04x19 - Steps

Episode transcripts for the TV show "Dynasty". Aired: January 12, 1981 – May 11, 1989.*

Moderator: infinitebabbler

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Follows the gloriously over-the-top trials and tribulations of the fabulously wealthy and none-to-nice Carrington and Colby clans.
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04x19 - Steps

Post by bunniefuu »

( majestic theme playing)

( majestic theme playing)

(woman speaking
indistinctly over PA)

The ad said put
this jogging suit on

and you'll feel like
running in no time.

And you look
great in that outfit,

and you just keep
it on, Mrs. Colby.

I'll be back in about minutes

for your physiotherapy session.

And the way you
look in that outfit,

you'll be running the
course in record time.

Mr. Carrington. Good morning.

Good morning, darling.


Well, this is more like it.

You look like you're ready

to conquer the world. Why not?

I know you're gonna be up

and walking anytime now.

Is that what the experts say?


Daddy, I've been like
this for a week now.

We've had one expert
after another poke and prod

and not one of them can tell me

why I can't move my legs.

You listen to me, young lady,

we are gonna find
out what is wrong

and we're gonna make it right.

Right now, I'm gonna have a word

with Dr. Walcott,

and see if I can't
get you out of here

and back home where you belong.

I think it's time.

I guess I can crawl around

on the floor with my son.

I'll be right back.

Don't worry, I'm
not going anywhere.

( tense theme playing)

Now, you listen to me,

when I say move, you move.



I totally agree with
you, Mr. Carrington.

The best place
for Fallon right now

is at home with her family.

You seem disappointed
that I agree with you.

Well, in a way I am, doctor.

My daughter can't move her legs,

yet every test,

every doctor we've
consulted with

says the same thing.

That there's nothing
physically wrong with her.

(elevator door opens)

Well, that's what
our tests indicate.

There must be other tests,

there must be other specialists

that we could call in.

Mr. Carrington,

something else is
paralyzing your daughter.

Now, I happen to
think it's psychosomatic,

but that doesn't make it
any less painful for her,

or less real.

In the meantime,

I'll arrange for a

to visit Fallon on
a regular basis.

Well, if this is
all in her mind,

as you suggest,

shouldn't she be
talking to a psychiatrist?

I've tried to get her to talk to

a couple of doctors on
the staff in the last week,

she's refused.

My daughter does
have a mind of her own.

Was there something traumatic

that happened to her recently?

What exactly do you mean?

Something unsettling.

Some emotional
disturbance of sorts.

Um, divorce, or...?

Yes, there was.

Not a divorce.

But it turned out

that the man she was gonna marry

was not quite what
she hoped he would be

and the relationship
ended very badly.

Well, that might be our answer,

if we can get her
to talk about it.

Hopefully we can get her

to break down that
barrier she's set up.

But until she does,

she's gonna need
regular workouts.

Tendons stretched,
muscles toned, massage.

I don't care what it takes,

doctor, or how long.

I'm going to see my
daughter walk again.

( suspenseful theme playing)

Yes, this is exactly
what I wanted.

It certainly took
you long enough.

That newspaper story's
more than years old,

Mrs. Colby.

Digging up a microfilm

about a butler's
wife takes time.

Time is money, Mr. Hess,

and you're beginning to cost me

too much of that.

Kirby Anders' mother

wasn't exactly front-page news.

Like I said...

Yes, I know, it takes time.

And now it's time for
you to pick up your check,

which is on the desk
over there, and leave.

The rear elevator, of course.

You really get it on playing God

with other people's
lives, don't you?

You get well paid for it.

Yeah, I do all right, but...


Suppose one of these
schemes blows up in your face?

No, Mr. Hess,

it'll blow up in your
face as we agreed.

So let's just see that
it doesn't happen,

all right? Good day.

( tense theme playing)

( mellow theme playing)

(intercom buzzes)

Yes, Marcia?

MARCIA (over intercom): The
discharge nurse is on line one.

And Mrs. Colby is out here.

Good, send her in.

This is Mr. Carrington.

My daughter is being...

My daughter's being released
from the hospital today.

Yes, this afternoon.

Fallon Colby.

That's right.

Now, I'm gonna pick
her up in about an hour.

Would you be kind enough to see

that's she's all packed
and ready to go?

Yes, that will be fine.
Thank you very much.


Now, before you erupt, Alexis,

I am not keeping
any secrets from you.

Fallon is coming home

from the hospital
this afternoon.

And I think it's important
that we all pull together.

That we show her
that we're a family.

And that we're all behind her.

I'd like that. Good.

Then I'll see you at the house.


Don't tell me you've got

something more important to do.

Blake, you know
that there's nothing

more important in my
life than my children.

However, the last time

that I saw Fallon
in the hospital,

she made it clear that
she didn't want to see me

and she asked me to leave.

Yes, but that was then.

Oh, Blake, I don't think

that anything has changed now.

In fact, I know it hasn't.

Anyway, the reason
that I wanted to see you

was because of Adam.

All right, what about Adam?

He's in trouble.

He's in serious trouble.

He runs the risk
of ruining his life

if he marries that girl.

"That girl" being Kirby.


Now, I know it was a
noble gesture for him

to promise to marry her
when she was pregnant...

But that's all changed
now as you see it.

Yes, marriage is
out of the question.

I won't allow it

and I hope you'll
support me on this.

Alexis, first of all,
Adam is a big boy now.

He doesn't need his
mother to tell him what to do.

And, secondly, I'm not sure

that this marriage
would be a mistake.


Adam has hurt a lot of people,

including Kirby.

By not turning his
back on her now,

he's finally acting like a man.

And I have no intention
of interfering with that.

As usual, Blake,

when it comes to the children,

I'm the only one who cares.

You may think that
the butler's daughter

is good enough for our son,

but I certainly don't.

Goodbye, Blake.

( tense theme playing)

Thank you, Gerard.

I'd like to carry her back.

Of course.

Welcome home.

( upbeat theme playing)

She'll be all right, Blake,

now that she's home.

( mellow theme playing)



Sorry I didn't
make it to dinner.

Oh. Listen, don't
worry about it.

You're tired, you've
had a long day,

you don't have to
apologize for that.

Okay, I'm not sorry.

Now, that's the Fallon I know.

Real trouper, huh?

You know, as a matter of fact,

that's what our son said to me.

Oh, really?

Yeah, I went in to the nursery

for a "Hi, Dad,"

and he said to me,
"You know, Dad,

Mom's really looking terrific."

And I said, "You're right."

He said, "A real trouper, huh?"

Heh. Not even years old,

and he's getting more
precocious by the day.

Well, you have to consider
who his parents are.

Listen, why don't the two of us

celebrate your homecoming?

Just the two of us
with a little champagne.

Sounds pretty good.

I'll be right back.

( mellow theme playing)

How is she, Jeff?

Well, she seems okay,

but, uh, I don't think
it would take much

to tip her over right now.

Hm, I know.

Thanks. Okay.

Well, that was fast.

What, did you have the champagne

cooling in the hall?

(Blake chuckles)

Oh, I thought you were Jeff.

Well, at least you
sound cheerful.

Oh, do I? Yes.

You know something, Fallon,

you and I haven't had one
of our good old gab sessions

in a long time.

And there's so
much to talk about.

You mean about the
man I almost married?


There's nothing to talk about.

All week long,

no one's heard you
even mention his name.

Why should I?

I don't even wanna hear it.

Yes, I know that,
darling, but you've got to.

You got to face reality.

Peter De Vilbis is going to jail

and he's going to pay.

He's gonna pay dearly
for what he's done to you.

As far as I am concerned...

Let's just say I made a mistake

and forget it.

Well, I'm not gonna
forget about it,

you can be sure of that.

And until you
can deal with this,

until you can talk
about it, I don't know...

Daddy, please, leave it alone.

Look, you know what
I'd like to do right now?

I'd really just
like to see my son

and hold him.

Would you get him for me?



( tense theme playing)

( upbeat theme playing)

Good morning, Kirby.

Good morning, Jeanette.

Have you seen
Fallon this morning?

Yes. She's in her room,
looking a little bit better.

I think being with her son

these past couple
of days has helped.

Oh, I'm sure it has.

Good morning.
Good morning, Kirby.

Good morning, Adam.

You look very comfortable.

In fact, I can't
think of a better way

to start the day than
just looking at you.

I have one thing on my mind,

and that is to
look in on Fallon.

Now, Kirby.

Kirby, let me tell
you something.

You can see Fallon later.


Will you let me go?

Do you really want
me to? I don't think so.

Oh, Kirby.


Together, we can have

everything we've ever wanted.

All the dreams become real.

Power and wealth.

The Carrington name.

Is that all you want from
me, a Carrington heir?

Make no mistake, I want it all.

( dramatic theme playing)

(Kirby sighs)

ADAM: Now that we have
something in common,

think of the possibilities.

Oh, no, no, no.

(phone ringing)

(both sigh)

All right.

For now.

(ringing continues)


Kirby, is that you?

Yes, it's me, Alexis.

You sound out of breath.

Have you been exercising?

I have been exercising.
Um, what is it?

I want to talk about us, Kirby.

Now, I know that we've

had our differences in the past,

but that's exactly
what it is, the past.

Now, in the future,

you're going to be
my daughter-in-law.

(whispering): Mike, it hurts.

(normal voice): We're going
to be related, as it were.

Um, is that why you called?

Well, not exactly.

I thought that you and I

should get to know
each other better.

I think I know you
quite well, Alexis.

Just the tip of
the iceberg, Kirby.

Now, why don't you and I
have a little lunch together

later on in my apartment, hm?

I don't think so.

I'm still feeling a bit wobbly.

You just relax.

I shall send my car for
you at : , promptly.


Oh, you must be under a
lot of tension, Mrs. Colby.

You've got some
deep knots in your neck.

Not for long,
Mike. Not for long.

( mellow theme playing)

Good morning, Mrs. Carrington.

Good morning.

Sharon, these are the
napkin rings I ordered.

I'll take care of them

as soon as breakfast is cleared.

Thank you.

Good morning. Good morning.

Good morning, Sharon.

SHARON: I'll get
some hot coffee.

Oh, my God.

( mysterious theme playing)

Where did that come from?



these are napkin
rings sent to me.

Look, they're not violets.

These are napkin rings.

Oh, Krystle,

I know you thought
I was over that,

and I did too.

But today's not just any day,

it's Matthew's and my
wedding anniversary.

And I can't help thinking,

that there's somebody out there

that knows all about
Matthew and me.

Somebody who's trying so hard

to destroy my peace of mind.

( suspenseful theme playing)

I'm sure you won't
have to be doing this

for long, Mrs. Colby,

but we've gotta
keep that muscle tone

in your legs.


Hi. Hi.

Kevin, why don't
you take a break?

Ask Mrs. Gunnerson to
fix you something to eat,

you must be hungry.

I am, but you keep pedaling.

And you can increase the speed

by turning this dial
here in the back,

or switch it off completely

by hitting that switch, okay?

I'll be all right.

How am I doing?

Hey, you're doing great.


Cheating already?

Speaking of cheating,
why aren't you at work?

Well, as a lady
executive yourself,

you know that work
follows you wherever you go.

Even when you're
spying on me in the gym?


Krystle, you've been
following me around

for the last few
days like a worrywart.

Well... I am worried.

I think you should
try Blake's suggestion

and see a psychiatrist.

Oh, come on, there's
nothing wrong with my head.

I know where I am,

I know what time of day it is,

I can still recognize
my friends.

What I can't do is move my legs.

But there's a
solution to that now,

all I have to do
is turn on a switch

and this electric bike

will take me from
here to California.


( tense theme playing)

Wait till you see
these, Mr. Carrington.

What have you got, Tracy?


Proof-positive that you are

the most photogenic chairman

the party has ever
had. Look at these.

There's that one.

Yes. Yes, they're
all right, aren't they?

I must say you were very helpful

at that photo
session. I appreciate it.

Oh, my pleasure.

These transparencies
are great, see?


MARCIA: He has someone with him.

Yes, Marcia, I understand that.

I'm sorry for the interruption.

You are interrupting, Dexter.

I'm sorry, Mr. Carrington,

he said he had an appointment

but he wouldn't wait
until I cleared it with you.

It's all right.
Thank you, Marcia.

Mr. Carrington,
this can wait till later.

BLAKE: All right,
what's this all about?

I'm busy, I don't
have time for games.

You've been playing
one with Alexis.

Now it's gone too far.

Now, who the devil
are you to tell me

how to conduct
my personal affairs?

When they're no longer personal

and they start affecting me.

Now, you signed a
deal with Oscar Stone

to refine his Powder Valley Oil.

That's right, I did.

This says the deal's cancelled.

You can't cancel a contract

as if it never existed.

Dexter, the first time I met you

I called you "young man."

And you told me

that you had as much experience

and as much knowledge
as the big boys.

Well, welcome to the big time.

You signed a valid
document with Oscar Stone.

With Oscar Stone
personally, not his company.

Denver-Carrington made
a deal to refine his oil.

That's got nothing to do with
your Lex-Dex Corporation.

Come on, Blake, no
matter how you disguise it

you're still playing
games with your ex-wife.

I thought you were
a businessman.

You listen to me and
you listen to me well,

because I'm not
gonna repeat myself.

You are no longer a schoolboy.

When you make a move,

you better be willing to
take the consequences.

Look, Blake, I don't have to...

When you came on
Denver-Carrington's board

with your father's proxy,

I asked one thing
of you, loyalty.

And you made deals
with the competition.

So you're no longer a
part of Denver-Carrington,

you're part of Colbyco.

You chose your partner, Dexter.

Now, you and your partner

get somebody else
to refine your oil.

( dramatic theme playing)

( mellow theme playing)

Mrs. Colby. Come in.

It's nice to see you.

It's nice to see you.

It's Kirby, all right? Sure.

Where's Alexis? She'll
be down in a minute.

Can I offer you a
drink before lunch?

Oh, no, thank you.

Mark, the table is set for two.

Don't you have an appointment

at the muscle factory

or somewhere
equally intellectual?

Hello, Kirby.

You know where to
reach me if you need me.

George, these are
Cornish game hen,

I ordered quail.

I'm sorry, I'll have the kitchen

take care of it at once.

Yes, please do.

So while we have to wait,

why don't we get
outrageously healthy on these?

Oh, no, thank you.

I think that we
ought to get to know

each other a little better.

I think we know each
other quite well, Alexis.

I wonder.

Do you really know
that I happen to have

a great deal of respect for you?

No, that hadn't crossed
my mind recently.

There, you see?
We do have things

to learn about each other.

I think you are a very
bright young woman, Kirby.

Thank you.

Come and sit down.

Your father was a
very perceptive man.

He realized the value
of a good education.

Four years at the Sorbonne
does not come cheaply.

Oh, I know.

And you proved the
value of that education

when you worked
as an interpreter

for Adam at Colbyco.

And your value to my company

did not go unnoticed by me.

Are we going to
talk about us, Alexis,

or about Colbyco?

Well, both, actually.

You see, a position
has just become

available in Paris,

for which I think you
are eminently suitable.

I have no intention...

Now, hear me out.

With that position goes the use

of my apartment
on the Avenue Foch,

a car, and a chauffeur,

and a very substantial salary.

And just think,
more importantly,

you'll be in Paris
where you want to be.

I'd be where you want me to be.

Oh. Kirby, I am offering you...

A bribe.

"Stay away from my son, Kirby,

and I'll make it
worth your while."

And I will.

No sale, Alexis.

I was r*ped right here
in this room by your son.

Did you know that?

And now you're trying
to do the same thing.

I have news for you, lady.

I may have lost a
child, a Carrington baby,

but I promise you,

my next one will
also be a Carrington.

We're out of your reach, Kirby.

You don't belong.

I've made up my mind

to belong wherever
I say I belong.


Before you make your transition,

I think there's something

you should know about your past.

What are you talking about?

You think that simply

by marrying Adam
and having a child

that you can
create a Carrington?

Well, check your
own bloodline, Kirby,

because if I were you,
with your background,

I'd adopt a child.

My father was just as good
as anyone in this family.

Who's talking about your father?

I'm talking about your mother.

My mother died
when I was a baby.

You may wish that she had,

but I can assure
you that she is alive.

She is very much alive.

I don't wanna hear
any more of this.

Your father had to
live with the truth,

so why shouldn't you?

She ran away, Kirby,

when you were years old.

She ran off with her lover.

And when he didn't
satisfy her anymore,

she k*lled him.


Your father should have had

the courage to tell you himself,

instead of blaming me

for that letter from the grave.

Your mother's in prison.

No, I don't believe you.

And not just an ordinary jail,

it's a prison for the
criminally insane.

You're a liar. A liar!

( dramatic theme playing)

Read this. Am I a liar?

Or am I just a mother
who's protecting her son?

Read it, Kirby.

( dramatic theme playing)

( mellow theme playing)

Excuse me, miss,
uh, is this spot taken?

What are you doing?

Oh, it's a beautiful
day, a nice spot,

no ants and a beautiful girl,

what more is there in life?

Would you do the honors, please?

Pleasure, Mr. Colby.

FALLON: Are you crazy?

JEFF: No, I'm hungry.

And I hope you are too,

because I think Mrs. Gunnerson

packed enough
food for five people.

Did you leave your office
just to come over here

and have a picnic with me?

No, I couldn't
think of anyone else

I'd rather spend
the afternoon with.

Or have in my arms.

You know something?

You're the only person
who doesn't hover over me.

Worrying if this
is the day I'll walk

or if this is the day I'll
come out of my shell.

Oh, you'll come out of
your shell when you're ready.

As far as walking...

Look, I love you
whether you're walking

or running, or here in my arms.

Hm? Come on.

There we go.

Would you like
a little wine? Hm?

. It was a terrific year.

Here you go.

Thanks. Hm.


Everybody says I
should see a shrink.

Everybody thinks
I'm losing my mind.

If they knew the truth,

they'd know I lost it
the day I met Peter.

Look, look, look,

we don't have to talk about him,

that's all in the past.

Yeah, he is. But what about me?

I mean, look at me.

I am looking at you,
and I like what I see.

You see what you wanna see.

Inside me there's a
real brat sometimes.

Tell me to go left
and I'll go right.

Tell me to eat and I'll starve.

Tell me to be
careful, I'll fall in love...

Fallon, no.

What he did has
nothing to do with you.

Love is blind, we
both know that.

But he lost, not you.

Now, when you're ready
to love again, you will.

And when you're ready to walk,

you'll walk.

( tender theme playing)

( dramatic theme playing)

Steven, what a nice surprise.

Skip the "nice,"
Adam. Where is it?

Now, why that
tone? I thought you

and I were friends?

My friends don't steal from me.

When you left,
cleaned out your desk,

I think you cleaned
out mine too.

You'll have to
excuse me, Steven,

but I have something
else on my mind.

The China Sea evaluation report,

the one I prepared,

I've been looking
for it all morning.

I have a feeling I would
have found it hours ago

if I had looked in here.

Now, what would I
want with that report?

That's old news.

Old news?

That's very hot news,
and I think you know that.

Just as I think you're
holding onto my work.

Your work?

Let me tell you
something, Steven.

You wouldn't be
handling the research

if I hadn't started the project.

If I hadn't talked
to those people

in Colorado Springs and
gotten them interested

in the possibilities of the
project in the first place.

Is that it? No, it's not.

Now, if you can't keep
track of your own files,

that's your problem.

But don't you ever come in here

accusing me of
stealing something

that was legitimately
mine in the first place.

Now, why don't you
trot on back to Colbyco

and see if you can find
where you put that file?

One of these days, Adam,

you're gonna find yourself
right where you belong.

Out in the street.

( tense theme playing)

(door closes)

Very impressive report.

As a matter of fact,

that's a combination of research

done by Steven and me.

But what's important, Father,

is that I initiated
this entire project.

And that's why I feel

I have the right
to hand it to you.

I knew the Far East
was ready to open up.

Hong Kong's buzzing
with activity, Father.

If Denver-Carrington moves fast,

if we're the first
to make a solid bid

on those oil leases,

the competition will
never know what hit them.

All right, then.

Let's make sure
we are the first.


MARCIA: Yes, Mr. Carrington?

I know the circuits are
busy this time of day

but get a call through to
our office in Hong Kong

and track down Earl Cunningham.

( mellow theme playing)

You like that, little guy? Huh?

Oh, it's a nice one, isn't it?

You know, I had
a truck like this

when I was a kid. Yeah.

Well, look who we have here.

Are you gonna tell your mother

what you just told me?

Another man-to-man talk, huh?

Mr. Colby, there's a
telephone call for you.

Thank you, Gerard.
I'll be right there.

Go ahead, I'll watch the baby.

Go on.

Besides, we have some
gossip to catch up on.

I'll be right back. Don't we?

So you got a new
truck here, huh?

Let me see. Here.

How's it work?


( tense theme playing)


Blake, don't go there.

Blake. Blake, no,
come back here.

Blake. Blake, come back here!

Don't go... Blake!

Oh, my God.

FALLON: Blake, come here!


( dramatic theme playing)

Oh, you can walk, Fallon.


You can walk. You can.


( dramatic theme playing)

( majestic theme playing)

My God. Where did
you get this, Kirby?

Where do you think?


Blake, is it true?

Is my mother alive?

She had no right
to show you this.

Please? Is it true?

All I know is what
your father told me

a couple of years ago

when you came back from Paris.

He said that your mother

was still institutionalized.

He never wanted
you to know about this.

He lied to me.

He told me she was dead.

In a way, she is.

Oh, Kirby.

What's important is
the family you have now.

You're going to marry Adam.

You're going to become
a part of our family.

Tonight, our family's
having a celebration.

Please come.

The celebration won't be
complete without you, Kirby.



( dramatic theme playing)

This crown roast will be
served to Miss Fallon's taste.

Rare. Very rare.

She's liked it like that

ever since she was a child.

Asparagus. With hollandaise?


And tiny new potatoes

with sour cream and caviar.

Oh, and chocolate mousse.

All Miss Fallon's
favorite dishes. Perfect.

Oh, and it must be
perfect, Mrs. Gunnerson.

Tonight is a
celebration of a miracle.

Don't worry, Mrs. Carrington,

tonight the kitchen

will perform its own miracle.

( mellow theme playing)

(crowd chattering)

Thank you.

BLAKE: All right.

Nope, thanks.

KRYSTLE: Are you tired? Huh?

Look at him.

Who could that be?
Oh, my goodness.

(all chattering)

STEVEN: Here's Fallon.


(all chattering)

CLAUDIA: Beautiful.
That's wonderful.



I know.

I can't tell you
how overjoyed I am.

CLAUDIA: Congratulations.

Thank you.

KIRBY: It's so wonderful.

(all chattering)

(glass chiming)

A moment please, everyone.

I've been trying to think

of something appropriate to say

but I'm not sure that anything

is appropriate at a
time like this, Fallon.

All I can say is that

before me sits a young woman

who has been a
handful all her life.

She's contradictory
in temperament.

Defiant and determined,

tough enough to stand
on her own two feet,

yet sensitive enough

to feel deeply
some of life's pain.

And then have the courage

to leave that pain behind

and move forward from it.

I salute you, Fallon.

And I'm proud to love you.

JEFF: Hear, hear.

KRYSTLE: To Fallon.

To Fallon.

( tender theme playing)



Hi, Dex.


You're not dressed.

The curtain goes up

in a little less
than half an hour.

I've decided not to go, Dex.

It's gonna be a mediocre evening

in the theatre. And besides,

I've got a little
bit of a headache.

And maybe, just maybe,

you're headed for
more than slight

hangover in the morning.


Have you been drinking, Alexis?

Oh, yes, I have, Mr. Dexter.

A little too much, Alexis?

Oh, no, Mr. Dexter,
a lot too much.

All right,

let's talk about
what's happening.

No, I don't want to
indulge in self-pity

and poor little me.

I think you should
talk about it.

Your daughter can walk,
you're ecstatic about that.

They're undoubtedly celebrating

at the house tonight,

you're very hurt because
you weren't invited.

Well, you shouldn't
be all that surprised.

Neither Blake nor Krystle

wants you even near that house.

It's not them, it's her.

It's Fallon.

Go on.

I told you that I didn't
want to talk about it

and I'm not going to.


I'm sorry, I'm so rude,

I didn't offer you a drink.

Won't you join me
in my next round?

Alexis, have you phoned Fallon?

Yes, I tried on her
private line but it was busy.

Why don't you,
uh, try again now?

For God's sakes, Alexis,

we're talking about
your daughter.

If the two of you
can't get together now,

when is it going to happen?

The sad answer
is... probably never.

You see, we've never
been really close.

Maybe it's because

we're just too alike
in so many ways.

We've tried.

She's tried, so have I,

but it never lasted.


Maybe we didn't try hard enough.

That's honest.


Not getting me
anywhere with her, is it?

Alexis, phone her.

Talk to her.

Forget what's
happened between you.

And tell her that
this is a special night.

And that you're happy for her.

And that I love her?


I do.

Then tell her, damn it.

( melancholy theme playing)


(sobbing): I can't.

I can't.

Oh, Dex, hold me.

Hold me close like you've

never held me before. Please.

Oh, please, Dex.

Oh, Dex, please.

And now...

Excuse me, Mrs. Carrington,

this was left at the
gate by messenger.

It was addressed to you.

Thank you, Gerard.

My God.

Excuse me.

Excuse me.

He's checking on her.


( suspenseful theme playing)

Claudia, what is it?

Look at this.

Well, you were a
little younger then,

but I'll take you
the way you are.

Steven, Matthew
took this picture

of me on our first anniversary.

Claudia, I'm sorry, I
didn't mean anything.

Everybody says
that Matthew is dead,

and Lindsay is dead,

but what about the flowers,

and the pet name and now this?

I don't have the answer.

But we both know that Matthew

and Lindsay died
in that jungle in Peru.

Look, whoever is
doing this to you,

I'll find him.

And I'll find out why.

You're safe with me here.

It's gonna be all right.

I'm scared, Steven.

I know. I know.

But being alone
isn't the answer.

Let's go back to the party.

And in the morning,
this will all...

You go.

Go on. I'll be all right.

You sure?

I just wanna freshen up a bit.

I'll be down.

I love you, Claudia.

I love you too, Steven.

( tender theme playing)

(door opens)

(door closes)

( suspenseful theme playing)


I know that you
have direct flights

to Mexico City from Denver,

but do you have
any connecting flights

to South America?

Yes, specifically to Lima, Peru.


( dramatic theme playing)

( majestic theme playing)
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