05x19 - Circumstantial Evidence

Episode transcripts for the TV show "Dynasty". Aired: January 12, 1981 – May 11, 1989.*

Moderators: infinitebabbler, infinitebabbler

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Follows the gloriously over-the-top trials and tribulations of the fabulously wealthy and none-to-nice Carrington and Colby clans.
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05x19 - Circumstantial Evidence

Post by bunniefuu »


- Daniel, please.
- Kystie, listen to me.

l've thought for so many years that...

That if this moment ever came,
it would be different.

We'd be on a yacht,
somewhere in the Caribbean.

l built one last year.

Do you know what l named her?

- What?
- The Kystie.

Are you surprised?

We can sail on her,
we can go anmhere you want.

Boy, l want you, Kystie,
so much, so vey much.

Daniel, being here with you
these past few weeks...

l've begun to feel
more and more close to you and...

l think you're one of the most
wonde_ul people l've ever known.

Then what is it?

Are you thinking about Blake?

That you're his wife
and the mother of his child?

l'm thinking about something
you said to me once.

''Know yourself.

More than anything, know yourself.''

And l do. And l know this is wrong.


l've been in love with you since...


Do you remember one hot
August night back in Dayton?

l came over
to take your sister to a movie.

You answered the door,
and you smiled.

And you said, ''Hi,
she'll only be a couple of minutes.''

Do you remember that?

l've been in love with you ever since.

l never told her.

l never told you. l didn't have to.
Because you knew it too, didn't you?


You didn't realise that

that's why l didn't mary her?
Why l left?

- No.
- l can't believe that.

We have so much together, Kystie.

And you do want me.

You know you do.

You're right.
l am thinking about Blake.

You'll always be special to me.

But l love him.

And l always will.



Yes, she is here.

Put him on.

lt's Prince Michael calling for you.

And remember,
it's ''Your Highness.''

Hello? Michael.


Well, l'm sory, but l've got
other plans for dinner tonight.

Yes, we'll talk again later. Bye.

Well, that was short
and not vey sweet.

Well, l didn't feel like talking.

And l don't feel like
seeing him tonight.

But you told me you had
a wonde_ul time with him yesterday.

l did.

But l only saw him
to make a point to eveyone.

Anmay, l don't feel
romantically inclined today.

Do you realise you've iust
turned down, if not turned off

the catch of your generation?

l thought he was a prince, Mommy,
not a tuna fish.

sometimes your sense of humour

is as sory as your iudgement.

lt's not Dex, is it?

l mean, his negative attitude

towards the prince
isn't influencing you in any way?

Well, why would it?

lt's iust a question, Amanda.

Well, it's a stupid question.

Dex's opinions don't interest me
and neither does the prince.

He can be nice enough,

And he can bow and charm
with the rest of his royal breed.

But he's also vey autocratic.

And men like that, overbearing,
dictatorial, and chauvinistic,

leave me cold.

l quite agree, darling.

But many women find him
e_remely attractive.

Well, l'm not one of them.


- Hello?

l iust wanted you to know
that l wasn't vey happy

about our phone conversation
this afternoon.

Now, please,
don't hang up on me again.

But l didn't--

You intimated l was alone here
with Alexis. Well, l wasn't.

l was with Lady Mitchell

and the Chinese representative
and his associates.

And we were winding up
some important business.

Now, does that answer
all your questions?

All right, Blake.
l'm sory, l was mistaken.

But Alexis had been
in your room earlier, hadn't she?


And she is in Acapulco.

ln fact, eveyone seems to be
in Acapulco, except me.

And you seem
to have time for them

despite the heavy wo_ schedule
you told me about.

Look, it's late, and l'm tired.
l wanna go to bed.

All right, Kystle.

- Good night.
- G_ night.


When are things
going to be right again?


l hope you two don't mind
that l've ordered room service tonight.

That's fine with me.

l'd like to eat something
and then go to bed early.


- Señora De_er.
- Yes.

Yes, bring it in
and set it up over here, please.

Down by the terrace.


Yes, that looks vey nice.

Mommy, it looks like you've ordered
half the hotel menu.

And the table setting's for four.

Yes, it is.

Good evening, eveyone.

Good evening, Your Highness.

l invited Prince Michael
to join us for dinner.

We met on the beach
this afternoon.

Mrs. De_er said
l had a long and lonely face.

''Dinner with the family '' she asked.

''Oh, yes '' l replied.

And not without tangible thanks.

ALEXIS: Oh. Your Highness,
they're absolutely exquisite.

Thank you.
Amanda, aren't they beautiful?

- Come and sit down.
PRINCE: Thank you.

Would you put that one there?
Put that one over there on the table.

And, Dex, would you please do the
honours and open the champagne?

Of course.


- It's hard to believe.
- What is?

That two mature adults
would actually discuss

oil leases and Mr. Han Li Su
at a midnight supper in Acapulco.

Well, hopefully Mr. Han Li Su
will believe it

when l deliver that memo to him
in the morning.

You've been tremendously helpful,

Tough going, this stuff.

Vey tiring.

Not really.

As a matter of fact,
l'm gonna make you a proposition.

l've been doing
a photographic essay lately

for a book l'm working on.

Ah. And having gotten to know
and admire me,

you wanna do a whole chapter
about me, is that right?

Ten pages at the least.

ln colour, of course.

Ah, colour and black and white.

l want the world to see
how dynamic you are,

no matter what the shadings.

Actually, l'm being vey serious.

Well, l'm vey flattered.

Well, shall we seal the contract
with a dance?

Yes, yes, of course.

You know that this is the first time

that a lady
has ever asked me to dance.

Pretty aggressive, aren't l?


- You dance beautifully.
- l know.


You're as immodest
as my husband was.

lt's nice to see that you're able to smile
so easily when you talk about him.

We had a good marriage.
We laughed a lot.

When he knew
he was getting sick he said:

''We'd better laugh, darling,
because a frown won't cure anything.''

We had a good marriage.

But things end, things begin.


Why did l encourage them
to go dancing?

Because l thought they'd enioy it.
Does that answer your question?

No, l wanna know why
you're tying to push your daughter

into His Highness' arms?

Would you prefer that l pushed her
into someone else's arms?

For example, yours?

What the hell are you talking about?

Dex, nobody understands the working
of the male psyche better than l do.

And nobody's more tolerant
or even amused

at a little casual, harmless flirtation.

But this time, l think you might be
going a little too far, husband dear.

Well, there's an implication,
an unsavouy one,

hiding somewhere
in that haystack of words.

How clever
of the Wyoming farm boy.

Can you find it?

Well, if it has to do
with Amanda and me,

my feelings for her are--

Oh, l'm sure
that your feelings for her as pure--

Pure as the driven snow.

And how could you possibly enioy

playing psychological
mother-daughter games.

- Come on, Alexis, l'm not doing that.
- Good.

Because if you are enioying
such a sick little pastime, Dex,

l think that you and l
had better start talking about divorce.


you've misunderstood eveything.

There's never been any feeling
between me and any other woman

since l met the only one
in the world that l love,

have ever loved and ever will love.

Oh, you really expect me
to believe that?

All right, Alexis.

l'll prove it to you.

Oh, no. No, you don't.

Don't you ty
your unfailing sexual charms on me,

because l'm not interested.

And l'm now going
for a walk on the beach, alone.

Now, that wouldn't possibly be a book
about Arabians, now would it?

Well, as a matter of fact,
it's poety about Arabians.

Oh, Jeff, listen to this, it was written
over a thousand years ago.

My mare
Kept always close to my tent

Has ever been to me
A most invaluable possession

And l will keep her as my own
So long as a man

Barefoot or not
Walks on the face of the Earth


Makes me wanna cy.

lt was the feeling l put into it.
Ha, ha.

Oh. This iust came for you by mail.

Oh, thank you.

What's this supposed to mean?

What is it?

KRYSTLE: Why is somebody
sending me pictures like this?

And who is sending them?

l woke up and you were gone.

l guess l'll be having breaMast alone.

Well, Nikki, it is after .

you will be having breaMast alone.

- What's wrong, Jeff?
- Nothing.

You've been in a rotten mood lately.
You realise that.

Well, if it's of any comfort to you,
it has nothing to do with us.

That's iust the trouble.

You're not sharing anything with me.
Jeff, you keep locking me out.

Nikki, l have to take a shower.

Damn it, Jeff.

Aren't you ever gonna
give me a chance

to show you
l can be a good wife to you?

l wanna mean as much to you
as Fallon did.

Now, look, Nikki

l don't want you to talk about Fallon,
not ever.

And especially not in this house.

Why not?

ls her name
so sacred in this house?

Was she any better than me?

Not too much, from what l've heard.

Wasn't there a sey chauffeur
named Michael?

And a sey doctor named Toscanni?

And what about half
your father-in-law's sey football team?

Do you want me to continue, Jeff?

The list is a real long one, Jeff.

Ending with Peter De Vilbis on the day
she was supposed to mary you again.

Why, you little--

Oh, Jeff. Jeff, l'm sory.

l'm sory. l know your feelings
for her run so deep.

And they always will, but--

Jeff, l have feelings too.

Come to bed with me.

lf you want me to beg, l'll beg.


Please come to bed with me.

l have to go to the office.

With Blake gone
the company is my responsibility.

l have to get going.

l'll meet you in half an hour?

Fine. Bye.

You're a vey handsome father,
but you're not a totally pleased one.

What is it?
Don't you like the prince?

Oh. l find him vey smart

and dedicated
to the best interest of his people.

But l really don't know
much about him.

Listen, Amanda,
what l think is vey unimportant.

Why don't you iust go out
and have a good time with him?

Oh. Thank you, Daddy.

- See you later.
- Goodbye, darling.

Barbara, what was the name
of that private investigator

the company used
on the Saunders' case last year?


Good. Thank you vey much.

- You enioyed our day together?
- Vey much.

l didn't know there were many
interesting places

to explore around Acapulco.

Well, let's iust say,
in my efforts to avoid the press,

who sometimes make my life
a royal nightmare,

l've become rather adept at inventing
little ways to protect my privacy.

How about one more game
of backgammon?

Or one more kiss?

l have to go, Michael.

- To the other man?
- What?

Well, l always have the feeling
that there's someone else in your life.

Am l wrong?

Not exactly.

That's exceedingly vague.

So is the relationship.

Have you ever slept with him?

What kind of question is that?

l'd rather not pursue this.

- l've offended you.
- Yes.

Are you angy with me?

- l iust--
- l don't think you are.

ln fact, you're falling in love with me,
despite that other man.

Whoever he is.

Oh, l don't know, Michael.

There's so much about myself
l don't know,

or about anything anymore.

Stay with me.

Forget him, Amanda.

Let me love you.

- Ashley.
- Hello, Alexis.

Forgive me for keeping you waiting.

You did.

What is your husband up to?

What does he want, Alexis?

Would you mind explaining
what you're talking about?

l iust learned that Mr. De_er

has convinced the head
of the Chinese delegation

that Blake is allowing
one of the companies

the Chinese don't trust
into the oil leases.

Now, it isn't true,

but the suggestion has annoyed
and angered the Chinese enough

that they wanna withdraw their lease
agreements from Denver-Carrington.

ln order to do what?

- You don't know?
- No, l don't.

ln order to place them
with De_er International and Colbyco.

You do have a vested interest
in the latter.

Oh, yes, l have a vested interest
in both companies.

After all, Dex is my husband.
And we share and share alike.

At least in most things.

But since he's not here
to defend himself,

l'm sure he'll share my resentment

at this slanderous
and idiotic accusation.

You set me up, Alexis.

The Chinese
didn't want to discuss oil leases.

So you manipulated me
into helping Blake

so that you could steal them away
through your husband.

Oh, now, that's flattering, it truly is,

because it makes me out
to be vey, vey clever.

Let me be honest with you, Ashley.

Honest? You, Alexis?

Don't tax yourself.

You might not survive it.

l love the idea,
and l wish l'd thought of it.

But l didn't. Not this time.

- l don't believe that.
- Don't you?

Well, you wouldn't be here
if you did, would you?

But then, l don't think
you'd be here at all

if it wasn't for Blake Carrington.


Admit it.

This has less to do with business
than it has with you wanting Blake.

Watch out, Alexis.

You keep this up and you won't
be able to survive anything.


Did l hit a nerve underneath
that cool New England facade?

Don't be fooled, Alexis.

Remember the Boston Tea Party.

Where have you been all night?

- Well, like the little kid said, ''Out.''
- Oh, out?

Doing more surreptitious business
with the Chinese?

Well, you've obviously been talking
to Ashley Mitchell.

Oh, yes, l certainly have.

Well, let's forget about her.
Let's talk about you.

Now, do you really mind the fact
that l'm screwing up Blake's deal?

l only did it to please you,
to make you happy.

lsn't that what you've wanted
all along?

What am l?
Your gilded welfare case as it were?

Heh, heh, heh. As it were.

l loathe people
making decisions about my welfare

without discussing it with me.

Oh. The picture. Us.

What we're all about,
it's finally clear to me.

l do something, anything,
and it's wrong.

All you care about
is controlling eveyone and eveything.

Well, l am sick of it, damn it.
l'm sick of the whole thing.

Oh, are you?
Well, that makes us even.

Because you don't do anything
to make me happy.

You did it to soothe your guilty
conscience, and l am sick of that.

- Where are you going?
DEX: Look, you've got the leases.

Like it or not, they're yours.

And you can do with them
what you want.

l asked you where you were going.

Obviously, out.

Well, don't bother to come back.


Hello, Michael.

JEANETTE: Hello, Mrs. Carrington.
- Hi, Jeanette.

l'm here to take Danny.

ls he going to spend
the morning with you?

- Yes, he is.
- Oh, that's wonde_ul.

Rita must be getting him ready.
l'll tell her you're here.


- Hi, Steven.

l really appreciate
your letting me see him.

Well, he seems happy.
l don't think there's any problem.

Could we talk for a little bit?

Sure. Come on.

l really hope that you'll be able
to get over your anger toward me.

l want you to get over it soon
so that we can both be friends again.

l don't know
if that's going to be possible.

Why? Why not?

Because you don't trust me.

Claudia, my relationship with Luke
is finished.

l intend to lead a normal family life,

and if you're not gonna
share it with me,

l'm going to find another woman.

Oh, Steven, if l could really
believe that, it would...

But you don't, do you?
And that's the problem.

Hello, Daddy.

Hey there, ace.

Baby, you ready to go to the park

with a lady you always
used to give a kiss to?

Aw. That makes me real happy.

why don't you look happy too?

l am, Danny, l am.

Look, you go ahead
and have fun now, okay?

Are you gonna stay with us again?

l miss you.

l miss you too.

That file is confidential.

What are you doing with it?

Well, what does it look like
l'm doing?

l'm looking over the overall plans
for the South China Sea area.

l am Blake's second-in-command,
if l have to remind you.

And if l have to remind you,
l'm his son.

l've iust spent months touring
around Europe and the near East

doing essential work
for this company.

Which makes you heir apparent,

Yes. Now put that file back
where it belongs.

Did you hear me?

Yes, l heard you.

Am l to understand
that you've finally decided to sober up

after that long binge
you've been on?

You've actually ditched
the playboy mantle?

Yes, that's in the past now. It's over.

ls it?


Or is this iust a temporay return
to normalcy.

An act?

There's no real guarantee
that you're still not unfit.

An unfit father, an unfit son-in-law,

an unfit member of this corporation,
not to mention society.

Do you know something, Adam?

lf your morals were a fraction
better than the Borgias,

l might take
what you're saying seriously.

But knowing who you are
and what you are,

l don't even hear you.

Now, l want you
to get this vey clear.

l'm a maior stockholder
of Denver-Carrington.

Which gives me the corporate
and personal right

to order you
the hell out of this office.

Eveything that we ordered is here,
Mr. Reece.

Good, Pete. Good.

- Mr. Reece.
- Yeah?

l've brought someone here
to see you.

Cover that.

What do you want?

Well, l've changed my mind.

l'm going to Paraguay with you.


This particular iob is the most
dangerous l've ever undertaken.

l need cool thinkers around me,
not hotheads.

So even if you're warm
around the collar

because of some fight
with your wife--

Maybe l'm not the man for the iob,
that it?

Forget maybe not. Definitely not.

Daniel, l'm the only one
that knows the terrain.

l know the contacts.

lt's gonna be rough.

Vey rough.

l think you're forgetting
how good l am under fire.

There'll be a lot of it.

l know that.

You need me.

Check that case.

l'm glad you changed your mind,

l do need you.


Blake, l have to talk to you. Oh.

Sory, l didn't realise
you had company.

Past tense. He had company.

l'm iust leaving.

You don't have to go on my account.

Only on your account, Alexis.

l'll talk to you later.

So you did it again?

Sabotaged your company?

Used underhanded methods
to undermine you with the Chinese?

Oh, Blake, you're beginning to sound
like a broken record.

One that obviously amuses you.

You're also confusing amused
with happy.

As in, l'm always happy
to strike a good deal with someone.

lt's not gonna work, Alexis.

You know me well enough
to know by now

that no one and nothing is gonna get
in the way of my getting those leases.

The deal l mean is with you.

What the hell are you talking about,

A deal.

lt's not a foreign word to you,
is it, Blake? Deals.

They're our lifeblood
and the lifeblood of our empires.

And l have one for you.

An absolutely beautiful deal.

l'll turn down the Chinese offer
with a proviso.

Being what?

That you give me those leases
you were going to auction.

ls that a deal?

- Deal.
- Good.

Let's shake hands
and make it official.

Good night, Blake.

BLAKE: Alexis.
- Yes?

- You could have had it all.
- l know.

Why are you settling for less?

Maybe because l'm tired
of being constantly at w*r with you.

After all
we were married for'seven years,

and some of those
were pretty good years.

And we do have four children.

l think it would be nice
ifwe could finally be friends.

l thought you were asleep.

Well, l'm not.

ln fact, l'm vey wide awake.

Do you always count
on your fingers?

Yes. l failed math endlessly.

Let me guess.

You're adding up
the number of times l've kissed you

and you returned my kisses.

No, l'm figuring out
how many hours left we have together

before my father
takes me back to Denver.

Now that the lease agreement
is done.

l'm leaving Acapulco
a much poorer man.

l lost those leases and my heart too.

But you haven't lost me.

Not yet, anmay.

l don't think
l will be telephoning you, Amanda.

l want you to understand
what l'm going to tell you now.

When l get back home,
l will be preparing for a party.

A st birthday celebration
for the Duchess of Branagh.

She must be vey important,
vey special.

A cousin?

She is my fiancée.

l see.

Amanda, this is an affair of state.

An engagement to please my father.

l never expected
to meet anyone like you.

To fall in love with you.

Michael, you're acting
as if l'm devastated by this news.

l know that you are hurt.

How could you possibly know that?

How could you know anything
about me

after what amounts to a few hours
that we've spent together?

Michael, what we had was fun,
but it's over.

And l have things to do,
people to see.

People who mean something to me.


l want you to know, always,
that l care for you vey much.

And that someday l'll prove it to you.

Save it, Michael,
for your Duchess of Whatever,

your future princess and bed mate.

This commoner has to change.

Now, will you let go of me?

Yes, yes,
l know these things take time.

l understand that.

But why has it taken so long to trace
the source of those envelopes?

Mr. Nelson, l...

l will talk to you when l get back
to Denver, Mr. Nelson.

All right, goodbye.

Hello, Daddy.

where the devil have you been?

- l've been worried about you.
- But l called.

One phone call to say
that you were gonna be late

and then you don't come home
at all?

ln my opinion,
that's not good enough.

First Mommy, then Dex, now you.

All of you telling me
how l should behave,

what l should do,
what l should think.

Do you know what it's like
having eveyone against you?

Do you know what it's like
having eveything go wrong?

What is it, darling? What's wrong?

- What's the matter?
- l would rather not talk about it.

Well, perhaps l can help.

No, there's nothing you can do.

Just hold me.

Thank you for coming down.
l know you were with your daughter.

- What is it, Daniel?
- l came to say goodbye.

l have to leave Denver on business.

l'll be gone for a while.
l'm not sure how long.

- Where are you going?
- South.

l can be contacted almost immediately
with this number

in case you wanna talk to me.

l think we've said eveything there is
to say to one another.

l don't think so.

ln fact, l know we haven't.
Why don't you admit it?

Kystie, what are you afraid of?

Are you afraid
Blake will take away your daughter

the way he took away
Alexis' children?

l love Blake.
Can't you understand that?

No, because l don't believe it.

Kystie, l'm as rich
as Blake Carrington.

l'm as powe_ul.

lf you ever came to me
to stay with me,

there's no way on God's Earth
l'd let him take your daughter away.

One of us would end up a dead man
before l would let that happen.

Goodbye, Kystie.


l love you.

And l'll be back for you.

How is my lady in distress?

Oh, much less distressed
now that you're here.

Thanks for helping me, Adam.

- Now, what is wrong with your car?
- Well, l--

There's Steven and Luke.


He promised me, Adam.

He promised me.

Well, as a wise man once said,
Steven, ''One of us has to go.''

And since you're the boss' son,

l guess l'm the one
that has to pack it in.

Luke, if there's any way that l can
help you get settled somewhere else.

No, l've got plenty of contacts,

l can manage this on my own.

Hey, don't look so down.

lt iust hasn't worked out
for the two of us, my friend.

Do you understand why?

Luke, l care for you.

But l love Claudia.

And the life l want, if l'm ever gonna be
at peace with myself,

is a life with a family.


Because that other lifestyle
could never really satisfy me.

The gay lifestyle, Steven.
You don't have to whisper it.

They don't stone us
in the village square anymore.

lt's not that bad.

The gay lifestyle.


About all this.

Well, l iust hope
you made the right decision.

ASHLEY: How about buying me
a cup of coffee?

Why, sure. Sit down, won't you?


l was hoping
that l would see you before l left.

You said
that l could photograph you.

What better place to start
than right here, now.

And on the plane on the way back to
Denver if you don't mind giving me a lift.

No, no, l'm sure
there's gonna be plenty of room.

About that photographic essay,

you know,
l did have one done on me before.

And the experience, to put it mildly,
was a pain in the rear.

l don't like cameras clicking
all around me and hours a day.

l'll be as unobtrusive as a mouse.
That's a promise.

All right.

All right.

Portrait of a tycoon looking
particularly attractive in his glasses.


Oh, l'm so sory.

Oh, that's all right.
No, please, don't pick it up, no.

l'll get it. Thank you.

l'm really sory if my doing this
is upsetting you.

l don't have to come along
if you don't want me to.

lf l'm upset, it has nothing to do
with you, believe me.

l'm sory.

l don't want this.

Claudia, it was for the best
that you saw Steven with Luke.

Now you'll be able to deal
with the reality of your situation.

- And stop tying to save my marriage?
- Yes.

- Why did he lie to me, Adam? Why?
- l don't know.

Look, you're tense,
and you're ovemrought.

You should ty to relax
and get some rest.

l can't rest.

Hold my hand.

l can't be alone tonight.

Stay with me.

Oh, Blake.

Welcome home.

- How was your flight?
- Vey good.

How are you?

l'm fine.

What's wrong?

There's something
l've got to show you.

Something l think
we have to talk about.

l... l fell off my horse. He...

He was concerned and...

And he kissed me.

And then what happened?

Nothing happened.

Blake, l love you.

l wouldn't have allowed anything
to happen.

You don't really trust me, do you?

lt's not a question of trust.

lt's a question of do you want him
or do you want me?
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