05x10 - Krystina

Episode transcripts for the TV show "Dynasty". Aired: January 12, 1981 – May 11, 1989.*

Moderator: infinitebabbler

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Follows the gloriously over-the-top trials and tribulations of the fabulously wealthy and none-to-nice Carrington and Colby clans.
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05x10 - Krystina

Post by bunniefuu »


Kystle, are you all right?
Can you hear me?

Darling, answer me, please.


Jeanette! Somebody!

Okay, are you all right?

Oh, good Lord. Mrs. Carrington.

GERARD: l'll call an ambulance,
Mr. Carrington.

No. Look,
it might take too long getting here.

Get the car around front.

Call Dr. Harris, tell him
we're on our way to the hospital.

Yes, sir.

She doesn't seem
to be having contractions.

Good. Get a blanket and a pillow,

- Blake.
- Yes, darling?

All right.

lt's gonna be all right, Kystle.

lt's gonna be all right.

lt's gonna be all right.

We'll be in the car in a few minutes
and eveything will be just fine.


Come in.

Mrs. Carrington, l hope
l'm not bothering you at this hour.

No, you're not, Mrs. Simpson.

Why don't you come in?
What can l do for you?

Well, this envelope contains
some vey important papers,

and l'd like not to have
to keep it in my suite unguarded.

Well, we have safe-deposit boxes here
for the convenience of our guests.

Why don't you speak
to the concierge?

The papers concern
my late husband's estate.

They're of an e_remely
sensitive nature.

l know this sounds paranoid,

but l'm afraid there are certain people
who want vey much to have them.

l'd iust sleep better knowing you'd
keep them in your personal office safe.

You do have a safe?

Yes, l do have a safe.

Well, no one would think of looking
in here, and l really would appreciate it.

All right, Mrs. Simpson.

- Thank you.


Oh, l'm terribly sory.

l forgot my book.

Good night, Mrs. Simpson.


KRYSTLE: Oh, Blake.
- l'm here, darling. l'm here with you.

- The baby.
BLAKE: There's nothing to wory about.

Eveything is iust fine.

GERARD: The car's out front, sir.
- Oh, good.

Let me help you lift her,
Mr. Carrington.

There you go. Come on, now.

- There you go.

What is it?

Mr. Carrington,
she might be in labour.

Well, let's get her upstairs.

- Shall l call for an ambulance?
BLAKE: Yes, and tell them to hury.

Yes, sir.

BLAKE: And call Dr. Harris again.
Tell him to get right over here.

Yes, sir.

The baby's on its way, Hilda.

l'll go upstairs, see if l can help.

This is an emergency.

We need an ambulance
with an OB specialist.

A baby is being born.


All right.

All right. Deep breaths, okay?

Just deep breaths.
Just deep breaths.

Kystle, it's Claudia.

We're gonna take care of you.

Don't wory.


How often are the contractions?

l think they're coming
evey two minutes.

Oh. l think this baby's liable to come.

Where the devil is the doctor
or the ambulance?

Don't wory,
we'll able to take care of it.

No, no, no, l'm gonna be here.

Now, if they're not gonna get here
in time, l want to be with her.


Funerals are not exactly my favourite
fun topic of conversation,

Mrs. Simpson.

Well, nor mine,
but Fallon Colby was a friend.

Not close, but we did cross paths
more than a few times.

And l was out of the county
when she died, so l couldn't attend.

Vey few people attended, ma'am.

The family wanted it real private.

Oh, l would have thought
that she was close

to a number of people
that would have been offended by that.

Weren't they, Marvin?

Friends like you, Nicole?


Who were not in Denver
and out of the county?

You weren't eavesdropping,
were you?

l didn't realise you knew Fallon.

You were eavesdropping.

Well, tell me, why all this sudden
interest and all these questions?

Call it ennui.

Well, l was bored silly,
sitting here waiting for you,

so l decided to delve into your past.

Your wife must have been
an e_raordinay woman, Jeff.

And so lucky to have had your love.

l'm treading on your past, your sorrow.
l'm sory.

Don't be angy with me, please.


l'm not. Come on.



Steven, it's Adam.
Can you hear me?

l'm calling from Istanbul,
and this is not the best connection.

l can hear you fine.

l talked to Gerard a while ago.

l'm vey concerned about Kystle.
Is there anything new?

No, she's still upstairs.

Claudia and Dad are with her.

Steven, does Father know about
Rashid Ahmed yet?

STEVEM: Probably. It's been all over
the radio and TV the past few hours.

Adam, what do you know
about what happened?

ln fact, what the hell
are you doing in Istanbul?

l'm working for Denver-Carrington.

Look, Steven,
Alexis is your tu_ and Blake is mine.

Would you be g_ enough
to tell father

that l'm gonna be here
for a couple more days?

And that the mission
was accomplished.

He'll want to know that.

So be sure and tell him
as soon as possible.

Goodbye, Steven.

CLAUDIA: It's okay.

l'm still here, Kystle.



l'm not gonna lose my baby, am l?

No. No, darling, you're not.

l can't. l iust can't.

JEANETTE: Mr. Carrington?

- Where is that ambulance?
- On its way.

Gerard's been checking,
and it'll be here soon.

Mr. Carrington, Steven asked me
to tell you that Adam phoned.

He'll be back from Istanbul soon,
and the job has been done.

- l think those were his exact words.
- All right, thank you vey much.


Rashid Ahmed.

He was k*lled.

Was it a dream? Was it?

No, that's not for you to wory about.

This is not the time
to wory about things like that.


Oh, the contractions
are coming more quickly now.

Where are they?

Where is that ambulance?


All right, excuse me.

You'll be fine.

All right, darling.
Breathe deeply now.

Push, Kystle.

Oh, push harder.
Oh, just a little harder.

Push. You're doing great.

You're doing beautifully.

Come on, push. Push.


CLAUDIA: Kystle, l see a head.
l see the baby's head.

Just a little longer, Kystle.

- All right.

Push again. Come on.

Just breathe deeply, darling.

Vey deep. Deeply now.

Oh. Kystle, come on.
Just a little more.

A little more.

You're so close. Come on.

Good. Good, Kystle.

Kystle, Blake, it's a girl.


lt's a girl.



The baby's not breathing.

lt's not breathing.

What are you saying?




Oh, God.

Oh, don't let this happen again.

l don't wanna lose her.



Please, breathe.

Come with me.

Oh, God.

Please, breathe.

Dr. Divine. Dr. N. Divine.

BLAKE: Dr. Harris, how are they?
- Sit down, Mr. Carrington.

No, no, my wife and my child.
Now, l wanna know how they are.

We're watching
Mrs. Carrington closely.

She suffered a minor concussion
during the fall,

and we need to monitor her condition
for the ne_ hours.

But she's going to be all right,
isn't she?

l can't give you any guarantees.

Her vital signs are stable,
and l anticipate no problems.

- And the baby?
- She's in an incubator, naturally.

She's having some trouble

But with a premature infant,
that's not all that unusual.

Doctor, l want straight answers.

Now, how serious is this?

There's always an element of danger
with a premature baby, Mr. Carrington.

That's why l called in Dr. Miller
to work with me.

A neonatologist,
specialises in preemies.

Good. How soon can he be here?

Dr. Veronica Miller.
And she's with the baby now.

- We're doing what we can.
- Doing what you can?

l want you to do more than that.

l want you to do eveything humanly
possible and then beyond that.

ls that understood?



JEFF: Blake.
BLAKE: Hello, Jeff.

Steven called. l came right over.

l appreciate that.

Which one is she?

Right here on the end.

l want you to know how sory
l am about this.

But l'm sure that it's going to work out
for the three of you. l'm sure of that.

And l know that you
and l have had our differences

about what you called
my playboy lifestyle.

But l care for you and Kystle
vey much.

Thank you.

l'll be honest with you, Jeff.

Maybe l have been a little tough
on you,

because what l wanted
was the impossible now.

To see you and Fallon together
and happy.

Not easy for me to think of you
and someone else.

Just something l'll have to get over,
l guess.

Well, l'm gonna go back to the house
and check on my son.

lf he's still up,
which he shouldn't be by now.

- Call me ifyou need me.
- Thanks.

- Mr. Carrington.
BLAKE: Doctor.

- This is Dr. Miller.
- Hello.

Hello, Mr. Carrington. Sory l haven't
been able to see you before now.

But we've been reviewing
the test results.

Your daughter is suffering
from respiratoy distress syndrome.

She's having difficulty breathing.
l know that, Dr. Miller, but--

Great difficulty.

Well, do what you can.

l mean--

l mean, if you think it's necessay,

you can call in other specialists
from anmhere in the world.

Obviously that's exactly the procedure
we'd follow if we had to.

But all that can be done
is what we're already doing.

Maintaining her temperature,
keeping her well hydrated

and making sure
that she keeps breathing adequately.

She looks like a fighter to me.

She's got a chance.

l'm gonna go look in on her now.

She's got a chance--

This is going to be a rough few days
for you emotionally, l know.

And for your wife.

She's going to need all of our support,
Mr. Carrington.

You have to be strong
for the both of you.


STEVEN: Santa Barbara?
WOMAN: That's right.

- When did you want me to leave?
- This afternoon.

The Coastal Commission
is meeting in the morning

to discuss the Colbyco oil spill.

And l want you both there
to protect our interests.

Who else are you talking about?

Didn't l put it in the memo?

There's only one name in there,

Well, his name is Fuller.
Luke Fuller, l believe.

He's our new PR man.

l thought you'd already met.

We've talked a few times.

Yes, well, he's e_remely bright.
He'll be of great help to you.

Mother, he'll be of great help
to Colbyco without me.

lt's his iob
to handle something like this.

Except he's not my son.

He's not an executive
vice president of Colbyco.

He's not a symbol of Colbyco.

Steven, normally l wouldn't ask you
to go, not at a time like this.

But l really do need you
in California.

You're a Carrington, darling.

Life goes on
and we do what we have to do.


Nice surprise.

l have made a discovey.

Hospital corridors,
no matter how well decorated,

can be slightly claustrophobic.

So l decided to take a break

and invite a sort of special guy
that l know to treat me to lunch.

Oh, is he sort of blond?

Yeah, sort of.

He's tall.

Green eyes?

Yeah, that's the one.

- l know the same guy, l think.
- Yeah?

Who unfortunately cannot
come to lunch,

because he's on his way
to Santa Barbara

and has to meet with a couple of
our engineers here first in minutes.

That damned oil spill.
It's small, but it's there.

Oh, darling,
l wish l could come with you.

Just the two of us alone
for a little while.

But l really should stay.
You understand.

Yes, l do.

Luke, hi. Come on in.

- You've met my wife.
- Yes.

- Hello.

l was wondering what time
you'd like me to tell the pilot

to be standing by for us.

He has to be back here by tonight

in order to take Henderson
to Fort Worth.

- Two o'clock ought to do it.
- All right.

Nice seeing you again,
Mrs. Carrington.

Claudia, it's a business trip.
It is both of our jobs to be there.

Haven't you leaned to trust me yet?

Of course.



l see.

Don't wory, Rosalind.
l'll deal with Blake and Amanda.

Thank you for your warning.

Now, darling, you iust remember mine.
Keep your mouth shut.

Dr. ford. Dr. ford...

Just leave them there, Derek,
and wait for me in the car.

Yes, Mrs. Colby.

Alexis, why are you here?

l brought a few presents for the baby,
and l've got to talk to you.

This is not the right time,
nor the right place.


l know how concerned you are
about your baby daughter.

But l'm concerned about my daughter,
too, whom l love vey much.

Rosalind iust called me
from London.

And she told me that you have private
investigators poking into my past.

- Why?
- Because l wanna know the truth.

l've told you the truth.
Now, why can't you accept it?

When are you going to realise
that Amanda is not yours,

she is my daughter and you are never
going to take her away from me?

- Will you keep your voice down?
- Never.

l thought l'd seen eveything.

My wife is in the hospital.
My baby is fighting for her life.

And you, you come in here enraged,

because you might have
to share Amanda with me.

You call that love?

You've never loved anyone
but yourself.

Now leave us alone.
l can't stand the sight of you.

mHISPERING] Mr. Carrington,
her vital signs are just fine.

Oh, good. Thank you vey much.

Could l send for something for you?

- A cup of coffee, tea?
- No, no. No, thanks.

My baby.

Oh, she's fine, darling. She's just fine.

She's in an incubator,
but they're taking care of her.

Good care. Excellent care.

- Go on, put your head--
- Is she all right?

Oh, yes, yes. She's a little small--

- But she is all right, isn't she?
- Oh, yes, yes, yes, she's just pe_ect.

- You'll see.
- When?

Well, l think we ought
to wait until you get a little stronger.

You had a slight concussion
when you fell.

But l feel fine. l wanna see her.

Blake, you're not keeping something
from me, are you?

- No.
- You swear that?

l swear. Honest. Trust me.

l know that there have been times
when you haven't trusted me.

Like with Ahmed.

But believe me,
l never meant for him to be k*lled.

But that's not important.

You're the only thing
that's important now.

l'm sory.

lt was my fault that you fell.

Please, forgive me, please.

l don't wanna think about that now.

All l want is for my baby
to live and be well.

l wish you'd stop talking for a while.

l told you, l have a headache.

Well, l iust happen
to know a painless cure.

- A speciality of the house of De_er.
- Oh, Dex.

All right, we're due at the Stillmans'
for dinner, so let's get going.

Look, l really don't feel like going,
listening to a lot of boring banker's talk

and having to gossip
with their equally boring wives.

Look, Alexis,
Colbyco might be prepared

to thumb its corporate nose
at Stillman banking money.

De_er International isn't.

Well, then,
Iet De_er International go alone.

Putting together
brilliant business deals

seems to be all
that you care about lately.

Yes, l do.

A lot.

Just as l care about you a lot.

No, amend that.

More than a lot. Much more.

What's really the matter tonight?
l mean, aside from the headache.

No, no, don't tell me.

lt's Blake, right?


Do you know
that he's hiring detectives

to ty and find out
who Amanda's father is?

- Why would he bother?
- To harass me.

His petty revenge for
my having bribed Rashid Ahmed.

Poor Rashid.

l still can't believe that he's dead.
He was so vital--

Now you're changing the subiect.

Amanda. Amanda's father.

What real difference does it make
whether Blake Carrington investigates?

- What do you have to hide?
- Nothing.

Nothing at all.

Didn't you tell him who her father is?

Well, of course l did.
l told him what l told Amanda.

- That was the truth, of course?
- Yes, that was the truth.

- Don't tell me you don't believe me.
- Maybe l don't believe you, Alexis.

Because l know you so well.
Evey iota of you.

When you're happy,
when you're down,

when caviar thrills you,
when you'd rather really have popcorn,

when you're trusting and confiding
in me and when you're not.

And you're not about this.

ls that it?

Have you quite finished nagging
at me tonight?

Because l don't owe you
or anyone else an explanation.

Now, l do have a splitting headache.

l do have
a vey early business meeting.

So if you want to go to the party,
then just go.

Because frankly,
l don't give a damn.


l'd say she was hiding something,
wouldn't you?

Do you make a habit of listening in
on other people's conversations?

Oh, look, Dex, l came out here
a while ago to get some air.

Then you arrived with Mommy
and began your little happy hour.

And l was stuck.

l bet you were, Amanda.

l was.

Besides, l live here now.

And this is really more my terrace
than it is yours.

So if anyone's going to have to leave,
it's going to be you.

Unless you'd rather stay and talk.

Or not talk, as the case may be.

What's the matter?

Has Scarlett changed her mind
about fun and games

on the porch
of Mama's sky-top plantation?

When someone calls my bluff,
l guess l throw in my hand.

lf teasing is a hobby of yours,
little girl,

l'd give it up and learn
how to make brownies instead.

l am .

Well, in that case,
you can bake a whole big cake.

The baby's made it through
the first hours.

[OVER PHONE] Oh, we're all hopeful.
We're really vey hopeful.

So when are you flying back
to these lonely arms?

STEVEN: Not as soon
as l would like to, sweetheart.

The more l get to know
about this situation,

the more l realise there are quite a few
people here l've got to calm down.


Hang on, iust a second.

Just a minute.

Oh, room service? A steak?

More like Luke Fuller. Work.


We've gotta run through
some strategy tonight

for the morning meeting.

l've gotta go. l love you, Claudia.

Kiss Danny for me and tell him
to give you one for his old man, okay?




l love you, too, Steven.

l'm sory to keep you waiting.
l was on the phone with my wife.

Eveything all right?
Your father's wife, the baby?

l sure hope so, Luke.
They've got a lot of us rooting for them.

- Like a drink before we get to work?
- Yeah, club soda for me.

- l'll pour.
- Great, l'd like one too.

Guess the two of us
are real ba_ly types.

Your wife, Steven, she's--

- She's vey beautiful.
- Thank you.

She reminds me of a French film star.
l can't think of her name offhand.

Bardot? Great figure.

No, before her.

Michele Morgan.
Beautiful cheekbones and eyes.

After her.

Ah. It'll come to me. Here you go.

Oh, God.

Now you know why they called me
the clumsiest clod in class

all through high school and college.

Oh, that's all right.

- No, l iust wanna-- l iust wanna--
- l said it's all right.

l'm gonna go change my shirt,
and l'll be back in a few minutes.


Oh, Blake.

Oh, she's beautiful.

So tiny and so beautiful.

Oh, can l hold her,
just for a little while?

Soon, Mrs. Carrington,
but not right now, l'm afraid.

Has she been eating?

MILLER: Yes, we're feeding her,
and she's tolerating it well.

Oh, look at those beautiful little ears.

- She is pe_ect, isn't she?
- Mm-hm.

Blake, we have to give her a name.

Well, l thought we had decided
on Emma.

Oh, Emma. Vey pretty.


Blake, l had a dream last night
about a girl l knew a long time ago.

Six of us had gone out boating
one day on a lake.

And suddenly there was a storm
and the old boat turned over.

Two of us couldn't swim

and the others
were heading back to shore,

even though we were screaming
for help.

But not this one girl.

She was small
smaller than both o!f us,

but somehow she managed to grab
ahold of us and get us to the dock.

l wanna name our baby after her.


l love you, Kristina.

Be as strong
and as brave as she was.

And you'll win this.

You will.

Hello, Mr. Carrington.

Amanda, hello.

l came by to see your wife,
but she's sleeping.

- So l left her some flowers.
- That was vey thoughtful of you.

And l didn't want to leave until l told
you how sory l am about the baby.

Well, thank you,
but there's no reason to be sory.

She's going to be fine.

ls that why you've--?
You've been--?

- Been what?
- Cying.

Does it show?

Yes, it does show. You can't fool me.

You may be Blake Carrington,
but you're still human.

That's better, to see you smiling,
even if it's only a trace of a smile.

lt's because you remind me
of someone.

A terribly outspoken pain in the neck
that you knew as a boy

and probably threw pebbles at?

My daughter, Fallon.

Do l really?

She could see through me
evey time.

Now it seems
like l've met someone else who can.

Well, l do feel vey close to you.

lt's as if l could say anything to you
and you'd understand.

lt's amazing, isn't it? l mean,
for two comparative strangers.

lt is amazing, yes.

And what you said about Fallon.
l want you to know

that l take that as the loveliest
compliment you could've given me.


Yes, l wanna make a credit card call
to Santa Barbara, California.




l have those papers you wanted
to look over.


Hello, Luke Fuller here.

Luke. Oh. this is Claudia Carrington.

They must have given me
the wrong room.

l want to speak with Steven.

Oh, this is Steven's room, Claudia.

l iust popped in,
couple of minutes ago.

- May l speak with him?
- He's in the shower right now.

But if you'll hang on for a minute,
l can go call him.

- No.
- Okay.

Goodbye, Claudia.

Who was that?

- Your wife.
- Why didn't you let me know?

Sounded like she was in a hury.

No message to call her back at home
or at the office?

No, l think she was calling
from a phone booth.

Lot of traffic noises
in the background.

Anmay, those are the papers
you wanted to look over.

And Steven,
ne_ time we jog together,

let's ty not to talk business, okay?

lt's supposed to be a few miles
of relaxation to relieve the stress.

DEAN: Claudia.
CLAUDIA: Oh, hi, Dean.

You looked
as if you were gonna walk right by.

l didn't even realise where l was.

- Come to see the new exhibit?
- Oh, sory, not today.

l think it helps to be in
a good frame of mind to look at art.

But not drinking coffee.

Come on, l'll make you a cup.
You look as ifyou need it.

The first years were tough. Heh.

But now l finally have
some vey interesting young artists.

And some even more
interesting clients.

Alexis Colby, Conrad Stillman,
Avril Dawson. There you go.

Well, that certainly is the group.

Okay, enough polite preliminaries.
Do you wanna tell me what's wrong?

lt helps sometimes to talk.

Usually l'm the one who says that.

Oh, to your husband?

ls that the problem?
Won't he talk to you?

lt's no secret l find you attractive.

But l also happen to care about you,
and l don't like seeing you so unhappy.

l better go.

You don't have to run away from me,
you know.

You need somebody to talk to.
Now, what is it?


l iust came from the hospital.

Blake and Kystle's baby,
she may die.

lt's rough watching a child
go through something like that, l know.

Just watching her,

it reminded me of all of the people
that l've loved and lost.

And how much it hurt to lose them.

And now Steven
is slipping away from me.

Little by little, he's iust slipping away.


l feel so alone.

You're not alone.

l iust feel vey empty.

And frightened.

l don't know what to do.

Don't be afraid.
There's nothing to be afraid of.

And you're not alone.
There are people who care.

l care.

l care vey much.

l shouldn't have done that.

No, it's all right.

Well, l'm iust gonna go home
and put my son to bed.

Guess about an hour.


That's the boy with my dress.
Would you?



Just a moment.

- Hey, Nicole, got a five?
NICOLE: Mm-hm.

Yeah, my purse is in the top drawer.

Here you go. Thanks.

''To Nikki
your loving husban!d, Peter.''

What are you doing with that?

That's exactly
what l was gonna ask you.

Blake, which do you think
is the happier colour?

The pink or the blue.

Oh, l'm pretty sure little Kristina
is gonna think

you'll be beautiful
in either one of those colours.

You're no help.

Here l am going
to visit our daughter...

Do you think that now
the crisis is over, l can hold her?

Well, it is only hours,
and she still is in the incubator.

l know, but if l could iust touch her,
l'd feel so much better.

Mrs. Carrington, Mr. Carrington.


What is it, doctor?

ls something wrong?

As you both know, we've been doing
blood tests on Kristina all along.

Yes, and they've been normal
all along, too, haven't they?

Up until a few hours ago, yes.

Then one of the nurses noticed that
your baby looked somewhat jaundiced.


Well, go on, doctor.

A test a little more than an hour ago

indicated a high level of bilirubin
in the blood.

lt's been climbing steadily since.

What exactly does that mean?

lt could lead to seizures,

to brain dysfunction,

to neurological problems, even to--

Even what?

To death.

Oh, God. No.

l wanted you to know

that we have to begin
massive transfusions immediately.

Drain evey ounce
of the child's present blood.

And this procedure,
will it be successful?

Well, with an infant this frail,

it's impossible
to say what the result will be.

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