06x15 - The Alarm

Episode transcripts for the TV show "Dynasty". Aired: January 12, 1981 – May 11, 1989.*

Moderator: infinitebabbler

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Follows the gloriously over-the-top trials and tribulations of the fabulously wealthy and none-to-nice Carrington and Colby clans.
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06x15 - The Alarm

Post by bunniefuu »

-This patient is a direct admit to CCU.
NURSE : Yes, doctor.

DOCTOR: Notify Dr. Ielo
it's a possible case of major exertion.

PARAMEDlC: Watch it.
MAN: The cardio with multiple--

McNAUGHTON: I want a stat, CBC,
cardiac panel, electrolytes CBC.

PARAMEDlC: Let's go.
NURSE : Get the blood sample.

We started a lidocaine drip.
Couldn't tell if any ribs were broken.

But the lungs sound clear.

Order me a stat P.A. chest
and flat-plate of the abdomen.

NURSE : Yes, doctor.
- I'm on my way to , lead EKG.

McNAUGHTON: Are you his son?
- Yeah.

He collapsed, that's all I know.
He fell down the stairs, but no idea.

History of heart disease?

- No.
- Rheumatic fever?

My father has never been sick
a day in his life.

- lnstead of asking these questions--
- Was he taking any medication?

Anything at all?

Please, Mr. Carrington,
we have to know.

It could mean life or death
for your father.

I don't know.

I don't think so. No.

This should tell you
what you need to know.

We need a ditch toxic screen, stat.

I'm going with them,
but don't you leave.

I want you here when I come back.


Oh, Joel, it's all gone wrong,

What the hell are you doing here?

Oh, listen to me, Joel.
Blake collapsed.

I stood there, watched him.

Everyhing was fine.
It was all gonna work.

Then Steven came in,
and they're on their way to the hospital.

That's where you belong now.

I can't go to that hospital.

You've got to.

You've got to be there. He's dying.
You've got to beg them to save his life.

And when they can't, Rita,
you're the one they're gonna look to.

Joel, I can't.

Sammy Jo knows about
that heart medicine. She'll be there.

I'll take care of Sammy Jo.
That's my job, Rita.

Now, you do yours.


Bad dream?


A nice cup of hot tea
will take care of that.

It was only a dream.

- It was about Blake.
- Blake?

Always Blake.

Forget it.

I can't.

It was so real.

I dreamed that he was calling out
to me, that he needed me.

I kept walking toward him,
but I couldn't reach him.

Something is very wrong with him.

I can feel it.

Please, if you have any compassion
at all, please find out if he's all right.

Your tea's getting cold.



Krystle, my God,
we got here as soon as we could.

What's happened? How's Daddy?

Well, it's his heart, Amanda.

Oh, my God.

Oh, Alexis.

I was hoping I could surprise you, but
I'm afraid I am still rooted to this chair.

You're too stubborn
to stay rooted too long, Galen.

- Well, you got my note?
- Yes.

Note is a rather minor word for such
a major request, don't you think?

Alexis, the underground
needs another $ million.

I wouldn't have asked
if it weren't crucial, you know that.

Yes, if I didn't know that,
I wouldn't give it to you,

but even Colbyco
has its limits, Galen.

I've never had to ask for handouts.

It's very hard for me, Alexis.

Galen, I'm not doing this for charity.
I'm investing in the future.

Yours and mine.


Shall I get that?


Yes, Lin. Put her through.

It's Amanda. Hello, darling?

- Mommy?
ALEXlS: Amanda, what's wrong?

I'm calling you
from Cheney Hospital.

Has something happened?
What is it?

Well, it's Daddy. They rushed
him here a little while ago.

He collapsed.
I think it's very serious.

Oh, my God, I'll be right over.

- How is he?
- I don't know.

We're still waiting to hear.

Excuse me.

- What the hell have you done to him?
- Alexis.

After all these years,

you've finally succeeded
in destroying him, haven't you?

- What are you talking about?
- I'm talking about Blake.

Keep your voice down.

What's the matter? Are you afraid
that they'll finally learn the truth?

Damn it, Alexis,
my husband could be dying.

- And you've still got your claws out.
- Oh.

My claws are the least
of your worries, Krystle.

Up until now I've only toyed with you

because I've found you
rather amusing.

But you play a deadly game.

If Blake dies, you're gonna wish
you never were born.

How dare you talk to me like this.

I dare because I know you
for what you really are.

Now, you may have fooled
everybody else

with your sweetness and light,
but by God, you've never fooled me.

And I've tried to warn Blake.

I've warned him over and over again,
but he wouldn't listen to me.

So now I'm warning you,
you and that quack lover of yours.

You, you've done nothing but make
trouble for Blake to get what you want.

Blake and I have always fought,

because that's the passion
between us.

But it's always been eye to eye,
never behind the back.

Don't worry about looking
over your shoulder for me.

Because when I finally decide
to destroy you,

it's going to be face-to-face.

Oh, I'm sorry,
but you can't come in here.

- Why?
- Only family is admitted.

I am family.

All right, but just for a few minutes.

Yes. Thank you.


Oh, Blake.

The reason that you and l
have never stopped fighting

is because you and I have never
stopped caring about each other.

Krystle did this to you.

I tried to warn you about her, Blake,
but you wouldn't listen to me then.

I hope that you listen to me now.

She's a cheat.

She was kissing that doctor
in front of one of our family.

And it is our family, Blake.

They belong to us:

Adam, Fallon, Steven and Amanda.

We share them together.
They're part of us.

You've got to fight.

Fight to live.

Because they need you.

They need us.

You are not going to die, Blake.

I won't let you die.

I won't, Blake.

I won't.

Dr. Brownberg, call the page operator.

Dr. Brownberg, call the page operator.

- Samantha?
- Joel.

Shh. Dr. Travers.
I'm simply making my rounds.

We've got to stop this
before it's too late.

Stop it, Sammy Jo?

Blake is dying, just like we planned.

Simple heart failure, guaranteed by the
last dose of medication Rita gave him.

Nobody suspects anything.
Why should we stop it?

This was never in our plans, Joel.

Not mine, not m*rder.

I won't be part of this. I'll tell them.

Of course you will.

You'll tell them
you were an innocent bystander.

You had nothing to do with this.
You knew nothing.

And I'll tell them you were in on it
from the very beginning.

I could even say
that it was your idea, little girl.

That you set this whole thing up.
So behave yourself.

Okay, Sammy Jo.

I wanna know exactly
what's going on.

Didn't you hear me, Sammy Jo?

I wanna know exactly
what's going on, now.

What are you talking about?

Mr. Carrington?

- What is it? What's happened?
- Your father, he's not responding.

Smart girl, Sammy Jo.
You're doing just fine.

Let's go.

Increase l.V. cc's an hour.

Come on, Dad.

Don't give up. Be strong.

You've always been strong before.
Don't quit now.

You and I are just getting
to know each other again.

Don't leave me now.

He's still fighting, Mr. Carrington.
He's holding on.

Any changes, call me immediately.

Yes, doctor.


Dad, can you hear me?


You shouldn't be out of bed.

Krystle, something...

Something is wrong.
I don't feel well.

It's my-- It's my chest, l...

The pain.

Help me, please.

Please, help me.


Dad? Dad, this is Steven.

Can you hear me?


- I'll get her.
- No.

No, no, it isn't. No.

What? Dad, what?

Dr. LaSalle, report to Emergency.

Dr. LaSalle, report to Emergency.

He's doing very well.

ALEXlS: Dr. Travers.
What are you doing here?

Mrs. Dexter, what a nice surprise.

I just finished making my rounds.


I thought you told me that you weren't
on the staff of any Denver hospital.

Private patients get ill too.
What are you doing in the hospital?

I'm visiting Blake Carrington,
but I'm sure you know about that.

No, as I told you,
my speciality is allergies.

Allergies? Hm.

Well, one thing you're obviously
not allergic to is money.

Meaning exactly what?

Krystle Carrington.

She enjoys the company
of younger men.


Yes, she was married to one,
you know.

A tennis bum.
Not nearly as attractive as you.

Why, thank you.

Quite a catch, our Krystle.

Must have a couple
of million dollars worth of jewellery.

At least.

Yes, and if she and Blake split up,

I'm sure he would be generous enough
to let her keep it all.

Oh, you'd know more about that
than l.

Yes, of course.

Well, I won't keep you.

Do give my regards to Krystle.

Goodbye, doctor.

Jonathan, I just got your message
at the airport.

- What happened?
- It's Blake.

He's in intensive care.
His heart gave out.

Oh, no. Blake?

I came because I didn't want you
to hear it from a stranger.

Oh, thank you so much.

Blake's room is here.

- Thank you.
- Courage.

Thank you.

NURSE: I'm sorry, but--
- I'm Dominique Deveraux.

Oh, of course, Ms. Deveraux,
but not for long, please.

Please get well, Blake.

I love you so much.

And you will get well.
I know you will.

Because we're both survivors, Blake,
and we've beaten all the odds.

It was your love and your strength
that helped me once.

You saved my life.

I'll be right here if you need me.

I'm sorry, Miss Deveraux,
but you're gonna have to leave.

I came as soon as I heard.

Garrett, I never expected
to find you here.

Jason Colby's ships have been barred
because of an oil spill.

I had an appointment with Blake,
and I heard about this.

- Oh, Garrett.
- He'll come through this, he will.

Should we phone Fallon
and tell her?

No, no, no. She's going through
enough of her own.

Garrett, I am so frightened. I'm just--

Garrett, I'm so frightened.

What the hell is this about?

I have been many things
to many people, Mr. Dexter,

but a mind-reader, I'm not.

What's "what" about?

This neatly penned concise request
for the pleasure of another $ million?

Well, I think
you've described it quite aptly.

There's no mystery,
it's black and white.

It should be in red.

It's for more blood money, isn't it?

I've already gone over this
with Alexis.

I see no reason
to repeat myself to you.

I see every reason to.

Alexis is my wife.

I know her whims, her determination,
even her vulnerability.

- Ha, ha, ha. Vulnerability?
- Don't play games with me, Galen.

When it comes to protecting my wife,
I'll fight an army if I have to.

That's very noble of you, Dexter,
very American.

But I don't think Alexis really needs
or wants protection, do you?

How much more is it gonna take
before your appetite's finally satisfied?

Another million? Six million?

- You can't put a price tag on a country.
- Oh.

Are we paying for a country,
or simply for your wounded pride?

We? I wasn't aware
you were paying for anything.

Let me assure you, Dexter,
once Moldavia is free again,

I will be out of your way.

Once it's free?

Or once you're in charge again?

Wherever you are, Galen,
I think someone loses their freedom.

Freedom is for the strong,
my friend.

I was a strong ruler. I will be again.

Instead of waiting for that to happen,

I'll look forward to the day
when you can get up

and walk out of here
on your own two feet.

Believe me,
I wish that day were tomorrow.

Believe me, so do l.

- Where do you think you're going?
- To see my father.

- He's sedated, you can't.
- You were just there.

He can't be disturbed.

Blake was my father long before
you were even thought of, Steven.

I'm his firstborn, and I will see him.

For God's sake, Adam,
he's fighting for his life.

The last thing he needs
is someone barging in on him.

Fighting for his life?

They don't know how he's hanging on.

- I've got to see him.
- Adam.

Would you leave us alone, please?

Just for a few minutes,
Mr. Carrington.

Thank you.

Don't you dare die.

You thought I couldn't be the son
you wanted me to be

so you cut me out of your will
to punish me.

Well, father, I am your son.

A true heir. I am a Carrington.

And you owe me.

So don't you dare die.

Alexis, the doctors are doing
everyhing they can for Blake.

You know that.

Now, you can't help him
by withdrawing from everyhing

and everyone around you.

Look, I'm not withdrawing, Dex.

I just don't feel very loving right now.

Oh, Dex, please.

Please what?

Don't hold you?
Don't make love to you?

Don't talk? What?

Look, Blake could be dying.

You say that the doctors
are doing everyhing they can,

but I just don't think that's enough.

I feel like being left alone.

Then what am I here for?

I wanna hold you,
I wanna make love to you.

I want you to hold on to me,
but every time I try, you pull back.

Alexis, I'm concerned for Blake too,
but damn it, he's your ex-husband.

And Galen never was your husband.

Yet I have to wait in line
behind both of them.

You just don't understand, do you?

Do you know something, Dex?

I don't know anything about
the people that you ever loved.

I have a feeling that when today
becomes yesterday

you just sweep it aside.

Well, Galen is part of my past,

and Blake is part of my past
and my present.

We share a history together,
our children together.

And I can't forget that, and I'm
not going to turn my back on it.

But you sure
can turn your back on me.

Where are you going?

What difference does it make?

You won't be alone.

You'll have your memories of Blake
and your future with Galen

to keep you company.

Vital signs are stable.

Blood gas results from last night
are ph . , po , pco .

Continue him on litres.

Vital signs every half-hour
and repeat blood gases.


Krystle, please sit down
before you become ill.

Mrs. Carrington?

Your husband's gonna make it.

Oh, Krystle, thank God.

Doctor, thank you.

Yes, of course, thank you.

May we see him now?

Not just yet, I'm afraid.

You're sure he'll be all right?

Mrs. Carrington, I wouldn't have come
and told you unless I were sure.

Of course.

I'm sorry, it's just that--

- Well, I've been so frightened.
- Yes, we all have.

But it's all right now, Krystle.

There's no reason
to be frightened anymore.

- When can we see him?
- Soon.

He's very tired.

And we're still trying
to regulate his heartbeat

to counteract the effects
of the heart medicine he was taking.

But I don't understand.

I didn't know that Blake
was taking heart medication.

- Krystle?
- I didn't know that he was.

Maybe he didn't want us to know.

I mean, that is possible, isn't it?

I don't think so, Mrs. Carrington.

- Not in this case.
- Why not?

I mean, if Blake were sick,
he wouldn't want me to know,

or his children.

That's the kind of man he is.

Except he was never prescribed
that medication.

His own doctor knew nothing of this.

Then this just doesn't make
any sense at all.

Well, is it possible, Mrs. Carrington,

that he took it
without knowing what it was?

Well, yes, it is possible.

I mean,
we have a very large household staff.

I mean,
someone could have been taking it,

misplaced it in the wrong cabinet

Well, it does happen, doesn't it?

Someone picks up
the wrong bottle thinking--

But Blake never took
any medication of any kind.

Well, how do we know that?

I'm sorry.

I just feel so helpless.

Maybe I should have known.

Please, don't blame yourself,
Mrs. Carrington.

There's any number of explanations.

I'm sure when your husband regains
consciousness, we'll find the answer.

- Doctor, thank you so very much.
- Certainly.

I think I'd like a cup of coffee.

- Would you like one?
- No, thank you.

I'll be right back.


- Hello?
RlTA: Joel, I'm frightened.

What is it? What's wrong?

What's wrong?

Blake is gonna live.
That's what's wrong.

Well, did you hear me?
What the hell do we do now?

- All right, listen carefully.
- I've gotta get out of here.

That's the last thing you do,

Remember, you're Krystle now and
you've got to stay by your husband.

You don't understand. They think--

They think what, Rita?

Krystle, they need you right now,

They think what, Rita?




It's my father.

Michael, Yuri has taken
complete control of Moldavia.

He has betrayed my father.

He's thrown him in prison.

I'm sorry.

But your father was part of the
revolution, and he betrayed us.

All of us.

I know that, Michael.

But no matter what he's done,
for whatever reasons,

he's still my father.

I love him.
Can't you understand that?

I mean, my God,
what will happen to him now?

Oh, Elena.

Shh. Shh.


I came to tell you
that my father is going to live,

but I see you've got more important
things on your mind.


Plans have changed. We're leaving
for South America today.

- Why?
- I've decided it's time to leave, now.

- Start packing.
- Something's going on.

- What?
- I said we're leaving.

Change out of those messy clothes
into something more suitable for travel.

What have you done?
Something's happened, hasn't it?

Any questions you got, save them
for when we're on the airplane.

Does have anything to do with Blake or
my baby or that woman in my house?

No more questions.
You pack your bag and get ready to go.

Tell me.


I thought you were at the hospital.

I was.

Blake is gonna live.

In spite of your foolproof plan,
Blake Carrington is gonna live.

I'd say the man was lucky,
wouldn't you?

Well, there's good luck
and there's bad luck, Joel.

Which brings us to you.

What are you gonna do now?

Hey, I've got nothing to worry about,
Samantha Josephine.

Man suffered heart failure.
It happens to the best of them.

Why not Blake Carrington?

Nobody suspects he was poisoned.

Do they?

Maybe not.

But what happens
if they do find out?

How are they gonna find out?

I'm not gonna tell them.

Rita's not going to tell them.

Are you going to tell them?

Of course not.


Absolutely nothing to worry about.

Is there?

- Mommy.
- Danny.

Honey, you scared me.

- What are you doing?
- Well, I'm packing.

Mommy has to go away.

Please don't go.

I don't want to,
but I have to go away for a long time.

Please stay, Mommy.

I'd like nothing better,
but everyhing's gone wrong.

Don't go, Mommy.

Danny, listen to me.

And remember this:

Every night, before you go to sleep,
I want you to remember that...

That your mommy loves you
more than anyone in the whole world.

And you tell yourself that.

You tell yourself that
over and over again,

because it's true.

You're the only good thing
that's happened to me in my entire life.

I love you, Dan.

I'll always love you.

I know what it's been like for you.

Losing your mother
and moving from town to town,

never knowing a real family.

It's a real hard-luck story,
but I just don't have time for it now.

I want to help.

Not just approve cheques,
but be a part of your life.

Why do you think Daniel made me
executrix of his estate?

because he didn't trust me.

No, that's not the reason.

Your father wanted us
to be a part of each other.

He knew
that you'd been alone too long, and--

And in spite of our differences,
he knew that I love you.

Ms. Reece?

Ms. Reece.

The taxi you ordered is here.

You'll have to hurry.
You're going to be late for your flight.

It's just as I thought, Mrs. Carrington.
Here's the letter to prove it.

- I don't believe it.
- Read for yourself.

I'm sorry that I doubted you.

- May I use your phone?
- Of course.

- I'll leave you alone.
- Thank you.

Yes, Adam Carrington, please.

Mrs. Carrington.

I was just thinking about you.

CLAUDlA: Yes, I was thinking
about you too, Adam.

That's why I'm calling.

I was thinking about
how you tried to reason with Blake.


Of course I did. It's just that
Father doesn't always listen to reason.

I am holding a letter in my hand.

It states that Denver-Carrington
flatly refuses to consider my claim.

Do you know
who signed that letter?

Well, I had to sign it.

As Denver-Carrington's
legal representative, I had no choice.

You lied to me.

Claudia, forget about the letter,
forget about the will.

We can have it all.

I've got his power of attorney
to transfer Denver-Carrington stock.

Do you know what that means?

It means that I can move now
to take control of the entire company.

Oh, Claudia, we've done it.

Now come home.

Come home to what?
Your victory parade?

So that I can be the little wife basking
in her husband's ill-begot fortune?

Oh, Claudia, please.

That will was left to me.

And despite you
and Denver-Carrington,

I am going to get
what belongs to me.

And nothing is going to stop me.


please let me try and explain.

Explain what?

How you and Elena
can't keep your hands off each other?

It's not what you think.

I don't wanna hear about it.

I don't want any more apologies,
I don't want any more explanations.

The only thing that matters
to me right now is my father.

Don't you think I know that?

Amanda, look.

When I didn't know
if my father was dead or alive,

he was the only person
I could think about.

Now, you held me,
and you said you wanted to help,

to let me know
you were there for me.

Well, that's the way I'm feeling now.

I want to be here for you.

Michael, how do you plan on dividing
your time between Elena and me?


Look, what you think you saw
is all a mistake.

The only mistake, Michael,
was when I married you.

I told you, your new passports
won't be ready for two days.

My plans have changed,
and I need them now.

Yeah, well, mine haven't.

Forging passports takes time.

- I paid you well.
- To deliver passports in two days.

Now, you can bark orders
all you want.

But if you want these now,
you'll pay the premium price.

Wait a minute,
I paid you a fortune already.

Rush orders are expensive.

You'll have to pay more, a lot more.

All right.

Whatever you want.

Just hurry it up.

I'll be back in a couple of minutes,
Mrs. Carrington.


Blake? Darling.

It's Krystle.

Krystle, did you hear me?

Please, help me.



You're not-- You're not Krystle.

Blake, what are you--?

You're not my wife.

Oh, darling,
you don't know what you're saying.

Who are you?

You've been through...

You look like her,
but you're not my wife.

Oh, God,
what have you done with her?

Where's Krystle?

Where is she?

Where is she?

You don't know what you're saying.





Where is she?


Where is she?






Where is she? Where is Krystle?


- Steven.
- Mr. Carrington, take it easy.

- Steven.
- It's gonna be all right. Lidocaine.

- Steven.
- Please, take it easy.

Everyhing's gonna be all right.



Oh, where are you, Joel?

He took her out somewhere.



I'll k*ll you.

Aunt Krystle?

Sammy Jo, what...?

Look out.

We've got to get out of here. Hurry.

Let's go. Come on.

- Jo, please tell me--
- Later, there's no time for it now.


Going somewhere, Sammy Jo?
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