04x25 - Littlest Pet Street: Part 1

Episode transcripts for the TV show "Littlest Pet Shop". Aired: November 10, 2012 – June 4, 2016.*
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Animated series that centers on Blythe Baxter, a teen girl who, after moving into an apartment in a city, gains the ability to communicate with animals.
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04x25 - Littlest Pet Street: Part 1

Post by bunniefuu »


And then I'll pull the lever and a giant tarp will unfurl,

revealing... Da Dada Daaaaaa!

Littlest Pet Street!

Wow, Mrs. Twombly.

You must have gotten a pretty big tarp

if it can cover the entire street!



I ordered a custom made one just this week.

Oh, where did I put it?

Take all the time you need, Mrs. T. I'm on staycation.

A staycation?

Ah yes. A pilot's job is always about going someplace.

So when we get time off,

we prefer to stay somewhere for a change.

Oh, here's that tarp. Now, let's see.

What the-? This tarp won't even cover the street sign!

How did this happen?

Wait. I know exactly who's responsible for this...

Fisher Biskit!

Those Biskits have it in for me.

But there is no way that I'm going to let them ruin

Littlest Pet Street's big opening day!

No sir-ree!

That no-goodnik Fisher Biskit has his spies around,

up to no good...nik.

You may be right, Mrs. T and don't call me Nick.

Heh. Don't call me nick. Huh?

Why not? Is Nick your real name?

Are you Fisher Biskit's spy?

What? No! I was just making a joke.

Right. A joke.

♪ You think about all the things ♪

♪ That you love to do

♪ It all comes true

♪ You find a place you never knew ♪

♪ Where you're happy to

♪ Just be you!

♪ We can be [yeah]

♪ Who we want to be [yeah]

♪ At littlest pet shop

♪ You and me We can be [yeah] ♪

♪ Who we want to be [yeah]

♪ At littlest pet shop

♪ You and me

And the highlight of Littlest Pet Street's grand opening

will be the world premiere of the first film

at Furplex Cinema!

The world's first movie theater designed for humans

and their pets!

Ho-ho. Nonstop cat videos on the big screen!

Awww. So cute!


Um, they'd better finish the sidewalk

or nobody will be able to walk in.

Oh, they left that part of the sidewalk unfinished

on purpose, Vinnie.

In two days, when the grand opening happens,

they'll pour the rest of the cement

and guests of honor will put their footprints

and paw prints into it.

Ooh, cool! I want to leave my tail print.

Blythe, can we make our own movie to play at the theater?

Of course! I'll even lend you my smartphone to film it.

But you'd need to get it done before the grand opening

if you want to show it on opening night.

Thanks, Blythe and no problem.

I'll be the director, of course.

[excited chatter]

Looks like Mrs. Twombly has the decorations under control.



Uh...Mrs. Twombly?

Why, you're not a Biskit. You're a Blythe.

Oh, dear, I'm so sorry!

I was so sure that you were a Biskit!

Agh! [crash]

Are you OK?

[groan] Just a little surprised but I'm fine.

Good because I'm going to need your help.

We need a plan of our own:

A Biskit Sabotage Thwarting plan.

And why would we need a 'Biskit Sabotage

thwarting plan'?

To thwart Fisher Biskit's sabotage plans!

But, Mrs. Twombly, once Littlest Pet Street is open,

you'll forget all about the Biskits.

Speaking of which, what kind of publicity

have you been doing for the grand opening?

Publicity? Oh, dear, I've been so busy

with everything else that I haven't given it much thought.

Well, how will people know about it?

Well, I did post an invitation

on that interesting interwebs doohickey.

That'll be enough, won't it?

Why, I heard in the sociable media world,

all you have to do is 'postage' something

and let it 'go virus'.

Uh, I think you mean go viral.

A virus is something that infects your computer

and destroys the information.

Virus! [gasp]

That's how Fisher Biskit's planning to sabotage me!

I've got to shut down my computer

before he shrinks himself into a virus

and travels through the wires into my store!

Oh, hi Blythie.

I've been using my staycation

to learn how to enjoy social media. Check it out!

I just responded to Mrs. Twombly's invitation.

Oh good. She did postage it. Er, post it online.

So far there are... two people attending.

Mrs. Twombly and someone named 'Funtastic Flyer 1'.

That's me! How do you like my handle?

Uh, it's great, Dad, but I'm kind of worried

about Littlest Pet Street.

There are only two days until the grand opening!

What if nobody else shows up?

♪ [discordant notes]



Now that's the kind of movie we should make.

You can't be serious! You call that a performance?

That Felina Meow isn't doing anything.

Blythe! What do you think about this video?

[piano and mew]

Ooooh! That's so cute!

It's not cute! It's ridiculous!

We don't want to make a movie like that.

I am an actress and want to be taken seriously!

She is just being a cat!

But 'Kitty Plays Piano and Falls' has one billion views!

WHAT THE HUH? A billion views?

Wow. Hey, we need to let people know about

Littlest Pet Street grand opening.

So, what if we got Felina Meow to come?

With all her followers, we'd be sure to get a huge turnout!

We could even play her latest video at FURPLEX CINEMA!

It just might work.

I'm going to go find Mrs. Twombly

and tell her my fabulous idea.

[excited chatter]

I think it's a terrible idea.

Mrs. Twombly, I have a great idea!


Look here, young lady, I'm tired of your interference

in my business.

And you've been quite the bad influence on my daughters.

Uh, Mrs. Twombly, what's with the get-up?

I'm trying to think like Fisher Biskit

and what better way to do that than to look like him?

If I can get into his mind-set,

then I'll be able to figure out what he would do

to sabotage the opening of Littlest Pet Street.

Uh, right. Good thinking, Mrs. Twombly.

In the meantime, I've come up with a great idea

for how to get more people to show up for the grand opening

of Littlest Pet Street!

SHH! He may be listening.

If I were Fisher Biskit,

to sabotage a competitor's grand opening,

I would mail myself in a box of decorations. GOTCHA!

Oh ho ho ho! Thought I couldn't see you, eh?

Well, I know just how you think!

He's... uh, not in here.

I know you must get offers like this all the time

for Felina Meow. But we'd be the first real theater

to show one of her videos on the big screen.

That's right. We'll roll out the red carpet

just like at a Hollywood movie premiere.

And as our special guest, Felina Meow could be the first

to dip her paws in the cement in front of the theater.

So would you consider it?


Yes, please go ahead and email me whatever Felina's needs are

and I'll make sure that we take care of them.


Dad, guess what? Felina Meow is-

Coming to the opening of Littlest Pet Street, I know.

She posted her new video

and there are over one thousand responses to the RSVP!

Loud announcer: Come meet Felina Meow

in all her cuddly kitty cat cuteness...

this Saturday at the grand opening of

Littlest Pet Street in Downtown City!

Get there early or you might get left 'hanging'.

[crash] Mew!

Wow. From the time it took me to walk from the shop

to your chair, all that happened?

Mrs. Twombly was right.

We just had to 'go virus'.

Oh, Felina's owner just sent me her contract.

It says they have a few minor demands, let's see.

'Must provide first class travel accommodations

to the venue from Felina's home in...' BERMUDA?

Daaaad? I know you're on staycation and all, but...

Would you mind? That is, would you agree to...

maybe taking a quick little bitty flight to Bermuda?

Blythe, do you understand the concept of 'staycation'?

The most important part of it is the stay part!


HA! Gotcha! Of course I'll fly you to Bermuda!

Awesome! Thanks, Dad.

Sure. I can use the trip to pick up some shorts.

Nothing says you're on staycation

like Bermuda shorts.

[phone chimes]

Oh. There's a few more things that Felina Meow's owner

is demanding.

'First Class seat on the plane.'

OK, well, that's not going to be a problem.

'Personalized food dish? With only beige kibble?

All brown kibble must be picked out.'

Oooh kay.

'Felina must be accompanied by a pet entourage.'

She's got her own entourage?

Not exactly. It also says that we must supply the entourage.

But we can do it! You get the Pet Jet ready

and I'll get the beige kibble,

personalized pet bowl and an entourage.

You have reached Fisher Biskit's voicemail.

Leave a message now.

Oh yes, Fisher, darling. Long time no speak.

I know we've had our differences in the past

but, well, the opening of Littlest Pet Street

is in two days. Perhaps you've heard?

Anyway, in the spirit of friendship

and our mutual love of pets,

I'd like to honor you at the grand opening.

So please come out to the street this afternoon,

four p.m. sharp and meet me on the red carpet.


Where you'll fall right into my trap!

[evil cackle]

Ahem. OK, then.

[excited chatter]


Russell, what are you doing?

I'm getting ready to rehearse our movie.

I'm the director, remember?

Agh! Russell, we can't sh**t a movie without a script.

We can't even agree on what kind of movie we should make!

This is ridiculous!

I can hardly be a great movie director

if I don't have a movie to direct!

Now come on, pets!

Let's decide what kind of movie we should make.

[all talking at once]

I know what we gotta do!

♪ [sings loudly] You got-ta laugh! ♪

♪ You gotta laugh!

♪ You gotta laugh!

♪ Everyone loves a comedy,

♪ Chortle, snort, make 'em go tee-hee, ♪

♪ When you slip and fall with good impact ♪

♪ Then you gotta act!

♪ Can't do something pedestrian ♪

♪ Folks just want to see a thespian ♪

♪ We need to be more choosy

♪ We've gotta--

♪ Make sure that it's groovy

♪ Cause we're gonna make a movie ♪

♪ No, it can't just be some rotten flick ♪

♪ Yes, it's got to be positively, ♪

♪ Cin-e-pet-mat-ic!

♪ I'm lost in outer space

♪ And I'm miles away from base

♪ No air left in my suit,

♪ So I've gotta be a-

♪ Cute!

♪ And adorable cartoon,

♪ With ponies and balloons!

♪ We'll make everyone go, 'Awww.' ♪

♪ I've just gotta--


♪ Karate chops!

♪ Quick as a blink!

♪ Even though my words are

♪ Out of synch

♪ Watch me break a wooden beam

♪ Because I've gotta--

♪ scream!

♪ You gotta laugh!

♪ I say scream!

♪ I say laugh!


♪ [evil laugh]

♪ Yes, we're gonna make a movie ♪

♪ Gotta make sure that it's groovy ♪

♪ No, it can't just be some rotten flick ♪

♪ Yes, it's gotta be positively... ♪

♪ Yes, it's gotta be positively... ♪

♪ Yes, it's positively gotta be... ♪

♪ Cin-e-pet-mat-ic!

♪ [song ends]

[everyone talking at once]

Put the movie sh**t on hold, pets.

I have to take a flight on the Pet Jet

and I need some of you to go with me

to be Felina Meow's entourage.

Well, I'm not going to be in that cat's entourage.

Besides, if we leave, we'll have no time to make our movie

before Littlest Pet Street's grand opening.

And we haven't even come up with our idea yet.

Wait a second. We don't have to put the movie on hold.

Yes we do. Blythe just said--

We need to get on the Pet Jet.

Which is exactly where we'll sh**t our movie!

Oh! An airplane thriller!

Exactly! A classic genre!

And it's never been done with pets! It'll be great!

And I've got the perfect title 'Pets on a Plane!'




Not bad, Penny Ling, but I'd like to try one

where you're angry.

But I just was angry.

Attention, Blythe, I mean, passenger.

This is your pilot and father from the flight deck ...

with a flight update.

We are moments away from landing in Bermuda.

So if you'll fasten your seat belt,

we'll be on the ground in a few moments.

OK, everyone, time to buckle up!

How's the movie going, Russell?

Almost perfect. The crew is great. The story is exciting.

We've got everything we need to make Pets on a Plane a hit.

But there's one thing that's missing: a good plot twist.

I need what they call in the movie biz

'a happy accident'. Something to inspire me.

Don't worry. It'll come.

Four o'clock. Fisher Biskit should be here any minute.

[evil laugh]

There we are... all ready.

[engine and tire screech]

Oh dear, that's him!

[power up]


GOTCHA! I knew you were up to no good, Fisher Biskit!

You've got to get up pretty early in the morning

to sabotage me!

[phone ringing]

Uh, Mrs. Twombly? Is everything OK?

Blythe, I did it! I caught Fisher Biskit!

I knew he was planning sabotage

and I caught him red-handed! Well, not exactly 'red handed'

I invited him here, after all.

But I got him! Fair and square!

Are you sure you caught Fisher Biskit?

Who else would have been sneaking up on me?

Well, it's just that you may want to check out

who's inside that tarp.

Mrs. Twombly: That's ridiculous.

I know exactly who's in this tarp.


It's none other than--


There's a perfectly reasonable explanation.

You see, I thought you were Fisher Biskit

trying to sabotage me. Ha ha ha! Funny, right?

Mrs. Twombly? Are you OK?

Oh, Blythe. I'm so sorry.

Uh, did you pick up Felina Meow yet?

I've gotten thousands of responses

for the grand opening and most of them are coming

specifically to see Felina Meow in person!

We just got to Bermuda. But don't worry,

we'll be back just in time for the Grand opening tomorrow.

Tomorrow? [gasp] The grand opening is tomorrow!

Oh dear, I got so carried away

worrying about that Fisher Biskit

that I've created a mess.

Well, get it cleaned up

and we'll have Felina Meow there before you know it.

Oh. I'm going to have to work all night.

[car horn honks]

That must be Felina Meow's limo.

Blythe, you get Felina and the pets back on the Pet Jet

and I'll be right back.

♪ [big band swing]


Felina Meow, what a pleasure to meet you.

I'm Blythe Baxter and this is your--

Lame entourage?

Oh no, I assure you, they're the opposite of lame.

They're incredibly, uh... un-lame.

Ooooh, how nice. Oh. You can understand pets.

So then you'll understand this: Your entourage is lame!

So very nice to meet you, too, Felina.

Wow! She's nothing like that cute kitty in her videos.

A temperamental superstar.

I've been down this road before.

Is he talking about one of us?

Probably Zoe.

Well, I guess we'll get going.

Don't leave without me!

Not that you can. Leave, that is.

I mean, unless you've learned to fly a plane

while I was gone. Ha ha ha ha.

Fly a plane while I was gone. That's silly.

Well, Felina, how do you like your first class seat?

It's just as you requested.

You must be kidding.

The only thing 'first class' about it

are the first class lumps in the cushions.

Your personalized bowl of kibble.

Beige only.

You call this 'beige'? This is clearly more of a caramel

if not an all-out sepia. I'm not hungry.

Now that you're all settled in, Felina,

I wonder if you'd consider taking a role in our movie,

'Pets on a Plane'?

Uh, So, why don't we just try a quick take

to see what you look like on camera? Hmm?




Wow, Felina, that was amazing.

You really light up, when-

OK then.

What a feline diva.

Maybe so Sunil,

but we did get a celebrity cameo for our movie.

Now, if I could only come up with that perfect plot twist.


Everyone fasten your seat belts!

We're headed into a huge storm

and it looks like we're going to have to make

an emergency landing!

What was that you were saying

about needing a 'happy accident'?

This isn't quite what I had in mind.


♪ [dramatic music]
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