05x09 - Domestic Intrigue

Episode transcripts for the TV show "Dynasty". Aired: January 12, 1981 – May 11, 1989.*

Moderator: infinitebabbler

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Follows the gloriously over-the-top trials and tribulations of the fabulously wealthy and none-to-nice Carrington and Colby clans.
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05x09 - Domestic Intrigue

Post by bunniefuu »

l don't care what it takes,
or what it costs, Phil.

l wanna know
who Amanda Bedford's father is.

ls that clear? Good.

All right,
get back to me as quickly as you can.



- Blake?
- Yes?

What are you doing up at this hour?

Oh, l iust phoned our office
in London.

l've got Phil Barsan contacting
a firm of private detectives

about Amanda.

Couldn't it wait until tomorrow?

No. No, it couldn't.

Why not?

because it's vey im' portant to me.

You took one look at Amanda,

and now you're convinced
she's your daughter?

No, that didn't convince me.

lt was that little chat l had with Alexis
that did that.

l know how much you miss Fallon.

You're thinking
that l would like to have Amanda

as a replacement for Fallon,
is that right?

- l didn't mean it like that.
- That's exactly what you meant.

All l was saying is that
you're grieving deeply over Fallon.

lt might help if you talk about it
instead of keeping it inside.

That's not the way that l am,
you know that.

l don't know, someday--

maybe the pain will go away,

but right now, l can't talk about it.

You won't share your grief?

- Not even with me?
- l can't.

l can't share it with anyone.

you'll spill that expensive stuff.

Well, if l do,
that's the price l have to pay

for not being able to take my eyes
off of you.

l've seen pictures of your wife.
She's vey beautiful.

Don't you have the same problem
with her?

She's dead.

l'm-- l'm sory.

Why didn't you tell me about it
when we first met?

Because l don't like to talk about it.

lt's still too fresh.

Anmay, she's a closed chapter.

You say that, but it doesn't work.

Jeff, you have to talk about her.

Get her out of your system.

l don't have to do anything.

Oh, he's angy.

Look at that little boy's pout.

You know, in a strange way
it makes you even more attractive,

if that's possible.

Don't you realise the only thing
l'm really interested in right now

is iust to make you happy?

Maybe, um, happier
than you've ever been.

- Good morning.
- Good morning.

Coffee please.

Adam, l didn't know
we were here to enjoy ourselves.

You're right.

That's Denver-Carrington money,

several million of it,
we have locked away in the vault.

Unless, of course,
you've been shopping for minarets.

Well, l have been shopping.

For answers.

- And?
- Rashid Ahmed is here.


Now what are you going to do?

Don't you have any ideas, Adam?

Because if you don't,
what are you doing here?

Miss Deveraux, finding out that a man
we expected to be here is in fact here

isn't quite enough work
to justify sending you off

on a month of R and R.
Have you talked to Ahmed yet?

- No.
- No.

When do you plan to?

Blake sent you on this trip
as his son the watchdog.

So why don't you iust keep
your mouth shut and watch?

You're not talking
to another piano player.

Your father couldn't do this iob,

lf Ahmed even suspected
that he was in the area,

Ahmed wouldn't be.

So l agreed to do it, okay?

lf you don't let me attend
to the essentials

without any inte_erence from you,

l'm getting on the ne_ plane
back to the States

and Blake Carrington
and his problems be damned.

All right.

l'll keep my mouth shut.

But l'll also keep watching you.

You'd better be sure
l like what l see.

Because this is important
to my father.

lt's vey important.


- How exquisite you look, as ever.
- Thank you.

And whatever am l doing
in Istanbul?

Would you believe
l'm just passing through?

l might, l might,

if l did not know
that you arrived byjet last night

and in the company
of young Adam Carrington.


News travels vey fast.

Yes, Rashid, it's true.

l did come especially to see you.
Would you like to know why?

That l can guess.

You want me to tell the world
that l was untruthful

when l implicated Blake Carrington
in that arms deal. Hm?

And iust what are you prepared
to offer me for that admission?

l am prepared to offer you

the thing you love most
in the whole world, Rashid: money.

How much?


Alexis gave you million.

Oh, but she offered me
more than money.

A lot more.

l'm offering million, period.

Blake Carrington
does not seem to be your kind of man,

nor oil your kind of business.

Oh, but it is.

When it involves a fortune,

you see, that word
has never been anathema to me.

Carrington and l both
want the South China leases.

Forgive me. How rude of me.

- May l offer you tea?
- Yes, thank you.



- Cigarette?
- No, it's not my brand.


This is vey important to me.

And you do owe me one.

The Greek tycoon, remember?

l do, but l will do nothing
for Blake Carrington.

Certainly not for only $ million.

But what are your plans
for this evening?

Surely you'll have dinner with me?

Of course,
l will have dinner with you.

And who knows?
One of us might change our minds.


Huh? Ha-ha-ha.

Would you look these over,
Mr. Carrington?


And there's a Miss Amanda Bedford
waiting to see you.

Oh, well
ask her to come in, ple!ase, Barbara.


- This way.
AMANDA: Thank you.

Hello, Mr. Carrington.

Hello, Amanda.

What a lovely office.

Thank you. It's new.

As a matter of fact, the packing cases
went out of here just this morning.

ln time for your visit.

- Sit down, won't you?
- Thank you.

Now, what brings you here,
young lady?

Well, actually,
l've come to apologise

for putting you on the spot

about using the name
Amanda Carrington.

l had no intention of doing it.

Especially since my mother's name
is Colby now.

Why did you do it?

To irritate her.

l know it's childish,

but there's something about her
that just brings out the worst in me.

Well, don't be concerned.
l've forgotten all about it.

l'm delighted,
really delighted to see you again.

lt was so nice chatting with you
on that street corner the other day.

You know, l don't get much
of a chance these days

to help young ladies
cary their packages

after they've been shopping.

lf faiy tales did come true...

Faiy tales?

l mean, when l found out
Alexis was my mother,

you should have been my father.

Well, l would have considered myself
a vey lucky man.

l never really had a father.

lt's such a terrible feeling
to think you know who you are,

and then to find out
you're not that person at all.

lt's like looking in a mirror,

and all at once not seeing your face
but somebody else's.


how would you like me
to help you find him?

- Do you really mean that?
- Yes, of course.

Oh, thank you.

Oh, l knew you'd be my friend.

From the first moment, l knew it.

Well, then, maybe
you'll accept a friendly invitation.

- Dinner at my house?
- l'd love that.

- Good, :OO all right?
- Fine.

And wear something kind of fancy.

We'll make it a festive occasion.

All right. Bye.




BARBARA: Mr. Carrington?
Your son, Adam, is on line one.


Yes, put him on, please.

Adam, how's it going?

Not vey well, Father, l'm afraid.

Dominique had a meeting
and then dinner with Ahmed.

She offered him the million
and he said, ''Forget it.''

Well, you tell her to raise the ante.
Make it million.

And put the next phase ofthe plan
into operation.

Phase two?

You want me
to move that fast on it?

Yes, that fast.

And, meanwhile,
keep an eye on Ahmed.

Don't let him get away.
l want that confession.

You know what has to be done,
now you do it.

Right away, Father.


Excuse me.

l thought Jeff might be in here.
l saw his car parked outside.

- You're Mr. Carrington.
- Yes.

Well, l recognise you

from all the photographs
in the newspapers.

l'm Nicole Simpson. l'm Jeffs friend.

Well, Miss Simpson,
may l ask why you're here?

Well, let's iust say
that Jeff wanted to hide me away

while he went upstairs
to say good night to his son.


l hope you don't mind
my being here.

No, not at all. This is Jeffs home too.

Mr. Carrington, that photograph...

That beautiful girl,

was that your daughter?

Yes, that's Fallon.

l was so sory
when l heard what happened.

Thank you.

Oh, when Jeff comes down,
will you tell him that l'll be in the libray

and l'd like to see him
before he goes?

Oh, sure.

Thank you.

l wonder,

would De Vilbis have told you?

Would you have told Jeff?

Ah, Jeff.

Jeff, l've been wanting to speak to you
for some time.

l haven't been able
to catch up with you.

Well, l've been a pretty busy fellow.

Yes, l know that.

And now that the company
is back in operation, full operation,

don't you think it's time
that you got back to work?

l could use your help.

And apart from that,
l've missed you.

l've missed my third son.

Well, l appreciate that, Blake.

That's vey nice,

but l'm iust not interested
in getting back to work right now.

l'm iust not ready.

l thought you might like to know

l've deposited percent
of Denver-Carrington stock

in your account,

to compensate for the losses
that you took.

Oh, Blake,
l don't give a damn about the stock.

l have a whole new world
opening up to me now,

and l'm enioying it.

And l intend to keep on enioying it.

With the help of the young lady
that's in the conservatoy, no doubt?

l think l know what the problem is.

You never wanted to see me
with anyone else but Fallon.

Well, Fallon is dead,

and it's time that l start
to make a new life for myself.

Jeff, l'd like you to be married,
happily married.

l'd like you to give your son
brothers and sisters.

A real family.

Not a family, a dynasty.

Just like the Carringtons.

Well, you call it what you want.

What it translates to
is people who care about each other,

who, in spite of eveything,
Iove each other.

Now, l don't think
that's gonna happen to you

if you keep on being self-destructive,
if you keep on acting the playboy.

- l don't want that to happen to you.
- Well, why not?

You tolerated all of that with Fallon.

Anything went.

Look, l'm late.
Nicole's waiting for me.

it's my life we're talking about here.

There's nothing you
nor anyone else can do about it.


- Hello.
GERARD: You're Miss Bedford.

Please come in.

Would you take Miss Bedford's fur,

Good evening, Amanda.

My, don't you look pretty tonight.

- You know Kystle, of course.

- Good evening, Mrs. Carrington.
- Hello, Amanda.

- Welcome.
- Thank you.

That is the most beautiful
maternity gown l've ever seen.

Oh. Thank you.

We'll have drinks with Steven and
Claudia in the libray before dinner.

Come along.

l'm so glad
that you could make it tonight.

lt gives us an opportunity
to all know each other better.

When l looked at my birth certificate,
l couldn't believe my eyes.

Did you ever think
that Alexis might be your mother?


Rosalind was always more reserved
in showing affection,

but l thought that was because

she was a vey different kind of person
than Alexis.

lt must have been quite a shock.

- Or am l putting it too mildly?
- Yes, it was, Mr. Carrington.

l remember going back
to my hotel room

and sitting there for days,
tying to decide what to do.

Then l made up my mind
to come to Denver.

To publish the news
in the Chronicle.

l didn't decide to do that
until after l'd spoken to Alexis.

Steven, she made me so angy,
l didn't stop to think.

We are being honest here tonight,
aren't we?

Yes, of course.

Did you ever stop to think
how you might have spared our mother

a great deal
of unnecessay embarrassment?

Steven, Alexis is used
to unfavourable publicity.

She can handle it.

Maybe so.

But there's no excuse
for her own children to cause it.

You, of all people.

You're a fine one to lecture me
after what you did to her in court.

l don't think you understand
some of the circumstances.

All right, all right,
no more arguments.

This was planned
to be a vey pleasant,

vey special getting-to-know-you
kind of dinner,

not a family w*r.

l think, um--

l think some apologies are in order.

l'm sory, it was my fault.

No, it was only half your fault.

Maybe less.

Well, that's better, much better.

You know, l'm reminded
of some of those famous scraps

that you used to have with Fallon,
remember, Steven?

Both stubborn, both lethal at the attack
and the counterattack,

and then making up and declaring
an armistice over the ice cream.

Well, l think we'd better get on
with the ne_ order of business,

that vey good vichyssoise.

Oh, it's you.


Your ecstatic greeting
is ovemhelming.

Well, l was expecting Amanda.

Coming to say goodnight
to Mommy?


Coming to tell me
where she's been tonight.

She's obviously out.

Obviously. It's so late.

It's not that late.

lt's vey late.

you can't be worried about her.

l can, and l am.

She's years old, an adult by law,

and, believe me,
able to take care of herself.

Yes. Yes, l know all of that, Dex.

But she doesn't know anybody here
in Denver.

- Well, maybe she went to a movie.
- Mm.



lt's iust the wind.

You know something, Alexis,

l am sick and tired
of hearing about Amanda.

l want you. Now.

To hold you, to make love to you.

Dex, l'm just not in the mood now.

And to be pe_ectly blunt,
l didn't invite you here tonight.

And l would prefer it
if you would leave.

And leave you
to your maternal concerns?


Your insensitivity astounds me.


Well, Amanda,

your mommy's been worried
about you.

So worried
she kicked you out of her boudoir?

She made a big mistake.

You know something, Amanda?

You should have your bottom

Any time.

What did Ahmed say
to the million?

His answer is still no, father.

But l've made contact
with Colonel Saban.

He was vey obliging.

l don't foresee any problems
in carying out phase two.

Well, when this is over you tell Ahmed
that he plucked out my eye,

now l've plucked out his.

You take care.

- Goodbye, Father.
- Bye.

Blake, was that Adam?


Well, where is he?

He left on business, but
you never told me where he was going.

Well, he's in Turkey. Istanbul.

And that's where Rashid Ahmed is.

Yes, if you don't mind, Kystle,
l'd rather not talk about this now.

- Why not?
- Well, it's, uh-- It's business.

Oh. And you don't want to upset me
with any of the details.

you know what Ahmed did to me.

You know how he double-crossed me
on those South China Sea leases.

So now
you have to have your revenge?

No, now l have to have something
that's owed to me.

Blake, what's happening to you?

What are you doing to yourself?

l don't like what l see.

And what do you see?

You're not the man l married.

He wouldn't have struck back
with such anger

because a man
cost him some money.

He wouldn't have wanted
his pound of flesh this badly.

l mean, how many millions
do you need? And at what price?

This has nothing to do with that.

lt has to do with what is right.

And l assure you
that no one is going to get hurt.

Kystle, you must trust me.

You do trust me, don't you?

l want to.

But you're not sure, are you?

You're not, damn it, are you?

l wish you not to wory,
Mr. Carrington,

My men will see to it

that Rashid Ahmed
will remain in Istanbul

until you personally tell us
all is finished, he goes.

Thank you, Colonel Saban.

And l remind you

my father wants no harm to come
to Ahmed. He's far too valuable.


- Come in.
SABAN: Of course,

l understand thoroughly.

- And who was that?
- A friend of my father's.

Adam, what devious plot do you
and Blake really have going on here?

How many times do l have to say it?

l'm here waiting for you
to accomplish what you have to.

Change Rashid's mind.

Well, l tried again,
but, no, l have not changed his mind.

Tell me,
are you saving the best card for last?

Or has the Nefertiti
of the cabaret circuit lost her touch?

You arrogant son of--

Blake Carrington.



Why do you dislike me so?
You hardly know me.

l never said l disliked you,

But like some members of my family,
my father included, l don't trust you.

Yes, that seems to run
in the Carrington family.

All right, l gave Blake my word
that l would help him with Ahmed.

And l will keep my word.

But you can't get near him
without me,

so you had better trust me.

Why did you agree to help?

This could be vey dangerous
for you.

You're going to have to ask your father
about that one, Adam.

lf you want my help,
l want to know all about this plot.

ALEXIS: l understand that you dined
at the Carrington mansion last night.

Who told you? Steven?

Yes, he did mention it.


Amanda, why do you insist
on tying to antagonise me?

Why should my spending a few hours
at Blake Carrington's house

even begin to upset you?

Because Blake Carrington
is my enemy.

He has betrayed me.

How can you think
of being friends with him?

Oh, what about Steven and Adam?

l had no choice.
He happens to be their father.

With me, Mommy,
you have no choice either.

l see whom l want when l want.



if l've made some mistakes
that hurt you,

they weren't made deliberately.

l've been hurt too.

Losing my children.

Can't you understand that?

Yes, l can understand.

l iust wish you'd be honest with me.

Why can't you tell me
who my father is?



Why does the name of your father
matter to you so much?

He'd be a total stranger to you,
l'm not.

lsn't it enough that l love you?

lf you really loved me,
you'd tell me the truth.

Do you know how important that is
to me?



DEAN: Claudia.
- Oh, hi, Dean.

- How are you?
- Fine.

Would you ioin me for a drink?


Club soda, twist of lime.

l remember.

- It was fun the other night, wasn't it?
- Yes, it was.

l would be delighted

if you would ioin me for dinner again

l don't think so.

Oh, thanks.

ln fact, no.

- Why not?
- You know that l'm married.

Yes, you mentioned that.

No, no, please let me finish.

lf l gave you any of the wrong signals
the other night,

well, l was having a problem.

Your husband?

Other woman? Other man?

You're not laughing, that was a ioke.

And l'm sure
not the best you've ever heard.

you're a vey special woman.

Vey tender. Vey warm.

- A woman--
MAN: l'm not intruding, am l?

Oh, Steven,
l want you to meet Dean Caldwell.

You know, the Caldwell Galley?

Dean, this is my husband.

DEAN: How do you do? Pleasure.
- Hi.

l was iust inviting Mrs. Carrington here
to an opening ne_ Wednesday night.

Hope you can make it too.

Well, till then, goodbye.


That was a personalised invitation,
wasn't it, his hand on yours?

Oh, darling,
he was just being friendly.

Vey friendly.

l didn't know Dean Caldwell
was a friend of yours.

Oh, we met the other night.
We had dinner.

The night that you were called back
to the office.


You didn't mention that.

There was nothing to mention.
It's just part of the job.

l meet a lot of people here.

Sometimes l have drinks.
Sometimes lunch, dinner.

That's not really so amul, is it?

No, l guess not.

Come on, Claudia,
Iet's get some lunch.



l'll take it.


Darling, this is a terrible connection.
Where are you calling from?

From the city of incredibly good food
and leather goods.

Ah, Istanbul.

So that's where
you've disappeared to.

You should be safe from Blake

Huh. Exactly what l thought, Alexis,
but apparently we are both wrong.

Dominique Deveraux.
Do you know her?

Yes, what about her?

She arrived here several days ago

and has been tying
to get me to sign a paper

clearing Blake Carrington.

Now, that is bothersome enough
but, your son, Adam, is here with her

and is meeting with certain parties
who are not exactly fond of me,

let us say.

Rashid, uh,
why are you calling me about all this?

l want help, Alexis.

l am vey anxious
not to leave Istanbul.

My villa here
is as comfortable as my life here,

so if you would call Blake,
find out what he is planning,

there might be a way
l could abort their plot.

Would you help me,
for good and old time's sake?

Rashid, l recently paid you $ million
to do a little job for me.

You did it, but it cost me
more than million, didn't it?

What are you talking about?

When l checked out of our love nest
in Hong Kong,

l was presented with a bill.

l found that you had charged all of
the beautiful flowers you'd sent me,

plus two custom-made suits,
about three jeroboams of champagne,

tin upon tin of caviar,

plus those disgustingly sweet and
highly unoriginal fortune cookies.

And the shoes too.

Rashid, you are a disgrace to your sex
and your countymen.

Call Blake yourself.


Dear God,

please let this be a happy room
for my baby,

and for Blake and me.

You've blessed me with so much.

Help me to be a good mother
and a loving wife.

You know
that's all l've ever really wanted.

Morning, Steven.

Luke, it's amully early, even for you.

Well, l've been here since :OO.

l have to get this press release
out by noon or it could be my neck.

Your mother's reiected three versions

Would you take a look at this
for me?


Maybe l need a break
and some company.

How about it? Join me for a Danish
and some fresh coffee?


Not this morning, Luke.
l've had breaMast. Thanks.

Well, if you change your mind
you know where to find me.


Rashid is there.

He sent the rest of his staff
on ahead.

There are only two guards here.

Good, leave the rest to me.

- l want to go with you.
- No.

You've helped me all you can.

- But--
- No buts.

Wait for me at the hotel.

Adam, be careful.

Don't wory.

l'll see you as soon as possible.

All right.

SABAN: Miss Deveraux,
the car is waiting for you.



Thank you.

We will wait for four minutes
and then we'll move in.

Position your man
and wait for my signal.


Remember, Saban,
we don't want him hurt.

Understood, Mr. Carrington.


- Deveraux, of course.
- That's right.

She also planted a package
here in your little palace.

What are you talking about?
What package?

The one that contains
two kilos of heroin.


And we both know how the
Turkish authorities feel about dr*gs.

Punishment for a dealer is not...

Well, it's not vey pleasant.

you can avoid such unpleasantness

by signing this letter
my father has prepared.

And if l refuse?



The police.

But if l leave here within a minute
with this letter signed,

they can be stopped.

Blake Carrington
wants to end our vendetta?

l assure you, Ahmed,

with your signature in place,
you'll be free to go.

l agree.

Vengeance is sweet,
but it does get tiresome.

Don't be a fool.

You'll never get away, Ahmed.


He's heading for the courtyard.

Saban, get your men in position.

[g*n COCKS]



sh**t, but do not hit him.


You'll never make it, Ahmed.

Don't let him get to the chopper.

Stop, Ahmed. Stop.



No, idiot!



l'm sory, Mr. Carrington. He's dead.

It is expected that the White House

will release those figures tomorrow.

Now to recap
today's top overseas stories:

ln the Mideast our sources
have confir_ that Rashid Ah_,

last year implicated
in the collapse of Denver-Carrington,

was k*lled today while
attempting to flee his villa in Istanbul.

Police who arrived on the scene

found a cache of heroin
hidden in the villa.

lt's assumed that Ahmed's k*lling
was drug-related.

ls it? Is that what you
and Adam were talking about?

l never meant for it to happen
that way.

- Believe me.
- How was it supposed to happen?

Eveything was planned,
carefully planned,

to force him
into signing that confession.

No more than that.

k*lling him was an accident.

all l know is that a man is dead.

A man l never met.

But a human being is dead
because ofyou.

- Kystle, l never--
- Don't.

Just leave me alone.
Leave me alone.



Kystle, wait.




Oh, no.




Oh, my God.

Jeannette. Somebody!

My love.
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