02x19 - The Fragment

Episode transcripts for the TV show "Dynasty". Aired: January 12, 1981 – May 11, 1989.*

Moderator: infinitebabbler

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Follows the gloriously over-the-top trials and tribulations of the fabulously wealthy and none-to-nice Carrington and Colby clans.
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02x19 - The Fragment

Post by bunniefuu »

( majestic theme playing)

( suspenseful theme playing)

(siren blaring)

(crowd chattering)

Mike, call in.

Tell them to get the
operating room ready.

Make sure they set
up a CAT scan first.

I may need it.
All right, doctor.

Uh, sir, please, stay back.

Oh, officer, it's okay.

( dramatic theme playing)


JEFF: Claudia.

What happened?

Nick, what happened?
I don't know yet.

She's been shot. What
are you doing here?

She's been upset so
I came by to see her.

(chatter on police radio)

Jeff, I want you to take
Krystle in your car and follow us

to Memorial Hospital,
you understand?

All right.

It's going to be all right.

Oh, Jeff.

Come on, we'll take my car.

(siren blaring)

I thought she was
gonna sh**t herself.

(sniffles) She had a g*n and...

And I tried to take it away
from her but the g*n went off.

(softly) But it was your uncle.

My uncle?

She was leaving to k*ll him.

Oh, God, Jeff.

What if I've k*lled her?

( somber theme playing)

Oh, Blake.

(sobs): What's happening?

(phone buzzing)

BLAKE: Yes, Paul?

Mr. Carrington, we've
just been cleared

to land in Las Vegas.


Well, I am finally going to meet
Logan Rhinewood face-to-face.

And I'm going to
get what I want.


I hope so.

I know so.

Oh, do you have that money?


Fifty thousand.

Let's call this one of
my better investments.

I've made some good
ones in my time, but, uh,

this surely is one of the best.

( dramatic theme playing)

(respirator pumping, hissing)

As soon as they called in,

I got the Lasix and
Decadron you ordered.

Good, let's get her started
on antibiotics right away.

One gram of ampicillin.

Let's get a move on
with those x-rays, please.

Easy, easy.


Got it.



Everything's gonna
be all right, sweetheart.

It's gonna be fine.

The machine said

no sign of life.

Everything's gonna be fine.

WOMAN (over PA):
Nurse McHale, call .

Nurse McHale...

Dr. Swainey, call
the operating room.

Come on, wake up. Come on.

That's it. That's terrific.

Come on. Now, follow my finger.

Follow my finger.


That's good.

That's just great.

Now, I'm going to try it again.

Follow my finger, Claudia.


follow my finger.

Come on, Claudia,
follow the finger.

Follow my finger.

X-rays are being developed.

How are her eyes?

Well, both optic
nerves are fine,

but there's a partial
third palsy in the left.

Thank you.

b*llet fragment.

She may be developing
a blood clot too.

NICK: I wanna do
a CAT scan first.

I have to know if this is
gonna be a small procedure

or a full craniotomy.

I'll call the O.R.

Tell them to be
ready in minutes.






He lied to me.


Lied to me.


Her speech is becoming more
and more dysphasic, doctor.

Yes, I know.

Just say a prayer for her.

( ominous theme playing)

Krystle, where's Jeff?

Has he been able
to contact Blake yet?

He's trying now.

Nick, I have to know.

She's doing just fine.

Don't lie to me, please.

There's a b*llet fragment
lodged in her head.

And it's located right
in the speech center.

She's beginning to show
signs of dysfunction in that area.

Are you saying she
may never speak again?

We'll operate.

I think it'll be all right.

I have to see her.

I have to explain to
her what happened.

You can't see her now.

Krystle, you should
get some rest.

I don't need rest.

I wanna be here. I
wanna be with her.

Krystle, the best
thing you could do

is get some rest now.

Mrs. Crowley.


I want you to find a
room for Mrs. Carrington.

I want her to get some sleep.

Sure, doctor.

She may never speak again.

Never be able to tell
them what really happened.

All right, Mrs. Carrington.

Where's Krystle going?

I just sent her to
lie down for a while.

Did you find Blake?

I called the Vegas airport
and spoke to the pilot.

He said he saw Blake
and Andrew Laird drive off.

Drive off where?

He didn't know.

Well, he didn't just disappear.

Call the Vegas police.

Have them track him down.

His wife may be in trouble.

Serious trouble.

( upbeat theme playing)

Where's our host, Bonning?

Oh, he'll be with
you in just a moment.

Mr. Laird, please
wait in the den.

What's that?

I said...

I heard what you said.

I wanna know why I can't
remain in here with my client.

Simple, counselor.

Mr. Rhinewood agreed to
meet with Mr. Carrington only.

Well, this is insanity.

I will not allow Mr. Carrington

to confront Rhinewood
without his attorney present.

And that's me.

Go on, Andrew.
It'll be all right.

Blake. It'll be all right.


My fee?

You don't have to
count it. It's all there.

All right. I trust you.

Sit here, please, in this chair.

I'll stand.

I prefer to greet
my host standing.

We can forget protocol
this time around.

Anyway, it's gonna
be a little while.

Just how long is a little while?


He'll be with you
when the light goes on.

Light? What light?

Up there, Mr. Carrington.

( suspenseful theme playing)

WOMAN (over PA):
Please dial the operator.

Security, call .

Mr. Crayford, what are you
doing here this late at night?

I got a call that
someone was shot

and Mrs. Blake
Carrington was involved.

That's right. She was there.

That was the extent
of her involvement.

I understand she's
here. What happened?

Listen, all I know is the
condition of my patient.

And right now, she's there
with a fragment of a b*llet

in her skull,

and I prefer to wait for
the results of the scan.

Then you operate?

Then I operate.

And pray to God that
she can talk again.

( mysterious theme playing)

BLAKE: All right, it's
been minutes now.

Now, where is he?

What is this ridiculous
setup, anyway?

(gravelly voice) Good
evening, Mr. Carrington.

(over speaker):
Logan Rhinewood here.

Where the devil are you?

Why don't you come in here?

I'm a very busy
man, Mr. Carrington.

And as it happens,
I'm not in Las Vegas.

I'm a good thousand
miles from you.

Oh, are you?

Well, that wasn't the
condition of this meeting.

Or shall I say farce?

I'm leaving.

I wouldn't if I were you.

Why not? Will you have
one of your g*ons get me?


It's just that if you
wanna talk to me,

this is your last
chance for a long while.

I'm off to Asia tonight.

I don't have this
"ridiculous setup"

in any of my Asian offices.

All right, I'll make this brief.

I'm well aware of the fact

that percent of
Denver-Carrington stock

has been bought anonymously.

My sources have
good reason to believe

that you were the buyer.

You have excellent
sources, Carrington.

I am the buyer.

I see.

Now, I've always run

I've run it well.

But I think it's possible
that you might bring some,

shall we say, creative thinking

that could make the
company even bigger.

So I'm prepared to offer
you two seats on my board.

And that is your proposition?


You obviously feel it's better
to have me on the inside,

where you can at least
keep an eye on me.

Well, your thinking
is quite misguided.

My thinking is for the
good of my company.

Your company?

As of this afternoon, I now
own closer to percent

of your erratic empire.

And I'm gonna find
a way to get more.

And that will be the end of you.

Look, you maniac.

I'm sick of... The
light just went out.

So if you're ready,

the car will take you
and your attorney

back to the airport.

Your meeting with
Mr. Rhinewood is over.


We agreed that that meeting

was gonna be
face-to-face, mine and his.

Well, I didn't see his.

So I'll take back
that , , Bonning.

( tense theme playing)

Claudia's shot?

Yes, Fallon.

Well, what was
Krystle doing with her?

I don't know.

Did Nick...? Uh, did
Dr. Toscanni call?

No, no. Your husband
did. He's at the hospital.

Will you be going?

Oh, no. I can't see
what help I'd be.

Were there any other calls?

Well, there were two messages.

Jeannette placed
them in your room.

One was from a
Lenore Fitzsimmons,

something about
a party next week.

And the other...
And the other was..

I honestly don't remember it.


No, Fallon. Not Steven.

And no one's heard from him yet.

Let's hope we do before
the baby comes home.

( saxophone playing jazz theme)

(horns honking)

(water running)

Uh, where would you like
for me to put the money?

Come on, don't tell me this
is your first time with a hooker.

No, it wasn't.

Well, what'd you do with
the money last time, honey?

Was she pretty? That other one?

Yes, she was from Georgia.

Oh, that doesn't
necessarily make her pretty.

Yes, she... She was pretty.


But what?


Well, we didn't, uh...

We didn't get it on.

We just watched television.

Oh, I see.

Your debut and the
first-time jitters, huh?

How old were you, , ?

I was a little older than that.

Well, I'll tell you something.

With most johns, I...

I'd say about
percent of my johns,

I have to pretend it's not
them, you know what I mean?



And since this is Hollywood

and everything's supposed
to be make-believe,

I make-believe that...

this one's a movie
star, that one's a TV star.

Sometimes when I'm walking
down Hollywood Boulevard

and there's all those
names on the sidewalk...


I say to myself,

"You don't know it,
Burt or Clint or Paul,

but we're gonna party tonight."

Weird, huh?

Which star was I?

You were you, honey.

No star for you.

So in the bar tonight,

you were telling
me about your wife.

You really loved her?

Yes, I did.

So why'd she dump you?

Who knows?

Maybe it was
because, like you said,

I'm just me

and she sensed I was
uncertain of myself,

of what I was
really feeling inside.

Well, look, sweetie...


we've all got our problems.


( mellow theme playing)

Getting me to fly to
Vegas to humiliate me.

I'll get him.

I'll get him if it's the
last thing I ever...

(phone buzzes)

Yes, Paul?

Mr. Carrington, I'm sorry,

but there's an
emergency back home.

What kind of an emergency?

Your son-in-law just
called from Denver.

It's about your wife.

Yes? What about Mrs. Carrington?

Your wife is being questioned
by the police as a suspect

in a sh**ting incident.

( dramatic theme playing)

Good. There's no hematoma.

And the depth of
the fragment is less

than I thought it might be.

That fragment's in her
speech center, isn't it?

How are you gonna get it out?


I've used it very
successfully before,

Mr. Crayford, on tumors.

And there's no reason
why, when it's turned on,

and it goes below zero temp,

that the fragment
doesn't stick to the probe...

(clicks tongue)

and we use it
just like a magnet.

We're talking about
her speech center.

You're running a
risk of making her

permanently unable to talk.

Yes, well,

that's true, but, uh,
we have no options.

Well, I'll be in
my office, Nick.

Let me know when it's over.


Grace, how are her vital signs?

Holding up.

How long before you
begin the procedure, doctor?

Oh, minutes, give or take.

Dr. Toscanni,
there's a police officer

at the nurse's
station to see you.

Thank you.

Excuse me, you wanted to see me?

Dr. Toscanni? Mm-hm.

I'm Lieutenant
Holliman, Denver police.

Lieutenant, what
can I do for you?

We had a report of
a sh**ting tonight,

and I'm trying
to investigate it,

find the woman who was
with the victim at the time.

Alone with the victim.

But it appears that she's become
invisible and on your orders...

Well, if you're referring to
Mrs. Carrington, lieutenant,

I'm afraid she's
in a state of shock,

and she's in no condition
tonight to answer questions

from you or anybody else.

So if you'll excuse me.

Blake's on his way back.

Jeff, I want you to use the
rear exit and take her home.

The rear exit? Why?

Because there's a cop out there.

And he may still be
wandering the corridors,

and I don't want to put
you through that tonight.

I don't wanna sneak out
of here. I wanna talk to him.

Sure. And you will. Tomorrow.

Krystle, the facts aren't
gonna change overnight.

Now, look, you're
trembling, you're upset.

I want you to go home.

You'll talk to them
in the morning.

Come on.

I'm due in surgery
in five minutes.

I'll call you afterwards.

CROWLEY: Doctor?

Dr. Toscanni, someone
is going to have to sign...

Mrs. Crowley, the patient
has no living relatives.

I'll take full responsibility.

Then, you'll have to sign.

Give me that.

I need two signatures, doctor.

That's this hospital's policy.

Pete, sign the damned thing.

Sure thing.

Thank you both.

( dramatic theme playing)

(upbeat funky music
playing over TV)


(knocking on door)

(music stops)

(laughs): What
a lovely surprise.

Come in, Cecil.

Hello, Alexis.

Well, hello to you and to
you, my favorite vintage.

One afternoon, not too long
ago, I was sitting in this room.

You came in and said you
were in a champagne mood.

Well, I'm in a
champagne mood tonight.

What about you?

As long as I'm the
one person in the world

that you want to
share that mood with.

Oh, Alexis, you are.


Well, you're in a... A
very up mood, as it were.

What happened?

Well, it's been one of
those -hour spans

where everything went
absolutely perfectly.

Including the news
that the blood test proves

I am not Fallon's father.

Did you hear about that?

(laughs): Yes, of
course I heard about that

but I never doubted
it for a second.

So hours includes last night.




Who was she,
Cecil? Anyone I know?

Not a she.

(cork pops) (grunts)

Business associates.


But tonight,

no business.

Just champagne?

A cheers to you.

No. To us.

To us.

And to tonight.

And to all the future nights

with you as my wife.


you're so persistent.

I've only asked you to consider
my proposal once before.

All right. You're

And your semi-answer?

I don't know yet.

It could be a delightful union.

Just think of the possibilities.

Yes. I'm thinking.

Shall we, uh...?

Shall we explore
those possibilities...


Why not?

( romantic theme playing)

( tranquil theme playing)

MAN (over TV): Will be taken up

in the zoning commission
hearing next Thursday.

The family of Denver oil
tycoon Blake Carrington

is in the news again tonight.

You'll recall late last year,
Carrington was on trial

for the m*rder of his
son's h*m* lover.

Tonight, it's his wife,
Krystle Carrington,

who was allegedly
involved in the sh**ting

of a young family friend,
Mrs. Claudia Blaisdel.

According to police,

Mrs. Blaisdel was shot
while in her apartment

in an apparent struggle
with Mrs. Carrington

over a g*n.

At this time,

the police are
listing the incident

as an accidental sh**ting.

Mrs. Carrington has,
so far, not been available

to, uh, make a
statement to the police

nor to the press.

As we reported
earlier this evening,

we still have no
additional information

on the sh**ting incident

involving Mrs. Blake Carrington.

The victim of that
alleged accidental sh**ting

is Mrs. Claudia Blaisdel.

And according to a
high-ranking police source,

Mrs. Blaisdel was
shot in her apartment

in an apparent struggle
with Mrs. Carrington

over a g*n.

Mrs. Carrington has,
so far, not been available

to make a statement.

(door opening)

Hello, Fallon.

, I saw the light on

and I just had to come
over and talk to somebody

about this terrible
news about poor Krystle.

Poor Krystle. You
love it, Mother.

I mean, I don't like her
being around here still either

but at least I'm
honest about it.

Because of Nick?

Partly because of Nick.

Well, at least you've
called me "Mother" again.

It's a bad habit I started.

It'll pass. Hm.

It's funny, you used to loathe
milk when you were a child.

Do you mind if I
make some espresso?

If you're digging
for information

to make points with
Blake, you can forget it

because our days
of plotting are over.

Finis. Or is it finito?

They're both wrong.

Actually, I came
over here to see you.

I've been dying to see you ever
since I got back from Acapulco.

Okay, well, you've seen me.

Now you can see what other
ugliness you can whip up.

I'm sure somebody
would like to buy a ticket

to your little
chamber of horrors.

(sighs) Look, Fallon,

I know you're still hurt and...

And I don't blame you.

I mean,

I can imagine the t*rture that
you've been going through.

"Is Blake is my father?
Is Blake not my father?"

But it's over now, Fallon.
The truth's out. So...

can't you please forgive me?

Well, let's just say
I'll think about it.

Thank you.

At least half my world
is almost all right now.

The other half being Steven?


Maybe, I'll go up and
have a talk with him.

Well, you'll be talking
to an empty room

because Steven has
gone to Los Angeles

looking for the
missing Sammy Jo.

( tense theme playing)

What's the matter?

I know you don't want
her around here either.

Are you choking on another
one of your guilty little secrets?


I've got a secret

that you would really
love to hear, Fallon.

It's about Krystle
and her first marriage.


But, "Everything in its
own time and its own place,"

as my dear old
mother used to say.

Well, I don't really feel
like any espresso now.

Joseph's going to have a fit
when he sees the mess I've made.


Milk's great for your teeth.

Yes, Mrs. Carrington's home.

But you'll have to
come back tomorrow.

Is she asleep?

Yes, finally.

So, lieutenant...

FALLON: Lieutenant.

I'm Mrs. Colby, Blake
Carrington's daughter.

I hate to contradict you, Jeff,

but I saw Krystle
just a little while ago

and she was awake.

Would you like me to
get her for you, lieutenant?

Oh, if you would,
Mrs. Colby. Thank you.


Mm-hm. None other.


Terrible? Impossible?

It's a fact, darling.

And one that's going
to displease Blake,

to say the least.

And that does not displease you?


Well, I'm nothing in this.

But she is.

His sterling silver Krystle is.

(chuckles softly)

Well, I've gotta go.

Oh, no.

Don't you dare.


( dramatic theme playing)

I told you, you've
got it all wrong.

That's what you told
me, Mrs. Carrington.

But you didn't tell me
why I've got it all wrong.

Well, in the first place,

there was no argument
between Claudia and me.

Except over the g*n.

The g*n? Why?

I was upset

and afraid she might
harm herself or...


Or someone else.

Might that have been
you, Mrs. Carrington?


(door opens)

Oh, Blake.

Who are you and what
are you doing here?

I'm a cop, Mr. Carrington,

trying to put together a
report on what really happened.

It'll be up to the
DA's office to decide

whether or not there
was a crime committed.

The DA's office?

So they're behind this, huh? No.

They've been trying
to get back at me

since my trial.

Now, they're trying to
do it through my wife.

Well, this thing that happened
tonight was an accident.

Just as Ted Dinard's
death was an accident.

So you can go back
and tell the DA's office

there'll be no more answering
questions here tonight.

Not in this house.

Jeff, show the gentleman out.

( tense theme playing)

Oh, Blake.


I'm sorry I wasn't here
when it all happened.

Blake, he doesn't believe me.

Now, don't worry about him.

But I am worried.

They'll begin to dig
and... And they'll dig deep.

And they'll find a connection
between Claudia and me and...

Blake, I was just
trying to help her.

I know that.

And they'll know it too.

Because Claudia is
going to be all right

and she'll tell them that.

How do you know
she'll be all right?

Well, I just talked
to Nick Toscanni

on my car phone.

He said the b*llet
fragment was removed.

And he promised to call here

just as soon as she
comes out of the anesthesia.

And she'll confirm
exactly what you said.

If she can talk.

( suspenseful theme playing)

Claudia, come on back.



Come on, you can do it.

Claudia, come on back.

Please come back.

Come on, you've done it before.

Come on.

Good morning, Mr. Carrington.

Good morning, Joseph.

You look tired.

I am a little. I
guess we both are.

I'm waiting for the phone
to ring too, with the, uh, call

from Dr. Toscanni
at the hospital.

Oh, yes.

I'm going out to take a
little walk. I need some air.

If that call comes
while I'm out,

come and get me, will you?

I won't be too far.

( tranquil theme playing)

You're on my property, Cecil.

Your property?

This house belongs
to Alexis, remember?

Your first wife?

You paying a little social call?

You really lost a prize
when you lost her, Blake.

Did I say something
to bother you?

You really don't have any
conscience at all, do you?

A few people
have hinted at that.

They're damn right too.

You talking about
Claudia Blaisdel?

Alexis filled me in about that.

But there are no guarantees
in this world for any of us.

But it's too bad
about Claudia, isn't it?

Yes, isn't it? Too
bad about my wife too.

The shock and the agony
of what she's been through.

Only because she
tried to save Claudia

from what you had driven her to.

You're scum, Cecil.

You're worthless scum.


Listen to yourself, Blake.

A two-bit oil speculator

who scrambled his
way up out of a hovel

into a grand house

posing as a great man.

Rendering judgments on those

whom he has no
birthright to judge.

You're common, Blake.

Despite all the veneer,
you're very common.

Are you through? Is that it?

Am I through? With you?


You and I are never through
with each other, are we,

old friend?

( dramatic theme playing)

speaker): Bonning,

my service just informed
me you had something urgent.

What is it?

Our London broker called.

They've located the owner

of another ,
Denver-Carrington shares.

And they bought them?

No, not yet.

His people say he'll sell,

but they want two
points more than market.

What do you mean, his people?

His sons.

They claim their father's senile

and that they handle
all business affairs

in the family.


I'm happy I never
had any to put up with.

All right. Buy the stock.

I will. Right away.

( dramatic theme playing)

( dramatic theme playing)

Good morning, Jeffrey.

Good morning.

Well, it's good to see you.

We haven't spoken for a while.

No, we haven't.

And I have to get to the office.

Oh, well, uh, I just wanted
to have a short chat.

What about?

About you and Claudia Blaisdel.

You've become rather
close, haven't you?

I've got a lot of work to do.

That night at the party,

I saw you here on
the terrace, talking.

And then you left together.

Then somebody called me

and they said that
they'd seen you

at the St. Dennis Club
that night having a drink

and that you left
together, hand in hand.

What are you getting at, Alexis?

Trying to prove once and for all

you're our resident spy?

I'm simply reporting
a fact, that's all.

But don't worry.

I haven't spoken
to Fallon about this,

and I don't intend to.

Well, I have a surprise for you.

I do.


How modern.

Well, let's talk about
Claudia Blaisdel.

I'm interested to know
how she's getting along.

Do you know?

Well, there's no word yet

except Toscanni's
performed surgery

and the results are
expected to be positive.

Well, maybe then, she can
get Krystle out of this mess

she's got herself into.

That's right.

It is a mess, isn't it?

Yes, it is.

But it is going
to be cleared up.

I mean, after all,

Krystle was just trying
to prevent Claudia

from doing something
irrational with the g*n.

Heh. Did Krystle tell you that?

Yes, she did.

And you believed her?

Well, don't you?


Well, I'd like to believe her,

for Blake's sake and...

And your sake and, uh,
Steven and Fallon's sake.

Let's face it,

this family's had
enough scandal recently.

I really do wish
Krystle the best.

I'm sure you do, Alexis.

( dramatic theme playing)

And then what happened?

Well, I went down
to the DA's office

as soon as it opened,
but they wouldn't see me.

Wouldn't see you?

Is that what I pay you
how much a year for?

Blake, you pay well.


But unfortunately,

a hospitality card does
not come with your checks.

So I'm just to forget

that my wife is being
tortured by this, huh?

Blake, listen to me.

Maybe your theory
is a little off-key.

I mean, about the DA's
office trying to get back at you

ever since the Dinard trial.


To me, this whole
thing is that trial.

They're still boiling because
I got off on probation.

You listen to me, Andrew.

It's one thing for them to
come back at me again,

but I will not let
them attack Krystle.

Is that clear?

(phone rings)


Oh, yes, Nick.

Yes, thank you very much.

That was Toscanni.

He says that Claudia Blaisdel

is showing signs
of coming around.

She's beginning to speak.

Well, she'll tell
them the truth.

And so much for the DA's office.

( dramatic theme playing)



Did Nick say whether
or not Claudia's thinking

might be affected
by what happened?

No, he didn't. He just
said what I told you.

Honey, why aren't
you getting dressed?

Something wrong?

I don't know.

Yes, you do know. Now, come on.

Now, what is it?

I'm frightened.

My wife? My beautiful,
strong wife, frightened?

Of course, I can
understand that,

after what you've been through
these last couple of months.

First, losing our
child and then this.

But Claudia's going to
clear the whole thing up.

Everything's going to
be all right, believe me.

I hope so.


Know that I love you so much.

So very much.

I know that.

And this nightmare of
yours is going to end.

Now, say that you know that too.

(knocking on door)

Come in.

WOMAN (over PA):
Dr. Brady, call Radiology.

Dr. Brady, please
call Radiology.

Now, I know you can
feel what I'm doing.

If you want me to stop,
you're gonna have to tell me.



All right, I'm gonna ask
you a few questions again.

And I want you to try
real hard to answer.

Now, what's your name?



NICK: Yeah.

Okay, now, what's my name?


Hello, Claudia.

It's me, Krystle.

What did she call you?

The mistress of the house.

Lady who has everything.


Was it Alexis?

She's not exactly
fond of me, anyway.

But that's not
important, Claudia.

We are.

You and I.

You especially.

(softly) Am I?


Why am I important?

Thank God you're recovering.

That's important.
That's very important.

You s...

You said it was
important to both of us.

What is important to you?

It's important that you
remember about last night.

Exactly what happened and...

KRYSTLE: And how it happened.

( melancholy theme playing)

You do remember, don't you?

I came over to your apartment.

You used to do
that with Matthew.

I-I saw that g*n on the table.

Matthew gave me that g*n,

long time before he met you.

You... You picked
up the g*n and...

And I stopped you.

(whispers): You stopped.

Did you stop

loving my husband?

I tried to take the
g*n away from you,

and we struggled.

We struggled.

I felt the pain.

The g*n went off.

I felt the pain

when they told me
about you and Matthew.

You and Matthew together.

And they locked me in that
room because I was sick.


that's a long time ago.

Please, I'm talking
about last night.

KRYSTLE: Forget the past.

Remember last night.


You robbed me.

You stole him

from me.

Was it last night?



I don't remember.

Oh, I'm so tired.

Will you go away, please?

I'm so tired.

Please go away.


WOMAN (over PA): Nurse
McHale, please dial the operator.

( dramatic theme playing)

( majestic theme playing)
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