06x12 - The Roadhouse

Episode transcripts for the TV show "Dynasty". Aired: January 12, 1981 – May 11, 1989.*

Moderator: infinitebabbler

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Follows the gloriously over-the-top trials and tribulations of the fabulously wealthy and none-to-nice Carrington and Colby clans.
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06x12 - The Roadhouse

Post by bunniefuu »


Come in.



Aren't you gonna be late for work?

Oh, I postponed my first appointment
this morning.

Krystle, l, uh--

I didn't sleep well last night.

Matter of fact,
I've had lots of sleepless nights lately.

But it has given me
the opportunity to think.

There was a time
when you would have said:

"Blake, let's stop this right now.

For ourselves, for Kristina.

Let's face our problems
and save our marriage,"

I still feel that way, Blake.

Well, what are we doing
about facing our problems?

I know it's not all your fault.

But I was thinking
that maybe it would help

if you talked to somebody
about these things.

Somebody like a psychiatrist.

A psychiatrist? Why?

Blake, I really think that all I need
is to be alone for a while.

If we could just give it some time.

Krystle, we're beyond giving it time.

Now, the endless arguments,
the separate bedrooms...


I love you too much to see
what good we had just fall apart.

Unless, of course,
you don't want to try.

Blake, I'll do anything
to make things right between us again.
: : , --] : : ,
Then you will see a psychiatrist.

- Well, yes.
- Good.

I'm sure we can--

I'm sure we can work this out.



Mrs. Carrington,
would you do me a favour?

A favour?

I had an important appointment

and I popped a button off my shirt.

Would you mind sewing it back on,
right here?

Oh, no. It will be a relief
to have something to do.

Thank you.

And to make up for it, I'll--

I'll prepare you something special
for your dinner tonight.
: : , --] : : ,
About dinner, would you join me?


Well, I get lonely
being by myself all the time,

and I'd like to get to know you better.

You talk about making me a star.

Are you a producer?

Are you famous?
Have I heard of you?

You would have heard of me.

The whole world
would have heard of me.

Except they ruined my picture.

Who? Who ruined your picture?

Those imbeciles in Hollywood.
No talent, no taste.

They cut it to shreds,
left me with a -million-dollar fiasco,

and I took the rap.

It must have been horrible

to lose something
you worked so hard for.

You do understand, don't you?
You really do.

You and I could have
quite a future together.

Dinner at ?



Michael was due back
from New York yesterday

and he hasn't even called me.

Haven't you heard anything
from him yet?

I have no idea where he is.

But what you must remember,
Amanda, is that now you are royalty.

And no matter what happens,

you must always keep a stoic face
to the public.

- I know that, but--
- But what?

We are family,
and my husband's life is at stake.

Why can't you tell me
what's going on?

Because this isn't part
of some romantic daydream, my dear.

And it's best you leave politics
to those who understand it.

Oh, I understand.

I understand
that you're risking your son's life

and the lives of many others
for a dream of your own.

I wonder how high a price
we're gonna have to pay

for that dream to come true.

You look down.

Has the royal marriage
lost its bloom?

My marriage is fine.

Amanda, you never were a good liar.

Now, look, I care about you.

Maybe not in the way that you want,

but I've always been there
when you needed me.

Oh, have you?

When Galen was in hospital
and Michael pushed me away,

I turned to you, you ignored me.

So don't pretend
to be there for me now.


Amanda, that's not true.

Whether you want
to believe me or not,

I'm concerned about your marriage,
and I am here if you need me.

Well, I thought the machine
had broken.

No, no, everyhing's fine.

Except this.


"Millionairess risks all for king,"

A very touching story, Alexis.

Talks about a woman
who forsakes family and fortune

to save her royal lover
from the jaws of death.

The writer says
that the real reason you did it

was to become queen of Moldavia.

Oh, that Gordon Wales.

When I get through with him,

he won't be able to find a job
on a supermarket rag.

Hit a nerve, huh?

Darling, I told him
I was a happily married woman

who only loved her husband.

Oh, I believe
I am the only man you love,

but you love power more.

Oh, of course I love power.

Power is the most exciting aphrodisiac
in the world.

That's what you love about me.
That's what makes me unique.

- Mm.
- It's also what could ruin our lives.
: : , --] : : ,
Tell me, Alexis.

What would you trade
to be queen of Moldavia?

Your soul?

Our marriage?

Darling, I don't want
to be queen of Moldavia.

I just want to establish
a banking empire there.

How many times
do I have to tell you that?

I really have got to go.
I'm late for an appointment.


Why don't you go upstairs
and take a shower

and be waiting for me
when I get back. Hmm?

And that is a royal command.


Alexis, how nice of you to stop by.

Well, I can only stay a minute.

I know that Amanda came
to cheer you up, and now it's my turn.

Well, first, the beautiful daughter,

and now,
the even more beautiful mother.

Oh, you're so European. I love it.

So how are you feeling? Any better?

Well, let's say a little better.

Well, that's good.

Now, listen, if there's anything
that you want today,

just call Ling and ask him.

You can reach me at the office.
You got my number.

You become more beautiful
by the minute, Alexis,

within as well as without.

Oh. I know.


- I'm sorry, Galen, but I do have to go.
- Oh, dear.

But I shall come back
and see you later.

- Good.
- All right?

- And I want you to think positively.
- Yes.

Because I know
that you are going to walk again.

- I know that.
- I know I will, someday.

See you later.


Both Steven and l
have made reasonable proposals,

but Bart Fallmont refuses
to even discuss

the preliminary injunction.

I don't know why, father,

but he seems to have
a personal vendetta against our family.

How long do you think
this will delay construction

on the pipeline?

If he refuses to deal directly with us,
as long as a year.

That would be very costly.

Of course,
this comes as no great surprise to me.

The Fallmonts have always had it in
for the Carringtons.

Adam, I want you to make sure
that they don't stop us.

Spare no expense.
If you need backup help, go get it.

I'm already preparing the appeal.

But you and l
have to go over the figures

on that cost analysis I gave you.

Oh, yes. Yes, I made some notes
on that last night.

I must have left them at home.

- I'll send for it.
- No, l...

I can't remember where I put it.

I'll have to go get it myself.
I'll meet you back here in an hour.

Right, father.

- Dominique.
- Yes.

Blake, seems to be something
on your mind.

It's not just the pipeline deal.

You seem very keyed up today,
very distracted.

I know this is serious,

but I don't understand how this deal
could cause you to be this upset.

Well, the Fallmonts
have always been a thorn in my side.

Blake, you're talking to me.

It's not just the Fallmonts.

What is it?

It's Krystle.

What about Krystle?

She's changed so much lately.

I can't shake the feeling
that she's getting beyond my reach.


That I'm beginning to lose her.

Blake, I don't like to meddle
in this sort of thing,

but everyone
has noticed the difference in Krystle.
: : , --] : : ,
And you're right,
she does appear to have changed.

Now, you'll start transferring
a little of Sammy Jo's funds

into an account in her name
in the Cayman lslands.


And a lot of her money
to Rio de Janeiro in my name--

O-our name.

Sammy Jo didn't tell me
about that account.

She didn't because she doesn't know.
What she doesn't know won't hurt us.

we've put in a lot of effort here.

That's our cut, right?

I suppose so.

It's our bonus
because we've been patient,

and because we've done
such a very good job.

You will begin transferring funds

from the
Blake and Krystle Carrington account

into our private reserve.

Joel, whatever we're gonna do,
can we do it today and get out?

No, we cannot just do it today
and get out.

These things are very delicate.
They have to be done right.

I've worked out
a very precise timetable here.
: : , --] : : ,
But, Joel,
we can't keep this up any longer.

Blake's getting
more and more suspicious,

and now he wants me
to see a shrink.

So see one. It's only
gonna be another week or two.

Now, you make the transfer
in three instalments.

Then we fly off, empty the accounts.

Next stop, Europe,
and after that, anywhere.

We disappear, and we're set for life.
: : , --] : : ,

Life? We could spend
the rest of our lives in prison.

Oh, Joel, listen to me, please.

Let's just get what we can
and take off

before this whole thing
blows up in our faces.

Rita, I don't need
your negative attitude.

Just trust me.
I've got everyhing worked out.

Plane tickets, fake passports.
Everyhing's taken care of.

Princess, I love you,

and I'm not gonna let anything
happen to us.

You're giving
such a fabulous performance.

Hang in there a little while longer.

May I ask
what the hell is going on here?
: : , --] : : ,
Lucky thing I was here, Mr. Carrington.
Your wife just fainted.
: : , --] : : ,
I wasn't feeling well, Blake.

I called Dr. Travers.

Well, send me your final bill.

But for now, I want you to get out
of this house and not come back here.

Is that understood?

Mr. Carrington,
I think it would be best for us--
: : , --] : : ,
Get out, now.

I want to know what's going on.
Now, why was that man here?

I was having an anxiety attack.
I felt faint.

- Can't you see the man is a fake?
- He helped a friend of mine.

What friend? Who?

I wanna talk to her.
I wanna find out about him.

She's skiing in Switzerland.
I don't know where she's staying.

Krystle, is there something going on
in your life that I don't know about?

Are you in some kind of trouble,
something that you can't tell me?

- No, of course not.
- I know you too well.

Something is wrong.

What's happened?

You look the same,
you talk the same,

but it's as if my real wife
has slipped away

and a stranger has taken her place.

Blake, please.
I'm feeling faint again.

I'm sorry.

I just dropped by
to bring this for Little Blake.

Excuse me.

I hope I didn't catch you
at too awkward a moment.

Oh, I know
you're gonna love this present, L.B.

Do you know what this is?
A tape deck for your little dune buggy.

You can put it right on there
and it will look just like a real car.

Thank you. It's great.
: : , --] : : ,
Ooh. Oh, what a big hug
just for a tape deck.
: : , --] : : ,
Next time, I'll get you a car phone.

Darling, have you missed your daddy
since he's been away?

Oh, I'm sure you have, but Krystle's
been looking after you, hasn't she?

What's wrong, sweetheart?

Oh, you can tell me.
We're good friends, aren't we?

Why don't you just whisper it
in my ear, okay?


She did what?

Are you sure?

You saw Krystle
kissing her doctor on the bed?

Oh, my poor darling.
My poor, poor little baby.

Little Blake is a child,
prone to exaggeration.

He is my flesh and blood,

and he's a very perceptive
little boy, Dex.

God, you saw Krystle
in that tacky roadhouse
: : , --] : : ,
with her, uh, heh-heh, doctor.

Obviously, the same doctor
who's treating her

for her alleged allergies.

I mean, it's one thing
to have an assignation with your lover

in some hideaway somewhere.
: : , --] : : ,
But it's quite another to go to bed
with him in your own husband's house.

I think it's disgusting.

Alexis, it's none of your business.
Stay out of it.

None of my affair, huh?

Just forget about it.

- What the hell is this?
- What does it look like to you, Steven?

It looks like a receipt paid by you
to a private investigating firm.

What I wanna know
is why I found that in the injunction file.

- I can't imagine.
- I can, Adam.

I imagine you hired them
to investigate Bart Fallmont,

hoping to dig up enough dirt
to force him to drop the injunction.

Fallmont has been uncooperative,
so I thought leverage would be helpful.
: : , --] : : ,
Steven, don't forget,
I'm in charge here.

This is a joint venture, and as long
as I'm involved, we'll do things legally.

I'm making a proposal
to Fallmont today

and I'm not gonna let you screw it up
by trying to find a way to slander him.

Tell me, Steven.

Is there some personal reason
why you wanna protect him?
: : , --] : : ,
- Like what?
- I don't know.

But he is a very attractive
young man.

My only personal motivation, Adam,

is to keep you
from discrediting the Carrington name.



- Thanks.
- Thank you.

To future happiness.

And to us.

That is a very tall order, Jonathan.


Don't you believe
you can have happiness?
: : , --] : : ,
Well, I suppose so.

I don't think of myself as happy,
but I'm not unhappy.

That sounds as though
you love the idea of swimming

so long as you don't have
to get in the water.

Oh, Jonathan, ha-ha,
am I so transparent?

Oh, no.

But there was a time when l
never wanted to risk loving again.

I know now
that's not the answer, either.

Life's meant to be shared,
don't you think so?

Yes, I like the idea of sharing.

But falling in love
requires a leap of faith

I'm not sure I could handle again.


- Hello.
- Garrett.

Garrett Boydston,
this is Jonathan Lake.

- How do you do?
- How do you do?
: : , --] : : ,
Garrett, I had no idea
you were back in Denver.

I flew in from L.A. this morning.

But while I'm here, how about
joining me for dinner one night?

I'm going to be very busy
this week, Garrett. I'm sorry.

Perhaps another time.

Good to meet you, Mr. Lake.

That was the man who hurt you,
wasn't it?

Jonathan, it's very late.

Let's order, shall we?


- Yeah.
JOAN: Excuse me, Mr. Fallmont.

Steven Carrington
is here to see you.

Send him in, Joan.

You are a very persistent man,
Mr. Carrington.

Throwing you out once
didn't convince you

that your father's money
isn't gonna buy anyone out.

We're not trying to buy our way out.

I've drawn up a compromise proposal.
I'd like you to take a look.

We can settle this
without dragging it through the courts.

Look, maybe you've got a proposal,
I don't know, but this is a public issue.

And I'm not about to make any deals
under the table.

I wouldn't expect you to.

And I'm not talking about a deal,
I'm talking about a compromise.

There's a difference.

Wanna spell it out for me?

We're willing
to change the pipeline route

to take whatever measures are
necessary to protect the environment.

I'm sorry, this is not the
kind of thing that I can compromise on.

I have a duty to the taxpayers
to protect their interests,

and that is exactly
what I'm gonna do.

Why don't you people understand?
The pipeline is in the public interest.

It could dramatically lower
fuel costs.

And I assure you,
we're not that far apart.

Says who,
the latest Colbyco press release?

Look, Carrington, you and I both know
that you can come up

with the numbers
to prove anything that you want.

Now, if you really wanna talk
about this seriously,

you see me in court.

I wanna talk about it now.

And I wanna settle it without
your spending the taxpayers' money
: : , --] : : ,
to make a big name
for Bart Fallmont.

I don't have time for this now.
I'm already late for an appointment.

If you wanna stay
and enjoy the view, do.

If you like,
my secretary will get you some coffee.



Hello, I came to pick up the earrings
that I ordered from Paris.

Do you have it in red?


Well, well, well.

I would've thought
you'd be embarrassed

to show your face in public,
but I tend to forget you're shameless.

Alexis, I don't know
what you're talking about,

but I'm not in the mood
for one of your scenes.

My scenes?

After the one that you made
at that roadhouse?

You and the handsome doctor
dancing cheek-to-cheek.

What roadhouse?
: : , --] : : ,
Alexis, do you sit up at nights
inventing stories?


Well, it can't be half as good
as the ones

that you obviously make up
for Blake.

You know,
you really astonish me, Krystle.
: : , --] : : ,
You sit there
playing the innocent faithful wife

when I caught you red-handed
dancing out with Dr. Travers.

Now, you don't intend
to deny that, do you?

Dr. Travers
is just an old family friend.

Oh, yes,
who just happens to be treating you

for some malaise in the boudoir.

You bitch.

Shh. You're beginning to sound
more and more like a fishwife.

Yes, it's true.

And if there is filth being spread,
you're spreading it, Krystle.

Actually, I must say, your doctor
was quite attractive. I approve.

And he's somewhat younger
than Blake, isn't he?

Thank you.

More champagne? Great year.


I know it's been difficult
being cooped up in this room like this,

but it won't be very much longer.

Why? Are you gonna let me out?

Would you like that?

Well, I enjoyed it
when we went dancing together.

Maybe we could do that again

Soon, we'll do more
than dance together.

We'll have our whole lives
to do whatever we want together.

Our whole lives?

We'll go away together.

Krystle, I've never met anyone
I wanted to live my life with.

I see now
all the women I've ever known

have been cheap imitations of you.

Now that I've found you,
my life makes sense for the first time.


What's the matter?

How can I make you understand?

The precious Blake,
is that what you're thinking about?


He's my husband and I love him.

And you can't love me
till you stop loving him.

All right.

All I have to do

is make you forget about him.

I can win your love.

Somehow, some way, I will.
: : , --] : : ,
I will, Krystle.

I will.



Daddy, may I talk to you?

Yes, darling, of course.
Why so serious-looking?

Well, it's about Krystle.

Oh, what about her?

Well, she's always been very warm
and very kind to me.

But lately, I don't know why,

I mean,
she seems so cold and so distant.

I even get the feeling
that she sometimes resents me.

- Is it something that I've done?
- No, no.

I'm sure Krystle loves you
every bit as much as she always has,

but she and I have been going through
some difficulty lately.

And I think that's what accounts
for her being temporarily out of sorts.
: : , --] : : ,
Daddy, are you all right?

Oh, yes, yes, I'm fine.

You've always been there
whenever I've needed you, and...

You know,
a child can be there for the parent too.

If you ever need to talk to me,
I'm here.

You know something?

I'm a very lucky man
to have such a loving daughter.

I love you very much.
: : , --] : : ,
I love you too.



What the hell are you doing here?

[AS RlTA] Don't you tell me
where I should or shouldn't be.

Where were you the other night?

What are you talking about?

The roadhouse where Alexis Dexter
saw me dancing with Dr. Travers.

Yes, yes, of course. Okay, okay,
okay, right, right, I was there. Mm-hm.

With her.
: : , --] : : ,
Princess, we've had this woman
locked in an attic for weeks.
: : , --] : : ,
She's getting a little stir-crazy.
I took her to get some air.


Joel, I am a prisoner
in that mansion.

I have to walk on eggshells.

And every step I take, someone wants
to poke me to see if I'm real.

Meanwhile, you're out living it up
with the elegant Mrs. Carrington.

Rita, it's nothing like that.

Now, that Dexter woman
read it all wrong.

I'm not interested
in Mrs. Carrington.

I mean, you're the only one I love.

I'm only doing this for us.

Now, tell me you believe that.

Joel, if it's for us,
then let's get out of here.

Blake's about
to have Dr. Travers investigated.

Now, what happens when he finds out
he doesn't even exist?

Relax, baby.
I'm way ahead of Blake Carrington.

Dr. Travers' phone
has been disconnected,

he's left town without a trace.

And by the time Carrington finds out,
it doesn't matter.
: : , --] : : ,
Have I ever let you down?

Don't you believe
I've got a handle on this? Hmm?

I want to.

I wanna believe you.

It's under control.

Now believe that, okay?


: : , --] : : ,

Yes, who is it?

Room service.

DOMlNlQUE: Room s--?
I did not order room service.


Fresh croissants, mille feuilles,
almond tarts,

delivered right to your door.

"Patisserie de la Reine,"

From that little shop--

[lN NORMAL VOlCE] Across the
street from your nightclub in Paris.

- Oh, my God.
- I had them flown in this morning.

- Just like that.
- Easy as pie.

- Or should I say, patisserie.
- Oh.

I love it.

Thank you so much.

What a thoughtful thing
for you to do.

Oh, they're beautiful.

Thank you so much.

It's a special occasion.

I wanted you
to remember this moment.

If this is such a special occasion,
why are you so sombre?

I've taken a job
as consultant to Bart Fallmont,

on the injunction case
against the pipeline.

I was hoping we could keep
our personal relationship

separate from business.

This is not just business to me.

The Carringtons are my family.

If you're against them,
you're against me.

You know I'm not. I care about you
more than anything in the world.

Please, Dominique,
take some time to think about this.

I don't need time to think about this.

And I'm very happy that you told me

before more than a friendship
developed between us.

It's already developed
into something more.

No, it hasn't, and it's not going to.

I think you had better leave.




Garrett, you wanted to see me?

- Order you a drink?
- No.

I'm leaving for L.A. this afternoon,

but I couldn't go
without at least trying to see you again.

It's that simple.

Garrett, I am in a very big hurry.

So am l, Dominique.
But before I go, I have to tell you this.

As hard as I try,
I can't stop thinking about you.

What we had together was unique.
I know we can have it again.

Unless you're involved, that is.

- That guy at lunch the other day?
- No, no, we are not involved.
: : , --] : : ,
Even if we were involved, Garrett,
it's really none of your business.

Oh, it is my business.
You're my business, every last particle.

Garrett, please.

I don't care.

I want the whole world to know
how I feel about you.
: : , --] : : ,
Think about it, Dominique.
: : , --] : : ,
That was only the beginning.
: : , --] : : ,
The important thing is that we maintain
a solid front against this injunction.
: : , --] : : ,
If not,
it could be the end of the pipeline.
: : , --] : : ,
Well, I certainly agree with you
about that, Blake.
: : , --] : : ,
- Good, then it's settled.
- Yes.
: : , --] : : ,
Well, I don't wanna make your life
any more difficult that it already is,
: : , --] : : ,
considering the problems
that you're having at home.
: : , --] : : ,
What are you talking about?
: : , --] : : ,
Blake, I wanna ask you something.
: : , --] : : ,
When we were married
and you found out
: : , --] : : ,
that I was having an affair,
how did you feel?
: : , --] : : ,
You know damn well how I felt.
: : , --] : : ,
Look, if there are no further questions
about the pipeline--
: : , --] : : ,
No, no, no, this is important.

I mean, I was your wife.

We were very happy
and you said you loved me.

Must have been devastating
to your pride.

Let's leave my pride out of this,
shall we?

As far as I'm concerned,
the subject is closed.

No, Blake, it's not.

You may close your mind to the past,
but you can't to the present.

- Particularly with your present wife.
- Let's leave Krystle out of this.

No, Blake,
I can't leave her out of this.

What do you mean by that?

: : , --] : : ,
I mean, to put it bluntly, that Krystle,

your oh-so-sterling Krystle,
is cheating on you.

- I'm not gonna listen to this.
- You are so stubborn.

I am doing you a favour,
so I think you should listen to me.

Krystle and Dr. Travers
are having an affair.

Dex and I saw them together.

And what's more,

Little Blake saw them kissing
in your house, Blake, and in your bed.


And if your best friend
won't tell you, your ex-wife will.




I wasn't expecting you so early.
It's the middle of the day.

I've just heard something
very disturbing,

and I'm hoping
that you're gonna tell me it's not true.

What did you hear?

What's going on
between you and this man, Travers?

Going on? Well, nothing.

How long have you known him?

I told you, I just met him.

Through a friend, but you haven't
told me this friend's name, have you?

Blake, you don't know her.

And now I wanna know
what you're getting at.

I've heard that you and Travers
were having an affair.

Oh. That's not true. It isn't.

That would explain a lot of things,
wouldn't it?

Your sudden headaches,
your evasiveness, separate bedrooms.

Oh. Blake,
how can you accuse me of this?

I mean, how can you not trust me?
I'm your wife.

Too much has happened
for me to just dismiss this.

Now, I want an explanation
and I want it right now,
: : , --] : : ,
do you understand?

Where are you going?

Away from you.

I can't take this abuse, Blake.
I won't.

I'm not going back there, Joel.

I wanna get out of this,
and I don't care about the money.

Okay, calm down, relax.
We'll deal with this logically.

Now, tell me what happened.

Blake thinks we're having an affair.

Ha-ha-ha. Really? My, oh, my.

What tangled webs we weave.

It's not funny, Joel.

He's furious and I'm scared.


He's not gonna hurt you.

He's a very civilised man.

And what kind of man are you?

What kind of cheat?

None of this would've happened
if you hadn't taken her dancing.

You're right.

It's become a very serious situation.

Well, what are you gonna do?

I've been saving this
for an emergency.

Well, now we have one, a big one.

Our solution.

A very final solution.

You mean, poison?

No, not poison. Medicine.

Slows down the heart rate.

We kind of do it gradually,
weaken him day by day,

until eventually,
it looks like simple heart failure.

And no doctor
will ever connect his departure

with what you've slipped
into his food.

Oh, no.

I'm not a k*ller.
I'm not gonna m*rder him.

we're so close to all our dreams.

I can taste them,
almost touch them.

Getting Blake out of the way
will make it all real.

I can't do it.

You can do it, and you will do it.

Don't you understand?

Blake is about to divorce Krystle.

We'll end up without a cent,
maybe go to prison.

But if Mr. Carrington
makes an unexpected departure

in the next few days,
you, as Mrs. Carrington,

will inherit his entire fortune.

No, Joel, it's going too far.

I love you, baby, but you're going
to have to do this for us.

You want us together, don't you?

Of course, I love you.

Well, it's the only way.

I'm not asking you to do this.

I'm telling you.

- Writing me a love letter?
- No.

But I got a letter today

from the attorney
handling Walter Lankershim's estate.

It informed me that my attorney
notified Denver-Carrington

that I had no intention
of challenging the title to that well.

Is this the way
you handle my affairs, Adam?

By selling me out to your father?

Claudia, I tried everyhing I could
to convince Blake to return title to you.

He wouldn't budge.

You did absolutely nothing.
You handed over all that was mine.

It was the easiest way out.

Claudia, we have to be patient.

Once Denver-Carrington is ours,
Walter's well is gonna seem

such a small part of the fortune,
you won't even think of it.

Denver-Carrington will be yours.

This well was my chance
at independence.

I'm beginning to think there's no one
in this world that I can trust.

- Oh, Claudia--
- No, you leave me alone.

Now just go away.

Gerard told me you were still up.

Do you realise what time it is?
Where have you been?

Out. I was driving.
: : , --] : : ,


Blake, I needed some time
to myself to think.

And I realised that I haven't been
a very good wife to you lately.

I haven't been feeling well,
and I'm not doing anything wrong.

Oh, please, don't lie to me.

If you are having an affair,
I wanna know.

I came here to apologise to you,
to try to work things out.

But I can see
you're not gonna give me chance.
: : , --] : : ,
I don't believe
that you want to work things out.

I don't think
you wanna save our marriage.

I think you want to destroy it.

This is not an easy thing
for me to say.

I never thought I'd have to say it.

If you don't want to save
what we have, or did have,

then perhaps
it's time to talk about divorce.

I'm tired of this, Blake,
and I can't take any more tonight.

I'm going to bed. Alone.
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