03x04 - The Will

Episode transcripts for the TV show "Dynasty". Aired: January 12, 1981 – May 11, 1989.*

Moderators: infinitebabbler, infinitebabbler

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Follows the gloriously over-the-top trials and tribulations of the fabulously wealthy and none-to-nice Carrington and Colby clans.
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03x04 - The Will

Post by bunniefuu »

Yes, that'll be fine, thank you.

Dr. Gailey, dial - - .

Dr. Gailey, dial - - .

All the arrangements
have been made.

Thank you, Jeff.

The funeral?



Alexis, when you
called me to come over

and talk to you,

I just want you to know if
there's anything you need,

if there's anything
you need help with,

I'm here.

Thank you, Jeff.

I'm glad you're here.

Just you?

Isn't it strange that with

all Cecil's money and power,

we're the only two who are here?

You haven't changed, have you?

You're still the same kind,

handsome little boy
with the gardenia.

Do you remember?


That day.

Oh, God.

Seems like such a
long time ago now.

That day when I
had to leave Denver.

When Blake forced
me to leave my...

My home and...

And my children.

And that...

That terrible day,
I was packing,

and you came into
my room with a...

With a single gardenia.

Does it come back to you now?


And that I had swiped it
from your favorite garden.

That wasn't important.

What was was
what you said to me.

Does it come back to you now?

Not really.

Well, I'll never forget it.

You said:

"Uncle Cecil tells
me that you're leaving.

"Maybe forever.

"Please don't go.

"Please come back

"to Fallon and Steve

"and me.

Your friend."

You made a difficult
day more bearable.

I wanted to thank
you for that then.

And for being here with me now.

Oh, Jeff.

Cecil was such a strong man.

So are you.

And however strong
a woman thinks she is,

there are times when...

she really needs a man.

I looked around the office.

And he was gone.

But I could still see him.

I... I-I could even feel him.

You know, the touch of
his hand when I was a kid.

I went there

to live with him.

And suddenly I felt everything
was gonna be all right.

That I wasn't gonna
be alone anymore.

So why...?

Why what?

Why did I spend so much
time in that office hating him?

Hating him for laughing
every time he pulled out

that filthy bag of tricks.

For what he did to Claudia.

Turning her back
into a mental case.

I've more than hated him.

I could've k*lled him.
I nearly strangled him.

How, Blake? How can
you love and hate someone

at the same time?

He hurt other people
but he was good to me.

Now, Jeff, you were good to him.

Now, you've got
to understand that.

You did nothing wrong.
You did nothing to hurt him.

There was one thing.

He knew that I
loved you as a father.

And I do. And I always will.

I appreciate that.

I mean that with my soul.

With my soul, I'm gonna
make sure my son grows up

to love and respect
you in the same way.

I guess that's, uh,

one thing

that won't make Fallon mad.

About Fallon, Jeff.


Let's talk about you and Fallon.

Someone has to.

I love them. I just love them.

I have a feeling you
didn't really see them at all.

The place for which I
designed these sets, I mean.

Mr. Dawson... Oh, try Billy.

I was very pregnant when
they were on the boards here.

That is your showbiz
expression, isn't it?

Yes, it is.

A boy or a girl?

A boy. Gorgeous baby boy.


About redecorating this place,
I mean totally redecorating.

I wanna turn this whole
place into a pleasure palace.

Like a class-A bordello.

Not quite.


Between us,

I'm a closet mountain climber.

I only design
these theatrical sets

so that I can pay for my
ropes and my spikes, I...

I've never really done...

Turned a hotel
into a fantasy land?


I want something my
guests aren't gonna find

anywhere else in the world.

Now, I think you should
be interested for, say,

a percentage and thou?

Did I hear ?

You heard . Do we have a deal?

Let's split the difference, I'll
pop the champagne at the bar.

You are gonna be a fun
lady to do business with.

Just leave it there.
I'll be back in a minute.

How are you doing, guy?


Go back to bed.

Go to sleep.

Oh, hi.

Hi, honey.

So you finally made it
home. And almost sober.

Oh, does it show? I usually
don't drink during the day.

This was a very
special occasion.

I got this great designer.
For the hotel you're taking on.

The one you never
bothered to mention to me.

Daddy told you.
Well, that much, yes.

He said there was more, but
that I'd better get it from you.

So let's have it, Fallon.

What other surprises
have you got for me?

Well, it shouldn't come
as such a big surprise,

but I want a separation.

It's been coming on for months.

We don't see eye
to eye on anything.

There's no argument there.

I mean, you name it,
our son, our lifestyles,

what never happens
in bed anymore.

Oh, Jeff, leave sex out
it. We're talking about

two people and
where they're headed.

Oh, really? Where
exactly is that?

Well, it's obvious, isn't
it? A divorce down the line.

A divorce?

And in the meantime, I
move out of the house, right?

Well, that's the
usual routine, isn't it?

When you separate, you separate.

Except there's a third party
involved here, sweetheart.

Oh, come on, Jeff. You can
see the baby whenever you want.

You're damn right I'm
gonna see him anytime I want.

Because I'm not moving
out. I'm not leaving my son.

I don't know what you're up
to with this new toy of yours,

but I'm gonna see to it my
son is brought up within a family.

He's gonna know
love and support.

Okay, okay. Separate
bedrooms then.

God knows we have enough
of them. So take your pick.

Again? Yeah, again.

And don't ever imply
again that my baby, my son,

isn't going to get that kind
of love and support from me.

Because if you do,
you're wrong. Oh, am I?

And exactly when are
you going to shower him

with your mother's
tenderness? In your spare time?

Jeff, why do you always
think the worst of me?

Oh, believe me, Fallon,
It's not all that tough.

Look. What you and I don't have

going on between
us is our problem.

We'll deal with that
for the time being.

But this new toy of mine has
nothing to do with my baby.

I love him more than my life.

And what I'm doing now
is just a part of my life.

Your new life?

Yes, and I'm very
excited about it,

because I'm doing something
that I wanna do for me.

I need to do something
fulfilling to be happy.

And a happy woman
is a better mother.

Aren't you just
kidding yourself?

No, I'm not.

Oh, the hell you're not.

Babies know whether
their mothers are around.

They can sense
it. They can smell it,

her perfume, her clothes.

Jeff, I'm not gonna spend
all my days and nights there.

Just enough time
to fit in to your

busy lady-executive
schedule, right?

Yeah, that's right. It's called
becoming your own person.

Well, tell me, Fallon.

Think you could find the
time in your executive schedule

to attend my uncle's funeral?

Cecil died?

God, Jeff, I'm sorry.
Oh, I'll bet you are.

After you made
it real clear to me

that nobody in the Colby
family matters to you.

Not me, not my uncle,
not our son, nobody.

I can't imagine
Mr. Colby not here.

I'm sorry. I can't help myself.

We were together for years.

I know, Katherine.
I... I understand.

May I get you something,
Mrs. Colby? A cup of coffee?

No. No, thank you. I...

I'd just like to be alone here.

Of course.


I'll be at my desk,
if you want me.

I heard about Cecil.

And you're sorry? Yes.

Are you really? Yes, I am.

I always thought
that you loathed him.

Well, I couldn't forgive him
for what he did to Daddy.

Tried to ruin him.

Is that one of the reasons
why you refused to come

to our wedding at the house?

What was finally going
to be a happy day for me.

Mother, don't let's go through
that again. It's over. Past.

I know how you feel and I wanted
to get here as soon as I could.

Good manners from
you, Fallon, are a little late.

All right, forget manners.

Let's just say I was
worried about you.

Worried about me? Oh.

How touching.

And when did all
this worry start?

Because I was worried
sick about your baby.

But you don't even call
me when he was found or...

Or tell me or anything.

I had to find out
from total strangers.

The only person who has shown
me the slightest consideration

or compassion is your husband.

Look, mother, the next few
days are gonna be difficult

for all of us, so...

The next few days. Yes.

You couldn't come to his wedding

but you'll be more than
pleased to attend his funeral,

is that it? And after the
funeral, there'll be the will.

And after the
reading of the will,

Mother may become a
very, very rich woman.

So let's all be nice
to Mother in her grief.

That is a sick thing to say.

Is it?

Well, the truth isn't
always pleasant.

And you, the epitome of truth.

Like in court under
oath when my father

was on trial for his life.

Well, the jury
obviously believed me

even if my daughter didn't.

That's right, I didn't.
And I still don't.

And I never will.

Thanks for coming to offer
your condolences, Fallon.

And don't bother to
come to the funeral.

You won't be missed.

Not by me.

Is that the threat of a woman
who may become very rich?

Because if it is, it's as
empty as you are, Mother.

Blake is worth millions,

so I hardly need
anything from you.

God, Mother, I can just feel
what you're going through.

All that money and power
riding on a few lines in Cecil's will.

Is Alexis in? Or is Alexis out?

How was the ride, darling?

It was good. But
not as good as this.

Come on. You didn't come
home early from the office

just to go galloping
off into the sunset.

You had a reason. Yes, I did.

I wanted to come home
because I had to think.

Oh, about this beautiful
blond lady that I know

and I'm interested in.

You might say that I'm, uh,

I'm intimately interested in.

Fallon called. She'll
be late for dinner.

Oh? She say why?

Uh, she had to meet
someone at the hotel.


She's really gung ho
about that thing, isn't she?

Wonder how long
is it going to last?

You're hoping not long.

Are you putting words into
my mouth, Mrs. Carrington?

Me, Mr. Carrington?


Are you being honest with
yourself about Fallon, Blake?

Sometimes I think you treat her

like she's one of...

One of her old dolls.

She's an adult and...

And what?

And it's not that easy being
Blake Carrington's daughter.

Oh, I know, I
know the sacrifices.

This house and,
uh, only two cooks

in the past year.

Come on, I'm serious.

All right, darling.

Just what are you
trying to tell me?

I think she wants to
be treated like a woman

who's found a sense of self.

Like a worthwhile human being.

And maybe having a
job could be helping her.

It helped me.

But you're different people.

We're both women.

I think I understand her.

She's asking you for something

she really needs right now.

Maybe you're not listening.

Now, look, she is my daughter
and I know her very well.

And I know that
she's doing this thing

to cut Jeff out of her life.

I'm sorry.

I know her so well.

I had no choice in this thing.

It was a case of either
indulging her in this hotel,

or she was gonna pick
up her baby and leave.

Look at it this way.

Maybe if she gets a
taste of the hard work,

and the frustrations
of running a business,

she'll look at... At Jeff
and her baby in a new light.

I hope you're right.


Try to understand
her and love her.

Bend a little.

Could you do that for me?

All right. I'll try.


would you do something for me?

Will you rub my neck?
Right here, please. Please.

It's ironic, isn't it?

Steven and now Fallon.

Both my own children

want out of my life. Just out.

And yet this... This fake.

What's his name, Torrance.

He'll try anything
to fight his way in.

No, operator. It's
not a business phone.

I'm sorry I don't
have a home address.

I don't even know if
she lives in Denver.

I just want you to check it out.

Alexis Carrington.

Ah-ha. Oh, here you are.

Hello. Sketches.

Mm. A few. Oh, what
took you so long?

Well, they're very rough.

Probably have to blame a
slight champagne hangover.

Oh, that was your idea.

Oh, yes, so it was.

And I enjoyed it.

There, now. What do you think?

They're terrific.

But we might have one
little problem, though.

What? I just ran
into your manager.

Oh, right.

The king of status
quo. What did he want?

Well, he collared me. Wanted
to know what we were up to.

So I explained
the whole concept.

And he didn't like it.

Well, let's put it this way.

I think you may expect a
visit from him in the near future.

Fine. Let him come.

I'll be waiting for him.

He'll find he has two choices:

He either goes along
with what I want or he goes.

I love this one.


I also had a chat with
some of the regular clients.

And they all seem to agree

that they rather like this
place just the way it is.

You just said it,
Billy, regular clients.

I'm looking for a whole
regiment of new ones, live ones.

You said you're a
mountain climber, right?


Well, why do you do it?

Original answer?

Because they're there.

Well, this hotel is my mountain.

And I'm gonna
make it to the top.

You may proceed.

Whatever you say.

Mr. Torrance, may I help you?

Yes, I'll be checking
out tomorrow morning.

Oh, I thought you'd be
staying with us indefinitely.

My business in
Denver is finished.

At least for the time being.

Well, of course,
I'll prepare your bill.

Thank you. Oh, sorry. Oh.

Hello again. Again?

I'm sorry, but, uh...

Oh, we had a brief encounter
in an elevator recently.

Oh, yes, the
Denver-Carrington building.


And you've been
looking for me ever since.

Oh, right again. To say it
was nice meeting you then,

and now, and ciao.

Hey, I was just putting you on.

Well, that's terrific.

Because I'm putting
you off. I have to go.


Home. Do you work here?

Yes, I do.

And I'm very tired.

Too tired to let me
buy you a drink?

A very quick one? No strings.

Michael Torrance word of honor.

And I am sorry.

I mean, about my
behavior in that elevator.

There you were, proverbial
damsel in distress,

suffering a panic
of claustrophobia.

Which I did try to
cure, in my way.

You're no Sigmund Freud.

I better go.

Oh, it seems they insist
we have another round.

Uh, you didn't happen to
signal him, did you, Montana?

You remembered.

And, yes, I signaled him.

Because I wanna
continue this probe

of your claustrophobia.

So, where else,

besides elevators, I mean,

do you get that
closed-in sensation?



Small drugstores especially.

Very interesting.

Where else?

I guess that's it, mostly.
Drugstores and elevators.

How about in bed?



Do, uh, sheets and quilts
and blankets do it to you?

Only in July.

You could throw in August too.

And how about nightgowns

during those two hot months?

I don't wear clothes to bed.

Now how about
that? Neither do I.

Summer, winter,
spring and autumn.

Man for all seasons.

You see.

We're on the same wavelength.

Because we say
the same thing and...

I think that's the last round.

I still don't know your name.

I know you don't.

So the Denver business
community was sad today

about the death of Cecil Colby,

one of America's
wealthiest oil giants.

Mr. Colby succumbed
to a heart attack

at Denver Memorial Hospital

only moments after
marrying Alexis Carrington,

former wife of Blake Carrington,

the man who heads
up Denver-Carrington.

Here we see the widowed
Mrs. Colby leaving the hospital

only moments after the tragedy.

needs an extra key.

Mr. Torrance. Forget
about making out my bill.

I've changed my mind.

I won't be checking
out tomorrow after all.

Oh. I have things to do.

I especially like what your
employer in New York says

about you taking care
of twins. Oh, ho, ho.

Your references are
very good. Thank you.

Jeff, come on in. I want
you to meet Mrs. Charles.

I think we finally found our
nursemaid for little Blake.

How do you do?
Hello, Mr. Colby...

Oh, my. Here, let
me get these for you.


Thank you very much.

Thank you for coming
by for the interview.

Either Mrs. Colby or I
will be in touch with you

as soon as we've
made our decision.


Could you show Mrs.
Charles out, please?

Goodbye, Mr. Colby.
Goodbye, Mrs. Charles.

What do you mean, "when
we've made our decision"?

I already have.

You're ready to hire her? Yes.

Oh, forget it. Didn't you smell
her breath? She'd been drinking.

Oh, that's your imagination.
She was a sweet...

Whatever she is, I
know the smell of alcohol.

Are you trying to imply that I
can't hire a competent person?


I know the last few
days have been awful.

The funeral this morning
was an ordeal for you.

And for me, but... But
we'll have to keep looking.

Well, then give me
a break, will you,

and help me hiring this
nurse instead of fighting me.

Sure. I'll interview
them at the office

while you're at the hotel. Deal?

I have already told
you that I do not spend

every minute of
my life at the hotel.

Yeah. What a surprise,
you're here for a change.

I came home for lunch
and to be with the baby

for a little while.

A little while?

You keep on throwing
roadblocks at me

and I'm gonna keep on
throwing them back at you.

As far as a nurse goes,

Jeanette will have to
keep on looking after him

for as long as it takes.

Who is it? Fallon.

Come in.


Can I ask you a
question about Jeanette?

Well, if you mean,
do I need her? No.

Good. Then she can stay with
the baby a little while longer?

Well, it's not really up to me.

But if Jeanette wants to, fine.

I suppose you think I should
be taking care of him myself.

No, that's not what I think.

That's what you'd
be doing, right?

Fallon, you do
whatever you want to do.

But I won't lie to you.

If I were lucky enough
to be in your position,

I'd take care of the baby first.

Why do I always feel
like you're judging me?

Why can't anybody
accept my choice?

I do accept it.

Do you?

I suppose you and my
father have discussed this

in whispered
conversations about me.

We don't whisper, Fallon.

And all I've said to Blake about
this is to give you a chance.

I'll bet.

Fallon, let's get this straight.

You came to my room.
I didn't come to yours.

So if you don't like
what I'm telling you,

why don't you just get out?

Blake, I'm only following
Mr. Colby's last instruction.

All right. But why
is it necessary for us

to be at the
reading of his will?

What the devil has
it got to do with us?

He asked very specifically
that you both attend.

That is bizarre, Gerald.

It's more than bizarre.
Come on now, tell.

Come on. You know
something about this.

You drew up that will, right?

That's right, I did.

But, actually, the request
for you both to be there

is not in those papers.

There's something else?

Yes. What?

At the hospital, when Cecil
decided to marry Alexis,

we were together
alone for a while.

He told me he had a
premonition that he was gonna die.

And that if he did, I
was to go to his office,

where I'd find a sealed
envelope with instructions.

What's in the envelope?


we'll all know that tomorrow.

Excuse me, but I have
a dinner engagement.

Thank you very much,
Krystle, and good night.

Good night. Good night, Blake.

Good night, Gerald.

Well, can you figure this out?

What Cecil wanted from us,

they practically arranged
it on his deathbed.

No, I can't figure it out.

We started out as friends
and we ended up as enemies.

But that's the way it is in life

with a lot of people.

But that bad feeling
is usually buried

at the funeral of one of them.

Now suddenly, this. This...

This call from the grave.


As Gerald said, "We'll know
all about it tomorrow morning."

We're going?

Yes. Yes, we're going.

Uh, Mr. Carrington
will need those papers

for a meeting concerning
the hotel later today.

Ah. Here they are.

Thank you.

Good morning.

Did I just hear you just
mention the name Carrington?

You did. Good morning to you.

My name is Michael
and you are...

Mr. Anders.

Can I buy you a cup
of coffee, Mr. Anders?

No, thank you. I've already
had my quota for the day.

Then how about a few
minutes of your time?

What exactly is it you want?

How well do you
know the Carrington's?

Very well. I manage
Mr. Carrington's household.

I see.

Well, I'm an attorney,

and I'm looking for
information concerning

Alexis Carrington Colby.
It's an important matter,

so the more I know about
the woman, the better.

Young man, if
there's anything at all

you want to know
about that woman,

ask her yourself.


I'll have to do that.

Good morning, Katherine.

Oh, uh, Mrs. Colby.

Good morning.

Where is everyone?
You're the first.

Mr. Wilson called.
He's on his way.

Do you know exactly
how many are coming?

I wonder about the chairs.

I have no idea.

Mr. Wilson made
all the arrangements.

Yes, of course.

What are you doing here?

I was expecting to meet Blake.

I see that he's not
here. I'll wait outside.

I asked you a question.

What are you doing here?

I was invited.

By whom?


That's impossible.

This is not a cocktail party,
this is the reading of his will.

I know it seems strange,

but he left the invitation
with Gerald Wilson.

Tell me, Krystle,

just what possible
connection is there

between you and my husband?

Connection? I don't
know what you mean.

Oh, don't play the
innocent with me, Krystle.

I know how ambitious you are.

I've seen how high you
place your aims. Very high.

Aren't you confusing me
with someone else, Alexis?

Who? Yourself.

Oh. Of course.

I see it all now and it
doesn't surprise me.

You knew Cecil before
you knew Blake, didn't you?

And you pursued him.
But it didn't work out, did it?

Because God knows
you're not his type.

So when that failed, you
turned your charms onto Blake.

Isn't that it? Isn't
that why you're here?

You know something, Alexis?

Every time I think you've sunk
about as low as you can go,

you surprise me.

You completely and thoroughly
surprise and disgust me.

Have I hit a nerve in that
oh-so-serene body of yours?

You're the one
with nerve, Alexis.

When you couldn't take
Blake away from me,

you went after
Cecil and his billions.

Nothing could stop you.

Even if it meant marrying
him on his deathbed.

Are you insinuating

that I forced Cecil to
marry me in the hospital?

Are you accusing me
of k*lling my husband?

No, I'm not.

That never occurred to me
until you just mentioned it.

"And to my housekeeper
and cook of years,

"Mrs. Helen Byron,

"I leave the sum of
$ , and a year's salary.

"And to my loyal
and faithful secretary,

"Katherine Malley,

"I leave the sum of $ , ,

"and my eternal gratitude.

"The remainder of my estate,

"including my mansion and
my triplex penthouse apartment,

"I leave to Alexis Carrington,

"who will soon become
my beloved wife,

"along with all of my
personal possessions,

"including all my
business holdings,

"if she has given me an heir

"to perpetuate the Colby name.

"If my wife does
not produce an heir,

"I leave half my
business holdings to her,

"and half to my
nephew, Jeffrey Colby.

"Though we had
differences during my lifetime,

"he is still a Colby.

"Should Jeffrey Colby
predecease my wife, Alexis,

"his share of my holdings
shall be held in trust

"for Jeffrey's son,

"Blake Carrington Colby,

"to be administered
and controlled by my wife

until my grandnephew
reaches age ."

Now, those are the
stipulations of the will,

but I also have
further instructions.

"Blake Carrington.

"My only regret is that I'm
speaking to you from my grave.

"But now I can tell you
that I have hated you totally

"from the day you stole
my beloved Alexis away

"and married her.

"Well, you will see
my revenge now

"when Gerald Wilson
places this cassette

"into this player.

"Especially you, Krystle.

"I want you to know
that the man you married

is not invincible."

I've had enough of
this farce, Rhinewood.

If you think I'm gonna sit still

while you try to take
over Denver-Carrington,

then you really are a maniac.

I run this company
and I've run it well.

And I'm not gonna let it
go, do you understand?

I'm gonna find out who you are,

and when I do, I'm
gonna destroy you.

That tape must've been
made in Las Vegas months ago.

What's it doing here?

"I devoutly hope, Blake,

"that you are feeling some
of the pain you've caused me.

"Well, now my wife and I have
found a way to pay you back.

"I am Logan Rhinewood.

"I haven't achieved my goal
of control of Denver-Carrington,

"but that I leave in the
hands of the woman

"who shares my dedication,

"my wife, Alexis.

I'm confident she will find a
way to bring you to your knees."

Signed, Cecil Colby.

Well, that concludes
the reading of this will.

Thank you very much,
ladies and gentlemen.

Take Krystle and
wait for me outside.

Why? Please, darling, do that.


You were in on this
Rhinewood masquerade

right from the
beginning, weren't you?

Blake, I knew nothing
about it, I swear to you.

You'd swear to anything.

I also heard you swear
that you didn't make Krystle

fall off that horse
and lose our child.

I didn't think you could
hurt me anymore, but this.

All right.

Try to take Denver-Carrington
away from me. Just try.

I'll fight you.

I promise you, I'll fight
you for the rest of my life.

Is everything all right?
Yes. Yes, it's all finished now.

Blake, that car
that came at you.

It was my uncle that
ordered them to k*ll you.

I-I can't believe
it. Believe it, Jeff.

Let's get out of here, shall we?

Damn you, Cecil.

Damn you for dying

and leaving me to
take care of this myself.

Bring Blake to his knees? How?

What do I know
about any of this?

Excuse me, ma'am.

How long have you
been standing here?

For a moment. Just a moment.

Do you mind telling
me who you are?

Well, there are
times when I wonder,

when I'm not all
that sure anymore,

but they call me Michael.

Michael Torrance.

Look, Mr. Torrance.

I don't want to make a scene

or have to call the
security guards.

I suggest you leave. I
don't mean to frighten you.

I told you to leave.

Do you really want me to,

without even wondering why
I've come all this way to see you?

To see me? Alexis Carrington.

It's Alexis Colby now.

Now, yes.

But not then.

On a fine September
morning, a long time ago.

"All this way"?

Where are you from?

Montana. A farm,
an attorney's office.

I live on the
farm, I'm a lawyer.

That's Billings, Montana.

A very dear old woman

passed away there this week.

And she gave me something
just before she died.

Where did you get this?

From the old woman

who said she was my grandmother.

The initials.

A. A. C.

They're not yours.
You said that...

I said I was called Michael.

How long have
you been in Denver?

For nearly a week now.

Why didn't you try
to contact me before?

Well, at first I didn't
know where to find you.

And then, when I did, I
didn't want to bother you

until after the funeral.

I know how you must be feeling.

This old woman

who lived in Montana,

what else did she tell you?

That my father and mother
were k*lled in a car accident

here in Denver,

nearly years ago.

That their baby boy
was k*lled with them.

That she buried them.

And that before
she went back home,

she saw me asleep

in a carriage outside a shop.

And she picked me up
and walked away with me.

"It was a fine September
morning," she said.

And as she got on the bus
with me, it began to rain.

Sun shower.

"It was as if the very skies
were sharing her sorrow

and her newfound joy," she said.

What else? What
else did she say?

She told me

that my real name

was Adam Alexander Carrington.

I know.

You don't believe me either.


Who else have you told this to?

The man she said
was my real father.


You've been to see Blake? Yes.

Blake Carrington.

It was a very brief
meeting. He threw me out.

And I expect you to do the
same thing, but before I go...

Can I get you some
water? No. Yes, yes.

No, I'm... I'm fine.

May I leave this with
you before I leave?

Where are you going?

Back to the hotel
I'm staying at.

La Mirada, do you know it?

Yes, I... I've heard of it.

Well, that's where I'll be
until this time tomorrow, so...

If you can find it in
your heart to believe me,

would you come and see me?

Or maybe just phone.

If you can't believe
it, I'll understand.

I'll go back home
and be who I was,

who I expected I
would always be.

But at least I'll go with
one very special memory,

of one miraculous
moment in my life

when I looked into
the eyes of my real

and very beautiful mother.


Is that you?

Is it really you?
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