03x19 - Fathers and Sons

Episode transcripts for the TV show "Dynasty". Aired: January 12, 1981 – May 11, 1989.*

Moderator: infinitebabbler

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Follows the gloriously over-the-top trials and tribulations of the fabulously wealthy and none-to-nice Carrington and Colby clans.
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03x19 - Fathers and Sons

Post by bunniefuu »

The house is quiet.
Dinner must be over.

We still have to be quiet.
My father will hear us.

He has a sixth sense
about these things.

Why, have you eloped
before? Oh, yeah,

two or three times
at least, I don't know.

Well, in that case
we better be quiet.

I have to make a
phone call, quietly.

Derek? This is Jeff Colby.

Look, I'm sorry it's late,

but I need you to fly
me to Reno tonight.

Fine. Uh...

We could be at the
airport in an hour.

Uh, there's gonna
be two of us flying.


I never heard you
mention a Derek.

He's my Uncle Cecil's pilot.

Don't worry, he's very
used to flying at night.

It's us.

What about us?

Are you absolutely sure you
wanna marry me this quickly?

You want a quick answer? Yeah.


Now let's get packed.

The first one finished runs
straight down to the kitchen,

and borrows a chilled
bottle of champagne

in case that flying
icebox is dry.

I've made up my mind.

I'm not coming
home, so forget it.

You can't mean that, Steven.

I damn well do mean that.


Well, go on. Finish it.

I've traveled a long
way to have this talk.

Let me hear it.

I don't wanna be a Carrington.

Isn't that clear enough?
Obvious enough?

I had a chance to
escape from you people,

to lead my own life.

I don't wanna let
go of that chance.

So let go of me, Dad,
once and for all. Let go.

You've got a son
who's a Carrington.

Tell me you don't
want to see him.

A son. How do you
know he's mine?

How will I ever
know, really know?

I have a wife who ran off
to Hollywood, remember?

I saw her there,
naked in that studio,

with that creep photographer.

He could be the father.

Anybody west of the
Rockies could be the father.

He resembles you, Steven.

Which me? This me or the old me?

He's got your eyes. And...

And what?

Go on. You finish it.

I believed Sammy Jo when
she said he was yours, son.

I think you should too.

So says the omnipotent
and omniscient

Blake Carrington.

Who happens to be your father.

Now you listen to me.

I've come halfway around the
world, miles, to find you,

because you're my son.

Now if you let your
own son go now,

I tell you that you're gonna
live the same nightmare

that I've been through.

If you run away from
him and keep running

as you say you want to do,

there'll come a day when
you want to stop running.

There will? Yes, there will.

A day when you decide
that you want to see him.

But it may be too late,

because he may not
want to see you then.

That's going to
turn you inside out

for as long as you live.

Carrington Residence.

Hello, Joseph.

How are you?

Fine, Mr. Carrington.

It's Daddy.

Is Mrs. Carrington
or Fallon there?

Yes, they're both awake.

In fact, here with me now.


Hello, darling.
I've got good news.

Wonderful news.

I have Steven here with me.

Oh, thank God.

Oh, he's alive.
Steven's alive, Fallon.

Well, can we talk
with him, Blake?

Is he well enough to
say something to us?

Yes, he is. He's very
well indeed. Hold on.


No, Steven, it's Fallon.

It is you, isn't it?

Say something again, please.

It's me, sis.

And it's good
hearing your voice.

Good hearing mine?

Oh, Steven.

Oh, why are we wasting time
talking on this dumb phone?

You get on a plane with Daddy
and come right home, you hear?


I've had some surgery
done to my face.

I don't look quite the same.

Don't worry, Fallon.
He's different,

but he's still very handsome.

Yes, he's fine.

No, no. No.

No, really fine.

Look, put Krystle
back on, will you, dear?

Blake? Darling,

we're gonna be heading
for home in a couple of hours.

There's a flight straight
through to San Francisco.

Now, will you have Paul meet us

in San Francisco with the plane?

We're on Flight
arriving at p.m.

Yes. And we'll fly with
Paul and meet both of you.

Oh, no. Krystle, no. I...

I don't want Steven's
reunion with his family

and with his child to take
place in a cold airport.

I want it to be at home,

under our own roof again.

I'll see... We'll both
see you within hours.

All right.

Bye, darling.


Joseph, tell everybody
Steven's coming home.

Tell all the servants.

Get Jeff, Kirby, everyone.

All right, I guess we can begin.

Now, the contract of marriage

is most solemn.

It is not to be
entered into lightly,

but with a deep realization

of the obligations
and responsibilities.

Now, do you...?

Do you, "Jeffrey
Broderick Colby,"

take this woman,

"Kirby Alicia Anders,"

to be your lawful wedded wife?

I do.

All right. And, uh, do you,

"Kirby Alicia Anders,"

take this man, Jerry...?

I beg your pardon,
"Jeffrey Broderick Colby"

to be your lawful
wedded husband?

I do. Ahem. I do.

All right. Now, do you promise
to love and comfort one another

in health, in
adversity, in prosperity,

and do you promise to
be faithful one to another

so long as you both shall live?

Yes. Yes.

Exchange the rings.

All right.

And I now pronounce you

husband and wife.

And the groom
may kiss his bride.


How about a drink?

No. But you go ahead.

Thank you.

You know, since
we're going home,

I really should fill
you in on a few things.

Now, I've already told
you about your brother.

Adam. Yes.

But you didn't tell me much
about what he's like now.

You'll get to meet him.

Now, about your mother?

I heard about it on the
radio when I was on the rig.

She married Cecil and
then he died shortly after.


She got his money, I suppose.

Half of it. Jeff
got the other half.

Good for him.

Now, what's not so good

is that Jeff and Fallon

just got divorced.

I'm sorry.

But I always did see
that coming, I guess.

Well, the important thing
anyway is that you're going home.

You're gonna see your baby.

Now, Sammy Jo named him
Steven Daniel Carrington Jr.

We call him Danny.

He's a marvelous kid.

He's also the most beautiful.

I'm tired, Dad.

I think I'll go down
and catch some sleep.

Is that okay with
you? Of course.

Why's the baby with you?
Why isn't he with his mother?

Well, Sammy Jo's in New York.

She wants to
become a model and...

And so she just dumped
him on you and Krystle?

Well, there's a little
more to it than that.

I think I should
explain, Steven.

Explain about Sammy Jo.

What's to explain?

She told me once

that she wanted no part of me.

I guess that
included everything.

Even my child.

It's after midnight. What
are you doing here?

Has something happened?

Is it bad news about Steven?

No, it's wonderful news.

He's alive, Alexis.
Steven's alive.

Are you sure?

I just talked to
Blake in Singapore.

Fallon talked to both of them.

Oh, thank God.

They were going to call you,

but they were rushing to
catch the first plane out.

So they're on their
way back here?

Is Steven all right?

Blake said he was fine.


Only what?

He's had some plastic surgery.

He was burned in the accident.

His face...

Oh, my God.

His face?

All I know is that he
had some surgery and...

he looks different.

I wanted to tell
you that in person.

Thank you.

At least he's alive.

And even if he does
look different, he's...

He's still Steven.

He's still my baby.

They'll be home tomorrow night.

I want you and Adam to be there.

Well, we will.

Of course we will.

You'll phone me
about the time? Yes.


I just want you
to know that I...

I really appreciate your
coming over here tonight.



Good night, Joseph.

Good night, Mrs. Carrington.

Is something the matter?

Hm? Oh, it's Kirby.

It's very late and
neither my daughter,

uh, or Mr. Jeffrey
have come home yet.

Now, she told Jeanette that
she would be home at : .

I can't help wondering if
something has happened.


You know, I had a very
strange dream a little while ago.

Mm. Tell me about it.

Well, I was with this
handsome young prince

who whisked me
off to a private jet.

Absolutely private.
Can you believe that?

You do have strange dreams.

Go on.


we flew to a glittering city

somewhere in the
middle of nowhere.

And then we met

a justice of the peace,

who married me to the
handsome young prince.

And then you woke
up this morning

and you saw that
you married a frog

and you're disappointed.

You're nervous again. Hm?

Well, maybe...

I'm just wondering if...

If what?

This isn't a classic case
of the divorced man...

Go on.

Marrying on the rebound.

There, I said it.

And I hope you're
sorry you said it.

I am.

Just... Just tell me one thing.

Just one thing.

Do you want me as much
now as you wanted Fallon once?


And you are not to be compared

to anyone else

on this earth of ours.


Oh, Mrs. Carrington,

I was just looking
in on the babies.

Have you been here long?

Just a little while.

I couldn't sleep.

That wonderful
news about Steven,

I wanted to share
it with his son.

Steven's son.

Well, I'm happy for Steven.

But I know how
torn apart you were

when you lost your own baby.

And you had such
plans for this one.

I'm sorry for you.

Don't be sorry.

It's Steven's child.


I only hope that you can have...

Another one?

I don't know what
made me say that.

The excitement.

It's all right,
Jeanette. It's all right.

Mother, good news
today. Very good news.

Have you tracked down more of
Blake's missing board members?

Two more. And they've
both been wired notification

of the Denver-Carrington
board meeting next week,

when you will have Blake
exactly where you want him.

Wonderful, darling.

But right now the
only important thing

is Steven's homecoming tonight.

I just talked to Krystle.

Steven and Blake are
going to be at the house : .

Then I'll be home at
to change. Bye, Mother.


Next, up.

Okay. Again.

Really get down. That's
looking good. That's good.

Excuse me for barging
in, Mrs. Carrington.

But I was planning
the menu for tonight

when Steven returns,

and I'd like your
approval. Oh, of course.

You know, that
exercise is more effective

with a balancing stick.

Got one in the car. I'll
get it. Thank you, Michael.

Uh, I didn't, uh, list
the hors d'oeuvres,

but I'm planning to make them
very, very special, naturally.

I'm going to have escargot

with shallots en croute.

My Swedish meatballs
with gooseberry sauce

that Steven loves so and...

M-Mrs. Gunnerson.

This is a lovely menu.

And the hors d'oeuvres
sound wonderful.

But I think you ought
to stick to the menu

that you already prepared.

I-I'd rather we be simple.

I understand, Mrs. Carrington.


Is it, uh...?

I-Is it true about his face?

Yes, it's true.

Oh, I'm... I'm sorry.

It's just that I remember him

all those years, growing up.

My dear sweet Steven.

And this operation they...

They had to do on him.

In a way, it's...

It's like that Steven has...

Has just gone from us forever.

Well, we'll just
have to wait and see.

Remember, I want you all

to make Mr. Steven feel
as comfortable as possible.

He's had very serious
surgery and is still recovering,

so you needn't
stand stiff as soldiers.

We're most of us old friends

welcoming back a
very special friend.

Jeanette, would you
tell Mrs. Gunnerson

they should be here momentarily?
Yes, Joseph, I'll do that.

Hello, darling. Hello, Mother.


Well, I have champagne
on ice in the solarium.


Wonderful night. Oh,
it's a great night, Fallon.


Oh. Oh.

I'm so happy you're home.

You look great, Fallon.

I love you. I love you.

Oh, Steven.

Mother. Steven.

Oh, thank God.

Oh, you're alive.


Steven, I want you to
meet your brother, Adam.

I'm sure that your father
must have told you about him.

Welcome home,
Steven. Thank you, Adam.

We're glad you're home,
Steven. We've missed you.

Welcome, Steven. Thank you.

Now, before there's
any more welcoming,

I think it's time for me
to get a word in here.

I want to say
this to all of you,

because all of you shared

the unbearable grief with me

when we thought
we had lost Steven.

And now I want you to
share the incredible joy

of his homecoming. I...

Welcome home, Steven.

This is your son.

My son.

My son.


I know, I know,
"Come to bed, Blake."

You must be very tired.

I am.

These last hours have
been so intense with...

With so many
feelings rising up in me

that are impossible to sort out.

Come on, sit over here.

Feelings and
thoughts about Steven?


How do you think he'll manage?

I don't know.

He's still trying to get
a grip on who he is.

And now he's got
a child to deal with.

He'll love his child.

Did you see the way
he looked at him?

That'll help him find his way.

I hope so. I pray it.

I'm also hoping something else.


That being a father will
somehow give Steven

a different point of view
about his own father.

And all that bitterness
in him towards me

will disappear.

It will.

You know that?

I know it will.

There's something else
bothering you, isn't there?

What is it?

Blake, I'm wondering...

Do you think it was
right not telling Steven

about adopting little Danny?

That Sammy Jo
offered to sell him to us,

even sell him to
strangers if she had to?

Well, Steven has
already figured out

that Sammy Jo was not
interested in bringing up a child.

I tried to tell
him on the plane,

and he walked away
and I didn't pursue it.

All I can hope now is
that I did the right thing.

And try to get some sleep.

Yes. And try.

But I can always turn
my head on my pillow

and look at you.

A lot tougher things
in life than that.

I figured I'd find you in here.

How many rooms in this house?

Forty-four? Forty-five?

Uh, last count.

Well, this is one
of the better ones.

There's a certain peace,

a certain innocence.

No, this room is where we
used to fling all our pillows

and toys at each other until
they gave us separate rooms.

And not without a
howling fight, remember?

Scissors. Paper.

Scissors cut paper. I
can never win with you.

Never will.

Steven Daniel

Carrington Jr.

He's the real reason for
my coming home, Fallon.

I came back here
only half-believing

that he exists.

But standing there
looking at him...

So little,

so helpless.

There's a sudden
reality to all of this.

And the question
I'm asking myself...

"Will he always be so
little and so helpless?"

No. Look at my son.

They grow up so fast, Steven.

Almost too fast.

The question I'm
asking myself is:

"Can I handle the
responsibility of being a father?"

Oh, that.

I know how you feel because
I go through that myself.

I mean, a new mother can be
just as scared as a new father.

But with enough love you
just begin to get the hang of it.

He's so damned


How could she just...?

Sammy Jo?

There must have been
some mother love in her,

or why did she have
him in the first place?

It must have been a rough
time for her, being all alone.

I guess.

You still don't like her.

She is what she is.

I hardly even think
about her, Steven.

When she showed up with
the baby, did she talk to you?

Say when she was
coming back for him?

I didn't really see her.

She really came here
to see Daddy and Krystle.

Had she changed at all?

Matured at all?

I really didn't see
her enough to know.

But I have seen enough of you
to know that you're exhausted

and you should hit the sack.

Am I right?

You're right.

Good night, Fallon.

Good night, Steven.

And welcome home.

Now, I know that we're
here to talk about your plans,

but what do you think
of this wonderful place

that your sister has pulled off?

Really nice. But nothing
she does surprises me.

Hello. You two finally made it.

Well, I told Bennett
to drive slowly.

He's been a maniac
behind the wheel recently.

I think he thinks
he's Mario Androni.

You wanna try Andretti, Mother?

Oh, whatever.

So we're finally here for lunch.

And I'm sure it's going
to be absolutely fabulous.

It'll knock you out. I've
supervised it myself.

After all, this is Steven's
first visit to my new emporium.

But before lunch
I wanna take him

on a personally guided tour.

Mark, I want you to meet
my terrific brother, Steven.

Steven, this is Mark Jennings,
a pretty terrific tennis pro.

Hello, Steven. Good to see you

and welcome back.
Thanks, thanks a lot.

Alexis. Hello, Mark.

Mark, will you entertain
my mother a little while

while I show Steven around?

Care to join me for a drink?

Why not?

Bob, club soda, please.

And... Alexis?

A Virgin Mary.

You got that? I hear you, Mark.

Well, maybe you haven't noticed,

but I'm wearing the
pin that you gave me.

I see it. I'm glad
you really like it.

Well, I really like the
man who gave it to me.

You know, there used to
be an old romantic custom

that when a male pinned a female

that they became
an item, as it were.

Which I thought that we were.

Or maybe I'm being
overly romantic,

or maybe you've changed
the rules of the game,

but, well, I haven't
even had a phone call

since you came back from
wherever it is that you went to.

Here we go. Thank you.

Thank you, Bob.

Well, in the first
place, I've been busy.

With your students.

Most of them female.

That's right.

And in second place?

When I gave you the pin, Alexis,

you were the one who
spelled out the rules.

Nothing serious,

no room for that in your life.

Well, that's something
that you should be used to

having lived your
kind of gigolo life.

Should have
suited you perfectly.

Just fun and games, correct?

No, not correct.

You see, I'm not always in the
mood for just fun and games.

Now if you'll excuse me, this
gigolo has a lesson to give.

Bob, put my drink
on Mrs. Colby's tab.

So did you and your
brother hit it off last night?

We hardly had a chance to talk.

Oh, honey. You were so tired

that you hardly had a
chance to talk to anyone.

But I know that once
you get to know him

you'll really become
good friends.

Mother, I would
rather not get into

what you've been hinting at,

that I join Colbyco.

I'm not ready for a
job yet, anywhere.

All right, we'll drop it.

For now.

You know what
this reminds me of?

That lunch that
we had that first day

when your father was on trial,

and you were the only person

that was happy to see me again.

Do you remember?

Oh, so many things
have happened since then.

So many bad things

and so many good things.

But the best thing
that's happened is you.

You being back with us.

And with my son.

And with your son.

Let's talk a little bit
about what happened

before I left,
Mother, all right?

Yes, of course.

Let's talk about Danny's mother,

Sammy Jo.

How you paid her
once to get out of my life.

Yes, I paid her off.

And she took the money with
no questions asked with nothing

but that money-grubbing
smirk on her face.

Now, I know that you
don't wanna hear this,

but I have no regrets
about what I did,

because I'm not a
hypocrite like your father.

Meaning what?

Meaning I'd have bought off
Sammy Jo a hundred times

to get your baby away from her.

But Blake, ruthless
as ever, beat me to it.

Beat you to it?

Oh, he didn't tell you?


Well, he swears that
he didn't buy little Danny,

but I know that he did.

For Krystle,

his beloved

but barren Krystle.

You know this all to
be a fact, of course.

All I know is that
Blake is smart enough

to make it seem all aboveboard,

his manipulating the lawyers
about a so-called adoption.

But the fact is it was a sale.

Your baby for bucks, to
put it crudely but honestly.

But now that you're back,
everything's changed.

You're damned
right it's all changed.

Where are you going? Into town.

Well, I'll drive
back with you. No.

Finish your lunch.

You seem to be
enjoying it, Mother.

Steven, Joseph said
you wanted to see me.

I really wanted
to see my father,

but he's not at his office.

So meanwhile I'd like you to
give me some answers, Krystle.

What's the matter, Steven?

Why didn't you both tell
me the truth about my baby,

that my father
bought him? Steven...

That he wrenched him
away from his mother.

That's not true.

He's a big one at
writing out checks.

Did he give one to Sammy Jo?

Yes, but he wrote the check

so she could go to
New York with the baby,

to take care of him.

But she said she didn't want to.

Wasn't that after she had a long
and private talk with my father,

after he convinced
her that the baby

could have a better life here?

No, it wasn't like that.

I'd like to believe you.

Believe me, it's true.

I respect you, Krystle.

And I know that you defend
the man because you love him.

And he loves you.

Maybe. Maybe not. I
don't think I'll ever know.

What I do know is
that he uses his power

and his money to get
whatever he wants.

Take it or buy
it, that's his style.

Well, I don't care how much
money or power you have.

You don't go around
taking people's babies.

I found this note on my desk.

"Missed you. Be back later."

What did you want, Mark?

And what happened to later?

I wanted to ask you something,
then I changed my mind, okay?

Guess you decided you'd
figure it out all by yourself, huh?

I wanted to ask you
out to dinner tonight

at St. Dennis Club.

Some place a
Carrington doesn't own.

So then...

why didn't you?

I figured you
wouldn't want to go

with your brother being back.

Mark, I spent half the
night talking with him

and a good chunk of today.

Thankfully, he'll still
be here tomorrow

and every day after that.

So, what's the real reason?

Well, maybe it
occurred to me, Fallon,

that we'd walk into
the St. Dennis Club,

and people would be
smiling behind their menus

and their martinis.


They'd be wondering
what's a Carrington

doing with the
hired help, and, uh,

when's she gonna slip
him the money for the bill?

Jerry, catch.

Hold onto that for me, will you?

You ready?

So you're sure Little
Blake's all right? Good.

Well, I should be home
in a little while, Jeanette.


So, Mr. Jennings, thank
you for the lovely dinner.

It was fun.

How about a brandy?

A toast to the man
who saved my life twice.

First in this room,
getting Jeff away from me.

And second,

emotionally in Haiti.

Well, let's just say I believe
in that old Chinese proverb,

that when a man
saves a woman's life,

then he's responsible
for her from then on.

Very sexist.

But I'll drink to it anyway.

Fallon, I wanna
make love to you.

How did Steven know
about it? You didn't tell him.

Blake, he had lunch
with Alexis today.

I hear there's a
problem, Steven.

Why don't we get
it out on the table?

And talk about me?

Yes, or at least
what's on your mind.

Let's talk about the
two of us, okay, Dad?

I've changed. Physically.

And a lot of other ways.

But in spite of what
you'd like me to think,

you really haven't
changed at all,

and I'm not sure you
could if you wanted to.

Now, son, let's not start.
You don't want to argue,

to start clawing at one another?
I just don't want to start...

You don't want to
spoil the homecoming,

after all the embraces
and emotion and tears.

Look, Dad, I know
it and you know it.

To you I'm still the son you
consider your disappointment,

your mistake.

The son who was never a man.

Steven. You don't... Steven.

Let me tell you about Steven.

Do you wanna know how and
why I'm standing here tonight?

I spent hours in that water,

burned and bleeding, holding
on to a piece of wreckage,

fighting to stay alive.

My friend, Ben, was
dead when I reached him.

But I was determined
I wouldn't die.

And I didn't.

They told me that when
the freighter spotted me

I was unconscious
but still hanging on.

So I'm just as strong and
tough as you are, Dad.

There's more than
one kind of man.

You don't hold
the lock on the title.

I know that, son.
I truly know that.

Do you? When you saw
the chance to take my son

and mold him in an
image closer to your heart,

to Blake Carrington's heart,
you grabbed it, didn't you?

You used your lousy money

to persuade my wife
to give you my son.

Now that is not true.

And I won't stand
here and listen to that.

Because you never lie.

No, I don't,
damn it. I don't lie.

I understand how you picked up

on this distorted
picture of things.

You obviously got
that from your mother.

I had hoped to spare you

from the fact that Sammy Jo

had so little maternal feeling,

valued that child so little

that she tried to
sell the baby like...

Like a piece of goods.

Knowing you as I do,

in your eyes that
probably is the truth.

It is the truth.

I wonder if Sammy Jo
saw it the same way.

I wonder if she didn't
really come here

hoping the Carrington's
would take her back,

would accept her.

But when they undoubtedly didn't

I wonder if she
didn't just settle

for whatever she could get.

Where are you going?

She doesn't even
know I'm alive yet.

But she's going to.

And we'll take it from there.

I'm going to New York.

New York?

But, my God, you just
got home. You're still weak.

And your life is here.

No, Dad. No. My
life is with my son.

And if I can make it work,
with my son's mother.


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