04x15 - Seizure

Episode transcripts for the TV show "Dynasty". Aired: January 12, 1981 – May 11, 1989.*

Moderator: infinitebabbler

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Follows the gloriously over-the-top trials and tribulations of the fabulously wealthy and none-to-nice Carrington and Colby clans.
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04x15 - Seizure

Post by bunniefuu »

( majestic theme playing)

( majestic theme playing)

(police radio chattering)

What, uh...

What time did you get
information about this?

We told you, sergeant.

There was just one
phone call this morning,

and it was brief.

This man, he told you the
horse had been kidnapped?

No, not exactly.

He said we ought to
come out to the stables

and see whether
Allegree was safe.

What did he sound like?

Young voice? Old?
Did he have an accent?

Well, he had kind of...

Oh. Sergeant Harrison,
this is our groom, Tony.

Tony has been with
us for quite a while.

I, uh, suppose you saw
nothing, heard nothing either.

That's right, sergeant.

Look, I'm sorry, I was asleep.

I put in a long day
yesterday, and I...

Tell me, do you always
drink a bottle of wine

before you go to bed?

That's what you
had last night, true?

No, that's not true.

Crager, the trainer, and I
shared a pizza last night

and a little wine.

And I'm not a very big
drinker, so I just fell asleep.

What can I say?

( dramatic theme playing)

( majestic theme playing)


Shh, shh, shh.

(knocking on door)

JEFF: Kirby?


(door closes)


What time is it? How
long have I been asleep?

Time for you to
go back to sleep.

You need all the
rest you can get.

I can't rest.

I go to sleep, but I can't rest.

That's what I'm here for.

Now, close your
eyes, and remember,

as long as I'm here with you,
nothing's gonna happen to you.

When is this gonna end?

Everyone tells me
I'm gonna be fine,

that it's gonna be
all right, but when?

We have to get your
blood pressure down first.

And that means following
Dr. Winfield's orders:

bed and rest.

But for how long?

As long as it takes.


Hey, I promise you, Kirby,

you and the baby and I

are gonna come
through this together.

I'll be with you all the way.

You look tired.

That's just a cheap facade
to get your sympathy.

Nothing's more important
to me than being with you.

And after we're married...

Why should I marry you?

Because you're
carrying my child.

Because I care about
you and the baby.


I'm the only one you have left.

Your father is gone.

Your marriage broken up.

I'm the only one
who really loves you.

We need each other, Kirby.

It's as simple and
as true as that.

Tell me if I'm wrong.

Say it.

Say, "Adam, you are wrong."

Are you gonna say it?

Can you?


Because you're not wrong.

Then trust me.

And love me back.

(softly): Please.

(in normal voice): Please.

I wish I could have changed
what happened, Mr. De Vilbis.

I love that horse.

Allegree was special to me.

I know, Jack, I know.

You are not paid
to watch television.

I told you,

I'm your trainer, Mr. De Vilbis.

I did my job.

I checked on Allegree,

last night after
we flew him back,

just like I always do.

He was fine, calm,
nothing was wrong.

Come on, Peter, we can't
blame Jack if he checked.

Fallon, I don't accept "if."

HARRISON: Mr. De Vilbis,

I'd like to speak to you
and Mr. Carrington alone,

if I may.

( suspenseful theme playing)

I think the three of us can
talk frankly in here, don't you?

Yes, of course.


Then let's talk enemies.

I don't understand.

Even I've got
enemies, Mr. De Vilbis.

I get a promotion,
somebody else doesn't

his nose is out of
joint. I've got an enemy.

But you two...

Just what are you
talking about, sergeant?

You don't get to the
top, Mr. Carrington,

without a lot of others
sinking to the bottom.

You're both wealthy
and powerful men.

I'm sure you'll find
somebody out there

who'd love to get revenge

by stealing one of your
most valuable possessions,

and destroying it.

Destroying it?

HARRISON: That's what I said.

Come on, sergeant,
you're talking revenge,

let's talk ransom.

Why do you think those
thieves over in Ireland

stole the Aga Khan's horse?

For money.

See, Allegree is
useless to anybody

without his registration papers.

They can't race him,
they can't breed him,

but they can do one thing.

They can go after
what Mr. De Vilbis and I

have in common. Dollars.

So I would suggest you
stop searching for enemies,

start searching for that horse.

( suspenseful theme playing)

( mellow theme playing)

Brown Palace?
This is Alexis Colby.

Is there any word
from Mr. Dexter yet?

There isn't.

Thank you.

(phone buzzes)


Good, you'll send him up?

Thank you.


Dex, this is a ballet opening,

not a costume party.


I forgot. I'm sorry.

I flew in from Powder Valley
and came straight here.

Look, we'll go to my hotel,

I'll change, then
on to the ballet.

What on Earth were you
doing in Powder Valley?

Looking for oil.

Which, judging from that
grin, you obviously found.

As a matter of fact, I did,

and you're gonna
be in on it, partner.

In on what?

Dex, darling, no, no, no.

Please don't sit
there. Sit over there.

What would you say if

our corporation landed acreage

with at least five
working wells on it

and the potential for
at least five others?

I'd say splendid, and
what's it gonna cost me?

Ooh, the suspicious Mrs. Colby.

Sleep with a man,
but don't ever trust him.

Heh, oh, Dex, that's not fair.

Business is business.

Okay, okay.

Now, this is a
bargain, believe me.

It's owned by this old coot.
He's in way over his head.

Close to foreclosure,
he's gotta sell quick.

You were up there,

why didn't you
make him an offer?

I did make him an offer.

But he's got this
cowboy from Wyoming

coming in tomorrow, He
wants to hear his offer.

Well, then why don't we

fly up there tonight

and head him off at the pass.

That is the
expression, isn't it?

Well, that's the
expression, but, uh...


what about the ballet?

They'll just have to pirouette

to two empty seats.

Oh, darling, you look parched.

I'll fix you a drink,

and then I'll go up and change.

Alexis, it doesn't
make any sense

to fly there tonight.

Why not?

Well, the old guy
goes to bed real early.

He's probably asleep by now.

Heh. Darling, it's
not even : yet.

I know, but he drinks
quite a bit during the day

from what I hear.

By this time, he's deep
into sweet-dreams time.

Well, we'll go in
the morning, then.


As long as you wear

your best w*apon and clothes.

Oh, I'll think of
something, heh,



I'd rather concentrate
on your outfit.

It's rather becoming.

Didn't wanna get
the furniture dirty.

Well, I'm glad that you like it.

( sultry theme playing)

( mellow theme playing)

( suspenseful theme playing)

(door opens)

Okay, time for
us to celebrate...



I thought you got rid of
those damned flowers.

Well, I wanted to, but...

But what?

They don't seem to want to

let go of me.

I know that that
sounds strange to you.

Doesn't sound like you, Claudia.

They exist.

They're not part
of my imagination.

They're here.

Somebody sent them to me.

And I'll say it again,

somebody with a very
sick, perverted mind.

Claudia, you're
a Carrington now.

And when you're a Carrington,
people take sh*ts at you.

They wanna see you squirm.

But you can't let
them get to you.

Give it to me.

The card, I want
you to give it to me.

And the flowers.

Claudia, please, I want
to handle this my way.

I want you to give them to me.

( melancholy theme playing)

Sweetheart, you're with me.

Here in a safe place.

You and Danny and
me in our new home.

You're gonna be very happy here.

( tender theme playing)

We have to talk.

Well, when one person
doesn't have anything to say,

it doesn't make much
sense talking, does it?

Kirby's a part
of both our lives.

Your ignoring that
fact doesn't change it.

Damn it, Adam, what
do you want from me?


I want you to accept my apology.

I'd rather leave
if you don't mind.

No, not yet.

Not until you listen to me.

I didn't break up your marriage.

Didn't you? No, I didn't.

You never loved Kirby.

You married her on the rebound.

( tense theme playing)

I've gotta get out of here.

Listen to me first, please.

You married her on the rebound,

because it always was,
and it always will be Fallon.

Jeff, I do love Kirby.

I didn't realize

until it was almost
too late just how much.

Had I known it earlier,

I could have spared
us all a lot of pain.

And for that, I am truly sorry.

I'm not asking you to like me.

But I am asking you
to be reasonable.

Won't you accept my apology?

Thank you.

( melancholy theme playing)



( dramatic theme playing)

(glass shatters)



I tried to get some water,

but I couldn't hold the pitcher.

My hands, look at them.

Just take it easy.
What's happening to me?

My God. Just lie back. Lie back.


Oh, my...

Kirby, give me your hands

and hold onto mine.

Call Dr. Winfield. Now!

( dramatic theme playing)

( suspenseful theme playing)



I'm afraid it's not
the best news.

What is it?

Kirby has severe pre-eclampsia

which, if we're not careful,

can quickly lead to eclampsia.

ADAM: Doctor,
we're not on staff here.

What are you talking about?

What exactly is that, doctor?

Eclampsia can lead to
liver and kidney failure.

We're trying to stabilize
her condition now,

so that it won't happen.

And what if you can't?

WINFIELD: If we can't,

then she could die of a stroke.

Oh, my God.

Heart failure,

or lose the baby.

Lose the baby?

WINFIELD: If we could
deliver the baby by caesarean,

we'd be in the clear the
danger would be over,

but the fetus is too young.

I doubt it could survive.

Then quit telling
us what you can't do

and tell us what
you are going to do.

Mr. Carrington, I'm
concerned not only with Kirby,

but with the baby's father.

And you're not
helping the situation.

Calm down, please.


you're gonna find
out sooner or later.

I am the father.

( tense theme playing)

( suspenseful theme playing)

(all chattering)

(reporters chattering)

Mr. De Vilbis.

Mr. De Vilbis. What is it?

Was Allegree ever
threatened before?

After you won the big race
in Los Angeles yesterday,

surely, you must
have been worried.

MAN: Why didn't you
impose heavy security?

FALLON: Wait just a
minute. One at a time. Okay?

WOMAN: You and Mr. De Vilbis
met during the race run by Allegree,

isn't that true?

Actually, we met
just before the race.

WOMAN: Who introduced
you? Did your father?

Uh, we didn't need
any introduction.

What drew you together,
your love of horses?

No, it was our
love for each other.

WOMAN: Is that true, Mrs. Colby?

Well, heh-heh.

Of course it's true.

She will soon be
Mrs. Peter De Vilbis.

(reporters chattering)

MAN: Looks like it's
news to her, Mr. De Vilbis.


Judge for yourselves.

( romantic theme playing)

(man laughs)

MAN: Well, we
got a story after all.

WOMAN: I guess we
can expect to see another

lavish Carrington wedding.

( suspenseful theme playing)



Blake, Krystle.

It's all right, Kirby.

Dr. Winfield has assured us

you're gonna be just fine.

All you need is rest.
Just get some sleep.

No, I don't. I don't
wanna go to sleep.

I don't wanna close my eyes.

I'm afraid something's
gonna happen.


(Kirby groaning)

I'll be right outside.


WOMAN (over PA):
Dr. Salinger to Radiology, please.

Nurse Halladay to
Radiology, please.

Dr. Staunch to the
emergency room, please.

Dr. Staunch to the
emergency room, please.

Is she awake?

Don't you think it'd be a
good idea if you got some rest?

I have plenty of
time for rest, Father.

I wanna stay here with Kirby.

Come on, let's get some coffee.

She's going to be all
right. She's resting now.

Krystle is with her.

I'm glad.

Somebody who hasn't hurt her.

Now, don't say that.
Don't even think that.

Why not?

If it weren't for me, she
wouldn't even be in that room.

That's all been settled, Adam.

You did a terrible
thing to the girl.

Now you're trying
to make up for it.

Can I, Father?

Why is it whenever I love
something or someone,

all I manage to do is
frighten them away from me?

When I was a boy, all
I had to love was this

little, ugly mongrel dog.

Used to pick him up
and love him so much,

I'd nearly squeeze him to death.

I wanted him to love me
as much as I loved him.

But I frightened him,
and he ran away.


That's in the past, Adam.

It's all in the past.

I won't let Kirby die, Father.

She's gonna have
that baby. It's my baby.

It's your grandchild.

And then if she wants my love,

the kind of love she
deserves, she'll have it.

Maybe this time,
I'll know how to love.

( mellow theme playing)

BLAKE: I do, I also
know something else.

Loving her is one thing,

driving yourself into
exhaustion is another.

Now, in the next couple of days,

she is going to need you.

And she's gonna need all of you.

Now, can you give her that

in the kind of shape
you're in right now?

I'm gonna send Alfred
over to pick you up.

I-I don't know.

I'll have to come back
here in a little while.

Of course you will.
But in the meantime,

you can get a
couple of hours sleep.

All right.

Thank you, Father.

Well, according to
Adam, Kirby has improved.

They managed to
stabilize her condition,

at least for the time being.

Oh, thank God.


That's the one bright
note this morning.

Now, if I can only get some
good news about the horse

or if I was able to
straighten out Fallon,

I'd breathe easier.

How about that display
last night on television?

Well, she practically
accepted the man's proposal

right there on television.

What's the matter?
You know Peter.

You've checked him out.

Yes, I've checked
him out in business,

but how well do I
know him personally?

And more important,

how well does Fallon know him?

What is it?

Is there something
about him you don't trust?



I just can't put
my finger on it.

Maybe it's Fallon's
instinct that I don't trust.

You know my daughter.

She's a very
impulsive young lady.

When she wants something,

she reaches out
blindly and grabs it.

Without thinking.

( tender theme playing)


Good morning.

I'll take care of it,
Elizabeth, thanks.

News has it that

congratulations are in order.

Oh, are you offering?

That depends. Did you accept?

Isn't it obvious?

JEFF: Well, De Vilbis
made sure it was obvious.

Looks like he took
us all by surprise.

Including you.

He has his own
style. I kind of like it.

Yeah, but why with
the cameras rolling?

Was he afraid in private,

you'd have a chance
to think it over?

I don't have to
explain anything to you.

Neither does Peter.

So you might as well
just get used to that.

Yeah, well, you better
take a good look at the man.

I mean, he's got the
subtlety of a circus ringmaster.

You wanna marry
a hustler, marry him.

But make damn sure you
know what you're getting.

I'll tell you what I'm getting.

A man who's worked very
hard for everything he's got.

He didn't have a rich uncle

to give everything to
him on a silver platter.

So you tell me
who's the better man.

( tense theme playing)

Jeff. I'm sorry.

I didn't mean what I said.

Look, save it, Fallon.

You always mean
exactly what you say.

( dramatic theme playing)

( majestic theme playing)

Hey, boy, hurry up
with those drinks.

You got three very
thirsty patrons here.

Right, Mrs. Colby?

Oh, right, after traipsing
through those hills all day,

I'd say I was a
little bit thirsty.

Martini for the lady.

That's right.

Don't get much of a
call for them around here.

So I see.

Two onions, two olives,

a twist of lemon and,
heh, on the rocks.

Made special for you, ma'am.

Beer for the gentleman.

Thank you.

WAITER: And your usual.



How's the martini?


Very amusing.

Now, Mr. Stone,

I want to talk to you.

Oscar. Please,

just Oscar.

Oscar. Heh-heh.

What a handsome name.

And so suitable for such a very,

very attractive man.

That's a real fine
compliment, ma'am.

And I accept it.

Heh-heh. Good.

So how about
accepting our offer?


Mrs. Colby doesn't seem to think

you're interested in
the proposal we made.

Oh. Oh, yes.

The leases.



Well, now, I'm
not the kind of man

who makes up
his mind quick-like.

Besides, there's someone
else on his way to talk to me.

Oscar's absolutely right, Dex.

I don't think that he should
make up his mind quick-like.


Anyway, right now,

I'm in the mood
for some dancing.



They do allow it
here, don't they?


but usually only on
Saturday nights. Heh-heh.

Oh, well, uh,

why don't we just pretend

that it's Saturday
night, huh, Oscar?

All right, let's go.

Well, let's have
another round of drinks.

Drape yourself in this.

(Oscar whoops)

Hey, all there boys!

Hey, boys,

let's have some good
clogging music, huh?

(playing upbeat country music)





(playing slow country music)

You're gonna take
care of my lands?

Oh, of course I will, Oscar.

And my wells?

As if they were my
very own children.

Oh, they're gonna
have the single

most gorgeous hunk of mother

of this side of the Rockies.

(both chuckle)

Oscar, oh, that's such
a sweet thing to say.

So is it a deal?

For you?

You betcha.

It's definitely a deal.

(both laugh)

But on one condition.

What's that?

You talk so pretty.

I just wanna...

I just wanna hear you sing.


Sing? Heh-heh.

What will it be?

Oh, um...

(whispering indistinctly)

(both laugh)

You like that song, Oscar?

Yeah. Okay.

I love it.


What's taking you so long?

Look, I could
either sing for him

or sleep with him.

What's the choice?

I'm thinking. I'm thinking.



the deal is set.

There's just one
more stumbling block.

(Oscar laughs)

Hey, fellas.

(crowd laughing and whistling)

(playing upbeat country music)

♪ See what the boys ♪

♪ In the backroom will have ♪

♪ And tell them I'm
having the same ♪

♪ Go see what the boys
In the backroom will have ♪

♪ And give them The
poison they name ♪

♪ And when I die Don't
spend my money ♪

♪ On flowers or my
picture In a frame ♪

♪ Just see what the boys
In the backroom will have ♪

♪ And tell them ♪

♪ I sighed ♪

♪ And tell them I cried ♪

♪ And tell them I
died of the same ♪

(crowd cheers)

♪ And when I die
Don't pay the preacher ♪

♪ For speaking of my
glory And my fame ♪

♪ Just see what the boys
In the backroom will have ♪

♪ And tell them I sighed ♪

♪ And tell them I cried ♪

♪ And tell them I died ♪

♪ Of the same ♪

(crowd cheering)

MAN: All right, get it on.

( mellow theme playing)

BLAKE: Miss Maynard, I
didn't go into the office today

because I was trying to avoid
phone calls from the press.

(door opens)

If you want a story
about our stolen horse,

you'll have to search
elsewhere, I'm afraid.


(bangs receiver down)

How many phone calls today?

Not one of them from
whoever stole Allegree.

Want some company?

Sure. How about a drink?


You and Claudia
finished unpacking yet?

I am. Krystle is upstairs
with Claudia now.

Something about
turning the adjacent room

into a walk-in
closet, I don't know.

Fine, if that makes
you comfortable.

You know something, Dad? I am.

I never thought I could
walk into this house again

and feel comfortable, but I do.

I used to spend hours
alone in this room reading,

but never really being here.

This room is you, Dad.

Well, there's a part
of me here, certainly.

Everywhere you
look in this room,

there's a richness,

a comfort.

Comfort that I never
took time to notice before.

I should have spent
less time reading

and more time looking.

You know, Steven,

I once said that we
were too different

to know each other.

I was wrong.

We spent so much time
fighting with each other,

we never bothered
to listen to each other.

Well, I think we can
change that right now.

Now, you came through that door.

You had something on
your mind, didn't you?


Come on, now.

Dad, ahem,

I'm going to be
living here with you

and working for Colbyco.

Is that going to be a problem?



you and I have always
had one thing in common.

A fierce sense of independence.

I respect that in you, son.

I don't ever want
you to lose that.

If you wanna work
for your mother,

you do that.


( mellow theme playing)

ALEXIS: "Signed, Oscar Stone."

"Signed, Oscar Stone,"

and they're all ours.


So how did I do?

Oh, just as I expected.



How about brilliantly?




Hold on a minute.

I'm covered in dust and grime
from traipsing over those hills,

and I've got Oscar's fat
fingerprints all over me.

So right now, I'm
gonna take a shower.


Would you care to join me?

In the backroom?


Anytime, ma'am.

(water running)

(door opens)

( sultry jazz theme playing)

( mellow theme playing)

(door opens)


I was looking for
Fallon. Excuse me.

Claudia, no congratulations?

On what?

Your engagement, Mr. De Vilbis?


Fallon is very important to me.

She's very special.

And although some
people wouldn't think so,

she hurts easily.

I wouldn't want to
see that happen.

Nor would I.

Oh. Oh, no?

I've seen you in
action, remember?

Well, maybe where
you come from, Peter,

making passes at any
woman that's handy is funny.

But it isn't to me.

And it wouldn't be to Fallon.

By making passes,

do you mean,
something like this?

(door closes)

(speaking indistinctly)

Fallon, that was quite
a show the other night.

Oh, thanks. I'm
glad you enjoyed it.

Well, I always thought
that opposites attracted,

but leave it to you
to prove me wrong.

It's nice to see
money marry money.

Mark, my marrying
Peter De Vilbis

has nothing to do with money.

Well, I'm glad to hear that.

And tell me, what
does it have to do with?

( suspenseful theme playing)

Blake, you sounded upset on
the phone. What's the matter?

Darling, you know
Peter's lawyer, Mr. Maurier.

Oh, of course. Hello.

He just brought me this.

Peter found it under
his door at La Mirage.

million in diamonds,

or Allegree is shot."

Whoever it is, they sure
made their demands clear.

And a warning to
keep the police out of it.

Well, I...

What kind of a person would
harm such a beautiful animal?

We'll get him back, darling.

I promise you,
we'll get him back.

(phone receiver hangs up)

I just talked to Zürich.

My million dollars is lined up.

I'll fly to Los Angeles
to buy their diamonds.

I don't like this, Peter. I
don't like it one damn bit.

You think any of
us is enjoying it?

Two million is a lot of money.

That's not what bothers me.

I think it is.

Do the way I told
you the first place.

You sure about that?

Very sure. Do it.

Do what? What are
you talking about?

You're obviously strapped
for cash, Mr. Carrington.

So Mr. De Vilbis
is prepared to pay

the entire $ million himself.

I assure you, that
won't be necessary.

It's their other demand,
about not calling the police in.

That's what bothers me.

They're obviously watching us.

They'd know if we
contacted the police.

You want the horse destroyed?

Look, once we get Allegree
back safely, protect it,

then we'll call them in.

I don't know, I'm not sure.

Mr. Carrington, are
you prepared to risk

$ million and Allegree's life

on your doubt?

Or do we follow their
instructions to the letter?

All right.

All right, we do what they want.

( mellow theme playing)

I'm twice blessed, Tracy.


This is the second
time I've had lunch here,

both times with beautiful women.

First, Krystle.

And, now, you.

You have good taste.

Now, what is it you wanted
to see me about, Bill?

My new firm is doing well.

Too well, in fact.

And I need you, Tracy.

A raise, responsibility,

anything you want.

Bill, I appreciate the offer.

But, you see, I'm headed for
the top at Denver-Carrington.

With Krystle heading
the department.

You only work for her, Tracy.

And from where I sit, it
looks like she's in for good.

Maybe Krystle has
more on her mind

than public relations.

If I have to remind you,

she's married to
Blake Carrington.

That's what I'm counting on.

You see, the lady had an
appointment a few days ago

with a Dr. Richard Winfield.

Dr. Winfield is an obstetrician.

Now, either she's pregnant,
or she intends to be.

And my bet is,

that if it happens,

that would be her
full-time career.

Meanwhile, I'm next
in line for the job.

I know you, Tracy.

You got your eye
on something bigger.


Maybe it's not the job you
want, maybe it's the boss.

That is how you
got your job with me.

So onto bigger

and better mattresses.

( tense theme playing)

( suspenseful theme playing)

(woman speaking
indistinctly over PA)

WOMAN (on PA): Nurse
McCale, call , please.

Thank you.

Come on, let's sit
down for a while.

( suspenseful theme playing)

Ah. That better?

Yes, thank you.

Now, I don't wanna tell you

I told you so...

About what?

Well, look at you.

You're smiling,

the color's back in your cheeks.

When I walked in here,

I thought I was
in the wrong room.

It's me, all right.

And before you know it,

you'll be back home
where you belong.

And if you follow
Dr. Winfield's instructions...


I appreciate the
uplifting lecture.

Really, I do.

That obvious, huh?



I'm all right, honest.

( tender theme playing)

We love you, Kirby.

All of us.

You're always there for me.

When I found out about
carrying Adam's baby,

the fear and guilt,

and wanting to lose the baby.

You're always there.

Well, that's behind me now.

Adam wants this child.

Very much.

I know.


And I want this baby too,

more than anything now.

I spent enough of my life
living in a fantasy world.

It's about time I grew up.

This baby deserve...

Oh. Oh.

Oh, Krystle.

Krystle, my head. Kirby.

It feels like it's bursting.


I can't stand it.

I can't stand it. Oh!

( dramatic theme playing)

Nurse, get a doctor.

Dr. Winfield, stat.

What is it? It's Kirby.


My head, my head, my head.

Tell me what's wrong.

Okay, just lie back, calm
down. You're gonna be fine.

Take a deep breath. No.

Lie back, calm down,
you're gonna be fine.

You're gonna be fine.

I-I can't stand... I'm scared.

I can't stand...
I can't stand...

It hurts. It's okay.

I-I can't... I can't... I...

( dramatic theme playing)

( majestic theme playing)
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