02x17 - Mother and Son

Episode transcripts for the TV show "Dynasty". Aired: January 12, 1981 – May 11, 1989.*

Moderators: infinitebabbler, infinitebabbler

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Follows the gloriously over-the-top trials and tribulations of the fabulously wealthy and none-to-nice Carrington and Colby clans.
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02x17 - Mother and Son

Post by bunniefuu »

( majestic theme playing)

( light, bouncy theme playing)


All right, come on in.

Put it right over there.

They must have her out walking.

That's fine.

Fine. Just...

Thank you very much.

Yeah, that looks good.

You know, I think
Fallon was, uh...

Was years old...

Yes, it was her th birthday

when I took her to
the St. Dennis Club

for the first time, for
a real grown-up lunch.

And she ordered pâté Strasbourg,

Chateaubriand and French pastry.

Not quite.

Cheeseburger and a banana split.


Keep smiling like
that, will you, darling?

She needs our smiles, and...

maybe we can
get her out of this...

This mood that she's in.

It'll pass, Blake.

Just give her time.

WOMAN (over PA): Security,
please dial the operator.

BLAKE: Hello.

look lovely, Fallon.

Thank you. I feel fine.

You look fine...

considering the fact

you've been subsisting
on hospital food

these past three days.

And since you cannot go to
the St. Dennis Club, madam,

we have brought the
St. Dennis Club to you.

To celebrate.

Celebrate what?

Well, your son, my grandson.

(door closes)

You have seen him
by now, haven't you?

Tsk. Yeah.

Well, what do you think?


No, I haven't seen
him yet, okay?

Why? Won't they let you?

Because I don't want to.

You know what I want?

I want somebody
to come take him.

Give him to Jeff. Let
Jeff take care of him.

Oh, come on now, honey.

What's wrong?

What's really wrong?

I'm tired, and I'm
really not hungry.

I'd just like to be left alone.

Yes, but, Fallon, all we want...

Please. I just want
to be left alone, okay?

( somber theme playing)



take a memo to Andrew Laird.

New York has just notified me

that another , shares

of Denver-Carrington
stock were bought today.

Now, whoever is behind this

is still trying to
raid my company.


(quietly): Come in, come in.

Now, I want you
and your legal crew

to track down the identities

of these people immediately.

MARCIA (over intercom):
Is that it, Mr. Carrington?

Yes. Yes, that's it. Thank you.

That's not going to work, Blake.

It isn't? Why not?

Well, all the shares
are being bought up

by brokers across the country

as... nominee stock.

This hides the buyer's identity.

There's no way Andrew's
going to find out who they are.

It's just not going to
work. Doesn't matter.

Because I know who it is,

I just need some
added proof, that's all.

You think it's Rhinewood.

I know it's Rhinewood, damn it.

I'm sorry, Jeff. I'm...

I'm very sorry.


It's been a bad week
for me this past week.

I feel like I'm being...


I've been squeezed
in a vise before...

How many times: , ?

But not like this one.

On one side of
me, I've got a man

who's trying to destroy

everything that
I've ever worked for.

And on the other side...

I've got a daughter who
is suddenly treating me

like a hostile stranger.

She's been through a lot, Blake.

Yes, yes, I know that, but...

other women have too, before,

and they snap out of it.

They don't treat a father
as if he was an enemy

every time he comes into a room,

every time he tries
to talk to them and...

( dramatic theme playing)

Jeff, I need your help.

I need you to find
out from Fallon...

just what it is...

she thinks I've
done. (pounds desk)

( majestic theme playing)

(knocking on door)

Come in.

Mrs. Carrington?

You wanted to talk to me?

Yes, Tony.


you're an excellent groundsman.

Thanks, Mrs. Carrington.

At least, that's what I
keep telling Mr. Carrington.

But you're... a
little bit loose...

Misguidedly loose
with your tongue.

My tongue?


I don't know what you mean.

Don't you?



you told Mrs. Carrington...

The present Mrs. Carrington

that I was out skeet sh**ting

the day that she
fell off her horse.

Oh, that.


Oh, that. Yes.

Well, you were mistaken,
weren't you, Tony?

No, ma'am, I wasn't.

I see.

Would you like some tea?

No, thank you.

Well, let's change
the subject, shall we?

To my silver.

Your what?

My silver.

( tense theme playing)

I don't know what
you're talking about.

Well, I had an
extremely valuable

Georgian silver desk set...


from this studio recently.

And in fact, it
was the very day...

that you came here

to deliver some
flowers to me to paint.

I had to go out for a while,

and I left you here alone.

Do you remember, Tony?

Hey, look. If you're
accusing me...

Oh, I'm not

accusing you of anything.

Not yet.

But I might just
change my mind...

if you don't explain
your faulty memory

to the present Mrs. Carrington.

And tell her just
exactly what did

or what did not happen

that day that she
fell off her horse.

So you're saying
you were mistaken?

Yes, Mrs. Carrington.

I see.

Thank you, Tony...

for remembering.

You can leave now.

Well, I'm certainly glad
that that little matter's

cleared up.

I can't tell you
how upset I've been

ever since you
accused me of doing it.

But I want you to know
that I forgive you, Krystle.

Particularly about that little
contretemps in my studio.

In my world, we call it a fight.

A good, dirty,
no-holds-barred catfight.

(scoffs) Heh.

Your world.


Is that what you
call that little incident

in Beverly Hills a few years ago

with that actress?

Did you call that a "whatever"?

(laughing): Oh, that.

Um, you mean, when she...

She slapped me for
no apparent reason.

So I... tore off her wig

and threw that and her Oscar
through the French windows?


That was quite amusing really.

Sort of a cross between

a contretemps and a catfight.

Semantics aside...

you're going to forgive
me, as you were saying?

Oh, yes.

Because I realize
that losing the baby

was something that you
could never really recover from.

Particularly Fallon

having had her baby, and...

And Tony giving you
this awful misinformation.

It must have triggered your...

irrational moment.

Do you know what I think?


I think this is another one

of your incredible performances.

Oh, thank you.

I attended the Royal
Academy for a year.

I'm glad it's paid off.


what shall I do for
an encore, as it were?

As it is, you don't
have to do anything.

You've already played

the transparent
Alexis to perfection.


Tell me about this play
that you're concocting

in that little blond
head of yours.

It's really rather
ugly. It's about us.

You were scared to
death I would tell Blake

what happened between us...

so you tried desperately
to cover your tracks.

Oh, this is very interesting.

Uh, do go on, Mrs. Jennings.

Oh. I'm so sorry.

Mrs. Carrington.

I haven't told Blake yet

what happened
between us, Alexis...

because I can't prove
that you fired that g*n

to frighten my horse.

But in my soul, I know you did.

And I warn you, Alexis...

I'll never forget
what you cost me.

Not as long as I live.

( dramatic theme playing)

(door opens)

(footsteps receding)

( ominous theme playing)

Carrington isn't your real daddy.


Oh, darling, I was so
happy when Jeanette called

and said that you wanted
to see me. I've been...

I've been beaming like a
Cheshire cat all the way here...

because I knew it.

Knew what?

Oh, that you were beginning to
feel better about yourself and...

And about the baby.

And that you were
finally finding it

in your heart to forgive me.

Sit down, Mother.

No, not there.

Sit over there.

I want you as far away
from me as you can get.

Fallon, this...

This position is...
Is very awkward.

I can hardly see you.

It's all right.

I don't want you
looking at me, Mother.

I just want you
to sit and listen.

Now, answer me.

Does Blake know?

Does he know that he
might not be my father?

Oh, Fallon, can't
you forget this?

Just sit and listen.


does he know?

I mean, has he been doing a
number on me all these years

playing daddy?

Fallon's adoring daddy?

Has he?

Are you going to answer me?


Oh, darling, I'm sorry.

Are you going to answer me?

Look, it... It happened
a long time ago.

We used to... say
things to each other

to hurt each other.

And one night, I...
II just threw it at him

that you weren't his child.

But he didn't
believe it, Fallon.

He didn't believe it then,
and he doesn't believe it now.

And that's the truth?

That's the absolute truth.


Oh, Fallon, he adores you.

I mean, no child in the world

has ever been
more loved by a man.

You know that.

You've lived with that love

for all those years.

But he threw me out...

and I was gone for years.

Oh, were you ever.

And while you were gone,

you lost the right
to be my mother.

You still don't have that right.

So don't sit there and tell me

how I'm supposed to feel

about Blake Carrington

or anybody else...

because I don't believe
in anybody anymore.

Not him...

not you.

Not anybody.

( somber theme playing)

( cheerful theme playing)

(babies crying)

Dr. Brighton? The Colby baby?


What's the prognosis?

Well, the ductus
hasn't closed yet,

as we'd hoped it would.

And at any moment,

he could be going
into heart failure.

You're pushing dig?

Of course we're
giving him digitalis.

And diuretics and indomethacin.

Try to pull him out of this.

I should tell the parents.

(baby crying)

Oh, that has its
own difficulties. Ah...

How long can we put it off?

We can't.

Why? What are we waiting for?

Well, doctor, I know
the Colbys, and, uh...

Would it be all right
with you if I told them?

No, it wouldn't be all right.

Mrs. Colby is my patient,

I'll tell her myself.


I'll wait till the last
possible moment.

Thank you.

And keep me posted.

Cute fella.

(door closes)

( cheerful theme playing)

( somber theme playing)

ALEXIS: Why bother
looking for her, Steven?

She's gone.

It may come as a
surprise to you, Mother,

but I love her, and
we're still married.

Look, I've got to find my wife.

I don't know what... What's
going on here anymore.

Well, have you
tried tracking down

some old premarital

Maybe they could give you
some information. (sighs)

She had some
friends here in Denver.

I'm hoping one of
them's heard from her.

Darling, I... I really think

that you should
count your blessings

rather than squander your
money on gasoline looking for her.

Why don't you have
some of this cheese? No.

I wanna talk to you.

Look, Steven, I'm
not in the mood

for talking anymore.

Particularly about Sammy Jo.

I wanna talk about Alexis,

and one of her Alexis lies.

Take your hands off me, Steven.

I'm your mother, not
that trollop you married.

Take it off!

Now, what lie?

The one you dumped
on me about Sammy Jo.

You say she's a
trollop. She's not.

You say she's a
conniving little gold digger.

Well, she's not. Isn't she?


You told me she
wanted out from here,

from me.

You said she... She came to you

and hit you up for
enough money to leave.

And you don't believe that?


Well, let me tell you something.

That's the way it was.

That's exactly the way it was.

Now, I know this doesn't do

too much for your self-esteem,

and I'm sorry about that,

but you've got enough
Carrington pride

to overcome all of that.

Now, I am sick to death
about being hammered at

by both of my children,

when all I've done
since I've been back here

is to try and help
you and Fallon.

What are you
holding back, Mother?

What are you holding
back to protect yourself?

I'm going to ignore that remark.

I'm sure you will.

Excuse me. I've
got to find my wife.

( dramatic theme playing)

( suspenseful theme playing)

(knock, door opens)



I heard about the baby.

Dr. Brighton told me.

WOMAN (over PA):
Dr. O'Neil, call your exchange.



would you mind telling me

why you don't want to see him?

That's my business.

I want to make it my
business too, Fallon.

It's not your baby.

Could we just drop it?


he's your son.

He needs his mother.

Yeah, he's in an incubator.

I probably couldn't even
touch him if I wanted to.

You mean you don't want to.

That's right, I don't want to.

So call me an unnatural mother.

Call me anything you
want to, like everybody else.

He just doesn't exist for me.

I only had him for Blake,

and Blake probably
isn't even my...

Isn't what?

Never mind.

Oh, come on, now. You started
to say something. Finish it.

Isn't what?

Isn't what?

My father.

Just what the hell
are you doing, Fallon?

Inventing another fantasy...?!

It's not a fantasy.
It's the truth.

Somebody told you this?

Yeah. Somebody
who ought to know.

My mother.

My bed-hopping mother.

Oh, Nick, if he isn't my father,

I just wanna die.

I just wanna die.

( dramatic theme playing)

Don't tell anybody about it.


Swear you won't tell anybody.

It's all right. Sh.

( romantic theme playing)

I'm gonna have to be going.

Have to get up early tomorrow.

I have a breakfast
meeting across town.

(jazzy music playing
in background)



Business first.


You're beginning to
mean a lot to me, Claudia.

Well... I hope so.

I mean,

I don't exactly put a sign

out on my door saying,

"Welcome to my bed, whoever."


I-I just don't want
you to feel that, uh...

I'm fooling around
with your life.

I admire you.

Admire? Oh.



I mean, it's not the most

romantic word in
the dictionary, is it?

Well, no, no, no, I do.

It's okay. I'll
settle for it. No.

I-I mean, there's a lot
of people in this world

who've been
kicked around, and...

that made careers

out of feeling sorry
for themselves.

Not the brave Claudia Blaisdel.

Not a woman who had the courage

to make a new life for herself.


Will you stop it? (chuckles)

You are embarrassing me.

I embarrass very easily.


You know, it's funny, um...

I was just thinking
about my wife.

Oh, great.

No, no, I-I... No, I...

Uh, no, I was,
you know. I was...

I was comparing her to you.

And you're so honest and so...



without guile, it's...

(laughs): Will you stop

crediting me...

with things that I am not?

I am not without guile.


Well, I think I found
somebody special.

(clicks tongue)

( romantic theme playing)

(doorbell rings)

Good evening, Joseph.

Good evening, doctor.

(door closes)


Mrs. Carrington.

Hello, Nick.

Blake's waiting for
you in the library.

There's a good chance
the baby will make it.


How good? Pretty
good? Very good?

Pretty good.

Heart failure?

No, I just suggested
possible heart failure.

Wait, Blake, where
are you going?

To the hospital. I wanna
be near my grandson.

Don't do that. You can't help.

Maybe not, but I wanna be there.

I wanna be with the
baby and with Fallon.

She doesn't wanna
see you, Blake.

( slow, dramatic theme playing)

She what?

Blake. Listen, uh...

You've been asking
me for days now

to find out what I
thought the trouble was.

I know now, Blake.


Well, go on, what is it?
What do you wanna tell me?

Fallon is suffering
from an identity crisis.

She's going through
tremendous torment.

She doesn't know
who she is anymore.

Because she doesn't
know who her father is.


You heard me. She doesn't
know who her father is,

and she doesn't care
whether she lives or dies.

( somber theme playing)

Who'd she hear that from?

Her mother.

That's a damn lie.

It was invented by
Alexis to hurt me.

Fallon will not
believe that, Blake.


What am I gonna do?

You deal with it.


How do you deal with
something like this?

There is one way.
You take a blood test.

No. What do you mean, no?

I don't need any test to prove
that Fallon is my daughter...

When the hell are you gonna

stop thinking about yourself
and think about Fallon?!

She needs you to do something.

What would a
test like that prove?

That the other man involved

was definitely
not Fallon's father.

( dramatic theme playing)

Who was that other man?

Did she say who he was?


Well, I'll find out.

I'll go right to the source.

( dramatic theme playing)

(heavy knocking)

BLAKE: Alexis?


(door closes)

maximally digitalized.

He can't tolerate
any more diuretics.

Heart rate and
respiratory rate still up.

So you're talking surgery
to ligate the ductus.


They're lousy odds,

but we have no choice.

Now, I-I'm gonna need
permission from the parents,

one or the other.

Well, under the circumstances,

I'll try to locate the
father, all right? Okay.

WOMAN (over PA):
Dr. Swainey, call the operator.

Dr. Swainey, call the operator.


Carrington residence.

Yes, uh, Joseph,
this is Dr. Toscanni.

Is Mr. Colby there?

No, I don't know
where Mr. Colby is.

I'm sorry.

Thank you, Joseph.

Head nurse Siok to
Recovery Room , please.

Head nurse Siok to
Recovery Room , please.

It's his only chance, Fallon.

You have to sign this right now.


When is the operation?

In the morning.

When in the morning? Early.

Exact time hasn't
been set yet. Let's go.

Where? To see him.

Fallon... no matter
who your father is...

I don't wanna see him...
No matter who he is,

you are the baby's
mother. I'm nothing.

Fallon, you've
given birth to a son

who's fighting for his life.

If you refuse to see
him... I refuse to see him...

If you lose him...! I
don't wanna see him.



If you bury him...

I guarantee you, emotionally,

you'll never make it through

the rest of your own life.

Fallon, your baby could die.

( somber theme playing)

(monitor beeping)

(babies crying)

Which one?

( cheerful theme playing)


He's so tiny...


( tender theme playing)

Oh, my baby.

My beautiful baby.

( cheerful theme playing)

( mysterious theme playing)

(camera clicks)

(camera clicks)



my meeting was called off.

Aren't you gonna say something?

What is there to say?

Well, you can
start by telling me

how you stole my
key the other night.

While I was asleep, right?

How you went out and
got a copy made, right?


Why, Claudia?

Your uncle.

What about him?


He what?

He wanted...

all of the notes

on Denver-Carrington's...

on oil shale extraction.

And you did it for the
money he'd give you?


Claudia, who's the fool?

Who said you had no guile?

Who slept with you,

made love with you?


Who was beginning
to fall in love with you?


the night of the party,

I took you to my
apartment to get the key.

I did. I got the key.

Last night...

it didn't have anything
to do with that.

It was the two of us.

That's all it was about.

Yeah, how much did he pay you?

How much?! Huh?

Was it for two nights?

Did he throw in a little
extra for good measure?


How much did he pay you?

It wasn't money.
Well, what then?!


About Lindsay.

About where Matthew
took my daughter.

That was the payoff.

You have to believe that.


I want you to say to me,

"I believe you."

( suspenseful theme playing)

Patent ductus?


It's a duct leading
from the heart

that should close at birth,

but it hasn't.

Blood is flooding
the baby's lungs...

and he can't breathe.

And what's being done about it?

Dr. Brighton has called
in a thoracic surgeon.

They're gonna have to
perform closed-heart surgery.


I must tell you, this
is very dangerous

with an infant so critical.

Are you saying the baby
could die during surgery?

He could die even before that...

while they give
him the anesthetic.

And if he should
pull through that...

uh, then it just
depends if he's, um...

strong enough to
survive the surgery itself.

And he may not be.

But there are no options.

( dramatic theme playing)

(baby crying)

( dark, dramatic theme playing)

JEFF: I swear it, uncle.

I swear it on my father's grave.

If you don't tell me
where Claudia Blaisdel

can find her daughter...

I'll go straight to
Blake and tell him

about this miserable
deal of yours.

And then what, Jeff?

You see, my hands
are clean. Totally clean.

I'll bet they are.

Are you gonna listen to me?

They are clean, Jeff.

Cleaner than
Mrs. Blaisdel's bed,

shall we say.

Because it was her idea

to take my sometimes-naive
nephew to that bed

after she came to me
and proposed a deal.

An offer...

to steal Denver-Carrington's
extraction process

and sell it to Colbyco.

If I have to choke the
truth out of you, I will.

Now, you tell me,

where are they?!

I don't know!

I don't know.


Not anymore.


About a week ago,

Matthew Blaisdel and
his daughter were...

making a trip by jeep

to a... An oil site near
the Peruvian border.


Well, they never made
it. They didn't get there.

They disappeared...

somewhere in the jungle.

Well, there has to be something.


No wreckage, no bodies, nothing.

Are you saying they're dead?

Well, there's hope, of course.

You said about a week ago.

And for a week now, you
haven't mentioned any of this

to Claudia, the girl's mother?

Jeff, I was only
trying to spare her.

Oh, come on.

You didn't tell her the news
because that was your lever.

Without that, she
wouldn't spy for you.

I wish you all the tortures
of hell and beyond.

I'm through with you, uncle.

From now on, the only
Colby in my life is my son.

WOMAN (over
intercom): Excuse me, sir.

Emergency call for
Mr. Jeff Colby on line one.


( intense theme playing)




Jeff, what is it?

( suspenseful theme playing)

WOMAN (over PA): Head nurse
Siok to Recovery Room , please.

Head nurse Siok to
Recovery Room , please.


Where's the baby?

In the operating room.


How long has it been?

A little over an hour.

(phone rings)

Security, please
dial the operator.

Security, please
dial the operator.

( suspenseful theme playing)

( ominous theme playing)

He's dead, isn't he?

No, he's alive.

Very much alive.


He's got guts.

After all, he's a Colby
and a Carrington.

I spoke to Dr. Brighton.

She said if he survives...

And he will survive

it'll be weeks before
he's ready to come home.

But he will come
home, I'm sure of it.

You know, it's funny.

After all the arguing we've
done about a nursery...

when he's finally
ready to leave here,

we'll have gotten our divorce.

I'll have found a place
to live for me and my son.


What do you mean, no?

What I mean is, uh...

I still want the divorce...

but I'm not gonna
give the baby up,

and I can't give you custody.

Oh, jeez.

You always did like
amusement parks, didn't you?

As a kid, remember, uh,

the roller coaster, the whip,

uh, the merry-go-round.

The dizzier, the better.

What do you mean?

What I mean is, how
unstable can you be

about all of this?

What do you think
he is, a flower?

I love him, I love him not?

I want him, I'll... I'll
leave him tomorrow?

No! No way

am I going to trust
you with my son.

I'm his mother.

Suddenly, the realization.

Yes, that's right, suddenly.

I'm his mother. He's my son.

I'm going to keep him. And
I'm gonna take care of him.

And nobody's going to stop me.

Uh, excuse me.

Jeff, could I see you outside?

Dr. Swainey, call the operator.

What do you want?

Why were you listening?
Sorry about that.

I just wanted to tell her
that the operation was...

That the operation seems
to have been a success.

I thought it'd be a lot
nicer if you told her.

Jeff, I want you to try to
understand something.

Fallon's feelings

towards the baby may
have been delayed,

but they're genuine.

No, you listen to
me, Dr. Toscanni.

You stay out of my life.

You stole my wife, but
don't you steal my baby.

Don't do... You got that?


( dramatic theme playing)

(menacingly): Now,
you're entitled to that one,

but that's the last one you get.

Now, you listen
to me, you selfish...

Your relationship with Fallon

may have never been a reality...

but that baby is!

You both love him!

And that's what he
needs. Your love.

You got that?

Now, damn it...

you forget your own
precious feelings

and think about your son.

Not bad. (scoffs)

Not bad.



BLAKE: I have warned you twice

that if you ever
repeated that lie

about Fallon not
being my daughter...

that I'd k*ll you.

Well, you succeeded

in almost k*lling
Fallon with a lie.

How in God's name

can a mother...

any mother...

do that to her own child?


Oh, Blake, I love Fallon.

I never do anything to hurt her.

It wasn't me. Believe me.

Believe you? After this? Yes.

Well, then, who
was it? Who told her?

That little tramp
niece of Krystle's.

Sammy Jo?

Sammy Jo Carrington.

You talk about k*ll. It kills me

to even think that
name, let alone say it.

I let it slip out to Steven
once accidentally, and...

And the girl heard it.

And she's been
using it ever since.

She's been using it
to make me suffer.

Are you asking for pity now?

I just want you to believe me.

Yes, but that's immaterial
right now, isn't it.

The only thing that's
important is Fallon.

I have never believed your story

that she wasn't my daughter.

But now...

for Fallon's sake...

I'm being forced to
accept that possibility.

It's either that or...

risk having her in
a deep depression

for the rest of her life.

Assuming it's true,
I'm not her father...

who is?

( suspenseful theme playing)

You don't know.

Gonna stand there and tell me

that you don't know?

I swore I'd never tell
you. I know your temper.

Who is it?



Oh, it's... Colby.

Cecil Colby?

Oh, Blake...

please understand.

It's not enough

that you betray me...

but you betray me with him.

( dramatic theme playing)



(sobbing) (door closes)



I, um... I want you to know

that I've come to
a decision, Jeff.

I asked Marcia to let me know

when Blake is in his office.

I, uh...

I'm going to tell him...

what I tried to do,
and I'm going to resign.

You know, it's funny, but...

I'm grateful.

I'm really thankful
that you found me.

I know I was...

really trying to do
a terrible thing. I...

I thought I... I could
excuse it away,

but it was terrible.

What I was trying to do, I...

I was wrong. Uh...

Here's the duplicate key.

Goodbye, Jeff.


There's something else you're
going to have to handle now.

It seems there was
an accident in Peru

with Matthew and Lindsay.

My uncle just told me.

You can handle it.

Go on.

They haven't found anything.

( unsettling theme playing)

You can handle it.

Be strong.

(door opens)


(quietly): Matthew...

and my Lindsay...


Colby knew it all the time.

All the time.



Cecil Colby, please.

Claudia Blaisdel.

When will he be back?

( ominous theme playing)

(sobbing quietly)

( majestic theme playing)
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