminatin' myself.

Yeah, I get it.

I understand
bellport's a city, too.

But how is
granting immunity

In a robbery you don't
have the evidence to go
to bat on anyway

Any skin off
bellport's nose?

Yes. All right.

Yes. Yes,
I appreciate it.

I appreciate it.

Yeah. Thanks.

He gets his waiver
on the g*n store.

You find russell?


Detective simone.

stanley fowler.

He's, uh,
he's with billy weaver
on the roof.

How's it going,

Just as I was considering
contacting you people,

This detective shows up
at my house.

Is that right?

Billy's grieving father
sent him over.

Anyway, the bellport
d. A. Signed off.

And I'm not prosecutable here
either for selling the g*ns?

Not as long as
you cooperate.

So the guys that pushed off
billy are in custody?

You want me to look
at a lineup?

These detectives
will take care of you.

One of 'em agreed
to a lineup?

Before we decide on that,
you want a refreshment
of some sort?

No, I'm ready to start
my cooperation.

No, why don't you have
a refreshment first.

All right.
I'll take a soda.

No. Have some coffee.

Coffee's in there.

Oh, andy, this room
is occupied.
in there?

Yeah, it's one
of the guys.

You can't have
no coffee. This
room's occupied.

That's one of the guys
threw billy off the roof.

Who? This guy in there?

I'm telling you,
he's one of them.


All right.
Come on.

Mr. Kebede, where were you
this morning around 8:00?

I was out
buying groceries.

Where were you gonna
put 'em, mr. Kebede?

From what we saw,
your refrigerator
was all full up.

I was out buying
food for almaz.

I help her.
She's a friend.

She's not your friend.
She's your wife.

And the child she's carrying
is your child.

Mr. Kebede,
is it not correct

That until this morning
you were a bigamist?

But we'll cross that off
the list of charges

Since by k*lling her,
you're really no longer

You have a lot to say.

Was I talking too much?

You see,
the fact that you're
a multiple family man

Won't help you with a judge
and jury concerning
your first wife's death.

I didn't k*ll mulu.

The d. A. Will present
the case

That a number of people
knew of your dissatisfaction

With your wife's desire
to be independent

And her weight problem.

It'll look like
you traded her in.

Mr. Kebede, what you
want to do now

Is think of a way to make
your position sympathetic.

Like this morning you...
Acted out of passion.

She didn't cook
your eggs right,
and you snapped.

brought you to a boil,

And‐‐and you lost control.

I did nothing.
I was out.

Mr. Kebede, we're trying
to work with you
on an excuse here,

But you don't seem
to be trying very hard.

Think, you idiot.
You shut up.

I'm just trying
to be helpful.

You have no right
speaking to me this way.

Because I'm a woman.

People should know
their place.

You do not.

Medavoy: was that
the case with mulu?

She didn't know
her place?

She was not
a good wife.


In a million ways.

That must've made you
very angry.

It was not

So what happened
this morning,
mr. Kebede?

You see, sir...

People can understand
a momentary loss of control,

But unless you present that,

You'll be seen as
a cold‐hearted k*ller.

And‐‐and looking at, uh,

Almaz's imminent

k*lling mulu
could be seen as a plan

That you had in the works
for quite a while.

Is it the truth

That you are a plotting,
cold‐hearted k*ller?


Then let's talk about
what happened this morning.

Did mulu do something
to upset you?

She would not cook
or clean today

So to get her nails

And did you fight
over that?


Did it get physical?

She was
a very bad wife.

Do you understand?

We understand.

And so if it did get physical,
that would make sense.

Was that the case,
mr. Kebede?

She was yelling, and you
did what you had to do

To get her to shut up.

I did what was

You strangled her.

Do you need
everything explained?

But that's what happened?

And what did you do
after that?

Put her
in the refrigerator

So it would not smell...

Until we were away.

You and almaz?

Were you planning on
leaving town without eddie?

He's his mother's child.

Both of them
lost to this country.

I'd like you to write down
what you just told us.

I‐i'm not cold‐blooded.

There are simply ways
things should be.

Write it.

How you doing
with vondell?

That's gonna be
all right.

You need me goin'
in there to confirm
that lionel's flipping?

I gave them some of the details
of his statement.

Vondell and the cousin
are consulting.

That one express
any appreciation to you?

I didn't see him.

Fancy I'm talkin' about.

I thought he was in
the observation room
watching you.

He watches me the last
half‐hour with vondell
and clarence darrow.

He comes out of
the observation room

When I leave the two
of them alone,

He doesn't say "boo" or
any type of appreciation.

Ok, andy,
I'm going home.

I'm going home, boss.

Diane's not feeling well
and all. I'm going home.

Nice work today, bobby.

Ok. Thanks.

Yeah. Yeah, excellent
individual police work.

I was about to tell you
nice work, too.

Well, what a relief that is.
I was just telling simone

How I live for
your occasional atta‐boys.

Oh, you love what happened
here today, andy, don't you?

I loved what happened here.

I loved driving the 2 drives
to riverhead...

My god.

Because just working
a homicide

I find insufficiently

I like also the complications
involved in cleaning up
somebody else's mess!

Past telling you good work,

I also wanted to apologize
for not sitting quiet

While someone called me

No one wanted you
sitting quiet.

Didn't I take him
outta the house

When he used
that language?!

Oh, I know you took him
out of the house.

But what I would've
liked to have heard
was the conversation

Once you got him

Will you shut up?!

Both of you,
just shut up!

I hope you're
happy now.

So you gonna go back in
and close with them?

You gonna go back in
and watch?

Is that all right
with you?

Hey. Be my guest.


How‐‐how are you feeling?


Oh, man, when I saw you
before there, i...

It was like when my wife
was dying,

And i‐‐i couldn't
do nothin' to help.

No. No.
It's not like that.

We're together.

And we're gonna have


I want to make
a family with you.

We'll have
that much luck.

And we'll
raise 'em good.
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