03x07 - All the Scared Rabbits

Episode transcripts for the TV show "The Fugitive". Aired: September 17, 1963 – August 29, 1967.*
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Dr. Richard is wrongly convicted for a m*rder he didn't commit, escapes custody and ends up in a game of cat-and-mouse with the real k*ller.
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03x07 - All the Scared Rabbits

Post by bunniefuu »

Go cover the rear door, Hank.


A QM Production.

Starring David Janssen
as Dr. Richard Kimble.

An innocent victim
of blind justice,

falsely convicted for
the m*rder of his wife,

reprieved by fate when
a train wreck freed him

en route to the death house.

Freed him to hide
in lonely desperation,

to change his identity,
to toil at many jobs.

Freed him to search
for a one-armed man

he saw leave the
scene of the crime.

Freed him to run before
the relentless pursuit

of the police lieutenant
obsessed with his capture.

The guest stars
in tonight's story:

Suzanne Pleshette,
R.G. Armstrong.

The ad in the newspaper reads:

"Wanted: someone to drive."

For a fugitive
anxious to move on,

it is apparently
an ideal answer.



Yes, yes, I'm calling San Diego.

So it's a long
distance call. Big deal.


Yeah, yeah, this is me.

Well, I'm all packed
and I'll leave tonight

if I can land a driver.

Oh, Aunt Clara, don't worry,

he wouldn't call the police.

Well, look, there's someone
knocking at the door.

Now listen, if Dean calls you,

you haven't heard from
me in months. You...

Yeah, well, I...

I have to go. I'll
see you soon. Bye.

Uh, Mrs. Franklyn?


I... I beg your pardon.

Uh, the ex-Mrs. Franklyn.

Well, you here about the ad?

Yes, I...

How much do you weigh?

Uh, well, I haven't
weighed myself lately. I...

Come in.

Come in.

Would you sit on that for me?

Oh, well, uh...

Is it all right if I
just push it down?

Ha-ha. I didn't think of that.

I'm kind of new at
this interviewing thing.

Um, you do drive, don't you?

Everything from a
ten-ton truck to a bulldozer.

Oh, well, you're in
for a new experience.

Meet Baby.

Well, it's a '53.

A little long in the tooth
but it is in good condition.

My husband never
drove it over 40.

He's the original little
old lady from Pasadena.

You know, you have, uh,

2,000 miles and
a couple of deserts

to get across before
you reach California.

What can I do? It's
the only car I've got.

Well, if it's in that bad a
condition why don't you sell it

and buy a train ticket?

I know I'm talking
myself out of a job...

I spent a lifetime
building a solid reputation

for never doing the wise thing.

Who are you?

My name is Joe Taft.

"My name is Joe Taft."

That sounds like a TV show,
where two of the guys are lying.

Mrs. Franklyn... Now look,

if we're gonna be car buddies,

why don't you call me Peggy?

Can you be packed
and back by 2:00?

Well, I could, yes... Uh...

Incidentally, uh...

We're picking up
another passenger.

Your ad didn't say anything
about another passenger.

Oh, I have a hunch you'll
like this other passenger.

Tell you what, I'll
make a deal with you.

You don't ask me any questions,

and I won't ask
you any questions.


Mr. My-Name-is-Joe-Taft.

Oh, your hair looks so pretty.

Why don't you just carry it?


Now, I want you to be
sure and be a good girl.

Remember, your mommy
hasn't been well lately.

I know she hasn't.


Have a good time.

Okay, Ann.

Bye. Bye.

Well, have you made
any plans for the weekend?

Oh. You ought to
know better than that.

You better than anybody.
Except maybe for Daddy.

Except for Daddy.

You still jealous?

He's dead now, you know.

De mortuis rex.


And long live
his little princess.

Now, if only you had tried to
make me your little princess.

Can't you ever be serious?

The trouble with you is
you spend too much time

with your guinea pigs, and
they're a very grim bunch.

Everything's a joke
with you, isn't it?

I'm sorry, it's a curse.

I'll get Nancy.

Dean. Yes?

Why did you take
her away from me?

I didn't take her away.

You relinquished
custody voluntarily.

Well, you must admit
you were pretty persuasive.

I was in a position to
give Nancy a good home.

Look, Peg, we've been
through this a dozen times.

The court made its decision.

You can visit as
much as you want,

but I retain custody.

Ann's having another child.

How many do you need?

That'll make it nice for Nancy.

Dean, I'm all alone
since Papa died.

I know that and I'm
sorry. I really am.

But we've got to think of Nancy.

She's happy now. Ann loves her.

She isn't Ann's
child. She's mine.

I may as well be blunt with you.

I was not particularly
anxious to let you have Nancy,

even for the weekend.

It was Ann who persuaded me.


Well, that's very
generous of her.

Thank her for me, will you?

I'm sorry to cut this short, but
I've gotta get back to the lab.

Yes, well, I appreciate
your staying away this long.


Oh, there you are.


Take good care of her.

Is anything wrong?

It's leaking oil.

Oh, Joe, I'd like you to
meet my daughter Nancy.

Nancy, this is Mr. Taft.

Hello, Nancy. Hi.

Would you like to sit
in the front seat with us

or would you rather sit in
the back with the luggage?

In back. She's anti-social.

Takes after her old man.

We'd better start
looking for a place to stay.

You pick it. I'm not fussy.

You tired, darling?


What have you got there?


Under your arm.


Just my bunny.

Where did you get it?

From my bag.

Does Daddy know you took it?

Uh-huh. He gave him to me.

Are you sure?

For Easter.

He's an Easter bunny.


Well, you shouldn't
have brought it.

It's going to make a mess.

Please, Mommy.

He's so soft and cuddly.

Might be a good idea.

Keep her occupied on the trip.

Oh. You going to spring
for a new set of seat covers?

I'll buy a cage in the morning.

Please, Mommy?

Okay, you win.

One more mouth to feed.
What's the difference?



Dean? What is it?

Was any one here
from the university?

Were, uh, any specimens removed?

No, what's wrong?

Well, there's a rabbit missing.

Well, the latch might
have been loose.

It must be around
here somewhere.

No, no, it isn't. I've looked.

Dean, you didn't leave
without locking the door?

Only for the few minutes
while Peggy was here...


She was upstairs
with you, wasn't she?

I mean, until it was
time for her to leave?

I'm not sure.

I sent her down.

I wasn't feeling well.

Well, couldn't you have
brought her down yourself?

You know I don't
like talking to Peggy.

Yes, I'm sorry.

Nobody home.

Dean, how bad is it?

Oh, that's a marvelous cage.

There, you in?


Well, I guess I can't
marry you after all.

Why not?

Because you'd spoil her rotten.

I guess I would.

Well, we sent out an all points.

License number,
description of the car,

child, your wife.

But that's about all
we can do for now.

Not one trace of them?

The uh... The landlady thinks

that, uh, Mrs. Franklyn
ran an ad for a driver.

We're checking into it now.

This, uh, "too-lair-em-ic"?

One of the most deadly
types of meningitis.

It was almost always fatal.

Still is without
quick treatment.

We'll put it in
the press release.

If it isn't too late already.

Hi, mind some company?

No, sit down.

How's Nancy?

Oh, she's sleeping like a top,

whatever that means.

Oh, I'll have one
of those, whatever.

Scotch and water.

Why did you answer that ad?

Why didn't you drive yourself?

Answering questions
with questions.

Sounds like my psychiatrist.

Besides, I asked you first.

I wanted to get to California.
I didn't have bus fare.

Simple enough.

I didn't drive myself
because I can't drive.

Even simpler.

You know what?

You don't figure for a man
who wouldn't have the fare.

You don't figure like
a girl who can't drive.


You're dangerous to talk to.

Are you dangerous?

No, I'm not dangerous.

Are you running from something?


Well, you ask a
foolish question,

you get a foolish answer.

It's just that...
Well, I'm a runner,

and it takes one to know one.

Here's to all the scared
rabbits on the run.

My child chose
the right pet, huh?

You wanna know
why I can't drive?

Checkout time isn't
until noon tomorrow.

Then I shall begin
at the beginning.

I guess the big trouble
was that I wanted Dean,

that's my husband,
to be more like Papa.

To pick me up and
kiss me when I fell down.

And he, well...

Well, he wanted me to take over,

organize the outside world

so he could spend
more time in his lab.

He's a pathologist. Nobel
Prize is just around the corner.

Well, I wouldn't
give up my dolls,

and he wouldn't give
up his guinea pigs.

So we got a divorce.

A couple of months later
I was in a car with Papa.

There was a big accident.

Papa nearly died.

I'm sorry.

Oh, I wasn't.

I got to spend all
my time nursing him.

And then Dean came and...

Well, we both agreed it
wasn't a proper place for a child.

And he said he was
gonna marry Ann

and what a wonderful
home they could make

and it was a question
of the child's welfare,

and there we are.

You don't have custody?

On weekends two
weeks a year. That's now.


a couple of months
later Papa died,

and I couldn't play
nursie anymore

so I did the natural thing.

I had a nervous breakdown.

Then I...

I recovered and I
started looking for myself,

and I found that I was all alone

in an apartment
with strange furniture,

all alone.

And I couldn't drive.

Well, they explained
that I was blaming the car

for everything that happened

and that it was all
very foolish, but...

Well, every time I get behind
the wheel I get the shakes.


I guess you got
yourself mixed up

with some kind of nut, huh?

I'll walk you home.

Joe? Yeah?

Would you do me a favor?

That depends.

Would you kiss me?

You didn't owe me that much.

Was that for her? Who?

She's a lucky girl,
whoever she is.

Goodnight, Joe.

Tip just came in
from Council Bluffs,

but that was yesterday morning.

You know, the pet shop owner
must only use his newspapers

for bird cages.

At least it checks out
with that ad she ran.

Council Bluffs is on
the way to California.

Oh. Yeah, but
we're a day behind.

No telling where they are now.

Especially if they
alternate at the wheel.

No, my... Ahem.

Mrs. Franklyn doesn't drive.

Oh, I see. Well, that'll
make it a little easier.

Should be past McCook by now.

Are you sure you don't know

where in California
she might be going?

I told them all that before.

She went to school in Berkeley.

She lived in San Francisco,
has an aunt in San Diego,

and dozens of
friends in Los Angeles.

Well, I wouldn't worry
about it, Dr. Franklyn.

The pet shop owner

said that the kid and
the rabbit seemed okay.

We could pick
them up at any time.

If they stay on Route 6.

The Colorado police
are keeping in touch.

Say, just in case
they head south,

maybe you'd better clue
in the Kansas authorities.

Texas and Oklahoma too.

Make and year of
car, Iowa license plate,

uh, double seven, 11, 54, 93.

I'm gonna cash a check.

I got some business
to take care of.


Oh, hi. Can I help you?

Yeah. A chocolate cone, please.

Double or single?


Anything else?

No, that'll be all.

Thank you.

Howdy, Mona.

Hi, Frank. Coffee?

Oh, make it something cool.

Paper come in yet?

Yeah, it's right over there.

Come on, Nancy.

Now, I sure hate
to disturb anybody

enjoying themself so much,

but you were sitting smack
on my baseball scores.

Those Astros, they
got 12 hits to seven

they still lose the ball game.


Let's get going.

Be careful with
your ice cream cone.

Don't make a mess
in the car, huh?

Hey, Mona.

Fellow that was just in
here with that little girl,

what name did he call her by?


That's what I thought.

This is Frank Brill, Dalhart,
calling headquarters.

Come in headquarters.

Sounds like you folks
have got troubles.

Well, try not to sound
so happy about it.

Well, we all gotta
make a living, lady.

Well, that's one thing you
don't have to worry about.

Getting picked up for speeding.

Well, what's the diagnosis?


Well, now, that's...
That's hard to tell, doctor.

Sounds like it's
in the crankcase

but it could be anything.

I'm hot, Mommy.

Oh, darling, so are we all.

Come on, we'll get
some water, hm?

Looks like we got problems, doc.

Way I diagnose it,

your radiator needs
immediate surgery

and we got a lot
of complications

in the transmission.

How long is it
gonna take to fix it?

Oh, couple of days, with luck.

I have to go back to school.



Oh, she's only making it up.
She doesn't go to school yet.

Yes, I do. Every day.

You know, that's the
trouble with most marriages.

Nobody talks to each other.

Uh, you say it'll be a
couple of days, huh?

Yeah, if we can
locate the parts.

It's a pretty old
model you got there.

Depends on what the
junkyards have in stock.

Uh, well, couldn't
you patch it up?

We don't care if it falls apart
once we get to California.

No, you'd never make
it through the desert.

Tell you what.

Sometimes I buy some
of these old junkers

and fix them up myself.

Now, see that one over there?

She'll get you to
California and then some.

How much? Ohh.

That broken-down old
heap and $150 in cash.

A hundred and fifty dollars?

Well, make it a hundred.
That's my bottom offer.

Boy, that must
be a big accident.

Now, you folks are gonna
have to make up your mind.

I wanna hustle on down
there with the wrecker.

All right.

Okey-doke. I'll get the papers.

I'll get the luggage.

How many days is California?

Oh, a couple of days.

Then maybe Daddy won't get mad.

Well, why would Daddy get mad?

About the bunny.

Well, it's your bunny, isn't it?

Uh-huh, but Daddy
doesn't know I have him.


Something wrong?


Sometimes mothers have to
yell at their children, that's all.

Well, let's see if it works.

It works. We'll have
music wherever we go.

Ugh. Not that I ever
regarded that as music.

Why didn't you tell me?

I didn't think you
were interested.

Would you like to hear my
internationally famous lecture

on music as a popular art?

Why didn't you tell
me about Nancy?

What about her?

Any child that has to
go to school on Monday

doesn't start out for
California on Friday.

Well, she'll have
a long weekend.

What's the difference?

The difference
is it's kidnapping.

Oh, they know I have her.

Dean wouldn't call
out the Marines.

He's much more
civilized than that.

He'll just file a law suit or
something equally stuffy.

When we stop tonight,

you'll have to get
yourself another driver.

I see.


Well, thanks, sheriff.

If you get anything
further, let us know.

Right. Thank you.

They were definitely
spotted west of Dalhart.

It's just a question
of time, doctor.

And we know they're
still heading west.

We knew that before.

Jay, get in touch with the
New Mexico Highway Patrol

and ask them to set up
roadblocks at Tucumcari.

Right. Tucumcari?

It figures they'll
pick up 66 there.

I want Santa Fe.

A car that old can't
do much over 60.

That should give us time.

My daughter hasn't
got that much time.

We're doing all we can, doctor.

How far is it to the next town?

Fifteen or 20 miles.

You might as well
leave us off there.

If you want.

It's not what I want.

All right. I'll take
you to Albuquerque.

We should get
there about 6, 6:30.

You'll be able to
hire someone there.


Nancy asleep?


I don't know how she
does it in this heat.

Boy, my daughter
picked some pet.

This rabbit doesn't move.

It doesn't eat.

What's the matter,
bunny? You all alone too?

Joe, it's dead!

Let's see.

What is it?

I don't know.

Isn't there some
disease that rabbits get?


They call it rabbit fever.

I'd better bury it.

Why bother? Why don't
you just throw it away?

Because there are
other animals out there.

And people.



Baby, wake up.

And how do you feel, hm?

I'm hot.

Oh, I know, I know.
Anything else?

I just feel sort of sick.


My neck. My head.



What is it?

Nancy, She's
burning up with fever.

She said her head
hurts and her neck too.



I think Nancy took that
rabbit from my husband's lab.

What do you mean, you think?

Well, I mean, I know.

Dean didn't give it
to her. She just took it.

What could the rabbit
have been injected with?


What was your
husband working on?

I don't know.

You said he was a
research pathologist.

Now, what's his specialty?

Meningitis. Me...

Joe, I can't take her back.

She's all I've got.
Close that door.

When did she tell you
she stole the rabbit?

At the gas station.

That was hours ago.

We could have stopped
half a dozen places by now.

We're not sure
that's what's wrong.

That's what you'd
like to believe.


You're not even as
grown up as she is.

Nancy wants a rabbit,
she takes a rabbit.

You want Nancy, you take her.

I need her. And
you're just guessing.

The rabbit's dead.
That's not guessing.

The child has a fever,
headache, stiffness.

All symptoms of meningitis.

You better pray that
this jalopy holds together.

Where are you taking her?

To a hospital. To a doctor.

You're a doctor.

Well, even if I used to be, I...

I can't get the dr*gs she needs.

Yes, baby.

Where's my bunny?

Bunny is tired. It's sleeping.

I'm sleepy too.

Please hurry.

Oh, Mrs. Franklyn and
Dr. Franklyn. Please sit down.

Any news, lieutenant?

Well, I think we got
some encouraging news.

The Texas police report
they've found the car.


At a gas station
west of Dalhart.

They traded with the
mechanic for another one.

That's encouraging?

Well, yeah, it explains

how they avoided that
roadblock at Tucumcari.

You see, with a new car they
were able to make better time.

Anyhow, we, uh, got a
pretty good description

of the car they
picked up and, uh,

we're pretty sure we
got them nailed down.

Are you that sure
of their route?

Well, yeah, about 15 minutes
ago we finally got through

to Mrs. Franklyn's
aunt in San Diego.

And, uh, when we told
her about the rabbit,

she admitted she expected
her in a couple of days.

So if this new car
is averaging, uh,

65 or 70, we figure
them around, uh,

Santa Rosa.

You see, every law
enforcement agency

along the route's been notified.

Santa Rosa, San
Ignacio, Dos Palos, Palma.

There's no way they can
get by without being spotted.

None at all.

We have to see the doctor.

Come right in, but I'm
afraid he's out on a call.

When will he be back?

Figures close to three
hours at the very least.

Well, can't you
reach him by phone?

Wish I could.

There's no telephone
lines out to the reservation.

Well, how did they
get through to him?

Didn't nobody call him, Miss...?

Uh, Franklyn.

Miss Franklyn.

Pete Black Cloud
came to fetch the doctor.

His wife was hemorrhaging.

Is there any other
doctor around?

Not in a hundred miles.

Mr. Franklyn, there's
hardly enough here

to keep one doctor alive.

Does Dr. White keep any any
antibiotics or dr*gs on hand?

None, except what
he carries in his bag.

No need to keep
stuff in the office.

Bob Hawkins' drug store

is only down the
road a bit in Dos Palos.

Well, can we call him?

Not without a prescription.

Bob came near losing his
license last time that happened.

Besides, he'd be closed by now.

Mrs. White, this
child's in a coma.

If she doesn't get help and
get it soon, she could die.

That's something like
what they told Bob last time.

Knowing him like I do,
I'd say there's no chance.

But he's just got to help us.

Just a minute.

You stay here and
help Mrs. White.

Try to make Nancy as
comfortable as possible.

I'll be right back.

Seen anything yet, Hank?

Well, Lyle Whitcomb's
boy fell off his bicycle

and skinned his arm.

A couple of cars went by
out there and that's about it.

What cars?

Nothing to match
the description I got.

Matt, I was, uh...

I was wondering if
you really needed, uh...

I was wondering how bad you
needed me tonight, because, uh,

I promised Ginny I'd
take her to that movie

over in Santa Rosa tonight.

Now, who was it came to me

and told me I could deputize
him anytime I had need?

I know, but that was before
I was going with Ginny.

Well, you're only
going with her now

because she's impressed
with your being a deputy.

Well, I know it, but...
Matt, the car there.

Go cover the rear door, Hank.


Oh, it's all right, baby.
Yes, yes, it's all right.

Just lie down.

That's it. Thank you.

What is keeping him?

You sure you never been in
this part of the country before?


Then I guess I've seen
your picture somewhere.

I don't think so.

I guess it must be on
one of them posters

I keep getting in the mail.

This car go any faster?

Take it easy, we'll get there.

It's just that I'm
trying to place you.

That's not important.
The important thing is

there's a child that's
contacted meningitis.

She needs these dr*gs.

Now, he must be hitting
70 right now, Mr., uh, Taft.

What kind of dr*gs
are those, Mr. Taft?

Penicillin, chloramphenicol.

Hank, call in to Albuquerque

and give them a
description of Mr. Taft here.

And you better phone
that lieutenant in Iowa City

and let them know we found them.


Thank heavens. I was afraid
something had happened to you.

Pulse is up.

Fever's increased.

I tell you, Mr. Taft, every
time you open your mouth

you sound more like a doctor.

I was a medic in Korea.

Have much meningitis there?

Some. It's highly contagious.

So it's said.

Tularemic meningitis.


It's what we were afraid of.

If I'm gonna do her any good,
I can't waste any more time.

Learn that in Korea?

Matt, I'm to tell Mrs. Franklyn

that the girl's father's
on his way here now.

What about Taft here?

I need more information before
they can run a make on him.

But that's not important now.

How do we know he won't do
something to make it worse?

I don't think any of us here
can take that responsibility.

I can. I'm her mother.

Not legally.

Read all about it in the papers.

If you don't let him help her,
that's the same as m*rder.


That's a mighty harsh
word, don't you think so?

Not always.

Of course, if you were a doctor,

I'd have a little
more information

to feed them at headquarters.

After all, there can't be
that many doctors on the run,

can there, Mr. Taft?

No, I suppose not.

Anyhow, since
you ain't a doctor,

I got nothing to hold you on.

But on the other hand,

I can't rightly let you
touch that youngster.

I'd only allow a real
doctor to help her.

I can help her.

Show me.

Mr. Taft?


How do you feel?


Good. Go back to sleep.

Thank God.

She gonna be all right?

So far.

She needs hospital
treatment as soon as possible.

We'll take care of it.

It's for you, Matt.
Albuquerque police.

Take it, will you, Hank?

I got a couple of kids
of my own, you know.

They never been
sick a day in their life.

Not really sick.

Matt, they want to know

if we've got any more
information on Taft.

Not a thing.

But, Matt... Not a thing.

I left a record for your husband

of the dr*gs I administered.


They're, uh,

gonna send a man
down here anyway.

Don't you want me to tell
them that he's a doctor?

A doctor? Do you
think he's a doctor?


The way he handled that hypo,

I wouldn't even let him
treat my mother-in-law.

Well, I thought he
handled it real good.

Hank, sometimes I
wonder about you.

Now, you heard what
he said to the little girl.

"How you feeling?"

Now, you know as well as I
do, no doctor talks that way.

A doctor would say,

"Well, well, well,
how are we today?"

With doctors it's always "we."

I tell you, Hank, uh,

I don't rightly see how
I can keep a deputy on

who'd think that
man was a doctor.

Yeah, well, guess
I made a mistake.

There's a bus comes
through Dos Palos

in about three-quarters
of an hour.

If you get out in the
middle of the street

and do a little waving,
it might stop for you.

It'd be better than traveling
in all that heat tomorrow.

Sounds like a good idea.

You can take the car. I...

I'll drive in with you.

I, uh, want to thank you.

What for?

Anybody around here could
have told you about that bus.

You are running, aren't you?

I guess I don't
hide it very well.

And you are a doctor.


Would you do me a favor?

Well, that depends.

Would you kiss me?

Well, you do that well too.

What will you do now?


make sure Nancy gets
safely back to the cool,

intelligent arms of her father.

Say goodbye for me?

She likes you.

Well, I like her.

So does her mother.

Uh, how is her mother
going to get back now?

Well, if I remember correctly,

uh, first I turn
on the ignition,

and then I put the car in gear.

You'll do all right.

Well, you don't expect me
to be able to regain custody

if the judge finds out I can't
drive Nancy to the doctor.

Have a nice trip.

You too.

For a few moments,

Richard Kimble
became a doctor again,

and memories were
stirred of another time.

And another world.

But this is now.

And he is again a fugitive,

searching for the
end of a perilous road.
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