01x13 - Lights, Camera, Mongoose!

Episode transcripts for the TV show "Littlest Pet Shop". Aired: November 10, 2012 – June 4, 2016.*
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Animated series that centers on Blythe Baxter, a teen girl who, after moving into an apartment in a city, gains the ability to communicate with animals.
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01x13 - Lights, Camera, Mongoose!

Post by bunniefuu »

( mellow Indian theme playing )

( growls )

( screams )

WOMAN: Run for your lives!

( crowd screaming )

She'll eat us all!

( growls )

( ominous theme playing )

( screams )

( meowing )

And Mommy makes four.

Get ready to sleep, tiger.

( growling )

( suspenseful theme playing )

( grunts )

( dramatic theme playing )

( purring )

( dramatic theme playing )

( grunts )

( groans )

( purring )

( triumphant theme playing )

( all chattering )

Yeah, right. Pfft.

Yeah, like that could ever happen.

Ah. Don't be a hater, Vinnie.

This is the latest romantic comedy action adventure musical

starring the fabulous mongoose superstar, Sharukh!

He's the best!

( all chattering )

Meh. Not a fan.

( pets chattering )

♪ You think about All the things ♪

♪ That you love to do

♪ It all comes true

♪ You find a place You never knew ♪

♪ Where you're happy To just be you ♪

♪ We can be ♪ Yeah, yeah

♪ Who we wanna be ♪ Yeah, yeah

♪ At the Littlest Pet Shop You and me ♪

♪ We can be ♪ Yeah, yeah

♪ Who we wanna be ♪ Yeah, yeah

♪ At the Littlest Pet Shop You and me ♪

( triumphant music playing onscreen )

( pets groan )

Get out of the way!

Please, please. The magic trick I'm about to show you

is far better than watching any silly DVD.

What is it this time, Sunil?

Well, you've seen me make things disappear before.

Yeah, and my eyebrows have finally grown back.

This time, I'm going to do a new,

improved version of my disappearing trick.

Something I call

the old switcheroo!

I, along with someone from the audience, will disappear,

travel through space,

and reappear in each other's place.

Now, I need a volunteer

to assist me in this most amazing feat of magic.

You! No.

Mm-hmm. Nuh-uh.

Yes. No.

Yes! No!


Now, miss, have we ever met before?


( clears throat )

Have we ever met before, miss?

I'll say...no?


Now, prepare yourselves

for the old switcheroo!

( mysterious theme playing )

( grunting )

( yells )

( Sunil grunting and yelling )

( chanting ): Suni, Suni, Sunil-ee-fie!

ALL: Wow!

Whoo-hoo! I did it!

You only half did it, David Copper-fail.

Where's Penny Ling?

( chuckles nervously )

Welcome to Littlest Pet Shop.

If you need any help, just give a yelp.

Hey, everybody!

ALL: Penny Ling!

Two ears, two eyes, four legs and one tail.

( sighs )

Everything's here.

You'll never guess what I just saw.

They're filming a movie down the street,

starring our favorite animal star:


ALL: What?!

Meh. Not a fan. Wait!

I transported you all the way down the street?

Oh, wow, my trick worked better than I thought.

I am a great magician.

Sunil, please.

Now, how are we going to get on the set to see Sharukh?

We could fill a giant balloon with helium and float over.

We could deliver a few unordered pizzas.

I know a way.

The magical way!

ALL: No!

Hey, why don't we just ask Blythe to takes us over there?

( all chattering )

Well, if you want to do it the easy way...

( upbeat theme playing )

Wow, this place is really buzzing.

Heh-heh. I told you guys it was exciting.

How exactly did you find out this was going on, Penny Ling?

I magically transported her over here.

Who to the what now?

Sorry, I cannot reveal how I did it.

Mainly because he doesn't know.

That's not why.

It's part of the magician's code

not to reveal how a trick is done.

This is a closed set, miss.

( all whimper )

And I don't do cute, so take your critters

and their fleas and move along.

Heh. Is he for real? Geckos can't get fleas.

And some think I'm dumb.

Come on guys, we better go.

What are we gonna do, now? I don't know.

It's going to be tough to get past Tiny over there.

Heh. Yeah, that guy is anything but tiny, Blythe.

Sheesh, I'm feeling like Alfred Eyeshine today.

Well, I can always make that guard...


ALL: No!

Okay, here's Sharukh schedule:

At : , the mongoose is busy.

At : , he's busier, and at : , he's so busy

that we need to come up with a new word for busy.

Oh. No "me time."

Sharukh, they need you on the set, now.

Ah! It's him!

It's the mongoose extraordinaire! Sharukh!

( sighs )

Not a fan, huh?

Is it really you?

Yes, it is I, Sharukh.

Oh, I've seen all of your movies.

Planet of the Mongoose,

The Fantastic Mr. Mongoose,

and my favorite, Pardon My Mongoose -D.

I thank you very much. You are very kind.

Have we met before? You look very familiar.

He should, he looks just like you.

I don't see it. Me neither.

Sorry. It's just the whiskers,

the tail, the little black eyes, the fur.

Pfft, humans!

GIRL: Oh my gosh! It's Sharukh!

Uh-oh. I must go now.

( fans screaming )


That little guy is way popular.

Oh, no, I didn't realize what time it was.

I don't wanna be late for my ice-sculpting class.


Jasper's idea.

And as he likes to say: "Ice waits for no one."

Which is true because then it just turns to water.

( car honks )

Oh, that's my ride. I'll see you guys later.


Aah! It's him again!

Ah, Sharukh!

( sighs )

What on earth are you doing here?

I needed to get away.

I'm tired of being famous and fussed over.

At least everyone appreciates your mega talent.

But at what price? I cannot make you understand,

but if you think it's so great,

you should just try being me for a while.

Yeah, quit hogging him, Sunil.

We wanna hear all about his fabulous life.

( all chattering )

I will try being you for a while and I bet it will be great.

Pfft. Hmph.

I bet those guys don't even know I'm gone.

Well, who needs them?

They never appreciated me or my magical talent anyway.

WOMAN: Sharukh!

Oh. There you are.

You've got to stop taking those two-hour lunch breaks.

They need you in make-up right away.

Oh, Sharukh,

tell us what it's like to be an international pet superstar.

( upbeat bhangra theme playing )

♪ Get on your knees And bow right down ♪

♪ I'll sing you a song Of my renown ♪

♪ When you're a famous pet Like me ♪

♪ You'll look at your life A little differently ♪

♪ Just one servant Is not enough ♪

♪ I need at least a dozen To hold my stuff ♪

♪ And when I go shop Right down the street ♪

♪ I take my jet To spare my feet ♪

Water, please!

What-- What is this?

Uh, it's water.

What? No bubbles?! ( groans )

ALL: ♪ Oh, whoa, whoa

♪ Oh, whoa, whoa Whoa, whoa, hey ♪

♪ A butler stands By every door ♪

♪To open it myself Seems such a chore ♪

♪ I've got more money Than you can see ♪

♪ My Swiss bank account's In Germany ♪

♪ One course, two course Three course, four ♪

♪ Every meal takes Three hours or more ♪

♪ Steaks too thick Well, what do I do? ♪

♪ I just pay somebody Else to chew ♪

ALL: ♪ Oh, whoa, whoa

♪ Oh, whoa, whoa Whoa, whoa, hey ♪

♪ I've got an Honorary degree ♪

♪ From every single Major university ♪

♪ I think it's funny But don't ask me ♪

♪ I pay other people To laugh for me ♪

Oh my, why am I still standing? Pick me up!

Ah, much better.

Dance solo!

Oh, break it down!

Shake what your momma gave you!

Yes, move it, move it, move it!

I like what I see.

I am not doing it but you do it so well.

That's right.

♪ If you ask me It's just not fair ♪

♪ Everywhere I go All the people stare ♪

♪ But it's not hard To feel envy ♪

♪ When I'm head to toe In jewelry ♪

♪ That's my life As a superstar ♪

♪ You can see it's not An easy thing by far ♪

♪ Now I'm going to count To three ♪

♪ And I want you all To cry for me ♪


Someone wipe my brow. I'm feeling some moisture.

( laughs )

( sneezes )

( giggling )

Oh, Sharukh, I never knew you could do magic.

Such a talent.

DIRECTOR: I need the mongoose on the set.

( suspenseful theme playing )

And action!

Argh, cut!

Sharukh, baby, what's the matter with you?

Now you know what to do when I yell action, right?

Heh-heh. Cute.

Now remember to hit your mark!

( whimpers )

( mellow theme playing )

I thirst.


( muttering )


Lizard, I need your help!

Choreographing your next big Bollywood dance number?

Pfft, are you insane?

I just need you to turn on the TV.

You are no longer needed. Be gone.

And to think this guy didn't want to be fussed over.

( Blythe grunts )

Hey, what do you guys think of my ice sculpture of Mrs. T?

Wow. This is Sunil's best trick, yet.


Uh, what's going on, here?

Why are you guys waiting on Sunil hand and paw?

Oh, this isn't Sunil.

It's the fabulous international movie star, Sharukh.

How did this happen?

He followed us back from the movie set

and said he was tired of being a star

and having people do stuff for him.

I need someone to make my eyes blink.

I shouldn't have to do this myself!

( sighs )

So if Sharukh is here taking Sunil's place,

Sunil is on the movie set

taking Sharukh's place?!

Hmm, somehow, when you say it, it sounds bad.

I've gotta go get him!

Don't hurry back.

Now, who wants to rub my feet?

There, now that should keep your feet all nice

and protected for your next scene.

Sharukh is ready for

the walking across hot coals scene.


( upbeat theme playing )

Penny Ling, what are you doing in there?

It was my turn to rub-- Ugh.

--Sharukh's feet.

Blythe, do you have any idea how we're going to find Sunil?

Not a one.

WOMAN [OVER RADIO]: Bringing the mongoose to the new location.

Roger that.

Okay, I'm sure that once we tell them

that they have the wrong mongoose, he'll let us on set.

Uh, excuse me, sir.

I need to get on the set to get my mongoose.

Your mongoose?

Sharukh is an employee of Big-Time Pictures,

a subsidiary of Jumble Jammies Baking Company

whose parent corporation is We Own Everything Inc.

Wow, really?

Well, all those companies have the wrong mongoose.

That's Sunil in there, not Sharukh.

Heh-heh! Wow, girl, I thought I'd heard 'em all.

WOMAN: Bringing the mongoose to the roof

for his bungee jumping scene.

( Sunil whimpering on radio )

That's my mongoose

and he says he wants to come home.

You know what I heard him say?

( gibbering )

I think it means: "Get lost, goofy girl."

We've gotta get that walkie-talkie.

I'm on it.

No, I want three Hawaiian, two pepperoni--

( screeches )

( dramatic theme playing )

( blows raspberry )

Hey, large headed panda, come back here!

( pop music playing over headphones )

Okay, guys, we've gotta convince Sharukh to leave

before he drives us completely nuts.

Heard that.

Of course you did.

He's standing right next to you.

Why wouldn't you hear it? It's not like he mumbled it.

I heard it too. Or am I talking too much

that there's something I didn't hear?

( clears throat )

What we know is that our guest likes to be comfortable,

so the best way to get rid of him

is to make him as uncomfortable as possible.

Here's what we do.

( whispering indistinctly )


I should not have even had to ask.

Refill? You don't need a refill.

♪ I think you need To hear a song ♪

♪ About the pet shop pets And what we think is going on ♪

♪ So listen up To what we say ♪

♪ 'Cause we're all Friends here ♪

♪ And we play Throughout the day ♪

( grunting )

What is the meaning of this?

No meaning. It's comedy.

Hey, Sharukh, you're a dancer.

Can you show me how to put more cha in my cha-cha?


I just need help with my spins.

( Sharukh & Vinnie grunting )

( groans )

I have had it with you pets!

I came here for some peace and quiet!

( grunts )

Can I paint you?

I think you just did.

Let me know if this tickles.

( grunting )

Stop that!

This is no way for an international superstar to live.

I need to get out of here!

( suspenseful theme playing )

All ready for the mongoose bungee jump scene?

Roger that, mongoose all ready.

( gasps )

Careful there, little guy.

Can't have you getting hurt.

Now up on that ledge and jump off.

( ominous theme playing )

( whimpering )

Huh. I'm pretty sure this thing was fixed

after last week's incident.

( screams )

BLYTHE ( over radio ): Sunil? Sunil, are you there?

Blythe? Blythe! Get me out of here!

Sunil, I can't get past the security guard.

You're gonna have to get yourself out of there.

It is impossible, as there seems to be no way out of here.

Use your magic.

Blythe, sadly I must face the fact

that I am not a good magician.

I am a magic hack.

No, you're not, Sunil.

You switcheroo-ed me all the way down the block.

No hack could do that.

Well, yes. I suppose that is true.

BLYTHE: And that's your way out, Sunil.

The old switcheroo.

The old switcheroo?


( suspenseful theme playing )

I said, action!

( screams )

( chanting ): Suni, Suni, Sunil-ee-fie!

( cheering )

SHARUKH: Sharukh is back where he belongs!

Did you hear that?

Ha-ha! His trick worked.

( upbeat theme playing )

( screams )

It worked!

( cheers )

I'm back in Littlest Pet Shop!


My old switcheroo trick worked! I'm back!

Your front, your sides, face, head, tail. All of you!

Sunil, you are a great magician!

You sure are.

We all think so, Sunil.

And we should've told you so.

I am appreciative of your appreciation,

but you know what I learned to really appreciate?

What, Sunil?

My very own ordinary life here with all of you.

ALL: Aww!

Well, Sunil, as far as I'm concerned,

you can practice your magic anytime.

Excellent, because I need a volunteer for this new trick

I've been working on.

It won't hurt a bit.

Wow, what do you know. I made everybody...


( upbeat pop theme playing )

♪ We can be ♪ Yeah, yeah ♪

♪ Who we wanna be ♪ Yeah, yeah ♪

♪ At the Littlest Pet Shop You and me ♪
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