05x07 - Amanda

Episode transcripts for the TV show "Dynasty". Aired: January 12, 1981 – May 11, 1989.*

Moderator: infinitebabbler

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Follows the gloriously over-the-top trials and tribulations of the fabulously wealthy and none-to-nice Carrington and Colby clans.
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05x07 - Amanda

Post by bunniefuu »

- Good evening.
OFFICER: Good evening.

There you go, Mr. De_er.

- Thank you.
- You're welcome.

Oh, Dex.

Oh, Dex, l'm frightened.

For the first time in my life,
l'm absolutely terrified.

What's gonna happen to me?

l love you, Alexis.

And somehow,
l'm going to get you free.

l swear it.

Oh, Dex, l don't deserve this.

l'm innocent.
You know l didn't k*ll Mark.



l've filed for an appeal,

and l've got two of the best appellate
experts working with me on the brief.

Damn your appeal,
Adam, you were fired.

lf you hadn't mishandled this case,
there wouldn't be a need for one.

you are not a part of this family.

No matter what happened before,
my mother needs me now.

For what?
To keep on messing things up?

Well, forget it.

l have friends in this state,
important friends.

- l'll talk to them about what--
- l wouldn't do that if l were you.

Mother's in enough trouble as it is.

Oh, stop it, both of you.

There's no point in fighting.

The only thing that matters
is my future

and how you're going to get me
out of here.

The appeal, mother.
It's vey important.

And l'm moving on it immediately.

And l'm gonna have to re-examine
all the evidence in the case

because somewhere
there is something we've overlooked.

Who saw Steven
at the hotel that night

and turned him in
so he could testify against you?


l'd like to help you with this.


We need all the help we can get.

l'm counting on both of you,

Please ty.

Look, young lady,
l've already told you.

l don't make the rules.

Just fill out the card,
state the purpose of your visit

and if Mrs. Colby okays it...

- Oh, does she have to?
- Of course.

- Mr. De_er.
- Here you go, sergeant.

Mr. De_er.

Thank you.

De_er, De_er...

Oh, here it is. ID badge .

Miss, the form?

You don't want it?

l have a feeling Mrs. Colby's
not gonna want to see me.

STEVEN: All right then.
Lunch tomorrow at : .

Vey good, Mr. Lombard.
l'll see you then.

Not that l'm counting, but that was
your seventh call in the last half hour.

l'm going crazy, Claudia.
l've got to do something.

And the only thing l can do
is take care of Colbyco.

Hal Lombard
has put his Flatlands Field up for sale.

The field
has enormous proven reserves.

lf l can get that for Alexis...

- Steven, she fired you.
- She can't.

Until she calls a board meeting,
l'm in charge.

l understand how you feel,
l really do.

l know you're upset about the verdict.
But you told the truth.

There's nothing terrible about that.

No one could have expected you
to do anything else.

Not even yourself.

l know that, Claudia.


Still, you can't accept
the consequences of what you said.

l don't know why it's so hard for you
to accept who you are.

You're iust a decent, honest man.

When are you gonna make peace
with yourself, finally?

Let me ask you something.

When are we gonna stop
all this talk and go to bed?

Why don't you ever want to talk
about anything serious?

Come on, l think sex is vey serious.

Come to bed, Claudia.


DOMINIQUE: It's vey nice of you
to invite me to your home.

lt's no secret
that l'm vey grateful to you

and this is a good opportunity for us
to get to know each other better.

lt's a big day.

l'm pleased to report that the picture
is getting much brighter for me.

the phone's been ringing off the hook.

lt seems that eveyone wants
a statement from you, Blake,

about Denver-Carrington
being back in business again

with the help
of Dominique Deveraux.

l guess it's time for a smile
and some thank you's are in order.

Well, l don't want gratitude.

l didn't do any of this for anyone
except myself.

You see, l know a good business deal
when l see one.

a little sip's not gonna hurt you.

Just a celebration.

Thank you.

Kystle, for all your love and support
during those bad days.

- To Dominique...
- Thanks for the money?


By the way, Blake, what do you intend
doing with my money?

Well, come on over here, partner,
l'll show you.

l've started drilling the Carrington One
here in Colorado.

And at the Hollow Hill Field
in Kentucky.

And the Deep Gorge Field in Alaska.

My problem is that
Carrington One is dying up,

and the other two fields are a long way
from being moneymakers.

So, what l need right now
is a source of ready capital.

Which is this lady.

The Flatlands Field
in Odessa, Texas.

Mm-hm. And you need more money
in order to buy the lady.

lf l'm gonna make a reasonable bid,
yes, l'm gonna need quite a bit more.

l'm sory, Blake, but Deveraux One
here has dried up too.

l can't take any more money
from my company at this time.

l wasn't asking you for money.

l can get that now
that l'm back in business.

l won't have any trouble
getting financing from the banks.

Knowing you, l'm sure you won't.

l've enioyed the champagne
and the chat,

but l really must be going now.

l've enioyed iust being here.

Kystle, it's nice seeing you again.

- And, Blake, l will talk to you later.
- Fine.

- Bye-bye.
- Bye.

Gerard will see you out.

Well, darling,
what do you think of her now?

- The truth?
- Mm-hm.

l still don't really trust her, Blake.



Oh, yes, put him on.

Hong Kong.

Hello, Carl. How's eveything going?

Well, l don't care.

l want Rashid Ahmed found
and quickly.

Do you understand that?


Mark Jennings.

Well, l was sory to hear he died.

He was k*lled but...

- You didn't like him?
- Not really.

l didn't like his style or lack of it,
you could say.

Well, did anyone around here
like him?

Let's put it this way, Mr. De_er.

The only people that did like him
were the ladies,

because he was good looking.

And a good-looking tennis pro is a
natural for giving lessons on the court

and in the sack.

What about the men?

l mean,
other than the employees here.

There weren't many
he hung around with.

Just those guys he partnered with
from time to time.

Except for Congressman McVane.

The ladies you were talking about,

were there any that Jennings spent
an unusual amount of time with?

You mean other than Mrs. Colby
during their thing together?

Yeah, other than Mrs. Colby
during their brief thing together.

Dex was here a little while ago.

He said he questioned a number
of Mark's friends,

all the staff at La Mirage, and so far
he'd come up with nothing useful.

You've got to give us time, mother.

Of which
l may have precious little left.

Meanwhile, Blake is losing no time in
putting his empire back together again.

Where did he get the money?

- Dominique Deveraux.
- Who?

Dominique Deveraux.
You've met her.

She gave father millions
to help him get started again.

That nightclub singer?

That rich nightclub singer.
She's worth a fortune.

ls she?

l wrote her off as a nuisance
and a non-entity.

And all the time
she was tying to destroy me.

Well, l'll make her regret the day she
ever heard the name Alexis Colby.

You've got to get me out of here.
My whole life is falling apart.

You've got to get me out of here
before l suffocate and die.

LOMBARD: You wanna know
something, Steven?

Your motto here at Colbyco
should be, ''We do it right.''

The company condo is delightful,

from the furnishings
down to the chambermaids.

The iet that you put at my disposal
is a beauty.

And that salad
was absolutely delicious.

Well, thank you, Mr. Lombard.

Maybe l've learned a lesson or two
from my mother.

And from your father.


lf we could get down
to some business,

l'd like to talk about my bid
on the Flatlands Field.

For Alexis, huh?


l've got to do something for her.
l'd like to start with this.

For Alexis
and to play against your father.

lsn't that right?

l mean, Blake happens to be
after the same piece of property.

Or didn't you know that?

No, l didn't.

Well, now that you do,
how do you feel about it?

Not great.

But l'm playing by his rules.
l've made a fair offer.


My, you are quite a young man.

Quite a son.

First, you help put your mother away

and now you're iust about to do
the same thing to your father.

This is business.

And nobody knows the rules
of the game better than my father,

or plays as hard to win.

Tell me this then,

what can Colbyco offer
that Denver-Carrington can't?

Well, let's iust say
that Colbyco's position is a solid one.

The company
has a lot of cash reserves to invest.

And if you're looking for a strong
corporate structure

to protect the royalty you plan to collect
as a condition of the sale,

you will not find a more solid guarantee
than one from Colbyco.

Hm. And are you prepared
to match Denver-Carrington's offer?

Within reason.

So is it a deal?

l'll think about it, Steven.

l sure will think about it.


Ten-thirty tomorrow morning.


All right, l'll see you then, Heny.

- Hello, Steven.
- Hi, Dad.

This is a surprise.

Sit down
and have a cup of coffee with me.

l don't have much time.


l iust wanted to tell you
that l'm negotiating with Hal Lombard

for the Flatlands Field.

Of course you know
that l want that field too.

l didn't know that
until a little while ago.

what are we gonna! do about it?

l've watched you
in your business dealings.

And you're tough,
but you're straightfomard.

So l hope you understand
that there is nothing personal,

nothing hostile
in my tying to get that field.

l accept that.

Because l'm gonna ty my damnedest
to get that field too.

And whoever wins, whoever loses,
it's gonna be one hell of a fight.

But that shouldn't stop us
from loving each other.

Since we're being so open
with one another,

l'd like you to answer something
for me.

Does Colbyco really need Flatlands?

l don't think need is the issue here.

l think planning for the future is.

That field
is worth a potential fortune.

That's true.
But is that the real motive here?


Well, it occurs to me you're not
just tying to get the Flatlands Field,

you're tying to buy back
your mother's love.

No, Dad, not buy it.

l'm tying to earn it.

ls that so wrong?

Maybe not
if your mother was an ordinay mother.

But she isn't.

She's a manipulator.
She's greedy, possessive.

She'll make you feel guilty
for the rest of your life.

And she'll ty to take control of you.

Evey fibre of you, if you let her.

Well, is that all?

Don't let her do it to you, son.

Don't ever let anybody
make you into a puppet.

You've got to be first and foremost
Steven Carrington.

Dad, l want the Flatlands Field
and l'm going to get it.


A husband usually tells a wife
before he just drops by.

Why did you do it, Dominique?

Why did l do what?

You sold two of your nightclubs
and your casino.

You collected millions of dollars
without telling me,

and l wanna know why.

l gave the money
to Blake Carrington.

Now l asked you once before,
and this time l want an answer.

What is your involvement
with Blake Carrington?

He is my half-brother.

- What?
- His father and my mother.

l was the cutest illegitimate child
on the block.

And after all these years,

you decide to give your half-brother
millions of dollars.

You want to fill me in on that one?

So that he can regain his crown.

And when he does,

Dominique Deveraux Lloyd,
born Millie Cox, will snatch it away.

All of it. Eveything.

The company, the mansion,
the lands, eveything.

You're wasting all of that money
on revenge.

But l'm not wasting any money,

And l don't want any revenge.

l iust want what is mine.

l am a Carrington.

l'm not gonna stop what l'm doing

until it is acknowledged
by the entire world.

You're risking eveything
that you've worked for.

Why can't you understand
what l am doing?

is a prime investment.

And when it's mine--

When it's ours, you will be so proud.

You'll have this tiger of a world
by the tail.


''Hmm'' what?

lt's not the worst idea l ever heard.

You know, that's the ne_
to nicest ''Hmm''

l've have ever heard you ''Hmm.''

Tell me something, Dominique.

Do you really think
you can buy Blake Carrington?

Have you ever known me
not to get what l want

if l really want it really bad, huh?

Have you?

JEFF: Or maybe our little group would
be better known as mixed-up company.


Excuse me.

He really is so funny, isn't he?

- Claudia.
- Hi, Jeff.

You run a pretty nice place here,
in case nobody's told you that.


- Can l buy you a drink?
- No, no, no, thanks.

Have you been to see Alexis yet?

As a matter of fact,
l've been tying to avoid it.

Yeah, you've been avoiding
quite a lot lately, haven't you?

lf you're talking about my son,
l see him evey day.

No, l'm not talking about Little Blake.

l mean, this drinking.
What is it, Jeff?

Just a way of avoiding life,
pain, love?

No, no, come on now, Claudia,
don't lecture me.

l happen to be having
a good time tonight.

- Don't you think l deserve that?
- Yeah, sure.

l do. l think you deserve it.

But is this drinking a good time?

Jeff, you have to face your feelings
about how Fallon died.

Either you face your anger
and your grief or--

Or what?
l'm gonna destroy that fabulous guy?

What was his name again?
Oh, Jeff Colby, that's right, huh?

Yes, you will.

Well, you know what?

l really don't even think
that guy existed.

And if he did,
l don't care what happens to him.

Well, l care. l care vey much.

You helped me one time
when l really needed it.

And l wanna help you now,
if you'll let me.

By going to bed with me?

Like we did the last time? Okay.

l'm sory.

Please forgive me.

before we interview the hotel staff

- let's go over what we have so far.
- Which will take about a minute.

- You want a drink?
- Yeah.

We've run down a dozen or more leads
and all we've found out

is that Jennings had
a lot of acquaintances,

most of whom disliked him.

But not one with a strong enough
motive to k*ll him.


What the...?

Who are you?


- l've seen her before.
- Where?

At the iail.

l don't know what you're talking about.

What girl?

At the sergeant's desk
here the other night. l was leaving.

She was standing there,
obviously waiting to visit someone.

- So?
- l saw her again last night.

ln your apartment.

ln my apartment?
What was she doing there?

When Adam and l arrived, we saw her
coming downstairs from your bedroom.

Before we could question her,

she got into the elevator
and disappeared.

What did she look like?

She was pretty. Vey pretty.

Slender. Light hair.

About ' ''. Maybe , years old.

What colour eyes?

Green. No, greyish green.


No what?


l can't imagine
who she could have been. l...

one of those curiosity seekers

who's been following the trial.

l'm a bona fide celebrity now,
you know.

Have you and Adam
found out anything new?

Nothing. Not yet.


l can't stand being caged up
in this place any longer.

You won't have to, darling.
Something's going to turn up soon.

l know it.

l'm beginning to think
that it's not gonna happen.

l'm beginning to think
it's all over for me, Dex.


lt isn't.

On my life, Alexis, l promise it isn't.

Mm. Yes, l see. No, let's iust put
eveything else on hold for now.

lt certainly is serious, yes.


l have to go.

Who was that?

That was J.J.

Oh. How's the weather in New York?

As bad as it is in L.A.
For you, Brady.

lt is raining all over your bankbooks.

You're in trouble
and you didn't tell me anything about it.

l was going to.

- When?
- When l was good and ready.

Well, how about right now?

What happened
to that cute little group

with the purple and green hair
that you were managing?

What happened to them?

They got an offer
they could have refused but didn't.

Leaving you in a bind, huh?

Let's iust say
l'm over-e_ended right now.

Let's iust say
that's why you went so crazy

when l let Blake Carrington
have that money.

Why didn't you tell me, Brady?

You're the one
that's always so concerned

about openness and honesty.

l thought l could go it without you.

When l found out
that l couldn't, it was too late.

You had already liquidated.

Why don't you say it, Brady.

Say it, that you're too proud,

your vast ego wouldn't allow you
to admit you were in trouble.

- Not even to me.
- Why?

Did you ask my advice
when you had problems?

l'll tell you something, Dominique.

l've been worried for a while
about this marriage of ours

iust where it stands.

- Have you?
- Mm-hm.

Why is this the first time
l'm hearing about it?

Because you're so involved
with yourself and what you want,

that you don't have time
to pay any attention to me.

That is not true, Brady Lloyd.

Tell me something.

lf you had known l was in trouble,
would you have given up these plans

to win this great victoy over
Blake Carrington to help me instead?


That's what l thought, Mrs. Lloyd.

lt's been a nice weekend.

l wanna know about you and Alexis.

How could you have lived
so many weeks

concealing something
so important from me?

l thought if l didn't talk about it,
it would just go away.

l didn't wanna anybody to know.
l even regretted talking to Kystle.

You talked to Kystle
and you didn't tell me?

l iust told her that l saw somebody,
not that l saw Alexis.

l don't care what you said to her.
It's not important.

lt's that you talked to her
and you didn't tell me.

What's our marriage worth, Steven,

if there are things
that are bothering you, paining you,

causing you anguish
and you're not telling me?

- What's it worth?
- Our marriage is fine.

Why are you making such a big deal
out of this?

l'm tying to pull my life together.

Today. Tomorrow. The day after.

Why can't you help me
cope with those

instead of digging up the past?

All right.

l don't want evey moment of our lives
to go on being a w*r.

Neither do l.

So can we iust forget all of this?

And go on
as if nothing has happened?

Nothing has happened.

Not to us.




lt's not Alexis.

Whoever Steven saw that night
wanted to be seen as Alexis.

We've been going about this
the wrong way.

Miss Hartley, at my mother's trial,

you testified that on her terrace
across the street,

you saw a woman standing
with Mark Jennings

on the night he was k*lled.

That's right, Mr. Carrington. l did.

lf you're both here to harass me,

l really am going
to phone my attorney--

No, please. Please, Miss Hartley.

We're here to find out anything we can
to help Mrs. Colby,

because we think
she's innocent of murdering Jennings.

lt's that simple.

So ifyou can tell us
about the party you gave that evening.

lt was a birthday celebration
for my niece, Elizabeth.

CocMails. Hors d'oeuvres.

The usual kind of pleasant evening.

Opening the gifts, taking snapshots.

We played a few rubbers of bridge
and some of them listened to music.

Excuse me, Miss Hartley.
Do you still have those snapshots?


May we see them, please?

- Here they are.
- Thank you.

Miss Hartley,
can we borrow the negatives?

Why, of course.

So not only does Denver-Carrington
have a solid line of credit

in order to buy the Flatlands Field--

But in exchange for this,

you'll let me in
on the South China Sea deal.

How'd you know, Hal?

Just took a wild guess.

- Yes?

Oh, l couldn't wait to get away
from that auction.

Evening, Kystle.

l've been talking to Blake
about the Flatlands property.

But first things first.

So l'm gonna say this to you
right in front of Blake.

l'm vey sory about your interpretation
of my behaviour the last time we met.

And if indeed l did appear
to be acting in an untoward way,

please accept my apology
along with this small token.

l recently sold most of my iewelley
except for my wedding ring.

You see, l find it's all l want or need.



Apology's in her court now, Blake.
Get her back here.

She doesn't owe you anything and
doesn't want anything to do with you.

- Isn't that clear enough?
- How about you?

Well, we have a business relationship.
Let's keep at that, huh?


You were about to sign
this letter of intent.

You iust said it, friend.

l was about to.

Why didn't you tell me you were
negotiating with him for that field?

Because l know
how you feel about him

and l didn't want to upset you.

- Upset me?
- Mm-hm.

Blake, how can you trust that man?

l don't trust him.

Trust is not what this is about,
damn it. Money is.

ls that plain enough?

- Money?
- Yes.

Well, does it make you
break your promises suddenly?

You told me
you'd never bring him here again.

l did not say that.

l only promised that you wouldn't have
to see him again.

Well, he showed up here

if you hadn't come home two hours
before you were supposed to,

you would not have seen him again.

You might like to know
that the deal with Lombard is now off.

Because of me.

And you're angy.

l'm not pleased.

You wanted me
to accept that bracelet?

Of course not.

But l do think
you might have accepted his apology.

Blake, l can't do what l don't believe.
You of all people should know that.

l'm beginning to know
that sometimes

you're more than iust a little bit naive
about business.

And you're turning into--


lnto what, Blake?

A problem?


Here it is. A blow-up of the section
you wanted from your negative.

There's Jennings at the railing.

There's another figure
in the shadows.

But this one gives you a lot
more detail within that section.

lt's vey grainy
but it's the best l could do.

Adam, you were right.

lt's not Alexis.

Why didn't you tell me
who my visitor was?

l'm a prison guard,
not your social secretay.

Mother, it's about Colbyco.

Colbyco is my company,
and you no longer work for it.

l have a contract

and l'll continue working for
the company until the board cancels it.

That contract
is with Steven Carrington.

l no longer have a son by that name.

Mother, believe me, please.

l wish to God l hadn't seen what l did,
that l hadn't been called to testify.

But l had to tell the truth
in that courtroom.

Except it wasn't the truth.

- Matron.
- It's important.

l've negotiated with Hal Lombard
for the Flatlands Field.

l closed the deal this morning.

lt's Colbyco's.

lt's yours.

A gift.

Well, there are some things
that money can't buy

and my love is one of them.

So don't come back here anymore.

Don't come back here
bearing gifts, or false apologies,

or mouthing hollow words
like truth instead of loyalty.

Because the sight
of you makes me sick.

And l never want to see you again

Matron. Matron.


ls something wrong?

l iust saw Alexis a little while ago.


She won't forgive me.

There's no way she is ever
gonna forgive me, Kystle.

l tried to explain that l had
to tell the truth about what l saw.

And she said...

Steven, whatever she said,
you have to remember she's...

She's in a state of shock.
She's vey distraught.

Now l have no love for Alexis,
you know that.

But she does love her children.

- She loves you.
- No, she doesn't.

She loves you, and she always will.

Just give her some time.

She'll understand
that you did what you had to do.

ln the meantime,
don't be so hard on yourself.

Thanks, Kystle.

l'll be all right, l will.

All right. All right.

Good evening, congressman.

l don't know what you two want,
but l'm vey busy.

Wait a minute.

- Get your hands off me.
- Or what?

- You can't barge in like this.
- Why not?

l'm gonna call the police.

Well, go ahead, McVane. Call them.

Let's all of us hear
how you k*lled Mark Jennings.


Look at this.

- What is it?
- Look at it.

That is you, right?

Now, then...


l worked hard,
hard getting to the top.

And Alexis destroyed me.

Politically, she ruined me.

Made me a laughing stock.

And Jennings double-crossed me.

He reneged on a plan
that would help me

get my revenge.

And so, that night...

Go on.

That night, l...

You what?

l went to Alexis' apartment.

l entered
through the service entrance.

Jennings was on the terrace.

And l put on Alexis' cape
and the wig l bought.

And you pushed Jennings
to his death.

He deserved it.

He deserved to die.

Will you say that again?
And again and again and again!

McVane's in custody,
Adam is before the Court of Appeals.

And as soon
as the formalities are over with,

you'll be going home, Alexis.

- l don't believe it.
- Oh, you will, eventually.

And when you do, you'll, of course,
show your appreciation.

Oh, you bet l will. Oh, yes.

Yes. Yes.


l was convinced she was guilty.

How could l have been so wrong?

Because you have a curious, almost
childlike streak that runs through you.

You see most things
in terms of black and white.

A woman is either good or bad,
a man is either honest or he's a liar.

What's wrong with expecting people
to be honest and good?


lt would be wonde_ul
if the world were like that.

And it would also
save us a lot of time

figuring out who are our friends were
and who they weren't.

But the world, the real world,
is a lot more complicated than that.

Which brings us back
to Hal Lombard.

No, it's nothing to do with Lombard.

This issue is a lot more
as between us.

l'm sory l lost that field for you.

l know how much
you wanted it, needed it.

lt's not the field either.

l can find another way
of getting the money that l need.

What l want to know, what l...

What l have to know is, can l
count on you for support, for trust?

Or are you gonna keep
on challenging me

and doubting me in all of this?

Blake, l love you.

And l want to help you.

l'll do my best to be understanding.

But l won't turn
my conscience over to you.

l have to live my life by my values,
and no one else's.

Do you understand that?

Yes, l understand it,
and it saddens me.

Because l love you so much too,

but l'm afraid we're in
for a vey stormy time ahead.

Ohh. Oh, thank God.

Oh, Dex, you have no idea
how wonde_ul it is to be home again.

Eveything looks so beautiful.

Oh, how sweet.

And you. You are beautiful too.

- Uh, uh. Upstairs with the lady.
- Oh?

Mm-hm. To get some rest.

And l've got some work
to take care of.

But l'll be back.

And then we'll celebrate
with a family dinner.

Oh, sure.

l'll be back at .

Now don't be late.

All right, who are you
and what are you doing here?

My name's Amanda.

Amanda Bedford.

l'm a guest in the hotel
and l have a room on the tenth floor.

Oh, l see.

l guess that gives you the right
to go prowling around?

Dex, who are you talking to?


this is the second time l've caught
this lady in your penthouse,

and this time l'm calling the police.

No, Dex.

- l know her.
- What?

l know her.

lt's all right.
Leave us alone, will you?

You're sure?

l'm quite sure, darling.

l'll see you at .

What are you doing here, Amanda?

l read in the rribune
that you were in trouble.

You're supposed to be in Paris,
at school.

l came to see if l could help.

lt's the least l could do
for my mother.
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