05x08 - The Secret

Episode transcripts for the TV show "Dynasty". Aired: January 12, 1981 – May 11, 1989.*

Moderator: infinitebabbler

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Follows the gloriously over-the-top trials and tribulations of the fabulously wealthy and none-to-nice Carrington and Colby clans.
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05x08 - The Secret

Post by bunniefuu »

l've called the wrong woman ''Mother''
for my entire life.

You're my mother.

Don't you have anything
to say to me?


And nothing.

you've got to give me some time.

You've had years
knowing l was your daughter,

keeping it a secret from me.

l thought it was best.

For whom? You?


Was it best for me?


Believe me,
l never wanted to hurt you.

Why should l believe you?

Amanda, come and sit down.

Let me ty and explain.

You see,
although Rosalind and l are cousins,

we are really more like sisters.

She and Hugh didn't have any children
or any money,

and it was impossible for me
to raise a child alone in those days.

And so you paid them to raise me?

l paid them to run my household.

ls that all l was to you?

A member of your household?

l know what scandal can do.

l wanted to prevent that
from happening to you.

Mummy, when l went to that office

and asked for a copy
of my birth certificate,

the woman came back and said
l didn't exist.

There was no Amanda Bedford.

ln one day, l went from being
one person to another.

''Mother, Alexis Carrington.

Father, unknown.''

ls that the truth?

When l left Denver for Switzerland,
l had lost eveything.

l had lost my husband, my children,
my home, eveything.

Who is my father?

He was iust a man.

l needed somebody.
l needed somebody to--

To hold me. He was a...

He was a ski instructor.

Don't ask me his name,
because it wasn't important.

lt is important to me.

Amanda, the only thing
that is important is that l love you.

Then prove it.

Tell the world who l really am.

l need your help and l need it now.

l haven't seen Rashid Ahmed in years.

Yes, but you know
who his friends are, his enemies.

You know his habits,
you know where to find him.

l have got to get a confession
from Ahmed.

About what?

About how he double-crossed me on
those oil leases in the South China Sea.

And if you don't get that confession
you're going to lose billions of dollars?

we are going to lose billions of dollars.

We're partners, remember?

All right.

All l have to do
is find a man l haven't seen in years

and get what you want from him?

Then will you finally trust me, Blake?

Will you believe me?

Will you admit that l am your sister?

l can promise you a lot of things,

l can't promise you that.

You will, Blake.

You will.

- Steven Carrington?
- Yeah.

Luke Fuller. l've iust been hired
as executive assistant

to the director of the PR department.


You'll have to excuse me,
l've got some packing to do.

l need your signature.

On what?

Well, since Mrs. Colby's acquittal,

the press has been
jumping down our throats.

l iust need you
to okay this press release.

l'm on my way out.
My mother will be in tomorrow.

l really need this now--

l said, tomorrow.

- You sure did. Sory.
- No, l'm sory.



You must be under a lot of pressure.

You look like you could use a break.

How about ioining me for lunch today?
My treat.

Thanks. Maybe some other time.


You know, in PR you learn that
percent of the battle is appearance.

No matter how you feel inside,
you should not let the outside go.

Claudia, hi. l wasn't expecting you.

l thought you might like
some company now.

Claudia, this is Luke...


- Hi.

Luke Fuller, Public Relations.
Luke, my wife, Claudia.

- Well, if you'll excuse me.
- Yeah.

- Are you all right?
- Yeah.

When l heard Alexis
had been released

and that it was McVane
on the terrace

and he was responsible
for Jennings' death,

l knew how you must feel.

Mother's free.
That's all that's important.

Come on,
Iet's get out of here this afternoon.

Just the two of us.

l wish l could, but there's
one more thing l have to do.

What did you want to see me about,

Mother, l...

You wanted me out of Colbyco,
l'm out.

l iust came by to say goodbye.

And more importantly,

l know that you can never forgive me
for testifying against you.

But please, some day,
ty to understand

that l was sure l saw you
out on that terrace after Jennings fell.

So you did what you had to do?


You told the truth
as you thought it should be told?



l was so hurt that day in court
when you testified.

But l felt your pain,

and l feel it now.

l don't bear grudges
against my children, Steven.

So l forgive you.

That trial is part of our past.

What's important
is our future together.

l'll make it up to you, Mother,
l promise you.

l know you will.

l love you, Steven.

l love you. l always will.

Must be important.

Oh, two conventions wanting
the banquet hall on the same night.

lt's a mess.

Would you like to figure it out
after l take you to lunch?

l'd love to, Kystle, but Danny's
got a :OO doctor's appointment.

l've got to iust get through this.
You understand.

Well, l'm not sure l do.
Is something wrong?

No, it's iust the last few weeks
have been...

Claudia, we've been through
too much together.

What's the matter?

You're right.

lt's nothing that you've done, Kystle.

lt's Steven and me.

l thought that he loved me enough

or trusted me enough

to confide in me
when he was hurt or in pain.

Claudia, Steven loves you.

Then why did he go to you
and not to me

when he thought
he saw Alexis on the terrace?

And it was ripping him up inside.

Why did he go to you instead of me?

Well, he didn't come to me.

l asked him.

And believe me,
he told me vey little.

He told me nothing.

Matthew and l
drifted apart so slowly.

lt was over
before l even knew what happened.

l'm not gonna let that happen
this time.

Claudia, evey marriage
goes through hard times.

You and Steven
have something vey special together.

Nothing's going to happen.

- To linen sheets and caviar.
- To freedom.

And to what we all take for granted,

- To family.
- And friends.

- Vey, vey special friends.
- Oh, that l will drink to.

And to Neal McVane's up-till-now
secret passion for women's clothes.

- Neal McVane.
- To McVane.

- McVane.
- McVane.

And finally to Dex and Adam.

- Two of the world's best detectives.
ADAM: Thank you.

JEFF: Great iob.
- Thank you.

Now l want you all to get ready

for a wonde_ul surprise party
that l'm having for Dex and me.

Mother, who else but you
would plan her own surprise party?

Darling, the surprise isn't for me,
it's for you and Steven.

You see, Dex and l
are going to take a little holiday.

And while l'm gone, l'm going to
Ieave Steven in charge of Colbyco,

with you, Adam, at his side.

Mother, l think this evening's gone
to your head. l do work for Blake.

Oh, don't be ridiculous.

After what we've been through, l think
that we're now all one big happy family.

Even bigger now.


What are you doing here?

l'm joining the party.

- Sory, l didn't have time to wrap it.
- What is it?

An advance copy
of tomorrow morning's Chronicle.

''Denver society
will be stunned to learn

that the recently arrived
Amanda Bedford is, in fact,

the legitimate daughter
of socially-prominent Alexis Colby.

This reporter had lunch with
the charming girl today who told him--''

You little bitch!

Well, she's gonna have to
sue this newspaper.

Either that or admit
that Amanda Bedford is her daughter.

Either way,
it's gonna be quite a show.

l think she already admitted it.

With a slap across the face.

Which, frankly, Amanda deserved.

This is a private matter,

it should be worked out
between the two of them.

Well, with Alexis,
that could be difficult, at best.

Well, she should have
given Mother the chance.

Son, l'm vey happy that things are
better between you and your mother

since you went through
that terrible thing at the trial.

But don't be too hard on Amanda.

l'm sure that she's having
a difficult time of it.

They're both having a difficult time.

By the way, what is Amanda like?

Determined, to say the least.

l think she's kind of
elegant and feisty.

She's got spirit, iust like Fallon.

God knows
she's got Fallon's temper.

Well, for her sake,
l hope she has her strength as well.

Oh, gosh, it's late. l've gotta go.

- Oh, are you leaving already?
- Yeah. See you later.

Joys of a working couple.

lt's still vey painful for you, isn't it?

About Fallon?


l'm sure it always will be.

Well, l have to go.

Bye, darling.

Mm. Isn't that nice?

You like omelettes, don't you?

Want some more?


There's a good boy.

l received your summons to appear.

Darling, it wasn't a summons,
it was a request.

Come and sit down.
We have things to talk about.

Your apology, for instance?

lf you're referring
to my slapping you,

you deserved it.

Oh, maybe l did.

But l don't want to fight with you,

Good. Neither do l.

Amanda, l know you think
that l betrayed you, but l didn't.

Now, you may not have had my name,
but you've had my love,

and l've been involved in your life
all of your life.

Which is more than my other children
had when they were growing up.

At least you admitted
they were your children.

you've been well taken care of.

Not only by me,
but by Hugh and Rosalind too.

When he died,
you were all that she had left.

What have you left her with now?

We had a long talk
before l flew to Denver.

l don't want to hurt Rosalind.

l don't want to hurt anybody.

l'm iust tying to find myself,
and at least she understands.

Darling, l understand too.

You are my daughter,

and a part of me
always wanted you to know that.

But if we're going to survive
this scandal,

there must be no more public displays,
is that clear?

Unless they're orchestrated by you,
is that right?

l'd like you to move out of your room
and up here with me.

l've got a beautiful guest suite.

Fine. l'll have my things
sent up this afternoon.

That's wonde_ul.
Amanda, l do love you.

But don't push me too far,

because there's a limit,
even to a mother's love.

By the way,

you may have been divorced from
Blake Carrington when you had me,

but Carrington was still your name
and it was the name you gave me,

and it's the name l intend to use
just like your other children.

What is this obsession that you've got
with the Carrington name?

That name is part of my past,
not yours.

Well, doctor, how am l?

Physically, you're fine.

But emotionally,
something's wrong, isn't it?

Well, these past few weeks--

Have been hard on you. Yes, l know.

But a mother's emotional state
can affect her unborn child.

Doctor, l'd like to go back to work,
just for a while, to help my husband.

lf l'm fine physically,
it won't hurt the baby, will it?

lt won't. Go back to work.

- Do you mean it?
- Of course.

You're a vey healthy woman.

Could you write out
a prescription for that?

There's someone
l'd like to show it to.


lmagine seeing you
in front of the jewellers.

Are you here to buy or sell?

Frankly, Alexis, the less you know
about me and my life, the safer l feel.

Well, l hate the thought of you
having an uneasy mind,

but don't forget
l do know a lot about your life.

After all, l was married to Blake
for seven years.

Blake wasn't the same man then.

Like most people,
Blake is capable of being many things.

One woman
can bring out the best in him,

and another, obviously, the worst.

Watch your step, Kystle,
or you will see the worst.

One false move
and Blake will take that child

that you want so much away from you
without a second thought.

Just as he did mine.

l don't make false moves, Alexis.

l leave them to you.

You can't call the trip off.

l can and l am.

Alexis, l've already made the plans.
l've leased the yacht.

The whole Mediterranean is ours.

Darling, the yacht is iust going to have
to sail the Mediterranean without us.

Lately, eveything seems to
sail without us, Alexis.

lt's iust until l straighten things out
with Amanda.


My God, if it's not Amanda,
it's Steven or Adam or Jeff.

- She needs me.
- l need you.

l know. But there will be other yachts,
there will be other trips,

- there will be other times.
- Not like this one.

This was going to be special.

One of the advantages
of being vey rich

is that one can take a holiday
whenever one wants.

lt was more than a holiday.

lt was going to be a proposal, Alexis.

One last shot.

l thought that the two of us alone,

with the lights of Piraeus
reaching out to us across the water.

Somehow l thought
that that would be the right time.

l'm sory.

So am l.

Where are you going?

The question is,
where are you going?

You are married to your children,
to your business,

to memories of Blake Carrington.

Damn it, Alexis,
there is more fire between us

than you've had
with any man in your life.

l know.

l'm saying no to marriage, not to fire.

Oh, Dex. Dex.

Don't go.

Give me a reason to stay.

This reason...

Don't you know
that l'd give you anything you want?



Then make love to me.

AMANDA: l was so sure
of who l was and what l wanted.

And then, in iust one moment,
l became someone else.

Amanda Bedford ceased to exist.

But you must know
what that felt like, Adam.

How your world suddenly changed

when you found out
you were a Carrington.

lt's a strange adiustment.

But it does work out, believe me.

Look, we came here
to talk about you, not me.

ls that why you asked me out
to dinner? To find out about me?

No, l thought you could use a friend.

Excuse me, is this the receiving line?

Oh, hello again.

Lest you forget, and some people do,
if you can believe it, l'm Jeff Colby.

And you are?

Oh, that's right.

That newspaper article.
Amanda, isn't it?

Jeff, you were all right
at Mother's party.

And now l'm back
to being not all right, is that it?

Either you lower your voice,
or you take off.

Why? Are we attracting attention?

We're Colbys and Carringtons.
We always attract attention.

Personally, l don't mind it.
Do you, Jeff?

Spoken like her mother's daughter.

Excuse me.

Was it something l said?

And the way you said it.

You're vey much like Fallon,
you know.

- Is that good or bad?
- Heh. Both.

She was bright,

independent, defiant.

And, like you,
she was vey beautiful.

AMANDA: And she owned all of this.
- Mm-hm.

- A gift from Blake.
- Thank you, Peter.

But she made it work.

Blake Carrington.
He must be a vey generous man.

And ruthless.

Why do you say that?

Because Alexis is afraid of him.

And why would a woman
as powe_ul as Alexis

be so afraid of one man?

l want to place a person-to-person call

to London, England, please.

The party's name is Rosalind Bedford,
and the number is...




l was wondering
when l'd hear from you.

Where have you been? l've been
tying to reach you for two days.

With friends in the county.
You don't mind if l live my life, do you?

Well, l do when it inte_eres with mine,

How the hell could you allow Amanda
to come here?

Could you at least
have made up some stoy

about that name
on her birth certificate?

Amanda is like her mother, Alexis,

impossible to stop
when she puts her mind to something.

Well, l will stop her, Rosalind.

And before you start talking,

l'll stop you too.

l don't care if Blake Carrington
offers you a fortune.

lf he or anyone else
asks you who Amanda's father is,

you know nothing.

Do you understand?

l've always understood you, Alexis.


You say one word,

and our little secret
of how your late, lamented husband

embezzled his company's funds
and forced it into bankruptcy

will become public information,
l promise you.

And you always keep your promises.


Grandpa, we're going out to play.

Well, that's good.

Are you going to say goodbye to us?

Why, you know l'm going to
say goodbye to you, sure.

You have fun.

And you don't give Rita here
a hard time, you understand?

- l never do, Grandpa.
- l know, l know.

Okay. Bye.

Well, l've seen that smile
someplace before.

lt's been a while, though.

l've iust seen my grandson.
That's enough to make any man smile.

And our cash-flow problems
are OVer.

The number three well
in our Alaska field came in last night.

Well, that's wonde_ul.

That means you can afford
to pay me my salay.

l saw Dr. Harris yesterday.

He said l can go back to work
starting today.

But Kystle, you're...

You're nearly
seven months pregnant.

Yes, which means
l only have two months left

to be your brilliant
head of public relations.

Well, l'm sory, but l can't allow that.

- Why?
- Well, l will not take the chance.

Why are you saying this? The doctor
said it was pe_ectly all right.

l don't care what the doctor said.

Now, that baby
means too much to me, to both of us,

to run the risk
of anything happening.

There is no risk.

Or is there something else
behind this?

l don't understand.
What do you mean?

ls it that you don't think
l'll fit into your world of business?

Because l don't understand people
you do business with?

What the devil
are you talking about anmay?

Hal Lombard.

has got nothing to do with this.

- Doesn't he?
- No.

Didn't you lose that oil deal
because of me?

And didn't it cost you millions because
l refused to accept his apology?

Now you're probably thinking,
''What will it cost me

if my wife goes back to work
for Denver-Carrington?''

Now, l am not going to go on with this.
You're being totally irrational.

Your responsibility is here,

seeing to it that you and your baby
remain healthy.

And that's all there is to it.

Danny's over his cold.

l thought maybe we'd take him
to the zoo this weekend.

Oh, l can't.

l've gotta work.

The entire weekend?

My mother's trial
took up a lot of time.

l've got some reports to finish
and a lot of reading to catch up on.

What about Danny and me?

When are you gonna
catch up with us?

Claudia, l promise.

Tomorrow night, the two of us
will have dinner, just the two of us.

There isn't iust the two of us.

There's you and me
and your mother.

And if it isn't her trial,
it's her life or it's her business.

You have a wife and you have a son,

and we are tired
of being after-thoughts in your life.


he was only straightening my tie.


Where did you find him?

Rashid Ahmed is in Turkey.

He is either at his home in Ankara,
or in his villa on the Bosporus.

Good. Now, when can you
fly over there and see him?

But why me, Blake?

Ahmed is no fool.

- He wouldn't let me get near him.
- You have men in Europe,

- why don't you send one of them?
- That wouldn't work.

You're the only one
who can get close enough to him

to get that confession l need.

Blake Carrington,

are you insinuating
that l should crawl into bed with him?

No, no, of course not.

But you'll find a way, l'm sure.

l mean, you did say that you were
on close terms with him, didn't you?

Oh, yes, on business terms.

Well, that's what this is.

That confession is business,
our business.

Now, will you or won't you get it?

Blake, how far do l have to go
to prove to you that l'm on your side?

Only as far as Turkey.


And what do l do when l get there,

BLAKE: You keep an eye
on Dominique Deveraux.

And you don't let Ahmed get away.

Father, she just invested $ million
in Denver-Carrington.

You are partners.

And you still don't trust her?

Well, l've always felt that trust
had to be earned, not bought.

l trust you, son.
That's all that counts.

l understand that you had dinner
with Amanda Bedford last night.

Yes, l did. l liked her, Father.

You will too.

l'm looking fomard to meeting her.

But why is he coming along?

ls it because you can't trust me?

You'll find him vey helpful.

Adam is tough,
strong and resourceful.


Mrs. Colby.

- Any comment for the press?
- Who are you?

Ma_ell Allen. rhe Chronicle.

You're the one who wrote
that trash about my daughter?

Anything you care to say
on the subject?

Nothing that's printable, Mr. Allen.

Darling, it's a bit crowded in here.
Let's go somewhere else.

lf l didn't know any better, Mummy,
l'd say you were avoiding someone.

Excuse me.

Your daughter seems to have
a mind of her own, Mrs. Colby.

Which is more
than l can say for you, Mr. Allen.

- Mr. Carrington?
- Yes.

Hello, l'm Amanda.

Hello, Amanda.

l've seen your picture in the paper.

You're so much more handsome
in person.

Thank you,
that's a vey nice compliment

coming from such
a pretty young lady.

l'd like you to meet my wife.
This is Kystle.

- Hello.
- My associate, Dominique Deveraux.

- Miss Deveraux.
- Hello, Amanda.

Mrs. Carrington.

l've heard so much about you
from my mother.

Oh, l'm sure you did, Amanda.

Excuse me. Time to leave, darling.

One moment, Mummy.

l hope you don't mind,

but l'm going by the name
on my birth certificate now,

Amanda Carrington.

Well, don't you think
that might be a little confusing?

Blake's right, for once.

Too many Carringtons
and Denver becomes nervous.

From your picture in the newspaper,

l would have thought
you'd have been younger.

How old are you, Amanda?

You should know better
than to ask a woman her age.

But you were in Switzerland
with Alexis, weren't you, Rosalind?

l mean, you were staying with her.

Well, who was she seeing then?

Anonymous faces. Ask Alexis.

lf l did, she wouldn't tell me.

And neither will l.
This is between the two of you, Blake.

Would you at least tell me
when Amanda was born?

What year?

You don't need me to find that out.

Look, Alexis has been
vey generous to me.

l owe her her right to privacy.

Good night, Blake.

You sent for me?

No, l didn't send for you,

l merely asked Gerard
whether he had seen you.


l think that we should talk,
don't you?

- Yes, l do.
- Good.

l iust wanted you to know

that with eveything
that's going on that...

That l need you.

l don't want us

being at each other
the way we have been lately.

l don't either.

But iust ty to understand me.

l am tying.

l'm also tying to rebuild

for us and our child and...

l believe that...

That we both have our iobs to do,

and that yours
is not at Denver-Carrington.

Where is it?

lt's here.

And even if you did go back
to work for me,

well, you'd be leaving
in two months anmay, wouldn't you?

Well, l know that.

But in the meantime,
l wanted to help.

l wanted to be a part of your world.

l feel that we're drifting apart,

and l don't want that to happen.

Kystle, darling.

ln two months,

we'll be holding the most precious gift
that could be given to us,

a new life.

Now, is it too much to ask
that you wait those two months?

Two months.

l wonder what could happen to us
in two months.

Good morning.
You're just in time for breaMast.

l had mine three hours ago.

Some of us work for a living,

Somehow, l get the feeling
you don't approve of me.

l don't approve of soft little girls

living off their mother's fortunes.

l'm not living off anyone, Dex.

ls it so wrong
to want my own mother's acceptance?

l wish you'd give me a chance.

To do what? Grow up?

Don't wory, Amanda.

Now that you've found Mummy
to solve your problems,

you'll fit right in with your brothers.

Mummy is our problem.

Maybe she's yours too.


whether you like me or not,
l'm here to stay.

Don't ask Alexis to choose between us,
because you'd lose.

Great game. Yeah, thanks.

- Hello.
- You have a great forehand.

lt's all in the top-spin.

l'm Nicole Simpson.

Jeff Colby.

l'd love to play with you sometime.

Tomorrow morning, :OO?

You're on.

But what do l do
with the rest of today?

Why don't we start now
by having a drink?

All right.

But at this hour l think
l'm gonna settle for an iced tea.

- You're from...?
- Los Angeles.

l kind of needed an oasis.

You see, my husband died recently.

l'm sory.

lt's not quite as tragic as it sounds.

We'd been separated for some time.

Still, it...

lt is beautiful here, isn't it?

Well, l used to think so.

You mentioned the rest of the day.

How about dinner tonight?

lf you promise
not to take advantage of me.

Oh, l promise you
that l will be a pe_ect gentleman.

l have references.

You can ask anyone.
Eveyone knows Jeff Colby.

Oh, de Vilbis.

You died too soon, Peter.

Just a little too soon.

You know,
we don't have to go out for dinner.

l thought you were hungy.




Steven, Luke Fuller.

Sory to bother you. There's been
an oil spill off Santa Barbara,

and the press is in the conference
room demanding a statement.

l can't find Mrs. Colby anmhere.
l'm gonna need you here.

there's got to be somebody else.

Well, l'm afraid you're it.
If this isn't handled properly...

l'll be right there.

l'm sory. It's an emergency.

l thought Colbyco
paid a lot of people good money

to handle emergencies?

They do.

And l'm paid most of all.



Hello. Claudia Carrington?

Dean Caldwell. How you doing?

Fine. l'm sory, l don't...

Oh, l have an art galley
here in Denver.

We met briefly
at the Carousel Ball last year.

- Oh, sure. Hi, how are you?
- Hi. Fine.

l saw you sitting here alone.
You know what l thought?

l'm afraid l couldn't possibly guess.

Well, l thought to myself, l said:

''Now there's a young woman
who looks truly miserable.''

Thanks a lot.

Well, maybe you're right.

Well, you know what they say
about misey.

Misey loves company.
Would you join me for a drink?

Oh, l'm sory,
l've really got a lot of work to do.

You'll have to excuse me.

Well, have you had dinner?


My dinner arrangements
have been cancelled

due to circumstances
beyond my control.

Well, would you please ioin me?

With you as my guest,

l'll probably be guaranteed
the best table in the house.

Come on.

Okay, sure. Why not?

The food's really good here.

Alfred, pull over here, please.

Hello there, young lady.


Well, looks like
you've been doing a little shopping.

Oh, l haven't even begun.

- Need some help?
- Thanks.

But l've still got five shops on my list.

- Making up for lost time, huh?
- Not really.

l've always been
vey well taken care of.

You must be vey happy,
finding your real mother

and two brothers
you didn't know you had.

Well, it is an experience.

How about your father? Where's he?

l don't know where or who.

Mummy says
he was a ski instructor in Switzerland,

but he seems to have disappeared
from the face of the Earth.


how old are you?

l'll be in April.

Twenty-one. Are you sure?

Yes. Of course l'm sure.

There was no ski instructor.

There were many ski instructors.

l'll bet there were.

Now, you left Denver in October,
Amanda was born in April.

That's right,
April of the following year.

Now you're lying.

She told me she was .

- You spoke with her?
- Yes, l did, of course.

Why shouldn't l speak to her?

l don't want you anmhere near her.
You keep away from her, Blake.

Why? What are you tying to hide?

Nothing. Amanda is my daughter.

And she has nothing whatsoever
to do with you.

You were pregnant before
you left Denver, now, weren't you?

Well, if l was,
it certainly wasn't by you.

Now, Amanda is mine, Blake.

And l'm not going to let you
take her away from me.

Not this child.

l have no intention
of taking her away from you.

But if she is my daughter,

by God, l'm going to know it.

You'll never prove it.

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