02x38 - A Little Sleep

Episode transcripts for the TV show "Alfred Hitchcock Presents". Aired: October 2, 1955 – June 26, 1965.*
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American anthology series featuring dramas, thrillers and mysteries.
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02x38 - A Little Sleep

Post by bunniefuu »

Good evening.

This is Alfred Hitchcock
speaking to you from
the bottom of the world.

I mention this so that
if snow should appear
on your screen,

you won't waste time
adjusting your set.


Man's best friend,
and a dog, too.

Even though I have
all the comforts of home,

I am afraid it is time
for our play,

and I wouldn't want
everyone to watch this
standing on his head.

Well, we seem
to have lost the dog,

but it's nice to feel
the blood rushing
to my feet again.

Ladies and gentlemen,
here, proper side up,
is our story,

"A Little Sleep."

Lover, you dance
like a gigolo.

Is that supposed
to be a compliment?

When it left me, it was.
When it reached you, no.

A horse's neck.

That's what I want.
Go mix me one, lover.

Oh, baby.

Let's dance.

After I get my drink.

You've had one
too many now.

Who told you to keep score?

All right,
don't make a scene.

Another and another
and another.

If I scream, every glass
in the house will shatter.
That wouldn't stop me.

Just drink out
of the bottle.

You wanna see me do it?
No. I'll get you a drink.

I really ought to
marry you, Chris.

You'd be such a good
influence on me.

I love you, Barbie.

You're my guy.

My drink, please?

All right, Harvey,
now stand on your head.

Feet up.

That's right.

Don't move.

If that drink is for me,
I accept with
profound gratitude.

It's for Barbie.
Have you seen her?

Certainly. I've been studying
her portrait all evening

Don't be funny.
Chris, my boy.

This painting
is the very essence
of Barbie Hallem.

No form or reason

except when viewed
through a veil of fever.

Then you begin
to get the meaning.

An idiot's delight.

A nightmare
run backwards.

A trauma
in three acts.

You don't know what
you're talking about.

Do you know
where she went?

Well, the powder room,
I believe.

Hiccups any better?

Fine. Just stay
right there

and you'll
be all right.

Champagne, please.

Don't move.

Don't just stand there, lover.
Bring me my drink.

I think I need
one myself.

I'm sure
I'm excused.


Now don't start
moralizing again.

Why do you
do this to me?

Why does anybody do anything?
I did it because I wanted to.

Are you in love
with him?

With Austin?
Don't be silly.
He's a bore.

I wonder how
he got all those
women to marry him.

I should've hit him.

Of course
you should have, pet.

You ought
to have fought
to a gory finish.

But you didn't.

This is flat.

The party's flat.
This whole bunch is flat.

Come home, Barbie.
Let me take you home.


I wanna go up
to the mountains.

To the mountains.
Any objections?

Men are much
more fascinating
in the mountains.

But it's : .

So what? I've got a cabin
up there someplace.
I wanna see it.

You've got a cabin?
Since when?

Uncle Alex
left it to me
in his will,


Wasn't that
quaint of him?

Well, wait a second.
I'll come with you.

I don't need you.
I've been in the
mountains before.



Barbie, either
you let me drive
or I'm getting out.

All right, get out.


Get out and walk home.

Let's go back.
It's too late
to be going anyplace.

Besides, you don't even
have a coat on.

I'm going up
to my cabin.

Here. Put this around you.

You'll catch cold.
Is that better?

All right.
Now you slide over
and I'll drive.

All right?

All right.


There should be
a motel nearby!

Well, wait a second.
I'll come with you.

I'll stop for you
on my way back.
Bye, Chris!

Thanks for the coat!

Black coffee.

That's all.
Just coffee.

What is it?
What's wrong?

With them?

They just come down
off the mountain.

They've been
up there all night
looking for a kid.


You didn't hear about it?

I just got here.

You driving through?

Then it don't matter.

How old is he?


The boy
they're looking for.

Benny? He's no boy.

At least not
in most ways.

He's old enough
to be accountable.

Accountable for what?

For what he did.

You don't wanna know
what he did, lady.
You'd have nightmares.

What are you laughing?

I wouldn't laugh.

Look, lady, I know your kind.
I saw you drive up in that
fancy car out there.

You got a lot of money
and nothing to do, huh?

Just like her.

Like who?

Like that girl.

What's with the Sheriff's men?
They've been in and out
all night.

Yes, I know.

I'm gonna stay.
Aren't you?

Does it matter?

Well, no.
I'm just kind of
passing time of day.

I'm going on
to the Hallem place.
You know where it is?


It's about or miles
down the road.

There isn't anybody
there, though.
The owner's dead.

The owner is me.


My uncle left it to me.

You better talk
to Ed Mungo about that.
He looks after the place.

Who's Ed Mungo?

He owns this cafe.
You was just
talking to him.

He wasn't
very friendly.

That's because of Benny.
They're brothers.

It was Ed who found her.
You mean the girl?

She was up near the last
cabin near the trees.
Her and that dog.

Did Benny hurt her?
Well, I guess so.

He broke her neck.

I don't know.

Maybe it was because
she teased him.

Maybe it was
because of that dog.

Benny never did like dogs.
He k*lled it, too.

But he can't get
very far on foot.

Want me to get
Ed for you?

What for?

I have a key.

Why, he looks
after the place.

He don't much like
people snooping around.

I own it.

You tell him just that.

I'll tell him.
You do that.

You don't need a key.
The door's open.

What are you
doing here?

I'm trespassing.
How about you?

I own the place.

What's your name?

Barbie. Barbie Hallem.

Oh, well.
Well, you walk right in.
It's a very nice place.

You're just in time
for dinner. You want some?

No, thanks.
I ate on the way.

Would you like a beer?

I haven't got
any glasses.

Who needs a glass?

Is there any left?

What do you do
around here?

Do? I don't do
much of anything.

Then what are you
doing in my cabin?


Are you one of
the sheriff's men?

No. Not exactly.
I'm just a trespasser.

I really got
permission from Ed.

Ed Mungo?
My brother.

I'm Benny.

What's the matter?
Don't you want to dance?

I think I'll be going.

Let's have
another beer.


What's the matter,
don't you like me?
I thought you did.

Of course.
It's not that.

I know what it is.
You're remembering...

You're remembering
about the dog.

What dog?

Well, didn't they
tell you what I did?


Sure they did.
Look, do you like dogs?

Some kinds.
Well, so do I.

But just look at this.

Look what the
dog did to me.

You see, I didn't know
it was her dog

because she never
brought it before.

Well, maybe
I should've known

because it was
outside her cabin, but...

Well, I didn't.

You should've
seen the way
Marcella carried on.

Oh, then she'd been
up here before?

Oh, sure. Marcella comes
every week. She likes me.

She goes for the rugged
outdoor type, I guess.

Oh. What did you do?

After you k*lled the dog?

Oh, nothing.
I just sat around

and waited till Marcella
quieted down and then...

Well then, Ed came in
and he ran me out.

You didn't see Ed
down there, did you?

Well, look,
if you stay,

you'll get a chance
to meet her because Ed's
gonna bring her up.

Well, he better.

I told him last night
I wouldn't go away
unless he did.

Benny, when you left your
cabin, was Marcella all right?

She was fine.
She was asleep.

Then Ed came in?

Yeah, Ed came in.
And after a while
he brought me up here.

Ed brought you here?

Well, yeah.
He told me to wait.

Did he like Marcella, too?

That's a funny question.
Did he?

Well, sure,
he's crazy about her.
But it won't do him any good,

because, well, Marcella
comes to see me, not Ed.

I don't think
you better wait
any longer.

Is something wrong?

Marcella isn't
coming, Benny.

What makes you say that?

You better not wait for Ed.
You better come with me.

I'll drive you down.
Well, you see,
I'm supposed to wait.

But Marcella is...
Benny's right.

I told him to wait.

Benny, why don't
you go outside

and wait for me
in the car?

Did you bring
Marcella, Ed?

I told you he would.

I'll bring her
right in, Ed.

You better sit down, miss.
We got some things
to talk about.

I'll stand,
if you don't mind.

They tell me
you're the owner,

I guess you can
do what you like.

I plan to.

Oh, no. Not that.

Not till we talk,
all right?

I got to see
where we stand.

We already know that.

No, Benny don't.

He don't even know
what he's done.

He k*lled a dog.
That's all.

He doesn't even know
Marcella is dead.

Well, she is.
She got just what
she asked for.

Look. I got to get
Benny out of here.

I'm gonna take him
over to the next county,

some people I know.



I can't let them
put Benny away.
He ain't responsible.

I figure it'll be safe
enough if you drive us.

Suppose I won't do it?

You ain't got
no choice.

Ed, why don't you
drive him over?

Then come back.

I'll wait here for you.

You never learn,
do you?

You think
all you gotta do
is smile pretty

and a man
will forget everything
he ever learned.

I bet you tried that
on a lot of men.


Shut up.

You're just like her.
A fancy car and no brains.

Never know when
to keep quiet.

You're crazy.
You k*lled that girl.

It wasn't Benny!
Shut up or he'll hear you!

ain't out here, Ed.


What's going on in here?

Nothing, kid.
I told you
to wait outside.

Ed, look. I've been outside,
but Marcella ain't there.

And your car
ain't there either.

It's down the road a ways.
You'll find it.

Now, go on out there
and wait for me.

All right, Ed.
But don't take
all day.

isn't there.

He didn't
bring her.

Ed, how come?

How come you
didn't bring her
like you said?

Why don't you tell him, Ed?
Go ahead. Tell him
what you did to her.

Ed, you did
to Marcella?

Benny, look, it's all right.
Ed, I told you to
stay away from her.

We're going now.
I'll tell you
about it in the car.

I wanna know
what you did.
I didn't do anything.

He just broke her neck,
that's all.

Ed, tell me it ain't true.
Tell me it ain't true, Ed.

Benny, listen...
You did it, didn't you,
Ed? You k*lled her.

You said you would
and you did it!
Benny, Benny, listen!

You k*lled her, Ed.
You said you'd do it
and you k*lled her,

didn't you, Ed?
You k*lled her!

You k*lled her!

Are you hurt?
Oh, he missed me.

I'm all right.

He sure acted crazy.

Come on, I'll
drive with you.

I'll get my purse.

What about him?

Oh, leave him there.

A little sleep will
do him good. When he...

When he wakes up,
he can find his
own way back.

You've got a cigarette?


Where'd you
get the jacket?

A friend of mine
lent it to me.

Where is he? In town?

I just made him get out
of the car. He bored me.

That's funny.
What is?

What you just said.

You know, Marcella
said the very same
thing last night

just before
I put her
to sleep.

You put her...

Just like I did Ed.

I do it real quick.

I'll show you.

And he did, too.

Naturally, Benny was
properly punished.

As is always the case
on this program.

Next time we shall
be back again

with more
crime and punishment.

Pax vobiscum.
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