03x24 - The Cabin

Episode transcripts for the TV show "Dynasty". Aired: January 12, 1981 – May 11, 1989.*

Moderator: infinitebabbler

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Follows the gloriously over-the-top trials and tribulations of the fabulously wealthy and none-to-nice Carrington and Colby clans.
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03x24 - The Cabin

Post by bunniefuu »

Late night. Business
booming at the hotel?

Medical convention
tomorrow. It's keeping me busy.

You want a glass of wine?

Thank you.

Is there something wrong?


I ran into Krystle
when I was leaving.

She's been living
there for three days.

This house seems
so empty without her.

How's Kirby?


Fine. Just fine.

You sure?

It's just that, when you were
pregnant with Little Blake,

you hardly had any
morning sickness at all.

Poor Kirby's been reeling
with it day and night,

but I figure she'll snap out
of it when we start moving.

We've been house-hunting
over the weekend.

We've got listings on a
couple of other places.

Want a piece of cheese?

Oh, no.

Well, you and Kirby are married
now and a baby on the way,

it's only natural she'd
want her own home.

Jeff, when the new baby comes,

I hope you'll keep him or
her close to Little Blake.

I remember how great
it was being with Steven

when I was growing up.

Of course they'll be close.

You don't think it'd
be any other way.

Nothing really
stays the same, Jeff.

I mean, that's life.

Just ask Krystle.

La Mirage. Good evening.

This is La Mirage
Hotel. May I help you?

Yes, I'd...

I'd like to talk to Mrs.
Carrington, please?

Krystle Carrington.

One moment, please.

Wait, wait. Operator, wait...


Just forget the call.
Thank you very much.


Here's a letter. I guess Claudia
didn't have your new address.

I forgot to tell her. Thanks.

Listen, you got off the
phone in a hurry. Why?

Mr. Deegan answered. I
figured you had company.

You're gonna find out
about it sooner or later.

I'd rather it were sooner.

Chris moved into my
apartment last night.

Listen, if you're being
defensive about anything,

it's not necessary.

You're entitled to live your
life exactly the way you want.

I love you, Steven.

Everybody in this
house loves you.

Especially my father.

Including Daddy.

Look, he's in the dining room.

Why don't you just
go in and say hello?

It's one word. It's not
that hard to get out.

"Hello, Dad."

Sorry, two words.

I'm in a hurry.

Thanks for phoning me, sis.

Hi, Daddy.

I was told that Steven is here.

Yeah, he already left.

In a hurry, I bet.

To rush out of the
house. It's an epidemic.

Would you like some
of the ham, Mrs. Colby?

No thanks, Marie. I'd
just like poached eggs.

Nothing else.

Something wrong, darling?

Oh, nothing.

It's just that the whole family
seems to be breaking apart.

Steven gone. Jeff
and Kirby going.

Daddy, would you
do me a favor, please?

Phone Krystle and get
her to come back here.

I can't.

Krystle walked out of
this house on her own.

She's going to have to
come back the same way.


Mind if I sit?


How did it happen,
Krystle, to us?

How did two nice guys from
Ohio end up here in Denver,

mixed up with these very
rich and very rotten people?

I'd rather not talk about
it, if you don't mind.

Why? Because
you're sore and upset?

Well, so am I.

And I'm getting out of here.

I'd like you to pack
and come with me.


As friends.

That's a beat in our lives we
somehow missed along the way.

How about it?


I'm not running away.

I've got my divorce last week.

I'm a free woman
now. I'm on my own.

And I'm going to stay here,

and make a life for
myself as Krystle Grant.

Grant? Yes.

Not Carrington.
Not Jennings. Grant.

It's time for me to
be my own woman.

You're right, Krystle.

You do have a score
to settle in this town.

And so do I...

with Blake's ex-wife.

I've come to make peace, Blake.

Oh, really?

Did you check your hatchet
with my secretary outside?

Blake, I'm serious.

You know that right now
the oil business is floundering.

Look at OPEC, they're
constantly fighting with each other.

And nobody knows
what's going to happen.

Nobody. Except you.

Obviously, you do.

All I know is that
Steven... Yes, Steven.

Has done a magnificent job

of analyzing the potential
in the South China Sea,

and with our two companies

combined in one
powerhouse empire,

we can become the biggest
independent in the world.

Well, it's a very
intriguing offer,

but I'm afraid I have other
things on my mind at the moment.

Meaning Krystle, of course.

Oh, yes,

I know all about her
moving in to La Mirage.

It's probably the best thing
that could have happened

to you and to us.

What the hell are you
talking about anyway?

Well, we're older and wiser
now, if no less attractive,

and we do share three
wonderful children.

Alexis, I can live
with you if I have to,

for the moment, anyway,

in this unholy
business alliance,

but when it comes
to anything personal...

What was it my
grandfather used to say?

"Lie down with rattlesnakes,

get up with fangs in your neck."

How clever.

Well, if the implication here

is that you're still
in love with Krystle,

I think that's over
with. In fact, I know it is.

You know absolutely nothing
about me. You never did.

Oh, don't I?

I've been able to read you

better than you
can read yourself.

You do not love Krystle.

If you did, you could
never have castigated her

in front of me at the
lily pond, remember?

And don't try and pretend
that it didn't happen,

because you and I
both know that it did.

Mrs. Colby, your office called.
I have some messages for you.

Thank you, Marcia.

No, it's not "Jason."

It's "Jonas."

Dr. Jonas Edwards
from Billings, Montana.

He arrives today
for the convention.

Has he checked in yet?

No, there's no message.

Mother's not in
her office, Adam,

so I'd appreciate your
telling her when she gets here

that I'm driving
up to High Meadow

and won't be back
until sometime tonight.

High Meadow
being that sanitarium

where they're treating
Claudia Blaisdel.

High Meadow being the place

where Claudia
Blaisdel is recovering.

Steven, don't you know
when you're well out of a mess?

The unfortunate woman
is obviously deeply troubled

and always will be.

What I'm trying to say...


Is haven't you had enough
heartache and unhappiness

in your personal relationships
to last you a lifetime?

Go on.

I want to know what instinct
in you, deep inside you,

makes you get mixed up

with the wrong kind of people?

Look, I've already told you,

I'm capable of
running my own life.

If you don't wanna
deliver the message,

I'll write a note for my mother

which I should have
done in the first place.

I'm not gonna let you do this.

It's for your own sake, Steven.

As your brother,
I'm telling you...

Get out of my way.


Steven. Whatever this is, I
want it stopped immediately.

Adam will fill you in
on the details, Mother.

I'll be gone for
the day. Goodbye.

Goodbye, darling.

Will? I damned well will.

He blocks me at every turn.
He's hurt, that's what he is.

And you have managed to
hurt him again, haven't you?

What did you finally
call him? A f*gg*t?

I never used the word.

Adam, I have told you before

that I will not tolerate
your attacking Steven

on that basis and I mean it.

Mother, you have two sons.

Why do you persist in
playing favorites when I...?

When one att*cks the other?

I did not attack him.


Just remember this.

It is my right to
play anything I wish,

just as it is my right to
change anything I wish.

My clothes. My
hairstyle. My will.


You heard me.

Both you and Steven have
equal shares in that will.

I'm going to amend
it for the moment.

It will read that your
share goes to your brother,

and if you demonstrate
that by your good behavior

you deserve your
place as a son and heir,

then, and only then,

will I reinstate you.

You can't be serious.

Can't I?

Hello, Gerald? It's Alexis.

I want to see you in my office
tomorrow morning, first thing.

I'm rewriting my will.

Mr. Carrington isn't here
yet, but we expect him shortly.

Oh, just a minute, here he is.

Mr. Carrington,
this call is for you.

Mrs. Blaisdel will be
down in a few minutes.


Can I put these in
some water for you?

Yeah, that'd be
great, thank you.



Steven, it's Chris.

I'm sorry I had to call.

"Had to"? What's wrong?

Your baby's nurse's brother
had an automobile accident

near Colorado Springs.

Nothing critical, but
they had to put him

in the hospital there.

She phoned me at the office,

asked if she could go see him.

I said, sure, that I'd come home

and look after Danny
till you got back.

Well, Chris, that won't
be until sometime tonight.

I promised Claudia we'd
have an early dinner together.

Oh, no sweat. I brought
some work home with me.

I can sweat over it here
as well as anywhere.

Okay. Well, thanks.
I'll see you later.

Don't bother to sit, Mr. Hess,

because you won't
be here that long.

In fact, just long
enough to explain

why you threatened my secretary
and disturbed my thinking.

Our business together is over.

I know that, but I had
nowhere else to turn.

"Turn"? Turn for what?

Look, Mrs. Colby, I've done
some good work for you.

Krystle Carrington.
Mark Jennings.

Congressman McVane.
All of it, good work.

Yes, for which you
were paid handsomely.

I don't deny that.

At our last meeting
at your apartment,

I asked to leave
by the back way.

Well, the reason I did that
was I was being followed.

What are you talking about?

There was a man I
couldn't afford to see.

I'm in debt. Heavy. Gambling.

And if I don't come up
with the money by tonight,

I might not be in shape
to work for you again,

and you might need me again.

"Come up with the money."

How much money?

Forty-five thousand dollars.

If you lend it to me, I
swear I'll give it back.

I'll do whatever I have...

Oh, save your breath,
Mr. Hess. I don't finance fools.

Look, lady,

this goon is after my blood.

Now, I need help, damn it.


Well, get it somewhere
else, Mr. Hess,

and now get out of here

before I have my security
guards throw you out.

You'll be sorry, Mrs. Colby.

Mr. Hess, may I strongly suggest

that you stop watching
those old movies on television

with those cliché lines?

And may I also suggest

that when and if you do get
the money from whomever,

that you buy
yourself a new jacket?

Don't you ever get sick

of that atrocious
eyesore you're wearing?

You're going to regret this.

Oh, how you're going
to regret this, lady.

Dr. Edwards, you
finally got here.

I wanna talk to you alone.

Why, of course, Michael. Adam.

Yes, Adam.

First, let me check
on any messages.

I wanna talk to you now.

What will it be, gentlemen?

Nothing for me.

Double Scotch.

I phoned you last
week to suggest...

That I not attend
this convention.

You know, I may be old, boy,

but I'm a long way
from retirement,

and I'm sure there
are few things

I can learn from
this group of doctors.

And your coming has nothing
to do with your boy here.

No, of course not.

I don't believe you.

I didn't believe you last time

when you dropped by
my office to check on me.

All right.

All right, I elected
to come here,

not only for the convention,
but to see how you were doing.

You're here to check
up on me. Say it.

Thank you.

I only wanted to be sure

that the old problem
wasn't, well, surfacing.

There's no old problem.

I experimented with
some dr*gs and I stopped.

But the aftereffects
didn't, son.

What you call my breakdown

was actually just a... A
tiny incident in my past.

Not so tiny.

Nevertheless, I
respect your right

not to reveal that
incident to your parents.

I hope that, at
least, pleases you.

Now, if you'll excuse me.

What really would please
me, doctor, is if you'd go...


Dr. Edwards, I'm Fallon Colby.

Oh, Mrs. Colby, a pleasure.

You have a beautiful hotel here.

Thank you. I didn't know
you knew my brother.

Oh, I've known him

ever since he was a baby.

That's not what
you told me, Adam.

Then you obviously

Doctor, I hope you
enjoy the convention.

Fallon, you must
have a lot of work to do.

Let's walk back to your office.

Well, let's just say the
boss is taking a little break.

He looks angry.

But he always seems
to have a short fuse

whenever it comes
to anything I say.

Bloody mary, please.

Not you alone, Mrs.
Colby. Everybody.

He's hot-tempered
because he fights

for what he believes in.

You know, take his
first case as an attorney.

A worker in a Billings plant
suddenly att*cked his foremen,

tried to strangle
him. Nobody guessed

that the fellow's mind
had been distorted

by a poisonous chemical.

Poisoned by a chemical? Yes.

The man didn't even
remember the attack.

Your brother got his client off

on the grounds of
temporary insanity.

He proved that the man had
been slowly and subtly poisoned

by his exposure to
the fumes of a chemical

manufactured in that plant.

What chemical was it?

Mercuric oxide.

How smart he was,
Mrs. Colby, and is.

Your brother is
smart, very smart.

Connect me with Mrs.
Carrington's suite, please?


Hello, Krystle.

It's Alexis.

What do you want?

To talk about Steven.

What about Steven?

Well, he just called
me from the sanitarium

where he's visiting
Claudia Blaisdel,

and he wants to meet with us
both on his way back into town.

Meet where, Alexis?

At his cabin.

You've been there, haven't you?

Yes, once.

Did he say why he
wants to see both of us?

He wants to talk about Danny.

I don't understand.
What's there to talk about?

Well, it seems that your
sterling niece, Sammy Jo,

has just contacted
him from New York

and is suddenly putting
roadblocks in his way.

About the divorce? No.

Something to do with
the custody of Danny.

I still don't...


Don't understand why he
asked me to come along.

With me present, you mean?

Look, Krystle.

Whether you like it or
not, that baby happens

to be the flesh and
blood of us both.

Now, do you want to meet
with Steven and me or not?


I'll be at Steven's cabin
in about two hours.

How did you get up here?

The doorman knows me. Why not?

I've had afternoon rendezvous
in this cesspool before.

What do you want, Mark?


I wanna talk about Fallon.


Well, forget it. It's
a closed subject.

Not to me, it isn't.

She still won't believe my story

about how you
deliberately got into my bed.

And framed you or set you up.

Which expression is it today?

Today is the day
you get to pick it

when you come out
to La Mirage with me

and tell her the truth
about what really happened.

You've gotta be joking.

I've never been
more serious, Alexis.

Hello, security?

You were very much mistaken

in sending Mr. Jennings
up here unannounced.

I want somebody up
immediately to throw him out.

Yes, I mean immediately.

I'll show myself out.

I'm not finished
with you, Alexis.


But you don't understand.

My party has thrown
me off the ticket.

Now, I need your help.

You've gotta talk to them.

Make them put me back...

Now, Neal, you must know
that I don't have that kind

of political clout
with the party.

This is my life.

Blake, we are
talking about my life.

I know that. I know that.

How can I defend you when
you're in an indefensible position?

When you get involved
in this kind of scandal...

Then why did you stop me?

Why did you come
to Alexis' office

and stop me from
strangling that woman?

Next time...

please don't.

"Next time"?

My God, Neal, aren't
you in deep enough?

Now, come on.

Go to a steam room,
get yourself sobered up.

You've gotta get that
poison out of your head.


You're right.

I have to straighten myself up.

I have business to take care of.

May I come in?

Oh, yes, sure.
Come on in, Andrew.

I just saw our friend
weaving toward the elevator.

He looks pathetic.

He is pathetic.

But he brought it on himself.

What have you
got for me, Andrew?

These documents for you to sign,

that you asked me
to draw up. Mm-hm?

Let me get this straight
before you do any signing:

you're giving Steven's
son the same number

of Denver-Carrington shares

that you gave to Fallon
and Jeff's son, right?

Yes. You're making
Steven the trustee?

Yes. You see,

Steven's birthday's
coming up and I thought...

Well, I hoped that he
might appreciate the gift.

I'll sign these and take
them over to Steven later.

You really do trust
your son, don't you?

I mean, if he
were of a mind to...

If he were of a mind to what?

You know, he could
easily do you in

by signing those
shares over to Alexis,

which would give her
an even stronger position

in Denver-Carrington.

Against me, you mean.


Andrew, the day may never come

when Steven and I
can look at a sunset

and agree on the colors,

but I know in my soul

that my son is a man of honor.

Krystle, didn't anything I said

about going to the
cabin get through to you?

Fallon, neither of
us trusts your mother,

but Steven asked for
this meeting, not Alexis.

There's something
else, isn't there?

I'm afraid she wants to
take over Danny's life.

You know, she cost me my baby.

I'll do anything I can

to prevent her from
costing Steven his.

It's that simple.

Good afternoon, Mrs. Colby.

I've come to return
the earring that you lost

in the incident
at the lily pond,

and to apologize
for my reluctance

to drain the pond
when you requested it.

How humble you
are suddenly, Joseph.

Well, I am,

as you have pointed
out from time-to-time,

not of your position.


So you had no right to
speak to me the way you did.

That's correct.

Are you sure that
this has nothing to do

with my knowing the
truth about Kirby's mother,

your, uh, wife?

And that I just
might be provoked

into telling Kirby that truth?


If you ever seriously
meant to do that,

I should be forced to stop you.

Is that a threat?

If it is, it's another
implied one

from a man who's
nothing but talk.

Please go. I have
a lot of things to do.

Oh, I'm going.

And believe me, this
isn't mere talk on my part.

I would stop anyone
who would hurt my child.

"Stop" as in m*rder, Joseph?

Oh, I can just see
the headlines now:

"The Butler Did It."

Gerard and Masefield
are the butlers of the house,

I am... I know. The
tiresome major-domo.

Do you still keep a scrapbook

on my comings
and goings, Joseph?

Well, why don't you
crawl back to the house,

creep into your room,
and flip through it?

Because you're boring me.

Dr. Robinson.

Mrs. Colby.

They told me I
might find you here.

Mrs. Colby,
whatever this is about,

I'm on my way into
scrub. I'm due in surgery.

Please, doctor, it'll
only take a minute.

What is it?

You examined Jeff
after he was poisoned.

Yes, I did. And?

Could he have been
poisoned by mercuric oxide?

Mercuric oxide?

Well, it is a neurotoxin.

Yes, I guess it could
have been, but I'm not sure.

Well, could you check it
out against his symptoms?

I will, I will, but
not right now.

I have to go.

Come in, Pat.

Just put them on the desk.

The boss' lovely wife.

I was told Jeff
might be in here.

Kirby, you're smiling.

In fact, you're
positively glowing.

Well, as a matter of
fact, that's how l feel.

Terrifically aglow.

Happy with your life?


Now, you say that as
if you actually mean it.

Well, it may come as a
complete surprise to you, but I do.

Kirby, in case
you didn't know it,

happiness is a very
ephemeral thing.

Now, right now, I assume it
has to do with a guy named Jeff.

Good old Jeff.

He's so nice.

And so dull.

Well, go on. I'm sure
you're not finished.

No, I'm not.

Just between the two of us,

how long can you continue

playing the little
empty-headed doll?

Where's the passion,

the excitement in your life?

I mean, the real passion,
the real excitement, Kirby?

Where's the fulfillment?


Excitement. Oh, fulfillment.
Yes, those little things.

I have them.

I have all of them.

Just as I have a
great purpose in life.

And what is your great
purpose right now?

Cocktails with your
fulfilling husband?

I didn't tell you
where we were going.

Jeff and I are off
to see Dr. Winfield.

Something wrong?

You don't look sick.

I'm not, thank you. I'm fine.

Jeff and I are expecting a baby.

So, Adam,

does that finally finish us?

For good?

I'm sorry. I must have
the wrong apartment.

I'm looking for
Steven Carrington.

You're at the right
place, Mr. Carrington.

Please, come in.

Thank you.

Steven's away right now,
but he'll be back shortly.

My name's Deegan. Christopher.

I'm Steven's lawyer

and friend.

I see.

Can I offer you a drink?

No. No, thank you.

You seem very much at
home here, Mr. Deegan.

I am home, sir.

I moved in last night.

You moved in here?

It beats living
in a lonely hotel,

that's for sure.

If you're wondering
how I recognized you,

there are some photos around.

I think your grandson's
awake. I'll go get him.

Just a minute.

You're gonna go get my grandson?

Yes, I've been
taking care of him.

Mr. Deegan, don't go get
him. Just get out of here.

Please. Wait a minute.

No, I'm not gonna wait
a minute, neither are you.

Just get out of here.

I'll stay here and
I'll take care of him

until his father gets back.

Mr. Carrington, I
don't understand.

What have I done?

What have you done? I'll
tell you what you're doing.

You're living with my son.

I don't care about that.

I just don't want you
around my grandson.

I want you to get out of here.

Let go of him!

Did you hear what I said?

Now, you get out of here, Dad.

Or I swear,

this time I'll be the
one on trial for m*rder.

Oh, Mrs. Colby, I have the first
photos for your baby's album.

They're sh*ts of the fetus.

He or she is gorgeous.

Do all mothers-to-be
say that, Dr. Winfield?


You can leave now and tell
that anxiously-waiting husband

out there that you're an
exceedingly healthy woman

and that all is going well.

I will. I hope that includes my
bouts with morning sickness.

Do you suppose that
because it started this early,

that it might end
a little earlier?

It's not really early.

It's the normal
time. Three months.

Three? I'm only
one-month pregnant.

No, three months.

The sonar which
measured the baby,

and the photos I just gave you,

are the most accurate gauges.

Your baby was conceived
three months ago, my dear.


Adam, stop it!

Don't be upset.

You're not the first
woman on Earth

who's had premarital sex

with her husband.

What's important is that
the two of you rejoice...


What, Jeff?

Is everything all right?

The baby's gonna be fine.

Stop it. Adam!

What is it, Kirby?

Blake, I'm not saying
that you have to like

what you walked in on,

but do I have to remind you
of what happened the last time

you overreacted on the
same score with Ted Dinard?

You don't have to remind me,

because I have no intention
of going within a mile

of my son's new... New friend.

Andrew, I have made up my mind.

I have decided
that I'm going to file

for custody of my grandson.

Oh, for God's sake, Blake.

Don't you realize
what that'll cost you?

All of you? Steven's
soul stomped on again?

Steven's made his choice.

All I'm interested in
now is my grandchild.

Blake, weigh.

Please weigh the consequences

of what labeling your son

as an unfit parent

will do to the both of you
and to your relationship.

Our relationship?

That was destroyed
finally tonight.

Andrew, I'll be damned

if I'm going to let two
gays raise that baby.

Oh, hello, Krystle.

Is Steven here yet?

No, he called
from the sanitarium.

His visit with the
Blaisdel woman

was taking longer than expected,

so he's going
to be a little late.

Would you like some
champagne? I brought over a bottle.

I was sure you would.


Keep looking at
your watch, Krystle.

Don't worry, he'll be here.

Well, if he isn't in
the next five minutes,

I'm going back to the hotel.

Back to La Mirage?

I've certainly had my fill of
La Mirages in my lifetime.

Paris, Rome, Monte Carlo,

and finally, Acapulco.

Hotels where I lived after
the great Blake Carrington

banished me into exile.

Alexis, I'm not here to talk
about where you camped out,

or about Blake.

Especially not about Blake.

Neither am I, really.

I'm talking about you and me.


And all of the sad
sisterhood of beautiful women

who fall in love
with powerful men.


Men who put their
business interests

ahead of their personal ones.

Men who wear their
women on their arm

merely as decorative

So Krystle, you
may not know it yet,

but you are far better off
having broken with Blake

than you ever were
suffering his neglect.

You know, the man that you
really should turn to is Mark.


Yes, Mark Jennings.

I could tell from the first time
that I met him that he was a...

Well, perhaps
sometimes misguided,

but basically a sweet
and decent man.

Sweet and caring.

The kind of man who would
put the woman he loved

ahead of everything.

Look, I'm not here to
talk about Mark Jennings,

or Blake Carrington,

or the sisterhood
of beautiful women.

I'm here to help
Steven solve a problem.

Except Steven
isn't coming, is he?

He never was coming.

You've planned this.

Whatever twisted reason you
have spinning in that head of yours.

All right, I realize that I should
never have underestimated

your native intelligence.

Even if you are a...

What was it? Ex-stenographer.

So let's get down to business.

What business?

Blake and I are
going to be partners,

and you, my dear,

are a distraction that
I simply do not need.

So here is a certified check

for $ million,

to get out of Blake's
life permanently.


You're finally
trying to buy me off.

Krystle, life is a marketplace.

People buy. People
sell. I am a master of both.

You're a master
of disgust, Alexis.

Face the facts.

You are not married to Blake,
and Blake does not love you.

He made that clear
when he humiliated you

at the lily pond in front of me.

I am aware of your
premarital property agreement.

A hundred thousand
dollars, right?

Now, I am offering you

times more. A
lot of money. A lot.


Your leitmotif in life.

How's that for an

Charming, erudite, so
Wagnerian, and so surprising.

You married Cecil for it.

You tried to buy Danny with it.

And you bought off
Sammy Jo with it.

And now you're trying
to use it to get Blake.

Well, I don't need
your money, Alexis,

because I'm rich in something

you don't even
know how to spell.

The word's "integrity."

The door won't open.

Alexis, what kind of a
game are you playing now?


What's that?


Oh, my God.

The cabin's on fire.

This is all your fault.

Every time you
come into my life,

something terrible
happens to me.

Maybe we can
get out this window.

Do something!

There's no water.

There's no water!





Oh, my God!
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