05x27 - Kidnap

Episode transcripts for the TV show "Dynasty". Aired: January 12, 1981 – May 11, 1989.*

Moderator: infinitebabbler

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Follows the gloriously over-the-top trials and tribulations of the fabulously wealthy and none-to-nice Carrington and Colby clans.
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05x27 - Kidnap

Post by bunniefuu »


Excuse me, Miss Amanda.
Are you alone?

- How did you get in?
- Yuri, l'll handle this.

You check the luggage.

How did you get in here, Amanda?

Aren't you glad to see me?

Of course l am, darling.
But that's not the point.

l want to know how you got in here.

That was easy, Michael.

l simply went to the desk,
reminded them that l am your fiancée,

and since l'm fairly well-known
at this hotel, they let me in.

l'm sory if l bothered you.

Amanda, please.


l want the security in this hotel
checked and rechecked.

This is not to happen again.

Of course.

l'm sory, darling.

ls this what
it's gonna be like, Michael?

l don't want to live my life
under lock and key.


Even if we were locked in together?

l love you, Michael, l do.

But l won't like feeling watched
all the time.

Feeling caged.

All you'll feel is loved and protected.

Now, there's a guard at the door.

l mean, no one can get in.

We're safe, the two of us,
in our own world.

Here, we can be anyone,

do anything...



- Come in.
- l'm sory, Alexis.

l stopped by the apartment and Lin
told me you were here working late.

Oh, l had a ton ofwork to do
before l leave for Moldavia.

- You want a glass of wine?
- No, no thank you.

What's the matter? You look upset.

Take a look at this.

What's this?


This woman.

You think she's Fallon, don't you?

You see the resemblance too.

When was this photograph taken?

About two months ago
in Los Angeles.

Jeff, when you love someone
as much as you loved Fallon,

it's vey hard to let go.

But if you want to live
any kind of a normal life,

you've got to give up the obsession.

Now, l thought you'd done that
when you finished with Nikki.

l thought you were ready
to face reality.

Well, l am. This photograph is real.

l admit that she bears a supe_icial
resemblance to Fallon, but--

Can you think of why
she might have gone to Los Angeles?

- Anyone there she wanted to see?
- Jeff, this woman is not Fallon.

Fallon is dead.


l'm sory to put you through this.

l'll be all right.

But, Jeff, for your sake
and for the sake of your son,

you've got to forget about Fallon
and get on with your life.


Oh, Blake, it's wonde_ul to be
home with you and Kristina again.

Well, speaking for the little one
as well as myself,

we're thrilled to have you back.


A penny for your thoughts.


l was iust
Iooking at Kristina, thinking

whatever Sammy Jo is now,

she was once this vulnerable.

BLAKE: Darling, you must put
Sammy Jo out of your mind.

You've done eveything you could
to help her,

and she's given you nothing
but trouble in return.

- l know, but--
- She's gonna end up hurting you.

Now, from now on, you better stay
as far away from her as possible.


Blake, l promised Daniel
that if anything happened to him,

l'd take care of Sammy Jo.

lf there ever was someone
who could take care of herself,

it's Sammy Jo.

Now, forget your niece
and New York,

because l want
your undivided attention.

You don't have to say anything.

Your eyes have said it already.

And your eyes.

What do they say?

Did you enioy the dinner, Jeff?

Yeah. It was, um...

And how about the brandy?
It's vey special, you know.

Oh, they expect snow in Miami.

Jeff, look at me.

Where are you?

You're certainly not here with me.

Oh, l'm sory.

Dinner was delicious.

l don't care about the dinner.
l just care about you.

The last few days, you seem to be
off somewhere in your own world.

lt's that photograph
l shot in Los Angeles, isn't it?

That woman in the picture.

That face in the crowd, it--

lt was Fallon. l know it is.

All right, Jeff, l believe you.
It was Fallon.

Now what do you do?

l'm sory.

l'm not gonna be used
to blot out painful memories.

You're not here with me.

You're someplace
searching for Fallon.

l don't know where l am right now.

Then find out, Jeff.

When a man takes me in his arms,

l want to be the one
that he's thinking of.

The one he's holding.

And when you can say that l am,
come back.

But right now,
l think it would be better if you go.

Good night.

PRINCE: Look, you don't really
wanna go dancing, do you?

Oh, l don't know. Soft music,
my head on your shoulder.

Well, l can arrange
for soft music anmhere.

As for your head on my shoulder--

As l said,
l'm at your command, Your Highness.


- Gregor, we're going back to the hotel.
GREGOR: Yes, Your Highness.

But, Your Highness,

eveything has been arranged
at the nightclub.

They are expecting you.

l have changed my mind, Yuri.

Sir, my iob
is to guarantee your safety.

l can't do that if you change your plans
with no notice.

We're returning to the hotel.

Of course.

We were counting on you, Yuri.

What did you expect me to do?

The prince changed his mind.

Eveyone was in place, Yuri.
Eveything was set.

l do not give the prince orders.

Well, l do give orders.

And l'm telling you,
if you can't get the job done,

l'll find someone who can.

ls that clear?


Don't wory.
Ne_ time, nothing will go wrong.

Jeff, up early and dressed for play.

Well, they say the early bird
gets the worm.

Which one are you, Adam?

lf l were you, l'd concentrate less
on my muscles and more on my brain.

Yours appears to have been
under worked lately.

Oh, you're smug this morning.

Have you developed another plan

for stabbing someone else
in the back?

Now, that's typical.

Make a mistake,
you find someone else to blame it on.

Now you listen to me.

The work l did on the drilling rig,
the papers l prepared and signed

were correct down to the last period.

Someone got into my file,
and altered that cable to Hong Kong.

Now, who would do a thing
like that?

lf the drilling chief
hadn't arrived on time,

would have lost millions.

Well, whoever it was, Adam,
won't have another chance again.

Because no matter how early
he gets up,

l'll be watching.

Good iob, Luke.

Well, l'll have the revision on your desk
in the morning.

Luke, we need to discuss
more than just that ad.

l've been doing a lot of thinking

about what you suggested
the other day.

About the two of us living together.



l can't, Luke.

l'm not ready to make
that kind of commitment to anyone.

To anyone, Steven,
or to another man?

- Luke--
- No, Steven, l know you.

You have no trouble
making commitments.

You've been doing that
your whole life.

To your mother, your father,
Danny, Claudia.

What you can't do
is make a commitment to me

because l'm another man.

And what would people think?
Two men living together.

Luke, if you think l'm ashamed
of our relationship, you're wrong.

Am l?

ALEXIS: Do make yourself comfortable,

l intend to.

Just as l intend
to make you uncomfortable.

l want an explanation.

Why do you refuse
to go along with Blake and me

on the sale
of the Sumatra timber forest?

Simple. You and Blake are wrong.
We should hold on to it.

Tom Carrington himself
put it on the market.

This is the vey first good offer
we've received.

You know it's in our best interest
to sell.

Do l?

Unlike your talent, Dominique,

timber is a resource
presently increasing in value.

The estate should hold on to it,
and hold on to it, we will.

Now, since you and Blake and l
are equal heirs,

there isn't a damn thing
that you can do without my approval.

End of discussion.
Good day, Dominique.

You know, Alexis, l have really had
just about enough of you.

You and your

This may well be
the end of the discussion,

but it certainly is not
the end of the deal.

l will see you in court.

Good day.

Good, you've included Tyler and Betty
on the list.

All your friends
are invited to the wedding.

Daddy, what do you think of asking
Lady Mitchell to take the photographs?

Well, l think
that's a wonde_ul idea, darling.

Really a vey--

Where is Dominique on this list?

- l'm sure she's there.
- No. No, she isn't.

l don't understand it.

l gave your list to Mommy and mine,
and l know her name was included.

Don't wory.
l'll be seeing her this afternoon.

She's giving a fashion show for me,

and l'll make sure she includes
Dominique's name on the guest list.

That's all right, darling.

l'll take care of this personally.

Hmm. l think that's rather nice.
What do you think, darling?

Not bad.

Actually, the shoulders are good.
They'd be better in another colour.

l'd love it in another colour.

- Yes, that's good, isn't it?
AMANDA: Well, l agree.

Thank you.


- Hello, darling.
AMANDA: Hello.

Well, Blake, l didn't think that
you were interested in haute couture.

Oh, yes, eveything concerning
my daughter's wedding interests me.

lncluding the invitation list.

May l have a word with you
for a moment?

Blake, we're in the middle
of a showing.

They'll be around once more.

Sory, darling.

You seem to have forgotten
someone's name on this list.

No one of any importance.

Dominique Deveraux's name
is missing, and she is important.

Vey important to me.


Dominique is family,
and l intend to have

my entire family present
at that wedding.

Send her an invitation.

l'm one of the few people in the world
whom you don't intimidate.

But, since it's so important to you,

of course l'll send an invitation
to your dear half-sister.

Thank you.

You're vey kind.


Sory, darling.

Oh, that's divine.

Well, did you and Daddy
come to any agreement?

Typical of Blake
to jump to conclusions.

lf Dominique's name
was left off the invitation list,

it was merely an oversight, darling.

Now that's vey nice.

May l see the fur, please?

Hmm. It's vey good quality.

We'll get it. Thank you.

Don't bother to wait, George.
l'll go home with Mrs. De_er.

Well, they did say to meet them at ,
didn't they?

They did, but the dinner reservations
are for , just in case.

Well, as you know, l had my doubts
about you and this marriage.

But l have to admit that l was wrong.

l hope that you and Amanda
are both vey happy together.

PRINCE: Thank you.
- Oh, l'm so sory we're late.

Amanda could not
make up her mind.

That gives us time
for a before-dinner drink.


Valet, Mrs. De_er's car, please.



Let's go. Come on.

Take the other side.


- Stay here and shut up.

God, what's happening?

- What the hell is going on here?


Oh, my God, what happened?

Don't move.

Step on it.


ALEXIS: Oh, my God.
- Michael. Michael.

Oh, my God. Amanda.

YURl: Come on.
ALEXIS: Michael, what's happening?


- Michael, stay here.
- Your Highness.

PRINCE: l'm coming.
YURl: Too dangerous.

Dex, you've got to save Amanda.

Oh, my God, Amanda.

Take a left. Quick.


You're hurting me.



WOMAN : Look out!
MAN : Watch it, you idiot!


Look out.

DEX: Amanda, are you all right?
- Yeah, l'm fine.

Michael, stay with her.

Oh, Michael.

- Did you see them?
- Yes, yes, this way.

The street.

Oh, thank God you weren't hurt.


Mr. De_er, l understand you
and Prince Michael's bodyguards

took off in pursuit of the kidnappers
on foot.

Now, could you tell us
what happened?

We lost them.

Yes, but the authorities
have the descriptions of the men,

and they won't go far.

Your Highness, there has been
some political unrest in your county.

Can you tell us
if this was an act of terrorism?

There is no reason at all
to believe that.

But this was a planned--

The kidnapping attempt
happened here in Denver.

But if there was a plan,

it was probably drawn up
by some of your notorious outlaws.

Mr. Carrington, your daughter's not
the only Carrington

to be the target victim
of a kidnapping attempt.

There was your son Adam--

REPORTER : Yes, have any steps
been taken to--?

Eveything necessay to insure
the safety of my family will be done.

Now, if you'll excuse me,
thank you vey much for coming.

But, Mr. Carrington--

REPORTER : In regards to Michael.
BLAKE: Thank you vey much.

Mr. Carrington, a couple of more words.

- Just--
BLAKE: Thank you vey much indeed.

- Good night.
REPORTER : Thank you.

Thank you.

Good night.

Well, l'm sory to have to put you
through all that,

but l thought it was better
to get it over with.

The important thing, of course,
is that you're safe.

You've handled this all
vey well, Amanda.

Michael, l think you and l
ought to talk about the wedding.

Mr. Carrington, l understand
and appreciate your concern.

But l assure you that
evey security precaution will be taken.

Yes, and the first precaution

is the wedding is going to be held
here in Denver, not in Moldavia.

Blake, no.

This is not a private wedding.

This is a state affair.

The wedding will take place
in Moldavia.

Where my daughter's safety
is concerned,

l don't give a damn
about affairs of state.

l want her guarded
by people l know and trust.

Your precautions certainly did nothing
to protect Adam or Little Blake.

So, what makes you think
that Amanda is going to be any safer?

You seem to forget, Mr. Carrington,
we have a loyal army in Moldavia.

You can't provide
more security than that.

He's right.

The last place that
Amanda should get married is Denver.

- Can't you see that?
- No, l can't.

lt's my daughter that interests me.

Listen to me. All of you.

l know you're only thinking
of my safety,

but Michael and l will be married
on schedule, in Moldavia,

exactly as we planned.


stop worying about Amanda.

She's home now.

She's safe. It's over.

lt will never be over for her.

She'll never forget that moment.

l was lucky.

l was too young to know
what was going on.

All l remember is the loneliness.


The feeling l didn't quite belong.

She's with people who will protect her
and who love her.

And so are you.

Am l?

Blake's beginning to have doubts
about Jeff.

But l know that one false move
on my part--

You're his son.

But Jeffs in his soul, Claudia.

l'm still held at arm's length.


He saw us together.

lt was clear he didn't approve.

Well, what are you going to do?
Stop seeing me?

Of course not. l need you.

- And you need me.
- Oh, it's true, l do.

Sometimes l feel
as if l'm two people.

One strong and determined,
and the other is...

Oh, Adam, hold me.

Oh, when you hold me,
l feel as if l could do almost anything.

You can.

- We can.
- Hold me tighter.

Listen to me, Claudia.

Nothing Blake can ever do or say
can keep us from each other.

- Nothing.
- No.

Forget about Alexis, Dominique.

Forget about Alexis?



Oh, she fights me
on absolutely eveything.

Evey idea.

But you're giving her
a great run for her money.

You're part of Blake's family now,
you're part of his empire.

You've accomplished
a great deal here, haven't you?

Have l?

That depends on which me
you're talking to.

Yes, l have accomplished
a great deal.

And l have my family name now.

But what about the other me?

That little Millie Cox

who clawed and fought her way
to get here.

Brady would say
that l have betrayed her.

Sold her for pieces of silver.

That's not true, Dominique.

Enough of that anmay.

So Amanda has asked you
to photograph the wedding.

What have you told her?

There was a time when someone
would ask me what my plans were,

and l always had an answer.

l always knew
exactly what l would do ne_.

And now?


Now, l'm afraid l'm falling in love.

And l'm damned
if l know what to do.

Papa One to Son One,
do you read? Over.

- l can't read, Daddy.
- Oh.

Oh, no.
l know you can't read, Danny.

Hi. How are you?

Oh. Do you feel good. Mm.

- Hi.
- Hi.

- What are you doing?
- You wanna talk to Daddy?

Yeah, sure l do.
Come on, you show me how it works.

- It's on?
DANNY: Uh-huh.


Claudia to Steven.
Claudia to Steven.

Are you there?

He's right there.

Oh, yeah, there he is. You're right.

l'm not sure he completely
understands this game.

CLAUDIA: It's good to see
you like this, Steven. Friends?


Daddy's gotta go change for work.

So why don't you see
if you and Claudia

can figure out these buttons, okay?

You want to, Claudia?

- Yeah, sure l do.
- l'll turn it on.

- See you later.
- Bye.

Are we on?

Okay. From here?

Claudia to Danny. Heh, heh, heh.

Better go over there and hide.


Could l talk to you for a minute?

What do you want, Adam?

l'm tying to figure out what you are.

What l am or who l am
is none ofyour damn business.

Well, call me a student
of human nature then.

l've always been fascinated
by deviant behaviour,

and you're classic.

- l'm leaving.
- You think life is a masquerade party?

During the day,
you're the loving father,

the laughing friend.

At night?
Oh, what a difference at night.

What do you want from me, Adam?

l want you to leave Claudia alone.

lf you're embarrassed and ashamed
of your relationship with Luke,

don't run to her for comfort
and reinforcement.

She doesn't need you,
and she doesn't want you.

How the hell do you know?

Because l know what she needs
and wants better than you could.

Stay away from her.

Or what?

You gonna k*ll me?

l'll make you wish
you had never been born.

lt's true, then.


The prince leaned down
and kissed Sleeping Beauty.

lf anything ever happened to you...

What could possibly happen?

They lived
happily ever after, remember?

Steven, how about some racquet ball
this morning?

Oh, l'd love to, but l promised
to give Danny a riding lesson.

How about later this afternoon?

Sure, it's Saturday. l'm free all day.

Steven, l've got a great idea
for the weekend after ne_.

Why don't we fly to Key West.

- Deep-sea fishing?
- Why not?

Sounds great.

No, wait, l can't, that's the weekend
Amanda's getting married.

Oh, okay.

You're invited.


You're invited to the wedding.
l want you to be there with me.

Steven, l know l asked
for a commitment.

And l want one.

But flaunting our relationship
that publicly.

lt can't do anything
but hurt your family.

ls that what you want?

No, that's not what l want,
and we're not going to flaunt anything.

We're two people
who happen to care for each other.

This is one way
l can show you how much.

l want you to be at that wedding,
as my guest,

and my family's iust gonna
have to deal with it any way they can.

Now, if you put your finger here,

and l put my finger here,
and together--

Mommy and l used to play Chopsticks.
l thought she liked to play Chopsticks.

Well, she did, L.B.

Then why did she go away?


And when my son asked me,
why did she go,

l had to stop for a minute.
l didn't know.

- But, Jeff, your son's question was--
- What, innocent?

Oh, maybe.

But the fact is,
Fallon always ran from me.

From any form of commitment.

l've spent my whole life
chasing after her.

lf she's alive, she knows where l am,
where her son is.

Let her come to us.

You say that now, but you're never
gonna be happy until you find her.

But l am happy.

And l plan on being happy
in the future.

And l want you to be
part of that future.

Ashley, we have something
vey special together

l have no intention of ever losing.

- But, Jeff--
- Ashley, l love you.

And l want you.

Oh, boy,
Iooks like we're in for a tough trip.

What are you talking about?

Alexis, l can always tell
the kind of trip we'll have

by the kind of clothes you pack.

When they're as dark as those,
l know we're in for trouble.

l'm still worried, Dex.

l'm really glad that Amanda and l
are leaving right away.

l'm frightened for her here.

Alexis, you're doing the right thing.

When those men grabbed her,

l felt as though part of my life
was being dragged away.

Oh, Dex, it's the most amul feeling
in the world

to see something happen
to your child

and to be absolutely helpless
to do anything about it.

l felt as though my insides
were getting ripped out.

Amanda's iust fine.

Thanks to you.

Oh, l'll never forget what you did.

You were so brave.

But l'm still so worried about her
in Moldavia without us.

l've done some checking up
on my own.

Moldavia has virtually no crime,

a few political problems,
but the king has them under control.

- Are you sure?
- Oh, absolutely.

He's intelligent, handsome,
wealthy, powe_ul.

Just like me.


ln fact, the only thing about this trip
that worries me

is that the king might decide to go
after the one thing he doesn't have.

- No.
- You.


Well, it's about time
l gave you something to wory about.


- Mr. De_er?
- Yes, Lin?

This iust arrived for you.

Thank you, Lin.

Oh, my God.


Oh, what is it?

Mm-hm. Yes, yes.

All right, now what about the arrival
at the airport,

between the cars
and the boarding gate?

Men will be stationed
all along the corridor.

YURl: l have already cleared this
with airport security.

ln addition to our men,
there will be uniformed guards

as well as plain-clothes guards
at five separate checkpoints.

Now, about the route to the airport.

Now, let's go over that once more.

Mr. Carrington, we've been over this
many times now.

Michael, l don't care how many times
we've been over this.

We're going to do it until l feel secure
about my daughter's safety.

Mr. Carrington is right.

l will never forgive myself
for what happened the other day.

lt was my fault.

l am responsible.

And l assure you, Mr. Carrington,

l will die willingly
before l allow anything to happen

to Miss Amanda or His Highness.

Yuri, no one's blaming you
for what happened.

You've been faithful to my family
for many years.

Your devotion is unquestioned.

Excuse me, Mr. Carrington.

Prince Michael, your car is ready.
It's time to leave for the airport.

we'll be with you in a minute.


AMANDA: Thank you so much
for eveything, Kystle.

We're going to miss you.

But we'll see you soon.

Yes, thank you. That's fine.

The van for the luggage
will be here shortly, Mr. Carrington.

Thank you, Gerard.

Now, you're sure you don't want us
to go to the airport with you?

Oh, Daddy, this isn't forever.

You'll be seeing me in iust a few
weeks in Moldavia for the wedding.

All right.

But if you need me, call.
You understand?

Goodbye, darling.

l love you, Daddy.

Mr. Carrington, don't wory.

Amanda will be the most beautiful
bride ever to walk down an aisle.

And the happiest.

Mr. Carrington.

lf anything happens
to either one of them,

l will hold you
personally responsible.

Remember that.

Don't wory, sir.

l know what my duty is.

PRINCE: l know these ne_ few weeks
are going to be difficult for you,

but don't forget l love you.

And l'm gonna be with you
evey step of the way.

l know.

And you said it yourself.

We're going to live
happily ever after.


Can l repeat a confession
l made to you once?

Depends on the confession.

There's a part of me
that's never going to stop loving you.

- _e_q.
- Never.

You're the first girl l ever loved,
you know that.

Yes, l know that.

What are you thinking?

What are you feeling right now?

l want you
as much as you want me, but--

Oh, no, no. No buts.

Now we both want each other.

We're alone together.

The rest of the world
is a million miles away.



No! Damn it!

You're dead, Fallon.


Look, miss, eveybody--

Eveybody, from the chief of police
to the cleaning lady, wants to help you.

But if you don't tell anybody
who you are,

how can we do anything?

Listen, all you have to do
is answer one simple question.

What's your name?

How can l tell you
when l don't know myself?

Please. Help me.
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