05x16 - The One That Got Away

Episode transcripts for the TV show "NYPD Blue". Aired: September 21, 1993 – March 1, 2005.*
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Ensemble cast revolving around New York's 15th Precinct.
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05x16 - The One That Got Away

Post by bunniefuu »

How's it going?

Tommy richardson's
looking for you.

Has he got flowers?

You got a minute?

Don't you want
your delegate?

What's going on?

My wife's gonna
be here at 9:15,

Off of you guys
calling her.

This is after she drops
our daughter off at school.

Glad somebody in your
family's cooperating.

I did not k*ll this girl,
sipowicz, and nothin' was
goin' on between us.

You make opposite
inferences to laurie,

[Knock on door]
you're gonna destroy
my marriage and family.

Desk sergeant said you guys
were in here. Morning.

Yeah. Mornin'.

It's you talking to me
and simone like jerks

Every time you
open your mouth

Makes us take
this tact at all.

We're talking about
his wife comin' in.

How am I makin' you
look like jerks?

It's this, tommy‐‐
all the opera.

All right, let me ask you
a question, theoretically.

Theoretically, if I said

Maybe there'd been
a romantic aspect
with me and darlene...

Past what you said
about high school?

If I was theoretically
candid with that,

Would you have to press it
with laurie?

We don't want to press her
on nothing, tommy.

You know,
this could shock you,

But you may not be
the first cop

Employed his johnson
on several fronts

Is that what was
happening, tommy?

Give us something
we can believe,
the 3 of us are done.

Your wife comes in,
we'll ask her some
general questions

About her friendship
with darlene, we'll be
through with her, too.

All right! All right!

Certain occasions...

I'd stop off, see darlene.

Some aspect
might be physical...

Based on our long‐standing
previous friendship.


Which is nothing, whatsoever,
connected with her death.


We understand
that's your position.

My position?!

We understand
that's what you're saying.

You said I copped
to an occasional aspect,
that was it.

Nobody's gonna say
anything about that to
your wife, richardson,

Which is what you were
saying you were worried

I'm worried about
you guys turnin' my life
into a crucifixion.

Tommy, what you're saying
answers questions,

But it's pretty obvious
it raises questions, too.

Lousy bloodsuckers.

Was that over,
you banging darlene?

The 2 of you
have a beef?

Tommy, did darlene
ever thr*aten you?

Say she might
talk to laurie?



You all right,

I did not k*ll this girl.

But I swear,
you make my wife unhappy

Or where our child's life
is humiliating...

I will come after
the both of ya.

Open or closed?


Every year,
for his school
passion play,

Tommy goes
for the main role.

So he's a phony
and a cheat,
this tommy.

Did he k*ll
his girlfriend?

Yeah, that's
another question.

Hi, jill.

Hey, welcome back.

Thanks for your card.

Well, I didn't
want to be calling

If you didn't want
to talk.

Bobby's been saying flu,

But I was, um...

Halfway thinking it
might be something else.

I, um...

I lost the pregnancy.

I'm sorry.

I must have been
supposed to, you know?

[Opening padlock]

I, uh, I lost
my first pregnancy.

How did you feel

I couldn't stop crying.

You couldn't?

My husband helped,
said it was hormones

And pull myself

Has bobby
been there for you?

Oh, yeah, yeah.

I've felt guilty
not being there for him.

Guilty about that
among other things.

I've felt guilty

About a few other things,
too, you know?

Don't, diane.

You weren't too active.

You didn't take
unnecessary chances.

Are you related
to the amazing kreskin?

It's nature looking out
for everyone involved.

You ready?


Medavoy: I'm on my way.

I‐i'll be on the road
within minutes.

Do not dissuade
or detain me, abby.

Yeah, I'll call you
in a few hours,

When‐‐when I'm an hour
or so away.

Uh, with you
at the hospital,

Will someone be
at your parents' house
to answer?

Fine. All right, then.

I‐i'll see you in, uh,
3 hours' time.

Try and wait
till I get there.

Only jokin', of course.

Exit 9‐n? Good.


Abby's in labor.

I'm heading upstate
for the delivery.

Abby's in‐‐in labor
in ballston spa, lieu.

I feel like
I oughta be up there.

If you're
not working a case,
sounds like a good idea.

Yeah. I'd like
to get on the road.

It's a 3 hours' drive.

Give her our best.

Yeah. Exit 9‐n.
Straight shot up the thruway.

Ok, uh...

Good‐bye, all.

I'm off for abby's delivery.

Drive carefully, greg.

Yeah, right.


So long.

Abby's in labor.

They'll explain.

Sounds pretty

Good morning, dolores.

Good morning.

Did you see greg?

He suggested we inquire
in here how it is
women go into labor.

Ahem. Any patterns
in the 61s for your d. O. A.'S

It would have had
to have been a push‐in.

Homicide off
an unforced entry.


Tommy: here.
They're in here.

All right.


This is
my wife laurie.

Bobby simone.

Andy sipowicz.
How's it going?

Hi, andy.

All right, so they don't
want me with you.

All right.

This won't take long.

You should be outta here
in about 15 minutes.

Yeah, whatever. If I'm
not downstairs after,
I'll see you home.

Call me if you want
after, or I'll call you.

All right, tommy.

Coffee, laurie?

No. I...

I‐i'd love a glass
of water, though.

Let's talk in here.

Tommy says
no drinking coffee while
I'm talking to you guys.

Yeah, huh?

Tommy's understandably
upset about what happened
to darlene,

Why I think
he's nervous for you.

they knew each other
since high school,

And she remained
a close friend.

You can go ahead
and sit down.

Tommy said that,
uh, you and darlene
became friends, also.

We became
close friends, too...

Strange as that may seem
for a former girlfriend.


Oh, boy.

Yeah, it's upsetting, huh?

It's just so awful
for her to be k*lled,

And i‐i've...

I've never had this type
conversation before,

Strange as that may seem
for a cop's wife.

Any idea who could have
k*lled darlene?

I know...tommy
wasn't involved,

Which I know...is what
you're suspecting.

Tommy thinks we feel
that way, laurie,

But we're just trying
to find out what happened.

I mean,
it's‐‐it's so hard
for people to believe

In a man‐woman

Nowadays, that's
definitely true.

I don't know why you're
so reluctant to believe

That crazy man
m*rder*d her, because
that type befriending

Was so exactly
like darlene.

Well, that's why
we wanted to talk to you,

Get a better sense
of her personality.

That's why?

Laurie, um, ahem,

What did darlene
say about jason?

That he'd been
a patient on her unit,

And he seemed like
he had a crush on her,

And‐‐and she thought
he was nice.

She mention being
afraid of him at all?

No. No, but that was
so exactly like her.

And not realizing
he'd stopped taking
his medication.

She told you
that she'd found out
that he'd stopped?


I don't know
where I heard that.

Laurie, you feel darlene
wouldn't have noticed

A guy hiding meds
under his tongue?

That's my point...

Is how trusting she was.

Floor nurse
at a mental ward...

Well, you'd think she'd
be pretty experienced

Being careful
he didn't do that.

I'm just saying...

You don't
believe that...

But being over late,
you want to convict
my husband.

Oh, boy.

Can you
think of anyone else
we should be talking to?

Ok, laurie.

Are we finished?

Yeah. All done.

thanks for coming in.

All right,
then, uh...

Oh, you don't know
how worried I was
driving in.

Hope the rest
of the morning's better.

So, do you‐‐do you
feel tommy's exonerated,

And‐‐and that they
just had a man‐woman

We are looking
at a lot of alternatives.

He wasn't wrong
when he told us
about his wife.

You can see yourself out.

Have a good morning.

This prick.

I'm detective russell.
This is detective

Aljuan rayford. This is
my girlfriend lisette.

Jill kirkendall.


I got robbed last night.

Cops at the hospital said
I had to talk to you guys

To get my doctor bill

He almost got k*lled
over a damn camera.

Ok, lisette.

I'm a film student
over at nyu.

Last night I was sh**t'
my senior project over
on avenue "a" and 14th,

When these
2 little knuckleheads
walked up on me.

Can you describe them?

Both black.

The one that shot me
was taller than the other.

kinda like scottie pippen.

About 17.

How'd it go down?

Well, the shorter one
asked me for the time.

I'm not stupid. I grew up
right around the corner.

I knew he was going
for my movie camera.

So evander holyfield
over here clocks one
and gets shot.

I told 'em I didn't
have the time.

So now he's pointin'
at my camera.

So I swing,
and I hit the short one.

And his buddy pulls out
this poot‐butt 25

And sh**t me
right in my arm.

And they took off
with your camera.

Yeah, and this wasn't
no cheesy rental
I got from the school.

I bought this one myself.

If we find these guys,
can you i. D. Them?


I got a good look.

I'll be seein' 'em again.

Lisette: would you please
stop it with that, aljuan?!

Aljuan, we frown on
any type vigilantism.

Just 'cause I'm in college,
don't mean I'm gonna act
like a punk

In my own neighborhood.

You know,
he's 3 months
from graduation,

And he still
thinks he's cool
talking like this.

Don't give me a speech.

Aljuan, we're gonna ask
for your cooperation.

Let us take it
from here.

Could you write down
your address
and phone number?




20 Minutes,
we're supposed to be
at the hospital

Talking to that jason.

I'm rereading my 5
on the interview

With richardson's wife.

It's a 7,
8‐minute drive.

Oh, yeah.
Fortunately, there's
never no traffic tie‐ups

In this part
of manhattan.

I don't want to hang
around some hospital
waiting room.

Ahem. Ok.

Yep. Here we go.

Nyu student got shot
last night during a robbery.

Jill and me are going
to go canvass.

We're going back
to lafayette,

Talk to that jason.

He's back
in the hospital, huh?

Yeah, he's
back there.

[Rap music playing]

How are you doing?

Good. Can I help you?

Yeah. There
was a sh**ting

On this street
last night.

Yeah, yeah. I heard
it was a college kid.

Were you working
last night?

Oh, yeah.
I was here working.

I'm trying to get
this place on its feet.

Did you
see anything
last night?

No. No, not really.

Did you hear

Boss, I'm going out
for some coffee.
You want something?


Anyway, I'm saying
I'm sorry I can't help.

What's your name, sir?

Roger garland.
This is my place.

You're saying
you can't help us,
mr. Garland,

Or you won't?

Look, I just opened
2 days ago.

I'm sick enough
this happened

Where I invested
my life's savings.

Last thing I need
is to be involved in
any sort of dispute.

Mr. Garland, if you
genuinely don't have
information for us,

That's fine.

But if you saw

We really need you
to help us.

I heard the shot,
I looked out,

I saw the kid
out there wounded.
That's it.


Please, don't‐‐
don't use my name, ok?

Don't get me
involved here.

No. If you think
of anything else...

This is where
you can reach us.

Fine. Thanks.

Good luck
with your business.


Orlando and deck.

Orlando is
the triggerman.

You saw this?

You'll probably
find them

Playing video games
over at, um...

Joeski's bodega.

It's about 2 blocks over.

Uh, orlando, he's,
uh, short hair, tall,

He's rocking
a karl kani jacket.

Deck, he's real skinny.
They're always together.

I don't suppose
you'd be willing
to give a statement.

Look, you don't need
my statement, and I
don't need to get capped.

The guy who got shot
could pick them
out of a lineup.

All right.
Thanks for your help.

I didn't give no help.


Come in.

How's it going,

Well, I'm back in
the care facility

As you can see.

How are you,
detective sipowicz?

Good, jason. The better
for seeing you.

We've navigated
some rapids, haven't we?

Yes, we have.

Our kayak capsized
couple of times.

Oh, yeah.

But we've righted it
now, haven't we?

back aboveboard.

I'll tell you
why we've come
to see you, jason.

I hope it's not because you've
reconsidered my innocence.
No, we haven't.

Because I have some
lingering suspicions of
my own on that score.

That's why
I was readmitted.

Jason, we do not
think that you
k*lled darlene.

All right.

Sake of discussion.

What we need
from you‐‐

Fine. Lay it out.

Shut up.

You remember
we were talking

About tommy,
darlene's brother?

We need you
to go over for us,

In terms of this one
conversation that
you and tommy had,

If tommy
had ever asked you,

Maybe, your schedule
seeing darlene

On the day that
it turned out that
she was m*rder*d.

Say, maybe,
if he asked if you
would be out of town

your brother
or the like.

It's ok to speak.

As far as asking
about my schedule,

As a matter of fact,
tommy did.

He did ask.

This was in
the overall context,

As I perceived it,
of examining

The status of my romance
with his sister,

If I was a serious
and responsible suitor
for darlene,

Or was I simply
taking her out cabareting

For my own selfish motives,

These kinds of concerns.

He's asking,
did tommy ask

Would you be
in town,

Where he can know
your whereabouts?

He did, yes.

He asked my schedule
and my routine.

Did he ask you
whether you would be

With someone
who could establish
your whereabouts?

He did ask if I used
an escort service,

Which I took again
in context: was I
worthy as a suitor?

I explained

That I didn't use
those services.

I think I cleared
that hurdle cleanly,

Whereas I knocked up
against a barrier

When he was going
through my meds.

What's this now?

Tommy's going through
your medications?

Darlene was working

When I arrived for
my man‐to‐man talk with
tommy in her apartment.

When I arrived,

He was in the kitchen
opening my capsules.

not there for this?

No. Darlene's working.

Exactly. And when I
arrived with my own key,

Tommy was in the kitchen,

Having pulled apart
some of my capsules.

He was concerned

I might have emptied
the capsules

Was what tommy
explained to me.

When you caught him‐‐

Does "catch him"
imply paranoid delusion
on my part?


Because I certainly
wasn't aware of prowling

Or looking for tommy.
I happened on him
in the kitchen.

Right. Understood.

When you catch him,
then he runs his crap

Why he was emptying
your capsules out.

Well, now,
in fact, tommy then
restored the contents

To the capsules.

Comes up with
his cock‐and‐bull story

He's making sure
that you're
taking your meds,

When he's trying
to make you wacky

Being off them.

Are we good?

I feel
that you are.

I try to be,

But...i only
manage it in streaks.

Richardson did it.

We just talked
to this jason

At the puzzle house.

He comes on richardson
one day going through
his pills,

Emptying out
his medication.

Neglected to
tell us before.

And we're sure
that's not delusional?

He wasn't delusional
right now, this guy.

I wouldn't say
he was exactly sane.

He wasn't even looking
to tell us this.

We, um...

We got to go
at richardson.

So what do you want to
do about mike shannon?

Richardson talked
to us without
his delegate

This morning.

That's him
looking for you.

We got to notify
mike, andy.

Let's notify mike.

Is that
my wife's overcoat
out there?

Russell and kirkendall
grabbed up 2 suspects

In the sh**ting came in
off that camera robbery.

Sylvia's running a lineup.

Seem like she's
still got her chops?

She knew
which room to go to.

She didn't want no
fanfare coming back.

You can see in, aljuan.
They can't see out.

You see anyone
you recognize,

You say their number
and where you
know them from.

I need to ask you


I i. D. These guys,

Are they going to be
back on the streets

While they're waiting
for their trial?

I doubt
they can make bail.

So they won't
even see the
streets again

Till they serve
their time?

That's right.

Are you worried
for your safety,


You ready to look
at the lineup?

No. Maybe I
ain't interested

In doing this
after all.

You want to break bad
with these guys
yourself, aljuan?

Follow them when
we cut them loose?

These little assholes
were ready to k*ll me
for that camera.

Aljuan, these guys walk,
a little later something
happens to them,

Who we going to come
looking for?

You want to be
on that side
of the window?

Y'all don't

No. What I don't

Is why you'd jeopardize
all you've got,

College degree,
girlfriend, your whole
life ahead of you,

For your idea
of getting even
with these punks?

You sound
just like lisette.

Lisette sounds
like a smart

Come on, aljuan,

you've worked for.
Don't screw yourself up.


I'll pick
their asses out.


Yeah, I'll nail them
this way.

Number 2.

That's the son of a bitch
that shot me.

Hold 2. Set up
the next group.


What's up?

I'm john irvine.

I was a civilian
aide in this
station house also.

Are they having
a reunion?

Oh, I'd love it
if they did.

But actually, I'm
just stopping by.

I started a computer
graphics business
2 blocks over,

And I'm just being
very forward

And leaving the
announcements with
everyone I know.

All the detectives
are elsewhere.

I see. Uh...

lieutenant fancy's
in his office.


Old friends.

Could I
impose on you

To give these out?


I had such
a wonderful time
working here.

I even cut
the detectives'

That fat one's
pretty bald.

I think I actually

Did a little
something for him.


I hope our paths
will cross.


I don't know
how long I'm here...


My girlfriend wants
to announce, like,

A simultaneous wedding
and baby shower.

That the type
of thing you do?

I could. Sure.
Have her call.

Serena's her name.

And you are?


Pleased to
meet you, dolores.

Good luck with
your new business.

Thank you.

Would you say
a special hello

To detective simone?

He's the tall,
good‐looking one.


Nyu student picked out
both those kids, lieu.
One lawyered up.


Orlando, the other one,
is back in the pokey.

So, how'd the one
know to lawyer up? Did
he have a case pending?

Had his lawyer's card
with him.

We'll get
this orlando's sheet

And then go have a chat.

Sylvia was riding d. A.

[Drumming fingers]



Sarge said you want
to talk to me.

We want a sit‐down
with richardson.

Well, you had your sit‐down
this morning while I'm
getting fitted for glasses.

Sorry we don't
keep current

your optometrist

I told you yesterday.
Conversations with tommy,
I want to be present.

Mike, andy's got to make it
up the stairs to go to work.

Richardson pulls me
into the radio room.

Because he's worried sick
on how you guys were going
to talk to his wife.

We didn't jam up
richardson with his wife
this much, mike.

Ask him how bad
he scared her
out of her wits

Getting her ready
to talk to us.

Look, andy and me,
we got no problem
you being with tommy.

Well, that's big of you.

We both respect you
doing your job,

But we've
been doing ours...

You understand?

You don't want to get
too far in front on this.

How soon
can you get us tommy?

He's on patrol.

I'll ask the sarge
when he can come in.


How's it going,

How's it going?

I just ran a lineup
for diane and jill.

How'd you conduct

I think
I made it through

any reversible errors.

Glad you're back.


I intended to leave
a dashing note
in your coat.

My dad says
that theo doesn't
even know I'm gone.

Well, you know,
that's baloney.

They just had lunch,

And now they're back
playing with legos.

He's got real aptitude
with them things.
Have you noticed?


I got to get
to the 2‐6.

Good seeing you.

It's good seeing
you, detective.

Orlando patterson. Been
hearing all about you.

Like what?

Like armed robbery,
attempted m*rder.

You know what
"hearsay" is?

Just because you hear
something somebody say,

Don't make it true.


Orlando, you and
your buddy deck

Have been i.d.ed
for this sh**ting.

Deck's gonna talk.

Why not get
in front first?

Don't know nothin'
about no sh**t'.

Where's the camera,

The camera?

That your martin lawrence
imitation, orlando?

Martin lawrence?
You don't think I look
like marlon wayans?

The 16‐mm movie camera
you shot that
college kid over.

The one you're about
to trade 20 years
of your life for.

that college kid
i.d.ed you.

He says it was me.
I say it wasn't.

you're on trial.

I'm on a jury.

I got a job, maybe
a kid in school.

an honor student.

You're a smart‐ass
street punk.

Whose story am I
going for?

Who y'all looking for
is a kid named vangie.

He's who's got
the movie camera.

Vangie's got the camera?

I seen him with it.
I'll tell you where he stays.

You got there
and see for yourself
if he's got the camera.

We still need to know
who the sh**t was.

Was it you or deck?

I'm goin'
with mistaken id.

Anyway, possession's
9/10 of the law, right?

Vangie holdin'
that camera,

I guess he's 9/10
guilty of the sh**ting.

Hmm. That why you
turned down having
a legal aide attorney?

'Cause you know
all that stuff?

I ain't no rookie.


Vangie's address.

I can do that.

[Ding dong]

Woman: who is it?

New york city police.

I'm paulette keeling.

I'm detective russell.
This is detective kirkendall.


How do you do?
Come on in.

I'm so glad you're here.

Mrs. Keeling, we need
to speak to you about
your son vangie.

the police are here.

Would you like
to sit down?

No, thank you.

Could I offer you
a beverage?

No, thanks very much.

I'm so glad he decided
to call y'all.

I didn't call
no police.

What are you
talking about?

You're here 'cause
he got beat up, right?

No, ma'am. We're here
to talk to vangie

a stolen movie camera
and a sh**ting.

Oh, my god.

I don't know
anything about it.

My son would
never be mixed up
in no mess like that.

He is the victim of a crime.
Look at him!

What happened?

I fell.

You know that's
not the truth, vangie.

He won't tell me
who did this to him.

Do you mind if we have
a look in vangie's room?

Of course not.

We ain't got
nothin' to hide.

Wait a minute.

Ma'am, you might want
to get the other thing out.

Vangie, where did you
get that g*n?

Mom, I didn't steal it,
and I didn't sh**t nobody.

What happened,

A boy at school
made me take it.

He hit you
to make you do that?

I never touched the g*n
'cause I didn't want to
get my fingerprints on it.

I started fooling around
with the camera some.

I thought while
I was holding it,

I could make
a little movie.

Who made you hold
the g*n and the camera,

This guy named
orlando patterson.

Now he's gonna
beat me up again
for telling on him.

No, he's not.

Vangie's gonna be
all right.

No more coffee room, huh?
Gloves coming off?

We need to talk about
what happened, tommy.


First off,
no one in this room

Feels what happened to
that girl was intentional.

Nobody in this room?
They speaking
for you now?

You know they're
not speaking for me.

For a guy torn up
his high school
sweetheart got m*rder*d,

You're sounding pretty
jaunty, richardson.

I got no room for
my thoughts on darlene.

I'm busy watching you guys
mess with my life.

We're trying to
address the situation
in front of us here.

No one's looking
to mess up your life.

So that wasn't you guys
pushing laurie around?

Is that what she said?
We pushed her around?

No, 'cause she's
too sweet to know that's
what you guys were doing.

She too sweet to know
what you were doing?

Tell them to ask
what they want to ask.

We're not asking nothin',
and he's playing you too easy.

We know what you did.

Is that right?

Because he leads me
around by the nose,

We gave you a chance
to come forward instead
of humiliating you,

Which, believe me,
is how I would go.

I been on the job
10 years,

They're gonna try
this game with me?

He thinks we're
running a game.

We know about you framing
that mental patient.

We know you looked
to empty his pills,

You looked
to establish
his whereabouts

When he wouldn't
have an alibi.

We know the whole
damn thing.

I went through the guy's
medication, so what?

A girl you care about is
dating some half‐a‐nut job,

You're not gonna be worried
he's taking his meds?

Asked him
where he's going to be.
There's a capital offense.

We're trying to get you
to see, tommy,

The window is closing.

Let it close, bobby.

You got a m*rder w*apon
with my prints on it?

You got a m*rder w*apon
at all?

You got this!

He don't act
like he did it,
does he, mike?

You done here?

Get him out of here.

You got
no physical evidence.

Richardson's stonewalled.

Seems like your only move
is back at the wife.

We can't be sure
how much she knows.

Turn the card over,
richardson was having
an affair with the d. O. A.,

Maybe you shake
something loose.

The truth is, we're
nowhere near being able
to make no case.

All she could give you
to make one

Is a direct statement
from richardson

That he did it or something
about the w*apon.

No way he confessed it
to her,

And that knife is
somewhere in the water.

He's not gonna
hide no knife.

If we're not gonna be
able to make a case,

What good does it do
to let the wife and kid
know what a bum this guy is?


What's that?

What's that?
Your ass.

Yeah, right.

This is the g*n
that shot aljuan rayford.

Got your prints on it.

My fingerprints?


Just mine?

Lab checked it twice.

Here's where you are,

The g*nsh*t victim
picked you out,

You told us where
to find the camera

With some innocent kid
you beat up and threatened.

I didn't beat up

While we're there
getting the camera,

We find the g*n you used
in the sh**ting

With your greasy prints
all over it.

Orlando, thank god,
the guy you shot
wasn't hurt too badly.

Write up what you did
and show some remorse

And maybe we can keep this
from being too major.

I ain't
gotta do that.

I could just
shut the hell up.

That's right.
That's the 20‐year plan.

You'll get out in time
to be fitted for dentures.

The plan was
to jack aljuan,

Get some change
for his camera.

He puts up a fight,
starts hitting us.

What was I supposed
to do, huh?

Let him take my g*n?

Write that down, orlando.

Let's get the ball rolling
in the right direction.

You know what I got
remorse about?

Letting deck
talk me into taking

That bus trip down
to atlantic city.

I lost all my loot
sh**ting craps.

New millennium's
looking great.


"You got this."

Little time goes by,
he lets his guard down...

Maybe make a mistake.

Give me a couple
of minutes start.

Excuse me, andy.

Hey, greg. What
happened with abby?

False alarm.

You got any juice
in tarrytown?

Know any cops?

I gotta get my coat.

Took a moving‐violation
collar near tarrytown.

Was that you on patrol

Transmitting salacious
messages around 3:00?

Wasn't me.

'Cause it sounded to me
like your voice.

Excuse us.


You already auditioning
for your second‐string bang?

If this is a conversation,
I want mike shannon.

No. This is
a message delivery.

You'd need the kind of
deep roots in this house

An assh*le like you
don't develop

Not to do a lot better
putting in for transfer.

Why would that be,

'Cause your half a chance
of beating this goes down
very considerable

If I gotta look
at your mug every day.

I gotta look at your mug,
that's an ongoing aggravation

Which might even get me
where I discover evidence
that don't exist.

Yeah. You look like
the kind of guy

Who'd flake someone out
you couldn't catch legit.

Hey, assh*le,
legit don't enter in.

There's guilty
and didn't do it.

You are guilty.

Don't make me look at you.

Put your finger down,
old man.

I'll put it right down
your throat,

And I'll get a little older
finding how far my fist
goes after it.

Should we do that now? Hmm?



What? What?
I don't know what.

I know I had a plan
going in there.

I don't know
what I got coming out.


You know, I may just take
your advice, sipowicz.

Free country,
and I'm free in it.

I can pretty much
do what I want.

And that's what's gonna
get you caught, tommy.

Too much freedom
and you needing
a style behind it.

That's what's gonna
get you caught.

[Door opens]

Where have you been?

Walking. Thinking
about a case.


What's the matter?

Your doctor called.

Did he leave
his number?

What are you doing?

This guy talked to you?

And isn't
that terrible, andy?

That he would try to
find someone who would
act like an adult?

Who would actually
face his problem?

This meddling
son of a bitch‐‐

Just shut up
about the doctor!

Will you lower
your voice?

I am not helping
you hide.

If you want to hide,
you get out!

No one's hiding. I'm not
letting someone cut me up.

Like with a butcher
knife, you mean?

Like just taking
random slices, andy?

You have a tumor!

And it needs
to be taken out!

You have
a 17‐month‐old child!

Don't be too frightened
to fight, please.

He wants to run
some scan test.

See if it's spread
all through me.

If it has, then we
will deal with it.

And maybe it hasn't.

But knowing
isn't the enemy, andy.

Not to be with you...

Not to see the baby grow...

This is what's
painful to me.

Then be with us.


going to be ok.
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