04x19 - The Pink Purloiner/Squid Wood

Episode transcripts for the TV show "SpongeBob SquarePants". Aired: May 1, 1999 - present.*
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A square yellow sponge named SpongeBob SquarePants lives in a pineapple with his pet snail, Gary, in the city of Bikini Bottom on the floor of the Pacific Ocean.
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04x19 - The Pink Purloiner/Squid Wood

Post by bunniefuu »

Are ya ready, kids?

Kids: aye, aye, captain!

I can't hear you!

Aye, aye, captain!

Spongebob: you know, patrick,

The jellyfish migration is my favoritetime of year.

For three whole days,

Jellyfish from around the globe gather on one spot

To trade jelly secrets.

Patrick, look!

A blue-Crested blaster!

I've never seen one before, they're really rare.

And a speckled squirter!

A two-Fisted jumper!

And a golden-Throated stinger!

Oh, this year's migration is gonna be a big one!

Uh, spongebob?


This looks like a job for ol' reliable.




Ah, that was the most beautiful day of jellyfishing ever!

Well, i didn't catch a thing with mydumb old net.

Lucky for me, i have ol' reliable.

Carbon-Fiber handle,

Titanium-Alloy netting, and form-Fitting silicone grips.

Yes, sir.

Ol' reliable is the best net in the world.


I would k*ll for a net like that!

Yeah, somethin' small, like a carrot.

But not spiders, they're icky.

Good-Night, patrick.

Good-Night, spongebob.

I love jellyfishing.


Time to get ready for day two of the jellyfish migration.

And i'll start with my trusty jellyfishing net, old reliable.

Ol' reliable?

It's gone!


Oh, right, pants.

Narrator: one pair of pants later...

Patrick, ol' reliable's been stolen!

Put one over there, patrick!

I'm all done.

Maybe we should spread out a little.

Tv announcer: flash!

The jellyfish migration enters its second day of fantastic jellyfishing.

We now go live to our reporter on the scene.

This year's migration is the largest in a century.

I feel truly sorry for the poor saps who will miss

Even one minute of this remarkable event.

Attention, bikini bottom.

My jellyfishing net has been stolen.

I am prepared to offer a large reward for its safe return.


How much we talkin' about?

$12 and two, 10, twenty, 38 cents.

I'm on the case!

Guys, i know it's a slow news day, but come on.

Oh, hello, hello!

Spongebob, did you get your net back?

Get off the line, patrick.

Someone might be trying to call about ol' reliable.

Oh, sorry.

Did you get your net yet?

No, patrick, don't call unless you found my net.


Spongebob, i found your net!

What, really, patrick?

Uh, uh, not really.

I just got lonely.

Oh, i'll never get my net back.

I'll just have to accept that ol' reliable is gone forever.

Patrick's lucky.

Gets to practice in the middle of the night with his jellyfishing net.

Funny thing is, patrick's net disintegrated yesterday.

Spongebob, did you get ol' reliable back yet?

No, not yet.

Hey, patrick, wouldn't it be the funniest thing if you had taken my jellyfish net?


Yeah, that would be silly.

Oh, that reminds me, i got you a present.

A present, what is it?

It's a confess-A-Bear.

He's a special friend you tell all your secrets to.

Wow, thanks, spongebob.

I'll just leave you two alone to get acquainted.

Spongebob: "my name is confess-A-Bear."

"Tell me all your secrets."

Uh, i did something recently i'm not proud of.

I didn't mean to do it.

It just sort of happened.

Spongebob: "oh, maybe you should talk about it."

Well, it involves my best friend, spongebob.

I don't think he knows what happened, but...

It would really upset him if he found out.

"Tell confess-A-Bear!"

Uh, i've said too much, already.

"Tell confess-A-Bear now!"

" Now!"

I accidentally knocked spongebob's toothbrush into the toilet,

And then i put it back on the counter without washing it.


You're mad at me, aren't you, confess-A-Bear?

Patrick, we need to talk.

Don't come in!

Uh, i'm not decent.

The house is a mess.

There's a radiation leak!

Patrick, where are you?

Why are the lights off?

Patrick: i'm in here, be out in a second.

Spongebob: ol' reliable.


What's in your hand, patrick?


What's in your other hand?

Nothing in my other hand.

Well, i gotta go.

O.K., bye!

Patrick wouldn't steal ol' reliable.

Would he?

I would k*ll for a net like that.

Have i been best friends with a master thief?

I must know for sure!

Good morning, patrick.

Morning, spongebob!

What you gonna do today, buddy?

Eh, nothing.

Well, i'm off to work, see you later.


Now we'll just see what sort of nothing you're reallyup to, sneaky mcsneakypants!

Narrator: eight hours later.

Oh, he is good.

You never really know a guy

Until you've stared at him for eight hours

Through high-Powered binoculars.

Hey, where'd he go?

Hi, spongebob.

What are you doing?

What're youdoing?


I just finished.

Oh, hey, look!

You can see where i was just standin' from here.

Boy, if you'd wanted to,

You could have spied on me all day from right here.

Creepy, huh?

Anyway, what are you doin' with those binoculars?

I don't have any binoculars, see?

You're acting weird.

I'm not acting weird.

You're acting weird!

You're... acting... weird!

O.K., bye!

Hello, who are you?

Greetings, young fellow.

I'm willing to pay top dollar for jellyfishing items

With sentimental value, if you know what i mean.


Word on the street is that you know where to get

Quality jellyfishing supplies, hmm?

What street said that?

This one?

Mind your own business!

Oh, mr. Star.

I know that you are in possession of a rare jellyfishing net.

I will pay $1 billion for that net!

I don't know who you are,

But you're not getting this net!

I wouldn't sell it for a million dollars,

Not for a $100!

I wouldn't even sell it for $1!

Oh, really!

You can't have it for any price.

And why not?

This means more to me than money.

It's my friend spongebob's...



Oh, thank goodness you're here.

There was a scary guy with a moustache

Asking a lot of weird questions!

Patrick, i'mthe scary moustache guy!

Why, spongebob, why?

Why would you wear such a scary moustache?

Why did you steal my jellyfishing net?


I'm your best friend.

You weremy best friend,

You no-Good jellyfishing net thief.

How could you think that?

Because you said it.

You said it was your friend spongebob's...



It's my friend spongebob's gift.

I made you a new net.

Spongebob: "for spongebob."

You made me a new jellyfishing net?

That is so thoughtful of you!


What you doing, best friend?

I'm not your best friend.

I'ma no-Good jelly netting thief fish.

Where are you going?

I'm leaving bikini bottom

While i still have my dignity.

Patrick, no!

So, this is it?

Barring the unforeseen hand of fate...

I'm afraid it is.

Patrick, don't go!

I'm sorry i accused you.

It's bad enough i lost my net

I don't want to lose my best friend, too.

Please forgive me.

What's the hold up?

Oh, it's you two.

Look, you left your net on the bus again.

Old reliable?

I left you on the bus?

You do it every week.

Can we get going?

Patrick, i want you to take this to remember me by.

You're giving me old reliable?

I accept your apology.

Oh, come here, you big lug.

All: aw...

They do this all the time.

I'm serious.

Oh, never mind.

I'm staying in bikini bottom.

All: hooray!

You wanna go jellyfishing?

I just got a new net.

So did i.

My best friend made it for me.

Ahh, i love waking up to my own circadian rhythm

Without the aid of an alarm clock.


Morning, squidward.

I waited for you to stop sleeping like you asked.

So you got any plans for the day, squidward?

O.K., squidward, i'll catch ya later.

Hi, squidward. Wanna play?


And leave me alone.

O.K., squidward, see ya later.

Ah, the blank canvas...

Infinite possibilities.

All the colors of the known and unknown universe,

Hiding on my palate.

The artiste approaches, ready to create.

Hey, squidward, wanna play?

O.K., squidward, see ya later.

Perhaps i can find solitude in the printed word.

Hey, squidward, wanna play?

O.K. Squidward, see ya later.


Hi, squidward.

Wanna play hide and seek?

O.K., spongebob.

You hide first.

Oh, no, where'd he go?

I guess he wins.

Defeat has never tasted so sweet.


How about a game of hangman?

How about a game of hang up?

I guess this brings an end to my luxuriating.

How 'bout duck, duck hermit crab?


Squidward says?

Steal the bacon?

Sleeping sea lions?

Sharks and minnows?

Sink the submarine?

Kings and queens?


Whoa, i've never played this game before.

What's it called?

It's called

I will never play with you...


Hmm, something tells me

That squidward doesn't want to play today.

That's it.

If i can't play with the real squidward,

I'll just make one of my own.

I think that moron finally gets it.

I don't want to see or hear him for the...

Spongebob, will you make that racket stop!


You open this door right this...

Spongebob: "hello squidward."

"Squidward, it's me, mini squidward!"

What are you doing spongebob?

Hello, squidward.

What manner of annoying scheme is this?

Just say hello to him, squidward.

You know how sensitive he is.


Now spongebob, what the...

Uh, squidward?

He prefers to be addressed by his full name.

Hello, squidward.

Wondrous weather we're having, eh, squidward, old pal?

Spongebob, what is the meaning of this?

Spongebob made a replacement you, me...

So that when you youdon't want to play,

Spongebob can play with me, you.

So, you'll be filling in for me

When spongebob wants to play one of his stupid games?


Oh, thank you, thank you.


Three words.

Movie title.

12 angry jellyfish.

How does he do it?

Right again, squidy.

You little charades master, you.

Squidward, you look a little different.


Have you been working out?

Actually patrick, this is...

Hold it, spongebob.

Oh, i know.

You shaved your beard.

All right, now.

Who has the krabby patty,

And who has the krabbypatty?


'Cause they're both...


Good one, mini squidward.

You are always a ray of sunshine.

Are you ready for another fabulous day of work at the krusty krab?

Of course i am.

I love to work.

Whois that little fella with spongebob?

I don't know, but isn't he handsome?

Yeah, heishandsome.

Oh, sorry sir, can i take your order?

No, i don't like your attitude, bub.

Is this what the krusty krab calls friendly service?

Sorry sir, can i take your order?

Now that's more like it.

Finally, a server with a good attitude.

Well, thank you very much.

I'll take eight dozen of your finest patties, please.

Don't let ol' chowder pants touch 'em.

He might taint the patties.

Fine then, go ahead.

Do my work for me.

I'm startin' to like this mini squidward.

Doing my work, keeping spongebob off my back.

I could get used to this.

Order up, mini squid.

Ok, spongebob, always happy to help.

Here ya go, pal.

Go get 'em, tiger!

O.K. Now, who had the krabbypatty

And who had the krabby patty?

What the... that's my joke!

Wow honey!

This new mini squidward is such a card.

And a great waiter, dear.

Oh, you're right.

So much better than that old, lousy, larger-Scale squidward.


Bring that little fella over here

And let me give him a $300 tip!


All right, all right.

That's enough!

My break is finished.

Oh, boy, back to work.

Hold on a second there.

Oh, mr. Krabs.

Uh, squidward, me cephalopod,

I'm sorry to tell you this.

Well, not that sorry.

Me customers prefer the new smaller squidward to you.

And so do i.

'Cause he's making me some bucks.

I'm changing your job to busboy, effective immediately.

Now pipe down and watch how it's done.

Hey, everybody.

I'm squidward and i love to dance.

I love to watch people dance while i eat.

Who's with me?

Who wants mini squidward to dance for our amusement?

Well, gosh, o.K.

What's the big deal?

Those are all my moves.


Talk about no talent.

Maybe squidward should get size reduction surgery so he'll dance better.

That mini squid.

Everybody dance.

That was awful.

He stole my jokes...

He stole my job...

He stole my standing ovation.

You little wooden fiend.

Stop stealing my life.

Stop, stop.

Don't gnaw on the head of my new client, please.

You don't know what you're doing.

Are you mad?

Have mercy.

Wait a minute.

I've seen you before.

You're that music agent that represents my favorite clarinet player.

Salutations, i'm milo j. Finkerfish.

Talent manager for curly bubbles records.

You mean you're here to sign me for a record deal?

The answer to that question is a big n-O.

This little fella on the other hand is woo-Hoo, woo-Hoo, good.

We're offering him a million dollar contract

And a sequined suit.

A sequined suit.

That's what you're supposed to offer me.

Why take a cheap knock-Off,

When you can have the original.

Now where do i sign?

Yeah, right, kid.

Well, ol' mini squidward, i guess this is it.

We've had some good times playing charades

And dancing around like two giddy butterflies.


Yeah, those were the days.

But i guess it's time for you to move on, huh?

On to greener pastures.

Arrivederci, mon frere.

All right kid, let's go become a sensation.

And we'll see you at the clammy awards.

Oh, no, i guess i won't.


What's the matter, actual size squidward?

My dreams are crushed.


At least i won't have to see that mini squid ever again.

Yeah, i have something even better.

Another me!
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