06x21 - Insult to Injury

Episode transcripts for the TV show "Home Improvement". Aired: September 17, 1991 - May 25, 1999.*
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Tim the "toolman" and his wife Jill raise 3 children with the wise neighbor Wilson.
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06x21 - Insult to Injury

Post by bunniefuu »

Thank you for putting
this food on our table.

Most of all, for allowing us
to share this time together.

- Amen.
- [all] Amen.

- l'll turn on the TV.
- Turn it up loud.

Freeze! Nobody's watching any TV
during dinner tonight. Sit down.

We are going to spend minutes
just talking to each other.

Twenty consecutive minutes?

We're having a peaceful
dinner together.

- With no telephone and no TV.
- What about watching...

Those are the rules,
effective immediately.

Bulls are playing the Pistons.

Effective immediately starting
tomorrow night.

Forget it. Brad,
put your napkin in your lap.

Pass the meat.
Don't stick your finger in the gravy.

Let's go around the table
and find out how everybody's doing.

- Put something green on your plate.
- l did. lt's the meatloaf.

Very funny. Now, Brad,
what's going on with you?

- Nothing.
- Randy?

- Nothing.
- [Jill] Mark?

l could use
some more spending money.

Forget about it, please.

Guys, come on, there must be
something you want to share,

something you're looking forward to.

l'm looking forward to
the air show next Sunday.

Nothing better than a father and son

sucking on corn dogs and
breathing toxic jet fumes. Yeah!

Gosh, Dad, you make it
sound so appealing.

Don't knock it.

Your father and Mark
look forward every year

to sucking up
those toxic fumes together.

This year the Blue Angels
are performing.

You guys remember when they let me
ride in the back of the airplane?

Yeah, they'll never forget it.
They spent a week hosing it out.

You know what l read this year?

They're going to bring an
F- to simulate a b*mb run.

Are they dropping the
Mark s or the Mavericks?

- Both.
- Alright.

lsn't this great?

Having a conversation
just like a family.

Yeah, nothing brings a family together
like b*mb talk.

[theme song]

Tim! Tim, big news.

Your mom's bunions
are inflamed again?

Yes, but that's not
what l was going to tell you.

We just got a call from
the National Homebuilders Society.

l paid that fine.

That's not why
they want to talk to you.

You know that award that they give?

Consecutive appearances
on a home renovation show.

- Bob Vila's held that for years.
- Not anymore.

Tomorrow you, Tim Taylor,
become the new tool show king!

- No! Me?
- Yes. Yes!

- Serious? You sure?
- Yes!

- Get out!
- No!

Wow, Al!

Never in my wildest dreams
did l believe l could break his record.

- l believed in you.
- Yeah?

Oh, yeah. The minute l met you,
l knew you could break anything.

Welcome back to Tool Time.

Today we're going to talk about
vises in the workshop.

Simple. Just don't drink or gamble
when you use the bench grinder.

We're talking about bench vises.

Before we get to that,
l have a big announcement.

On tomorrow's show,
l will break the record

for consecutive appearances on a home
remodeling show. How about that, huh?

[audience cheers]

Well, l thought we were going
to wait till the end of the show

to surprise our audience
with this information.

But since Tim can't wait,

Heidi and l have a little Tool Time
surprise for you. Klaus?

[band plays music]

[audience laughs]

l love surprises.

Well, Tim, we've arranged
for you to go

to a beautiful home
in downtown Wixom,

where we will be asphalting a driveway!

Oh, l love asphalt.

But wait. There's more.
Heidi, come on down.

And to lay that asphalt,

you'll be riding this big,
beautiful five-ton steamroller.

[audience] Ooh!

- Don't toy with me.
- This roller is no toy.

lt's got a -horsepower
diesel engine,

hydrostatic transmission,

and a top cruising speed
of five miles an hour.

And this is all for...

[Heidi and audience chanting]
Tim, Tim, Tim.

[Al] That's right.
This is all for Tim Taylor,

the king... of... tool shows!

l'd like to thank everyone
for this award.

Especially Al and Heidi and l...

- [woman screams]
- Whoa!

- Oh!
- Are you alright?

l usually scream when l'm alright.
No, l'm not all right!

The X-ray shows a grade three
achromio-clavicular separation.

Give it to me straight, Doc.
How long do l got?

Fifty, sixty years, tops.

You separated your shoulder.
lt can easily be corrected with surgery.

- Oh, honey. Are you in a lot of pain?
- Probably.

l'll let you know after
those big blue pills wear off.

- How long does he have to be here?
- Operate today, keep him here tomorrow,

- go home Saturday morning.
- Saturday... oh!

- He's has an air show to go to Sunday.
- Can l go to?

lf you rest up and, uh,
you don't try to pick up a plane.

Good, that's great.

- Alright, then.
- Wait a minute.

[exhales] There's a little problem
with me staying here tomorrow.

- What's that?
- No can do.

l'm breaking Vila's record
on Tool Time tomorrow.

What's Tool Time?

Now you'll tell me
you don't know who Bob Vila is.

No, l know who Bob Vila is.

lt's just a stupid record. The permanent
use of your arms is more important.

- There's a solution here. l've got it.
- Listen to the doctor.

No, we'll just do Tool Time here.

Bring the steamroller here.
Your wheelchair ramps need repaving.

- You can't work the day after surgery.
- lt's out of the question.

How can you even think of doing
a TV show when you're injured?

You really haven't seen his show.

[Doctor] lt'll be a minute
before we put you under.

You should feel relaxed
from the sedative.

l feel like a million bucks.

[man] Poor Tool Man. Damn shame
he couldn't break Bob Vila's record.

Record... he can't even sing.
He's got no record.

- He's ready for the anesthetic.
- Tim...

...l want you to start
counting down from

One hundred...

- [machines beeping]
- ...ninety-nine...


On behalf of the
National Homebuilders Society,

it's my great pleasure
to present this award

to the greatest tool man
who ever lived.

You are the tool king.

Congratulations, Mr. Vila.

...And you're the prettiest nurse
in Dialysis, Becky...

No, l mean it.

l'll see you Saturday night.
Yeah, love you.

- [imitates machine beep]
- [Doctor] l gotta go.

- Gotcha, huh?
- Yeah.

So, how are you
feeling this afternoon?

You know, l am feeling just fine.

As a matter of fact,
why don't l just get up?

- [groans]
- Mr. Taylor, you can't go to work.

You need to rest.
l'll be back to check on you later.

[Tim thinking] I don't need rest.
I feel great. I'm the Tool Man.

A separated shoulder shouldn't stop me.

Heck, I once did a show with
three broken ribs and my hair on fire!

Well, that was easy.
Now, I'll just go to the location,

break Villa's record
and come right back.


Mental note, lifting is bad.

Mental note, next time wear sandals.

[imitates woman] H-H-Hi.

Could you please page Dr. Knell?

Tell him that Becky wants
to see him in Dialysis.

Yeah. l've got some sort of cold, yes.
Thank you. Bye-bye.

[woman on P.A.] Dr. Knell, report to
Becky in Dialysis immediately.

[woman screams]

Enjoy your sponge bath, ma'am.

Brad, Randy, Mark, we're heading
to the hospital to see Dad.

l'll bring his Blue
Angels sweatshirt.

Something he has to pull over his head.

Thoughtful gift for a guy
who just had shoulder surgery.

l'll help him put it on.

l'm calling him,
tell him we're coming.

lnstead of those boring family dinners,
we can all get together and dress Dad.

- Yeah! And tomorrow, the family bath.
- There we go!

Very funny. There's no answer.

He was pretty wiped out after the
surgery. He's probably still sleeping.

Let's go wake him up as a family.

Welcome back to Tool Time.

We're on location at the Phelps home
putting in an asphalt driveway.

Our loop man has spread the asphalt,

which is at the proper temperature
for smoothing, degrees.

We've ironed out the edges of...

- Hi, Al. Hi, Heidi.
- Hi.

Hi, Gary.

This is Gary Phelps.
He is the little tyke that lives here.

Where's the Tool Man?

Well, as l already
explained to our audience,

he's in the hospital with a boo-boo.

A boo-boo?

What do l look like?
A three-year-old?

He wasn't released.
Nobody's seen him.

Maybe we should check the psycho ward.

That was the first place l looked.

The suitcase is here,
but there's no clothes in it.

So... he got dressed and left, and...

...oh, no.

[Al] OK, we're ready for our final step.

We'll be using this steamroller
to smooth out our asphalt.

You want to be careful when using...

Thank you. Thanks, thanks.
Guys! Wait, wait, wait!

Hi, everybody!

- What are you doing?
- l made it!

l made it! l made it! l made it!
[stammers] Which means,

- l beat Bob Vila's record!
- [cheering]

Um... and on this auspicious occasion
l'd like to say to Mr. Bob Vila...

...[taunting, repeating]

Tim, shouldn't you be in the hospital?

Yes, he should.

This is one good-looking steamroller.

l think it actually looks
better in person.

- He wouldn't.
- He couldn't.

He's Dad.

lt looks like it's
all ready to go, Al.

With your shoulder,
l don't think you should drive this.

This is my record-breaking show, Al.
Come on!

l'm serious. You shouldn't be
anywhere near this machine.

Well, let's ask the guy in charge, OK?

Tim, what do you think we oughta do?
l say go for it.

- ls it over yet?
- [Tim] Remove this cumbersome thing.

- [engine starts]
- Be careful with the control lever.

- This control lever here?
- Yes, it's very very sensitive.

Don't go too fast
and crash into the garage.

l can't stop! Look out!
We're gonna hit the garage door! Ahh!

What do you know, he didn't crash.

No. And he didn't break anything.

Except Bob Vila's record!

[crew cheers]

Alright. Well, congratulations, Tim.

Now, why don't you get down so l can
finish the job?

l'll just back it
back into position for you.

- Alright.
- [steamroller beeps]



l hear a little boy crying.

Please tell me
he didn't run over the little boy.

You smooshed my car,
you big stupidhead.

lt's gonna be all right, kid.
Look. Well...

- [crying]
- lt's alright.

Hey, l'll get you another one...
a better one.

[sniffles] That was my favorite car.

Come on! Come on, hey! We're on TV.
And nobody likes a crybaby, right?

You know, it's situations like
this that tend to make a kid stronger.

l remember a slogan, ''lnto everyone's
life some rain must fall.''

Right, folks? Right?

Boy, that's a big shadow!
ls your Dad home?

ls he standing right behind me?

He's a big man, isn't he?

ls he smiling?

There's an old saying. ''ln everyone's
life, a little rain must fall.''

Well, l hope you got
a big umbrella, buddy.


Looks like Dad's
putting on his own air show.


- [Tim screaming]
- [thud]

[ambulance siren]

This next surgery should go very well.

Now l know my way around.

Can l go to the air show on Sunday?

No. l'm afraid you
need to stay in the hospital.

Don't worry. We're stationing our top
security guard right outside the door.

- Man!
- Mark, l'm really sorry, buddy.

l really am.

Hey, l'll take you to the air show.

Forget it. l only wanted to go with Dad.

- Wait a second. Mark...
- Mark, he's trying to apologize to you.

Too late.

Brad, Randy... l gotta talk to your dad.

How could you?

That award was very important to me.

Evidently it's more important
than your son.

No, it's not.

This is the one thing
you and Mark do together every year.

l know. l don't know what came over me,
it's the medication, l think.

l heard voices.

One of them said,
''Go. You know, beat that record.''

And the other one said,
''Don't forget your pants.''

Well, here's a third voice for you,
''You let down your son,

and he's completely devastated.''

This day couldn't get any worse.

Ready for your enema?

l'm having shoulder surgery.
ls that really necessary?

No, but l'm trying to break
Dr. Sokel's record

for the most consecutive enemas
in one day.

l'm kidding!

l forgot my chart.

He's ready for the anesthetic.

Tim, start counting down from .

[mumbling] Right...
let's see... one hundred...



Well, hi-ho, good patient.

- Hi, Wilson.
- [Wilson] Hi.

- l didn't know you were a surgeon.
- l'm not. l volunteer at the gift shop.

But, today they're letting me cut!

So, what are we working on today?
Gall bladder, circumcision?

Oh, no, no. lt's a shoulder...
a shoulder problem.

Probably could use
a new brain though today.

A brain transplant?
Oh, boy! That sounds like fun!

l was supposed to take Mark
to the air show tomorrow.

- l disappointed him.
- [Wilson] Mmm.

Thinking about myself.
l always think about myself.

That is exactly who
you should be thinking about.

Look out for number one,
l always say.

- You never say that.
- l've never done brain surgery either.


Wait a minute. This is a dream.
That's what this is.

Silly me. But, what am
l gonna do about Mark?

l don't know,
figure out something quick

because by the time l'm done, odds are
you're not gonna know who Mark is!

[cry of agony]

Oh, Tim, relax.
lt isn't like it's brain surgery.

Wait a second! lt is!

[maniacal laughter]

- [doorbell rings]
- Mark, will you get that?

Why not? l got nothing better
to do this weekend.

l'm looking for Mark Taylor.

Lieutenant Commander Gray, number
three pilot, U.S. Navy Blue Angels.

Ohh... um... l'm Mark Taylor.

Hey, Mom. There's a Blue Angel
at the door.

Oh, yeah, sure. And the
tooth fairy's in the microwave.

- Can l help you?
- Mrs. Taylor, Lt. Commander Gray.

- Your husband asked me to stop by.
- Please come in.

Brad and Randy,
it's Lieutenant Commander Gray.

- Brad. Randy.
- Nice to meet you.

Tim called and said he was sorry
he couldn't take Mark to the air show.

But l thought maybe he'd like
to come as our guest.

- Well, what do you think about that?
- This is amazing!

- Your Dad's a pretty amazing guy.
- Yeah. We're very fond of the Tool Man.

Especially when he's, uh...
nowhere near our aircraft.

Cool. You get to
hang out with the Blue Angels.

l just thought of something.

How about l pick you up at : ?
You can ride up front in my jeep.

Ohh! You're on!
l gotta call my dad at the hospital.

Speed dial six.

So long, Mrs. Taylor. Maybe we can
get you to an air show someday.

- Thank you. l'd love that.
- [Brad] Nice meeting you.

- See you, guys.
- Hello, Dad?

- Hi, Mark.
- [Mark] Hey...

...thank you so
much for the Blue Angel thing.

lt's the least l could do.
Next year we'll go together.

Alright, deal.
Know what the cool thing is?

- No idea.
- Lt. Cmdr. Gray is coming here...

- picking me up in his jeep.
- [Tim] Really?

- Thanks again, Dad. Bye.
- You're welcome.

Blue Angel's coming
to pick him up in his jeep?

[stammers] lt was a little loose.

So l decided to put it back
a little tighter.

Nurse, l need a number three scalpel.

Why use a scalpel,

when you can use
a Binford chain saw?

- Honey. l didn't know you were a nurse.
- l'm not.

l just love the shoes.

What are you guys operating on today?

- We're not doing the surgery.
- Mmm.

- Well, who is?
- Me, stupidhead!

Don't toy with me.

Oh, this roller is no toy.

lt's a -horsepower...

- Gee whiz!
- [clang]

This roller is no toy.
lt's a -horsepower,

diesel engine, static...

- [clang]
- This roller is no toy.

lt's a - diesel... Gosh darn it!

- [clang]
- This roller is no toy.

lt's got a -horsepower,
diesel engine,

static.. cling... ohh!
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