02x25 - The Expo Factor - Part 1

Episode transcripts for the TV show "Littlest Pet Shop". Aired: November 10, 2012 – June 4, 2016.*
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Animated series that centers on Blythe Baxter, a teen girl who, after moving into an apartment in a city, gains the ability to communicate with animals.
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02x25 - The Expo Factor - Part 1

Post by bunniefuu »

( Blythe panting )

The International Pet Fashion Expo.

China, no.

France, no.

Britain. Russia.

Africa. Brazil.

WOMAN ( on PA ): Blythe Baxter, report for judging.

Blythe Baxter, report for judging.

I'm on my way. Hold on!

I just need to get to my kiosk.

Hurry up, Blythe. You're late.

I know. You'll be disqualified.

I know! Want a watermelon?


( Blythe pants then gasps )

Empty? What the what?

( judges cackling )

I'm not ready, judges. All of my fashions are gone.

And I'm in my pajamas!

( cackling )

( screams )

( sighs )

Not the "empty kiosk, me wearing pajamas, and my friends

holding watermelons" dream, again.

Come on, International Pet Fashion Expo,

let's get you started so I can get a decent night's sleep!

♪ You think about All the things ♪

♪ That you love to do ♪

♪ It all comes true ♪

♪ You find a place You never knew ♪

♪ Where you're happy To just be you ♪

♪ We can be ♪ ♪ Yeah, yeah ♪

♪ Who we wanna be ♪ ♪ Yeah, yeah ♪

♪ At the Littlest Pet Shop You and me ♪

♪ We can be ♪ ♪ Yeah, yeah ♪

♪ Who we wanna be ♪ ♪ Yeah, yeah ♪

♪ At the Littlest Pet Shop You and me ♪

And so, there I am in the middle of the convention center

in footie pajamas that I haven't worn since kindergarten.

I'm telling you, Emma,

I am so ready for the expo to get started.

There's so much stuff that I need to do,

I'm afraid I'm going to forget something.

The IPFE is just about the most important thing I've ever done.

As we say in Downtown City, chillax, Blythe.

It's just your subconscious trying to freak you out.

Well, my subconscious is doing a really good job,

because that's what I am: totally freaked out.

( phone beeps )

I'm getting another call.

Okay. I'll stop by later. I wanna give you some pics

from our trips and get your opinions

on the latest edition of Aspiring Tour Guides Weekly.

There's a magazine for aspiring tour guides?

Uh-huh. I publish it myself. Bye.


Blythe Baxter, Mona Autumn from Tres Blase Magazine.

Ah! OMG! Mona Autumn on my cell phone?

Yes, it is I. Lose the bow.

Blythe, as you know-- Make that, as everyone knows.

--I am going to be a guest judge

at the International Pet Fashion Expo,

and I heard you had signed up as a participant.

Oh, yes, I-- As you are at the forefront

of the teens designing fashions for pets trend,

I was thinking it might be fun

to do an article on you and your designs.

You can do whatever you want and include whomever you want

in a photo sh**t next week on the morning of the opening.

How honored would you be to do that?

Uh, very? The question was rhetorical,

which means I wasn't expecting an answer.

Of course you'd be honored.

This is all so cool.

Thanks, Mona. You're awesome.

Yes, I know. Ciao.

( squealing )

BLYTHE: Yup. This is going to be big.

I can guarantee that after our Tres Blase Magazine cover

hits the newsstands,

you'll be the most famous pets in the nation.

Maybe in the world.

( all chattering )

Okay, gotta go.

Start practicing your model poses.

Oh! This is gonna be so cool. Yeah.

The photographer is gonna be all like:

"Work it, Vinnie." And I'm gonna be all like:

"Oh, yeah, mm-mm, I'm working it."

Fortunately, I don't have to "work it."

You are most correct, Penny Ling.

No working is needed to highlight

her almost criminal level of adorableness.

( giggles )

What's the matter, Russell?

Aren't you excited about getting your picture taken?

Well, I'm not really the pose-y, pouty male model

in front of the camera type. I'm more of

a serious-looking guy, behind-the-scenes type.

Don't worry about it, Russell.

All eyes are going to be on me, anyway.

That's fine with me.

BLYTHE: And I've got at least ten more outfits I have to sew,

plus a couple more design sketches to tighten up,

put the finishing touches on the kiosk,

and all of this has to be ready before the photo sh**t.

Dang. That's what I call having a full plate of fashion.

I hope you know we're totally there for you, Blythe.

Any help you need, just ask.

Thanks. I knew I could count on--

Uh-oh. What's wrong?

Ha! Biskits busted.

Busted? I'm too sure

we don't have any idea what you're, like, talking about.

Yeah, like, we were looking for, uh,

a contact lens. That's right. A contact lens.

Neither of you wear contacts.

We didn't say it was our contact lens.

BOTH: Score. Admit it,

you two were spying on me

to find out what I'm doing for the IPFE.

As if.

If we were spying-- And we weren't.

--it would be, like, just our regular, everyday spying.

So get over yourself, Blythe.

Besides, your cart is so, like, junkyard.

BOTH: Score.

It used to be junkyard,

but it isn't anymore since Blythe fixed it up.

Yeah, now it looks cool and totally retail.

But you'll be able to see for yourselves

when my kiosk and I are featured

in the pages of Tres Blase Magazine.

No way.

We don't, like, believe you.

Way, and I don't, like, care if you, like, believe me.

ALL: Score!

( scoffs )

Don't tell anybody, Brittany,

but I completely forgot about that ippy effy thingy.

Who would I tell, Whittany? I forgot about it too.

And it's probably too late to enter something now.

With Daddy's big news about to break,

we really need to make sure

Blythe doesn't get any positive attention at the expo.

Well, it's never too late to mess with Blech

and keep her from ruining our favorite magazine

BOTH: ...by being in it. Score!

( bell rings )

( cell phone rings )

Yes, it is I, Mona Autumn. Oh, hi, Miss Aut--

Do you have a moment to touch base? Of course you do.

We've got everything set up for the photo sh**t.

We're going with a city girl in the jungle theme for contrast

and we need you to let us know if you're allergic to bananas.

Bananas? Well, I...

Wait, I thought you said I could do whatever I wanted.

Did I? That doesn't sound like me. Anyway,

in the interest of time, we're going to have to limit

the sh**t to just one pet. Ciao.

Huh? Just one?

But I already told the pets they could all be in the sh**t.

( mellow theme playing )

Right, so, I'm Delilah.

I've just come to have a bit of a lay-about

before the big fashion expo.

I suppose this is the part where you tell me what's what

and who's who with your lot.

I think she means we should introduce ourselves.

ALL: Oh!

Hi, Delilah, I'm...

Vinnie. Sunil.

Penny Ling. Pepper.

Russell. Minka.

Oh! Heh, heh. Hi, Delilah, I'm Zoe.

So your owner's going to the expo?

Yeah, we're gonna be there, I suppose.

We're sort of a big deal on a small scale back in London

where I come from, fashion-wise, that is.

Uh, does that make sense to you?

No, and I find that makes her strangely appealing.

Well, I find you strange too, ducky.

( Sunil giggles )

She thinks I'm a duck?

( sighs )

We're all gonna be on the cover of a fashion magazine.

You may have heard of it? Tres Blase.

Yeah, well, that's nice.

It's "ni-i-ice", if you know what I mean.

Nope. Haven't the foggiest.

Ah! She is a riddle,

wrapped in a mystery, inside of an enigma,

floating on a sea of "What the heck?"

Let's see, how do I put this...?

Being in a photo sh**t is all that,

but when you've been a fashionista as long as I have,

they're kind of "been there, not sure why I did that."

As a fellow fashionista, I'd simply like to say,

speak for yourself, Delilah.

Well, who else can I speak for?

I can only speak for myself, ain't that right, then?

Ah! Confused, again.

Look, I'm not trying to rain on your parade,

but after a while even big events like the Fashion Expo

seem sort of... old chapeau.

( Penny Ling gasps )

Oh, could you tell us what the Pet Fashion Expo is like?

Blythe, is really egg, egg, egg-cited about it!


I suppose this is the part

where we enter an alternate reality

and I lay it all out for you lot via sanguine musical

vocalizations and rhythmic capering about, innit?

Well, that clears it up.

Oh, no, I'm light-headed. Oh!

Uh, does that mean we're about to do a musical fantasy?

Yeah, like, whatever.

But I will warn you that when it comes to this kind of thing,

I can get alarmingly upbeat.

( upbeat dance theme playing )

All right, Petlettes, eyes on the kitty.

♪ Pets from London to New York Rome, Paris and Milan ♪

♪ Barcelona to Madrid And even Tokyo, Japan ♪

♪ Come from All around the globe ♪

♪ Bringing fashion To the show ♪

♪ Every eye is on us, on us Camera click ♪

♪ All around the world You can find her ♪

♪ All around the world You can find her ♪

♪ You know they love me ♪

♪ Step into my world, clothing Prepped, hair is curled ♪

♪ Eyes perfect, add some flash Got the attitude to match ♪

♪ Runway laid out At your feet ♪

♪ When you walk It's to the beat ♪

♪ Take a step Try not to trip ♪

What was that last part? Whoa!

♪ When you figure out Your style ♪

♪ Strike a pose Never smile ♪

♪ Make a face You're thinking hard ♪

♪ Looking like You're looking far away ♪

Uh, what's she looking at?

I don't know, but it looks interesting.

♪ All around the world You can find her ♪

♪ All around the world You can find her ♪

♪ All around the world You can find her ♪

♪ All around the world You can find her ♪

I think I love you.

♪ Russian Pavilion ♪

♪ Brazilian Pavilion ♪

♪ Chinese Pavilion ♪

♪ Italian Pavilion ♪

♪ German Pavilion ♪

♪ French Pavilion ♪

♪ Spanish Pavilion ♪ ♪ Stop ♪

♪ You strut your stuff ♪ ♪ I strut my stuff ♪

♪ You strut your stuff ♪ ♪ I strut my stuff ♪

♪ You strut your stuff ♪ ♪ I strut my stuff ♪

♪ And then you spin ♪ Whee!

♪ You strut your stuff ♪ ♪ I strut my stuff ♪

♪ You know you're in ♪ Really?

♪ Get to the end And then you stop ♪

What are we waiting for?

Shh! It's suspenseful.

Uh, no. I think the song is actually over.

Great photos of your trips to Paris and Rio, you two.

And though I wasn't there to guide you,

your Shanghai trip looked like a lot of fun.

It was, Emma. All my trips were a blast

and as an extra added bonus,

they all really influenced my designs.

Well, you can totally tell.

BLYTHE: Check out how I worked the Great Wall of China

into the collar of this dog sweater.

Ooh, I wish I was a dog!

I mean, so I could wear a cool sweater like that.

You know, Blythe, you should really think about

designing people fashions.

Yeah, maybe someday,

but right now I love designing for pets.

I feel a real connection there.

Which is why, even though it's the coolest opportunity ever,

I'm a little bummed that they're only letting me

choose one pet for the photo sh**t.

The rest of the pets are gonna be so disappointed.

Really? It's not like you think

the pets can understand what's going on, do you?

Because that'd be crazy-talk. Uh...

No, no, they can't understand what's going on.

Heh, heh. Of course not.

It's just that I can't decide which pet outfit

will be the best to feature.

You know, all the pets have different body shapes.

It's very difficult to decide which pet to choose.

Or something like that.

This definitely isn't something you need to stress about,

so why don't you throw all the pets' names into here

and let the cap do the choosing for you?

Yeah, that's a great idea, Emma.

Mix them up good.

EMMA: Pick a name.

"Russell"? What's wrong?

Well, Russell's adorable and all,

but so's Minka and Pepper.

Penny Ling is super cute.

Zoe is an actual show dog so that would be the better choice

since she has so much experience posing and--

Nope. Fair is fair.

I picked Russell's name out of the hat

so he's the one who gets to be in the sh**t.

The others will just have to understand.

BRITTANY: Look, Whittany. There's Blythe's kiosk-thingie.

Ah! Blythe did make it better.

It's not junkyard anymore.

Where are you going?

To make it look junkyard again.

( suspenseful theme playing )

TWOMBLY: Oh, good heavens! Don't you even think about it!

( both gasp )


( both panting )

( both grunt )

Don't you dare, Fisher Biskit.

Oh, this is terrible news.

Hi, everyone.

( all chattering )

They say that you can understand pets.

If that's true, then what did I just say?

( as Delilah ): "They say that you can understand pets.

If that's true, then what did I just say?"

Nice trick.

How is she at back scratching? The best.

I heard we had a new guest here today.

You must be Delilah.

( purring )

A little higher, if you please.

Oh, yeah. Purrr-fect.

Blythe, Delilah's owner is part of the Pet Fashion Expo,

and Delilah calls herself a fashionista.

So perhaps she could join us at the photo sh**t?

Oh, uh, about that photo sh**t.

Mona Autumn told me that only one pet can be in it.

( all shouting )


So in the interest of being fair,

I put everyone's name in a hat and picked one out.

I agree, Blythe. That seems totally fair.

And the name I picked was Russell's.

BOTH: Ah! What?

I know, but the hat has spoken. What can I do?

Well, do a re-pick, that's what you can do.

A re-pick? Yes.

There are so many more qualified-- And interested.

--pets here that should be in that sh**t.

Listen to the hedgehog, Blythe. He speaks the truth.

ALL: Yeah! Well, okay,

if that's what you all want. Give me a sec.

Just happen to have the papers with the names still in here.

"Russell." What?

Huh? Let's try this again.

But this time, I'll pick.

"Russell." Unbelievable!

Give me that.

You're not mixing the names up enough.

"Russell." Aw, come on now!


Ha. "Russell."

"Llessur." Hold on.


Ah. "Russell."


( all gasp )

I'm just kidding. Says Russell.

Ah. Me.

I don't know what to say, Russell.

Obviously, it's meant to be.

You're the pet for the photo sh**t.

Oh! But I don't wanna do it, Blythe!

I'm much more of a behind-the-scenes hedgehog.

I'm not used to being out front.

Don't worry, I'll make sure it's great,

and you'll really be helping me out, Russell.

Well, if it's gonna help you out

then I'm 100 percent on board.

Good boy. TWOMBLY: Blythe, can I see you?

Be right there, Mrs. Twombly.

You aren't a hundred percent sure about this, are you?

Not even close. Good.

You weren't giving him grief

about doing that photo sh**t, were you?

I have no idea what you're talking about.

If Blythe's cap wants to pick a non-professional over me,

then so be it.

Zoe, don't be a fibber.


I think Blythe and her cap should've picked me.

The thing is, you're right.

You should've been chosen 'cause you're the pro.

Thank you.

But you weren't. Russell was.

He's always doing everything he can to help us out.

Why can't you do the same for him?

That's right, Zoe. If there's anything

that Russell could use right now,

it's encouragement from a professional

that knows what she's talking about.

Okay, I'll help!

Everyone thinks it's so easy to be a diva.

What's up, Mrs. T?

Look, Blythe, just look at this.

"Today, Fisher Biskit announced plans

to build another Largest Ever Pet Shop here in Downtown City."

Oh. This isn't good.

It's bad enough to have one of those monster stores around,

but a second one is going to make it even harder

on the small stores like us.

What are you gonna do?

Well, your Pet Fashion Expo and photo sh**t

couldn't be happening at a better time.

How's that?

With all that publicity

and attention coming your way,

ooh, we're bound to get some extra business.

Of course I'm not saying that the future of Littlest Pet Shop

is riding on your tiny shoulders, dear, but...

Oh, I guess I am saying that.

Don't worry Mrs. Twombly, I'll do my best

not to let you and Littlest Pet Shop down.

( sighs )

( camera clicking )

( dance music playing over speakers )

He's not moving. Why isn't he moving?

He should be moving.

Russell, you've gotta move for the camera.

Remember those modeling poses we practiced?

Huh? Oh, right.

You taught the hedgehog those moves?

No. I mean yes. I mean, he was doing them a lot better before.

He's doing them a lot worse, now.

TWOMBLY: Oh, Blythe!

I just wanted to remind you that we're counting on you

to save Littlest Pet Shop from certain doom.

Okay, Mrs. Twombly.

He's closing his eyes. Why is he closing his eyes?

He shouldn't be closing his eyes!

Russell, don't close your eyes.

( cell phone ringing )


TWOMBLY: Oh, hello, Blythe.

It's me, again, Mrs. Twombly.

I just wanted to remind you that--

I know, certain doom.

The hedgehog keeps closing his eyes!

Russell, don't close your eyes!

( gasps then grunting )

Ah! I'm so sorry!

You should be.

Your failure has brought certain doom to Littlest Pet Shop!

( alarm beeping ) ( screams )

Ah. Just another dream.

Oh. Well, at least there weren't any watermelons in this one.

( alarm stops )

Oh, no! I set the alarm for the wrong time.

I'm gonna be late for the photo sh**t!

TWOMBLY: Careful now, sweeties.

Remember to keep your paws and tails

on the inside of the scooter at all times.

So, Russell, ready for your big photo sh**t?

Actually, I'm pretty terrified about the whole thing.

Russell, I don't want you to worry about it one little bit.

You're a handsome fellow and I've always found you to be

quite pho-pho-pho...

Photogenic. Really?

Well, yes, in a hedgehoggy-ish kind of way.

Uh, thanks?

All you have to do

is roll out some of that natural Russell charm,

and you'll do just fine.

Natural Russell charm.


( whispers ): Nice job.

Felt nice too.

I'm running late, Mrs. Twombly.

Somehow I set my alarm for the wrong time. Why would I do that?

I don't know, I never do that, and now I'm gonna be late!

Don't worry about it, dear,

you'll get there in plenty of time.

What the huh? My trailer hitch is gone.

Oh, my goodness! It is gone.

How am I gonna get my kiosk to the convention, now?

Everybody to the Littlest Pet Shuttle!

( dramatic theme playing )

A flat tire?

How did that happen? What am I gonna do?

Mona Autumn's gonna be furious.

Your dad? On a flight.

Oh. How can this situation get any worse?



BOTH: Score.

( both giggling )

( dramatic theme playing )

( upbeat pop theme playing )

♪ We can be ♪ ♪ Yeah, yeah ♪

♪ Who we wanna be ♪ ♪ Yeah, yeah ♪

♪ At the Littlest Pet Shop You and me ♪
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