03x22 - The Dinner

Episode transcripts for the TV show "Dynasty". Aired: January 12, 1981 – May 11, 1989.*

Moderator: infinitebabbler

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Follows the gloriously over-the-top trials and tribulations of the fabulously wealthy and none-to-nice Carrington and Colby clans.
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03x22 - The Dinner

Post by bunniefuu »

I've already told that to the
new nursemaid. She knows.

Steven. Very nice
to see you again.

Nice to see you, Dad. Excuse me.

I've come to take little
Danny for his morning outing.

Is that all right?

Well, it's a bit chilly
for him out, isn't it?

Uh, maybe in a
little while, Elizabeth.

I understand that you've
been coming around

quite a bit these past weeks

to visit with your son.

At, uh... At carefully chosen
times when I'm not here.

I've come around when
it's convenient for me

to leave my office.

Oh, yes, yes, Colbyco.

How's it going being an
executive with your mother?

Fine. Fine.

Hm, that's fascinating.

I mean, uh...

Well, you... Probably
you've changed your view

about the oil business

from the days when you refused
to be an executive with me.

Blake, I don't think
this is the time...

It's all right, Krystle. Now
is as good a time as any.

Views change, Dad,
so let's just say that...

Yours have changed.

You've got it.
End of discussion.

No. No, not quite.

Now, I was wondering whether
this wasn't a hopeful sign.

A sign that, uh, perhaps
you've changed your view

about uprooting your
son from this house.

No, I haven't.

Blake, Steven came by

to tell us that he's moving out
of La Mirage in a couple of days

and into his own apartment.

And that he's hired a
nursemaid to take care of Danny.

Take care of Danny
better than we can here?

I've gotta go.
We'll be in touch.

Go on, go on, say it.

"You were too
hard on him, Blake."

You've said it before.

I know that you're
thinking it right now.

Look. Just let me
take care of this.

Don't get caught in
the middle, please.

Blake, I'm not worried about me.

I love you both,

and the situation between
the two of you is impossible.

Now, can't something
be done about it?

The only thing to do
is to leave it alone.



No, it's not okay.

It's not.

Mr. Carrington? Yes, Joseph?

Congressman McVane
showed up a few minutes ago,

insists on seeing you.

Where is he? I've
shown him into the library.

Thank you.

Morning, Neal. I thought
you were still in Washington.

I just flew in. Is there
something wrong?

Nothing has kiboshed
that agreement you made

with your friends back there.

Something went wrong, all right.

But not on my end. On yours.

What the devil are
you talking about?

Blake, I kept my word to you.

For weeks now, weeks,

I've had them hold
off any consideration

of the proposed Colbyco,
Denver-Carrington merger.

So that you would have
time to build up your defense.

And what did I get in return?

A knife in my back.

Neal... No, no.

I have heard the rumors.

There is someone
going around Washington

who is trying to
dig up things on me.

About my personal
life, after hours.

Are you planning to
double-cross me, Blake?

Would you mind telling me
what you're talking about?

That night at La Mirage,
at your daughter's party.

It was you who said
you would blackmail me

with rumors and gossip.

About your dealings in
Congress, not bedrooms.

That's because you were trying
to go back on your word to me.

Yes, but the threat was
supposed to be forgotten

when I agreed to help
you. It was forgotten.

Now, you listen to me, Neal.

Instead of running around
making wild accusations

against your friends,

you'd better go out there and
find out who your enemies are.

And you're my friend.

At this point in our
lives and in this situation,

you'd better believe it.

Mother, I came by
to bring these reports.


I'm Claire Maynard... Hi.

From the Chronicle.

Your mother's upstairs, she'll
be down in a few minutes.

Yes, I recognize you.

Our city room was flooded

with photographs
of Steven Carrington

the night you got
back with your father.

At which time, two of our
copy girls went absolutely crazy.

I've read a lot of your columns.

Uh, about the copy girls,

did I tell you about
them when I phoned you?

No, you just said you
wanted a story from me

about my experiences,

and, uh, I said I'd rather not.

That was then. You must
have been pretty upset.

But how about now?

Miss Maynard,
I'd still rather not.

I had an accident.
I've recovered.

There is no story. Just
another guy coming home.

A Carrington is
not just another guy.

Besides, I think that there's
an interesting human angle

to what you've come home to.


Meaning Claudia
Blaisdel, Mr. Carrington.

What about your,
uh, relationship

with that poor, troubled woman?

Uh, does she blame you for
what's happened to her life?

Is she recovering
in that sanitarium?

From what I've been
told, yes, she is recovering.

Oh, told? You haven't
been to see her?

Not yet. I've been too involved

putting my own
life back in order.

Well, considering your
history with the lady...

I mean, what she was forced
to reveal on the witness stand

about her affair with you

while she was still
married to your old friend

or at least, so they say.

And... And the man that
you worked for, correct?

Yes, correct.

And I want you to turn that
recorder off immediately,


Yes, of course.

But I would think
that a visit to her

would be part of putting
your life back in order.

With you present, Miss Maynard?

To make public
record of the visit?

Maybe win another award?

But this time, for a
supermarket rag. Well, forget it.

And if this was an
interview, it's over.


Good morning, Mrs.
Colby. How lovely you look.

Let's skip the
amenities, Miss Maynard,

and get down to some
answers from you.

First of all, why are you here?

And why hasn't that story
that I gave you three weeks ago

about Congressman McVane

appeared in your
precious column?

Don't you think that your
readers would be interested

in reading about our good
congressman's tawdry affair

with a teenage girl?

A governor's nymphet daughter?

A reconciliation
dinner with Steven?

Is that what you're
trying to say?

Blake, all I'm saying is to
invite him back to the house

and sit at the
same table with him.

And talk. Yes, and talk.

Well, my God, Krystle.

Do you remember that famous
dinner we had with Adam?

When that son just got up
and walked out of the house?

Yes, but he did come around.

And the two of you
are getting along better.

Yes, and you were at
the house this morning.

You heard what Steven handed me.

Yes, and I heard
you hand him back

the same kind of hostility.

So about dinner.

Blake. I don't know.

I-I really don't know.

I've got so many urgent things
on my mind at the moment.

I've got Ross Kennison
coming in here in half an hour.

Ross Kennison is more urgent,
more important than your son?

I thought I'd never
see this, Blake.

After what you said.

After what I said?

Do you remember the
day that we talked together?

When we thought
that Steven was dead?

And you said to me that
you'd never given him

your total love
and understanding.

But that you'd try to make
it up to him with Danny.

Well, you also said that
if you had another chance

to try with Steven,

that you'd act differently.

Well, you've got your
second chance, Blake.

Are you gonna take it?

Or you're just going
to throw it away?

Mother, I know you wanna
take a look at these reports.

Oh, wonderful.

And so are you, my darling.

You know, you're doing
an absolutely dazzling job

on analyzing the potential
of those Far Eastern leases

that we're bidding for.

Well, I did spend a lot
of time in the Far East

after I walked out of
the house that night.

Correction, Steven.

You mean, after your
loving father drove you out.

How about a cup of coffee?

Oh, no, thanks.


Are you happy here at
Colbyco, working with me?

Yes, I am.


You know, I'm not exactly,
uh, smothered by honesty

in this empire of mine.

I'm happy, Mother,

because you've given
me important things to do.

You've show a respect
for my intelligence.

A respect my father never did.

Well, your happiness makes
me very happy, Steven.

Finally, we're together,
my very special son.

In spite of the
fact that your father

tried to exile us
from each other.

First, he drove me away from you

and then he drove
you away from me.

But it was a bond, Steven,
that was meant to be.

And not even your father's
cruelty could break it.


I must thank you very much

for keeping me so closely
posted on Alexis' maneuvers.

Well, even though
Colbyco is half mine,

I think you know
where my loyalties lie.

Now, let's hope what happened
here will do it for both of us.

It will, just as soon as I get
the wheels rolling on this,

which is right now.

Marcia. Yes, Mr. Carrington?

Will you get Alexis Colby
on the phone for me, please?

Yes, sir.

Blake Carrington
phoning you, Mrs. Colby.

Good morning, Blake.

And forewarn me. What is
your mood of the moment?

Determined, Alexis.

You see, I've found a
few new discrepancies

in the recent merger
figures your people prepared.

So I'll expect you here
at : this afternoon.

Blake, we can talk about
your alleged discrepancies,

but we'll talk about
them here at my office.

In case you've forgotten, I'm
the one who's in charge now.

No sale, Alexis.

I've got the books,
I've got the ledgers,

and I've got the clout.

All in my office.


What clout?

Well, you be here,
: . You'll find out.

How did she take it?

Like a cup of hemlock.

Hello, Mrs. Colby.

Hello, Abby. Is my
husband in his office?

Well, I was out of the office,

but I think I heard he
was in with Mr. Carrington.

I see. Heh.

Come in.

Kirby, what a nice surprise.

Oh, I thought Jeff was in here.

No, he isn't. That's
a very pretty dress.

Picking up your groom for lunch?

And how is the blooming, if
not exactly blushing, bride?

Jeff must be in his office,
that's where I'm going.


You know something, Kirby?

Just invoking that name does
not push me out of your life.

I'm Adam.

The same Adam you
had dinner with one night.

Danced with that night
and then made love with.

Jeff, I was just on
my way to your office.

What are you doing here?

I thought you were
in here. You weren't.

I looked these
over, they seem fine.


Well, it's time for lunch.

I hope you two enjoy yours.


Well, how about it? You ready?

You think I was
being sweet to Adam?

You've got to realize, you
can't as much as say hello to him

without his taking
advantage of it.

Well, if I can't
say hello to him,

you should try
the same with her.



Try Fallon.

You should try the same with her

and not drag me to
her hotel for lunch.

I don't like going to those
crowded downtown places

every day.

La Mirage is convenient?

Not exactly. It's a
-minute drive but...

But I thought it might
be convenient to a house

that we could look at today

and maybe buy so that
we could be alone, finally.

You know, you told me weeks ago

that... That there
was a business crisis

and we had to put
looking for a house on hold.

But what happened?

When are you gonna tell me
that the business crisis is over

so we can finally get out
from under the Carrington roof?

The crisis isn't
over. When will it be?

I don't know.

Well, give me a ballpark figure.

I deserve that
at least, don't I?

Well, as soon as
I know, I'll tell you.

God, we're having
our first fight.

And married a month.

Other couples have
done worse, Kirby.

Excuse me, I
better go fix my face.

What's the matter?

I feel faint. Are you all right?

Yeah, I think so.

Well, thinking so
isn't good enough.

You look a little pale.

It was the argument.

I'm all right.

Why don't you tell
that to Dr. Winfield?

I want him to give
you a checkup.

I'll set the appointment, okay?

Steven? Hi, Krystle.

I understand your
mother's at lunch.

You have a minute to talk?



Except that I always
have time to talk to you,

and more than a minute.

What makes you so nice?

I take lessons.
Correspondence courses.


I wasn't very nice this morning

to you.

I mean, getting you
caught dead center

while I had it out
with my father.

Well, that's what
I'm here to talk about.

I want you to come to the
house tomorrow night for dinner.

Krystle, I know what
you're trying to do.

Get me to say yes

and then go tackle my father
on the basis that I agreed.

Well, I'm sorry but I
can't go along with it.

You're wrong.

Because I've already tackled
Blake and convinced him.

And I don't intend
to lose out with you.


I love your father,
you know that, but...

But he's got a blind spot
where you're concerned.

He doesn't see you
as clearly as I do.

And what is it you see?

I see a boy who...
Who left Denver

and was gone a long time.

But who came back a man.

A man who's willing to take on

the full responsibilities
of his life,

including the responsibility
of being a single parent.

And you want Blake
to see what you see?

Do you really
believe in miracles?

Your being alive is a miracle.

Now, all I'm asking is
for you to give it a chance.

I want you to be
friends with your father.

And I'm not gonna stop
fighting until it happens.


Dinner tomorrow
night. What time?

Seven o'clock.

Seven o'clock
tomorrow night. Yup.

Oh, don't go, Krystle.
I'd like you to stay.

I want to talk to you
for a moment. Alone.

If you'll excuse us, Steven.


How dare you come
into my office uninvited?

And how dare you
interfere in my son's life?

You'd love it,
wouldn't you, Alexis,

if you could get
revenge on Blake

by keeping him
and his son apart?

Oh, no. Oh, no, Krystle.

Because just the
opposite is true.

Blake has taken every chance,

every possible chance to
poison Steven's mind against me.

And what's so funny?

I can't believe how
little you know the man

you were once married to.

Because Blake wouldn't do that.

It's beneath his
dignity, for one thing.

And he doesn't lie. Oh,
that's right, of course.

His sainted mother taught
him the sin of that, didn't she?

Along with the president
of the United States.

I'm not finished.

Let me remind
you, this is my office.

You can have it when I finish.

Blake doesn't lie,

unlike you

who could hardly wait
until Steven got back

to tell him that Blake tried to
buy his own son from Sammy Jo.

How dare I interfere?

Well, I'll tell you how I dare.

I'm going to keep
on interfering, Alexis,

until Blake and his son are what
they should be to one another.

A father who loves
and respects his son.

And a son who loves
and respects his father.

Despite you.

Get out of my office before
I have you thrown out.

I love your desk.

The tusks, they're so you.

Get out!

All right, Blake.

The mountain has
come to Muhammad.

So where is your so-called
clout and what's your problem?

Let's reverse those.
First the problem.

I've been after you for weeks

because you've been
consistently under evaluating

the assets of Denver-Carrington.

Which makes my company's
stock worth millions of dollars less,

if I let you get away with it.

Well that's nonsense,
Blake. You're implying that...

I'm implying nothing.

I'm stating that one of my
company's most valuable assets

is its shale-oil
extraction process,

a process which could
revolutionize the oil industry.

Well, you won't get any
argument from me there, Blake.

And if you bothered to look
through the documents correctly,

you'll see that Colbyco has
evaluated its worth and fairly.

Yeah. It happens
to be the only item

that you have evaluated fairly.

And that is only because
of its tremendous importance

to Colbyco.

What with all of
your shale properties

showing no profit at
the moment, if ever.

Now, about my
clout in all of this.

Up to now, that shale-oil
extraction process

has been leased by an
inventor to Denver-Carrington.

A university professor
named Ross...

Kennison. Yes, I
know all of this, Blake.

Well, what you don't
know is that this morning,

Mr. Kennison sold all the
rights in his process to me,


So I seriously doubt if I
want to continue to lease

to our merged
companies unless...

Unless what?

Unless the evaluation of all
Denver-Carrington's assets

meets with my approval.

You know I like a fight
as much as you do, Blake.

But this time, you are really
playing dirty. Below the belt.

Not dirty, Alexis, just tough.

Now, you may think you can
cut a big figure in this industry,

but the oil industry is my turf.

And I warned you,

this is a high-stakes
game, very high.


I will send over those
documents to you tomorrow

with the correct
evaluation figures inserted.

And for the moment, uh,
our meeting is adjourned.

I'm sure you can
find your own way out.

Hello, Steven.


They gave me your message
that you were driving up here today.

It's beautiful, isn't it?

You look beautiful,
Claudia. Happy and healthy.

It's the jogging.

I really enjoy it.

And the people here
are very good to me.

They're very good
for me. I'm glad.

Your eyes.

They're still the same.

Hee-hee! Is that good? Yup.

I heard your leg was
hurt. Oh, not too bad.

I was using a cane for
a while, but it's healing.

It's like me. I'm healing too.

Oh, I'd like to give you a
welcome-back-to-life hug,

but I'm all sweaty.

I don't mind. I'm used
to a little honest sweat.

I meant to come sooner.

Did you? Yes.

Well, I've had company.
Krystle, especially.

She's been up quite a few times.

She's talked to me about you.

Must be difficult for you.

Trying to put your life... Your
new life back together again.

Well, it must not be
very easy for you either.

Everything you've been through.

The hell and the torment.


God, I wish I'd been
with you that day.

What day?

On the roof, with the doll.

The doll.

I thought it was Lindsay.

They told you about it?

That's why you're here.

Well, yes, that's
part of it but...

To pity me. It's why
you're here, isn't it?

No, Claudia. No.

The person that you
should pity is Fallon

for what I put her through.

You didn't tell me
about your son.

I was going to.

I don't think so.

You know what I think?

I don't think that you
wanted to mention him.

Because you were
afraid that I might shatter.

Because you were afraid
that I might fall to pieces

in front of you,

like I used to over Lindsay.

You still pity me
over that, don't you?

Krystle told me about your
son because she doesn't pity me.

She understands
how hard I'm working

to put the pieces of
my life back together.

And I'm getting there.

I'm getting there
because I wanna get well.

Claudia, believe this.

I came here today

because of what we
meant to each other once.

And because of what I cost you.

No one cost me.

No one cost me anything.

I'm not looking for crutches,

'cause I'm not an
emotional cr*pple.

The doctors here say that
I'm gonna be leaving soon.

On my own.

And I want you and I want
the rest of the world to know

that I have glued
myself back in one piece.

And a large part of what
I've glued back is my pride.

Goodbye, Steven.

I really am sweaty and
suddenly, I'm feeling a bit grimy.

I'm gonna take a shower.

Claudia, look... Steven.

Thank you for coming. Visitors
are always welcome here.

It says it in the brochure they
hand you when you walk in.

Except some of the patients
here aren't as lucky as I.

Claudia. Claudia.

Sit down, Mark.

I'd rather stand.

And I want you to know
the only reason I'm here

is because I didn't want
you coming out to La Mirage

and creating a problem.

That's no part of
why I sent for you.

Come on, Alexis, we've both
been involved in situations

like this one before.

We had a thing. It was
pleasant. Now it's over.

And if you dragged me
here to find out why...

You're not going to tell me.

Well, you don't have to,
because I already know.

It's Fallon, isn't it?

A rather intimate little kiss
in the pro shop, of all places,

confirmed what I know.

You followed her to Haiti when
she was getting her divorce,

didn't you?


because of that divorce and
because of Jeff's remarriage,

my daughter is very
vulnerable right now.

And I want you to
stay out of her life.

Just like that. Oh, no.

Because of, uh, who
you are and what you are,

just like this.

I'll pay you anything that
you want, within reason.

And then I want you to leave.

Put that away. I don't
want your money, Alexis.

How many Alexises
have heard that before?

I don't want it and that's that.

What you want is Fallon.
Because you love Fallon.

That's right, lady.

Love. Come off it.

You're nothing but a second-rate
fortune hunter in tennis shoes.

"Fallon. Must see you.
Five o'clock. My room.



What do you want? I
want to come in, Mark.

Look, I'm sorry about
what happened before.

Must I eat crow in the corridor?

I apologize, Mark.

You see, a woman like me

doesn't enjoy losing
out to another woman.

Especially not her own daughter.

It was beneath my dignity to
insult you the way that I did.

So will you please
accept my apology?

All right. Okay, I do.

Now I wanna thank you
for coming all this way

to deliver it personally.

But I'm tired and I
wanna finish showering.

So do you mind going?

What if I said I did?

I'd say it again. I'm tired.

And, Alexis, I want
you... Do you really?

I want you to get out of here.

All right.


What the hell are you doing?

Oh, I'm having a
glass of champagne.

Would you care to join me?

Mark, I got your note...

Oh, my God.

Fallon. Fallon!

What do they call
a woman like you?

Smart and intelligent.

A woman who always
knows exactly what she wants

and how to go about getting it.

You get your clothes
on, get out of here

and tell her how this happened.

I've got my clothes on, Mark.

And nothing happened.

And even if it had, I'm afraid
it would have been as boring

as those few other truly,
truly boring afternoons

I wasted with you.

Fallon. Please let
me explain. Fallon.

Look, she set this up. Fallon.

So it's absolutely clear then.

I don't want you back in
town until after : tonight,

all right?


Can't you find someone
else to pull this off?

Steven and I are not
exactly friendly types

to go off into the field
on a mission together.

Adam, I instructed you weeks ago

that I wanted you to become
friends with your brother.

Now, you haven't
exactly extended yourself

in that direction.

I've tried.

Well, not hard
enough, obviously.

Now, I'm giving you
a chance to try again,

to be alone with Steven,

and then to see and
appreciate his fine qualities.

Although he may be
younger than you, darling,

I think there's a lot of things
that you can learn from him.

Now, I have to go
and get dressed.

I want you to
listen to me first.

On one hand, you want me
to be friends with my brother.

And on the other,

you make that impossible by
involving me in your schemes.

Now, when do I get a break?


My poor little innocent Adam.

The innocently melting heart.

What other wonders
are in store for us?

Damn it, Mother, I'm serious!

And you're out of control.

You know, I've seen your
father's rotten temper in you,


Is there something else?

Of course not.

It's just that growing up alone,

I had to do my own share
of struggling and scheming.

And there were times
when I got sick of it then,

just as I'm sick of it now.


Just make sure, darling,
that I never get sick of you.

Just do what you're told.

I'm sorry, Phil. I guess
it's just not my morning.

I'll make up the lesson
later today, okay?

What time, Mark?
I'll phone your room.

Fallon, I wanna talk to you.

What's there to talk about?

Oh, yesterday.

Well, I saw what I saw.

Look, why don't you
get back to the court?

That's what you're paid for.
Among other things, right?

You know, somewhere along
the line, I got the impression

that I meant more to you than
being just another tennis pro.

I guess I was wrong.

Your mother said you
were vulnerable. You are.

Like the Rock of Gibraltar.

We'll be touching down
on the airstrip soon.


Do you wanna put aside the
maps and reports long enough

to listen to what I
wanna discuss with you?

It's something personal.

I've had more than a sample of
your personal small talk, Adam.

Why don't we just
stick to business?

The truth of why Mother
sent you on this trip is...

Spare me what's coming.

Because you could have
handled everything yourself,

but she wanted to
pamper me a little.

No, that's not it.

You think I can't deal
with the field manager

when we survey this operation?

Look, if you'll just
listen for a minute...

No, big brother,
you listen to me.

Have you ever worked on a rig?

Ever been part of a crew
when a well came in?

Ever worked in a refinery?

In fact, have you ever, in
your entire career with Colbyco,

gotten oil sludge
under your fingernails?

No, I haven't.

Well, all your poring
over law books,

advising and
consulting over drinks,

won't do a damn thing for us
once we're down on the ground

checking out
Johnson's operation.

Just keep your mouth shut,
Adam, and let me do the talking.

You know, you're not only
a hard guy to get along with,

you're an even
harder guy to help.

I know why you're
smiling, Mrs. Gunnerson.

Oh, uh, and why is
that, Mrs. Carrington?

This is the same dinner you
wanted to cook for Steven

the night he came home.

And you said, "No, let's
keep it simple, less rich."

Or words to that effect.

Well, tonight, I think
you should prepare

these wonderful dishes.

Because I'm hoping that
tonight will be the beginning

of his real homecoming.

I know why you're still
smiling, Mrs. Gunnerson.

Oh? Eh, why is
that, Mrs. Carrington?

You've already
prepared half the dinner.

Oh, have I?

Well, uh, yes, I have.

What happened to the plane?

It's : . Where's Derek?

He's late.

Probably because
he had to fly up north

to pick up Art McLafferty

before swinging back for us.

You didn't tell me
about that, Adam.

I tried. You weren't listening.

You haven't been all day.

I have a very
important engagement

back in Denver tonight.

How am I supposed to make it?


I'm a hired hand.

With or without the oil
sludge under my fingernails,

I follow Mother's
orders, and her orders

are that the plane be sent
on to pick up McLafferty first.

I said once we'd have to get
used to each other as brothers.

I wonder if we ever can.

Hello, darling, I'm sorry
my meeting took so long.

Thank you. Has
Steven arrived yet?

Didn't you get the
message I left with Marcia?

No, I came directly home, I
didn't check back at the office.

What was the message?

Steven called. He...
He said he can't make it.

Is that all he said?

No, he said he was
marooned on an airstrip

somewhere in Wyoming.

What's he doing in Wyoming

when he's got a date
here with us tonight?

He said he had to fly
up on business for Alexis.

He thought he'd be
home in time. I see.

Making a convenient
excuse for him

not to have dinner
with his father.

Blake, I don't think so. I...
I think Alexis is behind this.

Because she's determined
to keep us apart?

I don't think so.
Not in this case.

No, thank you. Besides,

Steven's making
all those loud noises

about being his own man
and making his own decisions.

Come on, Blake.

Think of the kind of woman
Alexis is and has always been.

I know.

And I know the kind of
woman you are, darling.

Caring and with good motives.

But where Steven is concerned,

don't waste your time
trying to be a referee.

I told you before, he is my
son and he is my problem.

And that doesn't concern me?

No, it doesn't.

Well, what should I be
concerned with, Blake?

The dinner menu? The
right dress to wear to a party?

Is that the kind of
marriage we have?

Krystle, we're
talking about Steven.

So am I.

I'm trying to
accomplish something

for Steven and for you.

And, yes, even for myself.

So there can be some
feeling of understanding,

of... Of tranquility
around here.

Or is that too much too
ask for in this house?

Especially from an outsider.
Because that's what I feel I am.

Oh, come on, now,
please. You know...

No, I don't know.

When you went to
Bali to look for Steven,

you said you didn't need
anybody, not even me.

And when you went to
Singapore to see if it was Steven,

you didn't want me
to go along with you

in case it wasn't Steven.

Blake, you're like a man on
a mountain. Your mountain.

And you don't want anybody to
climb it with you, including me.

Now, that is not true.

Isn't it? Well, I think it is.

And it's time I start
to worry about myself.

Now, from now on,

I'll take care of
my own problems.

And you solve your
own, on your own.


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