02x05 - Reconciliation

Episode transcripts for the TV show "Dynasty". Aired: January 12, 1981 – May 11, 1989.*

Moderators: infinitebabbler, infinitebabbler

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Follows the gloriously over-the-top trials and tribulations of the fabulously wealthy and none-to-nice Carrington and Colby clans.
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02x05 - Reconciliation

Post by bunniefuu »

( majestic theme playing)

( upbeat theme playing)

Excuse me, I wanna
check in with my service.

(heart monitor beeping)

( somber theme playing)

BLAKE: Steven, can you hear me?

Please hear me, son.

I want you to be all right.

I want you to know
how much I love you.

I've always loved you.

We've had our
differences, but...

it doesn't matter now.

Can you hear that, son?

If you do...

squeeze my hand, son.


( dramatic theme playing)



Is he ever gonna
come out of this?

And if he does...

is he gonna be all right?

How is he?

He's still in a coma.

Now, darling, you're tired.

I want you to go home
and get some rest.

Now, it's been a
very, very long night.

For you too, Blake.

I wanna stay. I
wanna wait with you.

But there's nothing
that you can do here.

Well, at least I can
see him. I want to.

I know, I know.
But the doctors say

that it's just his
mother and me for now.


Blake, please come back inside.

Our place is with our son.

Yes, I-I'll be with you
in a minute, Alexis.

Now, look, I really must insist.


Would you take Krystle
home for me, please?

Of course.

I-I thank you very
much. I appreciate it.

Do you mind if we stop
for coffee on the way home?

KRYSTLE: Course not.

NICK: Ah, listen to
that. Isn't that beautiful?

Pete, the owner, he's a
nut for classical music.

About the only the time of
day he gets a chance to play it,

when it's dead.

Here's a table.

(mellow piano music
playing on speakers)

Uh, two espressos, please.


What? The... pianist.

Vladimir Ashkenazy.

Beautiful touch. Heh-heh-heh.

When I was, uh... age ,

I thought every kid
on the Lower East Side

took piano lessons
from Professor Saumelli.

"Your fingers are
like little hammers.

Ups, a-two. Ups,
a-four and, uh..."


I still fool around
with it once in a while.

Ravel and a few others
wrote pieces for the left hand.

What's wrong with your right...?

Right hand? Eh,
just a little accident.

It's a story, no big deal.

I'll tell you about it someday.

Since we're on the
subject of hands,

why don't we talk about yours?

About the bum hand you feel
you've been dealt, as they say.

The one that's
bothering you right now.


Is that her name?

The first Mrs. Carrington.

Sounds like the
title of a trashy novel.

She's Steven's mother.

And she's not bothering me.

Stop kidding yourself.

If you don't mind, Dr. Toscanni,

I'd rather not pursue this.

It's still Nick.

And you see her as a threat.

I'm not one of
your patients, Nick.

And if I ever want
a psychiatrist,

I'll make an appointment.

She's no threat to you, Krystle.

Please, that's enough. Uh...

Don't interrupt me
when I'm on a hot roll.

And never, ever interrupt
me and Ashkenazy.

You do see her as a threat...

suddenly coming
back into Blake's life.

A woman he didn't
want in his life any longer.

He's with her now
and not with you. Why?

Because their
son's in bad shape.

That's not hard to understand.

Hey. Come on, Krystle.

You should realize
something about yourself.

More important
than your beauty...

you're a good woman.

And believe me,
I've seen a lot of...

And I'm one of the good ones.

You're interrupting me again.
Yeah, you're damned good.

That's rare in your
circle these days.

You're a prize,
a valuable prize.

It's about time you recognize
just how great your value is.

Your husband does.

I know Blake pretty well.

(scoffs): He can be
ruthless sometimes.

But dumb? No.

He's not about to
trade platinum for tin.


I'm finished.

You may speak now.

Thank you.

You're welcome.

For the consultation...

I'll, uh, send a
check in the morning.

What is it, $ ?

For you...


That's because you can be as
aggravating as hell sometimes.


Waiter... give her the check.

( playful theme playing)

( dramatic theme playing)

Oh. Thanks, Blake.

Let me get this. All right.

Oh, thank you, Daddy.

Thanks. It's black.

The machine ran out of cream.

It doesn't matter.

I talked to the
head nurse, Alexis.

There's a room down the
hall where you can rest.

Oh, no, Blake. No,
I'm staying here.

I'll call you if he
comes around.

When he comes around.


What the doctor said
about brain damage...

He only said "possible."

( somber theme playing)


ALEXIS: Steven?

NURSE: This is room .
Have Dr. Waverly paged.

Steven. Thank God.


What happened?

There was an accident.
And you were hurt.

But... you're going
to be all right now.

My bed. This isn't...

It's a hospital, son.

Accident? I don't remember.

ALEXIS: Oh. At... At the house.

Uh, the... The pool.
Y... You were running...

What house? What pool? When?

Now, Steven.

I'm your father.
You remember me.



It's me, Fallon.


You went off to find a rainbow.

(sobbing): Yes.

I'm your mother.
And I'm back with you.


Doesn't matter, son.

I don't remember any pool.



My head. What's
wrong with my head?

Why won't it work?

It's all right. It's all
right. You recognized us.

My head.


It's cold.

It's so cold.

So dark.

You're gonna be all right,

Steven... (sobs): I'm afraid.

Steven. You must rest.

Just close your eyes.


Just rest.

That's it.


( majestic theme playing)

Thank you.

(scoffs): Well, you don't
have to stand there and wither.

Come on in.

Joseph didn't tell me
you were in the house.

Well, where else
would I be, Krystle?

My son is coming home today,
and the doctors are pleased.

And I am ecstatic.

A little nervous, but ecstatic.

And you don't have to
fret about the flowers.

They're not from your garden.

I had them sent
in from Jurgen's.

Aren't they lovely?


Most of his things are here.

I went over to his
apartment last night, and I...

I did some packing and
brought his clothes over.

At least what's
necessary for now.

So you needn't concern yourself
that he won't be comfortable.

Oh, he will be, Alexis.
Very comfortable.

I've arranged for a
round of private nurses.

Oh, yes, well...

that's terribly sweet of you,
but it won't be necessary.

I heard about your

and... I canceled them.

( dramatic theme playing)

(tires screeching)

Well, how did I do?

Terrific. Your time's
seconds better than yesterday's.

Not bad for an old man, huh?

Want a ride to work?
That'd be great, Dad.

Hop on. Race starts in an hour.

You're gonna have
customers before that.

(engine rumbling)

Thanks for the lift, Pop.

How'd you do?


According to Sammy Jo.


That little tramp
becoming your coach

and private cheerleader, Frank?

I don't wanna hear that.

Besides, she's
only trying to help.

Well, maybe I'm just
becoming a little annoyed

that she's taking too
much time away from us.

We don't have any privacy

around here as it is.

Oh, what do you want
me to do, Bedelia?

She's my kid, for
crying out loud.


Some kid.

Do you know what I
dreamt last night, Frank?

I dreamt...

that she was made
out of ice cream

and just sort of
slowly melted away.

Give me a break, will you?

MAN (on TV): Reporters crowded
around earlier this afternoon

as Blake Carrington and
family members arrived

to take Denver-Carrington
heir, Steven Carrington,

home from the hospital.

Young Carrington
had been under...

My God, that's Krystle.

He nearly drowned after
falling into the family pool...


He'll remain at the
Carrington mansion...

FRANK: My sister-in-law

may have just solved
our little problem.

( suspenseful theme playing)

( mellow theme playing)

What, especially, don't I like?



Now, that's very interesting.

Because in the Freud
section of the Vienna library,

there's at least
books on the subject.

Tapioca Hassende Leute.

People Who Hate Tapioca. Ja, ja.

The question was, what
especially don't you like

about yourself?

You mean, aside from everything?

Oh, come on, give
me a break, will you?

That's an old
Claudia-type answer.

At least give me a
variation on theme.

I'm due that. You're
not due anything.

I don't owe you
anything, doctor.

Well, you tell that
to Blake Carrington.

He's picking up the tab.

The only thing Blake
Carrington is doing

is trying to find out
where my daughter is,

so I can go to her.

That's it.

( tense theme playing)

All right.

Meanwhile, what
do you choose to do?

You choose to walk
around here alone.

You sit up there in
your room and eat alone.

Krystle has invited
you down for coffee,

but, uh, no.

Go shopping together, no.

You choose to be alone.



Because I'm growing
fonder and fonder...

of my private world.

It's not real, Claudia.

I have nothing to
contribute to the real world.

No self-esteem. Mm-mm.

Minimal, okay?

No, damn it.

Because without it, we rot.

Why are you out here today?

Well, I wanted to take a walk...


Sorry to crowd your fun.


It's all right.

You'll be gone in
about minutes,

back to your other patients.

As a matter of fact, I won't.

You've been exercising?

I mean, there's a
pool here. You swim?

Tennis courts. Do you play?

Horses. You go giddyup-giddyup?

Please stop talking
to me like I'm a child.

Well, I'm not getting
anywhere with you as an adult.



Why don't you wait
on that for a while?

He just got home. He
still needs recovery time.


You mean, you
think I'm so neurotic

that if I go up to
him to say hello

that I'm going to upset him?


Well, thank you, doctor.

Really, I mean that does
wonders for my self-esteem.


( dramatic theme playing)

Whoa, Steven.

I thought it'd be best if
we gave you another room.

That all right with you?

That's good.

Well... what do you think?

It's fine, Dad.

I, uh...

I asked the others not to
come up just yet, Steven.

I wanted a couple of
minutes alone with you in here.

I... I had kind of a
long speech prepared...

about how sorry I am

for... everything that's
happened between us.

That's all behind us now. I...

I just wanted to say...

welcome home, son.

It's good to be back.

(knock on door)


How's the Olympic swimmer today?


Welcome home,
Steven. How's your leg?

It's, uh, fine.



what do you say we do
a couple of neuro checks

like we did in
the hospital, huh?

He doesn't waste
much time, does he?

Come on, now. Nick.

Eyes closed, arms
extended, palms down. (sighs)

Come on, come on,
come on, come on.

Now, touch nose with left index.

I don't understand, Nick.

Touch your nose with
your left index finger.

STEVEN: I'm terrific. NICK:
To the original position.

Am I terrific? You
are terrific. Very good.

Then why are you
checking me out?

Eyes open.

Okay, follow my hand.

(sighs) Follow my hand.

So why is a shrink
looking me over

if my brain is really
okay? (squeaks)

You're terrific. Look, I got

my clothes wet saving your life.

Let's say I have
a vested interest.

Everything's great, Steven.

Just get a couple
of days rest...

and a good night's sleep.

"A nap during the day."
You told me that yesterday.

Oh. And you remembered.

Just take it easy.

Don't push it, that simple.

Listen to the man, now.


Oh, Nick.

I wanna know.

Has he really come out of this
with absolutely no brain damage?

It's too soon to tell, Blake.

Can't anything be done?

I'm afraid not.

It's gonna take time.


Well... I'm very, very
grateful to you, Nick.

For caring. For everything.

I'm in your debt.

( dramatic theme playing)

(rope creaking)

Well, we all have
debts to settle, Blake.

Of one kind or another.

I'll be back to see him soon.

( upbeat theme playing)

I shouldn't be any later
than tonight, darling.

If you or Steven want
me, I'll be at the office.

It's so nice to see you happy.

Well, my son is home.
Apparently, he's forgiven me.

I have you, and...

you're carrying my child.

Yes, I am. I'm...
I'm very happy.

Oh, by the way...

it might be more like : .

I have an errand to run.


Mrs. Carrington.

There's a man at the front gate
who says he wants to see you.

Well, who is it, Joseph?

His name is Frank Dean.

(car starts)

He insists he's
your brother-in-law.

Uh, have Mr. Dean
sent up to the house.

(playing piano slowly)


Krystle. Heh-heh-heh.

Oh, you look great.
Long time, no see.

Thank you.

What a beautiful
house this is. Wow.

Hey, I'm proud of you, kid.

You've done all
right for yourself.

Come a long way from
Dayton, Ohio, huh? Heh.

I would have let you
know where I was if...

you'd kept in
touch after Iris died.

Yeah. Well...

I'll bet you're real
sore about that.

I am, Frank.

She was my sister.

She had a baby, a niece,

I'd like very much to
have kept in touch with.

Well, I didn't think
you'd want to. Um...

Let's face it. Heh.

You weren't exactly
crazy about the idea of Iris

marrying a kid racecar
driver in the first place.

I... I don't blame you. Hm.

You had better ideas for her.

I just wanted her to be
happy, Frank. That's all.

I think she was.

I did my best.

Ask Sammy Jo.

How is she?

Oh, she's great. She's...

She's not a baby anymore.

She's an innocent little beauty.

She's really beautiful.

She asks about her
Aunt Krystle a lot.

Wanted to know
where you were. What...

I said I didn't know. Heh-heh.

Last I heard, you were
out West someplace. You...

Then I'm watching TV last
night, and bang, there you are.

Your husband... what, he's, uh,

some kind of a...

oil big shot or something, huh?

Your husband.

Uh, don't, uh...

Don't get me wrong, Krystle.
I'm not here for a handout,

if that's what you're thinking.

Have a seat.

Look at this.

Well, what are
you here for, Frank?

Well... Sammy Jo.

She wants to see you.

Well, I wanna see
her, very much.

That's no problem.


she wants to get to know you.

I mean, uh...

I don't mean just
getting together for tea,

like they say.

I don't either.

She can stay a
weekend, a... A week.

However long you'll be here.

I'm only gonna be
here another day or so.

I have to fly to
Honolulu for a race.

(chuckles): It's a biggie.

They're bringing over a
lot of really good drivers.

The problem is,

is that that they won't pop
for the airfare for my kid.

She's at a funny
age, you know. I...

I really don't like
to leave her alone.

I don't know what to do.

I just told you. She can
stay as long she'd like.

Might be a couple weeks.

Fine. Really?


Great. That...

Boy. You're sure your
husband won't mind?

Oh, he won't mind.

It's a big house.

There are rooms here
I haven't even seen yet.

So it's all settled.

( upbeat theme playing)


I'm sorry, Steven. I didn't
mean to awaken you.

What's the matter?

I know you.

Of course you do.

You're my father's wife.


But I-I... I don't...

I can't remember your name.


Not a very common name.

But I couldn't remember it.

It's all right.

It's not. What's
the matter with me?

Steven, please
don't be frightened.

It's gonna be all right.


May I have a word with
you outside, please?

Excuse us, Steven.

You upset him.

He was having a
problem with my name.

We were told it could
happen. You upset him.

And I'm ordering
you not to upset him.

Ordering me? Yes.

It's my house!
And I'm his mother!



I mean...

how he had trouble
remembering who you were.

My name.

(scoffs): Doesn't have any
trouble at all remembering who I am.

Must be a lot of
tension in his mind

associated with you.

Strange. I mean you.

How you have this uncanny
talent for coloring things...

the way you want them to appear.

Even when you're under
oath on the witness stand.

But that doesn't
make them true, Alexis.

( tense theme playing)

( majestic theme playing)

So anyway, you're gonna be
staying with your Aunt Krystle

for the next couple weeks.

Aunt Krystle? Mm-hm.

Mom's sister? Yeah.

I didn't even know if
she was dead or alive.

(chuckles): Hey,
she's alive, Sammy Jo.

And living in a big house.

Hey, I mean big.

They got a swimming
pool I bet's as...

I'll bet it's as
big as that track.

And servants. They've
got butlers, maids.


Honey, I could never afford
a vacation like this for you.


But I don't want to be
with bunch of strangers.

Why can't I go with
you like I always have?

Please, Daddy?

Bedelia's going, isn't she?


Oh, look, pumpkin, I just
want you to have some fun.

I mean, some real fun.

I want you to be waited
on like a princess,

which is what you are.

You know that.

Hey... you might even get

a couple of pretty
dresses out of this.

She's rich, baby.

I mean rich.

I'm talking
diamonds-and-emeralds rich.

Steak-dinner-for-the-dogs rich.


You're gonna have a ball.

Besides, you have to go.

Look, let me give you some money

for a cab over there.

Here, take this.

Whatever you have
left over, keep it.

Okay? For spending money.

(mouths): Okay.

Not that you're gonna need it.


Why don't you go on in and pack?

( melancholy theme playing)

Everything looks
very nice, Joseph.

My niece should like it.

I should hope so,
Mrs. Carrington.

Would you ask
Jeanette to bring up

some fruit and cookies?

She's a teenager.

Probably with an
appetite to match.

(car horn honking)

(honking horn)

I'm not gonna stop
this until you come out.

(car horn honking)

(horn honking continuously)

What's going on?

Your car's in the
shop being repaired.

Overnight. Too long.

Besides, it's only a two-seater.

Every special woman
should have a set of cars.

A two-seater and a four-seater.

There you are,
darling. It's all yours.

( romantic theme playing)

Blake, it's a Rolls.

It's too expensive.
"It's too expensive."

I know.

I'd have had it gift-wrapped,

except that the dealer
ran out of ribbon.

Pink and blue.

Blake, it's too much.

No, it isn't.

No. Not for what
you're giving me.

A child, new hopes...

new beginnings.


And if you'll look inside,

you'll see that it's
registered in your name,

not the company's.

Madam, shall we go for
a little spin? A test run?


Hi. Hi. Hi.

Baby present, Krystle?

Isn't it beautiful?


if you like your status
symbols square,

you've sure got it.


Don't let Fallon
bother you, darling.

I don't, Blake.

Not even Fallon can
wreck this moment for me.

( suspenseful theme playing)

These just came in.

What about them, Jeff?

Well, I can't believe
what they say.

That Blake Carrington
isn't included

in the California oil deal.

You and he are partners in it.

The Californians
wouldn't take Blake

as part of my package.

Despite my fight for him.

Oh, did you fight, Uncle Cecil?

I fought. Believe me, I fought.

Well, how hard?

I don't like the question.

I don't like your tone of voice.

Now, you listen to
me and listen well.

Friendship is one
thing. Business, another.

Something I devoutly
hope you'll learn

before you have to
take over Colbyco.

Well, if betraying a
friend is part of the deal,

I think I'll pass.

I didn't betray Blake,
his own actions did.


Have you read this article
on Denver-Carrington?

Yes, I read it. I also offered
to punch the guy who wrote it.

(scoffs): Well, you
obviously didn't punch him,

and he obviously did write it.

Well, I don't have time
for this. Nor do you.

What I want...

is for you to get me
all the facts you can

on Blake's football team.

Football team. What's that
have to do with any of this?

I don't want any
questions, Jeff. Just facts.

Get them. Get them by tomorrow.

That's all.

( suspenseful theme playing)

(knocking on door)

Come in. Please.

Joseph, what's all this?

Good afternoon,
Steven. And you'll see.

You'll see.

(scoffs): This is the biggest
Frisbee I've ever seen.

Are you ready?

Presenting... little
Dottie Dimples.

(jazzy drum music playing)

(giggles): Da!

♪ Da-da da-da-da-da ♪ (laughs)

♪ Da-da-da ♪

♪ Da, da-da-da-da ♪

♪ Da-da... ♪
That's it.


(snapping fingers)



Oh. It's so good to see you.

It's good to see
you too, Fallon.

You look wonderful. (sighs)

Come on.

Well... nearly wonderful.

Ninety-nine percent
wonderful and getting there.

So... how's...?


Yes, Jeff.

He's excited. I'm, um...

Well, I should say, we're
trying to start a family.

Give Blake his first
grandchild. Heh.

How's that for making
the old man happy?

But you. What am I gonna
do with you to make you happy

now that I've got you
back in my clutches?

Should I sneak downstairs
and bring you some doughnuts

like when you had the measles?

(both chuckle)

Or, uh, maybe
some salt-water taffy

like the time you faked
whatever it was you faked

to get out of going to
Fritzie's lodge that weekend?

Fraud. My gorgeous
fraud of a brother.

(laughs) Fallon.


Showtime's over.

Sorry, folks. No
encores. Maybe later.

Aren't you two talking yet?

Oh, well. A word here and there.

Oh, but what matters is
that you're getting better.

And that you and your
father are back together again.

He really loves you, Steven.

Almost as much as I do.

And you know something?

What's happened
with you, it's...

even giving us a chance
to reconcile our differences.

( dramatic theme playing)


I'm sorry.

I was thinking about Fallon.

She just said she was going
to try to give Blake a grandchild.



Does she know she's
not his daughter?

Oh. No.

So I said I'm not in
this to lose money.


Uh... have you seen this, Blake?

"Carrington Mistakes."

Oh, yes. Yes, I've seen it.

First-class hatchet job.

"Carrington has been
convicted of manslaughter,

which further illustrates how
he always acts on his emotions."

"That raises the question:

"Should stockholders trust
this man with their investments,

a man who personally
stands for v*olence?" Mm-hm.

Yes, you were blasted.

Now I'm being
blasted, Blake. Oh?

My board of directors,

they're continuing to
put the pressure on me.

What is it, Cecil?

Well, you know as well as I do,

when they g*ng up on
you, they squeeze hard.

Just give it to me straight,
will you? What is it?


I'm sorry.

I'm forced to call in
that loan I made to you.


Well, that's, uh...

That's $ million in cash,

which I don't have right now.

You never put a time limit
on that loan. That's right.

Which meant it could
be called in at any time.

But... there is a way, Blake.

Well, your "buts" are
usually slings or arrows,

or both.

But I'm intrigued, Cecil.

What is your way?

I'll call off the debt, I'll
throw in a million cash.

I wanna buy your football team.


That team is worth at least
$ million and you know it.

You have the offer,
you make the decision.

The answer is no. You
want your money, you'll get it.

Oh? How?

That's my damn business.

Without me to bail
you out again this time?

I don't need you.

Well, I have an
appointment, Blake. We'll talk.

(clears throat)

And so the two
pirates part company...

as one stands
alone on the plank.

With you ready to
give the final push.

Right, Cecil?


I wouldn't try
that if I were you.

( suspenseful theme playing)

( upbeat theme playing)

There you go. Thank you.

(doorbell rings)

Hi. I'm Sammy Jo Dean.
Mrs. Carrington's niece.

Oh, yes. Come in.

She's out driving at the moment.

She'll be back
in a little while.

Oh, you can leave that there.

The butler will bring it
up to your room later.

Well, what's your name?

Uh, it's Joseph.

Oh, like half of mine.
Samantha Josephine.

We're Jo and Joe.

It's Joseph.

A lot of people
don't like nicknames.

Boy. Is this really a house?

It looks more like that movie.

You know, Tara in
Gone With The Wind.


(as Scarlett O'Hara): I
feel like Scarlett O'Hara.

(chuckles) "Which
one of you foxy twins

is gonna take me
to the barbecue?"


(normal voice): Wow.

I'm pleased you like it.


Oh. Talk about neat.

(sniffs) Mm.

But it's so quiet.

We rather like it that way.

Well, what do y'all do
around here for kicks?

I suggest you ask your aunt

when she returns.




Any chance of
me getting a pizza?


Well, I hardly had any lunch.

And I don't care if it's plain.

But if you've got
those green peppers...

Hold on the anchovies.

Miss Dean...

Dinner is served
precisely at :

in the family dining room.

I don't think...

pizza is on the menu.

Duckling is.


Hm. We dress for dinner.

( calm theme playing)

And for Steven's breakfast,

I want him to have
two poached eggs

on whole wheat toast.

And tell Mrs. Gunnerson to
make sure that the orange juice

is freshly squeezed just
before it's sent up to his room.

All right.

Ooh, I'm sorry. Aunt Krystle?

Ha... Who are you?

Well, if you're my aunt,

I'm your niece.
Sammy Jo, remember?

You invited me here.

Well, I didn't. But
your aunt probably did.

Oh, you're not her? No, I'm not.

Well, my aunt
Krystle invited me.

And am I ever glad.

I mean, is this a palace?

Frank wasn't
fooling, that's for sure.


My daddy.

See, my mother ran
away with him in Dayton,

and they got married and had me.

We lived in Memphis
till I was about .

And Aunt Krystle came
and visited us once

for about a month.

Oh, but you don't
care about this.

Oh. But I do.

You're a very interesting girl.

And a... very pretty girl too.


Oh. That's a beautiful state.
I drove through there once.

Where in Dayton
did your family live?

Uh... some street.

I don't even
remember what it was.

And what was your Aunt
Krystle's name in those days?

Grant. Like in Ulysses S.

You know, some people
still hate him in Memphis.

Believe it?

So I've heard.

Well, it was very nice
meeting you, dear.

Likewise. What's your name?


I'd like the number
for a Martin...

No, that's, uh,
Morgan Hess, please.


Yes, that's right.

Uh, no, no, no.

N-not his residence, his office.

No, I don't remember the street.
It's... It's somewhere downtown.

He's a private investigator.



I'm Sammy Jo Dean...

Krystle Carrington's niece.

Um, Steven Carrington.

Oh. You're her...



Did you hurt yourself
or something?


Well, does it hurt?

Well... it did.

It's better now.
It's getting better.

Well, that's good.

I'm gonna be around
for a couple weeks.

My daddy's a stock-car
racer, and he had to go off.

So he couldn't take me with him.

So this is kind of a
vacation, like he said, for me.


I usually work. The stadiums.

I mean, when there's an opening
at one of the ice-cream stands.

That's my specialty.
And I'm good.

Oh, I bet you are.

'Cause, see, there's more to it

than the average
customer realizes.

Like how you have to be
careful at how much you dip,

or you lose the profit.

I hope I don't make
that sound like cheating.

Oh, no, no. I...

Because, see, there is some
cheating in stock-car racing.

Is there? Sure.

The drivers call
it "cheating neat."

But everybody knows about
it, and it's all part of the fun.

You know, with the crowds
cheering and the music playing,

and... the minister blessing

that "nobody should
get himself k*lled

on this exciting day ahead."

And everybody's
just smiling away

while they're
watching the races.

It sounds like fun. Oh, it is.

Especially the drafting
and slingshotting,

the caroming and flip-flopping,
the framming and bamming.

I kind of miss it already.

I also do hair. You do?

Well, can't scoop up ice cream

for the rest of your life.

So I'm learning how
to become a stylist.

By mail.

You got real nice hair.

( slow, upbeat theme playing)

What's your name again?


Oh. Well, you've got
awful nice hair, Steven.

Well, thank you.

Sammy Jo?

Aunt Krystle?

That's me.

Hi, Steven.

Hi, Krystle.

Gosh, you're as beautiful
as my mom used to say.

Oh, she was the
beautiful one, Sammy Jo.

Gosh, you look just
like her. (giggles)

Oh, I'm so excited
to have you here. I...

I hope you'll like it.

I know I'm gonna like it here.


(phone ringing)


Ah. Mr. Hess.

Yes, you, uh... You
may remember me.

I'm Alexis Carrington.

(chuckles): Yes.

Yes, it has been rather
a long time, hasn't it?

I would, um,

like you to take on
a little job for me.

A sort of checking
out, as it were.

The subject's name is
Mrs. Blake Carrington.

Formerly known as Krystle Grant.

I want to know
everything about her.


( suspenseful theme playing)

( majestic theme playing)
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