03x15 - Two Flights to Haiti

Episode transcripts for the TV show "Dynasty". Aired: January 12, 1981 – May 11, 1989.*

Moderators: infinitebabbler, infinitebabbler

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Follows the gloriously over-the-top trials and tribulations of the fabulously wealthy and none-to-nice Carrington and Colby clans.
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03x15 - Two Flights to Haiti

Post by bunniefuu »


Oh, did Jeff come home, darling?

No. Did he phone?


You didn't find him.

Well, it's past midnight.

I must have driven
around three or four hours.

Not a sign of him.

How's Fallon?

As well as she can be

after an experience like that.

Those bruises on
her throat, they're...

They're so ugly.

I'll go up and talk to her.


she's locked
herself in her room.

She said she wanted to be alone,

to think.


Fallon, please let me in.


That's my baby.

Oh, Daddy.

You used to say that
to me when I was little

and I'd had a nightmare.

You'd come in and you'd say:

"You just had a bad, bad dream.

Everything's going
to be all right."

I'd smile at you, and it was.

Yes. I remember.

And then I used to say,

"Back to bed, young lady."

Come on.

Oh, I didn't mean
to lock you out.

I was just afraid
Jeff might come back

and try and finish what
Mark stopped him from doing.

I'm sure that Jeff would
have come to his senses

even if Mark hadn't been here.

I can't believe that.

You didn't see
the look in his eyes

when he started to attack me.

Oh, God, how did I ever
end up in this marriage?

Darling, you did
it to please me,

to help me.

You didn't make me do it.

You didn't ask me to.

Daddy, I have to
have that divorce.

Look at me and
tell me that I can't,

I shouldn't.

Fallon, I'm looking at
my beautiful daughter

who is very tired
and very hurt...

Daddy, please, don't
say I should sleep on it.

I've already made up my mind.

I'm looking at my daughter

and I'm sharing in that hurt.

But please,

don't decide anything,

not until I can find Jeff

and get to the bottom of this...

This behavior of his.

Why doesn't
somebody just say it?

Insane behavior. He's insane.

Yes, and there's got
to be a reason for it.

And I'm going to
find out what that is.

Where the hell have you been?

Obviously, out.

And, as obviously, back now.

Come here, Adam, and sit down.

It's very late.

You're still up? Plotting
something, Mother?

How dare you use
that word to me?

Why not?

We're both a bit
Machiavellian at times.

In fact, much of
the time, these days.

One might say one has
been learning one's craft

from a master.

A few hours ago, you
threw what amounted

to a blackmail threat at me.

Did I?

Don't interrupt.

You threw a vile threat

and then you stalked out of here

before I had a chance
to take that threat

and slap it across
your arrogant face.


Meaning that
didn't it occur to you

that I would simply
deny any complicity

in this plot against Jeff?

Your good-looking son-in-law

who was so good to
you after your husband

of approximately
five minutes expired.

Yes, I've heard that
sweet and touching story.

Don't you get smart
with me, Adam.

Cecil was my husband
and he adored me.

And I loved him.

So don't you try and
desecrate what I nearly had.

I'm sorry, Mother.

That was uncalled for and wrong

and I'm very sorry.

For that

and for letting you believe

that I'd ever want to place you

in the remotest
sort of jeopardy.


Then why did you thr*aten me?


Let's say that,

when you turned on me tonight,

when you refused
to accept my motives,

that I was really doing what
I thought was right for you,

my bad temper flared.

Well, you said it once:

"Be careful, Adam.

You've inherited your father's
propensity for v*olence."

Well, I've cooled down now.

And I want to make
you understand

why I did what I did.

Be careful, Adam.

This had better
be very, very good.


I don't know about good.

All I know is
that it's the truth.

You see,

up until a few months ago,

the word mother
was just that to me,

a word.

And then it became a reality,

in you.

A beautiful reality.

And along with all that joy

came a great deal of bitterness.


What right do you
have to be bitter?

Is this apartment
so hard to take?

Your clothes? Your
car? Your credit cards?

The job that I created for you

that I can just as
easily take away.

That I was deprived
of for so long.

You can say, as you have, that
you and Blake did everything,

turned over every
rock to find me

after I was kidnapped.

We did.

But somehow and
somewhere along the line,

you didn't look hard
enough, did you?

I have told you a
hundred times, Adam,

that I never wanted
to give up the search.

I begged your father,
I pleaded with him,

because I knew in my heart

my baby wasn't dead.

But he wouldn't
listen, would he?

And so he gave up on the
search sooner than he might have.

Tell me something.

Wasn't it partly because
of his lack of feeling?

Feeling for you.

What do you mean?

Wasn't your marriage
already beginning

to disintegrate?

No, it was not.

Our problems came after that.

Well, think of this, then.

After that, you had Fallon,

and then Steven.

He lavished a lot of
love on them. A lot.

But he sent you away.

And that's another reason
why I wanted to punish him,

the way you always
wanted to punish him.

Was that so wrong?

What's wrong is
that you've involved

another person in this.

Jeff. Yes, Jeff.

To risk k*lling him, I
cannot and I will not

go along with it.

Why won't you believe
me when I tell you

there is not and never has been

any risk to his life?

Won't you believe your
son about that, Mother?

Or do I just walk away,

become the lost
Carrington again?


I believe you, Adam.

You're my son

and I have to believe you.

Thank you.

Good night, Mom.

Morning, Jeff.

Jeff, I'd like to talk to you.

I don't feel like talking, okay?

It's not okay.

Sit down, Jeff.

I'll stand.

You know what you've done.

To Fallon.

To Fallon.

We had an argument.

You might have k*lled her.

It got heavy, yes.


What is wrong with you anyway?

Well, damn it, answer me!


I'm worried about my
daughter. Very worried.

But I'm worried about you too.

Your behavior these
past few weeks...

Aberrant behavior. Isn't that
the word you've all been using?

Yes, it's been aberrant.
There's something wrong.

There's... There's
something seriously wrong.

And you want to talk
about it. Yes, I do.

And then condemn me for it.

What? You heard me.

Unless you're willing to condemn

your loving daughter instead,

blame her for what's happened,

what's been happening.

Blame her...?

For what you did to her?

Your innocent little girl.

Yes. My daughter and your wife,

and the mother of your son.


You really thrive on
that word, don't you?

And how many times in the past,

how many, have you sat me down

on your proverbial lap and said:

"Jeff, I love you as a son"?

I meant that. Oh,
I'm sure you meant it.

Blake Carrington never says
anything he doesn't mean.

But when the chips
are down with me,

I'm still an in-law, right?

A son-in-law, right? A Colby.

Not a Carrington, a Colby.

The nephew of your
dead but still mortal enemy.

Which means you're always going

to side with your own family

and against me!

Now, don't say to me,

"No, son. That's not true, son."

I don't want you to
ever call me that again.

Not ever! Do you hear me?

Well, that was a close call.

Mrs. Gunnerson
almost quit again.

She's probably getting
tired of heating bottles

for Little Blake and Danny.

No, she, uh, said she
was being overworked.

Did you take care of it?

Oh, Joseph did.

He promised her
two more days off,

on Swedish national holidays.

That makes a grand
total of five days.

Plus all the others,
including Arbor Day.

It's nice to see you smile.

Oh, I can still manage that.

And why not? I've always
wanted to go to Haiti.

Now you're going.

That's right.

Fast flight, fast divorce.

In a foreign country.

Maybe the state of Colorado

could learn something
from a foreign country.


I understand how
you feel right now.

I realize the nightmare
you've been through.

There is no excuse for a man

to attack a woman physically.

Well, there's nothing to
talk about, then, is there?

There is.

Because running off to Haiti

could be disastrous.

Now, if Mark hadn't
gone to Mexico

for our divorce,

I wouldn't be in the
mess that I am right now.

We can't even adopt little Danny

until it's straightened out.

I'm going, Krystle.

Without really
thinking about it?

There's nothing to think about.

Look, Krystle,

I have to do this for me.

I'd like you especially
to understand that.

Mommy has to go away
for a couple of days.

I wish I could take you with me,

but it's best I go alone.

So just one thing,
don't you forget me.

Because if you do, I'll die.

He's not going to forget you.

Every day when you call,
I'll put the phone to his ear.

And he could hear you. Deal?

Okay, thanks. Goodbye.

Fallon, do you have a minute?

I'm really in a hurry.

I know. Just a minute.

There's just something

that I want you to know

before you do what
you're going to do.

Kirby, I really don't... Please.

I know, just listen to me.

Do you remember the night
that you sent me off to the movies,

when you heard about
Steven and you wanted

to stay home with Little Blake?


Well, after the movie, um,

I stopped by Jeff's office.

You know, it was
late and the buses

were doing their usual
thing, or non-thing,

and I asked him for a ride home.

I only talked to
him for a minute

and all he wanted to talk about

was how much he loves you.

I just want you to know that.

That was Jeff that night.


Full of love for me?


He certainly has a strange way

of showing it, doesn't he?


How are you?

I'm terrific.

I just came by to thank you
for helping me to be terrific,

not to mention saving my life.

Yeah, what the hell
was wrong with him?

I don't know and I
don't care anymore.

Well, I care about my boss.

I mean, after all, she's the one

who signs the paychecks.

I'm really sorry
about it, Fallon.

Oh, don't be. Besides, I'm
the one who should be sorry

that you got involved
with my dirty linen.

Anyway, I'm going to Haiti
to get it all straightened out.

So that's that.

Fallon, maybe you should...

Whatever you're
gonna say, forget it.

I've heard it all before.

Now, to business.

I know I'm leaving my
place in good hands,

especially since
you're gonna to be here.

You're going to be handling
the charity matches next week.

Yeah, of course.

I'll be back in time
for the main event.

So, if you need me for anything,

the desk knows my
hotel in Port-au-Prince.

Okay. Don't worry about a thing.

Have a really safe trip... Aah.

What's wrong, Fallon?


I should have k*lled him
instead of just throwing him out.

Thanks, Mark.

Here you go, Fallon,

that's the signature you need.

Have a happy divorce.


You want to talk again.

Yes. Yes, I do.

What about?

About this morning.
About the two of us

at the house this morning.

I think I made myself clear.

Well, I'm not so
sure that I did.

I wanted to talk to you.

You did!

No, I didn't. You
wouldn't give me the time.

Now what I wanted
was some clue...

About my aberrant
behavior, right?

That's right.

Well, I don't want
to talk about it.

I said what I
said and that's it.

Now you got what
you really came for,

so take your daughter and
get the hell out of my office.

Adam, it's Jeff.

I want you to come
into my office now.

I don't care. Let them wait.

It's about what you
said to me yesterday,

about trusting Blake Carrington.

Jeff Colby, please.

Still busy?

No, no, I won't hold.

This is Mrs. Colby.

Will you tell my chauffeur

to bring my car
around immediately?

I'm on my way down.

Of course, being of sound mind

and sane body, I don't...

It's the other way
round, isn't it?

Anyway, I don't usually
drink this early in the day.

But then, this is an unusual day

for all of us, isn't it? Hm.

First of all, I wanna
salute your wardrobe, Jeff.

You're gonna jog
around the corridor?


Oh, God, Jeff.

Look at you.

What's wrong with you?

You're so pale.
You look exhausted.

I'm so worried about you, Jeff.

That's funny. Some people
are and some people aren't.

No, it's not funny.

You know how much
I care about you, Jeff.

I always have,

ever since you
were a little boy.

Don't you remember?

Do you remember
you used to ask me

about all the trips
that I'd been on?

You used to ask me about them.

You used to want me to tell you

about all the wonderful
places that I had been to.

Oh, Jeff, I want you to go away

on a vacation now.


Yes, I'm here.

In fact, I got here first,

which means that
you're a little late.

A little late for what?

I've already convinced Jeff

he needs to take some time off.

I was about to phone
and tell you that.

Also, we've reached
a significant...


Not a significant.

We've reached a great,

a very great moment
in Colbyco's future.

Do you want to tell her, Jeff?

What do you want
to tell me, Jeff?

I signed over my son's shares

of Denver-Carrington to Colbyco.

Thus giving Colbyco
control over Blake's company.

And this should please
you even more, Mother.

Because Jeff needs a vacation,

he's agreed to sign
over his own control,

voting control in
Colbyco to you.

I'm sure you'll run the company

in the best of all
interests, Alexis.

Oh, I will. I will, Jeff.

But how did all this happen?

Let's just quote you, Mother,

one of your more
repeatable quotes,

and say that, "fate willed it."

And while we're at it,

let's also quote Disraeli,
who once proclaimed:

"We make our fortunes
and we call them fate."

Or was it, "We make our fate

and we call them fortunes"?

That wasn't it, but I
think I like that one better.

We should leave Jeff
alone now, Mother.


I'll talk to you
later, all right?

What's the matter?

Oh, God.

What have you done?

Did you hear how he was talking?

Did you see how he was behaving?

It's as though he was
going out of his mind.

Look, I've just handed you

Blake Carrington's
head on a platter

and given your
beloved Jeff Colby

a chance for a
much deserved rest.

Now, what more do
you want, Mother?

Let me speak to
her, please, Jeanette.

Hello, Kirby.

What do you want, Adam?

I'd like you to have
dinner with me tonight.

A quick yes or no, please.

There are other very
pretty governesses

and/or ballerinas out there

waiting breathlessly

for an invitation like this one.

Well, look, I...

What, busy? Another guy?

No, it isn't that.

It's the man of your
dreams, you figure he's going

to call you between
now and tonight, right?

He won't call, ever.

So all right.


Not breathless, Kirby, but good.

I want you to
understand that it won't be

on the basis you're assuming.

No fun and games
for dessert again?


So if you want to call
the other Margot Fonteyns

and/or Mary Poppins in
Denver, go right ahead.

It's fine with me.

I accept your
terms, Miss Anders.

Dessert will be flambé,

not necessarily flaming.

Besides, maybe
I have other plans

in mind for you.

Such as?

Maybe I'd like to find out

how bright you really are

behind that very
bright exterior of yours.

I'll pick you up at .

What's all this, Adam?

I believe it's called lunch.

A bit lavish, isn't it?

I never thought I'd hear
Alexis Carrington Colby

use that word on the downside.

The spoils of victory, Mother.

Won't you join me?


It's a celebratory collation.

That's collation,

as in the Italian, colazione.

Don't you love the
language, its music?

I had a roommate at Yale

from Venice, Venezia.

Have I told you about him?

No, you never mentioned him.

Well, he wasn't
with us for very long.

He got himself booted out

for seducing a rather
homely professor's wife.

Only the wife, that is.

The professor
was downright ugly.

Not amused, Mother?


if you have any doubts
about my methods,

the rightness of those methods,

you of all people should know,

the end justifies the means.

Sometimes I'm not so
sure about that, Adam.

Aren't you?

Then look at it this way...

Oh, I know.

It's only a matter of time

until we force Blake out

as head of Denver-Carrington

and then you and I will
take over Denver-Carrington

and Colbyco and run it together.



And think of the
fields we'll conquer.

Oil fields, soybean fields.

Name them and they're ours.

With no regrets as we
prance gaily through them.



Don't you have any regrets
about what you've done to him?

Honest answer?

No. None.

Well, I do.

I've done certain
things in my life

that I'm not proud of,

but I think that I've often
had regrets about them.

As in Krystle's baby?

Yes, I've seen the
hours you've spent

weeping over having cost
Krystle Carrington her child.

I did not cost Krystle
Carrington her child.

As you wish.

But as a latecomer
to this family,

this sometimes ruthless family,

I've made it my business

to find out everything
about everyone.

My son, the up-and-coming
entrepreneur and spy,

if you like.

My son.

My first-born child.

Sometimes I wonder.

Wonder what?

Sometimes I wonder

that you'd probably
be less Machiavellian

had I been more
of a mother to you

and been around a little more

to teach you better values.

Now, you should
have thought of that

before you stopped
looking for me.

Oh, don't start that
all over again, Adam.

Yes, let's put that one to rest.

In any case,

I don't think I'd have
turned out all that different.

From where I stand,

you and I are two of a kind.

It's just that I'm
more honest about it.

Come on, Daddy, it's not so bad.

I'm off doing what I want to do.

I'll be back soon,

a free woman.

And with a fantastic
suntan to boot.

Excuse me, we'll be taking off

in about three minutes'
time, Mr. Carrington.

Okay, thank you, Tom.

I'll have some
lunch ready for you

in about a half
hour, if that's okay.

That'll be fine, Tom.

Excuse me.

Daddy, you and Krystle be sure

to keep an extra
close eye on my son.

I don't trust Jeff.

Well, if you mean that
he would harm the baby,

he won't, I'm sure of that.

But we'll be very careful.

You know something,
Fallon, what you just said,

the way you think
and feel about Jeff...

Do we have to talk about him...?

Yes, we do.

Now, it should be clear to you

that Jeff's behavior right now

isn't totally sane.

He needs help.

Professional, psychiatric help.

Now, maybe if you stayed
here, if you didn't go...

Daddy, that wouldn't
make any difference.

I mean, if he could believe

that I was involved
with Mark Jennings,

how could I convince
him of anything?

Oh, Daddy, I love you.

And I appreciate how you tried

to keep the marriage together.

I'll see you in a few days.





How are you?

You're getting bigger
by the minute, aren't you?

Oh, yes.

Oh, I have such
great plans for you.

Yes, you're going
to have a daddy

who's going to
give you everything.

Play softball with you

and take you fishing

and climb mountains with you

and reach for
the stars with you.

I don't know.

Daddy feels old, worn.

Sometimes I wonder
if I'll even be alive

when you're old enough
to throw a softball.

I love you, son.

And no matter what happens,

you love me.

Come on.

Look at that.

Carrington residence.

No, Mr. Jennings.

Fallon's already
left for the airport.

That's right,
Jennings, she's gone.

Thanks to you, she's
gone, you creep.

Hello, Joseph,

I just called Jeff at his
office and he's not there.

I wondered, by any
chance, is he at home?

La Mirage? Are you sure?

Thank you.

Here you go. Don't worry.
Keep your eye on that ball.

One after another.
We'll get this down.

Take it around in a circle now.

That's nice.


Hey, mister, we're playing,
in case you didn't notice.

Colby, what the hell do
you think you're doing?

I'm here on unfinished
business, Jennings.

Well, I'm in the middle
of a tennis lesson.

What's the matter,
are you afraid?

Are you embarrassed that I'll
show you up for what you are

in front of one
of your students?

Mark, what's wrong with him?

Is he crazy?

No, I'm not crazy.
Being right isn't crazy.

And I am right, Jennings.

I mean, you may
cut a big macho figure

with pretty little girls
and other men's wives.

As far as I'm
concerned... That's it.

You didn't let me finish.

If you don't get lost, Colby,

I'm not gonna be as gentle
with you as I was yesterday.

Now, get out of here
while you still can.

Oh, no, oh, no. Not until
I show you up. Let's play.

Aren't you gonna get it
through that skull of yours

that when Fallon
was in the room...

Let's play!

If you hadn't gone wild,

she'd have told you the facts.

I know the facts about my wife.

I've run into the
facts a lot of times

before you came
into town, macho man.

There was a chauffeur, a doctor,

and half of daddy's
football team.

You've gotta be... Colby,
I'm gonna break your neck.


Jeff, come on, let's go.

Well, look who's here.

Her long-suffering
but ever-loving daddy.

I just want you to
come with me. Where?

Where we'll have a
cup of coffee and talk.

Forget it. Jeff...

I'm tired of listening to
your Carrington garbage.

Got one more score to
settle, then it's to hell with you

and your daughter
and your whole family.

Jeff. Jeff, are you all right?


Get an ambulance.



What's happening to you, son?

What's happening to you?

Nurse, where is Jeff Colby?


My office just
called me about Jeff.

Where is he? I have to see him.

You can't see him right
now. Neither of us can.

Krystle, he's my son-in-law,

my friend and my partner...

Blake is the only one
allowed to see him right now.

Why? Because he
donated this wing?

Because the doctors
said that only Blake

is allowed to be in there.

What else did the doctors say?

What caused this?

They don't know.

They're going to
make tests pretty soon.

Tests? Why?

What do they need
to make tests for?

A young man collapses from...

From fatigue and from overwork.

It's not necessary
to make tests.

Are you keeping
something from me, Krystle?

Are you?

Why would I?

Mother, I just heard
about Jeff and I'm sorry.

Krystle, I'm very, very sorry.

He collapsed on
the tennis court.

They're talking
about making tests...

Tests, yes. I know.

They can be endless
and that worries you.

It worries all of us,
but especially you.

You're looking a little faint.
I'm going to take you home.

No, I'm staying here.

Take you home and
give you a sedative.

Krystle, please explain to
Blake that we'll keep in touch.

Come on, Mother.

He could die. Do
you understand that?

He is not going to die.

Now will you please
get ahold of yourself?

Those tests.

They'll diagnose
what's wrong with him

and they'll trace it back
to that miserable paint.


I'll have the paneling
in his office removed

and the walls refinished.

Then it's your office.

And if anyone questions
the latest change in décor,

you simply tell them that
that outrageous shade of blue

did not suit your eyes.

Is that understood?


No change?

Mm-mm. Still unconscious.

Wasn't that Alexis
I heard out here?

Yes, the whole hospital
must have heard her.

What was she carrying on about?

I don't know. She...

She acted as if I were keeping

some vital information from her.

She was practically hysterical

to know what was going on and...

And what?

It's just a feeling,

but if I know her,

she knows something
about this that we don't.

I'll have a strawberry
daiquiri, please.



Just get here?




Well, that can only
mean one thing.

Welcome to the club.

This is my third.



My eighth.

You're putting me on.

Ha-ha. I mean,
you look like a kid.

Ha-ha. But that was cute.

Although not a record breaker.

The last time I was here,

there was this redhead from
Greenwich-pardon-me Connecticut,

getting her tenth.

Ah, can you believe it?

Ha-ha. And she was
not here alone, honey.

Was standing by for action?

Mm-mm. One of the bellboys.

And he got tipped handsomely

by the hour.

Hour after hour after hour.

Oh, I mean...

Well, that's the way I'm
going to do it from now on.

No more of these deep
involved entanglements.

What for? I mean, you marry them

and they all turn
out to be creeps,

one way or another.

Am I right?

Sure, you're right.

I was afraid of that.

Well, why don't you
tell me about your creep.

Because that's what you're
going to be doing around here

for the next few days.

Around the pool,
here in the bar,

down on the beach.

Absolutely everywhere, darling.

Comparing notes with the
rest of us creep-shedders.

My husband's name is Jeff.

When I married him, he
was a decent human being.

Now he seems to be
some kind of a maniac.

And I'm wondering...

Wondering what?

Did I do it to him?

Joseph, did you order the car

to take me back to the hospital?

Yes, Alfred's brought
the car around.

Thank you.

Uh, Jeanette's
with the babies now,

but if Kirby comes back
from her date before I do,

would you ask her to skip
little Danny's a.m. feeding

if he's still asleep?

Yes, I... I'll do
that. I'll do that.

Is something the matter?

Well, Kirby's date is with, uh,

Adam Carrington.

Is that a problem?

Well, I don't really
know that young man.

Uh, except that he
seems to be influenced

by his mother.

You know what I think of her.

Well, Kirby's a grown woman.

Not even her father can tell her

who or who not to
spend the evening with.

Hello, darling.

Hi. Did you talk to Fallon?

Yes, I called her a
couple of minutes ago.

Is she coming back?

No, but she's worried and sad.

She, uh...

She sounded so lonely,

like a very lonely child.

She'll handle it.

She's your daughter.

Who is it?

Room service.

It's : in the morning.
I didn't order anything.

The order says Mrs. Colby.

Rum punches.

A local specialty.

What are you doing here?

Now, I'd call that a
very legitimate question.

Well, are you
going to answer it?

Well, I figured that you
needed a little real company

after what you've been through
with that husband of yours.

Mark, I'm grateful for
what you did to help me.

But if you figured you'd find me

in such a down
mood about everything

that I'd be waiting
for any man, for you...

Hey, come on, I
said company, not...

Oh, no, I know,

and thank you
for making the trip.

You really should
be saving yourself

for your tennis-playing ladies.

Look, I don't need
to fly to the Caribbean

on a crowded night
coach to score, Fallon.

But as long as I'm here,

I'll help to straighten
out your thinking.

Oh, it's straight.

Don't color me as a dude

on the make and
the take, Fallon.

I make my living
as a tennis player.

I'm not a tennis bum.

Mark, I'm sorry.

Now I'll tell you why I'm here:

To let you know
that you're not alone

and that if you need
me, I'm down the hall.

Grazie, Lorenzo.

You hardly ate a thing.

And if not even a Café Diablo
can bring a spark to your eye,

I can only be
pretty dull company.


I should have
cancelled this date.

I'm rotten company when I'm...

When I'm worried.

I thought I assured
you on the way out here

that Jeff's going to be fine.

Good as new and fit as a fiddle.

Or being a Colby,
fit as a Stradivarius.

Don't make light of it.

He's in the hospital, he's sick.

We, both of us...

We both of us what?

We should have gotten him

to a doctor a lot sooner.

Then maybe he wouldn't
be lying in a hospital.

I have an idea.

Instead of spending the
evening worrying about Jeff,

maybe we can do
something more positive.

Read this.

It's in French.


That's why I want
you to read it.

I can't.

It's a memo from a company

in Vietnam.

"Relative to a dispute

with China over
oil lease rights..."

How can this possibly help Jeff?

By helping Colbyco.

I'm not sure yet,

but there could be
millions involved.

And there are more documents
where this came from.

Kirby, I'd like you to
consider something.

Namely, using that
very good mind of yours

for something a
little more challenging

than diapering Blake
Carrington's grandson.

Are you offering me a job?

Might be.

On what basis?

Oh, you're wondering, personal?

I'm wondering. Personal?


A pleasure-filled
night with a lady

is not that hard for me to find,

but a good translator

of highly sensitive
documents is.


are you interested?

Ask me when Fallon gets back.

Oh, Dr. Braddock, any word yet?

No, not yet.

Well, just how long
does it take you people

to find out what's
wrong with a patient?

We're testing Mr. Colby for
everything, Mr. Carrington.

But it's a complex
battery of studies.

Now, maybe we'll know more

when the lab resumes
in the morning.

Resumes in the morning?

I want that lab kept open
all night until you find out

what the problem is and
start to do something about it.

Do you understand?

I'll see what I can do.
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