04x24 - The Check

Episode transcripts for the TV show "Dynasty". Aired: January 12, 1981 – May 11, 1989.*

Moderators: infinitebabbler, infinitebabbler

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Follows the gloriously over-the-top trials and tribulations of the fabulously wealthy and none-to-nice Carrington and Colby clans.
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04x24 - The Check

Post by bunniefuu »

( majestic theme playing)

( upbeat theme playing)

(both laughing)

WOMAN: Would you put me down?

(both laughing)

WOMAN: Put me down, Mark.


Oh, Mark.

You invited me here

to see the view
from your terrace.

So far, all I've seen
is your bedroom.

Well, it had a
window in it, didn't it?

(both laughing)

From where I stand,
the view is just fine.


Come on, I promised
you a terrace,

and this is one man who
always keeps his promises.

Oh, you sure do. Ha-ha.

(buzzer rings)

Boss is back a little early.

Mark, what are you doing?

Just keeping
casualties to a minimum.

Go down the back
elevator. Mark...

Come on, down the back
elevator and out to the garage.

Here you go. Oh... Mark.

Don't worry, I'll be in touch.

( tense theme playing)

ALEXIS: I had a
rotten time at the party

and then I find you
standing on my doorstep.

You have a knack of late
for turning a dreadful evening

into a total disaster.

I'm not here to talk
about your evening.

You are here
unappreciated and uninvited,

so would you please say

what you have to
say fast, and leave?

Rashid Ahmed. Is
that fast enough?

I know damn well you
saw him in Hong Kong.


I never laid eyes
on him. You're lying.

Now, he's double-crossed
me and you were part of it.

How much did you
pay him? Nothing.

If that's what you're
thinking, you're wrong, Blake.

Just as you were wrong when
you accused me of poisoning Jeff.

You're always accusing
me of manipulating and lying.

You never ever give me
the benefit of the doubt.

So why don't you, for once
in your life, believe me?


( tense theme playing)



( suspenseful theme playing)

Oh, Dex, you're so tense.


Well, you were in
bed and you are now.


Still have your mind
on Alexis Colby?


You should have seen her.

She sweeps into the
party, can't help but see me,

and totally ignored me.

Nobody turns their back on me

and gets away with it.

I wanna know every
move that lady makes.

Every time she dials a phone,

I wanna know who she's calling.


What about her love life, Dex?

You wanna know
all about her love life?

I don't give a damn
about her love life.



You know, you can
pay me a double salary

to spy on Alexis
Colby during the day,

that's fine.

But at night, when
you're in my bed,

I want you to be
with me, not her.

I just wanna have some more fun.

I always feel like

we take her to bed with us.

You wanna know something, Dex?

It's not fun anymore.


If it's real fun you want,

let's start right here.


( romantic theme playing)

(both giggling)

FALLON: So with the
world press looking on,

Ahmed claims that
Daddy's million

didn't go for oil leases at all.

That's terrible.

He could lose everything.

Thank you.

He could, but he won't.

Thank you. (scoffs)

He deserves better
than that, Fallon.

He'll be all right. We all will.


(door closes)

You look terrific.
What's your secret?

No secret.

Things have a way of
working out, that's all.

Let me guess:

Jeff asked you to marry
him and you accepted.


You missed the family
announcement tonight.

I guess I've missed a
lot in my life, haven't I?

Kirby, there was
no easy way for me

to tell you about Jeff and me.

Fact remains we're going to have

an engagement party at La Mirage

and the wedding
here at the house.

I'm very happy. Just
like I'd like you to be.

Well, I couldn't
be happier for you.


I guess things have worked
out for both of us perfectly.

Excuse me.

(door opens)

(door closes)

( suspenseful theme playing)

(knocking on door)

Who is it?

ADAM: Adam.


I thought all of the
Carringtons were busy

trying to save
the family fortune.

What did you do, give up?

We've only just begun.

Blake and I are
taking an early flight

to San Francisco in the morning

and then on to the Far East.

When will you be back?

In time to get a license

and make plans
for a quiet wedding.

When? A few days? A week?

Well, that all depends
on what Blake and I find

when we get there.

Kirby... when I'm gone,

why don't you take the
time to think about us,

and our future,

and babies.


Time to do what I have to do.

There's time for everything now.

( romantic theme playing)

( mellow theme playing)

Here we are.

What the doctor ordered.

Thanks, doc.

How are you feeling, darling?


Sorry about tonight.

I shouldn't have put
you through all that.

All those reporter's questions

and the tension
and the frustration.

I can handle it.

Darling, be careful.

Ahmed doesn't play by
the same rules you do.

Well, this time, Mr. Ahmed

is not gonna find it so
easy to slither away.

All the credibility
is on my side.

I've got signed contracts

from a legitimate government.

There was no politics,
there was no arms deal.

He knows that.

So does Alexis.


Yes, so does Alexis.

( suspenseful theme playing)

MARK: Alexis!


(chuckling): Alexis...

ALEXIS: What is it?

For God's sake, what
are you babbling on about?

You're drunk.

To Alexis Colby,

the woman who topples empires.

Enjoy the champagne, Mark.

I'll deduct it from your salary.

Deduct? You're going to give me

a very healthy raise.

Am I indeed?

You know, when
it comes to lying,

you are strictly
world-class, lady.

Thank you.

When I heard you tell Carrington

that you had never laid eyes

on Rashid Ahmed in Hong Kong,

I damn near fell off
the terrace in laughter.


Too bad you didn't.

We share a secret, Alexis.

Do we?

You see, I was in the next room

when I heard you offer
Ahmed million bucks

to blow the Carrington
oil-lease deal.

Is there more? There is.

You've made a lot
of enemies, Alexis.

Most of them you've
flattened like a bulldozer,

but Carrington isn't
your typical enemy, is he?

I wonder what he
would say if he knew

what your part
was in this scheme.

I think he would break
you into so many pieces

that nobody could ever
put you back together again.

All right, Mark.

Just exactly how much
is this going to cost me?

( dramatic theme playing)

BLAKE: We should be in
San Francisco in about an hour.

Which gives us half an hour

to make the connecting
flight to Hong Kong.

Don't worry, Father,
everything's been taken care of.

Mr. Carrington,

we've reached
Mr. Cunningham in Hong Kong.

He's on the line now.
Good. Thank you.

Hello, Earl.

Any word on Ahmed?

Uh, we're still searching,

but so far, no luck, Blake.

I want him tracked down.
Do you understand that?

I don't care if it takes the
entire police force, do it.

I want him found before he has
a chance to leave Hong Kong.

Is that clear?

Yes, sir. Perfectly clear.

I'll phone you when I get in.

This is a tough one, isn't it?


Have you ever
lost a fight, Father?

Quite a few.

But I've come back
to win the bigger ones.

I admire that.

I also admire the fact

that you didn't go
for Alexis' throat.

If she double-crossed me,

I'm not sure I could have
taken it the way you did.

I learned a lesson a
long time ago, Adam.

Before you take aim and fire,

you'd better be very, very
sure you've got the right target.


I can't think of a more
obvious target than Mother.

Well, that's just the
point, it's too obvious.

Perhaps for the
first time in her life,

she's been telling the truth.

You can't be serious.

Ahmed had plenty
of reasons on his own

to do what he did to me.

Once, he sent his
brother, Farouk,

to sell me on an oil deal,

and I had him thrown
out of the office.

They both swore that
they'd get even someday.

Ah, maybe they have.


Maybe I never should have

gone into this deal with Ahmed.

I can't agree, Father.

These oil leases are important,

not just to our country,
but to the world.

The world needs this oil.

And you're the one man I
know who could deliver it.

Ah, in any case, I
got myself into this.

I'm damn well
gonna get myself out.

( mellow theme playing)

Claudia, hi.

Hi, Steven.

I tried calling you
a few minutes ago.

I was with the district
attorney, sweetheart.

You have to meet
me at his office.

The district attorney? Why?

He needs a deposition from
you against Morgan Hess.

Oh, God, Steven.

I thought I was
finished with all that.

I thought it was behind me.

Claudia, it will
be all behind you,

but that's the
way the law works.

Otherwise, they
can't charge the man.

All you have to do is meet me.

We'll settle it and
it'll finally be over.

All right. When?

Tonight, I hope.


Bye, darling.

HELEN: May I get you some toast?

Yeah, thanks, Helen.

I couldn't help hearing
you on the phone.

Something about
the district attorney?

Oh, it's just something

that Steven and I
have to deal with.

Actually, um, I'm really glad

that I caught you alone, Kirby.

It's about Fallon.

And I wanted to make sure
that she was out of the house.


That I thought it
would be a terrific idea

if the two of us gave her a
surprise wedding shower.


That's your terrific idea?

A shower for Fallon?


What could we possibly give her?

She already has everything.

How about love?

Even a Carrington needs that.

Look, Kirby,

I know that it hasn't
been easy for you.

Claudia, you have no idea

how hard these past
few weeks have been.

And I'm not a Carrington
yet, I may never be.

So maybe you ought to give
her the shower by yourself.

( melancholy theme playing)

It was my understanding

that you had
completed your interview

with my husband
for World Finance.

Well, I thought so too,

until I saw the news last night.

And then I realized I'd
been told half the story.

The wrong half.

If you're insinuating
that my husband...

I never insinuate.

The interview Mr. Carrington
gave me is now useless.

You see, World
doesn't print lies.

"Question: What are
the political ramifications

"of the China Sea
deal, Mr. Carrington?

"Answer: I believe there
will be increased stability

"among the conflicting
countries in that area.

"We're aware that
historically there's been friction

and we feel this oil deal
will create greater harmony."

That still holds true.
There was no arms deal.

Mrs. Carrington,
are you speaking

as director of public
relations for the company,

or as your husband's
devoted wife?


You're not interested in
doing a profile on my husband.

You're here to do a hatchet job.

I call my sh*ts as I see them.

And I suggest you leave.

We have nothing more
to say to one another.

And I suggest you read
World Finance next week,

Mrs. Carrington.

Your husband will
still be the cover story.

But I, uh...

I don't think
you'll wanna clip it

for his scrapbook.

( tense theme playing)

(door opens)

(door closes)

( suspenseful theme playing)

Cheers, Mark.


Beautiful. Beautiful.


Is there something amusing

you'd like to share
with me, Jennings?

How'd you get in here?

The trade entrance.

I've had the occasion
of using it before.

What do you want, McVane?

We had an agreement, remember?

Blackmail, Alexis,
sharing the profits.

I've been waiting
to hear from you.

Well, I told you I'd call
you when I had something.

"Had something"?

Why, you could get something
on Alexis Colby in ten minutes

if you put your mind to it.

McVane, I'm her bodyguard.

She doesn't include me
in her private meetings.

When I get something on
her, you'll be the first to know.


You know I lost everything
because of that woman.

But now I intend to get it back.

Career, Washington, everything.

So, Jennings, please
don't let me down.

Why don't you go down the
way you came up, McVane?

And the next time
you wanna talk to me,

don't do it here.

( tense theme playing)




"Pay to Mark Jennings,
, bucks."

( suspenseful theme playing)

Mr. Jennings, everything
has been processed.

Here you are.


Hm, feels great. Better
than a tennis racket.

Yes, I'm sure.

I hope you'll consider
putting a portion of it

into a money market account
or a certificate of deposit.

No, no. I...

I want it where I
can get at it. Thanks.

All right, I understand.

Glad to have you with us.

Good to be here. Thank you.

( suspenseful theme playing)

(knocking on door)


What's the problem?


It's my study on the
China Sea project.

The one I accused
Adam of stealing.

It was misfiled.

I owe my brother an apology.

There are worse
things in this world

than to apologize, Steven.

Not many, but a few.

That's not what's bothering me.

I think it was my
interest in the project

which convinced
Adam to sell Blake

on the whole China
Sea deal in the first place.

And if it weren't for you,

your father wouldn't
be in this trouble, right?

That's right.

Darling, we all get in trouble,
but the strongest of us survive.

Well, even I can make a mistake.

No. You?

Yes, me.


Well, I don't wanna
say "I told you so," but...

Then don't.

Darling, from now on, I
want the day-to-day running

of the Lex-Dex Corporation
to be handled by you.

All right, I'll handle it.

You know, as much
as I dislike Dex,

I owe him an apology as well.

For thinking he was the one

sending the violets
and the cards to Claudia.

Steven, that's
all behind us now.

What kills me is
that a creep like Hess

would choose Claudia to
take his revenge out on you.

Forget Hess, Steven.
We all have enemies,

and most of them do
not play by the rules.

Maybe so, but you don't deserve

that kind of treatment.

Someday, somebody
will come along

who will appreciate you
for what you really are.

I can't wait to meet that man.

See you soon. Yes.

(phone buzzes)


MAN: Kirby Anders is
on Line , Mrs. Colby.

All right.

Yes, Kirby. What
can I do for you?

The offer you made
me about the job in Paris,

does it still stand?

Yes, I told you the
other day, it does.

Then let's talk about it.

Fine. Um, why don't you meet
me at my office in an hour?

No, I can't make it in an hour.

All right, then, um,

come to my apartment tonight.

I'd rather come and get you.

We could go someplace private.

I don't want anyone in the
family to know we're meeting.

Look, Kirby, I'm a very
busy woman and I have a...

Then forget it, Alexis.

All right, um, how's
tomorrow morning?

I'll pick you up outside
your apartment at .

You'll pick me up?

All right, Kirby, I'll be there.


( ominous theme playing)

( mellow theme playing)

ADAM: I see. And when was that?



Yes. Now I understand.

Thank you very much.

That was Cunningham's office.
He should be here any minute.

And about time.

It's not quite three hours
we've been waiting for him.

I realize how frustrating
this must be for you.

But getting things
done is different

in this part of the world.

Oh, I can handle
a lot of things,

but to have to sit here
and wait all this time,

not be able to do anything,

not know where
Ahmed is hiding out...

(knocking on door)

Hello, Earl Cunningham.
Adam Carrington.

Hello, Blake, sorry
I'm late. Unavoidable.

Well, how are you? Fine.

Not much of a welcome this
time to Hong Kong, I'm afraid.

What were you able
to come up with?

An answer.

But not one
you're going to like.

What do you mean?

A man answering
Ahmed's description

was last seen
at a small airfield

trying to buy his
way onto a flight out.

And did he get out?

Blake, there is a lot
of red tape involved.

Now, we're trying to cut
through to get you an answer.

That means no
retraction from Ahmed.

His story stands.

No, wait.

Not if we can get to the people

that he represented
in this deal.

All right, you find them.

I wanna meet with them

and I want the
truth out of them.

Blake, I don't know.

You have an international
incident on your hands.

Getting to these people
could be impossible.

Well, then you make it possible.

That government's got
$ million of my money

and I am not leaving
here without it.

( tense theme playing)

ALEXIS: Kirby,
where are we going?

Where is this?

What are we doing
in this part of town?

This is my house.

Your house?

I was born here.

My father k*lled himself here.

Now it belongs to me. When
you were married to Blake,

you must have seen this
house on at least one occasion.

When I was married to Blake,

the servants came to my house,

I didn't go to theirs.

Ugh, well...

now's your chance.

We're going to talk, and this
is where we're going to do it.

Feels so empty, doesn't it?

It's felt like this ever
since my mother left

and my father went
to live in the mansion

with you and Blake.

I wonder if he took
that emptiness with him.

I haven't the slightest idea.

You were there.

Did he spend his
nights alone in his room?

Look, Kirby, I really don't
want to talk about this.

Were his days empty?

Did you notice? Did you care?

Let's talk about Paris.

I have no intention of
discussing your dead father.

Oh, yes, dead, heh.

When did he die? Was it here?

Or years ago, bowing
and scraping to you?

Look, this is
absolutely ridiculous.

I don't have to answer to you

any more than I have
to answer for Joseph.

Then who do you
have to answer to?

There has to be
someone somewhere

to whom you're accountable.

I don't know what
you're talking about.

Now, I came here to talk about

my job offer to you in Paris.

If you don't wanna discuss
that, then I'm leaving.

( dramatic theme playing)

If you've got something to sell,

talk to her.

I'm not selling, lady.

I'm part of the
neighborhood watch.

I know there's nobody
supposed to be living here.

After I saw the car outside,

I thought I'd
better check it out.

What are you doing here?
How'd you get the key?

I-I'm the owner.

You thinking about
buying the place?

Oh, ha-ha, my good
man, you must be joking.

No, but, uh, you could
do me an enormous favor.

If you could show
me the nearest phone,

I'd like to call for
a taxi, thank you.

(door closes)

( melancholy theme playing)

( suspenseful theme playing)

Mrs. Colby. Yes, Douglas?

Miss Kendall's waiting
for you in your office.

She said she had a :
appointment with you.

(sighs) And I'm Jerome.

Well, Jerome, in the brief time

that you may be working for me,

no one is allowed in my office

unless I give specific approval.

(chuckles) (door opens)

Mrs. Colby.

Miss Kendall.

Please sit down. Thank you.

I've been informed
by an acquaintance

that Blake
Carrington's fired you

and you're looking
for another job.

As a matter of fact,

I've been thinking of
leaving for some time.

I suppose I should
ask why you were fired.

But knowing my ex-husband

and the inordinate
value he places

on his wife's limited talents,

I'm not surprised
he got rid of you.

Well, it was mutually
agreed that I should leave.

Of course it was.

Mrs. Colby,

I'm not looking
for just any job.

I'm very talented.

And I admire your
business sense,

your position in the community.

I can't think of anybody
that I'd rather work for.

I also happen to compete
with Blake Carrington.

So if you're here
to get revenge...

Okay, let's be honest.

Okay, let's.

That's why you're
here, isn't it?

Well, why don't
we put it this way:

I had access to

confidential files.

I know things that others,
including you, do not.

Now, should you hire me,

my loyalty would
obviously go to Colbyco.

Miss Kendall, people
who have secrets to sell

have only one loyalty,
and that's to money.

Now, you're willing to
sell out Blake Carrington.

What guarantee do I have,
that given the opportunity,

you wouldn't be willing
to sell me out too?

You know, I read
where you once said,

"Life holds no guarantees."

( suspenseful theme playing)

You can relax,
Dex. I got the job.

( majestic theme playing)

Mr. Lin, pleasure
to see you again.

I'm honored.

The last time we spoke
was in Colorado Springs.

Yes, that's right.

Father, this is Mr. Lin.

Mr. Lin, my father
Blake Carrington.

How do you do?

Mr. Lin is his government's
trade representative.

Oh. Won't you sit
down? Thank you, sir.

It was very kind
of you, Mr. Lin,

to come here and
meet with us today.

It was my pleasure.

Would you care for
some tea or anything?

LIN: Perhaps later, sir.

I understand, sir,

that it was you who
chose Rashid Ahmed

to represent your
government in our negotiations.

That is correct.

Mr. Carrington, I assure
you we had no idea

Mr. Ahmed would take

such irresponsible
and dangerous actions.

You do realize, of course,

that if I had known
that your government

was considering arms
purchases with my money

that I would never have
entered into that agreement.

But there were no
arms purchases.

Our government has never
considered such a thing as that.

We have no desire
to initiate hostile action

against our neighbors.


Now, if you would be kind enough
to issue a statement immediately

exposing Mr. Ahmed's
charges for what they are,

outright lies,

I would appreciate
that very much.

Uh, Mr. Carrington,

I can sympathize
with your dilemma,

but I'm not certain
we can assist you.

(speaks in foreign language)

I appreciate your sympathy,
but I need more than that.

I need your government

to refute Mr. Ahmed's

Silence, sir, often proves to
be a most effective w*apon.

If we say anything,

my government feels that it
would only serve to inflame

an already dangerous situation.

But you don't understand, sir.

Your government's silence
could cause my company

to lose a great deal of money.

And what you don't
understand, sir,

is the way we operate
in this part of the world.

All right, if I can't
get to my oil leases,

I want $ million put back
in my account by tomorrow.

Mr. Carrington,

your $ million is
now our $ million,

and already committed
to projects in our country.

We simply sold you the leases,

we did not guarantee
the protection.

( dramatic theme playing)

( mellow theme playing)

Well, I feel so helpless here.

There must be
something I can do.

There's nothing
anyone can do, darling.

Just knowing
that you'll be there

when I return helps.

Listen, we've got
a plane to catch.

I'll see you tomorrow.

I love you.

I love you too, darling.


(intercom buzzes)


WOMAN (over speaker):
Mark Jennings is here.

Oh, send him in.

Hello, Krystle. Hello, Mark.

I can remember when I could get
to you without being announced.

What can I do for you?

Why is it that every
time I see you,

you're more beautiful than ever?

Well, I think you're seeing
me through a few drinks,

heh, that's why.

A few, heh.

Krystle, I've come
to say goodbye.

Finish. Game, set,
match. I've done it here.

So I wanted to say goodbye

to the one lady that
I've always loved

and always will.


Don't worry. You don't
have to fight me off this time.

I want you to know, you're
worth two of Blake Carrington.

Mark... Krystle.

Two of Blake
Carrington, of me,

and where Alexis
Colby is concerned,

a world of her.

By the way,

don't ever turn your
back on that woman.

Oh, I found that
out a long time ago.

Hm, I don't know if
you know the half of it.

That witch has got weapons
that she's never used.

And she's got perfect aim.

Why are you leaving, Mark?

Does it have anything
to do with Alexis?

Oh, no. She's a nuisance.

Hey, I'm on top
of the world, kid.


I do know someone
who'd like to push me off,

but, uh, don't worry,
I don't push so easily.

Goodbye hug?


You take care of yourself.

Don't worry. I got eyes
in the back of my head.

Where will you go?

I've always liked New York.

( dramatic theme playing)

If wine had leaves
and I could read them,

I'd guess your thoughts
weren't blank right now.


You couldn't sleep either, huh?

Who needs sleep?

He's gonna need all
the help he can get

when he gets back.

With you on his side,
how can he lose?

I'm worried about you too, Jeff.

If you hadn't forced Alexis
to buy you out of Colbyco,

swap all your shares
for Denver-Carrington's...

Fallon, I would rather
be at Denver-Carrington

at $ a share

rather than Colbyco at
a a share any day.

Well, we can always
hock my engagement ring.

Jeff, about the engagement
party and the wedding...

And what about them?

Well, the last time we
ran off and got married

with nothing but neon
and plastic flowers.

So we were gonna do
it differently this time.

I just don't know
if it would be right

to go through with a big wedding
with everything the way it is.

Fallon Carrington Colby Colby,


as long as I've got you,
everything's all right.

Now, you just go upstairs

and dream your
sweet little dreams

and make up your guest list

and just remember I love you.

( romantic theme playing)

I suppose you think
that I'm responsible

because I was the one who
introduced Rashid Ahmed

to your father
in the first place.

You didn't know he was going
to pull a double-cross, did you?

No, of course not.
Don't you remember?

It was Rashid
who literally saved

Blake's tankers for him once.

It's probably revenge,
don't you think?

It could be.

Blake accused Rashid's brother

of trying to engineer
Little Blake's kidnapping.

Falsely accused, I might add.

Well, whatever the reason,
Mother, you could help.


You have contacts
all over the world.

Find Ahmed and make
him retract the statements.

Oh, darling, even my
power has its limits.

But I'll tell you
what I will do.

Since your father seems to
be in a financial bind right now,

I'm going to give you
your engagement party

and your wedding.

And when I do it, Denver
will know it's been done.

( majestic theme playing)

( sultry theme playing)

(door opens)

You're home early.

I didn't expect you
for another hour.

Wait till you see what I'm
wearing tonight to celebrate.

What do you think?

It's fine.

It's beautiful.

Of course it is.

And it's gonna be
worn by New York City's

most famous new model.

Not many men have kept
their promises to me, Ed.

But you're going to.

Samantha, will you
listen to me for a minute?


Things don't always turn out

the way we want them to.


Cosmetics company's
board met this afternoon.

To announce me
as their new girl.

With all these
crummy assignments

you said that I'd make it big,

that I'd be on top.

That you'd make it
happen, and you have.

My own exclusive contract.


They made an
announcement, all right.

They are canceling
the whole campaign.

They can't.

None of that is
important. It is important.

We have a terrific
arrangement, the two of us.

Oh, babe, with your
body and that skin,

it's only a matter of time.

It was your campaign.
You could have fought for it.

There was nothing
more I could do. I tried.

Not hard enough. You used me.

I was here at
your beck and call.

I couldn't see any other man.

It was always what you
and your sleazy body wanted.

Let's see what that precious
little wife of yours is gonna do

when I tell her about us.

( dramatic theme playing)


(both grunting)


You little whore.

You're out of your league.

You'd better keep
your mouth shut.

(door opens)


(door slams)

( mellow theme playing)


You have been brushing
your hair for an hour.

Oh, have I?

I have.

And I've been thinking.

I've been thinking about Matthew

and the violets
and the phone calls.

What if it's not over?

What if it just keeps
going on and on?

That's why you made the
deposition against Morgan Hess

at the DA's office, so
that it won't go on and on.

But a trial?

Sweetheart, they
have a record now

of everything that
man did to you.

You won't have to testify.

Believe me, Morgan Hess
will pay for what he did.

It's over, Claudia.

It's over.

( romantic theme playing)

(phone ringing)



Steven? It's Sammy Jo.

Sammy Jo.

Why are you calling so late?

It must be in the
morning in New York.

Heh, that's early in New
York. You should know that.

What is it, Sammy Jo?

Well, I was just
wondering how Danny was.

Danny's fine.

He's just fine.

Oh, that's terrific.

Everything's terrific.

Is it? Of course.

I'm just about to sign a
fabulous modeling contract.

So if Danny's fine,
then life's terrific, right?

Uh, look, I'll be in touch.



She wanted to know
how Danny was.

In the middle of the night?


She said she'd be in touch.


I wonder what she wants.

BLAKE: Fallon, of
course it's all right with us

if you want your mother

to be at your engagement
party and your wedding.

But I insist on paying for
both, not your mother paying.

Daddy, with everything
that's happening,

are you sure you wanna
throw your money away on...?

On what? My
daughter's happiness?

Now, you might as
well give in, Fallon.

You know he's going to win.

Are you, Daddy?

I mean, the China Sea oil
deal, are you going to win?

Well, I've been
temporarily derailed before,

but have you ever known
me not to get back on track

and going faster
than I was before?

No, I haven't.

I'm sorry I doubted you.

I'll never doubt you again.

I guess that means
I'd better start

working on my guest list.

I can read you better
than Fallon, Blake.

Do you have a plan?

Yes, indeed.

I developed that plan on the
flight back from Hong Kong.

All the way back,

all I was planning to do was
to put my arms around you,

hold you, and remind myself

that no matter what happens,

with you, I am the
richest man alive.

And it really doesn't
matter what...

Stop it, Blake.

Stop what?

Stop treating
me like a toy wife.

Now, I'm not only your
wife, I'm your partner.

And I am big enough
and strong enough

to share the bad news
as well as the good.

Now, what are you going to do?

Now, darling, you've got
enough to concern yourself with.

So you don't have
to get involved...

Blake, I want to know.

What about Denver-Carrington?


Every dollar of that
million that I raised

had a condition attached.

A time limit on the exploration.

If I can't start the
search for that oil

before the time limit,

the creditors can
call in for their money.

Which means you
have to find $ million

or lose Denver-Carrington.

And time is running out.

( dramatic theme playing)

( majestic theme playing)
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