02x10 - Sammy Jo and Steven Marry

Episode transcripts for the TV show "Dynasty". Aired: January 12, 1981 – May 11, 1989.*

Moderator: infinitebabbler

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Follows the gloriously over-the-top trials and tribulations of the fabulously wealthy and none-to-nice Carrington and Colby clans.
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02x10 - Sammy Jo and Steven Marry

Post by bunniefuu »

( majestic theme playing)

( majestic theme playing)

I'd like the number
for Metro Cab, please.

I have to go.

Do you?

I want to go.

Stay with me, Krystle.


Why no? It's basic.

A man and a woman who
feel something for one another,

it's beautiful.

It's not beautiful to me.

What is it?


For me, it's ugly.

I don't believe that.

You wouldn't be here

if you didn't feel
something for me, Krystle.

Nick, I'm here because
I'm confused and upset.

From the first moment I saw you,

in the hallway in your house,

I bumped into you,

and I said something
brilliantly witty like, uh:

"I'm sorry about that."

You blushed with that
smile of yours and you said:

"Oh, that's okay,
you know, it's all right.

Nice to meet you, Dr. Toscanni."

Remember that?


From that first moment,

I knew I wanted you.

What did you feel then?


(chuckles lightly)

Well, all right, okay.

(clears throat)

What do you feel now?

I do feel something
for you now, but...

But what?

Not enough to betray my husband.

Betray the man
who's been in Italy

sleeping with his first wife?

Is that what's keeping
you out of my bed tonight?

Is it?

All right, Krystle,
you look at me,

and you say to me,
"I don't want you,"

and I'll be out of
your life for good.

Say it, Krystle.

(tearfully): Nick, don't
pressure me, please.

Blake's coming home,

and that's all I can
handle right now.

(sighs deeply)



Forget the cab.

I'll drive you back to your car.

( suspenseful theme playing)


( mellow theme playing)

Why the iceberg look?

You are Mrs. Jeffrey Colby.

I'm not in the wrong room.

Or does Mrs. Jeffrey Colby

wish I were?

When did you get here?

Oh, about five minutes
ago, give or take.

Where were you all night?

Do you care?

I may. I'm asking you.

I was looking for Cecil.


He wasn't home.

He was out on the town

so I combed the
town looking for him.

And when you found him?

I didn't.

Well, why don't you
take your clothes off,

if you can manage that,

and get some sleep.

I didn't find him so I
couldn't ask him, Fallon.

What's the matter
with you? Let go of me.

I couldn't ask him
about your story,

whether it was true or not.

Get your hands off of me.

What story?

How he bought you for me,

a wedding gift for
Blake, to Blake.

Nine million dollars to
Blake if you married me.


Are we gonna go
through that mud again?

Oh, you thrive on mud.

You wallow in it like a sow.

You are to the mud born.

You're drunk and insulting.

And you hate me for it.


( melancholy theme playing)


Just tell me it was a lie.

Because I don't hate you.

I love you.

God knows why
but I still love you.

Just tell me it was a lie.

There was no agreement
between you and Cecil.

Go find your uncle, ask him.


So you can get
rid of me tonight?

To get the answer
to your question

if you're so anxious to get it.

So you can get rid of me tonight

and keep your
appointment for tomorrow.


No way.

If you think you're gonna
go to that abortion mill

and k*ll my baby,

you're wrong. No way.

You're just gonna sit there?

All night long and
keep an eye on you.

All night.

And never let you
out of my sight.

Not this night.

Not tomorrow.

( melancholy theme swells)

( mandolin plays
traditional Italian theme

Oh, I like this.

The two of cups

over the six of cups.

I like very much,

even though it is in the past.

What is it that you like?

How the last couple of days,

here in Italy,

very pleasant for you.

Spent with a man,

an old, eh, friend.

(mouths): Oh.

Well, he was more than that.

He was my ex-husband.



You wanted him very much.

I see here.

You still want him very much.


Yes, I do.

Go on.

He, too, wants you very much.


But no fulfillment,
no lovemaking.

Is that possible?

Do I see clearly? Yes?


Well, nothing
happened between us,

if that's what you mean.

I mean, at least not yet.

Tell me about the future.

What do you see in the ball?


Horse? What kind of horse?

Beautiful horse.

Very frightened.

Adriana, I don't ride horses.

I see woman riding.

Beautiful horse.

( mysterious theme playing)


Queen of cups.

See, very wise,

very calm, very sensitive.

She fell off the
horse. She was hurt.

(g*nsh*t, horse whinnies)

Yes, that's, um...

That's a blond woman.

Someone I knew.

She was hurt because of you!

Well, I...

I told her not to
ride that frisky horse.

I... I mean, I warned her,

but she wouldn't listen to me.

Go back to the cards,
Adriana. I prefer them.


I see again.


very positive.

Man, very powerful.

Very attracted to you.

Is it

my ex-husband?

It is not clear.

He knows you very well.


very intimately.


That could be a regiment.

Tell me some more
about this powerful man

who is very attracted to me and
who may or may not be Blake?


He is going to ask
you to marry him.

Really? Yes.


And will I?



Only what?

He will expire!

What do you mean, "expire"?

He will expire,

like death!

It is here.


( mysterious theme
swells dramatically

( majestic theme playing)

Paul, I'm gonna
try to grab a nap.

PAUL (over phone):
They feed you too well

on that Concorde,
Mr. Carrington?

Three hours of
practically nonstop eating.

Oh, and Paul, when
we're approaching Chicago,

contact my office, will you?

Tell them to get in
touch with Andrew Laird.

Tell him to meet me at my office

when we get to Denver.

Sure thing, Mr. Carrington.

How about Mrs. Carrington?

Do you wanna give
her a ring at home first?

No, it's just a little past
in the morning there.

She's still asleep.


I wanna tell her the
good news in person.


( ominous theme playing)



Damn it.

Joseph. Yes.

Have you seen my wife?


Well, no, I haven't.

Is there something I can do...?

( ominous theme continues)

(tires squeal)

Well, we do get
women down here early,

but I think you take the prize.

I couldn't sleep.

I've been driving around
waiting for you to open.

You are, uh...?

Fallon Carr...

Fallon Colby.


Yes. Uh...

Mrs. Colby, your appointment
is for : this afternoon.

Yes, I know. I would
like to change that.

Oh, for when?

For as soon as the doctor
gets in. This morning.

Well, I'm afraid
that's impossible.

Nothing's impossible.

I wanna get it over with.

I know how you
feel, dear, but...

But what?

Didn't you hear me?


Here, take this,

and please change
the appointment for me.

Aren't you going to take it?

No, I'm not.

Now, be back here at : ,

or find somewhere
else to have it done.

( dramatic theme playing)

Catherine, uh, get Claudia
Blaisdel at Denver-Carrington.

See if she's free for
lunch at the St. Dennis.

My usual time. Thank you.

Well, this is a surprise visit.

Sit down, Jeff.

I'll stand.

And I'll ask you standing,

to tell me the truth

about this curious
little triangle.

What triangle? What
are you talking about?

Whom am I talking about.

I'm talking about Fallon
and me and you, Uncle Cecil.

I'm asking you,

did you or did you
not buy her for me?

I'm asking you,

was there or was there not

a deal between you and Blake?

Well, of course it could
be looked at that way but...

Looked at?!

Okay, I'm looking.

What am I supposed to
see behind that doubletalk

you're so incredibly adept at?

That it is true?

Jeff, listen to me.

I didn't wanna believe this.

Not when I first heard it.

Not until right now.

But I have to
believe it, don't I?

No. Oh, yes, I do.

Because the master
manipulator is telling me

in his oh-so-cool,
don't-let-anything-show way,

he's telling me it is true.

Jeff, let me get
you a cup of coffee.

Forget it.

You'd do anything, wouldn't you?

Use anybody to take
over Denver-Carrington.

Marry me off to Fallon

to see the two
empires in bed together.

When that didn't work out,
you foreclose on the loan

and push Blake to the wall.

Is that it?

Because if it is,

let me tell you something
about your father-in-law.

When I offered him that
loan, he didn't turn it down.

He took it very openly

and he knew exactly
what was involved.

You don't know that.

Well, why don't
you go ask Blake?

Then maybe you'll be convinced.

( mellow theme playing)

Guess who?

Um, Mary Smith.






Know something?



Last night and this morning,

they've been the
most special hours

of my whole life.

Oh? Did you have good dreams?

(scoffs, giggles)

Who dreamt?

Who had time?

I'm talking about
being with you.

I've never been happier.

Neither have I.

Do you really mean that?

I ever lovin' do.

You're making fun
of the way I talk.

No, I'm not.

I love the way you talk,

just the way I love you.

And you know what?

I had a dream last night.

About me, naturally.

No, about driving and racing.

The race with Buddy?

No, not that race. Other races.

And other tracks.

Strange and beautiful places,

far away from here.

And you know what I
thought when I woke up?


I thought all my life,

I've been turned off
by the oil business,

big business, my
father's mighty empire.

And then all of a sudden,

it dawned on me, like a flash.

I know what I wanna be.

I wanna race.

I want to race, like...

Like Minton and Bubba
and... And all your heroes,

and all your friends.

You really mean that, don't you?

Steven Carrington never lies.



Well, could I be your pit girl?

You'd better be my pit girl.

And my coach too.

Well, I could be both of those.

If we stayed
together for a while.

Well, what do you
say, Sammy Jo...

that we make it for
more than just a while?


( romantic theme playing)

WOMAN (over
intercom): Dr. Toscanni?

NICK: Yes, Peg?

There's a Mrs.
Colby here to see you.

All right, send her in.

Hello, Nick.

I'm due at the hospital, Fallon.

I know you have patients
over there in deep trouble,

but I'm in trouble too.

Very deep. This
abortion today...

Was your decision.

I'm very busy, Fallon.

All right.

Please let me go to your house

and stay there
for a while, alone.

I need a place to... To...

To what? Hide from
the rest of the world?

What are you afraid of?

Someone'll find you?
Maybe change your mind?

You mean Jeff.

Yes, Jeff... It's
not his business.

Why don't you answer
a question for a change?

Does he still care?

Yes, he cares.

But so do I.

It's my life, it's my future.

Right now, I exist only for me.

If that's wrong,
if that's selfish,

I don't care.

But you're part of my life too.

I love you so much.

Nick, if I weren't pregnant,

you would love me
too, wouldn't you?

Please stop using me, Fallon.

Using you for what?

I wasn't in your bedroom alone.

Quit torturing me.

Tell you what you wanna hear?

Well, you're not gonna
get it from me, Fallon.

And you're not gonna
use me as a wedge

between yourself
and your conscience.

Whatever decision you make,

you live with for
the rest of your life.

I made my decision.



You can go to the house.
You know where the key is.

But just one thing...

And I mean this.

Don't be there when I get home.


( dramatic theme playing)

(door closes)

Marcia, do you know,
is Mr. Laird in his office?

MARCIA: I don't know,
Mr. Carrington. I'll find out.

Oh, before you do
that, get Mrs. Carrington

on the line for me,
will you please?

(buzzes) Yes?

Mr. Anders on
one, Mr. Carrington.

Morning, Joseph.

Good morning, Mr. Carrington.

How was your flight home?

The flight was fine,
Europe was fine.

Is Mrs. Carrington there?

She's still asleep.

Oh, she is? Well, uh,

don't disturb her.
I'll call her back later.

All right, I'll tell
her you called.

Good, thanks. Bye.



MARCIA: Mr. Carrington.

It's a Mr. Ray Bonning.

He says he met you in Las Vegas.

Send him in.

Welcome home.

I trust you had a good trip.

Very good trip.

Is that why you dropped by?

As a matter of fact, no.

I dropped by because
that football team's

been on my mind
and Mr. Rhinewood's.

Oh? How so?

I'd like to remind you,

when Mr. Rhinewood
bought percent of the team,

he really wanted
the whole banana.

You don't have to
remind me, Bonning.

I remember our talk.


I'm here to make
the offer again.

The offer to...

Buy the whole banana.

Look, let me remind you:

The only reason why I
sold an interest in my team

was because I was in
a tight spot financially.

Fortunately, that's
no longer the case.

So I'm gonna make Logan
Rhinewood a counteroffer.

Ten million for the
million he gave me,

and the percent
reverts to me.

Negative, Mr. Carrington.

Now, don't you think you oughta
talk it over with Rhinewood?

There's no point.

The deal he wants

is percent.

Well, then you tell
him there is no deal,

and the only deal I'll
consider is a buy-back.

Oh, he won't like that.

Not at all, Mr. Carrington.

And when Mr. Rhinewood
is displeased

by just about anything,

the party of
displeasure ends up...

well, sorry.

Now, is that some
kind of a threat?

Just a fact.

I didn't ask you to come here,
but I'm asking you to leave.

You hear that?

Get out of here.

( tense theme playing)

(door closes)

Mr. Rhinewood,
please, listen to me.

I know what I'm doing.

If we can scare
Carrington off...

And he's getting close.

Then he'll know
we mean business.

Okay, if that happens,

then we'll deal with somebody
hopefully more reasonable.

Like his widow.

( dramatic theme playing)

( ominous theme playing)

Come in.

Ah, Joseph.

What do you want?

Only to bring your mail.

Oh, it's been piling
up these past few days.

Oh, just put it on
the table, Joseph.

Along with this?

If you haven't seen it,

I thought you might want to.

Tsk, Joseph.

Do you still subscribe
to that trashy rag?

Every week.

Good. That'll solve one

of my Christmas gift problems.

I'm busy. Please go.

( dramatic theme playing)


Yes, Marcia?

MARCIA: Mr. Laird is here.

Oh, send him in.

Welcome back.

Sorry I'm late, we
got tied up in court.

No worry about it, Andrew.

How about a drink?

No, thanks. Never
in the morning.

It's a strange habit of mine.

Morning? I'm still
on European time.

When'd you get back?

A little after , our time.

I think I will have a short one

just to celebrate.

You should. I got your message.

That deal you made
with Rashid Ahmed

sounds good.

Fantastic is more like it.


Okay, fantastic.

Did you start on
that paperwork yet?

Yup, and I should
have it finished

by, oh, early this evening.

Good, because I want
you to take those papers,

fly over there,

and see to it personally

that first tanker is released.


A trip to the Middle
East these days,

just what I've been
dreaming about.

But I'll go, Blake. I'll go.

Andrew, do you realize

that we are on the verge

of total solvency again?

And I'm happy for you, Blake.

And I am not less
than enthusiastic.

It's just that, uh,

well, ahem, I have

a homecoming gift

that I don't wanna
have to give to you.


Well, I'm not surprised.

I suspected there
were paparazzi around.

But this is a cheap rag.

Krystle will probably
never see it anyway.

Well, then,

there's this too. The Chronicle.

The society editor

obviously thought it was cute.

The wire services
picked up on it.

If there hadn't been the trial,

there'd be nothing.

But you've become national news.

Andrew, I was with Alexis

because Alexis set up
the meeting with Ahmed.

But nothing happened between us.

And the sooner Krystle
knows about that, the better.

( dramatic theme playing)

If I seem a bit tired today...

Hello, John.

It's not the
company, believe me.

You had a very busy morning.

Or more interesting,
an exciting night.


You know, when I moved
out of the Carrington's,

I found this charming
little apartment

on Third Street.

Thank you.

Well, the charm lasted

about a few hours.

I mean, it's been a nightmare.

Well, maybe I can
help you out, uh...

I mean, with your
apartment situation.

We own a new complex
in Harrison Hills...

Oh, no. I'll have to pass.

I know the rents they charge.

Colbyco charges.

I'll try to arrange
for you to pay

something less, shall we say?

Well, thank you, but no.

I can manage.

Mr. Colby?

Ah, good afternoon, Peter.

Do you know what
you want, Claudia?

What do you suggest? Um...

What about some smoked
salmon with capers to start,

a bottle of Montrachet ' .

We'll decide on the entrée
when you bring the wine.

Thank you. Thank you.

Well, frankly,

I don't think you should
have any problems

with a new apartment,

even at a higher rent.

Well, that's for you to decide,

it's your future.

Uh, let's talk about
something more immediate:

the reason for this lunch.

My people reported
to me a little while ago

that they've gathered
some information

about your husband and daughter.

They have?

The Rio office cabled.

Matthew Blaisdel
and Lindsay Blaisdel

were in Brazil for a while,

but they've gone on.


Somewhere else in South America,

maybe Venezuela.

Probably Venezuela.

The Caracas office is onto it.



You don't look unhappy.

No. I'm ecstatic.

Oh... Thank you.

Not yet, not yet.

We haven't found
your daughter yet.

Well, you're going to
keep looking for her.

Promise me that
you're going to do that.

I do.

You know I do.

I really don't know
how to thank you.

I'm never going to forget this,


MAN: May I have the ring?

( stringed instruments
playing wedding theme

The wedding ring is the
token of the solemn vows

that you have just taken.

Will you, Steven,

give this ring

as a symbol of your affection,

sincerity and fidelity?

Yes, I will.

And will you,
Samantha Josephine,

receive this ring and wear it

as a symbol of your affection,

sincerity and fidelity?

I will.

Then I do, in the
presence of God

and this witness,

now pronounce you

man and wife.

Mr. Carrington, you may kiss

Mrs. Carrington.

( wedding theme swells)

I'm sorry about not
being here this morning

when you got back from Europe,

but I had some things
to work out, heavy things.

What is it, Jeff? Is there
something the matter?

You, Blake,

you're the problem.

You, and how you've
been keeping a straight face

all these months,
right up to now.

A straight face about what?

Oh, that damned night
when Fallon and I eloped.

Your spoiled-rotten daughter

and your dumb,
bought son-in-law.

Come on, I was
bought and you knew it.

And you put your arms around me

and said, "Congratulations."

Only thing is, I didn't see
the laughter in your eyes.

I wasn't laughing, Jeff,

but I was a very happy man.

Why, because you and
my uncle pulled it off?

No, because I like you

and because I've always wanted
to have you as a son-in-law.

Did you know about
the arrangement?

Just tell me, yes or
no, were you in on it?

Not until after the fact.

But you knew!

Yes, but not until later.

But Jeff...

I can understand your
being angry about this.

But my loan has
been paid back to Cecil

and now you and Fallon
can get on with your lives.

There's a baby on its way now.

Is there?

Tell that to Fallon.

Call her at the Blandon Clinic

and ask for the abortion desk.

Tell that to your daughter.

Now, wait a minute.

Did you say abortion desk?


(door opens)


Marcia. MARCIA: Yes?

Tell Alfred to bring the
car around immediately.

( melancholy theme playing)

Oh, Mrs. Colby,
we're ready for you.

Um... Yes.

Mrs... Mrs. Colby?

( dramatic theme swells)

( suspenseful theme playing)

(tires squeal)

Well, let's not worry about
the social security number.

You can phone
that in to me later.


My name is Blake Carrington.

My daughter Fallon is here.


I'm sorry, I don't
have a Fallon Car...

Oh, do you mean Mrs. Colby?

Well, yes, of course, Colby.

Well, you'll have to
wait. So just take a seat.


Uh, yes, they wheeled her
into surgery minutes ago.

She'll be in recovery,
oh, at least three hours.

Sir? Sir?

I'm sorry, this area
is out of bounds.

My daughter's
here, Fallon Colby.

I want to see her. You can't.

Don't tell me I can't
see her. I'm her father.

But we have regulations.

I don't give a damn
about your regulations,

I'm talking about
my flesh and blood.

Which one of these
rooms is she in?

Sir, y-you're not
allowed to be here.

( dramatic theme playing)



Oh, honey,

what have you done?

(tearfully): Nothing.

I couldn't...

I couldn't do it.


You're gonna

have your grandchild.

( dramatic theme swells happily)

ALEXIS: I am paying you
a small fortune, Mr. Hess,

and I do not like
paying for nothing.

Now, are you a
private investigator

or are you just
an attractive fraud

who likes to peek into people's

sometimes unattractive lives?

We don't exactly have much
of a case here, Mrs. Carrington.

I'll be the judge of that.

What else do you have?

After the second
Mrs. Carrington,

née Krystle Grant,

married one Sam
Jennings, she left Dayton.

I lost track of her there.

There seems to be a gap
between when she left Dayton

and arrived in Denver.


However, Jennings
stayed on in Ohio,

first in Dayton,

and then he moved to
Akron where he took a job

with an insurance company
called, uh, Sawdelle.

He worked for them for nearly
a year and then he was fired.

And then?

He left Akron.


For the North Pole?

For the borough of Brooklyn?

Where did he go, Mr. Hess?

I haven't tracked
him down as yet.

Well, I suggest that you do,

and I also strongly suggest

that you find out why
he divorced Krystle-



A man doesn't just walk out

on a woman who possesses
her sterling qualities

unless there's a
pretty good reason.

Very well.

But it's going to
take a little more time.

That's exactly what
you have, Mr. Hess,

a little more time.



I want every damn piece
of information you can get

on Krystle Jennings.

Excuse me.

Andrew, hello.

Come on in.


Good to see you.

Thank you, nice to see you.

Um, would you
like a glass of wine?

Yes, I'd like that.


You've done a lovely job.

Thank you.

Sit down.

All right.

Well, I assume that you called

and asked to come and see me

in order to congratulate
me in person.

Yes, I did.

Congratulations, Alexis,

for bringing Blake together

with Rashid Ahmed.

Well, it was nothing really.

I was just the catalyst.

Blake was the one who
brought it off brilliantly.

I was only there
with him to help.

Only for that, Alexis?

Only for that, Andrew.


So, what can I do for you?

I, uh, need your help,

and this time it's for me.

I'm leaving tonight
to meet with Ahmed.

Before I leave,

I'd like you to phone
him, if you would.

Oh, really? Um, why?

My office has been
unable to locate him,

and you don't seem
to have that problem.

No. No, I don't.

Well, he is a little
difficult to track.

Yes, I'd be happy to
call him for you, Andrew.


Please, thank you.

I think he's in Paris.

That, uh, man who just left,

he, um...

He looked kind of familiar.


He's, um, a picture framer.

A picture framer?


Has he worked for you and, um,

Loretta, oh, I mean, Lana?

Uh, Lucille. No,
I don't think so.

Well, he does have
rather a common face,

even for a picture framer.


I must remember that.

You're still together then?


( mellow theme playing)

How do you feel, honey?

All right.

Well, you look beautiful.

My beautiful little girl.


Do you remember
when you were a little girl,

how you used to
sneak into the kitchen

and make fudge for me?

Tons and tons of
fudge, it seemed like.

All of those different
kinds of nuts.

You remember that?


And you always wanted crayons

to draw those
wild pictures of me.

Daddy standing on
top of Mount Everest,

Daddy standing with his arm

around Christopher Columbus.

They were pretty
awful, weren't they?

Oh, I don't know about that.

I've still got
most of 'em in a...

In a drawer somewhere.

You get some rest,
get some sleep.

And don't fight that sedative.

You've been through a lot.

But everything's
gonna be all right now.

Daddy, do you love me?

Really love me?

More than ever,

if that's possible.

( mellow theme continues)

Is she all right? Yeah.

Do you know where
my wife has gone?

She hasn't left the house.

She's been in her room all
day waiting for your return.

Mm. Is there anything
I can do for Fallon?

No, no, no.

But she's sleeping now.

I'll look in on
her a little later.


Hello, darling.

I'm sorry that you
had to see this, it's...

It's all trash, you know.

You understand that, don't you?

Understand what, Blake?

The delay?

Or you and Alexis together?

Your not telling me

that she was going to
be in Rome with you.

Your phoning me from the villa

but never mentioning who
was with you at the villa.

I did tell you
though before I left

that this whole thing
was very, very delicate.

Oh, I'll bet it was delicate.

I should have known that's
where she went and why.

Are you implying
that we made love?


On what basis?

That picture and the
picture in the other paper.

And knowing her.

Well, you know me too.

I thought I did.

Well, know me and believe me.

Nothing happened between us.

I'd hoped that...

I'd really hoped and prayed
that by the time I came back,

you'd have gotten some
sense into you again.

Obviously, it hasn't happened.

(door slams)

( dramatic theme playing)

(tires squeal)

Krystle, wait.

Krystle. Krystle, wait.

Mr. Carrington, is
something wrong?

No, no.

Would you like me
to tell Mrs. Gunnerson

to prepare dinner to
be served as usual?

Well, uh, Fallon is sleeping.

I don't think anybody's
gonna be having dinner tonight,

so why don't you tell the
staff to take the evening off,

and you too, Joseph.

All right, Mr. Carrington.

( harpsichord
playing tense theme

(thunder crashes)

(thunder crashes)

Any caviar?

Or may I borrow a cup of sugar?

My cupboard is absolutely bare

so I thought I'd sneak over here

and ask Hilda if I could
find anything to eat.

Hilda's not here. I gave
the staff the night off.


To celebrate your
victory, of course.

Well, why are you
looking so miserable?

I know, it's, uh...

It's Krystle, isn't it?

Did she see those
awful newspapers?

Yes, she did see them.


Blake, if there's
anything that I-I can do

to help make her understand...

I've told her all the facts.

I would like to
ask you something.


Did you know about that
photographer and those pictures?

Oh, Blake.

Do you really still
think so little of me

that you think I
could be so deceitful?

I mean, for years

and all the time
that I've been away,

I haven't cared who's
taken pictures of me or...

Or who I've been with
or what I've been doing.

And now that I'm back
here near to my children,

do you think that
I'd do anything,

anything to jeopardize
the relationship?

Or to embarrass them or you?

I'm sorry.

I guess I'm just a little upset.


You're probably

very hungry too.

But why don't I try and...
And fix us something to eat?

All right?

(thunder rumbling)

(phone ringing)

Oh, answer that,
will you, please?




(dial tone humming)

No answer.

Well, at least it wasn't one
of those heavy breathers.

( melancholy theme playing)


( majestic theme playing)
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