03x21 - The Vote

Episode transcripts for the TV show "Dynasty". Aired: January 12, 1981 – May 11, 1989.*

Moderator: infinitebabbler

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Follows the gloriously over-the-top trials and tribulations of the fabulously wealthy and none-to-nice Carrington and Colby clans.
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03x21 - The Vote

Post by bunniefuu »

No, thanks.

My little traveling brother.

How was New York?

Still there.

Still big.

You'd make a
terrific travel agent.

Think about it.

I'll help myself, Ellen.

Mrs. Gunnerson
made eggs Benedict

if you'd prefer
them to scrambled.

No, scrambled's fine.

Bacon? Yes, please.

I got in late last night

and Joseph said that
you were already home,

that you were conked out.

You should have
taken Daddy's plane.

Tom would have
made up a bed for you.


So it wasn't jet lag.

I figured things
weren't gonna work out

between you and Sammy Jo.

I'm sorry.

Are you, Fallon?

Yeah, I am.

For you.

I'm sorry I didn't have
the guts to tell you

I thought it was doomed
from the beginning.

Why didn't you?

Well, I guess I
respected the fact

that you had to find
that out for yourself.


I found out what
she thinks about me.

And what some
other people do too.

All right. It's behind me.

Now it's move-ahead time.

If there's one thing I learned
all those months on that rig,

before and after it blew,

it was to tackle each
day as it happens,

and deal with it.

I'll buy that.

How about buying this?

I've arranged with Indo-Asian
Oil to have them send me

the salary they owed
me before the accident.

But it hasn't arrived
yet and I'm nearly broke.

You're broke?

What about your own money?

I talked to Andrew Laird.

Seems everybody thought I
was dead and it's all tied up.

Will be for a while.

Figures. Okay.

How much do you need?

Three thousand.

That's not exactly
walking-around money.

It's a retainer for a divorce
lawyer, when I find one,

and a deposit on an
apartment for Danny and me.

You're moving out?

Look, I don't know what's
been happening around here.

But I have to guess

it's something between
you and Daddy.

Again. You forgot the "again."

Steven, no jokes.

I mean, whatever happened,

weigh what you do
before you move out.

Do you realize how
much easier life would be

with you and the baby here?

With somebody to look
after him hours a day...

Fallon, I asked for a loan.

Not a lecture. Not a debate.

Forget about the money.


Your temper is almost as
bad as mine is sometimes.

Look, whatever it is you
need, money or a place to live.

La Mirage. You got it.

And who knows?

One of these days,
maybe I'll be able

to negotiate a peace treaty
between you and Daddy.

He doesn't want that, Fallon.

You know it and I know it.


may I talk to you
about something?


It won't take long.

It's Steven.

What about Steven?

Before you go,

won't you just apologize to him?


There is nothing
to apologize for.


last night you said
to Steven that...

That it wasn't right
for Danny to grow up

with his own father
as an example.

Well, that's true, isn't it?

That baby deserves
the kind of influence

that you could give him,

rather than the kind that my
son would surround him with.

That's not the issue.

Because it doesn't matter
what Steven's lifestyle is.

You mean his gayness?

That is the polite
word they're using

for it nowadays, isn't it?

I'm not finished.

Now, I know what
you're going to say.

That no matter what Steven is,

that Danny is still his child

and no one should
usurp a father's position.

That's what you're
gonna tell me, isn't it?

Yes. Well, I don't buy that

and I never will.

I'm sorry.

It's just, I've got so many
things on my mind today,

I really can't worry
about my son.

There's that meeting
this afternoon

with that piranha,
my son's mother,

determined to devour my company.

So I've gotta really start
preparing for this meeting.

I'll see you later.
Wish me luck.

Of course I do.

But, Blake.

You can't tell anyone,

not even your son, how to live.

As I said, I'll see you
later. We'll talk about it then.

You're uncomfortable, Galloway.

Yes, I am.

All right, then, tell me.

What else can we do?

Nothing, that's what.

The woman's in
the driver's seat.

And if Blake thinks he can
change anything by try...

Good afternoon.

I see the required
number is here.

And all in good health.

You all are in good health?


I'm fine, Blake. Fine.


I'm relieved.

Because I thought that
perhaps some Mongol plague

had suddenly hit Denver this
morning and this afternoon.

And I couldn't get any of you,

my loyal board of
directors, on the phone.

Jeff, what are you doing here?

Protecting my interests.

Any objections?

Of course not.

You do realize that this meeting
has been called by my mother.

Yes, and I intend to
monitor every word she says.

Good. Well, let's go.

Good afternoon, gentlemen.

Mrs. Colby, good afternoon.

Sorry I'm a bit late.
Please be seated.

Blake, always good to see you.

Particularly on
your abdication day.

I've abdicated nothing.


This special meeting has
been called by Mrs. Colby,

who is, for the moment,

the majority stockholder
in Denver-Carrington.

I would like to suggest that we
waive the reading of the minutes

and any discussion
of old business.


Then let's get down
to some new business.

I presume that you've all
read the bill of particulars

that I've sent to you.

So let me lay out the situation.

Two oil giants,

namely Colbyco and

their leaders being
long-time friends,

are going to form a merger.

A very natural joining
of two very great forces,

with combined
assets that will set

the rest of the
financial world spinning.

Interest on Wall Street
is already enormous.

As it is in London, Paris,

Bonn and Tokyo.

So that you know,

the Colbyco board has
already approved the merger,

so all that I need now is your
approval for final submissions

to the proper
governmental authorities.

Adam, may I have a
glass of water, please?

I'm a very direct woman.

If I do not get that approval...

And please understand

that I have the
controlling interest

in Denver-Carrington.

I shall fire you all on the spot

and replace you with a board

that will approve of the merger.

So may I have a show of hands

signifying aye?



Apparently, Blake,

you are the single nay
among this quorum.

On the contrary.

I'm going to go along
with the majority.


Thank you, gentlemen.

I intend to do great
things for all of us.

Have a very good evening.


Well, thank you, gentlemen.

I thank each of you

for your impressive
vote of confidence in me.

Oh, come on, Blake,
you voted yes too.

You made it unanimous.

Because, like the rest of us,

you know that the only
way to protect our interests,

the only way, is to cooperate.

To protect your hides, you mean.

Your holdings in

I don't give a damn
about any one of you.

Not after what
you just did to me.

Sam just said it, Blake.
You voted yes too.

I voted yes because
this is my company. Mine.

I worked as a rigger
during the daytime.

At night I went to
the School of Mines,

winter and summers.

I studied and I sweat

and I broke my back
to learn the oil business.

The oil business
that this country

can't afford to do without.

And I clawed my
way up to a point

where I founded and
built Denver-Carrington

to where it is today.

And right now I've got
a man in Washington

seeing to it that
it stays that way.

I voted yes because I won't
give that woman a chance

to remove me from a position
where I can keep an eye on her.

I don't intend to let
her make a move,

not issue one memo,
not give one order,

not make one decision,

not do anything
without answering to me.

Good morning, Mr. Colby.
Good morning, Ellen.

I have a special
delivery letter for you.

Thank you.

How about that?

Goodbye, sweetheart.

Mommy has to go to work.
I'll be back soon, though.

Fallon, look at this.

You won the Irish
sweepstakes. No.

Little Blake has been officially
registered by my college.

Oh, yeah. That cute
little university back East.

What happens if when he grows up

he decides he wants to go
to Northwestern or Stanford?

Because he'll want to go.

I'll pick him up and I'll
tickle him until he says:

"Daddy, Daddy,
I'll go, I'll go."


Oh, he's gonna love it.

Well, you sure did.

What's so funny? I did.

I was just thinking
about the time

that you picked me up to
go to a party at Lenore's

wearing that
ridiculous raccoon coat.

You swore it belonged
to F. Scott Fitzgerald.

God, that's right. I remember.

And I remember I
wouldn't take it off, either.

Yeah, and you
remember our first dance?

It shed all over my
new gown. Black velvet.

No, no, no.

As I remember it,

I had to teach you how
to do the foxtrot properly.

Oh, no, no, no.

It was I who had to teach you.

Well, maybe.

How did it go? Come on.

It went like I said it went.

Kind of... Okay, which is?

You go back, and then forward.

Back. Yeah.

You start gliding, kind of...

I am gliding. Let's do it again.

No, you're just getting flippy.

I am. Let's do it again.
You're getting flippy.

I am gliding. You can't do that.

Okay, ready? Here we go. Ready?

Okay. Okay.

And then you go
back, and then...


That's what you...

That's great.

Those were fun
days, weren't they?

Yeah, I guess they were.

Whatever happened to them?

That's lovely.

It's Chopin.

Lovely and sad.


he didn't have
a very happy life.

You're sad, aren't you, Kirby?

Am I?

Do you mind if I sit with you?

No, not at all.

What's the matter?

I'd like to be your friend.

That's nice to hear.

But really, I'm not sad.

All right.

Then let's just drop it.

Oh, Krystle.

Isn't it obvious?

I mean, here I am,
the... The new princess,

living under the
same palace roof

with my husband's ex-wife.

The all-time princess.

With a baby son to keep
them in close contact.

Kirby, I understand.

There was a time when I
was in a similar situation.

Now you're trying
to cheer me up.

Who was your friend then?


While you were at the Sorbonne,

Alexis decided to come
back into Blake's life.

She moved into the guest house,
and she was here constantly.

Even though Blake had...

Had put her out of his
life a long time ago, she...

She still had the
tie of the children.

So you're trying
to assure me that...

Fallon is not a part
of Jeff's life anymore.

Except for the child they share.

And she doesn't want to
hurt your relationship with Jeff.

Come on, I've gotten
to know her very well.

She's not a threat.

She's not like Alexis.

Mrs. Colby's office.

Blake Carrington
phoning you, Mrs. Colby.

Thank you, David.

You can go.

Yes, Blake. What
can I do for you?

I've got some papers here
that your office sent over.

The way I read them,

your people have juggled
the figures on my company

to the point where it
would be laughable

if it weren't so criminal.

Are you sending
me off to jail, then?

Might I have a pedicure first?

I want a meeting with
you. Today, Alexis.

Sorry, Blake, I'm
all tied up all day.

Now, look, I'm not gonna
take no for an answer.

Especially not from you.

Well, that sounds like
a line from the past.

Our past.

All right, I, uh... I have to be
back at the apartment at : .

I'll meet you there.

Your apartment?

Well, you're running an
empire now, aren't you?

Why can't we
meet at your office?

Because at : I like
to slip out of my shoes

and into something
more comfortable.

Like a drink.

Listen, Blake, you may think

that you're a big
man at the boardroom,

or barking down a phone,

but I know a real
man where it counts.

So please spare me
your virile noises, all right?

What's the matter?

Are you afraid to meet
me at my apartment?

Or is it Krystle
you're afraid of?

It's neither.

All right.

All right, I'll meet
you at your apartment

or any other
battleground at : .


Look at that.

You got one there,
you got one there.

You're drinking too much.


Look at that.

Well, listen to him, huh?

Listen to him.

Mrs. Carrington.

Get Danny to smile.
Come on, Danny, smile.

There's your daddy.

Give him a smile.


It'll be in all the papers.

Well, how's it been going?

Oh, life in general
or apartment hunting?


Life's okay.

The hunt is lousy.

It's not easy finding a
place that'll do for a baby.

And his father.

Well, does that mean you'll
be staying here for a while?

No. I'm moving out to La
Mirage while I keep looking.

Meanwhile, do you mind
keeping an eye on this little guy?

Of course not.

How could I mind?

Some of my best moments
of my day are with him.

What I do mind is...

Is what?

What, Krystle?

Is what's happening
between you and your father.

Oh, I know, he can be
as stubborn as you are.

But you're not
helping the situation.

You were smiling a minute ago.

You're not smiling now.

I seem to have a
way of bringing down

everybody's mood in this house.

Your father's house.

The house you're moving out of.

Is it to get back at him?

Because if it is,
it's... It's unfair.

To you, to him
and to your child.

Tell me about it.

All right, I will.

You found out from Sammy Jo

that Blake was not
trying to use his money

or his power to take
Danny away from her.

What he did was loving
and decent and caring.

Wanting only to
care for your son.


I don't deny that he's
got a lot of good qualities.

Admirable qualities.

And I wish more than anything

that I could love him
the way you do, but...

But what?


There's too much pain in me

where Blake
Carrington's concerned.

Too many hurts.

Too many wounds.

And I don't think
they're ever gonna heal.


are you still willing to help
me with little Danny Boy?

Of course I will.

I'll get a picture of you.

Come on, now. Come on. Okay.

Got it.

Come on, smile. Come on.

Still on the courts?

Yes, my dear, I do realize

that he is the tennis
pro, thank you.

Afternoon, Mrs. Colby.

Oh, Mr. Hess.

Come in.

Nice place you have here.

I believe you told me that
the last time you were here.

Did I? Well, I was
right, it is nice.

I suppose your new
offices are nice too.


And we might've
had our meeting there.

Yes, we could. But for
discreet matters such as this,

I prefer no witnesses.

Thank you.

"A senatorial
assistant. Seventeen.

Youngest daughter
of Governor..."

Oh, yes, that dreadful man.

"Evening of the th,

"Congressman McVane
drove to a motel with girl.

"Checked them in.
Name of motel: Xanadu.

"Referring to a palace
where Kublai Khan

once sought his
sexual pleasures."

Oh, how learned
you are, Mr. Hess.

And how devastatingly
interesting this is.

"Assignation the following
weekend and the following."

Neal McVane and
his Capitol Hill Lolita.

Mr. Hess?

Mr. Hess, what are
you doing out there?

What's wrong?

Oh, nothing.

But I would appreciate
it if you'd tell me

if there's a back way
out of this building.


Oh, in my line of work

there are always people
you don't wanna see.

Like in lobbies.

And I have another
case to get on.

And if you need any
other information,

you can, uh, call
me at my office in,

oh, let's say an hour.
Would that be okay?

Fine, yes. There's an elevator

next to the service
pantry down there.

Well, thank you, Mrs. Colby.

Thank you.

Goodbye, Mr. Hess.

I got your message while I
was at Denver-Carrington.

They said it was
urgent. What's up?

What's up is
wonderment on my part.

What were you doing
there in the first place?

Blake called me and asked me

to go over some
evaluation reports

of the company's assets
as listed in the Colbyco brief.

So you trotted
over to play footsie

with the man you didn't
trust not so long ago?

You're a hard one
to keep up with.

Even harder to keep
up with than you, Adam?

Just look at these.

Go on, look.

Geological reports
made for Colbyco

on Denver-Carrington's
Louisiana oil reserves.

The LaFitte sector.
What about it?

What are you trying to
pull? Highway robbery?

Those reserves are
underestimated by percent.

Whoa, get off of your
bronco, Mercedes cowboy.

I had an independent
survey made.

I know the company that
made it. They're crooks.

They'd certify
anything for a buck.

They charged a lot more
than that for an honest survey.

Honest? Look me in
the eye and say that.

All right.

I look you in the eye
and what do I see?

That maybe your head
is still a bit screwed up.

Well, I can understand that.

Kirby can really
get a man going.

She is, as they say,

one sexy doll.


Didn't you hear me?

Don't you ever talk about
my wife that way again.

Do you hear me?


That was chauvinist of me.

What I meant to say
was she's one sexy...

One very sexy woman.

I ought to know.

How do you know?

That night at the motel,
she was fighting you off.

That night at the motel.

Well, if that's all Kirby
chooses to tell you about us.

You miserable creep.

If you ever imply anything
about my wife ever again.

Or I'll k*ll you.

So help me, I'll k*ll you.

Take your hands off me.

With pleasure.

For now.


Court .

I look forward to it.

Right, Wednesday. Okay, bye-bye.

I don't like wearing a glove.

Well, you're just
gonna have to learn to

if you want to
strengthen that grip.

You do want to?

I guess.

Here, try this one.

Fit? Yeah.

Thanks. Good.

Maybe that'll solve the problem

that you're having
with your racket.


Hey, you can't do that.

Well, why not?

Because, then all the
rest of my employees

will think they can get away
with the same sort of thing.

Well, I'll just have to
cease being an employee.

I quit.

Don't quit.


Nice surprise.

I don't think you'll
find it so nice, Fallon,

after what I have to say to you.

You see, I've been very
concerned about you.

Why? Did I stay too
long after the prom?

Why don't you leave
the jokes to me, darling?

No, I've been very
worried about you.

Ever since you
told me that, uh...

What's his name? Mark?

Mark Jennings had
followed you to Haiti

to become your good friend.

And why should that bother you?


of the type of man
that he obviously is.

That being?

Do you really
want me to tell you?

Yes, I really wanna hear it.


he's a male tramp.

Okay, Mother, you've
said it. I don't buy it.

Fallon, after what you told me,

I had Jennings
thoroughly investigated.

I found out that
after he left Krystle,

he embarked on a career
of living off wealthy women.

Accepting gifts in return
for nocturnal favors.

Throw in matinees too.

Not only in New York,
but all over Europe.

So what?

So what?

Well, do you really want him
to do the same thing here?

I mean, it would be a pity if he
created a scandal at La Mirage

after it's doing so beautifully
and is so successful.

Mother, I hired Mark because
I like the way he plays tennis.

And that's why I'm keeping him.

Keeping him?

Watch what you say, darling.

There are those who might
misinterpret it, semantically.

If that's what you drove
over here to tell me,

would you please excuse me.

I have to shower and change.

Oh. Got a heavy date?

I'm having cocktails
with Lenore.

It's about as heavy as that
information you just handed me.

David, I don't want
to be disturbed.

Right, Mrs. Colby.

David, I thought I told you...

That you didn't
want to be disturbed.

Well, I've overheard some news

that we'd both better
give some thought to.


More accurately, eavesdropped.

I have ways as well, Mother.

What news?

Washington has
obviously informally agreed

that they will be unable to rule

on any proposed merger of
Denver-Carrington and Colbyco

until all the ramifications have
been thoroughly examined,

and that means a delay.

Of weeks, maybe months.

Damn it. Who did this to us?

Your old admirer, McVane.

It seems he's
ignored your warning.

That miserable scum.

He's just like all
the rest of them.

I am sick and
tired of being used

by miserably ungrateful men.

Your being sick and
tired is not going to erase

the congressman's influence.

You wanna bet?

David, get me Claire Maynard
at The Chronicle, will you?

You see, Adam, I'm no
stranger to unfeeling men.

Starting with your father.

A woman begins her
young adult life being soft,

loving and giving.

Then what it all comes down
to finally is use or be used.


Miss Maynard,
this is Alexis Colby.

I have a story for you

that should make headlines
between here and Washington.

Are you interested?


Since my bill is
temporarily on the cuff,

shouldn't my sister have
arranged a mother-in-law room

instead of the deluxe
setup you've put me in?

There are no mother-in-law
rooms at La Mirage.

It's great. Thank you.

I'll see you later.

Where are you off to?

Downtown to see Chris Deegan.

Oh, the lawyer.

Maybe it's none of my business,
but why'd you choose him?

I mean, calling your college
club for a recommendation.

Are you sure he's any good?

Do you need any more money?

Fallon, I'm not
consulting with him

only because we went
to the same college,

but because of what Chris
Deegan accomplished in school.

When I was a freshman,

he was president
of the student body

and he was always
fighting for the right things.

I never met him then, but...

But there's that old school tie

and that's why he
won't rip you off?

No. That's not why.

Because nobody
rips me off anymore.

I run my own life
the way I want to.

Your kid brother's not
a kid anymore, Fallon.

I'm sorry, do you
want some coffee?

No, thanks.

Okay, uh...

Well, now that I
know the details,

I appreciate your
seeking me out.

But I'm wondering if this
fits the Carrington image.

See, my practice doesn't
exactly run to millionaires.

Mr. Deegan...


Give me a break.
My record collection

isn't that much
older than yours.


Look, I don't give a damn
about the Carrington image.

All I'm interested in is
quickly ending a marriage

that didn't work out.

Oh, well, I can understand that.

That's why I'm in Denver.

I had one of those myself.

And when it was over I wanted
to get as far away as possible

from the scene of my failure.


All right, you've got
yourself a lawyer.

And you may need
me more than you think,

because from your description of
one Samantha Dean Carrington,

the young lady's not
just going to say yes

to a quick, no-trouble divorce

and walk away. I know that.

She never does anything
without thinking about the payoff.


Which brings us to
the subject of money.

Steven, you've made a point
of disclaiming your father's.

Do you have any of your own?

It's tied up.

But my mother's been wanting
me to work in her company.

And I can do that.

You don't look too
happy about that.

I'm not.

But it'll be worth it

to get Sammy Jo out of
my life once and for all.

She never should have
been there in the first place.

I know what you
mean. Completely.


I don't know about that.

Anyway, you know
where to reach me

if you need any
more information.

Oh, sure. Here,
let me get the door.

Oh, thank you.

Thank you.

We'll be in touch.


Where's my mother?

Our mother.

I don't know, Steven.
I just walked in.

Then I'll walk out, and wait.


Come in, please.


I'm sorry that you and I
didn't hit it off all that well

before you left for New York.

Forget it. No.

I don't wanna forget it.

Not this time.

I mean that.

Just as I meant what
I said the other day.

That having a kid brother in
my life means a great deal to me.

You see,

I never learned how
to get along in a family.

How to share.

I grew up in Montana.

Totally alone. Lonely.

I thought that both my mother
and my father were dead.

There was no brother, no
sister to share my triumphs, hurts.

What about the woman who
said she was your grandmother?


She was an old woman.

Good woman.

But she kept me in isolation.

Never let me go on trips
with kids from school,

things like that.

Now, she tried to get close
to me, but she couldn't.

Now, of course, I
realize that it was

because of her guilt
in kidnapping me.

Ah, that's all over with.

I have somebody
I can be close to.

Steven, I truly wanna
be friends with you.

Just because we're brothers
doesn't make us friends.

What is going on here?

It was nothing.

It's all been settled.

About the offer you made me
to join you in Colbyco, Mother.

I'm accepting it.

Oh, Steven.

Oh, that's wonderful.

I'm... I'm so thrilled.

And Adam, I don't know
what that little contretemps

between the two
of you was all about,

but I don't want to
see it happen again.

Is that understood?

But, Mother...

The two of us working
together, finally.

It's like a dream come true.

We're going to build great
things together, Steven.

Oh, and don't be angry at Adam.

He's going to come to love you.

As much as I do. You'll see.


you tried.

Still alone.

It is : . You're
a half-hour late.

And tired.

You know how it is when
you run an empire, Blake.

So many things to do
and details to attend to.

I got tied up.

Didn't you order a drink?


Well, there's the bar.

Why don't you mix us
a couple of martinis?

I'd prefer to go
over these papers,

and right now,
if you don't mind.

Blake, whatever it is

that you've come
here to complain about,

couldn't it be handled
by the lawyers?

I mean, they started
it in the first place.

Yes, it was. At
your instruction.

Not only did they come
up with a phony evaluation

of our LaFitte reserves.


Yes, phony.

But also our oil
leases in the gulf.

And our refineries,
and you name it.

Blake, I really am exhausted.
And I have to change.

That's all right with you?

Yes, that's fine with me,

but you and I are
gonna go over this thing,

page by page, line by line
until it's straightened out.

Is that clear?



Yes, Blake?

Darling, don't
hold dinner for me,

because I don't know when
I'm gonna be getting home.

Are you at the office?

No, I'm at Alexis' apartment.


Believe me, it's not by choice.

But she's been indulging
herself in some creative arithmetic

and I'm gonna have it
revised to my satisfaction

before this night is over.

So, I'm sorry darling, but, uh,

you can expect me when
you'll see me. All right?

All right.

Was that Daddy?


What's keeping him?



What's he doing with her?

Business. Some business battle.

Knowing my mother,
it's gonna be a dirty fight.

Why didn't you just
tell him to come home?

If they're gonna do battle,

let them do it
during office hours.

I guess he has to
protect his position,

as well as Jeff's.

You're right.


I can't shake this feeling

that my mother just came
back to Denver to get revenge.

Has she ever really changed?

Look, why don't
we go in the kitchen

and tell Mrs.
Gunnerson to take off

and we'll make something goofy

like hot dogs and baked
beans and sauerkraut.

It just so happens I was
raised on goofy dinners like that.


Maybe that's why you're so ugly.


Okay? Okay.

That's quite a change.

Well, it's a lot
more comfortable.

You look very lovely.


Thank you, Blake.

When we were married,
it used to be "dazzling."

But I will settle for
"very lovely" tonight.

Well, I see you have a
drink, so I'll have one myself

and then we can
discuss business.

Whom are you phoning?

Take a guess.

Room service. Dinner for two.

Guess again.

Um, your office,
you forgot something.

No. I'm calling my wife.

Oh. Why?

I'm inviting her over
to join us, right now.

Fine. Forget the meeting.
We'll have it tomorrow.


Oh, by the way, Alexis,

if that's the outfit that
you do business in,

you're gonna have to be a
hell of a lot more dazzling

before I let you rob me blind.

And just what exactly
does that mean?

You heard me.

If you think you're gonna
rob me out of anything,

you're very much mistaken.

Because I've got Neal McVane
working for me in Washington.

I've got powerful
contacts all over the world.

I know the oil industry.

And you, well, you're just a
rank amateur in this business,

so watch out.

I've got weapons that'll
blast you right out of this town.

Well, we'll see about that.

Oh, I hate you, Blake.

Oh, God. I hate you!
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