02x15 - The Party

Episode transcripts for the TV show "Dynasty". Aired: January 12, 1981 – May 11, 1989.*

Moderator: infinitebabbler

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Follows the gloriously over-the-top trials and tribulations of the fabulously wealthy and none-to-nice Carrington and Colby clans.
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02x15 - The Party

Post by bunniefuu »

( majestic theme playing)

( tense theme playing)

(door opens)

BLAKE: Krystle?

Yes, Blake?

Where have you been?

In the library, reading.

What time is it?

Oh, about : .

I woke up, you weren't here.

I thought it could be morning.

What is it? What's wrong?


I can hear it in your voice now.

I've been hearing
it all this past week,

these past days and nights.

The wall between us, Blake.

I mean, we're physically close

but emotionally,
we're miles apart.

Walls can come down.


And what does it
take from each of us?

We've tried, Blake. I know
you have, and I have too.

Well, look, you know
about this Rhinewood thing.

You know how crazy it's made me.

I go through nights like this,

where I wake up suddenly
half a dozen times, planning.

Planning ways to track him down,

make him answer for blinding me.

Now maybe I just don't
want you to go through

terrible moments like that.

I'm willing to share
them with you.

You know that.

Blake, I just wanna
be a wife to you,

but you have to be
a husband to me.

It's late. We both
better get some sleep.

All right.


( majestic theme playing)

(knocking on door)

Come in.

Good morning.

This has just arrived
from Marcillac's.

Is it for you?

No, I didn't order any furs.

Sammy Jo.

Joseph, tell my
niece I wanna see her.

Oh, yes.

Forward. Oh!

Oh, my fragile little sister.

Well, I am.

And backward.

Is that it? Yes.

Now, look, this is important.

This time, when we move back,

I want you to take
a deep breath.

Okay. And I want
you to lower your back

slowly onto the mat.

Good. Now, when you're
pushing the little kid out,

I want you to make
sure that you relax.

Now, back. Way, way back.


Oh, Steven, can't we
try this another time?

Like maybe when
I'm not pregnant.



What is it?


I was just thinking,

it's not working
out here, at home.

I mean, I find myself
actually hating it here.

That's an awful thing to say.

I hate it when
you get like this.

You see, it makes you sad.

I mean, I seem to have had
that effect on people lately.

Dad, our mother. Now you.

Everybody except my wife.

Well, ahem, you
don't have to worry

about her being around
here much longer, Fallon.

I'm, uh...

I'm packing it in by
the end of the month,

taking off with her.


I mean, you've all
made it real clear

how you feel about us.

Oh, Steven, that's not true.

You know I love you very much.

( tender theme playing)
How 'bout my wife?

I mean, that love's got
to include her too, Fallon.

She's a part of me now, Fallon.

Okay, if that's what it
takes to make you happy,

then you've got it.

I'll try and get to know her.

I'll prove it to you.

Okay. Get back on that mat.

(both laughing)

Yes, I appreciate
that. Thank you.

Morning, Aunt Krystle.

Sammy Jo, what
is this all about?

Well, what it looks like.

A lot of bitty minks made
into one big, big coat.

You charged this to Steven.

Well, why not? He
happens to be my husband.

Because he happens to
have no money of his own.

You do know that?

I've heard.

Well, who did you think was
going to pay for it? Blake?

Well, he's not.

Because I'm sending it
right back, initials and all.

Look, you can't... Just
shut up and listen to me.

Now, I want you to promise me

that nothing like this
will ever happen again.

And if you want something,
you'll come to me first.

Is that clear?

Are you going to answer me?

What's going on in
that mind of yours?

Well, maybe, Aunt Krystle,

that's something for you
to figure out sometime.

Like when you're
wandering around the house

in the middle of the night,

instead of being in
bed with your husband.


Fallon, is Steven in there?

ALEXIS: A party?!

To celebrate Steven's
marriage to that little tramp?

Fallon, you must be joking.

(blender whirring)

Well, at least the
little tramp is a girl.

Yes. But you know something?

Sometimes I think it
might have been better

had Steven gone
on living the gay life.

At least that
would've been honest.

Steven is honestly in
love with Krystle's niece.

At least, he seems to think so.

And he's a Carrington, and
so we have to support him.

Yes, but that awful girl.

Here, drink this.
Lots of protein.


So about the party.

Oh, Fallon, stop going
on about the party.

Listen, Mother, you don't have
to come if you don't want to,

but I wanna do this.

I've been feeling really happy,

and I wanna share a little
of that with my brother.

Is that so awful to
wanna share a blessing?

Does this blessing have anything
to do with your Dr. Toscanni?


We talked, finally.

He told me that he
doesn't love Krystle.

And after I have the baby
and after I divorce Jeff,

he wants me to be with him.

So that letter that you
loathed really worked, didn't it?

It pushed Krystle
out of Nick's life.

Now, the end, as I
have always believed,

justifies the means.

Yes, I think the party
is a wonderful idea.

It'll be a grand
family occasion.

And who knows,

it may even be a celebration
for your father and me too.

FALLON: Would you
like an olive or an onion?

BLAKE: Olive.

Daddy, I know you don't
really approve of the party.

BLAKE: Did I say that?

No, but you look that.

But it's one of the most
terrific things about you.

You always show the
class to rise to the occasion.

I believe that's what's
called, in your territory,

a snow job.

All right, all
right, I'm snowed.

Now, where do you
plan on giving this party?

At the St. Dennis Club?

No, I thought I'd
give it at the house.

If that's all right
with the master.

Fine. When?

Saturday the th.

Oh, Daddy, you're terrific.

And one more thing.

I just want you to
know something.

Even though you and
mother are divorced,

I'm very grateful

that you loved each other
enough once to have had me.

What's wrong?

Nothing. Nothing, why?

Well, for a moment, you almost
looked angry when I said that.


Maybe it's the frustration
of not being able to see

that makes me look
angry sometimes.

But why would I be angry at you?

Well, I'll see you around.

Oh, just one thing, Fallon.

Be sure to include Nick Toscanni

on the invitation
list, will you?

After all, he did
save Steven's life.

Well, I hadn't thought
of him, but sure.

(door opens)

(door closes)

( suspenseful theme playing)

( upbeat theme playing)

Now, in this room,

this is where Mr. Carrington
should receive his guests.

So we'll have to move this
sofa over there somewhere,

and then we can move
this one downstairs and...

Would you excuse us, please?

(door closes)

What are you doing in here?

Well, actually, I
was waiting for you.

I asked Jeanette or Marie or
one of the servants to call you...

I asked you something.

What are you doing in here?

Well, I'm helping

or I'm trying to help
with plans for the party.

What party?

Didn't Fallon tell you
about it yesterday?

No, she didn't.

Well, it's a party
to help celebrate

Steven and Sammy Jean's wedding.

It's Sammy Jo.

Oh, yes, I'm so bad with names.

You're not angry that
I'm involved, are you?

After all, Fallon
is my daughter,

and Fallon is pregnant

and she tires easily.

I'm just trying to help
with the organization,

as I'm... I'm sure
you would want to.

No, I don't, Alexis.

I don't want to at all.

( tense theme playing)

Oh, surely, you can't mean that.

How will Blake react?

React to what?

To my telling him that his wife

doesn't want to
help honor his son

or her niece, her
own flesh and blood.

Oh, you tell him, Alexis.

You tell him anything you want.

Because it'll only end up

serving your own
purposes as usual.

Heh. I don't know what
you're talking about.

Us. You and me.

How I'm gonna keep
on fighting you, Alexis,

just like you're fighting me.

And when the w*r is over,

I hope to God you
remember who declared it.

(door closes)

( dramatic theme playing)

Mr. Carrington,
you have a visitor.

Oh, who is it, Joseph?

Mr. Colby.

Mr. Cecil Colby is seated
in front of your desk.

Would you wait
outside, please, Joseph?


nice of you to drop by, Cecil.

What can I do for you?

What do you think you're doing?

What are you talking about?

I'm talking about Jeff and
this ridiculous notion of yours.

You mean my idea to adopt him?


Well, I don't think
it's so ridiculous.

I think it's one of the
best ideas I've ever had.

Obviously, you don't.

What's obvious is this.

First you inveigled my
nephew into leaving Colbyco

and coming to work for you.

Now you're trying to corrupt
him into giving up his birthright.

That distinguished
birthright that dates back

to making money since
and off the w*r of ?

His true birthright.
His only one.

The decision to
come here was Jeff's.

The decision about whether
or not he'll become a Carrington

will be Jeff's, not mine.

And certainly not yours.

You know something?

I think Jeff will make
the right decision.

If only because I may possibly

have given him something
that you never could.

A father image that
he could respect.


And emulate?

He could do worse.

Emulate a convicted m*rder*r?

Is that what you think
Jeff Colby really wants?

The death of that young
man was an accident.

Who are you to
bring that up? You...

A man who'd s*ab his
mother to make a deal.

( tense theme playing)

If I had one wish left
to me in this life of mine,

I'd ask for it and
I'd ask for it now.

Make Blake Carrington see.

How very thoughtful
of you, Cecil.

So that I could face
him eyeball to eyeball

and beat the hell out of him.

(door opens)

(door closes)

( mellow theme playing)

(knocking on door)

Come in.

Hi, Sammy Jo.

Your hair looks
kind of cute like that.


Did Steven tell
you about the party

I'm throwing for you
both Saturday night?

No, he didn't.

Oh, well, leave it to my brother

to hold back on social
notes from all over.

I don't understand, Fallon.

Well, I wanted to
welcome you to our family.

Show you off to our friends.

Are you sure you don't
mean show me up?

That's kind of a dumb question.

Well, it comes from kind
of a dumb girl, doesn't it?

I mean, isn't that what
you still think of me?

Look, I'm giving the party
because I love my brother.

I just figured you might
wanna be there with him.

So don't bother RSVPing.

What's that mean?

Oh, nothing. I just made it up.

Cecil, darling.

I couldn't have asked for
a more welcome intruder.

Hello, Alexis.

I've got some champagne
chilling and I hate to drink alone.

I'm not in a champagne
mood, Alexis.

Well, then, we'll just have
to get you in one, won't we?

Is this just a
social call, then?

I've come for your help.

Ask anything and maybe
you shall even receive.

You owe me a favor.

Oh. Do I? What?

For having helped
you with Steven,

trying to get him to
reconcile things with Blake.

Yes, of course. Well,
what do I owe you?

Your help with Jeff.

Alexis, if Blake continues

with this appalling notion
of adopting my nephew...

and if Jeff stupidly
goes along with it,

dear, your two children are
reduced in their inheritance.

A three-way split
instead of two.

You realize that, don't you?

Well, my arithmetic has
always been straight F,

but, yes, I do realize that.

But aren't you
anticipating these problems

before they exist?

I mean, from
what I know of Jeff,

he seems like a very
sweet young man,

but he's a rather
independent one.

I doubt if he'd let anybody,

including Blake,
swallow his identity.

You really believe that?

Oh, yes, I do.

Oh, Cecil,

you're such an
outrageously attractive man.

But you'd be so
much more attractive

if you didn't take
life so seriously.

Oh. Ooh. Look at
that worry line there.

And look at that frown.

Where is the frownless charmer

that I threw pillows
at all those years ago?

When you were as

as you are now.

Oh, two sips and listen to you.

You're still the single
most beautiful woman

I threw pillows back at.

Before or since.

Including matinees?

( sultry theme playing) Mm-hm.

( upbeat theme playing)

WOMAN (over PA): Dr. Costello
to Operating Room , please.

There's a small
problem, Dr. Toscanni.

Oh, what's that?

These, ahem, records
are not exactly complete.

I got this from the Department
of the Army in Washington D.C.

It's about your w*r
service record in Vietnam.

And it, uh, appears
to contradict

your reason for switching
from neurosurgery to psychiatry.

Look, Mr. Crayford. Why
don't you just level with me?

You've got the
facts in front of you.

What's it say?

No, wait.

"Toscanni lost his
patient on the table,

"blames himself
for performing poorly

"under the stress
of enemy shellfire

"during said surgery.

The guilt-feeling afterwards
was notably obvious."

Is that it?

What it suggests, doctor,

is that you used the
injury to your hand

as an excuse never
to face the challenge

of putting a scalpel
in your hand again.

Mr. Crayford, I didn't come here
to be psyched out by an amateur.

I came here to find out if
there was a job on staff.

If there is, fine.

If there isn't,

I've got better things to
do than waste my time.


There is, doctor, and it's in
the Psychiatric Department.

But the area where we're
seriously understaffed

is neurosurgery.

Sorry, no choice.

I'm a psychiatrist and
the best one you'll get.

Now, do we draw up
a contract or don't we?


You're on, doctor.

But if you ever
decide to cross over,

this amateur's
door is always open.

ALEXIS: Isn't it wonderful
how afternoon lovemaking

still hasn't lost its charm?

Not with you, no.

Oh, are there others

that you dally with in
the daytime, darling?

None as fabulous
as you, shall we say.


Do you really have to go?

I'm afraid so.

I know.

You've got a business meeting.

You're going to buy Yugoslavia?

Only the Serbian
sector. Heh-heh.

Alexis. Hm?

What you told me about
Fallon a few months ago,

you were putting
me on, weren't you?


Darling, why think
about the past

when the present's so fabulous?

Let's just leave the Serbian
sector to the Serbians.


( mellow theme playing)

All right.

Oh, you look
absolutely terrific.

Do I?

Yes, you do.

Sammy Jo, what are you
doing? That's your second glass.

The party hasn't
even started yet.

I know, Steven, but
it's my first big party

and I'm nervous, okay?


Would you like some
help with that? No.

No, no, thank you very
much. I can manage.

Blake, I don't know what
your plans are for tonight.

Well, to enjoy the party.
What else might they be?

Are you going to do
what you've been doing?

Spend the evening
on Joseph's arm?

Well, no, no, no.

No, we'll greet our
guests together,

and then you can go off
and do whatever you want.

Whatever you want.

( tense theme playing)

(knocking on door)

I'm looking for my studs, okay?

Feel free.

Jeff, when you
moved in down the hall,

did you accidentally throw in
my diamond-and-ruby necklace

in your stuff?

I want to wear it tonight.

Sorry, I'm not in diamonds
or rubies these days.

Here, let me help you with that.

Listen, I want
you to believe this.

I'm very grateful that you
told Blake the truth about us

not having any future together.

I'm grateful because it saves me

from having to go
around play-acting.

So now that we've
got all that settled,

I want you to know that I
think you're really a nice person.

You deserve a girl
who will really love you.


You're in love, aren't you?

Well, whoever it is,

are you going to marry
him after we get the divorce?


That's really very

It's unimportant.

The guy hasn't
asked you, is that it?

Just make sure you're
not kidding yourself

about this great passion
being a two-sided passion.

Look, Jeff, I've
worked very hard

to make this evening fun.

I'm not gonna let you or
anybody else spoil it for me.

The guy loves
me, I love the guy,

and that's all that matters.

(phone ringing)


Tom Crayford, doctor.
I'm calling from the hospital.

There's been an accident.

I'm sorry, what
can I do for you?

Well, Dr. Osmond needs someone,
and everybody else is tied up.

Would you get over
here and help out?

No, no, I can't. I...

It's an emergency, doctor.

Look, Mr. Crayford, I told you,

I'm no longer into surgery.

At a time like this, anybody
that can function is into it.

All right, I'm on my way.

( dramatic theme playing)

(band playing soft jazz)

(all chattering)

Good evening,
Mr. and Mrs. Carrington

are receiving in
the living room.

Good evening.

Mr. and Mrs. Carrington

are receiving in
the living room.

WOMAN: Did you...?
Oh, isn't that nice?

Krystle, I do love that gown.

Well, thank you, Francine.

We're delighted
to have you here.

Darling, you remember Francine?

I'd recognize that
lovely voice anywhere.

So nice of you to
come, Francine.

There you are.

This party is supposed
to be for you, you know.

Why aren't you in that fib line?

You look ravishing,
darling. Adore the face-lift.

Thank you.

Well, I'm waiting for Sammy Jo.

She's upstairs
getting dressed, still.

I wish you'd help Daddy.

He's in that line
talking to people

as if he can see them.

Talk about a proud man.

I'm proud to be his daughter.

That was corny.
A little corny, huh?

That's the way I feel.

What is it?

What is what?

Well, I don't know.

But every time I mention
being a Carrington,

you give me this
look like I just said,

"Here comes a dark cloud."

Well, maybe there
have been times

when I haven't been that proud.

You know, somehow, I just
don't believe that, Steven.

Now, listen, you owe me
one for arranging this party.

So tell me, what is it? Is
there some kind of a secret?

All right.

You see, I've been
checking out our family tree.

I didn't wanna tell you
this, but back in the s,

a Pennsylvania Carrington
was caught shoplifting.

Really? Yes.

And what did he lift?

Pennsylvania Treasury.


(door opens)

Good evening. Good evening.

WOMAN: How are you?
MAN: Nice to see you.

Did you take his plane?

We have a gatecrasher,
Daddy. Cecil Colby.

How are you? Good to
see you. How are you?

Good evening.

Darling, you look divine.

Forget it, Mother.

Why on earth did
you bring him here?

Fallon, it's all a
question of stature.

Small people nurse grudges,

and the Carringtons
are not small.

Joseph, have you
seen Dr. Toscanni?

No, he hasn't arrived yet.


Yes, Blake, I
brought Cecil Colby.


Well, because I'd have thought
that thanks to that oil deal

that you made with Rashid
Ahmed and you coming out on top,

that you should
want all of Denver

witnessing your
generosity of spirit.

Besides, that
grandchild's going to have

Colby blood in him
as well as Carrington.

Well, I suppose
your instinct was right.

As long as he's here,
see that he enjoys himself.

Oh, yes, I will.

And I know that you
would have thought of it

and Krystle would
have suggested it,

had she not been so busy
making plans for the party.

WOMAN: No way.

(band playing soft jazz)

STEVEN: Claudia.

You look...

Very nice.

Terrific. Well, whatever.

I bet you're tired of
saying whatever by now.

I haven't seen you
since your wedding.

I wanna congratulate you.

I'm sure you're
gonna be very happy.

I am.

The party's been
on for nearly an hour.

I'm giving it for
Steven and Sammy Jo,

and I haven't even seen her.

Would you please
go up and get her?

I'm sure she'll be down in a...

What is this? What happened
to that lovely gown we bought?

I decided I didn't like it.

In fact, I hated it.

So instead, I'm wearing this.

Something I bought by myself.

Isn't that the necklace
you were looking for?


The job sounds
interesting, Claudia. It is.

And I keep
learning all the time.

That's the best part.

Excuse me, okay?

Uh, excuse me.

Good evening, Claudia.

How are you?

I'm not too pleased.

Those files on oil shale
you, uh, photographed for me,

I had them developed,

and the material I'd
hoped for wasn't there.

I tried my best.

You have to try
harder, don't you?

Now, what I need, and badly,

is Denver-Carrington's
extraction process.

That's in a locked file. I
can't even get at the file.

Jeff has the key.

Then, being the bright
young woman you are,

borrow it from Jeff.

You are bright, Claudia,
and attractive. Very attractive.

Jeff's an attractive man

but an eminently
unhappy married one.

So just do it.
Discreetly, quickly.

You are anxious to know
where your daughter is?

Good evening, Marie. Thank you.

Fallon. Hello, Nick,
where have you been?

Working. Yeah?

One of your patients
have a problem?

Get you to hold her hand?

No, no. Let's go someplace
where it's quiet, okay?


Come here.

(speaking indistinctly)

What are you gonna do?

Tell me about this gorgeous
lady who delayed you?

I wanna share something
with you. Now, listen to me.

I've been at the hospital,

and they asked me
to assist in surgery.

Now, Fallon,

I did it. I did it.

And the feeling was like...

I don't know, like coming
home after being lost,

and it was... It was wonderful.

I'm very happy for you.

Oh, are you?

Yeah, but not that happy,
huh? What's the matter?

Nothing. Come on,
what's the matter?

It's Jeff.

He was letting me have
it about the man in my life

doesn't wanna marry me.

So I acted like I didn't
care, but I do care.

Fallon, listen to me.

I know I wanna be...

Be a surgeon again.

And I know it's gonna take
some time and I know me,

it's gonna be
all-consuming, but...

Please be patient with me.

I want you.

And I want us to be together.

Do you love me?

Oh, babe.

You're the only
woman in my life.

( dramatic theme playing)

Hello, Dr. Toscanni.

No, I wouldn't have
guessed who, Fallon.

All those interrupted
phone calls,

uh, those nights
away from home, tsk,

I never would have
guessed with whom.

I'm very sorry about that.

He had to find out sometime.

Let's go to the
party and celebrate.

You, your surgery.

Me and my surgeon. Ha.

I love you, and I don't
care who knows it.

(door opens)

(door closes)

( suspenseful theme playing)

(band playing soft jazz)

Wait a minute.

Thanks, hot rod.

Are we ready?

(crowd applauds)

(band playing
"Peter Gunn Theme")

Would you please
try to act like a lady,

as impossible as that may seem?

This party is to honor my son,
not to embarrass him publicly.

Hi. Bored a little?


I don't know. I...

I just wanna get away from here.

Well, that's a coincidence

because I feel
exactly the same way.

Well, how'd you like to join
me for a drink at the St. Dennis?

I've got on a new dress.

Two posh places in
one evening? I'd love it.

Ha. Great. Come on.

( tense theme playing)

(inaudible dialogue)

Well, I'm here,
doctor. What is it?



It's been a waste of time for me

to think that I
could ever really

get you out of my blood.

I have to get back.


You're still the most beautiful
woman I've ever known

and the most desirable.

I can't believe that
routine you handed me.

Those lies.

What routine? What lies?
What I was saying was...

Thank God I never
let you touch me.

That I was faithful
to my husband.

Because I really
do love him, Nick.

And that love's the thing
that kept me from you.

Your new victim.

She's brittle on the outside,
but she's vulnerable too.

Don't destroy her.


(door opens, closes)



Get in there. I'm
looking for Steven.

Well, find him later.

Tell me something, my
dear little sister-in-law,

have you always been a thief

or did you just
pick up the habit

after moving to my house?

Oh, you mean the necklace.

I mean my necklace.

Come on, Fallon,
I only borrowed it.

Maybe because nobody ever
gives me anything around here.

So you just take things?
Let me tell you something.

You are what you are: my
brother's biggest mistake.

You could try and change that

by trying to be a
decent human being,

try to live up to what being
a Carrington really means.


You find that funny?

Yes, I find that very funny.

I mean, you,
high-and-mightying me.

I may only be a
Carrington by marriage,

but you're not
even one by birth.

What are you talking about?

See, like Steven told me,

Blake Carrington
isn't your real daddy.

Which makes you what we
used to call back home a bastard.

You miserable liar.

You vicious, miserable liar.

Oh, am I?

Well, why don't you
ask your mother?

Afraid, Fallon?

What's the matter?

Cat got your
high-and-mighty tongue?



(breathing heavily)

You all right?

I'm just tired. I
have a headache.

I've been getting them recently.

Yes, yes.

And I've been causing
them too, haven't I?

( mysterious theme playing)


You walked in here alone.

You're looking at me.

Blake, you can see.

Yes, yes, I can see.

It happened just
a little while ago.

I told Joseph, and
he's telling the others.

I've been looking for
you to tell you myself.

No, no tears, darling.

I want you to
celebrate this with me.

You said once

that you wanted to be my wife
if I wanted to be your husband.

That it was up to me.


I'm here if you'll have me.


Oh, Blake...



Here you are, Fallon.


I know how you feel, the
good news about your father.

It's wonderful, isn't it?

Is something wrong?

Joseph, where's my mother?

In the main hall, I believe.

( tense theme playing)

I wanna talk to you.

Fallon! What is it?
What's the matter?

Not here. I don't
wanna talk here.

Fallon, are you
trying to k*ll us both?

Look, darling,
whatever this is all about,

and I presume it's
about Dr. Toscanni,

no man is worth it.

You ought to know because
you know all about men,

don't you, mother?

You're obviously drunk.

You won't answer
me that question?

Well, answer me this. Is
Blake my father or isn't he?

(tires screeching)

Fallon, what's wrong
with you tonight?!

Just answer me, yes or no.

Because if you
don't, I'll k*ll us both.

I swear to God I will.

Fallon, I can't answer that.

I honestly can't answer it.

Blake could be your father or...

Or? Mother!

Cecil Colby!

( dramatic theme playing)

(tires screeching)


Fallon! Fallon!

Fallon! Oh, God.

Help! Help!

Help, is anyone there?

Help! Please, help, somebody!

Somebody help me!

Somebody help me! Help!

( majestic theme playing)
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