02x18 - The g*n

Episode transcripts for the TV show "Dynasty". Aired: January 12, 1981 – May 11, 1989.*

Moderator: infinitebabbler

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Follows the gloriously over-the-top trials and tribulations of the fabulously wealthy and none-to-nice Carrington and Colby clans.
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02x18 - The g*n

Post by bunniefuu »

( majestic theme playing)


Yes, that's right.

This is his rd
birthday, isn't it?

Three weeks old today.

And they told me this morning
that he gained ounces.

Well, do we have a date again?

Tomorrow, same time, same place?

Oh, it's not really necessary.

I mean, you don't have to take
off work every day to take me.

I can manage alone.


Hi, Nick. You look beautiful.

Blake, can I see you a minute?

Well, I'm afraid I have to go.

I have a meeting...

Just a minute,
that's all it'll take.

I'll be in the car.

It's obvious, isn't it?

What's obvious?


How happy she is now,
finally, about the baby.


Blake, she's still
suffering too. She's still...

She's still wondering whether
or not you're really her father.

Look, I really don't wanna
talk about it right now.

Well, I would.

Now, how long are the two of you

gonna pretend
there's no problem?

She doesn't talk about it.

You don't talk about it.
It's not just gonna go away.

When the hell are you
gonna take the blood test?

I will take that test
when I'm good and ready.

(elevator dings)

Hello, Fallon.

How is he?

He's fine. He's beautiful.

Beautiful and fine, you'll see.

You're looking better
too, more like yourself.

Oh, is that good, Jeff?

Of course it's good.

So now I think you can
deal with naming him.

I haven't decided yet.

Look, Fallon, we have a
son who's nearly a month old.

He's alive. That's
what's important.

Yes, he's alive, and he's
going to stay alive and grow up.

All I'm asking you is
to let me put a name

on the birth certificate
and be done with it.

I've gone over this in my
head a thousand times:

Blake Carrington Colby.

Name him what you
want. I don't care.

What do you mean you don't care?

Call him anything you want.

What's wrong with you, huh?

I mean, why can't
you be happy...?

Get off my case, okay?

No, it's not okay, damn it.

None of this is okay.

( majestic theme playing)

(doorbell rings)

Good morning, Joseph.

Mrs. Carrington.

I didn't think you were
back from wherever.

Acapulco. Didn't you know?

No, I didn't. Oh.

I heard that there was
a photograph of me

at a ball in the Chronicle.

Didn't you see it?

No, I didn't.

Oh. Don't tell me you've
stopped keeping a scrapbook

on my adventures, Joseph.

How disappointing.

Well, I just got back,
and I'd like to see Fallon.

I bought her this adorable
little Mexican piñata.

Fallon isn't here,
Mrs. Carrington.

But I should tell you
that nothing has changed

since you left.

What do you mean?

Your daughter has
left specific instructions

that she will not see you
under any circumstances.

I believe I'm quoting her
accurately, to the word.

Well, I'll just have to check
that out myself, won't I?

Meanwhile, you can't stop
me putting this in her room.

But I can.

She doesn't want to
see you in her room.

Nor in the nursery, when
the child comes home, ever.

Again, I quote.

Here you are, Joseph.

You can take this
donkey and stick it...

wherever you see fit.

( dramatic theme playing)

Are you sure you want
me to drop you off here?

Yeah. You're not
dressed for riding,

and you're really not
ready for it anyway, are you?

Well, Tony said Lady was
feeling under the weather.

So I just wanna be
with her for a while.

All right, I'll have Alfred
come by and pick you up

in about a half-hour, all right?

Hello, Mr. Carrington.
Hello, Tony.

That's not necessary.

I know you have to
get back to the office.

So I'll just grab
a ride, or I'll walk.

I need the exercise.


Wouldn't you like
me to go in with you

for a couple of minutes?

After all, I was there when
Lady was born, remember?

It's okay.


I think it's time
we talked about it.

Now, honey, I know what's
been k*lling you inside.

And it's been k*lling me too.

But for years I believed
that your mother was lying

when she said that your father
could have been someone else.

Do we have to talk about...?


Yes, we have to.

Because in my heart
and soul, you are,

and you always will be my child.

Now, if you need me
to take a blood test

to prove it, all right.

All right, I'll do it.

Do you want me to?

Yes, I do.

Because I wanna know.

You see, the baby...

Everything in my life

that's supposed to
be beautiful right now

is overshadowed
by my not knowing.

(knock on door)

Come in.

Alexis, I'd, uh, like to
speak to you for a moment.

Well, this is the nicest thing

that's happened
to me since I left.

The weather in
Acapulco was terrible.

Well, um, I was
there in the villa,

in the pouring rain, thinking.

And then I was in
the plane this morning

praying that since
I've been away,

Fallon could find it in
her heart to forgive me.

I suppose nothing's
changed, has it?


No. Why should it have changed?

After all, you nearly
k*lled her and her child

with your damned lie.

I see.

So I'm the one
who's on trial now.

And you have sided
with Fallon against me.

Well, let's get some
facts clear, shall we?

Fact: I think that
you are poisoning

my daughter's mind against me.


You didn't need much
help on that score.

Is that why you
came here, Blake?

To insult me?

No, no, I came here to tell you

that I have decided
to take a blood test.


Once and for all,

I'm gonna wipe
away that lie of yours

about my not being
Fallon's father.

But before I take that test,

I wanna make sure
that all the contenders

are accounted for.

Now, were there any
other gentlemen around,

except for Cecil
Colby, at that time?


And there wouldn't
even have been Cecil

if it hadn't been for
you and your business.

Your damned,
all-consuming business

was your mistress at that time.

You didn't have any time for me.

You just left me here in
Denver, alone and lonely.

I was desperately lonely.

Lonely, except for Cecil Colby.

Well, look, I want you
to get in touch with him.

I want you to tell him to meet
me at Nick Toscanni's office

at the hospital at : tonight.

You tell him to make
sure that he gets there.

You want me to tell him that?

You'd better tell him that.

Blake. Blake, I want
to tell you something.

And you can believe this or not.

I loved you then,

and I've never
stopped loving you,

in spite of what you did to me.

And I pray... I
really do pray, Blake,

that Fallon turns out
to be your daughter.

Nick Toscanni's
office at : tonight.

ALEXIS: Have you been
listening to me, Cecil?

Yes, I have.

Blake wants me to be
at Dr. Toscanni's at .

Will you go?

Yes, I'll go.

Not all that
happily, but I'll go.

Thank you.

Are you worried that you think

you might be
Fallon's real father?


Let's say I'm not
all that unworried.

If it turns out that
you are her father,

I'd like you to go to her

and try and make her
see my side of the story.

My children have caused
me so much misery recently.

I don't know whatever
made me think that,

given the chance, I
could be a good mother.

I wouldn't worry
about that, Alexis.

Then you will help me?

No, I mean about
being a good mother.

Young people these
days, they're all ingrates.

Look at Jeff and me. My
vastly ungrateful nephew.

I sometimes wonder if
animals don't have a better idea.

Take care of their young until
they can fend for themselves,

and then cut them loose.


You can't mean
that. You love Jeff.

Do I?

I thought I did.

I don't know.

Love is a two-way
street, I suppose.



I did love you once,

really love you.

Did you?

Yes, I did.

I keep remembering
that dinner we had.

I said to you,

"Tell me, why do you persist

in being the most exquisite
woman wherever you go?"

I think that you stole
that line from a play.

Noel Coward?


Now you're aging me.

Oh, you were a
mere wisp of a boy.

Do you remember that night?

Dinner and afterwards?

The next night at a party,
I introduced you to Blake.

And he proposed to you
a couple of nights later.

And ever since then,
I've asked myself,

"What would've happened if I
had proposed to her myself?"

Might she have said yes?

Would you have?

I don't know, I...

I was madly in love with Blake.


But would you marry him now?

Maybe it's not too
late for us, Alexis.


are you serious?

Yes, I am very serious.

Think about it, Alexis.

Unless you're still
madly in love with Blake.


Don't be ridiculous.

In view of the circumstances,

how could I be?


(mouths): Come here.

You leave her alone.

Leave my daughter alone.


(door opens)



Yes, very.

And what are you
doing here, huh?

I thought I arranged for
a whole week off for you?

I know. I'm supposed
to be in Aspen.

Skiing by day,

drinking hot toddies by night.

I did it, both.

I decided to come
back a bit early.

You all right?

Yes, I'm fine.

Don't I look terrific?

Boy, they used to
ask me that question

ten times a day
in the sanitarium.

I'm fine, Jeff.

But you didn't go
skiing, did you?


Where'd you go?

Here and there.

Places where I used
to go with Lindsay.

The river near Las
Brisas, Willow Valley.

It's very pretty there.

They have a pond.

We used to picnic there.

I went because...


I was waiting for
some kind of feeling,

some moment deep inside me,

that would tell me that
my daughter is dead.

It didn't come.

Because she's
alive. I know that.

I feel it.


Look, Claudia...


They never found the jeep.

They didn't find any wreckage.

They didn't find
Matthew, not Lindsay.

It's not impossible, you know.

In Vietnam, men who
were lost for years,

they thought they were dead.

They showed up miraculously.

Yes, that's true.

Now, I spoke to our office
in Ecuador yesterday.

And they said they'd call us
the minute they have anything.

As of now, they don't.

And they maybe never will.

They will.

They will.

You know, I... I'm
very thankful to you

for the way you protected me.

Not exposing me
to Blake like that.

But I realize I was
wrong to remain silent.

I know now what I have to do.

BLAKE: He did that?

He blackmailed you
into spying for him?

I went along with it.

That's why I'm resigning.

Claudia, I won't hear of it.

I've sinned.

And I have to pay.

You made a mistake.

That's understandable,

considering the kind of
pressure that he put you under.

You're not guilty
of anything, just...

Just being his victim.

I'm not here for
absolution, Blake.

Where will you go?

To South America.

My daughter is calling
out to me, somewhere.

I know that.

I feel that.

Now, listen to me, please.

Let our people down
there do what they can first.

Now, I promise you,
whatever they find out,

good or bad, I'll
tell you the truth.


I tried to help you once.

Trust me.

All right.

Where the devil is Colby?

His secretary phoned,
said he was on his way.

Ten minutes past .

I wonder if he's trying to
weasel his way out of this.

There you go, Blake.

Got the sample,
unless you want me

to draw more for the blood bank.

Not right now.

I've got other
things on my mind.

(knock on door)

Mr. Colby.

Dr. Toscanni, Blake.

I'm sorry for the delay,
but you know Denver traffic

at this hour of the night.

Why don't you
take your jacket off?

Be with you in a second. Sure.

Okay, Blake...

Roll up your sleeve, please.

I'll be honest with you, doctor,

I'm not especially
fond of needles.

Um... How exactly
does this test work?

It's called HLA.

Human leukocyte
antigen blood factor.

And it determines
whether a person

is not a child's parent.

You see, Mr. Colby,

all the, uh, markings
measured in the HLA

are inherited characteristics.

Well, you make it
sound very impressive.

Oh, it is.

And it works too.

Thank you.

Gentlemen, I'm gonna rush
these over to the lab myself.

And we should have the
results sometime tomorrow.

An embarrassing situation,
wouldn't you say, Blake?

I don't wanna talk about it.

A slight indiscretion that
happened many years ago.

We were both
young, Alexis and I.

Oh, I was indiscrete, all right.

But I never believed that story
about Fallon being my daughter.

And this should prove it.

Clear me of that crime.


I'd say that your crime dossier
goes beyond that, far beyond it.

Does it?

How about your
double-dealing me in business?

Then trying to steal
those oil shale reports

from my company by...

By blackmailing an innocent
and vulnerable young woman.

Claudia Blaisdel?

Yes, Claudia Blaisdel.

And I hate your guts for
what you've done to her.

She's no better than
a prost*tute, Blake.

What? Face it.

She slept with your
son-in-law for profit,

while his wife, your daughter,
was delivering your grandson.

Now, doesn't that
make her a prost*tute?

That's for the pimp who
made her into a prost*tute.

This is gonna cost you, Blake.

Do you hear me?

(door closes)


What's so funny?

What are you reading?

A "Smile for Today,"
or a "Today's Chuckle"?


No, just a clipping.

I was trying to figure out

what kind of a wedding
gift to send to Jamie.

You have this thing about you,

making people
happy, you know that?

I try to, when I can.

I wish...

You wish what?

I wish I could make
you happier tonight.

I know you're thinking
about getting the results

of the blood test back tomorrow.

Blake, if you lose...


Darling, this isn't
a matter of tankers,

or leaseholds or oil rigs.

I know, that was the wrong word.

What I'm saying is...

you're the only father
Fallon's ever known.

You raised her since
she was an infant.

You love her, and she loves you.

That's what's
important, not the blood.

That's a lovely thought.

And I thank you for it.

Well, I'm not always
filled with lovely thoughts.

As a matter of
fact, there's one...

What is it?

Nothing. It's not important.



It's getting late.

We should get to bed.

Why don't you go up?
I'm almost finished here.

I'll be with you in a
couple of minutes.

All right.

VOICE: "I love my Daddy

"the most in the
world and universe.

"Happy Valentine's Day.

Your daughter,
Fallon Carrington."

( majestic theme playing)

What are you doing
up at this hour?

I could say the same about you.

I thought I'd give
that black mare

a little exercise this morning.

I was down having my breakfast,

and I remembered
I'd left my gloves.

Is there something wrong?

And don't say nothing,
like you did last night.


It's Alexis.

What about her?

She's got to go, Blake.

Well, I've tried.

You know, I've
tried to buy her out,

but she does own
the deed to that studio

and that property.

Yes, I know that.

But there's got
to be another way.

And I'm not talking about

how I feel about her personally.

Even though it
can be humiliating

to have your
husband's first wife

walking in and out of the house

as though she still is his wife.


I'm thinking about
you and Fallon.

How Alexis'
testimony at the trial

made the jury convict you.

And Fallon,

how she's used this
w*apon against her,

this paternity thing,

to practically drive
the girl insane.

And I'll take that back.

I am thinking about me too.

Her insults, her...
Her putdowns.

She's caused nothing but
trouble ever since she's been here.

And she's making it harder
and harder for me to live here,

in what's supposed
to be my house now.

(whispers): There.

I guess I've said it.


Ah, I understand.

And believe me, when this
business with Fallon is over,

I'll deal with Alexis.

I promise.

If your father calls,

I'll be sure to give
him the address.

(door opens)

Yes, I promise.

But if I may say this,

I think your husband
has the right to know too.

All right, of course.

You have a nice day too.

Joseph. Whose husband
has the right to know what?

That was one of the
servants calling from home.

She's having a domestic problem.

Is that a pun?

That's a lie, Joseph.

You were talking to
my wife, weren't you?

No, I was not.

Steven, I'm very busy.

So if you'll excuse me...


you're a servant here, Joseph.

And I order you to tell me.

Do you?

Did you also order me
to change your diapers

when you were a baby?

Or did I perform
that delightful chore

because no one else
seemed available?

The call was, as I said,
from one of the servants.

Krystle, I need to
talk to you a minute.

Will you come into the library?

Blake called for me to
have lunch with Claudia...


I got to get something straight.

I need to know the truth,

which is pretty minimal
around here these days.

I know you've heard
from Sammy Jo.

No, Steven, I haven't.

Well, I'm not so
sure about that.

You've always been against
my marrying your niece.

I saw your disappointment

on the day we got
back from our wedding.

And you know what else I saw?

That you're just as
judgmental as my father.

That it's no different
with you and Sammy Jo

than it was with
him and Ted Dinard.

That I'm in a
no-win position here.

( sentimental theme playing)

Steven, about the elopement,

I only felt the
timing was wrong.

And the rest you have backwards.

Have I?

Yes. I'd already gotten to know

Sammy Jo pretty well then.

She wasn't what she
appeared to be, Steven.

She was greedy.

You are one terrific aunt.

I felt you deserved better.


And, no, I haven't
heard from her, Steven.

And I'm not a bit surprised.

I'm sorry.

But I know.

Being drawn to the wrong person

doesn't make it hurt
any less, does it?

(knock on door)

Come in.

Is that where she is, Joseph?

Yes, Steven.


Why'd you change your mind?

Oh, maybe because I've loved
you since you were a little boy.

But you're not that
little boy anymore.

You're a grown man,

who's entitled to
make his own mistakes

and to deal with them.

I'm sorry about
what I said before.

It's forgotten.

Besides, I only
diapered you twice.

Oh, there's a plane that
leaves for Los Angeles

at : this afternoon.

I believe the flight
only takes two hours.

SECRETARY: Mr. Carrington.


It's Ray Bonning
returning your call.


Bonning, you're a
hard man to track down.

Well, I move around
quite a bit, Mr. Carrington.

What can I do for you?

An offer.

What kind of offer?

Fifty thousand dollars to you

if you can set up a
business appointment

between me and Logan
Rhinewood, uh, in person this time.

Look, this could
be very difficult.

Difficult for $ , ?

Come on, now.

Nothing is difficult for , .

Claudia, are you all right?

Would you like something else?

No, it's fine.

I just can't take another minute

of people trying to tell me
not to look for my daughter.

And that's why
you're here, isn't it?

I'm not trying to bring down
your hopes of finding Lindsay.

Aren't you? No.

Claudia, when I told you
I wanted to be your friend,

I meant it.

I meant it then,
and I mean it now.

Blake and I were talking.

And we thought it might be nice

if you moved back into
the house for a while.

While you're
waiting for the news.

Don't you ever let up?

What do you mean?

There's really no
end to this, is there?

Claudia, I'm just
trying to be your friend.

I know.

Will you understand
this, please?

Everything in this life
is meaningless to me

except finding my daughter.


People, friendship, this city,

this restaurant, this salad.

It's meaningless.

I appreciate your lunch,

but I have to get
back to the office.

I left a lot of work undone.

She looks better,
doesn't she, Tony?

Sure does, Mrs. Colby.

Somehow I think your
coming back and forth

yesterday and today's helped.

I really do.

(phone rings)

You wanna hold
on to this for me?

You listen to Tony, you hear?

I want you to get better,

and I'm gonna
bring you a surprise.

Come here. You
wanna know what it is?

It's a baby. My son.

Couple of years, he's
gonna have his own pony,

and the four of us are
gonna go riding together.

How's that sound? Hm?

It was your father's office.

He wants to see you
as soon as possible.

Did he say what he wants?

No, just that he
wants to see you.


( ominous theme playing)

BLAKE: The meeting with Logan
Rhinewood is set for tonight in Las Vegas.

Yes, I would think so.

I've already told Krystle
we may not be home

until tomorrow morning.

I'll see you at the airport.

Hi, Daddy. I got your message.

Thank you for coming.

Fallon, do you remember that
day that I told you about my mother?

About how the thing I
remembered most about her

were her eyes?

Those beautiful eyes, the
same as yours, exactly?

Exactly and
beautifully the same?

The results of that
blood test just came in.

Here they are.

Oh, Daddy.


( uplifting theme playing)

MAN: Are you ready, honey?

Okay, let's do it, baby.

That's right. Smile.


I want you out of that bikini.

You're shipwrecked now.

What are you doing?

What's it your business?
And who are you?

I'm her husband,
that's who I am.

Look, you're in my studio, pal.

I'm in a session
with my star model.

Get out!

It's okay, Ace.

Just give me a couple
minutes with him.

What the hell are
you doing here?

I asked you something, Sammy Jo.

What are you
doing in this place?

Half naked, posing for
some slimy photographer?

I'm making a career for myself.

Career? Yes.

This? Yes.

You know what Ace told me
when he met me on the plane?

He said he was gonna
make me famous.

A somebody.

Now, this is his studio,
and he pays the rent.

So will you let us
get back to work?

Sammy Jo.

Don't worry about me.

I'm used to working.

But I worry about you.

I mean, I... I just can't...

I can't believe the girl I
love, the girl I married,

would go to my mother

and ask her for
money to leave me.

I mean, you didn't even
let me know you were going.

Is that what Alexis told you?

That I asked for the money?


And you believed her?

Well, I didn't ask
for anything, Steven.

She offered it to me.

You should be thanking me

instead of looking
at me that way.

Thanking you?

For what?

Your dear mother asked
me to sign a piece of paper.

And you know what that paper
would make you out to be?

A f*g.

What are you talking about?

I don't remember the
fancy words she used,

but she wanted me
to tell the whole world

that we'd never slept
together, had sex together.

And you didn't sign it?

No, I wouldn't.


Look, I want you to
come back with me.

No, I'm sick and tired

of begging for the crumbs
at the Carrington table.

But I need you, Sammy Jo.

I mean, I really I need you.

But I don't need you.

Not anymore, I don't.

You couldn't give me
the things I wanted, okay?

So now I'm gonna
get them for myself.


I've got work to do,

so get out of here, will ya?

Have a nice day. Or night.



I just can't keep you
away from the kid, can I?

No, they sure can kick
me out at : , though.

I'm glad to run into
the other man in my life.


No, but you'll have to do.

Oh, Nick, I'm so happy.

You know about the
results of the blood test?

I sure do.

Suddenly, everything's
all right now.

My father, my baby and you.

You put my life back together.

I owe you.

I'm gonna spend the rest
of my life paying you back.

Well, why don't
you start right now?

Come to the Caribbean
with me next week.

It's a medical convention.

What do you say?

I'd love to.

We can start
making plans tonight.

Oh, wow, that sounds terrific,

but, uh, I'm booked
until midnight.

Tomorrow night for sure, okay?

For sure.

Get out of here. Go
on. Get out of here.

(fax machine dinging)

"Blaisdel jeep found
overturned in ravine,

"jungle area forty
miles from Quito

"approximately : tonight.

"The vehicle totally burned.

No sign of life."

Mrs. Carrington, will you
accept a telephone call?

It's Claudia Blaisdel. She
sounds very distraught.

Thank you, Joseph.


Krystle, is Blake there?

I have to speak to him.

No, he's out of town for
the evening on business.

Well, if he calls, would you
tell him that they're dead?


Matthew and Lindsay are dead.

Claudia, where are you?

I'm at the... I'm at the office.

Well, stay there.
I'll be right...

No, I don't want you to come.

I don't want anyone to
come. I'm leaving here.

I don't wanna see
this place again. I'm...

I'm going home.


Dr. Toscanni, please.
Krystle Carrington calling.

Tell him it's urgent.

Now, you look like you were
having a pleasant little nap.

I wasn't napping,
Andrew. I was thinking.

Thinking about how everything
has worked out so well

with my personal life.

And now this meeting
with Rhinewood, finally.

Just goes to show you
what $ , can buy.

I mean, his man was
for sale, and I bought him.

Yeah, well, I'd feel a
lot better about this, uh...

purchase, if I knew exactly
what we were gonna be up against

when we get there.

Why don't you take
a little nap, Andrew?


I need a taxi as
soon as possible.

Uh, Waterman Street.

I'm going to the Colby Building.

Ten minutes? Okay, fine.

I'm sorry. I rang the doorbell,

but it must be broken.

What are you doing here?

I just wanted to be with you.

I don't need you to be with me.

And I don't need you
to be worried about me.

I've been living with
this a long time now.

I guess I always knew
it would turn out like this.

Claudia, please come
back to the house with me.

No. I'm staying
here. I'll be fine.

No, you won't.

Please listen to me.

You're gonna need
someone who'll...

Who'll what?

Cry for me?

I don't want that. I
don't want your tears.

I just wanna be left alone.

What is that?

I keep it for self-protection.

No, you aren't.

You're gonna use it on yourself.

I'm not.

I'm gonna use it,
but not on myself.

I'm gonna k*ll Colby.

He lied to me.

He used me, and...

Claudia! You can't! Don't!


Oh, dear God.

( majestic theme playing)
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